2011-2012 EMC Work Plan (subject to change depending upon planning issues identified) Planning Item Date of Completion October, 2011 Responsible Person EMC Status Work with co-chairs of the BPC to develop a FTES/TLU timeline. October, 17, 2011 Bruce Wagner, Keith Snow-Flamer Complete. Co-chairs of the EMC and BPC met and developed a three year FTES/TLU development process and timeline. The process separates the actual TLU available for active sections from release and overload time budgets. Review IEC recommendations for assessment of the planning processes. October 17, 2011 EMC Develop plan to allocate additional TLUs for Spring/Summer 2012. November 7, 2011 EMC Develop rubric for evaluation of committee operations. November 7, 2011 EMC Complete. The EMC subcommittee looking at developing the committee rubric evaluation used the Spring 2011 summit result, survey questions, and IEC annual report assessment. In Progress. Subcommittee is working on this project and will wait until the final spring schedule is released before submitting the plan for EMC review. In Progress. Draft was discussed with the EMC with suggestions for improvement. The final rubric will be presented at the Develop statement of support of the College’s mission and values. 1 Complete November 7 EMC meeting. Provide initial assessment of the multiple measures process. Develop enrollment FTES goals for 2012-2013. Analyze GE class offerings. Recommend TLU allocation strategy for 2012-13. Develop 2011-2014 Enrollment Management Plan focusing on access, persistence, and retention. Review fall 2011 schedule blocks and develop recommendation for improvement. Focus on rectifying problems with meeting requirements of the Student Accounting Manual and developing scheduling guidelines to enhance persistence and success. Implement matriculation plan Finalize 2011-2014 Enrollment Management Plan. Provide final assessment of the multiple measures process. Review progress on meeting institutional effectiveness indicators. Evaluate EMC operations using agreed upon rubric. 2 November 7, 2011 November 21, 2011 December 5, 2011 December 5, 2011 December 5, 2011 December 5, 2011 EMC Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 EMC EMC EMC EMC Spring 2012 EMC EMC EMC In Progress EMC In Progress EMC In Progress EMC In Progress