REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Assessment Committee

Meeting of the
Assessment Committee
Room FM 112*, Eureka Campus: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road,
CCC Confer from Del Norte Campus
Monday, March 30, 2015
2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
1. DE Assessment – Angelina Hill and Mark Winter
Mark Winter joined the group to discuss assessment of online courses. The group saw pros
and cons for eliminating the “more than one modality” option in the reporting tool.
Eventually there was consensus that the option should be removed so that results of faceto-face and online courses could be compared.
A desire for faculty and those administering the DE program to have easier access to view
the online assessment reports was expressed. Two suggestions were given. (1) a “view
reports” area that only includes the online reports, (2) flagging each online report in the
current reporting system so that you can more easily see which outcomes have online
reports within each discipline. The second option appeared to be easier to program, and to
meet the expressed needs.
Another issue was highlighted regarding how to plan for assessment of outcomes offered
in online courses in the two year cycle. Three suggestions were given. (1) add a column to
the planning tool to indicate when online outcome offerings would be assessed, (2) provide
a separate planning tool just for courses offered online, (3) add a question in program
review about online assessment activity. Angelina will discuss this option with the program
review committee and get back to the group.
2. Updates – Dave Bazard
a. GE assessment Cycle and GE mapping – from the ad hoc committee (attached) - - Dave
was absent, so item will be moved to next agenda.
b. Membership Update –from discussion with Admin and Senate (attached) – There was
concern about the removal of the associate faculty from the membership. A suggestion
to add this position back as voluntary was given. Perhaps in the committee handbook
under representation as “Senate solicits volunteer.”
c. Board of Trustees report - April Board meeting – Angelina and hopefully Dave will
present to board.
2. Quality of Assessment Reports – What defines quality; how to ensure quality? Closing
loops, modification of the template to illicit improvement? – Postponed
3. Course and Program Assessment Cycles – ties to program review cycle – Postponed
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