REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)

Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
Monday, November 15, 2010
1:10 – 2:30 p.m.
1. Call To Order
2. Approve November 15, 2010 Meeting Minutes*
3. Action Items
3.1 Final Wait List Recommendation*
3.2 EM Scorecard*
3.3 Operating Agreement – Planning Agenda*
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Strategies for Summer Schedule
4.2 Immediate Agenda Items
4.2.1 FTES Projections
4.2.2 TLU Allocation Process
4.2.3 Multiple Measures*
4.2.4 Enrollment Management & Student Satisfaction Survey – Action Plans
5. Reports
5.1 IR Status
5.2 101 Corridor Survey
6. Announcements
7. Adjournment
(* denotes attachment)
Next Meeting:
To be Determined
Redwoods Community College District
Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Rachel Anderson, David Gonsalves (phone), Kathy Goodlive,
Utpal Goswami, Melissa Green, Sheila Hall, Anita Janis (phone),
Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Geisce Ly (phone), Michael Peterson,
Keith Snow-Flamer(Co-Chair), Bruce Wagner (Co-Chair)
Minutes from the October 18, 2010, EMC meeting were approved with
minor changes.
Task Force
Survey and
Management Plan
Task Force
EMC Operating
Wait List
It was discussed that there’s a need to review the work completed over
the summer on the student satisfaction and enrollment management
action plans with the EMC membership.
Cheryl Tucker (chair), Melissa Green, Allen Keppner, and Pam Kessler
agreed to serve on the task force to review the two plans and confirm the
action plan items, delete items, add items missed, simplify the plans, and
assign timetables for completion. . The goal is to review and revise the
action plan within 30 days.
Volunteers were solicited to work on winnowing down the EMC
Operating Agreement, specifically the Planning Agenda section. Keith,
Bruce, Anita, and Barbara will serve on the task force.
The most recent draft of the Wait List Recommendations was presented
to the committee for review. There was lengthy discussion regarding
revisions and clarifications. The following suggestions were made:
 Add verbiage regarding the definition of “impacted courses.”
 Consider adjusting the wait list number according to class size and
 Educate students on the use of the wait list.
 Populate webadvisor with more than one email address.
It was decided that Lorie will incorporate the suggested changes into the
Wait List Recommendation document and send it back to the committee
for verification of the revisions.
TLU Allocation
There was discussion regarding the TLU planning process and it was
noted that the current process is flawed and there needs to be
improvement for next year. TLU allocations for next year cannot be
determined until the 2011/12 preliminary budget is developed. It was
stated that there is a need for district-wide discussion regarding
identification of institutional priorities and where we are going as an
FTES Projection
Keith stated that the latest update from the Chancellor’s office reports
that the District can expect approximately $600,000 in state funds for the
2010/11 year. The current target number is 5201 resident FTES. In
December EMC will begin working on FTES projections for next year.
These projections will be forward to the Budget Planning Committee
(BPC) in preparation of the development of the Preliminary Budget for
next year.
Tabled Discussion
4.3 Strategies for Summer Schedule
4.5 EM Scorecard
Tabled Reports
5.1 Multiple Measures
5.2 IR Status
5.3 101 Corridor Survey
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
College of the Redwoods – Scorecard
Effectiveness Indicators Retention Outcome Measures Current Target Benchmark Retention Rates Retention Advisor Caseload Retention Persistence Term Persistence Rates Access Average Number of Semesters to obtain 60 transferrable units. Access Student to Advisor Ratio Access Student to Counselor Ratio Access Percent Financial Aid Participation Rates Access Student Headcount Access High School Enrollment Yield (High school enrollment yield; % of freshmen from feeder high schools ) Access Student Headcount Access/Revenue FTES (annual credit FTES) Access Enrollment of Students of 
Native American or Alaskan Native 
Hispanic or Latino 
Black/African American 
Asian 
Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2008/09 2009/10 Success Student Progress and Achievement (ARCC) Success Completion (number of certificates and degrees) Success Basic Skills Improvement Rate (ARCC data) November 8, 2010 Success Completion of Student of Color 
Native American or Alaskan Native 
Hispanic or Latino 
Black/African American 
Asian 
Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Satisfaction/Perception Student Satisfaction‐‐academics Satisfaction/Perception Student Satisfaction‐‐services Productivity Efficiency Rates Productivity FTES/calculated sections without positive attendance Next Steps 
EMC refine and revise indicators EMC develop targets for indicators Recommended indicators and targets forwarded to cabinet for decision Start using the scorecard with decision makers, stakeholders and constituent groups November 8, 2010 Recommendations: Spring 2011 Registration and Waitlist Procedures The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) recommends the following wait list recommendations:  Students may place themselves on a waitlist for a class section that closes during registration except for courses which have enrollment restrictions.  Each class section will be assigned a specified number of waitlist seats unless otherwise determined by the dean. In most cases, it’s recommended that the minimum wait list capacity be five for average capacity classes, 10 for large format classes, and 20 for online classes.  As of the first day of the class the waitlist function will be deactivated and the instructor will give Permission to Add to the highest ranked waitlist student who is present, followed by other students who wish to add.  A process needs to be created for faculty to drop students via WebAdvisor which can be used until the last business day before census. November 8, 2010 PlanningProcessActivitiesandOutcomes
 Provideleadershipforthedevelopmentoftheenrollmentmanagementplan.
 Monitorinstitutionalprogresstowardaccomplishingtheenrollmenttargets.
 Participateintheprocessofconductinginternalandexternalenvironmentalscanning.
 Analyze,influenceandaccessenrollmenttrends,patterns,projectionsandgrowth,and
 Providerecommendationsandinformationtodivisionsandunitsonthe
 Monitor,oversee,directandimplementchangesasnecessarytotheworkofthe
 Recommendschedulingplans,instructionalandstudentsupportstrategiestoenhance
 Recommendenrollmenttargets.
 Identifypotentialmarkets.
 ForwardenrollmentplantotheCabinet
 ForwardenrollmenttargetsandsubsequentbudgettotheBPC
 Increasing access by Limiting the number of units students may enroll in (Spring 2011)
 Developing an enrollment scorecard (Fall 2010) added since it’s in progress
 Reviewing and revising multiple measures process (Fall 2010) added since it’s in
 Analyzing Evaluating the enrollment data (student success, persistence, and
achievement) using the scorecard data (Spring 2011)
 Analyzing enrollment and persistence data
 Reinstituting college hour
 Analyze the pros/cons of moving to a five day schedule (Spring 2011)
 Reviewing and revising the Enrollment Management Plan
 Reviewing the waitlist policy and process (Fall 2010)
 Analyzing basic skills completion and impact on other courses and program development
 Evaluating the success of the First Year Experience Program
 Developing summer scheduling guidelines (Fall 2010)
 Reviewing Nursing and Advising Cohort data
 Aligning basic skills courses
 Assessing the learning community model
 Reviewing late registration/add policy and process (Spring 2011)
 Analyzing FTES/section and efficiency rates (Spring 2011)
 Evaluatingtheprogressmadetoachieveenrollmentmanagementplanactivities
 Evaluating the college’s progress in meeting the college’s course scheduling goals
(CLARUS recommendations) (Spring 2011)
Developing a three year enrollment management plan that ties together and assesses
enrollment factors such as marketing, recruitment, and retention efforts, advising reports,
annual enrollment goals and strategies, and first year experience programming outcomes
(assessment, learning communities, advising, early intervention, student life, etc.) (Fall
Reviewing every step of the recruitment and retention process (marketing, assessment,
advising, timing of communications, orientation, academic transition services such as
freshman seminar and learning communities,) from the point of view of the student with
the goal of building strong personal relationships from the very first contact through goal
Date: November 9, 2010 To: Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) From: Ad hoc Group for Multiple Measures Subj: Update on Multiple Measures work for EMC Objective. The ad hoc group for multiple measures was tasked with ensuring that multiple measures are being utilized for math and English course placement in compliance with ed code and in a consistent manner district wide. Participants. EMC members Melissa Green, Sheila Hall, Bruce Wagoner, and Pam Kessler are the primary ad hoc group assigned to work on multiple measures. Other personnel: Judy Hinman from English; Todd Olsen and Amber Buntin from math; and Cheryl Tucker from student services. Summary of activities. Student services staff met with English faculty Oct. 22 and Nov 5 and math faculty on Nov. 1 and Nov. 8. Both groups reviewed past and current placement exam practices, the validity of Accuplacer, examined cut scores and discussed what types of information would be important to know about a student in determining their ability to be successful. The matriculation flow process (application, orientation, assessment, advising) was identified by all as being critical for optimum assessment results as well as the gathering of information that will assist in the appropriate math and English course placement. Students who are not adequately prepared will not have valid placement results. Current work. Faculty groups are working to identify “advising zones” and updating information related to course level skill requirements. Student services has identified important factors related to student success and is developing a consistent methodology to gather the information that can be utilized district wide. The areas identified are as follows: 
Academic related skills: Time management skills, study skills, and study habits (taking notes, meeting deadlines, using information resources) Academic self‐confidence: Level of academic self‐confidence (of being successful in the academic environment. 
Academic goals: Level of commitment to obtain a college degree Familial support: Family functioning, dependent care, familial values concerning education, financial resources 
Time management: Impacts of work load and unit load Time line. It is anticipated that work will be completed by early April, prior to assessment and advising for the Summer and Fall 2011 terms. 