College of the Redwoods DRAFT Annual Institutional Plan: 2013-2014 I. Improve support for incoming students. This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 1 and Education Master Plan Goal 1 and includes the actions outlined below. Annual Action Plans When? Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages I.A. Pursue grant funding for supporting 1. spring/summer underrepresented students 2013 1. Develop evidence-based approach for 2. summer/fall supporting underrepresented students 2013 2. Research funding opportunities 3. fall 2013/ spring 3. Write grant application(s) 2014 I.B. Develop early intervention after first 1. spring/summer semester to place poor performing students develop plan on academic probation and/or require 2. Pilot in fall contact with a counselor/advisor and/or 2013 SEP development 3. Full implementation spring 2014 I.C. Develop Student mentor program 1. Identify approach and funding source 1. Spring 2013 (e.g. work study funding? EOPS funding?) and build into 2013-14 budget 2. Pilot with discrete student population 2. Fall 2013 (e.g. EOPS) 3. Broader implementation 3. Spring 2014 I.D. Improve placement through diagnostic assessments. I.E. Provide comprehensive faculty and staff diversity training (e.g. pedagogy, behavior, communications, and hiring) 1. Program research and development 1. spring/summer 2013 2. Announce program 2. fall 2013 convocation 3. Deliver program 3. fall 2013 and spring 2014 1|P a g e V.P. Student Development/CSSO with assistance from Grants Director Program is developed Grants are written Awards are made SP 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement EP 1.2 Improve support for students EP 1.6 Improve success among underrepresented populations V.P. Student Development/CSSO Course retention, course success, and persistence among at-risk students SP 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement EP 1.2 Improve support for students Assessment Summit Theme – Counseling and Advising V.P. Student Development/CSSO Number of students and mentor participants Course retention, course success, and persistence among mentored students Technology Services Program Review SP 1.4 Enhance Student Support and Student Engagement SP 4.4 Improve efficiency through technology D.E. 4.1 Prepare students for distance education or eLearning English and Math faculty H.R. Director in collaboration with VPI/CIO and VSD/CSSO Number of staff and faculty trained. Student equity plan indicators EEO plan indicators SP 1.6 Support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation. EP 1.5 Professional development programs will improve educational effectiveness EP 1.6 Improve success among underrepresented populations SEP goals EEO goals DRAFT 2013-14 Annual Institutional Plan, College of the Redwoods Annual Action Plans When? Develop new training programs 1. Generate ideas based upon business leaders summit and other outreach 2. Investigate market demand, costs, likely revenues of new programs. 3. Select and implement one or more new training programs. Run one non-credit program 1. Submit curriculum to CCCCO 2. Advertise non-credit program 3. Run program Increase foundation support for the college 1. Identify grants to hire a development director 2. Write grants to hire a development director 3. Hire a development director 4. Implement development program Reactivate alumni association [NEED TO IDENTIFY STEPS] Aggregate student education plan data to inform course schedule development. 1. Develop process for aggregating SEP data 2. Pilot process for development of Spring 2014 schedule 3. Process refinement and full implementation Implement eforms for business and student service processes. 1. Map business and student service processes 2. Develop staged implementation plan 3. Implement at least 3 eforms 2|P a g e Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages BTC Director New trainings developed and offered Number of community ed and contract training classes/participants based upon newly identified opportunities SP 2.2 Respond to business and industry short-term training needs. EP 2.2 Enhance incumbent worker and contract training EP 2.4 CTE programs respond to community training needs. V.P. Instruction/CIO Non-credit enrollment SP 2.3/EP 2.5 Develop non-credit programs Foundation Director with assistance from Foundation Board and Grants Director Foundation funds raised SP 3.4 Increase community support for the college. VP Instruction/CIO in collaboration with VP Student Development/CSSO. Requires resource support from IR or Technology Services Aggregate data are used in planning Spring 2014 schedule 1. 1. 2. 3. May 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 1. Spring 2013 2. Summer 2013 3. 4. Fall 2013 Spring 2014 1. Spring 2013 2. Fall 2013 3. Foundation contribution to the college. Number of degrees and certificates awarded Number of transfers SP 4.5 Improve data gathering and utilization to support instructional, student service, and administrative decision making. EP 3.4 Systematically use data to inform decision making. Spring 2014 1. Summer 2013 2. Fall 2013 Technology Services director in collaboration with data owners and managers in key operational areas. Time to completion One eform is developed and in use Staff and faculty survey TP 3.2 Support electronic forms and business processes SP 3.2 Improve college operational efficiencies SP 4.4 Improve efficiency through technology 3. Spring 2014 DRAFT 2013-14 Annual Institutional Plan, College of the Redwoods Additional Considerations: SP 1.4 (Improve Basic Skills success): Develop summer bridge and other shortened “classes” to provide assistance in targeted content areas in math and English. SP 1.6 (Support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation): allocation of funds for pedagogical improvements, sabbatical awards for plans to improve pedagogy. SP 3.1 (Reduce reliance on apportionment-based funding): Develop partnerships to support programs SP 3.2 (Improve college operational efficiencies): Establish benchmark for effective measures, practices data-driven process reengineering to increase efficiencies. SP 4.1 (Improve technology infrastructure to support all college operations): Deploy “ubiquitous” wireless throughout the district. SP 4.3 (CTE programs will have technology relevant to their disciplines): replacement and upgrade plans incorporated into budget cycle (NOTE from Rox: Consider Perkins 5-year plan) SP 4.4 (Improve efficiency through technology): employ a process and structure to increase the efficiency and reliability of technology systems (NOTE: Indicators include number of servers with disaster recovery system in place, etc.) SP 4.5 (Improve data gathering and utilization to support instructional, student service, & administrative decision making): Improve the utility of MIS data for reporting purposes. 5.2 (Support/Increase cultural activities at the college): Support cultural activities consistent with the mission. 3|P a g e DRAFT 2013-14 Annual Institutional Plan, College of the Redwoods