College Community - Planning Committee Survey March 2011 1. I am: Response Response Percent Count an Administrator 5.8% 9 a Faculty Member 44.5% 69 a Manager 16.8% 26 32.9% 51 answered question 155 skipped question 0 Response Response Percent Count a Classified or Confidential Employee 2. I am: Full time 78.6% 121 Part time 21.4% 33 answered question 154 skipped question 1 1 of 3 3. Campus: Response Response Percent Count Eureka 89.0% 137 Del Norte 4.5% 7 Mendocino 5.8% 9 KT 0.6% 1 answered question 154 skipped question 1 Response Response Percent Count 4. Check each committee you have served on this academic year. Budget Planning Committee 5.3% 8 Enrollment Management Committee 9.3% 14 Furniture/Equipment Committee 2.6% 4 Facilities Planning Committee 4.6% 7 Technology Planning Committee 5.3% 8 College Council 4.6% 7 3.3% 5 Program Review Committee 6.6% 10 Basic Skills Committee 3.3% 5 None 70.9% 107 answered question 151 skipped question 4 Institutional Effectiveness Committee 2 of 3 5. Whether or not I served on one of these committees I know how... to access information on this this committee fits in with the Response committee Integrated Planning Model Count Budget Planning Committee 88.7% (86) 70.1% (68) 97 Enrollment Management Committee 96.8% (90) 66.7% (62) 93 Furniture/Equipment Committee 71.4% (40) 64.3% (36) 56 Facilities Planning Committee 79.5% (66) 63.9% (53) 83 Technology Planning Committee 71.6% (53) 70.3% (52) 74 College Council 95.1% (98) 53.4% (55) 103 88.5% (69) 60.3% (47) 78 Program Review Committee 90.6% (96) 66.0% (70) 106 Basic Skills Committee 88.9% (64) 48.6% (35) 72 Institutional Effectiveness Committee answered question 133 skipped question 22 6. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or suggestions for improvement. Thank you. Response Count 42 3 of 3 answered question 42 skipped question 113 College Community - Planning Committee Survey March 2011 Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or suggestions for improvement. Thank you. Response Count 42 answered question 42 skipped question 113 6. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or sug... Response Text 1 Though I suspect the Furniture/Equipment committee and Basic Skills committee fit into the IPM I do not know how and haven't really seen much communication regarding either of those committees. Mar 8, 2011 12:38 PM 2 If Integrated Planning includes classified employee feedback and interaction, there should be more verbal communication from managers to inform them about the campus policies and procedures and more encouragement for classified staff to participate in Integrated Planning. Mar 8, 2011 1:46 PM 1 of 7 6. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or sug... Response Text 3 I believe that holding committee meetings during class times is very hard for faculty participants. Enrollment management committee is not effective when as a committee there is no dialogue with "unique program" faculty who direct and teach one-of-a-kind specialty training. Course cancellation weeks, months before semesters begin is very upsetting to the efforts to grow a program, market a program, encourage out of state and region students (to get here and find courses canceled). There is clearly a need to become more streamlined in the way we deliver education at CR, but no planning meetings where individual faculty have an opportunity to defend the hard work that goes on to maintain programs is unfair...and not effective program management. Mar 8, 2011 1:46 PM Budget Planning Committee process is weak for similar reason, that specialty program faculty who work in the hands-on, job skills training side of CR don't have access to meetings that are scheduled during class times...also not having an opportunity to defend the real budget needs to maintain hands-on lab environments. Budgets do not take into account the safety and properly functioning equipment that constantly needs upgrading and repairs. Hands-on career and technical education is a real part of CR, attracting many students from out of state and the region. It is not fair to student success to have program budgets designed by a committee that doesn't have a personal pulse on the lab environments, and the off-campus jobs-training field school experiences students are gaining. 4 As I have not participated in the above committees, I really have no information. Mar 8, 2011 1:46 PM 5 I have served on a number of these committees in the past. Mar 8, 2011 3:54 PM 6 Decision making and information dissemination is becoming much more transparent. Mar 8, 2011 4:01 PM 7 1) Why do we need an institutional effectiveness committee that's separate from College Council? It looks like everything the IEC does goes through CC anyway, so why have the IEC as an intermediary? 2) To the extent the various Integrated Planning Committees have information available, it's hidden deep within the Institutional Research site. How about a quicklink dropdown for "Integrated Planning" from the main CR homepage? I didn't even know these committees had minutes available till a few weeks ago. Mar 8, 2011 5:23 PM 8 I know can see from the flow chart where each committee theoretically fits into the planning process, but I think there is still a disconnect between recommendations made through extensive work done by the committees and the actual decisions that have been made. I hope that the college is truly moving toward considering very seriously the recommendations of the planning committees and developing a truly integrated planning process that has transparency and buy in. Mar 8, 2011 5:26 PM 2 of 7 6. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or sug... Response Text 9 It seems we are struggling to get back to where we were after some flailing around and failed experiments. Some of the committees listed above are newand some I've never heard of, like the Furniture committee. Institutional Effectiveness Committee I know was only created recently in kind of an oops moment- and probably only due to the urging of Roxanne who's been doing so well with understanding and promoting the organizational issues of accreditation. Some of the committees don't seem to have adequate representation from constituent groups, others are now heavy on the admin and mgrs representation and I think overly so. I have heard many complaints from faculty that they are members in name only due to the meetings being scheduled at times when they must be in class, or overlapping by as much as 30 minutes with their scheduled classes. The reluctance to provide release time doesn't help. Faculty additionally have larger classes now overall, due to the "efficiency" campaign. And the college has far fewer factulty than it's had in 20 years. Faculty particpation is required, but in practice, near to impossible. Mar 8, 2011 5:35 PM 10 Communication -- and hence both trust and morale -- would be greatly improved Mar 8, 2011 9:01 PM (1) by having a standard format for the websites for all the different committees and (2) by having staff support to keep the websites up-to-date with supporting documents, etc. (This work should be done by one office -- not parceled out among several different people in addition to their regular full-time jobs doing other, non-website, work.) and (3) by having all the committee meetings posted on the "inside" calendar and (4) by having the CCC Confer pass code number listed on the Calendar entry (the phone number is always the same and does not need to be listed) and (5) by having email announcements/communication --such as meeting reminders with agendas-- sent to "ALL" consistently, for all committees and (6) by having brief updates from each committee sent out to "ALL" consistently. Now, if the calendar and the documents (such as agendas and minutes and supporting documents) on the committee websites were all kept up-to-date, then there would not be a need for all the emails. But in that case, a once-weekly digest would be good to have, listing a brief summary of what happened in the past week and where we are, as an institution, plus a list of the up-coming meetings for the coming week – which, if the "inside" calendar were up-to-date, could simply be something along the lines of "This week: IEC, BPC, BSC" and people could look at the calendar for day/room/time/CCCConfer info. 11 In the future, I hope to see a full cycle to see if decision are made using this process. It is a good start and hopefully we can be transparent with a (Integrity) Planning Model . 3 of 7 Mar 9, 2011 2:22 PM 6. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or sug... Response Text 12 I'm very confused about how each of the committees fits into the overarching planning process. Additionally, I may be able to access information about what committees' agendas/minutes/etc. are, but still not have a clear idea of how their work is integrated into the whole. Also, access to information about the committee or understanding about how the committee fits with the Integrated Planning Model does nothing to assess the efficacy of these committees. There are no questions here that assess how well the committees are working to aid us in our planning processes. Finally, in my experience in working with program review this year, it was immediately evident that the data provided by IR is inaccurate. Having unreliable data is unacceptable. It leads to flawed decisionmaking and inaccurate analysis AND it undermines the credibility of our processes. If people don't believe that the data can be trusted then they are unlikely to trust the processes that rely on that data. Mar 9, 2011 2:44 PM 13 I would like to clarify that, although I know where committees are placed on the integrated planning model, I don't know how the planning model actually functions. We have yet to make this model operational in any real way. Mar 9, 2011 11:31 PM 14 I don't believe I have heard/read an over-view of how it's all supposed to work. Is there a flow chart? Just how do all the committees integrate? Mar 10, 2011 4:29 PM 15 The planning model and processes are great...but only if given the opportunity to run, work or not work, and generate real data on how to improve them in the next go-round. The only weakness is that we haven't give it a chance. Mar 10, 2011 9:34 PM 16 I don't know anything about these committees. Mar 10, 2011 9:55 PM 17 I find it rather difficult to access information on the CR web page. For instance, I just now searched for "budget planning committee" and came up with nothing that tells me what that committee is/does or who is on that committee if I'd like more information. Anyone searching would also first have to know that the committee exists. Mar 10, 2011 11:58 PM 18 I am very new. So, right now I am focused on preparing for my classes. Mar 12, 2011 7:37 PM 19 I am very interested in these committees, however it seems that the same classified employees have the opporutnity to serve, mostly those who are serving on the union seem to be in the know and the opportunity is limited to everyone else. Mar 14, 2011 8:34 AM 20 I was reviewing the integrated planning model recently and I don't see where requests for additional personnel coming out of the program review committee would go next in the process. I recently completed a program review for my department where I requested additional staff, but in reviewing the mode I don't see where that request could go after the Program Review Committee. Mar 15, 2011 11:47 AM 21 I am fairly new, all my information comes from people serving on the committees. Our Department is very good about sharing information. Mar 15, 2011 12:21 PM 22 It is hard to know what I don't know. A schematic of how this complex governance system works may be helpful. Mar 15, 2011 12:21 PM 4 of 7 6. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or sug... Response Text 23 Serve on the DE Advisory Committee, not listed above. Mar 15, 2011 12:36 PM 24 How does this planning fit in with the strategic goals and Ed Master Plan documents? How are committee members chosen to serve on these committees? These may indeed be areas that need to be addressed Mar 15, 2011 2:15 PM 25 As with all planning committees, a select few are involved and thus empowered to make decisions for the non-participatory majority. I don't know how to address this unfortunate "normality." Mar 15, 2011 4:26 PM 26 I think we should make a continuing effort to educate people on how to access this information. workshops. Mar 15, 2011 4:44 PM 27 Would participate more if the district would offer a M.O.U. changing contract language from 'need permission of supervisor' to "staff are to be allowed to participate in governing committees and can negotiate the participation times with the employees supervisor. If a participation times can not be agreed upon, then an appeal can be resolved through problem solving". Mar 15, 2011 5:43 PM 28 there are many other committees in addition to the above. I don't see a place where it all comes together. Mar 15, 2011 6:16 PM 29 As an associate faculty member I know nothing about these committees, what they do, who is eligible for membership, and particularly whether they perform any real function. Mar 15, 2011 8:48 PM 30 I just wanted to comment that programs such as the Hospitality, Restaurant, and Culinary Arts who do not have a full time faculty member are not utilizing the faculty they do have for planning, program review, or any other feedback. Considering several of the part time faculty have been with the program from inception it seems a shame they are not utilized. It feels like programs without representation from qualified faculty are getting left behind in the planning process and not being informed on a regular basis from the division or asked for input. Thank you. Mar 17, 2011 10:09 AM 31 Under Dr. Marsee's administration, my input was never acknowledged. As a result, I did not work directly with the above committees although I did confer with some of the committees' members from time to time. I hope that under new administration a more open atmosphere will encourage and value the input of everyone. Mar 18, 2011 2:28 PM 32 I'm not sure how this information is used to develp an integrated planning model. Mar 21, 2011 2:23 PM 5 of 7 6. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or sug... Response Text 33 I have been most frustrated with the workings of the College Council. The length of time it takes to process anything through that committee is totally unacceptable. It has operated as a place where things go to die a slow death or become "missing in inaction". The hard work expended to submit policies and procedures to the C.C. seem waisted when little action follows the submission. Let's get this fixed or remove this impediment! We have also not seen a complete intergration of all the committees work in budget development and implementation. To truly have intergrated planning all the "dot need to be connected". Mar 22, 2011 9:54 AM 34 did even know there was a furniture/equipment committee college council sends out its emails with meeting info at the last minute--aside from these emails I do not know where to access the info. College council, in my opinion, still needs to be defined to all as to what its role is. Program review is always adjusting so not sure it has gone through its growing pains to fit in with the integrated planning model. Mar 22, 2011 11:39 AM 35 There is little incentive for associate faculty to participate on committees. The emails that are sent out keep me in the loop; however, the reply-to-all was a real irritant, but that habit seems to be going down now. Mar 24, 2011 9:04 AM 36 The process is getting clearer. The committees are getting stronger. And the work is getting more meaningful. But the process could be less cumbersome. The committees, less fractured. And the work, less demanding. Now that we have the components in place, let's co-ordinate them and fine-tune the results. Mar 24, 2011 9:14 AM 37 I've not yet looked into these committees. I do not know how to find out what these committees do. Mar 24, 2011 9:21 AM 38 It would be a very positive step for CR to compensate part-time (associate) faculty for committee involvement and self-education about access and how committees fit into the Integrated Planning Model. I found committee information easily in the Faculty Internal Site on the CR website. What I don't know is how, in my practice as a part time professor, I can make use of this information. Guidelines and expectations, please! Mar 24, 2011 10:56 AM 39 Planning process assumes teaching faculty have ample time to peruse websites regularly for information which many do not. There is no notification or prompting if your program or discipline is/has been rated, ranked, allocated, or disallowed. Mar 24, 2011 11:11 AM 40 Sorry, nobody's fault but my own I'm sure. I see when these folks contact me via email, but I honestly don't know how to access information about any of them otherwise. I never tried to. I try not to get overinvolved with things since I'm just part-time at CR. Mar 24, 2011 11:15 AM 41 This is pretty well known, but there are still committee pages on the internal website that are outdated. Mar 24, 2011 11:37 AM 6 of 7 6. Please use the space below to provide any written comments about the planning or governance process in general and any specific committees. Include general comments, specific observations regarding strengths and weaknesses of the planning model or process, positive or negative occurrences, or sug... Response Text 42 It seems that much of the work requested form the various committees comes at us without any warning and without a clear explanation about how the information will be used. There is not any direct feedback mechanism - other than the information that comes from PRC and it posted on MYCR. Information from variouos planning committees requires searching through the inside redwoods site/ my cr site and it is difficult to know when new information has been posted. One place to review and gather information along with consistent format fro reporting and clear expectations would be helpful and make for efficient communication. 7 of 7 Mar 25, 2011 10:01 AM