Assessment of the 2012-2013 TLU Allocation Framework Prepared by Institutional Research on Sept 11, 2012 The following tables compare what was actually offered to recommendations specified by the TLU allocation framework. TLU by Location Fall 2012 TLU allocation by location very closely matches what was recommended in the model. Fall 2012 Eureka Del Norte Mendocino KT Total Actual TLU Model 2654 78.3% 79.52% 334 9.9% 10.14% 271 8.0% 7.41% 131 3.9% 2.94% 3390 100.00% 100% 5734 731 534 212 7211 Eureka TLU by Category Fall 2012 allocation by category is also close. The largest gap was 4.1% more GE/Trans TLUs allocated than recommended, followed by 3.3% fewer athletics TLUs allocated than recommended. All other categories were within one percent of the model. Fall 2012 Athletics Basic Skills CTE 1 CTE 2 GE/Trans HERO Math/Writing Labs SLSS Total Actual 61.5 289.5 90.75 574.9 1173.5 337.9 83.5 42.75 2654.3 2.3% 10.9% 3.4% 21.7% 44.2% 12.7% 3.1% 1.6% 100.0% TLU Model 5.6% 9.9% 3.7% 22.8% 40.1% 13.3% 3.8% 0.7% 100.0% 323 568 213 1310 2299 764 217 43 5737 TLU by Priority The highest level 1A (CR, CSU and ICETC GE requirements and articulated major courses) was allocated more TLUs this fall term than last, but levels 1B, 2 and 3 were allocated fewer TLUs. Fall Terms 2011 - 2012 Priority Level TLUs 1A 1B 2 3 4 ADCT AG AJ ART AT BIOL BT BUS CE CIS CT DA DM DT ECE ECON ENGL English ENGR ESL FNR FT GS GUID HE HO HRC IT JOURN 360.08 646.52 145.77 319.58 111.75 33 48.75 33 21.75 45 6 69.5 102.3 0 111 133.9 45.25 60 33 69.02 13.5 51 192 0 0 39 4.5 18 7.13 21.75 92.5 15 8.25 9 Census Enrollment 2074 3914 879 1334 774 195 179 248 56 82 12 261 478 68 377 340 98 211 71 393 90 155 749 23 3 110 25 128 409 166 381 96 19 69 2012 - 2013 TLUs 379.5 582.75 125.25 314 105 40.5 54 33 8.25 36 Current Enrollment 2129 3587 757 1233 674 230 146 261 33 88 49.5 78 0 88.5 142.15 44.5 60.75 33 73.5 9 58.5 165 0 7.5 32.25 9 22.5 7.13 26.25 65.25 18 12.75 4.5 192 478 43 321 325 108 240 75 434 63 173 661 17 16 120 33 178 399 219 319 84 50 48 LIBR LVN MA Math MT NURS PE Reading SOC WAT WT (blank) Total 3 71.5 9 280.5 28.5 161.4 101 42 7.5 33 40.5 20.5 3665.2 42 175 81 1541 69 154 354 75 83 98 112 92 17343 3 101.7 13.5 278.5 28.5 157.95 64.5 21 10.5 3 22.5 34 38 99 1571 58 156 378 35 125 6 79 3390.43 16313 TLU by CSU GE CSU area D had the largest gap, with 10.3% more TLUs allocated than recommended by the model. CSU area C had 9.5% fewer TLUs allocated than recommended by the model. Row Labels CSU C CSU A CSU E CSU B CSU D Not CSU Total Actual 2011 2012 % of CSU 2012 2013 (2012-2013) 333.3 298.5 24.2% 204 226.5 18.3% 76.5 85.5 6.9% 328.79 299.25 24.2% 352.58 325.5 26.4% 2370.03 2155.18 3665.2 3390.43 TLU Model 33.6% 15.7% 3.0% 31.6% 16.1% 773 362 68 726 370 CSU GE Details CSU C Arts and Humanities - Arts Arts and Humanities - Humanities CSU A Communications in the English Language and Critical Thinking - Critical Thinking Communications in the English Language and Critical Thinking - Oral Communication Communications in the English Language and Critical Thinking - Written Communication CSU E Lifelong Learning and Self-Development CSU B Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning - Life Science Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning - Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning - Physical Science CSU D Social Sciences - Anthropology and Archaeology Social Sciences - Economics Social Sciences - Ethnic Studies Social Sciences - Gender Studies Social Sciences - History Social Sciences - Interdisciplinary Social and Behavioral Science Social Sciences - Political Science, Government, and Legal Institutions Social Sciences - Psychology Social Sciences - Sociology and Criminology Not CSU Total 2011 2012 2012 2013 154.8 178.5 153 145.5 40.5 54 67.5 58.5 96 114 76.5 85.5 97.44 105 98.82 132.53 88.5 105.75 27 51.3 13.5 4.5 72 4.5 58.28 63 58.5 2370.03 3665.2 37.5 49.5 76.5 4.5 49.5 58.5 49.5 2155.18 3390.43