Quality Improvement Plan Program: Addiction Studies, Year: 2007/2008 Recommendation # 1 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Provide adequate reassigned time for a full time faculty member to more fully develop the program beyond normal coordinating role of scheduling courses and engaging in faculty selection and evaluation. – Fall 2008 In perpetuity – the program may need reduced reassigned time after one academic year , but more than presently exists (i.e. 1.5TLU for the academic year) District Negotiation outcomes with CRFO need to reflect increased adequate reassigned time Accomplishment of other recommendations 2 through 6 that follows For 4.5 TLU per semester, 9 TLUs total per academic year (one-fifth of a load) for a full time faculty member at $80,000 is approximately $16,000 The V.P. of academic affairs in conjunction with Chair of ALSS Continued downward spiral of quality of program including community needs not meeting the programs education, lack of a human services program integrated into ADCT program, continued loss of CAADAC certification, reduced enrollment, loss of ADCT program Application for certification from CAADAC pending – likely programmatic changes (i.e.steps) to meet CADAAC requirements will be forwarded to Steven Durham/Keith Snowflammer. Fee has been paid to CAADAC. Continual monitoring of the the CADAAC application through spring, summer and fall 2008 15 Recommendation # 2 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Community ADCT needs assessment in Del Norte/Humboldt County. Fall Term 2008 End of spring term 2009 Coordination with I.R. for Design of research instrument, identification of respondent organizations /individuals, collection of data, interpretation and dissemination of data Information available for College administration and faculty to create new curriculum and rewrite old curriculum consistent with community needs Costs assumed by IR and part of ADCT action plan- $1500.00. Presently Steven Durham. Over the summer Keith SnowFlammer and no one designated next academic year. Relevance and currency of curriculum compromised, lack of CAADAC certification likely They want ADCT programs to meet community needs. With clearer expectations from CADAAC coming in the future a more precise answer to this query can be provided 16 Recommendation # 3 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Create a community advisory group in consultation with the North Coast Association of Mental Health Practitioners. Fall Term 2008 Use ADCT Action plan and work with ADCT Associate faculty; Extensive discussion with organizations/individuals in addiction field and mental health to appoint appropriate people to advisory board. Creation of advisory board with broad membership. Part of reassigned time costs for full time faculty member No one is appointed to implement this for next year the program, curriculum and instruction will not as accurately reflect local addiction studies needs. Put in the inverse enrollment is likely to increase if needs assessment is done and advisory group is created - students will be advised to enroll in our program by the people in the various organizations that advise us. Enrollment will continue to go down as the programs reputation deteriorates. I do not know if CADAAC requires a community advisory group. We will learn as our application for certification is pending. Cost implications are negligible for operating a community advisory group and most clerical responsibilities can be assumed by a full time faculty member with reassigned time and a division secretary 17 Recommendation # 4 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Creation of a human service program and integration of said program with an ADCT program. The creation of a human service program should be the topic of a separate program review informed by 1) a study by Mark Winter/Mike Goldsby and 2) the completion of thesabbatical project by Carole Mathews which involves the creation of three new human service courses and the ultimate creation of the program ( i.e. curriculum committee approval and other processes for program approval). Some Human Service courses can be a part of a new ADCT curriculum. - My conversations with Carole suggest she is committed to developing the courses and escorting them through the curriculum process by the end of academic year 2008/09. Consult her sabbatical proposal and report. The ADCT program has no authority over the creation of a Human Services (i.e. social work) program or the completion of Carole’s sabbatical. Follow through by senior administration is needed. Quality of ADCT curriculum will improve. Dual enrollment in Human Services and ADCT programs would likely increase enrollment in all human service and ADCT classes and would complement transfer to HSU social work program. The College’s mission in better serving the community needs in treating addiction and providing better trained human service professionals would be attained. Most of the cost for the development of Human Service program has already been incurred by past administrative and sabbatical expenditures. Other costs would be less tangible – some costs subsumed by the curriculum committee. More funding for instruction of three classes may be needed or offset by fewer couse offerings in other areas within B@SS. 18 Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Vice-President of Academic Affairs needs to coordinate people in various positions to accomplish this endeavor The potential to better serve our community and the special populations these programs serve would be lost. Furthermore an opportunity to increase enrollment for the College would be lost. More CR students would end up taking lower division courses at HSU Human Service programs have their own accrediting organizations and standards. Professor Mathews is familiar with these organizations, standards and expenses. 19 Recommendation # 5 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Institutional research data to inform decision making Fall 2008; ADCT survey research is presently being delayed because demand exceeds capacity for I.R. Community needs assessment will be a major undertaking. Student survey data gathering is simpler and can commence the Fall term if I.R. can design appropriate surveys with the input of ADCT Associate Faculty. Spring 2009 One measure is to more effectively match employer expected outcomes with our Student Learning Outcomes and Program Learning Outcomes. In terms of developing learning objectives the ADCT Associate faculty retreat funded through the action plan is intended to refine SLOs and create PLOs. Another measure of success is greater student achievement of SLOs and PLOs over time. Costs assumed by IR and Action plan funding. ADCT coordinator would assume costs through reassigned time. A person to implement these suggested changes has not been recognized for next academic year. Oversight would rest with the ALSS chairperson, the VP of academic affairs and of course Program Review. Students will learn less relevant information and skills than is expected from their future employers. SLOs And PLOs will be less relevant to student occupational needs. Program will be less meaningful in terms of employment and the program will have fewer people enrolled in it. The program will ultimately falter. Enrollment will suffer. Paraprofessional training for community ADCT organizations will be reduced in quality. I am not familiar with the research data expectations of CAADAC for certification. 20 Recommendation # 6 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Record Keeping consistent with CAADAC standards found on page 6 of referenced program/course approval. Too much detail to list here- go to CADDAC website Fall 2008 End of spring term 2009 In general a coordinator needs to work with the ALSS administrative assistant to collect and organize the information required and make it available at the immediate request of CADDAC to comply with their certificate requirements The program will more likely be certified by CADDAC if we meet these expectations along with other expectations on pages 5 and 6. Students are more likely to enroll in the program if it is certificated as they will qualify to take statewide exams. CAADAC certification is a measure of a quality certificate, professional programs in addiction studies We have applied for a three year comprehensive program approval which costs $300.00. Other costs include reassigned time for the full time instructor who coordinated ADCT and the ALSS division administrative assistant. ADCT coordinator and ALSS Division Chairperson. Tracking should be done by ALSS division chairperson, VP of Academic affairs and program review. The program will probably not receive certification from CADAAC; the quality, reputation and enrolment of the program will continue to decline and the program will be discontinued. The college will have less enrollment and the community will have an inferior level of Addiction paraprofessional service. CAADAC certification is presently being requested which involves many, detailed steps outlined in document referenced above. No additional costs than already mentioned 21 Recommendation # 7 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Purse program certification by CAADAC Fall 2008 Depends on CAADAC requirements / actions The program is presently not certificated. Request for recertification has been forwarded to CAADAC in late February2008. This spring term College of the Redwoods was no longer listed on the CAADAC website as certificated by that organization. Certification by CAADAC None other than time to complete process. ADCT coordinator and ALSS Division Chairperson. The quality, reputation and enrolment of the program will continue to decline and the program will be discontinued. The college will have less enrollment and the community will have an inferior level of Addiction paraprofessional service. NA 22 Quality Improvement Plan Program: Automotive Technology Year: 2007 Field Recommendation # 1 Fill vacant faculty position Recommendation: Advertise and fill open full-time faculty position. Planned Implementation Date: A soon as possible Estimated Completion Date: 2008-09 or 2009-10 school year Action/Tasks: Advertise position in CAT and NACAT newsletter, form selection committee, review applications, select candidate Measure of Success/Desired Outcome; Double FTES and course offerings, shorten completion time for students, improve quality of instruction by limiting scope and breadth of material assigned to individual instructor. What to include Number should have been assigned to each recommendation in the Instructional Program Review Self-Study (IPRS). Advertisement in CAT and NACAT newsletter, selection committee. When does the program expect to begin to implement this recommendation? When does the program estimate this recommendation to be fully implemented? What steps must the program take to implement the recommendation? If the recommendation is implemented, what about the program will be improved? What difference will the implementation of this recommendation make in relation to students, the program’s purpose, and the college’s mission? How will this recommendation improve learning and help meet targeted objectives? Estimated Cost(s) This field is particularly important because $70-100K the information the program enters here is the information that the Institutional Effectiveness/Planning committee will consider in its planning processes. Who is responsible? Human Resources will Who will ensure the change is work cooperatively with program implemented and tracked? coordinator Consequence if not funded: If this recommendation is not funded, how Continued decline in completion rates, non will students, the program, the college, or competitive with other training programs, the community be negatively impacted? prolonged completion times for students, low FTES generation. External Accreditation Recommendations: Does an external accrediting body require The NATEF On-Site Evaluation Team that action be taken? If so, what steps stipulated this in the 2003 report. should be take to achieve results? What is the cost implication of this recommendation? 27 Field Recommendation # 2 Upgrade equipment Recommendation: Upgrade equipment used in training process. Planned Implementation Date: Spring 2008. Estimated Completion Date: Spring 2008 Action/Tasks: Analyze needs, complete assessment of local shop inventories, review NATEF 2008 revised standards. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: Pass NATEF On-Site Evaluation scheduled for 2008. Continued certification of program. Improved quality of program as evidenced by follow-up study and advisory committee input. Estimated Cost(s): $250-300K Funding was approved for this effort through Measure Q Who is responsible: Program Coordinator will work collaboratively administration Consequence if not funded: Equipment will continue to degrade in quality of educational experience and reliability. Possible class cancellations due to lack of proper equipment External Accreditation Recommendations: NATEF requirement to continually upgrade to meet industry standards. What to include Number should have been assigned to each recommendation in the Instructional Program Review Self-Study (IPRS). Use wording from IPRS. When does the program expect to begin to implement this recommendation? When does the program estimate this recommendation to be fully implemented? What steps must the program take to implement the recommendation? If the recommendation is implemented, what about the program will be improved? What difference will the implementation of this recommendation make in relation to students, the program’s purpose, and the college’s mission? How will this recommendation improve learning and help meet targeted objectives? This field is particularly important because the information the program enters here is the information that the Institutional Effectiveness/Planning committee will consider in its planning processes. Who will ensure the change is implemented and tracked? If this recommendation is not funded, how will students, the program, the college, or the community be negatively impacted? Does an external accrediting body require that action be taken? If so, what steps should be take to achieve results? What is the cost implication of this recommendation? 28 Recommendation # 3 Upgrade classroom delivery method Recommendation: Upgrade classroom delivery methods Planned Implementation Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Completion Date: Fall 2008 Action/Tasks: Install projector and screen in AT 128 Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: Improve interest and participation of students. Improved augmentation of learning process. Estimated Cost(s): $3500-5000 Measure Q approved remodel Who is responsible: Program Coordinator will work collaboratively with Administration Consequence if not funded: Antiquated delivery method continues. Lack of interest from students, diminished quality of education External Accreditation Recommendations: Recommendation of NATEF On-Site Evaluation Team during 2003 Accreditation visit. Number should have been assigned to each recommendation in the Instructional Program Review Self-Study (IPRS). Use wording from IPRS. When does the program expect to begin to implement this recommendation? When does the program estimate this recommendation to be fully implemented? What steps must the program take to implement the recommendation? If the recommendation is implemented, what about the program will be improved? What difference will the implementation of this recommendation make in relation to students, the program’s purpose, and the college’s mission? How will this recommendation improve learning and help meet targeted objectives? This field is particularly important because the information the program enters here is the information that the Institutional Effectiveness/Planning committee will consider in its planning processes. Who will ensure the change is implemented and tracked? If this recommendation is not funded, how will students, the program, the college, or the community be negatively impacted? Does an external accrediting body require that action be taken? If so, what steps should be take to achieve results? What is the cost implication of this recommendation? 29 Field Recommendation # 4 Acquire sustainable Budget Recommendation: Develop sustainable Budget and annual review process Planned Implementation Date: A soon as possible Estimated Completion Date: 2008-09 School year Action/Tasks: Provide administration with in depth analysis of operational cost of program, negotiate reasonable budget Measure of Success/Desired Outcome; Improved flow of resources, reduced downtime of equipment, improved planning for mandated professional development activities, continued support for Technical Information Library Estimated Cost(s) $6-8K Annually Who is responsible: Program Coordinator will develop and provide cost analysis and projections to administration for review Consequence if not funded: Continued gaps in TIL service, possible lack of support for mandated Professional development, increased equipment downtime, possible loss of NATEF Accreditation External Accreditation Recommendations: The NATEF On-Site Evaluation Team stipulated this in the 2003 report. What to include Number should have been assigned to each recommendation in the Instructional Program Review Self-Study (IPRS). Advertisement in CAT and NACAT newsletter, selection committee. When does the program expect to begin to implement this recommendation? When does the program estimate this recommendation to be fully implemented? What steps must the program take to implement the recommendation? If the recommendation is implemented, what about the program will be improved? What difference will the implementation of this recommendation make in relation to students, the program’s purpose, and the college’s mission? How will this recommendation improve learning and help meet targeted objectives? This field is particularly important because the information the program enters here is the information that the Institutional Effectiveness/Planning committee will consider in its planning processes. Who will ensure the change is implemented and tracked? If this recommendation is not funded, how will students, the program, the college, or the community be negatively impacted? Does an external accrediting body require that action be taken? If so, what steps should be take to achieve results? What is the cost implication of this recommendation? 30 BOOKEEPING QIP 2007-2008 Recommendation # 1 Either have a full-time Business Faculty be primarily responsible for this Program or allow a part-time Associate Faculty sufficient TLU's to be primarily responsible for this Program Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Unknown Unknown Measure of Success/Desired Outcome This action could not be done at the Program level. This action would need to be done at the District, Division, or Dept level Resulting Program improvements? Coordination among the 3 disciplines comprising this certificate would improve program content and student outcomes. Development of, and coordination with, an Advisory Committee would improve program content, post-graduation employment, and local employers' knowledge of the program. Resulting student/learning improvement? Program SLO's, retention, success rates, and student demographics post-graduation employment rates and salary information could be tracked and used for program improvement. Resulting impact on CR's mission? Would ensure a "rigorous, high quality program" that would prepare graduates for "meaningful employment." The cost of the additional TLU's for program coordination would depend on the status and level of designated primary faculty. Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Unknown Impact on students Student SLOs, retention, success rates, and demographics remain unknown. Coordination of certificate among 3 disciplines remains confusing for students. Impact on the program Program remains marginally supported, with few resources for improvement. Impact on College Unknown Impact on the Community Program remains virtually unknown in the community. External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) None - 14 - BOOKEEPING QIP 2007-2008 Recommendation # 2 Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Form a local Advisory Group for this program, perhaps in partnership with a local Professional Bookkeepers Group and/or North Coast SBDC. (See recommendations section above for details of activities for this group) Fall 2009 Advisory Group activity would be ongoing Creation of a local Advisory Group from the membership of the local Professional Bookkeepers Association and local accounting professionals, in association with the North Coast Small Business Development Center. Resulting Program improvements? Program SLO's and post-graduation employment rates and salary information could be tracked and used for program improvement. Outreach of information on this program to local employers would increase. Resulting student/learning improvement? Access to knowledge of the bookkeeping needs of local employers would keep course material current and relevant. Resulting impact on CR's mission? Would ensure a "rigorous, high quality program" that would prepare graduates for "meaningful employment." Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded No costs to CR Colleen M. R. Trask N/A (see Estimated Costs) External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) None - 15 - BOOKEEPING QIP 2007-2008 Recommendation # 3 Each Department would have budget line items for specific program expenses, including supplies/software Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Unknown Unknown Specific program expenses would have a budget line Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Resulting Program improvements? Program curriculum could be built around the same current software in use by many employers in the local community. Resulting student /learning improvement? Learning the most current software would increase student "job-readiness". Resulting impact on CR's mission? Would ensure a "rigorous, high quality program" that would prepare graduates for "meaningful employment." Estimated Cost(s) $399.95 per year for a 25-user educational site license: http://quickbooks.intuit.com/product/training/stu dents_educators.jhtml Unknown Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Impact on students Negative impact on student "job-readiness" Impact on the program Degrades curriculum as present software becomes increasingly out of date Impact on College Negative impact on CR's reputation for jobready graduates Impact on the Community Graduating certificate holders not prepared to use current software on the job External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) None - 16 - Quality Improvement Plan Program: BUS – General Business Year: 2007-2008 Recommendation 1 Recommendation: Work with colleagues and administration to open a full-time faculty position in BUS / ECON. Planned Implementation Date: Immediate Estimated Completion Date: Spring 2008 (with Fall 2008 as the target for hire). Action/Tasks: The current policy for hiring new faculty would entail filing an intent and need statement and presenting our argument to the Academic Senate for review. This traditionally takes place in the fall prior to the hiring year. However, this process may change for the next hiring cycle. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: Hiring a highly qualified candidate for the BUS / ECON position. Estimated Cost(s): Approximately $85,000 - $100,000 for a full-time, tenure track professor of Economics. However, the FTES that we can generate with this position will more than pay for itself. (See Economics Annual Update). The opportunity cost of not hiring a full-time professor may result in a net loss far in excess of this initial investment due to: Failing to meet the current growing demand for business / economics courses. Failing to fully realize our potential future growth generated by the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies. Who is Responsible: Chris Gaines Consequences if not funded: Our ability to fully serve the needs of our current students will be drastically improved by the addition of another full-time faculty in BUS / ECON. The new position would add much needed support in the BUS discipline and allow us to offer a full load of ECON courses again. Without supporting this program with at least one additional full-time position, we will not be supporting our program’s purpose or the mission of the college. Our program will be at risk without this investment – and recommendations 2-6 would have to be reevaluated due to the risk of failing to deliver on our promise to the students in our program. Recommendation 2 Recommendation: Aggressively recruit exceptional and qualified part-time faculty. Planned Implementation Date: Immediate Estimated Completion Date: Immediate and ongoing. Action/Tasks: Collaborate with community partners to create a list of qualified and interested people to teach BUS courses in the future. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: A list of interested and qualified part-time faculty in excess of current course demand. Estimated Cost(s): Break-even or better. This will be a profit center for CR. Who is Responsible: Chris Gaines Consequences if not funded: Inability to serve current and future demand for BUS classes. Recommendation 3 Recommendation: Revise current BUS Degree and Certificate programs with an emphasis on transferability and articulation. Planned Implementation Date: Immediate Estimated Completion Date: Spring 2008. Action/Tasks: Complete a rough draft degree and certificate program and collaborate with counseling and HSU to finalize the new program. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: Curriculum Committee approval in Spring 2008. Estimated Cost(s): No incremental cost. Who is Responsible: Chris Gaines Consequences if not funded: Prospective business transfer students will be harmed by inadequate preparation and articulation. Recommendation 4 Recommendation: Collaborate with local community, colleagues and IS advisory group to launch the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies. Planned Implementation Date: Immediate Estimated Completion Date: Spring 2008 (soft launch) – Fall 2008 (full launch) Action/Tasks: Complete rough draft marketing plan and brand identity statement in Spring 2008. Create the Virtual Enterprise course outline and seek curriculum committee approval. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: Launch of CES in Fall 2008. Estimated Cost(s): No incremental cost. Who is Responsible: Chris Gaines Consequences if not funded: Educational, enrollment, and economic development opportunities inherent in Center for Entrepreneurial Studies go untapped. Recommendation 5 Recommendation: Collaborate with Virtual Enterprise partners (worldwide) to increase the network. Planned Implementation Date: Immediate Estimated Completion Date: Spring 2008 and ongoing Action/Tasks: Collaborate with partners - including visit to Brooklyn to observe a model site and conference attendance in Spring 2008 and/or Fall 2008 Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: Increase in VE partners in 2008-2009 year. Estimated Cost(s): Funded by either VTEA or Faculty Development funds. We anticipate an annual expenditure of approximately $5000 to support travel and associated expenses. Who is Responsible: Chris Gaines and Chris Romero. Consequences if not funded: Limitation on our goal to provide global business experiences for our students. Recommendation 6 Recommendation: Continue seeking funding from VTEA grants and similar sources. Planned Implementation Date: Immediate Estimated Completion Date: Spring 2008 and ongoing Action/Tasks: Write VTEA grant proposal for 2008-2009 year – due in Spring 2008. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: VTEA funding approved for 2008-2009 year. Estimated Cost(s): No incremental cost. Who is Responsible: Chris Gaines Consequences if not funded: Loss of VTEA funding. Recommendation 7 Recommendation: Establish Advisory Committee to be shared with BT, CIS, and DM departments. Planned Implementation Date: Immediate Estimated Completion Date: Spring 2008 and ongoing Action/Tasks: Establish guidelines, identify potential committee members, obtain administrative approval of committee members, and form agenda for meetings. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: New Advisory Committee launched in Spring 2008. Estimated Cost(s): No incremental cost. Who is Responsible: Chris Gaines, Chris Romero Consequences if not funded: Not applicable. Quality Improvement Plan Program: BUSINESS OFFICE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS Year: 2007 Rec # 1 3 4 5 Description Impl Date Est. Comp. Date Restructure current AS Spring 2008 Collaborate with Advisory & Business Collaborate with Entrepreneurial Studies Seek Funding Success Measures/ Desired Outcomes Fall 2008 Action/ Tasks Discussion with faculty, research and submission of changes to the Curriculum Committee Increased Program Enrollment Resp. Person(s) Business Office Technology Faculty Spring 2008 Ongoing Schedule Meetings and create agendas Advisory and business participation in meetings Information Sciences Faculty Spring 2008 Ongoing Discussion and planning with other department faculty members Spring 2008 Ongoing 6 Market Programs Spring 2008 Ongoing 7 Involvement with High Schools Fall 2007 Ongoing 8 Create Surveys Spring 2008 Ongoing 9 Obtain Data from Institutional Research Fall 2007 Ongoing Work with VTEA Coordinator Work with Institutional Research, Information Sciences Department and Public Information Officer Meeting with High School Instructors, determining possible course articulations as well as creating pathways Work with Institutional Research to develop accurate, informative survey instruments Work with Institutional Research to obtain and interpret data to, inform program direction and development Business Office Technology Program Review 2007 Potential Funding for Program Development of marketing materials and distribution Increased High School Student enrollment High survey participation and accurate data to guide program development Ability to make data informed decisions Est. Cost $??? ? Business Office Technology Faculty Business Office Technology and Information Sciences Faculty Business Office Technology Faculty Business Office Technology Faculty NA Business Office Technology Faculty NA Unkno wn ? Consequence if not Funded External Accred. Rec. NA Meeting will not be as effective as possible NA NA NA NA Development and distribution will be limited NA Not as many opportunities NA ? NA NA NA page 1 of 2 Business Office Technology Program Review 2007 Quality Improvement Plan Certificate of Completion, Word Processing Certificate of Completion, Desktop Publishing Year: 2007 Field Recommendation # (from selfstudy report or from reviewteam report) Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) What to include 1 Implement strategies to ensure that classes are offered consistently and do not get cancelled for low enrollment. Strategies include offering more online sections, lab classes, and classes required for more than one degree or certificate. Spring 2008 Spring 2009 Offer more online sections, lab classes, and classes required for more than one degree or certificate. Implementation of this recommendation will make it possible for most students to complete the programs in two semesters by providing better access to the courses. No additional cost Martha Racine Taylor No funding necessary None Recommendation # (from selfstudy report or from reviewteam report) Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) 2 Update the 2 + 2 agreement with Fort Bragg High School Spring 2008 Fall 2009 Meet with Fort Bragg High School Business instructors and revise current 2 + 2 program to reflect recent curriculum changes at CR and FBHS. For example, BUS 16/16L and 17/17L have been changed to BT 16 and BT 17. Some high school courses listed in the agreement are no longer offered or have changed significantly. The program will be improved by offering high school students a n accurate list of courses at FBHS that fulfill prerequisites at College of the Redwoods. None Martha Racine Taylor N/A None A. Quality Improvement Plan Computer Information Systems, FY 2007-2008 Re c # 1 2 Descript ion Revise the Networki ng AS and CA Create Networki ng CC Imp l Dat e 9/0 7 Est. Comp . Date 2/08 9/0 7 2/08 Revise course outlines to reflect content changes Inactiva te CIS 11, 22, 32 9/0 7 2/08 11/ 07 11/0 7 5 Pursue CIS 1 GE proposal 11/ 07 2/08 6 Pursue uninterrup ted funding stream to update hardware , software , and tools 11/ 07 5/08 7 Recruit qualifie d Associat e Faculty 9/0 7 Ongoin g 3 4 Action / Tasks Success Measures/ Desired Outcomes Est. Cost Resp. Perso n (s) Consequenc e if not Funded Externa l Accred. Rec. Draft and submit doc to cc Draft and submit doc to cc Draft and submit doc to cc Approved updates NA Dan Calde rwood NA NA Approved CC NA Dan Calde rwood NA NA Approved updates NA Dan Calde rwood NA NA Draft and submit doc to cc Draft and submit doc to cc Submit reques t to divisi on chair Approved Inactivat ions NA NA NA Approved GE classific ation NA Dan Calde rwood NA NA Approved budget line item Chris Romer o Degradatio n of program viability over time. Smaller hiring pool for local employers, loss of FTES for the college NA Work with HR to advert ise in local media Qualified applicant pool 40,000/ yr (this figure replace s 1/5 of the lab pcs each year plus tools, softwar e and network equipme nt NA Dan Calde rwood Reduced course offerings, Smaller hiring pool for local NA Chris Romer o 8 Particip ate in the planning of the new academic building to lobby for adequate CIS lab space. TBD TBD Partic ipate on planni ng commit tees and other opport unitie s as they arise Adequate lab space NA All CIS facul ty 9 Staff Developm ent 1/0 8 5/08 Attend profes sional confer ences Summary of findings incorpora ted into lesson plans and curriculu m $2500 All CIS facul ty employers, loss of FTES for the college Reduced course offerings and program degradatio n, Smaller hiring pool for local employers, loss of FTES for the college Curriculum reflects latest local trends, but not necessaril y state or national trends NA NA Quality Improvement Plan Program:Construction Technology Year:2007-2008 Field What to include Recommendation # Recommendation #1 Reinstatement of proceeds ($350,000) from the sale of student built houses to the Construction Technology Department. Planned Implementation Date Spring Semester ‘08 Estimated Completion Date: Spring Semester ‘08 Work with senior staff to reinstate all or part of the $350,000 from the sale of student built houses back to the C.T. Department. We believe these funds are currently parked in Special Revenue Fund #39. Work with Drafting Technology students and faculty to develop plans for student built house for Fall ’08. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Purchase of building lot for next year’s project and reinstatement of the 3 lot rotation. Estimated Cost(s) None from CR’s general fund. All funding would come from the proceeds of previously sold houses. Who is responsible? Paul Kinsey, Ted Stodder in conjunction w/ Senior Staff Consequence if not funded Construction Technology, Historic Restoration & Preservation, Architectural Drafting, Cabinetmaking and Millwork, and Electrical Wiring, will all cease to exist. Action/Tasks Digital Media Quality Improvement Plan – 2007-2008 Areas 1‐4 below correspond to the recommendations list on pg.17 1 and 2. The Information Sciences Departments are planning a Spring 08 retreat, at which time directions for program revisions should be outlined to align with plans for including the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, possibly a combined capstone course, and possibly a single degree for BUS, BT, CIS, and DM with areas of emphasis or specialization. To make changes to the DM degrees and certificates before this planning retreat would not be good because the changes may then have to be changed again as follow‐up to department wide decisions made during the upcoming retreat. DM degree and certificate changes need to be a priority discussion item for the Spring 08 retreat and participating faculty will work to insure that adequate department wide (CIS, BT, BUS, DM) planning results for following updates as recognized and defined in this report. 3. Communicate with VTEA staff (Anna Gaines), Tech‐Prep staff, and Division chair (Helen Edwards) about possible funding sources beyond the currently defined VTEA allocations, which have been reduced significantly this year from previous years. When grant or other funding sources are identified, faculty will consider the feasibility of participating in additional grant opportunities to acquire additional funds. 4. Research existing IR data and define specific data requests that can be passed along to IR staff. Then utilize the data in making scheduling decisions. The following table provides an additional task/time list for program quality improvements. Rec # 1 2 3 Description Courses supported by student enrollment Increase online courses Cross‐dep’t. and discipline integration Success Measures/ Desired Outcomes Est. Cost Resp. Person(s) Study enrollment trends using IR data Draft and submit to CC Course Enrollments NA DM faculty Conse‐ External quence if Accred. not Rec. Funded NA NA Approved CC NA DM faculty NA NA On‐ going Deliver animation courses in defined sequence Course enrollments, student skill assessments after completing courses for employment and/or readiness for transfer High school age enrollment increase Student grades indicate successful outcomes NA Clyde Johnson/ Steve Brown NA NA NA DM faculty NA NA NA DM faculty NA NA DM NA NA Impl. Date Est. Comp. Date 8/07 5/08 8/07 5/08 8/07 Action/ Tasks 4 Program marketing 5/07 On‐ going Outreach participation 5 Student skills assessment based on industry needs Advisory 11/07 On‐ going Design and implement assessment measures based on SLOs Meet with 6‐7 11/07 On‐ Insight for program NA 8 9 10 committee going new INFSC advisory committee Teaching 8/07 oppor‐ tunities for qualified faculty Collabora‐ 8/07 tive decision making On‐ going Align faculty courses with faculty strengths On‐ going Cross discipline planning as applicable to desired degree and/or certificate outcomes. On‐ going Perform required tasks in program review and follow‐up to the self study Identify and support collaborative advising, scheduling, and curriculum development with ART dept. 8/07 development provided by local industry, HSU, high school teachers, and past students Student evaluations, engaged faculty faculty NA DM faculty NA NA Program continuation through college and community support NA DM faculty NA NA Student’s educational plans include cross discipline courses. NA DM faculty NA NA Items below apply numerically to enumerated items in the table above: 2. Consideration of courses for online delivery should include those best‐fit by nature of course content and availability of necessary resources (software) needed by the student for successful completion. Consideration for competing courses is also very important so branch campus enrollments have minimal impact with decreased enrollments. 3. Increase inter‐departmental and cross discipline collaboration through co‐teaching, linked classes, learning communities, and courses sequences to address specific training and vocational needs. Collaboration needs to occur especially with scheduling so courses don’t compete with each other and so students following a defined sequence have an opportunity to do just that. 4. Participation in college‐sponsored outreach events and development of professional relationships with local high school faculty to align and sequence Digital Media courses with their technology based programs and learning pathways. 5. Study the media and entertainment industries in California, communicate with local employers and past students who are employed locally to design and deliver courses aligned with workforce needs. 6. Partnering with our Community Advisory group will help us incorporate private sector support, since the Digital Media program needs to be aware of demographic changes and employment needs. 8. Scheduling should provide faculty the opportunity to teach what they know best and what they love teaching since this is undeniably related to the quality of the classroom experience to the student. Digital media is huge, reaching into many areas of expertise and experience. Faculty should also be aligned with what they know best, rather than just filling slots because there are no alternatives. DM needs to have a pool of qualified Associate Faculty resources so courses can be matched with content experts who intimately know what they’re teaching. This is especially important in vocational education. G. Quality Improvement Plan Quality Improvement Plan Program: Drafting Technology Year: 2007-2008 Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: 1 Update unit value for degrees and certificates in System Office records Fall 2008 Spring 2008 Submit appropriate forms to System Office using process established by district DT program and District are in compliance with Board of Governor’s requirements NA Steve Brown/District District not in compliance with regulations NAIT standards are concerned with “legal authorization” to administer degrees 2 Submit degree and prerequisite changes to courses as a result of DT23 addition Fall 2008 Fall 2008 Prepare items for curriculum committee action DT program degrees and courses reflect the addition of the DT23 course NA Steve Brown/Curriculum Committee Catalog will not reflect desired practice NA 3 Refine and continue to administer graduate survey annually Spring 2008 Fall 2008 Refine existing survey instrument with assistance from IR. Administer survey. At least 50% return. Improvement of outcomes assessment data. NA Steve Brown/IR office Weak outcomes assessment Outcomes assessment and “closing the loop on assessment” with broad disclosure of data were the only concerns expressed by the NAIT visiting team. 4 Using the model provided in the Program Review Guide to develop an Outcomes Assessment process during the 07/08 academic year Spring 2008 ongoing Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Create a system consistent with the Program Review Guide Program improvement based on evidence NA Steve Brown/IR office Weak outcomes assessment/weak program Outcomes assessment and “closing the loop on assessment” with broad disclosure of data were the only concerns expressed by the NAIT visiting team. 5 Investigate online CAD offerings Spring 2008 ongoing Explore ways for students to access CAD software and develop online curriculum Increased access to DT courses throughout district Unknown Steve Brown Continued access issues to DT program courses NA 6 Work with administration to secure an uninterrupted funding stream to support hardware, software, and instructional supplies Spring 2008 ongoing Submit request through division chair Approved and adequate line item budget for DT Estimated $22K to replace ¼ of computers annually, pay annual software subscriptions, staff development, and supplies. Some expenses should be shared between with other programs that use the computers and software. Steve Brown/Division Chair Continued access issues to DT program courses NAIT standards are concerned with ongoing funding necessary sustain the program without relying on one time funds. Quality Improvement Plan Program: Construction Technology: Fine Woodworking I Year:2007 QIP Recommendation Recommendation (from self-study report or from review-team report) Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) #1 Increase annual program instructional and maintenance funding. An annual shortfall in our instructional budget is being covered by alumni contributions. Fall 2008 Ongoing Work with senior staff to fund instructional, maintenance, and capital budgets. Instructional costs covered, building maintenance accomplished, restoration of ability to replace equipment. $2000 annually for instructional purposes. Years of deferred maintenance and capital outlay must be addressed; cost unknown. Fine Woodworking faculty and staff. Alumni contributions for the purposes of program enrichment are being siphoned off to pay for College funding responsibilities. N/A 18 Quality Improvement Plan Program: Construction Technology: Fine Woodworking I Year:2007 QIP Recommendation Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) #2 Approve expenditure of Measure Q bond monies to provide storage, classroom/library/showroom, and kitchen to the Fine Woodworking building. Spring 2009 Spring 2011 Request expenditures of Senior Staff, receive Board of Trustee approval, complete planning, and complete work. Construction of storage space adjacent to the machine room, construction of multi purpose room (classroom, library, showroom) and kitchen. Cost unknown at this time, project approval and design have not begun. Approval and implementation are dependent upon administration and Board actions. Measure Q explicitly designated the Fine Woodworking program as a beneficiary of funding. Voter approval in the Fort Bragg area was to some degree influenced by that language. Failure to follow through on the promise will not reflect well on the College. Crowding in the machine room, if unaddressed will continue to raise concerns for student safety. N/A Quality Improvement Plan Program: Construction Technology: Fine Woodworking I Year:2007 QIP Recommendation Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) #3 Return of the full-time position at the Fine Woodworking program to 100%. Fall 2010 Spring 2011 Advertise, recruit, and hire a new full-time faculty member for Fine Woodworking. Successful placement of a full time faculty member. No increase in cost is foreseen; retiring full-time faculty member has worked for over 20 years. A new hire would come at a lower cost to the district. Personnel, Senior Staff, and Fine Woodworking faculty. Loss of leadership and management of one of C/R’s signature programs. N/A Attachment #1 Fine Woodworking Student Retention Gradyr #1stYrStu 1982 22 1983 18 1984 #2ndYrStu YrTotalStu 1stYrDrop 2ndYrDrop TotalDrop AttendTtl 22 1 1 21 4 22 1 1 21 18 4 22 0 22 1985 20 6 26 2 3 23 1986 18 4 22 1 1 21 1987 18 3 21 1 20 1988 16 6 22 0 22 1989 16 6 22 0 22 1990 17 5 22 0 22 1991 16 6 22 0 22 1992 16 7 23 1 1 22 1993 16 7 23 2 2 21 1994 17 5 22 0 22 1995 19 4 23 1 22 1996 16 6 22 0 22 1997 18 6 24 0 24 1998 18 6 24 1 23 1999 17 6 23 0 23 2000 18 5 23 0 23 2001 18 6 24 1 23 2002 18 6 24 2 2 22 2003 19 4 23 0 0 0 23 2004 18 6 24 1 1 23 2005 20 4 24 1 2 22 2006 17 6 23 0 23 2007 19 4 23 0 23 Occupied Benches 577 1 1 1 1 1 1 Notes: Class size from 1982 through 1996 was limited to 22 benches. In 1997, there were 24 benches. From 1998 to present the class limit is 23. Through its history, the Fine Woodworking program has had a total capacity of 584 students. During that time, 577 benches have been fully occupied, yielding a rate of 98.8% of capacity. Quality Improvement Plan Program: MT Year: 2008 1. Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Develop a plan to increase enrollment. Spring 2008. Ongoing Create program website, brochures, and TV and radio advertisements emphasizing technical programs. Continue working with Paul DeMark and follow his suggestions of buying Google sponsored links, creating tri-fold brochures, and writing press releases on MT related stories. Work with local high-schools and labor agencies to recruit new students. Enrollment will increase. This will make the program stronger and help to justify gaining NAIT accreditation. No data is available at this time. The program coordinator. Enrollment will be stagnant or not increase significantly. NAIT accreditation is dependant on the program being strong, low enrollment is a sign of a weak program. Quality Improvement Plan Program: MT Year: 2008 2. Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Obtain accreditation through NAIT. Spring 2008. Spring 2009. Work with NAIT accreditation board to apply for and receive accreditation. NAIT accreditation will give the program credibility. The program will be perceived as more attractive to future students and enrollment will continue to grow. Through the NAIT accreditation process, the program will be improved and the quality of instruction will be enhanced. No data is available at this time. The program coordinator. Without NAIT accreditation, the MT program will be perceived as less credible and enrollment will stagnate or will only increase slowly. NAIT requires that significant action be taken. Curriculum and program documentation will be measured on a multi-dimensional scale. NAIT officers will visit the campus and evaluate the program. This undertaking is substantial and will require a great amount of work. Quality Improvement Plan Program: MT Year: 2008 3. Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Gain information on budget allocations. Spring 2008. Spring 2008. Separate the MT budget from the WT budget. The full time MT faculty member will have a clear understanding of the MT budget. No cost. The division chair and the program coordinator. Continued confusion regarding how much money is available for the MT program. NAIT accreditation will require budget information reports. Accreditation cannot be accomplished with out separating the MT budget from the WT budget. Quality Improvement Plan Medical Office Business Skills Year: 2007 Field Recommendation # (from selfstudy report or from reviewteam report) Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Recommendation # (from selfstudy report or from reviewteam report) Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) What to include 1 Implement strategies to ensure that classes are offered consistently and do not get cancelled for low enrollment. Strategies include offering more online sections, lab classes, and classes required for more than one degree or certificate. Spring 2008 Spring 2009 Offer more online sections, lab classes, and classes required for more than one degree or certificate. Implementation of this recommendation will make it possible for most students to complete the program in three semesters by providing better access to the courses. No additional cost Martha Racine Taylor No funding necessary None 2 Organize a new advisory board to keep the Medical Office curriculum current and relevant. Spring 2008 Fall 2008 1. Contact employers and medical professionals and invite them to be on the advisory committee. 2. Schedule advisory committee meetings. The program’s purpose is to prepare students for support positions in medical offices. Formation of an advisory board specifically for this program will result in improved and more relevant curriculum, as well as better prepared and more proficient graduates. No cost Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Recommendation # (from selfstudy report or from reviewteam report) Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Recommendation # (from selfstudy report or from reviewteam report) Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks Martha Racine Taylor No funding necessary None 3 Explore the possibilities of offering this program on all three campuses. Spring 2008 Fall 2009 Examine curriculum and determine why some lab classes cannot be offered on the Eureka and Del Norte Campuses. Resolve the issue by rewriting specialized curriculum to include lecture hours, offering lab classes online, or re-establishing a selfpaced lab on Eureka and Del Norte campuses. The program will be improved by providing access for many more students. Medical offices throughout the district will benefit from trained personnel who have completed this program at College of the Redwoods. May involve additional cost for part-time faculty to teach classes in a lab setting or online. Cost could vary from 0 to $4,000 per semester. Martha Racine Taylor The program will remain available only to students on the Mendocino Coast campus. None 4 Update the 2 + 2 agreement with Fort Bragg High School Spring 2008 Fall 2009 Meet with Fort Bragg High School Business instructors and revise current 2 + 2 program to reflect recent curriculum changes at CR and FBHS. For example, BUS 16/16L and 17/17L have been changed to BT 16 and BT 17. Some high school courses listed in the agreement are no longer offered or have changed significantly. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) The program will be improved by offering high school students a n accurate list of courses at FBHS that fulfill prerequisites at College of the Redwoods. None Martha Racine Taylor N/A None