REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee

Meeting of the
Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Eureka Campus, LRC 107
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
1. Approve Draft Purpose and Membership: The purpose and
membership was approved with minor changes: two typographical
errors and revising the membership list to note position on the
respective committees and not names of people holding the positions.
The committee agreed to forward the agreed upon purpose statement
to the College Council for formal recognition and communication to
the campus. The committee noted that a diagram should be created
that shows the strategic connection of the college’s planning
processes (IEC oversight, strategic planning, and the various
education master plans).
2. Update from Planning Committees:
Program Review: The program review process was discussed.
The need to continue the comprehensive process of review of
“programs,” without changes to the template, was necessary to
meet accreditation standards. The comprehensive program
review process may be evaluated in March/April.
It was suggested that the PRC reevaluate the basic skills program
review process. Should the Basic skills committee review the
program? Should it complete an annual or comprehensive?
Technology: No report
Equipment: The addendums were received. A request was
forwarded to the Academic Senate for a faculty co-chair of the
Equipment committee.
Facilities: No report
Budget Planning: No report
Enrollment Management: No report
Basic Skills: No report
3. Update of processing the resource addendums for
Timeline to BPC/Cabinet
Format of reports to BPC
Karen Nelson agreed to meet with the co-chairs of the Technology,
Equipment, and Facilities committees to ensure that the ranking
process is understood and the necessary timeline for submission of
ranked priorities to the BPC is met.
4. Update on Narrative and Planning Timetable
The committee revised the Planning Timetable to note a slight change
in the strategic planning timetable.
5. Spring Meeting Schedule
The committee agreed to meet monthly beginning February.
Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Purpose and Membership
Approved by the IEC on December 08, 2010
The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee is to ensure the
implementation and ongoing assessment of the institutional planning process, that
the decisions made to improve the college are data driven and are institutional—the
plans are developed primarily by the needs identified in the Program Review, and
that the college is moving forward in meeting ACCJC/WASC requirements as
"essential in carrying out the integrated broad based planning process required by
ACCJC that leads to good decision making, planned budgeting, and a system that
works toward institutional effectiveness." The IEC accomplishes its purpose by:
1. Ensuring the integration of the planning process, including, but not limited
to a coordinated, institutional approach in addressing college priorities and
the interrelationship among institutional plans;
2. Providing the accountability needed to ensure continued efficacy to the
college planning processes (strategic and operational) and review
3. Monitoring and adjusting the ongoing planning process so that it meets the
college's needs;
4. Developing and providing oversight to the Strategic Plan and provide followup and accountability to the implementation of the plan;
5. Providing oversight to the integration of the resource allocation process and
the Strategic and annual plans(budget, staff development, staffing, etc);
6. Establishing regular communication with the campus community regarding
the institutional planning process and gaining input from the college
community regarding planning issues;
7. Supporting the ongoing development and implementation of outcomes
assessment cycle; and
8. Providing an annual assessment of the effectiveness of the various planning
communities and the institutional planning process to the College Council.
Areas of Responsibility
The IEC reflects a college-wide perspective and focuses on the college's planning
processes. In this regard, the IEC integrates, coordinate, validates, and
communicates its planning and processes with the other college governance
committees and the operational units of the College. Additionally the IEC:
Serves as a reservoir of planning knowledge and processes;
Reviews the planning processes and products of the college to ensure they
are integrated and coordinated with the elements of district strategic plans;
Works with the Assessment Committee to ensure that outcomes assessment
is integrated with the College’s planning processes.
The Committee will use a consensus decision-making process in the development of
its recommendations. Recommendations developed by the Committee are
forwarded to the President and the College Council for dissemination and discussion
by the constituencies and the college community at large.
Committee Membership
Co-chairs of the Program Review Committee
Co-chairs of the Enrollment Management Committee
Co-chairs of the Budget Planning Committee
Co-chairs of the Facilities Planning Committee
Co-chairs of the Equipment Committee
Co-chairs of the Technology Planning Committee
Co-chairs of the Basic Skills Committee
Planning Timetable
December 8, 2010
Integrated Planning
PRC meet to discuss program review process and link to planning
Co-Chairs of Integrated Planning Committees meet to evaluate the process and develop
revised IPM and narrative that more closely link planning to budget
Draft IPM and narrative released to Integrated Planning Committees for review and comment
Co-Chairs of Integrated Planning Committees develop 2nd draft IPM based on feedback and
released to the District for further review and feedback
Final IPM forwarded to College Council
Employee & Student Satisfaction/Enrollment Management/Basic Skills Project Action Plans
Draft Enrollment Management and Student Satisfaction Action Plans presented to EMC
EMC review and revise draft Student Satisfaction and Enrollment Management Action plans
Basic Skills Committee reconstituted
Final Student Satisfaction and Enrollment Management Action Plans approved by EMC
Student Satisfaction and Enrollment Management Action Plans evaluated in program reviews
Basic Skills Action Plans developed and approved
Funding requests are submitted to BPC via program review documents and formal request
from EMC
Evaluate employee satisfaction action plans
EMC evaluate Enrollment Management plans
Basic Skills Committee evaluation action plans
Redeploy Employee and student satisfaction surveys
EMC develop 2011-2012 EM Plan
In progress
January/February, 2011
January, 2011
January/February, 2011
January/February, 2011
January, 2011
April, 2011
April, 2011
April, 2011
April, 2011
Strategic Planning (Strategic Plan and Mission/Values)
Identify Strategic Planning Task Force (Co-chairs, BOT, constituents representatives)
2 co-chairs (Dr. Goswami)
3 faculty (1 appointed by the senate, 1 appointed by CRFO, and 1 associate faculty
appointed by mutual agreement between the senate and administration)
3 classified/confidential staff (1 appointed by CSEA, 1 appointed by administration
based upon solicitation of classified staff, 1confidential employee)
3 senior managers (1 dean from instruction, 1 from Centers, 1 student services)
3 mid-level managers (chosen by the newly forming AMD council)
2 students (to be selected by ASCR)
Membership of the strategic planning task force is assigned
Mission/Values ad hoc group review work completed on mission/values and draft new
David Holper (Chair)
Becky Blatnick
Keith Snow-Flamer
ASCR Representative
Draft Mission/Values statements released to college council for comment.
Convene and orient strategic planning task force, identify procedures/timetable and charge
College council forward revised Mission/Values to Board of Trustees
Strategic Planning Task Force first critical review of the 2008-2011 strategic planning goals
and develop monitoring and approval process
Strategic Planning Task Force second critical review of the 2008-2011 strategic planning
goals and determine the scope of revisions needed.
Strategic Planning Task Force review annual planning documents
January, 2011
November/December, 2010
February, 2010
February, 2011
February, 2011
February, 2011
February, 2011
Final mission/values adopted by BOT
Hold meetings examining internal (values, governance, finance, academic quality,
demographics, curriculum demands) and external factors affecting the College
Regular reports posted to planning website
Strategic Planning Task Force identify strategic issues, goals, and priorities
Strategic Planning Task Force draft overall strategic plan
Strategic Planning Task Force share and consult with college community
Strategic Planning Task Force finalize strategic plan
Strategic Planning Task Force submit strategic plan to the President
The President forward final strategic plan to the BOT for approval
March, 2011
February-May, 2011
(February 7, March 9, April 14
from 9-11am)
May-June, 2011
July-August, 2011
September-November, 2011
November, 2011
January, 2012
March, 2012