REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)

Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
Monday, October 18, 2010
1:10 – 2:30 p.m.
1. Call To Order
2. Approve September 4, 2010 Meeting Minutes
3. Action Items
3.1 101 Corridor – Student Survey, Zach DeLoach & Sheila Hall (Attachment)
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Multiple Measures, Melissa Green (Attachment)
4.2 Review Operating Agreement (Attachment)
4.3 Next Steps on Student Satisfaction and Enrollment Management Plan, Keith
Snow-Flamer (Attachment)
4.4 Wait List
5. Reports
5.1 Review Enrollment, Utpal Goswami and Zach DeLoach
5.2 Enrollment Management Scorecard, Keith Snow-Flamer (Attachment)
5.3 Report out on EMC recommendations
6. Announcements
7. Adjournment
Next Meeting:
Monday, November 1, 2010, at 1:10 p.m.
Redwoods Community College District
Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Rachel Anderson, Jennifer Bailey, Zach DeLoach, Anna Duffy,
David Gonsalves (phone), Kathy Goodlive, Utpal Goswami, Melissa
Green, Sheila Hall, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler,
Geisce Ly (phone), Maggie Lynch, Mike Peterson, Keith Snow-Flamer,
and Juana Tabares.
The following items were added to the agenda:
6. Budget Planning Committee – Final Priority Rankings
7. Academic Senate Report
See below
Keith requested that Bruce’s report to the Academic Senate be the first
item addressed. There was discussion regarding the recording of the EMC
meetings and how detailed the notes should be. It is a concern that items
left pending for future discussion may get lost or be forgotten. It is also
important to capture more details of discussions that occur. After some
length is was decided that clarification must be given to the process, and
EMC meetings should be run more formally. It was also decided that
recording of this and all future EMC meetings will consist of a more
structured format to formally track and capture meeting content. At the
beginning of every meeting the minutes from the previous meeting will be
reviewed and approved by the entire committee.
The agenda and the minutes for EMC will consist of the following
 Review of Minutes
 Discussion only
 Action only
 Follow up
Follow up will be an ongoing agenda item that will allow report outs on
items that are forwarded to cabinet or other committees.
Utpal reviewed the Final Rankings of the Budget Planning Committee
(BPC) and addressed several questions from committee members which
related to how criteria were established in the ranking process. He
reminded everyone that supporting documents may be found on the BPC
web page.
Melissa reported that she compared CR’s multiple measures practices to
those at other colleges. CR’s current practices were reviewed and it was
noted that 56% of new students are taking the assessment for math and
English at the time of enrollment, the remainder of which take the
assessment if or when then enroll in math or English.. In the past CR
counselors used a multiple measures grid to aid in assessing students. The
grid, which faculty helped to develop has not been used in quite some
time; however, it was very effective when used. The following points were
 There is a need to come quickly into compliance with Ed Code.
 It is a requirement to use multiple measures when administering
 Research has been done on best indicators.
 The process should be a standardized across the district.
Melissa will develop a multiple measures recommendation and bring it
back to the committee as an action item at the next meeting.
Keith noted that he had reviewed Enrollment Scorecards from two other
community colleges. Benchmarks and targets were discussed and it was
suggested that Persistence and Retention be defined. Utpal suggested that
in the near future a full meeting be dedicated to defining Retention and
Persistence. There was also discussion about how data will be used once
indicators are identified and how well we’re doing as an institution. Some
of the other topics that were discussed relating to the Enrollment Score
card were:
 How to define groups of students
 Outcomes
 Personal enrichment
 Measuring students by category
 How will evaluation be done, how will this information be used?
 Recommendations & goals
 How we’re doing from an enrollment perspective
The Enrollment Scorecard will be brought back to the committee in two
weeks as an item for further discussion.
There was discussion regarding the draft of the 101 Corridor - Student
Survey. There is concern regarding the way the survey is currently
structured and whether it will produce the information intended. It was
noted that it is difficult not to lead people with survey questions. There was
also discussion about question number three regarding the length it takes to
travel to the various campuses and that there may be too many
interpretations for question number three to be relevant. It was decided that
the draft needs further refinement and committee members were asked to
send feedback and questions to Sheila or Zach. This item will be
considered an action item for the next EMC agenda.
Utpal distributed a handout regarding TLU allocations and sections. There
was not time for discussion of this handout so it will be returned to the next
meeting for discussion.
Zach gave a brief overview of Student Enrollment Trends which were
accompanied by handouts. Committee members had questions about how
data comparisons are being made. IR is making updates daily to the IR
web page and have also begun taking data snapshots so that comparisons
may be made to specific dates within a term. This will also be an item for
the agenda of the next meeting.
Wait List
Operating Agreement
101 Corridor Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please do your best to answer the survey questions completely
and honestly. This survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
This survey was designed to gather information concerning student’s experience at College of the Redwoods
Instructional Sites along the 101 Corridor. The data collected from this survey will aid CR in its ability to attract future
students and offer quality educational programs and services. We can’t get this important data without your support.
We ask for your student ID number and name to ensure no duplicate surveys are collected and as a way to contact
you for future research.
It is the ethical duty of CR’s Institutional Research (IR) staff to ensure that all students contributing to this
survey will remain confidential. Students who fill out this survey will not be associated with their responses.
Any questions regarding the survey may be directed to IR’s Director: Zachary DeLoach:
Name ______________________________________________________________________________
CR student ID# __________________________or SSN _______________________________________
Course Name: ____________________
Section Number: __________________
At which CR location are you taking this class?
Arcata Instructional Site
Eureka-Downtown Instructional Site
McKinleyville Instructional Site
1. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding this class:
a. This is the best time for me to
take this class
b. This class is required for my
2. How many units are you enrolled at each location?
Please check all that apply and # of units:
Eureka Main Campus
Arcata Instructional Site
McKinleyville Instructional Site
Eureka-Downtown Instructional Site
Klamath-Trinity Instructional Site
Online classes
Total unit load for Fall 2010
101 Corridor Student Survey Fall 2010 _________ units
_________ units
_________ units
_________ units
_________ units
_________ units
_________ units
October 1, 2010 3. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding this location:
a. This is the best
location for me to
take this class
b. This location
provides me with the
academic support
and services that I
need to be
successful in this
c. I would prefer to take
all my classes at the
same location
4. Rank the locations 1-8 in the order of preference (1 being highest preference, 8 being lowest)
Eureka Main Campus
Arcata Instructional Site
McKinleyville Instructional Site
Eureka-Downtown Instructional Site
Klamath-Trinity Instructional Site
Online classes
5. What time of day do you most prefer to take classes? Check all that apply.
Evening (5:30 p.m. or later)
6. What days of the week do you prefer to take classes? Check all that apply.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7. Which of the services listed below would be most helpful for you to have access to at this location?
Counseling / Advising
Financial Aid
Learning Resource Center
Other (please be specific): ______________________________________
8. How many hours do you work (paid/volunteer) in an average week?
Please estimate.
Less than 20 hours
21-30 hours
31-40 hours
41 hours or more
Not working this semester
101 Corridor Student Survey Fall 2010 October 1, 2010 College of the Redwoods – Scorecard
Effectiveness Indicators Outcome Measures Retention Retention Rates Benchmark (college and/or ARCC indicators) Retention Percent of Withdrawals Retention Advisor Caseload Retention Persistence Term Persistence Rates Persistence Freshmen Returning for Sophomore Year Persistence Average Years to Graduate Access Average Years to Reach 64 Hours Number of Semesters to obtain 60 transferrable units. Access Student to Advisor Ratio Access Student to Counselor Ratio Access Percent Financial Aid Participation Rates Access Proportion of General Studies Goal Achieved Access Student Headcount Access High School Enrollment Yield (High school enrollment yield; % of freshmen from feeder high schools ) Access Student Participation Rate Access/Revenue FTES (annual credit FTES) Access Enrollment of Students of Color 
Native American or Alaskan Native 
Hispanic or Latino 2008/09 2009/10 Current Goal Target October 8, 2020 
Black/African American 
Asian 
Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Access Students Satisfied with Advising Success All Successful Course Completion Rates Success Student Progress and Achievement (ARCC) Success Completion (number of certificates and degrees) Success Basic Skills Improvement Rate (ARCC data) Success Completion of Student of Color 
Native American or Alaskan Native 
Hispanic or Latino 
Black/African American 
Asian 
Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Satisfaction/Perception Student Satisfaction‐‐academics Satisfaction/Perception Student Satisfaction‐‐services Productivity FTES – All Courses Productivity FTES – Weighted Sections Productivity Fill Rates Productivity FTES/funded section without positive attendance Productivity FTES/funded section without positive attendance October 8, 2020 Next Steps 
EMC refine and revise indicators EMC develop targets for indicators Recommended indicators and targets forwarded to cabinet for decision Start using the scorecard with decision makers, stakeholders and constituent groups Develop new indicators for communications, trust, and employee satisfaction that are aligned with vision, mission, and values October 8, 2020 Multiple Measures Recommendation
1. Review and revise Accuplacer questions.
a. Questions should include past educational experience (last level of math and English completed),
recency of math and English completed, grades received in those classes, how long ago they took
those courses, college plans (intended major, number of units,) student motivation
b. Answer yes or no:
i. I understand how verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs work in a sentence.
ii. I use a variety of sentence structures (simple and complex sentences) and I avoid run-ons
and fragments.
iii. I can plan, write and revise a narrative, an expository or an argumentative essay shaped
by audience and purpose.
Work with English and math faculty to update informational brochures and rubric regarding the various
math and English levels.
3. Create advising rubric based on answers to questions and placement scores.
4. Allow all advisors and counselors to make multiple measures decisions based on rubric and in
consultation with appropriate faculty as needed.
Multiple Measures Checklist
(To be used by advisors and counselors only)
High School cumulative
grade point average for each
Intended academic
Importance to student
Placement test results
(course placement)
Placement Test raw scores
Units planned
AP scores (if applicable)
Number of years of course
in high school.
Grade in last class
Highest level of math
*(see below)
 None
 Basic Math
 Algebra I
 Algebra II
 Algebra III
Trig and College Algebra or
Pre Calculus
Years since last class
Student can explain how
verbs, nouns, adjectives and
adverbs work in a sentence.
Student can use a variety of
sentence structures (simple
and complex sentences) and
can explain run-ons and
fragments sentences
Student can explain how to
plan, write and revise a
narrative, an expository or
an argumentative essay
shaped by audience and
*Student needs “B” or better to be considered for upward placement
Math Placement Matrix
Math Course
(placement results)
Min. Cut
5, 15
Default Zone
Advising Zone
Student Enrolls in
Highest Level Math
Grade in
last math course
Basic Math
Alg. I
Alg. II
22, 25, 30
Alg. II
Trig & College Alg
Or PreCalc
And Alg. I with a B grade: 106
And Alg. I with a B
grade: 120
And Alg. 1 with a B grade 120
Refer to math
department chair
English Placement Matrix
Multiple Measures
Minimum of 4 yrs of HS English with “B” grade or
better in last English class. Overall HS g.p.a. of 3.00
or better
Minimum of 3 yrs of HS English with “B” grade or
better in last English Class. Overall HS g.p.a. of 3.00
or better
Minimum 2 years of HS English with a “C” grade or
better in last English class. Overall HS g.p.a. of 2.00
(Raw scores to be determined for matrices)
Course Placement
English 1A
English 150
English 350
Revised 10/14/10
To interpret enrollment trends, patterns and projections, student achievement/success
data, basic skills student achievement data, and to inform all institutional divisions and
units in meeting CR’s enrollment goals within a framework of collaboration continued
growth and community alignment. The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) also
formulates enrollment goals consistent with the College’s mission and program review
data, develops FTES budget projections, implements, monitors, and periodically revises the
process of student enrollment and retention.
Enrollment management at CR embraces the concept that systematic coordination and
communication of activities influencing students' decisions to attend, transition to, persist,
and graduate will help the College to achieve its principal institutional goals. These goals
include the development of a campus-wide culture of collaboration and cooperation,
planned growth with access for students to higher education, and participation in a diverse
and increasingly complex community and world.
The EMC is one of the integrated planning functional committees. Informed by program
review, institutional data, key performance indicators, and input from its members, the
EMC monitors enrollment and student achievement/success data, basic skills student
achievement data, discusses their implications, and makes recommendations to
appropriate bodies within the integrated planning structure to achieve optimal
Among the EMC’s responsibilities are 1) designing and conducting a collaborative
enrollment management planning process, 2) discussing student achievement and success
data, 3) linking enrollment targets with budget projections, 4) recommending scheduling,
instructional and student support strategies to enhance student access, success, retention,
persistence, and goal attainment.
The EMC works closely with integrated planning committees as it designs and conducts
these processes:
Analyze enrollment trends, patterns, projections, and growth as well as basic skills
student achievement data.
Provide recommendations and information to divisions and units on the
implementation of enrollment targets and emergent enrollment management issues.
Monitor, oversee, direct, and implement changes as necessary to the work of the
Develop a holistic, comprehensive, and integrated approach to enrollment
management (data analysis, curriculum and program mix, retention and
persistence, advising and recruitment, marketing/promotion, budget, and
Recommend scheduling strategies, instructional, and student support plans to
enhance student access, success, retention, persistence, and goal attainment.
Recommend enrollment targets and subsequent College budget projections.
Identify potential markets.
Review and recommend all current retention strategies and recommend
appropriate revisions and additions to those strategies, including required
Review current marketing strategies and activities and recommend additional
methods or revision.
The EMC includes a cross sectional representation of employee groups as well as student
representatives (if identified). The Committee is led by two Co-Chairs—Vice President of
Student Development and a faculty member. Members are expected to serve a 2-3 year
term to provide consistency among the membership and will include:
VPSS: Co-Chair: Keith Snow-Flamer
Faculty: Co-Chair: Bruce Wagner
1 Student appointed by ASCR: Vacant
VPI: Utpal Goswami
2 Classified staff selected by the CSEA President: Juana Tabares
Deans: Student Development, Distance Education, Academic Affairs, Career and
Technical Education, Del Norte, and Mendocino Coast: Melissa Green, Maggie Lynch,
Rachel Anderson, Mike Peterson, Anita Janis, and Geisce Ly
IR Director: Zach DeLoach
4 Student Services Staff selected by the VP SS: Kathy Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Anna
Duffy, and Jennifer Bailey
Director of Marketing: Paul DeMark
4 Faculty appointed by the Academic Senate: David Gonsalves, Barbara Jaffari,
Allen Keppner and Pam Kessler
Membership Responsibility
Each member has the responsibility to attend each meeting and adhere to the rules
governing the committee’s decision making process. Members are responsible to
disseminate committee information to their respective constituents.
Meetings will be set by consensus process but will be conducted at least twenty times each
calendar year. The regular meeting schedule for the calendar year will be set at the first
meeting in September but additional meetings will be set as necessary to ensure that
planning work is completed according to the planning cycle timeline.
Decision Making Process and Basic Committee Ground Rules
The EMC will make decisions based on sufficient consensus in which decisions are a
synthesis of everyone’s ideas and incorporating everyone’s best thinking and aims for
general agreement and support among those present. However, the committee is willing to
move forward with a decision where there is general support among the majority members
present (80% of members voting). The EMC defines a quorum as 50% of the membership
plus one.
The membership shall:
Put students’ needs above everything else.
Be open to new ways of viewing things.
Express opinions in ways that preserve integrity, develop mutual understanding,
and promote collaboration.
List to all the facts and available information from different sources before making
judgments and decisions.
Be sure all voices are heard.
Use time efficiently and stay on task.
Take advantage of the opportunity to communicate, to learn from each other, and to
Accept and support consensus of decisions voted upon as final without ongoing
subsequent revisions. Recommended revisions will be put into an ongoing file for
the calendared periodic updating scheduled and agreed upon by the Committee thus
facilitating the Committee’s work of moving forward to completion of assignments.
Planning Principles
The EMC embraces the following planning principles:
1. The planning process and the plans that it yields will be PLO/SLO outcomes
based, learning-centered, and will support the quality of the College.
2. The planning process will be collaborative by operating within the collegial
consultative structure and which ensures broad-based participation and by
providing a means for stakeholder groups to be heard and to influence the
3. The process will build trust through effective communication and
negotiation, by providing a safe environment to identify and challenge
assumptions and by supporting agreements on shared values.
4. The process will be meaningful in that it will help the College to establish a
vision of the future.
5. The process will be data-driven, using qualitative and quantitative data,
routinely reviewed as the plan is implemented, with the aim of continuous
6. The process will have a clear cycle of activities, with a beginning and an end,
and timed and structured to coordinate well with WASC/ACCJC accreditation
7. The process will be as simple as possible while yielding a viable plan and
integrating planning into permanent governing structures and college-wide
8. The process, its language, its products, and the results of the plan will be
communicated to all employees internally.
9. The process will be truly comprehensive, and will have clearly assigned roles
for individuals and groups, including students.
The EMC is committed to a collaborative process with many opportunities for involvement
for those within the College. Throughout the planning process, the EMC will hold meetings,
consultations with key constituencies, and discussions with integrated planning
committees, and the senior leadership team, all of which combine to enable broad based
participation in the various phases of creating, updating, and evaluating the annual
Enrollment Management Plan.
Information and recommendations generated by the EMC will be shared with the Vice
Presidents, Budget Planning Committee, various master planning committees, and the
college community.
Planning Process Activities and Outcomes
The EMC will:
Provide leadership for the development of the enrollment management plan.
Monitor institutional progress toward accomplishing the enrollment targets.
Participate in the process of conducting internal and external environmental scanning.
Analyze, influence and access enrollment trends, patterns, projections and growth, and
basic skills student achievement data.
Provide recommendations and information to divisions and units on the
implementation of enrollment targets and emergent enrollment management issues.
Monitor, oversee, direct and implement changes as necessary to the work of the
Recommend scheduling plans, instructional and student support strategies to enhance
student access, success, retention, persistence,and goal attainment.
Recommend enrollment targets.
Identify potential markets.
Forward enrollment plan to the Cabinet
Forward enrollment targets and subsequent budget to the BPC
Planning Agenda (Subject to change depending upon planning issues identified)
Increasing access by limiting the number of units students may enroll in
Evaluating the enrollment data (student success, persistence, and achievement)
Analyzing enrollment and persistence data
Reinstituting college hour
Moving to a five day schedule
Reviewing and revising the Enrollment Management Plan
Reviewing the waitlist policy and process
Analyzing basic skills completion and impact on courses and program development
Evaluating the success of the First Year Experience Program
Developing summer scheduling guidelines
Reviewing Nursing and Advising Cohort data
Aligning basic skills courses
Assessing the learning community model
Reviewing late registration/add policy and process
Analyzing FTES/section and efficiency rates
Evaluating the progress made to achieve enrollment management plan activities
Evaluating the college’s progress in meeting the college’s course scheduling goals
(CLARUS recommendations)
Developing a three year enrollment management plan that ties together and assesses
enrollment factors such as marketing, recruitment, and retention efforts, advising reports,
annual enrollment goals and strategies, and first year experience programming outcomes
(assessment, learning communities, advising, early intervention, student life, etc.)
Reviewing every step of the recruitment and retention process (marketing, assessment,
advising, timing of communications, orientation, academic transition services such as
freshman seminar and learning communities,) from the point of view of the student with
the goal of building strong personal relationships from the very first contact through goal
Student Activities
Student Satisfaction Action Plans
Action Plans
 Campus life and ASCR will collaborate with faculty to plan activities.
 Campus life and ASCR will work with Marketing and Communications department to improve awareness of
campus activities. The community will be better informed about activities through radio and television public
service announcements, press releases, channel 8, and print media.
 Refine survey instrument to gather more information on the needs of students in terms of campus engagement.
Student Complaints
Academic Advising
Financial Aid
Admissions & Records
General “Support and Run Around”
Class Scheduling
Wednesday October 6, 2010
Develop/refine system for addressing student complaints; include faculty, staff and students; communicate and
implement plan.
Increase participation for faculty led workshops for career and technical educational program to advising staff
Increase staff development opportunities for advisors that include topics on learning styles, advising strategies,
transfer requirements, best practices
Improve advisement services and early intervention programs for first year students, exploratory students, and atrisk students via a three pronged protocol that uses at risk profiling, faculty contact via Parature, and entering
student survey data.
Increase students’ awareness of the financial aid application process and follow-through.
Dedicate a person (permanent staff) in the Veteran’s Services’ Office.
Provide communication mechanisms to let students know the add/drop policies and dates: automated dialing
system, arrow guy, LED marquee, traffic signs, banners, email alerts, TV cafeteria, LED wallboard in lobby,
instructors list dates on syllabi.
Continue to update staff and provide regular communications regarding college activities / policy changes /
deadlines / new programs, etc.
Increase opportunities for communication between Admissions and other student services departments by more
frequent division meetings and departments coming to Admissions/Records meetings
Develop plans to promote a “customer service” culture on campus. Identify problems with focus groups of staff
and students.
Continue improvements and updates of the website.
Convene a group of constituents to uncover ways to use the phones to ensure that students get the information they
Ensure that courses in any given program are offered sequentially and regularly in order to facilitate degree and
certificate completion.
Coordinate scheduling of developmental education classes within math, English, reading so students can reach
their academic goals in a timely and efficient manner
Survey focus group to determine what appropriate time needs are and how unit values effect scheduling.
Page 1
Administration should focus on
collaborative planning using open, twoway communication.
Resources should be directed towards
enabling student learning, not directed
towards increasing FTES.
We need to use relevant, accurate data to
make decisions and we need to share the
reasoning behind those decisions
The administration has created a culture
of mistrust and hostility. Challenging or
questioning administrative actions is
discouraged. The lack of consideration of
faculty and staff has had a demoralizing
effect on the entire campus. Morale is
The work environment for Associate
Faculty is poor.
Policies and Procedures are not clear,
current, and/or are not followed.
The district’s goals are on target/my
work environment is satisfactory.
Employee Satisfaction Action Plans
Action Plans
 Maintain inside redwoods as a one-stop-shop for communication
 Educate/encourage employees to provide input to their representative on College Council.
 Evaluate reinstating college hour
 Archive all video feed for 60 days then move to permanent archive file or burn to disk.
 Provide year round, centralized in-person support in a staffed area with computer access available for a large
number of students
 Develop strategies for tutors, advisors, and assessment staff to promote student retention and to identify student
 Enhance college readiness curriculum (basic skills) to attract developmental students
 Identify the roles of the President, Cabinet, Deans, and expanded management
 Educate employees on how to provide input on particular planning issues
Wednesday October 6, 2010
Require all committees to develop agreed upon ground rules on communication and decision making to eliminate
hostility and mistrust
Identify a problem solving/communication dialogue model to use during meetings, forums and negotiations.
Explore using Appreciative Inquiry and Interest Based decision making model in small and large group dialogue.
Establish the process to forward comments and concerns
Develop a code of ethics based on Interest Based Problem Solving
Update/Publish Faculty Handbook
Conduct faculty training to improve integrity/usefulness of associate faculty evaluations.
Work in with Academic Senate to create an associate faculty staff development program.
Complete the process of converting 3-digit policies/procedures to the new 4-digit format
Develop an administrative procedure that outlines the process for developing and updating policies and procedures
Develop departmental procedure manuals
Establish administrative responsibility of monitoring adherence to policies and procedures as part of the last two
action items.
Make all Integrated Planning reports widely available to inform employees and the community of current plans for
improvement and of the outcomes of the reports
Show connection between program review process and link to results.
Solicit employees to determine what makes us feel satisfied with our work place.
Add workplace satisfaction to the Strategic Plan
Provide information so that people know that there are positive things taking place on campus.
Page 2
Enrollment Management Action Plans
Action Plans
Prepare faculty, staff, and
administrators to teach and support
underprepared students.
Prepare underprepared students to be
Align academic and student support
programs for basic skills.
Improve and further develop firstyear experience programs, including
community learning groups for
freshman, at-risk students, athletes,
residence hall students, honors, and
first generation students.
Wednesday October 6, 2010
Provide ongoing staff development opportunities related to pedagogy, classroom practice, and current and new
research in the remedial education field and teaching innovations.
Provide adequate compensation for faculty to pursue training in developmental education.
Use diagnostic assessments and at-risk profiles in academic readiness, personal development, social integration, and
life challenges.
Partner with K-12 initiatives and Hoopa, South Fork, Ferndale, Eureka, Fort Bragg, and Del Norte high schools to
offer basic skills and/or Guidance 112 classes in the summer or spring.
Use a diagnostic tool to test for high school sophomores/juniors to determine college readiness and enrollment in the
appropriate summer credit or non-credit class.
Work with faulty to discuss developing possible “non-credit” basic skills classes for summer 2011 availability.
Bring faculty into the identification of at-risk students.
Assess and identify improvements to new services via program review process
Engage faculty and staff in reassessing multiple measures.
Continue to develop “homegrown” math assessments, EAP, and multiple measures—as alternative placement
Continue to track and report program review data on Basic Skills students’ retention and success rates in all
disciplines and programs.
Institutionalize discussion of basic skills/remedial education in the college’s planning committees.
Develop a First-Year Experience program that integrates not only curriculum but also co-curricular activities,
advising support, mentoring, tutoring, and study skills.
Develop Learning Community “menu of options” that links basic skills courses with two or three courses
Implement systematic early intervention strategies for counselor/advisor contact with at-risk/poor performing
Offer stand-alone academic skills development and freshman seminar courses in the First-Year Experience program.
Encourage development of learning community blocks with the focus of not creating a perception that LCs are only
for underprepared students.
Measure student achievement and outcomes upon completion of the FYE.
Foster a stronger campus connection via student activities that increase students’ enthusiasm and sense of belonging.
Identify the skills and characteristics of successful college students and use these as goals for underprepared students.
Expand the definition of student success to “integrate both intellectual and social dimensions” of student
Strongly encourage underprepared students to begin developmental math and English coursework in the first
semester of enrollment.
Increase funding for at-risk student programs and high risk courses
Page 3
Action Plans
Develop supplemental instruction program that supports content learning and academic skills development
Create and measure viable program learning outcomes for the FYE program.
Continue to measure success of underprepared students in regular courses following their developmental courses and
share results with CR community and larger community.
Identify the skills and characteristics of successful college students and use these as goals for underprepared students.
Continue Financial Aid staff at High School Parent night
Continue imbedding financial literacy in GS 1 and 6 and GUID 112 courses
Continue implementing and tracking threshold notification (30, 60, 90 units)
Implement debit card refund management process
Provide more comprehensive Rights & Responsibilities information to financial aid recipients
Develop student athlete retention program
Identify at-risk students list and implement early advising to highest weighted at-risk students
Research other CCCs at-risk programs and early alert systems; adjust our program accordingly
Develop and implement plans to
increase non-resident (out-of-state)
Encourage student usage and support
campus Job Market Center.
Develop campus support to include residence halls, advising, and student life
Identify foster youth and provide focused attention on encouraging/motivating foster youth to attain college
Create flowchart of Career and Transfer Center and Job Market functions
Include Job Market services in Orientations and GS 6 and Guidance 8 courses
Assess needs of transfer/nontraditional students.
Define and identify non-traditional student population of CR (by area Eureka, Mendo, and Del Norte)
Survey student population to determine services needed:
 Class times
 Program options
 Class locations/modalities
 Create ongoing process for evaluation of placement instruments including multiple measures
Evaluate admissions and placement
instruments and practices to validate
their effectiveness while minimizing
Enhance the college’s career
counseling services.
Create and implement plan for improvement to include validated cut scores and standardized uses of multiple
Effectively use financial aid in the
outreach/ retention process.
Work towards a more proactive
advising program with early
intervention and quantifiable results
for “at risk” students.
Wednesday October 6, 2010
Continue career “decidedness” determined as part of the Accuplacer and application.
Fully imbed career inventories in GS/GUID
Page 4
Action Plans
Provide a process friendly
Increase student participation in
campus life and connectivity to the
Improve Class Scheduling.
Wednesday October 6, 2010
Make sure campus signage is current
Implement document imaging to reduce duplication of efforts and increase process efficiencies
Provide year-round centralized in-person support, in a staffed area, with computer access available for a large
number of students
Continue working toward 95% online enrollment
Campus life and ASCR will collaborate with faculty to plan activities.
Campus life and ASCR will work with Marketing and Communications department to improve awareness of campus
activities. The community will be better informed about activities through radio and television public service
announcements, press releases, channel 8, and print media.
Imbed campus life activities in FYE Program/learning communities.
Work with Honor’s Coordinator to enhance the co-curricular Honor’s experience
Implement appropriate CLARUS recommendations
Ensure that courses in any given program are offered sequentially and regularly in order to facilitate degree and
certificate completion.
Provide historical trend data by section for each division to review prior to development of the next semester
Develop a master two-year schedule outlining which semester classes will be offered over two years.
Develop a formal signature approval system for making changes to a “final” schedule after it has been entered into
Create a formal student notification process as to cancellations of sections administered by student services.
Develop a pre-schedule conference that would provide input for the academic coordinators about issues seen by
student services personnel regarding the schedule of classes the previous semester when they were registering
students for classes.
Develop an initial schedule based on the sections that made the previous semester and will not include or add the
sections that were deleted the previous semester.
Review the courses in their area with cancellation rates over 50 percent and determine if fewer courses are needed in
the upcoming schedule, and make adjustments as needed.
Review courses with a fill rate of less than 70 percent and offer them less often – not every semester.
Develop more online sections of the most popular courses (10-15%).
Examine the feasibility of moving to a five day a week schedule
Appoint a faculty committee to examine all the general education courses being offered for the CSU and UC transfer
and a determination made if too many general education courses are being offered
Determine what the actual programming for the off-site locations should be.
Create as schedule master and examine curriculum offerings to ensure that programs can be completed and classes
are offered at least once a year, if not every other year.
Define specific complete academic programs for evening, day, and online delivery.
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Action Plans
Continue Improving Marketing and
Wednesday October 6, 2010
Continue to communicate that the existing brochures are available (brought to outreach activities, LRC, taken to
corridor sites, too)
Develop distance learning brochure and include on-line class orientation, etc.
Create bookmark-sized piece to promote the college’s website
Add brochures/brochure content to the web page.
Determine how to make catalogs available at Centers/sites
Make recruiting materials relevant to CRMC & CRDN available to the counselors/advisors at those locations.
Fully implement electronic inquiries and develop an electronic follow-up process to gauge each student’s interest in
enrolling and readiness level.
Ensure that CRMC & CRDN counselors/advisors know how to use SARS to track data
Develop a list of basic information prospective students need to know that might represent obstacles to them coming
to CR. For example, offer to make an appointment for them to register and/or take placement tests, identify when the
orientation is held and invite them to see what it is like, tell them when books will be sold, etc.
Explore using alumni in recruiting efforts—testimonials and expand to them being actively involved in other aspects
of the college that link CR to the community
Clearly define and widely communicate to college constituencies the desired annual enrollment for the college
Page 6
Planning Timetable
Integrated Planning Model
PRC meet to discuss program review process and link to planning
Co-Chairs of Integrated Planning Committees meet to evaluate the process and develop
revised IPM and narrative that more closely link planning to budget
Draft IPM released to Integrated Planning Committees for review and comment
Co-Chairs of Integrated Planning Committees develop 2nd draft IPM based on feedback and
released to the District for further review and feedback
Draft IPM forwarded to College Council for full constituent review
October, 2010
Employee & Student Satisfaction/Enrollment Management/Basic Skills Project Action Plans
Drafts presented to the college community
Student Satisfaction and Enrollment Management Action plans reviewed and revised by
Student Services and the Enrollment Management Committee
Student Satisfaction and Enrollment Management Action plans reviewed and revised by
ASCR and Student Trustee
Basic Skills Action Plans reviewed and revised for relevancy
Draft Student Satisfaction and Enrollment Management Action plans progress noted in
program reviews
Cabinet evaluate employee satisfaction action plans
EMC evaluate Enrollment Management
Redeploy Employee and student satisfaction surveys
EMC develop 2011-2012 EM Plan
Wednesday October 6, 2010
October, 2010
October/November, 2010
October/November, 2010
January-February, 2011
January, 2011
January, 2011
March-April, 2011
March, 2011
April, 2011
Page 7
Strategic Planning (Strategic Plan and Mission/Values)
Identify Strategic Planning Task Force (Co-chairs, BOT, constituents representatives)
2 co-chairs (Dr. Goswami)
3 faculty (1 appointed by the senate, 1 appointed by CRFO, and 1 associate faculty
appointed by mutual agreement between the senate and administration)
3 classified/confidential staff (1 appointed by CSEA, 1 appointed by administration
based upon solicitation of classified staff, 1confidential employee)
3 senior managers (1 dean from instruction, 1 from Centers, 1 student services)
3 mid-level managers (chosen by the new Management Council)
2 students (to be selected by ASCR)
Mission/Values ad hoc group review work completed on mission/values and draft new
David Holper (Chair)
Becky Blatnick
Keith Snow-Flamer
ASCR Representative
Draft Mission/Values statements forwarded to college council for comment.
Convene and orient strategic planning task force, identify procedures/timetable and charge
College council forward revised Mission/Values to Board of Trustees
Final mission/values adopted by BOT
Strategic Planning Task Force first critical review of the 2008-2011 strategic planning goals
and develop monitoring and approval process
Strategic Planning Task Force second critical review of the 2008-2011 strategic planning
goals and determine the scope of revisions needed.
Strategic Planning Task Force review annual planning documents
Hold meetings examining internal (values, governance, finance, academic quality,
demographics, curriculum demands) and external factors affecting the College
Regular reports posted to planning website
Strategic Planning Task Force identify strategic issues, goals, and priorities
Strategic Planning Task Force draft overall strategic plan
Strategic Planning Task Force share and consult with college community
Strategic Planning Task Force finalize strategic plan
Strategic Planning Task Force submit strategic plan to the President
The President forward final strategic plan to the BOT for approval
Wednesday October 6, 2010
October, 2010
October, 2010
November, 2010
January, 2011
February, 2011
January, 2011
January, 2011
February, 2011
February-May, 2011
(February 7, March 9, April 14 from 9-11am)
May-June, 2011
July-August, 2011
September-November, 2011
November, 2011
January, 2012
March, 2012
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