College of the Redwoods Program Review Executive Summary Items FY 2014-15

College of the Redwoods
Program Review Executive Summary Items
FY 2014-15
Following are the notes set aside for inclusion in the Program Review Committee’s Annual
Executive Summary:
11/14/14 Meeting:
 Area 3.0 in the Student Services PR template is unclear: Student Learning Outcomes &
Program Outcomes Assessed in the Current Cycle. Some programs report their activity,
other areas interpret this as a heading, but not a question to be answered and leave it
 Consider revising language in the student services template Section 3 to prompt programs
to reflect on how the results lead to program improvement. The instructional template
prompt is: “Describe your assessment results and related findings. Describe how this
information will be used to improve student learning and achievement of the outcome,”
which meets the ACCJC requirement for “continuous quality improvement.”
 Upward bound will be added to the student services assessment pages.
 Office of Instruction and Student Development program review should be moved to the
administrative area: need to assess the office, not a summary of the instructional/student
development areas. Measureable outcomes need to be determined and assessed.
12/12/14 Meeting:
 Concerns about faculty and staffing prioritization in advance of receiving program review
committee feedback.
 Signatures (supervisory) must be included on the final submission
 PRC noted that administrative services areas might work with the assessment coordinator
or someone, to assist in determining measureable program outcomes, and in developing
an assessment plan; provide a better understanding of what outcomes are and how to
write the assessment reports.
 Supervisors need to oversee that program reviews from their areas are submitted
complete. (Admin services submitted some incomplete reviews).
 Crislyn: All reviews must be submitted in word format.
 Johanna: Add to resource requests column for increased operational budgets
1/23/15 Meeting
 FYI: Cabinet discussed the administrative PR process and are on board to improve
 Discussion and suggestion that assessment reporting should be monitored for relevancy
and detail. Some programs need to improve “meaningful assessment” by linking their
assessment to improvements and planning.
3/13/15 Meeting
 Instruction, Student Services and Administrative Services all have different assessments
and outcomes
o Instruction and Student Services are now locked in.
o Administrative Services still needs some work. No required supporting
o Feedback – closing the loop
o PRC having more of an impact, giving clearer guidelines to the Deans, providing
the rubic for prioritize resource request. (assessment and planning)
 Noncredit – should be using Instructional template
 Adding an Author response, add a step of closing the loop
3/27/15 Meeting
 Add program included in data set in addition to what degrees and certificates that are
related to the program review.
 Revised assessment questions on the Administrative Services template.
 Revise program review template questions,
o List your specific plan(s) to satisfactorily address assessment process (connected
to PLO’s).
o List your specific plan(s) to satisfactorily address enrollment, success/retention,
persistence, or completer issues.
o List your specific plan(s) to satisfactorily address student equity issues.
o List your specific plan(s) to satisfactorily address FTES/ FTEF issues.
o List your specific plan(s) to satisfactorily pass accreditation standards for CTE/
Occupational Programs.
o List your specific plan(s) to satisfactorily address safety, accessibility, or
compliance requirements?
o Do the Plans listed above align with your resource requests?
 Administrative Services needs training on outcomes, what needs to be provided on
program reviews.
 Communications/Marketing
Continue training for Administrative Services on program reviews, the value of assessment.
Angelina Hill to review and provide assessment help for the areas when writing program
reviews. Meaning of outcomes, how to track and how to report out.
Minor template changes to Student Development & Administrative Services questions, feedback
sent to IR
Outside Accreditation - Did you have an outside agency accreditation or audit last year? If so
what were the finding.
Break out PR and assess by ADT? Commented on within the discipline
Restructure larger groups (mega) work with the deans
Distance Education/Library – Student Development template
Student Development 2.5 revised to “Comment on current outcomes or initiatives related to increasing outreach, retention and student success of underrepresented students in your program.” Student Development 3.0 revised to” List assessed outcomes and how they have improved your area” Are all courses on track for complete assessment of all outcomes in two years? Y/N
What courses, if any, are not on track with regard to assessment? Explain.