1. Employee type: c Administrator d e f g c Faculty Member d e f g c Manager d e f g c Classified or Confidential Employee d e f g 2. I am: c Full time d e f g c Part time d e f g 3. Campus: c Eureka d e f g c Del Norte d e f g c Mendocino d e f g c KT d e f g 4. Check each committee you served on during the 2012­2013 academic year. Note that you are only evaluating one of these committees now. Please re­enter the survey and complete an evaluation for each committee you are on. c Budget Planning Committee d e f g c Enrollment Management Committee d e f g c Furniture/Equipment Committee d e f g c Facilities Planning Committee d e f g c Technology Planning Committee d e f g c College Council d e f g c Institutional Effectiveness Committee d e f g c Program Review Committee d e f g c Basic Skills Committee d e f g 5. Complete this survey one time for each committee you served this academic year. Check which committee you are evaluating right now. c Budget Planning Committee d e f g c Enrollment Management Committee d e f g c Furniture and Equipment Committee d e f g c Facilities Planning Committee d e f g c Technology Planning Committee d e f g c College Council d e f g c Institutional Effectiveness Committee d e f g c Program Review Committee d e f g c Basic Skills Committee d e f g 6. Consider your experience on the committee selected above. For each statement below please mark: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree Agendas, minutes and ancillary materials were provided electronically prior to committee meetings. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 7. In general, the objectives of each committee meeting were clear and understood. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly disagree d e f g 8. The discussions usually followed the agenda. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly disagree d e f g 9. Committees completed the agenda in an efficient and timely manner. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 10. Action items and persons responsible were clearly articulated. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 11. Committee chair or co­chairs were efficient in managing meetings. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 12. Information Adequacy: The committee members had appropriate information to make informed decisions. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 13. Discussion and decisions were data driven and supported by sound evidence. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 14. Participation: All constituent groups had an opportunity to participate on planning and governance committees. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 15. All members attended regularly. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 16. All members were encouraged to be actively involved. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 17. Decisions were made by consensus. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 18. Professional Conduct & Respectful Dialogue: Different opinions and values were respected. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 19. Committee members were always respectful of all members. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 20. Overall: Participation in the committee was important and valuable to the College. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 21. The committee charge was understood and the members worked toward fulfilling the charge. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 22. Meetings were positive and constructive. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 23. Overall, I am satisfied with the committee's performance. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 24. I was an effective participant. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 25. The College has effectively communicated the outcomes of the planning and governance process. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 26. The planning process supports an assessment of progress towards the college mission and strategic directions. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g 27. The Integrated Planning and Budgeting process is clear. c Strongly Agree d e f g c Agree d e f g c Neutral d e f g c Disagree d e f g c Strongly Disagree d e f g Select the stage that best describes the committee's progress in each of the areas that follow. The emerging developmental stages are as follows: (1) Awareness (2) Development (3) Proficiency (4) Sustainable Continuous Improvement 28. Operates under charge. (1) Aware that a committee and (2) The committee’s charge is being charge is needed. developed and documented. j k l m n j k l m n (3) The members have a clear and agreed upon understanding of all areas of the charge. j k l m n (4) The charge is well understood and reviewed consistently to ensure that it best meets the needs of the institution. j k l m n 29. Engages in data­driven decision making. (2) Dialog about data is becoming (1) A need to make data­driven decisions is acknowledged, but data is looked at in an inconsistent, ad­ (3) Decisions consistently rely on more prevalent. A framework is beginning to develop in terms of the types of data to evaluate. Data hoc basis. carried out to continuously improve defined data elements. Reports are the well­defined process. interpreted in a consistent manner. elements are being defined. j k l m n (4) Systematic evaluations are agreed­upon analyses of a set of j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n 30. Develops recommendations. (1) Awareness of the need and (2) A framework is beginning to potential benefits of creating develop in terms of the types of committee recommendations. recommendations made by the Dialog about recommendations is committee. Recommendations are becoming more prevalent. sometimes made. j k l m n j k l m n (3) Agreed­upon recommendations are consistently made to constituent groups. The desired impact of the recommendation is well established. j k l m n (4) Systematic evaluations are carried out to continuously improve the well­established process. j k l m n 31. Engages in evaluative process. (1) Aware that an evaluative process (2) Initial evaluation tools are being (3) The committee annually would benefit the committee. Dialog developed in terms of evaluates itself and makes about the evaluative process is developmental progress and documented improvements based becoming more prevalent. strengths and weaknesses. on the evaluation. j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n (4) Well­established evaluation tools are systematically evaluated for improvement. j k l m n 32. Participates in communication. (2) Communication processes are (3) Communication processes are (4) Collaborative, well­documented (1) Aware that broad based being developed to include developed that are inclusive of key and ongoing processes are used to participation is necessary. dialogue among a broad constituent constituencies, and reach all effectively communicate information base. relevant audiences. to the college community. j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n 33. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding positive or negative occurrences, or suggestions for improvement. Thank you. 5 6