REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee Wednesday, September 28th 3:00-5:00 LRC 107 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Minutes 3. Action Items 3.1 Clarify role of IEC Finalize Operating Agreement Separate Agreement into parts: “Operating Agreement,” “Action Plans/Meeting times” 3.2 Revise meeting dates: delete June 20 and July 25/add March 7 and August 3.3 Approve committee‟s support the district goals and objectives statement 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Director of Planning, Grants and Institutional Effectiveness 4.1.1 Role and responsibilities in Planning 4.1.2 IEC‟s role in moving forward 4.2 Review status of 2011-12 IEC Action Plans and 4.2.1 Process of issuing the annual report 5. Reports 5.1 Director‟s Report Out 6. Adjournment 1 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Boardroom) Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:00 p.m. NOTES MEMBERS PRESENT Rachel Anderson, Jeff Cummings, Sally Frazier, Angelina Hill, Roxanne Metz, Julia Peterson, Mike Peterson, Carla Spalding, Keith Snow-Flamer ALSO PRESENT Maggie White DISCUSSION OPERATING AGREEMENT There was discussion regarding the operating agreement and the revisions that were made to improve readability, clarity and eliminate redundancy. Several suggestions were made regarding format and changes to some of the verbiage. Keith will make the suggested revisions and return to the committee for final approval. The committee also discussed membership and how the committee was restructured and its role. IEC will take a look at the strategic level and how the committees are linking together. Roxanne, in her position will serve as the feedback loop between the functioning committees and IEC. MEETING DATES Meeting will take place on the following dates: 9/28 – 3-5:00* special meeting 10/12 – 3-5:00 1/25 – 3-5:00 4/11-3-5:00 6/20 – 3-5:00 7/25 – 3-5:00 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS How the Director, Planning, Grants & Institutional Effectiveness interfaces with the committee. Revised Operating Agreement Annual Report ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. SUBMITTED BY lw 2 Institutional Effectiveness Committee Operating Agreement Purpose The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) is to ensure the implementation and ongoing assessment of the institutional planning process, to compare the college‟s performance to its stated mission and strategic goals, and to examine the effectiveness indicators to ensure that the college is meeting ACCJC/WASC requirements. The IEC accomplishes its purpose by: 1. Evaluating the integration of the planning process, including, but not limited to a coordinated, institutional approach in addressing college priorities and the interrelationship among institutional plans; 2. Monitoring and refining the ongoing planning process; 3. Developing and assessing critical institutional effectiveness outcome measures to inform the planning process; 4. Providing an annual evaluation of progress toward achievement of the institution‟s strategic initiatives achievements; 5. Providing an annual assessment of the effectiveness of the planning committees and the institutional planning process to the College Council; and 6. Establishing regular communication with the campus community regarding the institutional planning process and gaining input from the college community regarding planning issues. Decision Making The Committee will use a consensus decision-making process in the development of its actions. Actions developed by the Committee are forwarded to the president and the College Council for dissemination and discussion by the constituencies and the college community at large. Membership Committee Membership Two representatives from Program Review Committee: Cheryl Tucker and Hillary Reed Two representatives from Strategic Planning Committee: Carla Spalding and 1 faculty member Two representatives from Education Master Plan Committee : Julia Peterson and Mike Peterson One representative from CSEA: Sally Frazier One representative from the Dean‟s Council: Jeff Cummings One representative from ASCR Director of Institutional Research: Angelina Hill (Ex Officio) Director of Planning, Grants, and Institutional Effectiveness: Roxanne Metz (Ex Officio) Vice President: Keith Snow-Flamer 3 The chair of the Committee will be a vice president appointed by the president The membership shall: Make student success a top priority Be open to new perspectives Express opinions in ways that preserve integrity and promote mutual understanding and collaboration Consider all the facts and available information before making decisions Ensure that all voices are heard Use time efficiently and stay on task Take advantage of the opportunity to communicate, collaborate and learn from each Accept and support decisions reached through consensus Planning Principles The IEC embraces the following planning principles: 1. The planning process and the plans that it yields will be PLO/SLO outcomes based, learning-centered, and will support the quality of the College. 2. The planning process will be collaborative by operating within the collegial consultative structure and which ensures broad-based participation and by providing a means for stakeholder groups to be heard and to influence the plan. 3. The process will build trust through effective communication and negotiation, by providing a safe environment to identify and challenge assumptions and by supporting agreements on shared values. 4. The process will be meaningful in that it will help the College to establish a vision of the future. 5. The process will be data-driven, using qualitative and quantitative data, routinely reviewed as the plan is implemented, with the aim of continuous improvement. 6. The process will be as simple as possible while yielding a viable plan and integrating planning into permanent governing structures and college-wide meetings. 7. The process, its language, its products, and the results of the plan will be communicated to all employees internally. 4 2011-2012 Meeting Dates September 21 3:00-4:00 September 28 3:00-5:00 October 12 3:00-5:00 January 25 3:00-5:00 March 7 3:00-5:00 April 11 3:00-5:00 June 20 3:00-5:00 July 25 3:00-5:00(if needed) August 23 (convocation) Boardroom (special meeting) L 107 (special meeting) Boardroom L107 L107 L 107 L107 5 Current Integrated Planning Model 6 2011-2012 Action Plans (subject to change depending upon planning issues identified) Planning Item Date of Responsible Status Completion Person Distribute the annual year-end report that to the Cabinet Summer/Fall IEC Complete and college community. 2011 Assign a coordinator responsible for coordinating the Summer 2011 President Complete institutional effectiveness and integrated planning process. Incorporate basic skills planning in the integrated Summer 2011 IEC planning process Integrate assessment documents into the program review Summer 2011 PRC Complete process. More closely tie program review and strategic plan by Summer 2011 PRC modifying the Program Review templates so that the narrative prompts encourage authors to reference the Strategic Plan in their analysis and goal setting. Begin developing an institutional effectiveness model that Summer 2011 IEC and describes an ongoing, institution wide process of planning Planning and assessment for the purpose of continuous Coordinator improvement and linking planning to mission. Review previous work IEC and planning committee work, Fall 2011 IEC develop timeline for future actions, discuss governance documents, and update the planning narrative as needed for use in the planning cycle. Standardize web/online communication: publish all Fall 2011 Planning committee documents as both .pdf and .doc or .docx; Coordinator decide on location for information; post committee and documents, reports, minutes to Inside Redwoods with Integrated notice of new postings sent to ALL; and create a common Planning Calendar with all committee meeting information and Committee agenda Chairs All planning committees will revise their operating agreements to reference the centrality of the college„s mission to their work and describes how the committee‟s operations will support the district goals and objectives. The statement will be displayed on committee websites Distribute the annual report summarizing the analysis of the effectiveness of the college‟s planning processes including the annual plan via the website. This report will guide all College units in planning the subsequent year„s work. Institutional Research department will conduct initial analyses of data and facilitate workshops and other flex activities to facilitate dialogue regarding data interpretation as used for evaluating student learning and 7 Reviewed Annually beginning Fall 2011 Integrated Planning Committee Chairs Fall 2011 IEC and Planning Coordinator Fall 2011 Director of IR In Progress institutional effectiveness. The goal of these workshops is to develop a collective understanding of the meaning of data and its interpretation. The process will be refined based on feedback from workshop participants and data users (e.g., program review authors). Develop a process for streamlining planning process communications internally and externally. Fall 2011 Fall 2011 IEC and Planning Coordinator Planning Coordinator and Integrated Planning Committee Chairs Planning Coordinator IEC Spring 2012 IEC Spring 2012 Integrated Planning Committee Chairs IEC and Planning Coordinator Standardize planning committee requests and reports Fall 2011 Ensure all planning committees provide reports that include actions taken as well as meaningful feedback . Clarify what issues are Integrated Planning issues and what issues are not along with who and how these issues will be addressed. (e.g., emergency requests, new programs, grants, community education, business training, projector bulbs repairs, changes). Update Board and Administrative policies to match IPP language Committees set planning agendas based on strategic goals. Fall 2011 Create a venue for dialog among appropriate groups and individuals to provide feedback on the integrated planning process and deploy quantitative and qualitative measures to assess the planning process and committees. Prepare the 2011-12 Institutional Effectiveness Annual Report which documents and quantifies the progress on each of the college‟s strategic objectives and the unit plans presented in program reviews. Spring 2012 Call for progress reports on IE indicators which are documented in the IEC minutes. Prepare the final 2011-12 annual report on Institutional Effectiveness to document and quantify the progress on each of the college‟s measures. Ratify and distribute the 2011-12 report on Institutional Effectiveness district-wide and present the report to the College Council. 8 Spring 2012 IEC and Planning Coordinator Spring 2012 (May) IEC and Planning Coordinator Fall 2012 IEC and (Convocation) Planning Coordinator IEC and Planning Coordinat or DRAFT Support Statement The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) supports the District‟s mission by providing oversight to the implementation and ongoing assessment of the institutional planning process and monitoring the college‟s performance to its stated mission and strategic goals and effectiveness indicators. The committee works with the Director, Planning, Grants, & Institutional Effectiveness to continuously evaluate and refine the planning process. This academic year, the IEC will focus on assessing the critical institutional effectiveness outcome measures developed last year, reviewing the annual planning report and making recommendations for continuous improvement, and assessing the effectiveness of the planning committees and the institutional planning process. 9