Advanced Review Morphogen transport: theoretical and experimental controversies Takuya Akiyama1 and Matthew C. Gibson1,2∗ According to morphogen gradient theory, extracellular ligands produced from a localized source convey positional information to receiving cells by signaling in a concentration-dependent manner. How do morphogens create concentration gradients to establish positional information in developing tissues? Surprisingly, the answer to this central question remains largely unknown. During development, a relatively small number of morphogens are reiteratively deployed to ensure normal embryogenesis and organogenesis. Thus, the intracellular processing and extracellular transport of morphogens are tightly regulated in a tissue-specific manner. Over the past few decades, diverse experimental and theoretical approaches have led to numerous conflicting models for gradient formation. In this review, we summarize the experimental evidence for each model and discuss potential future directions for studies of morphogen gradients. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. How to cite this article: WIREs Dev Biol 2015. doi: 10.1002/wdev.167 INTRODUCTION B efore the dawn of modern developmental biology, experimental embryologists postulated that diffusing factors governed body plan formation during development and regeneration.1–8 This view gained its crucial experimental support in 1924, when Spemann and Mangold demonstrated that the dorsal blastpore lip of an unpigmented salamander embryo has the capacity to direct distinct cell fates in neighboring cells following transplantation into a pigmented host.2 Although Lewis had already performed nearly identical manipulations of amphibian embryos,9 Spemann and Mangold’s use of pigmentation to mark graft cells definitively proved the existence of a diffusible substance emanating from the blastpore lip with the capacity to organize surrounding tissue. Importantly, these experiments were not able to distinguish between a morphogen and a signal relay mechanism, but strongly supported the existence of diffusible factors during development. In the years ∗ Correspondence to: 1 Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO, USA of Anatomy and Cell Biology, The University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, KS, USA 2 Department Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article. that followed, evidence to support the idea that gradients could play a critical role in patterning emerged in the literature,3,5,8 although molecules that might form such gradients remained unknown until Drosophila bicoid was discovered in 1988.10,11 By that time, Alan Turing had coined the term ‘morphogen’ to describe a hypothetical diffusible molecule (in 1952),4 and the French Flag model for morphogen gradients had been introduced by Lewis Wolpert (in 1969).6 According to this model, cells in a developmental field interpret their relative position based on the concentration of a morphogen in the local area and adopt distinct cell fates by expressing different target genes.12–14 As described above, Driever and NüssleinVolhard discovered the first morphogen, Bicoid, in the Drosophila embryo.10,11 bicoid mRNAs are maternally deposited anteriorly in the oocyte and then translated to create an intracellular concentration gradient in the syncytial embryo, establishing anterior–posterior (A/P) patterning.10,11,15–20 Soon after Bicoid was described, the Drosophila Bone morphogenetic protein2/4 (BMP2/4)-like ligand Decapentaplegic (DPP) was identified as a secreted morphogen in the developing wing imaginal disc.21–23 To date, numerous other growth factors, such as Transforming growth factor-𝛽 (TGF-𝛽), Hedgehog (Hh), Wingless (Wg)/Wnt, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF), have © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Advanced Review Accumulation Spreading (d) D V (c) Xenopus embyo A Drosophila wind disc Drosophila embyo (b) P (e) D A Vertebrate limb bud (a) V P FIGURE 1 | Two models of morphogen gradient formation. (a) Schematic illustrations of the accumulation and spreading models for the formation of morphogen gradients. (b–e) Examples of morphogen gradients established by accumulation (b and c) and spreading (d and e). (b and c) BMP morphogen gradients in Drosophila (b) and Xenopus (c) embyros. (d) DPP gradient in the developing Drosophila wing disc. (e) Shh gradient in the developing vertebrate limb bud. D: dorsal, V: ventral, A: anterior, P: posterior. been identified as morphogens during both vertebrate and invertebrate development.12–14,24–26 As the number of identified morphogens has increased, two distinct mechanisms for gradient formation have been observed (Figure 1(a)). In the case of ‘accumulation’, morphogens are widely expressed and subsequently transported to a local area to establish a concentration gradient (Figure 1(a)–(c)). For example, a graded distribution of BMP patterns the dorsoventral (D/V) axis in both insects and vertebrates. In Drosophila, DPP is uniformly expressed in the dorsal half of the embryo and transported to the dorsal midline in order to direct dorsal cell fates27,28 (Figure 1(b)). In Xenopus embryos, BMP4 is widely produced but is shuttled to the ventral pole to direct cell fate specification25 (Figure 1(c)). Conversely, in other developmental contexts, such as the Drosophila wing disc and vertebrate limb bud, morphogens spread through a cellular field to establish a concentration gradient (Figure 1(a), (d), and (e)). During Drosophila wing development, DPP protein produced by central cells along the A/P boundary disperses laterally to generate a concentration gradient, which regulates both wing growth and patterning in a concentration-dependent manner13,14 (Figure 1(d)). Similarly, Sonic Hh (Shh) creates a concentration gradient by spreading from the posterior side of the developing vertebrate limb bud to specify future digit regions26 (Figure 1(e)), or from the notochord to specify cell identities in the developing neural tube.29 Despite a long history and many recent advances, precisely how morphogens generate robust concentration gradients in different developmental contexts remains both controversial and inconclusive. For example, while accumulation-based mechanisms for BMP signaling in embryos have achieved some degree of consensus,25,27,28 numerous competing models have been proposed to explain DPP spreading in the singular case of the Drosophila wing disc. Importantly, despite being a central model for morphogen study, the DPP gradient in the wing disc is rarely assayed with direct methods. Instead, tagged forms of DPP are overexpressed at nonphysiological levels, which could perhaps be one explanation for conflicting findings from different studies. Further, beyond the difference between spreading and accumulation, most secreted signals are also regulated through intracellular processing,28,30–32 controlled trafficking,33 post-translational modification,28,30–33 and extracellular modulation.12–14,24,27,28 In order to highlight current challenges to the field, here we describe recent advances in understanding the molecular regulation of morphogen production and transport, and also highlight incisive yet controversial experimental evidence for morphogen gradient formation. INTRACELLULAR REGULATION OF MORPHOGENS The first critical step for the formation of a morphogen gradient is production. Based on the ‘source and sink model’,7 a balance between morphogen production (source) and degradation (sink) critically impacts the final form of the gradient. As expected, if the degradation rate of a morphogen is consistent, the gradient can expand by increasing the amount of production and vice versa (Figure 2(a)). In addition, misexpression of a morphogen induces an ectopic concentration gradient in the developmental field, resulting in patterning defects34 (Figure 2(b)). Thus, to ensure normal development, morphogen production needs to be tightly regulated at different levels. Proteolytic Processing Morphogens in the TGF-𝛽/BMP family are initially translated as long precursors consisting of a prodomain and a highly conserved ligand domain,28,32,35,36 (Figure 2(c)). After translation, they form a dimer and are subsequently cleaved to liberate a bioactive ligand for signaling. Recent studies have © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREs Developmental Biology (a) Morphogen transport (b) Extracellular space (c) BMP/TGF-β Hh Cytoplasm Cleavage Wnt Lipid modification Lipid modification Cleavage Dimerization N C N C N C FIGURE 2 | Morphogen production and gradient formation. (a) Source-Sink model of morphogen gradient formation. (b) Misexpression of a morphogen (red dotted circle) results in ectopic gradient formation. The border between the morphogen expressing and receiving cells is indicated by the dotted line. (c) Differential regulation of TGF-𝛽/BMP, Hh, and Wnt morphogen production. Lipid and cholesterol modifications are indicated in red and blue, respectively. N and C represent N- and C-terminal sides of the proteins. shed light on how the less conserved prodomain contributes to the context-dependent behavior of the ligand to precisely regulate TGF-𝛽/BMP signaling activity.28,32 For instance, some prodomains have been shown to regulate ligand production through lysosomal function. The Danio rerio TGF-𝛽 proteins Cyclops (Cyc) and Squint (Sqt) are essential for mesoderm and endoderm formation in zebrafish embryos, and possess different signaling activities.37–40 When their mRNAs are injected into a single cell of 128–256-cell stage embryos, Cyc and Sqt exhibit short- and long-range signaling activities, respectively, as monitored by target gene expression.38 Serial deletions of the Cyc prodomain reveal a lysosomal targeting region responsible for this short-range signaling activity, and removal of this domain results in expanded Cyc target expression.41 The in vivo distributions of Cyc-GFP and Sqt-GFP confirm their previously identified signaling ranges, supporting the idea that ligand production can critically influence extracellular ligand gradient formation.42 The majority of TGF-𝛽/BMP proteins carry multiple proconvertase (e.g., Furin) cleavage sites.28,32,36 Several lines of evidence suggest that differential cleavage can elicit context-dependent behavior of these proteins.28,32,36,43–49 For example, sequential cleavage of BMP4 plays a critical role in the ligand production.43 The BMP4 prodomain contains two Furin cleavage sites adjacent to the ligand domain: an upstream S2 site and a downstream S1 site. Mutating the S1 site causes a loss of BMP4 ligand production due to a defect of the S2 cleavage. This result indicates a critical requirement of the S1 site for the subsequent S2 cleavage. Conversely, when the S2 site is mutated, the BMP4 ligand and prodomain form an intermediate complex that is rapidly targeted for lysosomal degradation after the S1 cleavage, resulting in reduced ligand production. Supporting this model, injection of mRNA encoding an S2-mutant form of BMP4 into a single blastomere of 32-cell stage Xenopus embryos produces a shorter activity gradient than wild-type BMP4.43 Interestingly, mice harboring an S2 site mutation exhibit defects in the germ line, suggesting a tissue-specific requirement of this cleavage site during normal development.45 A similar tissue-dependent regulation of Drosophila DPP has been observed.48 DPP acts as a short- and long-range morphogen in the Drosophila embryonic midgut and the developing wing disc, respectively. Overexpression and rescue experiments with a dpp mutant allele carrying an S2 site mutation indicate that the long-range activity of DPP in the developing wing disc requires both S1 and S2 cleavages, while only the S1 cleavage is sufficient to induce DPP signaling in the embryonic midgut.48 Additionally, recent studies have identified an alternative Furin cleavage site (NS) within the prodomains of the Drosophila BMP5/6/7-like proteins Glass bottom boat (GBB) and Screw (SCW).28,32,49–51 In the case of GBB, cleavages at both the NS and S1 sites produce two totally different sizes of bioactive GBB ligand with distinct signaling properties.49 Whereas the NS cleavage of SCW produces a nonfunctional ligand, a mutation in the NS site of SCW influences dimer formation, thereby affecting BMP signaling activity.28,32,50,51 The identification of an alternative cleavage site in the BMP prodomain opens a new avenue to address the long-standing question of how BMP signaling establishes different signaling outputs in a context-dependent manner. For instance, Drosophila wing patterning requires long-range BMP signaling activity, while short-range activity is essential for the germline stem cell maintenance in the Drosophila ovary. Although conventional cleavage of BMP family proteins generates 100–140 amino acid bioactive ligands, cleavage of the Drosophila BMP5/6/7-like protein GBB at the alternative site produces a larger active GBB ligand (328 amino acids).28,32,49,50 In addition, this cleavage is regulated in a tissue-dependent manner, and the larger GBB ligand has stronger signaling activity and a longer range © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Advanced Review than the smaller conventional GBB ligand when they overexpressed.49 These results suggest the possibility that differential cleavage may be responsible for differential signaling outputs in each tissue. Furthermore, this alternative cleavage site is evolutionarily conserved, and mutations in this site are associated with several diseases.28,49 Thus, regulation of BMP signaling through alternative protein cleavage sites may be a common mechanism throughout animals, and it will be of great importance to examine the endogenous distribution of alternative BMP ligands in future studies. Lastly, in addition to alternative proteolytic processing, TGF-𝛽/BMP family proteins can signal as either homo- or heterodimers, which can dramatically impact their signaling capability.27,28,52–60 For instance, switching between Activin and Inhibin depends on dimerization of the 𝛼- and 𝛽-subunits of Inhibin. Activin is composed of two 𝛽-subunits and enhances follicle-stimulating hormone synthesis, while Inhibin, consisting of 𝛼/𝛽 heterodimers, downregulates the same process.56–60 Furthermore, heterodimers of BMP ligands play critical roles during the early embryogenesis (DPP/SCW) and posterior crossvein formation (DPP/GBB) in Drosophila.27,28 Heterodimers have a stronger affinity for extracellular BMP binding proteins [Short gastrulation (Sog), Twisted gastrulation (Tsg), and Crossveinless] than homodimers, which is an essential feature for proper BMP tissue distribution.52–55 Indeed, DPP itself fails to be transported in scw or gbb mutant conditions in both developmental systems.54,55 Combined, differential cleavages and dimerization play essential roles in modulating the TGF-𝛽/BMP signaling pathway in disparate developmental contexts. Post-translational Modifications In both vertebrates and invertebrates, the production of active Hh ligands requires two essential intracellular processes: autoproteolysis and lipid modification.30,31,61–68 Hh family proteins are synthesized as inactive precursors consisting of a N-terminal ligand domain (Hh-N) and an autocatalytic C-terminal domain (Hh-C; Figure 2(c)). Although Hh-C does not have any signaling activity, it contains an intein protein splicing domain and a steroid recognition region which catalyzes cholesterol-dependent autoproteolysis in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to generate a C-terminally cholesterol modified Hh-N.64–68 Hh-C is then rapidly degraded through ER-associated degradation68 and the cholesterol-linked Hh-N is further modified by palmitate via the membrane-bound O-acyltransferase (MBOAT) family protein Rasp/Hhat.30,31,61–63 Misregulation of post-translational modification differentially impacts Hh signaling. First, mutations affecting human Shh autoproteolysis are associated with holoprosencephaly.69–71 Similarly, defective autoproteolysis of Drosophila Hh leads to a loss of signaling activity in vivo.66 Second, Dispatched (Disp), which regulates Hh-N secretion, requires cholesterol modification.72,73 In disp1 mutant mice, Shh signaling activity is significantly reduced in the ventral neural tube, leading to a defect in spinal cord patterning.72 Likewise, when disp mutant clones are generated in Hh expressing cells in the developing Drosophila wing disc, Hh protein accumulates within the mutant cells, resulting in a narrower Hh gradient.73 Interestingly, despite its similarity to the Hh receptor Patched, Disp has no function in Hh signal transduction.73 Third, palmitoylation of mouse Shh by Hhat/Rasp is essential for long-range signaling in both the neural tube and limb bud.74 Drosophila embryos lacking both maternal and zygotic Rasp protein show a strong segmental polarity defect similar to hh mutants.75,76 In addition, Hh target gene expression is significantly reduced when rasp mutant clones are induced in Hh producing cells in the developing wing disc.75–78 Lastly, these lipid modifications are important for Hh oligomerization, which enhances signaling activity and is critical for the gradient formation by solubilizing Hh proteins.74,79–82 A tight connection between post-translational modification and intracellular trafficking also regulates Wg/Wnt production33,83–85 (Figure 2(c)). Newly synthesized Wg/Wnt proteins are acylated and glycosylated in the ER and transported to the Golgi. They subsequently employ the cargo receptor Wntless/Evenness interrupted (Wls/Evi) for trafficking from the Golgi to the plasma membrane. Wg/Wnt proteins have two fatty acid modifications: a saturated palmitic acid to a conserved N-terminal cysteine (e.g., C93 of Wg, and C77 of Wnt3a) and an unsaturated palmitoleic acid to a conserved internal serine (e.g., S239 of Wg, and S209 of Wnt3a). Porcupine (Por, an MBOAT family protein) acylates Wg/Wnt family proteins, although whether the enzyme is responsible for both lipid modifications remains unclear. por was originally identified as a segment polarity gene in the Drosophila.86 Cells lacking Por protein show intracellular accumulation of Wg both in the embryo and wing imaginal discs.86,87 The precise requirement for each lipid modification in Wg/Wnt secretion and signaling is still debated. The palmitoleic modification of a serine residue in Wg/Wnt is important for the interaction with Wls/Evi and secretion.87,88 S209A mutant Wnt3a proteins do not physically interact with Wls/Evi in © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREs Developmental Biology Morphogen transport HEK293 cells.88 Likewise, S239 of Drosophila Wg is essential for recognition of Wls/Evi in the wing disc.87 However, Tang et al. recently demonstrated that both lipid modifications are required for Wls/Evi interaction and Wg secretion.89 In the Drosophila S2 cell culture system, Wg[C93A, S239A] shows a dramatic reduction in its interaction with Wls/Evi and exhibits a secretion defect, while Wg[C93A] and Wg[S239A] individually behave like wild-type Wg. Importantly, it is notable that the Drosophila atypical Wg/Wnt, WntD, which lacks the conserved internal serine, is secreted normally.90 This finding suggests an existence of a Wls/Evi-independent mechanism for Wg/Wnt secretion. Palmitic acid modifications of the cysteine residues at C77 and C93 are essential for Wnt3a and Wg signaling activity, respectively.91,92 In mouse Wnt3a, mutation of C77 to A causes a loss of signaling activity without affecting secretion.91 In Drosophila wing discs, overexpression of Wg[C93A] results in accumulation of the defective ligand in the ER and is not associated with the misexpression phenotypes typical of wild-type Wg.92 However, in contrast, a recent study in the same tissue shows that palmitic acid modification of C93 is not required for Wg activity.89 In these experiments, overexpression of Wg[C93A] using dpp-Gal4 induces the expression of a target gene in a manner indistinguishable from wild-type Wg, while overexpressed Wg[S239A] exhibits reduced signaling activity. Murine Wnt3a[C77A] can also activate the pathway in some contexts,93 suggesting that this modification is not absolutely necessary for the signaling activity. Rather, the requirement for palmitoylation may depend on the specific developmental context. MORPHOGEN TRANSPORT According to morphogen gradient theory, secreted ligands disperse into a morphogenetic field and establish a concentration gradient. To date, several distinct models have been proposed for morphogen dispersal. Based on their characteristics, they are grouped into several categories.12–14,24,94,95 ‘Active diffusion’ (e.g., planar transcytosis and cytonemes) suggests the use of a cellular mechanism for gradient formation (Figure 3). ‘Free diffusion’ and ‘restricted extracellular diffusion’ [e.g., heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG)-mediated transport] attribute gradient formation to a mechanism that does not require direct cellular energy (Figure 4). Intriguingly, although graded information generated by morphogens is a common developmental mechanism, it is increasingly clear that developmental systems employ different means to the same end. (a) (b) Planar transcytosis Cytoneme Ectopic DPP Dynamin mutant clone (c) FIGURE 3 | Planar transcytosis and cytonemes in gradient formation. Models of transcytosis (a) and cytoneme (b) mediated gradient formation and experimental evidence for each. (a) In planar transcytosis, morphogens are transferred by a sequence of endocytic and exocytic events (top). Morphogen transport is blocked when endocytosis is inhibited with a dynamin mutant (bottom, see the text for detail). (b) Cytonemes are proposed to transfer morphogens by a contact-dependent mechanism (top). Ectopic morphogen expression induces the formation of cytonemes, which orient toward the ectopic morphogen source (middle). (c) Physical interaction between the morphogen expressing cell and cytonemes projected from the receiving cell. Owing to research efforts on morphogen transport during the past few decades, molecular mechanisms underlying the accumulation of morphogens have been well characterized (see Figure 1(a)). For instance, D/V patterning in the early Drosophila embryo requires the BMP morphogen gradient, which is mediated by the shuttling of two BMP ligands, DPP and SCW (Figure 1(b)).27,28,53,54 DPP is expressed uniformly in the dorsal half of the embryo and forms a dimer with SCW. After secretion, Sog and Tsg proteins bind to DPP/SWC heterodimers, inhibit their receptor interaction, and transport them to the dorsal midline, where these protein complexes encounter the BMP-1 family metalloprotease Tolloid (Tld). Tld cleaves Sog to release the DPP/SCW heterodimer to create the BMP morphogen gradient at the dorsal midline. As expected, mutations in these extracellular BMP transporters cause a loss of proper BMP morphogen gradient formation, resulting in D/V patterning defects. In addition, during Drosophila pupal development, a similar mechanism is employed for posterior crossvein formation.27,28,52,55 Importantly, these extracellular transporters are evolutionarily conserved and BMP shuttling plays critical roles in D/V patterning in vertebrate embryos, such as Xenopus25 (Figure 1(c)). By contrast, the molecular basis for the spreading of morphogens remains unclear and © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Advanced Review (a) (b) HSPG-mediated transport Before FRAP Free diffusion Photobleach HSPG mutant clone Fast Slow FIGURE 4 | Models of free diffusion and HSPG-mediated transport. Models of free diffusion (a) and HSPG-mediated transport (b) in morphogen gradient formation and experimental evidence for each. (a) Schematic illustration of the free diffusion (top). For free diffusion, only a small fraction of morphogen diffuses freely in the extracellular space. Spatial FRAP distinguishes between free diffusion and the other models (bottom, see the text for detail). The efficiency of florescence recovery between the two windows (entire region in the red dotted line and central region in the green dotted line) is compared. (b) Morphogens are transferred by extracellular HSPGs (top). Using mutant clones, morphogens are not able to form a gradient across cells lacking HPSGs (bottom). controversial (see Figure 1(a)). Even in the case of Drosophila DPP (Figure 1(d)), perhaps the leading model for morphogen analysis, the mechanisms of gradient formation are still hotly debated. Therefore, to highlight the essential concepts and controversies, in this section we mainly focus on the molecular mechanisms for the spreading of morphogens through a tissue. Transcytosis Morphogen dispersion by transcytosis utilizes endocytic components96–104 (Figure 3(a)). In this model, morphogens spread through a field of cells by a sequence of reiterated endocytic and exocytic events. Briefly, morphogens on the cell surface are endocytosed in a Dynamin-dependent manner and are subsequently exocytosed into the extracellular space. According to the direction of the transport, two types of transcytosis have been characterized: apico-basal transcytosis and planar transcytosis. In the developing Drosophila wing disc, Wg is expressed in cells along the D/V boundary. The secreted ligand then moves dorsally and ventrally to pattern the D/V axis. Although Wg proteins are mainly secreted apically, they generate a long-range gradient basolaterally.103,104 This indicates the importance of apico-basal transcytosis for gradient formation. When endocytosis is blocked in the dorsal compartment of the wing disc by expressing a dominant-negative form of Rab5, extracellular Wg proteins accumulate on both the apical and basal sides of the epithelium and fail to generate the proper gradient.104 Overexpression of DLP, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored HSPG, enhances translocation of Wg proteins from both apical and basal surfaces to the basolateral domain.104 Transcytosis in the plane of the epithelium could also play critical roles in morphogen gradient formation.96–102 For example, the Wg gradient regulates segmental pattern formation (ventral denticle belts) in the Drosophila embryo, and this gradient requires planar transcytosis. Specifically, inhibiting endocytosis by expressing a dominant-negative form of Dynamin in the receiving cells results in a loss of Wg movement into the cells and a segmental polarity defect.96–98 This transport mechanism has also been proposed to underlie generation of the DPP morphogen gradient formation in the developing wing disc99–102 (Figure 3(a)). Supporting this model, DPP tagged with GFP (GFP-DPP) expressed in the stripe of dpp expressing cells using the GAL4/UAS system strongly accumulates around clones of cells lacking Thickveins (Tkv; a BMP type I receptor), indicating the importance of receptor-mediated DPP internalization for DPP transport.100 In addition, it is reported that GFP-DPP does not pass through dynamin mutant cell clones (shibirets1 ), resulting in the observation of a ‘shadow’ behind the clones (Figure 3(a)). Moreover, the GFP-DPP diffusion coefficient determined by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is reduced when shibire function is partially disrupted (0.06 μm2 /second versus 0.12 μm2 /second in control).102 Combined, the results above suggest that DPP is transferred from cell to cell by a combination of receptor-mediated internalization and transcytosis. However, there are several arguments supporting alternative interpretations. First, Belenkaya et al. repeated the shibire shadow experiment and report that extracellular GFP-DPP is able to move across the cells lacking Dynamin.105 A possible explanation for these conflicting results lies in the detailed experimental conditions: the first study used 34∘ C to eliminate Dynamin activity, while the latter handled the shibirets experiments at 32∘ C.100,105 This difference is critical since culture of shibirets1 animals at 32∘ C only causes a partial loss of Dynamin activity.102 Another line of evidence against planar transcytosis is that cells lacking tkv are generally eliminated © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREs Developmental Biology Morphogen transport from wing epithelia due to the ectopic expression of Brinker (Brk)106–108 and thus tkv mutant clones may not reflect normal GFP-DPP behavior.106 Indeed, the extracellular distribution of GFP-DPP is not affected in tkv brk double mutant clones,106 indicating that receptor-mediated endocytosis is not required for DPP dispersion. Lastly, if Tkv-mediated endocytosis were essential for DPP transcytosis, a reduction of Tkv function would be expected to result in a narrower morphogen gradient. However, tkv/+ wing discs exhibit an expanded DPP/BMP activity gradient, while tkv overexpression in the posterior compartment reduces its size.109 These results may emphasize the importance of Tkv-mediated endocytosis for DPP degradation, but not DPP movement. In sum, the evidence supporting Tkv-mediated transcytosis as a mechanism for DPP gradient formation remains inconclusive. Looking forward, it will be interesting to test whether altering Tkv levels can influence the diffusion coefficient of DPP, as does a partial loss of Dynamin activity. Ultimately, crucial insight will come from further studies to probe the endogenous regulation of ligand and receptor trafficking without wholesale disruption of the endocytic machinery. Cytonemes Cytonemes, long cellular extensions, represent a completely distinct model for the formation of morphogen gradients (Figure 3(b)). In this case, morphogens are proposed to be directly delivered from the producing cells to the receiving cells via a contact-dependent mechanism.110–119 Cytonemes were initially identified through GAL4 enhancer trap screening in Drosophila.115 While monitoring GAL4 expression patterns with a cytosolic GFP reporter, one line exhibited very thin cellular projections emanating from the GFP-expressing cells. Based on their characteristic features (cytoplasmic extension and thread-like structure), these cellular projections were termed cytonemes [cyto + neme (thread in Greek)]. Cytonemes are filopodial protrusions, which contain actin filament bundles oriented with their plus ends at the tips of filopodia. Moreover, cytonemes are thought to be highly specialized for each signaling pathway.112 They differ in size (length and thickness), localization, contain distinct signaling receptors, and respond differently to each signaling molecule. Cytonemes were recently reported to play a critical role in Hh gradient formation in the Drosophila wing disc.116 While originally reported as apical structures, additional cytonemes are found on the basal side of wing disc epithelium where they transport Hh proteins to form a gradient. Shortening the cytonemes by inhibiting actin polymerization in the Hh producing cells results in a narrower Hh gradient compared with wild-type. This suggests that Hh transport via cytonemes/filipodia is critical for proper gradient formation. Furthermore, cytonemes are not able to cross clones of cells lacking HSPGs, highlighting the previously reported requirement of HSPGs for Hh transport.120–122 However, the molecular mechanism by which cytonemes utilize HSPGs on the receiving cells remains elusive. Interestingly, a similar transport mechanism has been reported for Shh transport in the chick limb bud.119 Shh produced in the posterior region of the limb bud generates a concentration gradient required for proper digit patterning.26 The posterior Shh-expressing cells extend cytonemes into the anterior region, and Shh proteins travel along these cellular extensions to reach the receiving cells.119 These results emphasize the importance of this evolutionarily conserved mechanism for Hh transport. However, molecular mechanisms by which the orientation of cytonemes is controlled and how Hh transport via cytonemes creates a precise concentration gradient remain elusive. Although it has been proposed that cytonemes function in DPP transport in the Drosophila wing disc, it is still unclear whether cytonemes influence formation of the DPP morphogen gradient.110–115 In contrast with Hh cytonemes, DPP cytonemes extend along the apical surface of the wing disc epithelium, projecting toward a central domain where DPP is expressed along the A/P compartment boundary.111,112,114,115 This orientation of the cytonemes is disrupted when either DPP expression is reduced, or when uniform DPP expression is induced by heat-shock.112,114 Additionally, ectopic expression of DPP is able to induce the formation of oriented cytonemes112 (Figure 3(b)). Physical contact between the DPP expressing cells and the receiving cells through cytonemes was reported based on application of the GFP Reconstitution Across Synaptic Partner technique111 (Figure 3(c)). Expression of membrane-localized CD4-GFP1-10 or CD4-GFP11 in dpp expressing and receiving cells, respectively, produces a reconstituted GFP signal in dpp expressing cells. Further, cytonemes contain Tkv-GFP receptor puncta, which move in both anterograde and retrograde directions (5–7 μm/second).114 Altogether, these results support the idea that cytonemes transport DPP from its expressing cells to the receiving cells in a contact-dependent manner through receptor-mediated retrograde trafficking. However, as described above, the role of cytonemes in DPP gradient formation is still speculative. It will be critical to examine how interfering with cytoneme function (e.g., inhibition © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Advanced Review of actin polymerization) influences DPP morphogen gradient formation in the future. Free Diffusion Free diffusion of morphogens is the simplest mechanism suggested to create concentration gradients, and best represents the theoretical origins of the morphogen concept itself7,123–125 (Figure 4(a)). Intuitively, if free-diffusing morphogens are relatively stable, their extracellular distribution will become uniform across the tissue, as does secreted GFP.100,125 It follows that for diffusion to work as a mechanism of gradient formation, morphogen molecules would have to exhibit both rapid dispersal and efficient elimination from the extracellular space. Testing this idea, the global diffusion coefficient for several morphogens has been measured by FRAP, revealing diffusion rates too slow to support free diffusion.12,42,102,126 Arguably, however, this approach may not be suitable to investigate morphogen transport.124 When morphogen transport is dominated by other factors such as degradation and extracellular trapping, FRAP cannot distinguish 200-fold differences in diffusion coefficients [0.1 μm2 (slow) versus 20 μm2 (fast)].124 Recently, FGF8 morphogen gradient formation in zebrafish embryos was studied using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to monitor local diffusion coefficients.125 When mRNAs encoding FGF8-GFP are injected into embryos, the majority of FGF8-GFP moves rapidly relative to what has been observed by FRAP (53 μm2 /second).125 These findings suggest that overexpressed FGF8 proteins can diffuse freely through the extracelluar space. Further, manipulating endocytic activity in the receiving cells alters the width of the FGF8 morphogen gradient. The FGF8 gradient is expanded when endocytosis is inhibited and vice versa. Altogether, these results suggest that the FGF8 gradient is established through free diffusion coupled with rapid degradation by a receptor-mediated endocytosis. Contrasting with the transcytotic or cytoneme-based mechanisms described above, recent evidence also supports a role for free diffusion in creating the DPP gradient in the Drosophila wing disc.124 DPP tagged with the photoconvertible protein Dendra2 (Dendra2-DPP) diffuses rapidly away from the endogenous dpp expression domain at the compartmental boundary (21 μm2 /second). In addition, when Dendra2-DPP is pulse-labeled by photoconversion, no obvious dispersal is detected outside the area of photoactivation, consistent with the idea that only a small fraction of DPP (1–3% of total DPP) rapidly diffuses in the extracellular space and majority of DPP proteins are present within the cell or on the cell surface. Furthermore, data from spatial FRAP experiments support the free diffusion hypothesis (Figure 4(a)). In brief, after photobleaching a large area, the efficiency of flourescence recovery in the central part of the bleached domain is compared with that of the entire region. If morphogen transport is fast (free diffusion), fluorescence should be recovered simultaneously in both areas. Conversely, if morphogen transport is slow, recovery of the central region will be delayed compared to the whole area. In experiments focused on Dendra2-DPP in the wing disc, fluorescence recovery shows no obvious difference between the two areas.124 However, other spatial FRAP experiments support the transcytosis model.102 One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that DPP was tagged with different fluorescent proteins in each case. Further, each transgenic line has different expression levels due to the positional effect of the insertion site, which could influence the rate of DPP diffusion. Indeed, GFP-DPP has a slower local diffusion coefficient (10 μm2 /second) than Dendra2-DPP.124 As described above, a fast local diffusion coefficient measured by FCS supports the free diffusion model. However, the local diffusion rate alone is not enough to distinguish between the free diffusion and other transport models (e.g., HSPG-mediated transport) since neither degradation nor trapping by extracellular proteins necessarily affects local diffusion. Furthermore, it has been shown that both DPP and FGF8 morphogen gradients are critically affected by extracellular HSPGs (see below).12,105,109,127 Therefore, it remains unclear whether free diffusion itself is sufficient to establish a morphogen gradient. HSPG-mediated Transport Several lines of evidence have demonstrated that HSPGs play critical roles in the formation of morphogen gradients12,105,109,120,127–130 (Figure 4(b)). HSPGs consist of a protein core with HS chains covalently attached, and are abundant both on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix. Based on their protein structure, HSPGs are categorized into three groups: syndecans, glypicans, and perlecans.120 Both syndecans and glypicans are localized on the cell surface through a transmembrane or GPI anchor, respectively, while perlecans are secreted into the extracellular space.120 All three classes are evolutionarily conserved from worms to humans, and act as either inhibitors or facilitators to fine tune morphogen gradients. HPSGs negatively regulate BMP4 morphogen gradient formation during the embryonic development © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. WIREs Developmental Biology Morphogen transport of Xenopus.128 The BMP4 ligand possesses a highly conserved stretch of basic residues in the N-terminal domain. When this region is eliminated, BMP4 is not able to interact with heparin (a highly sulfated HS chain) and the defective ligand migrates further than its wild-type counterpart, suggesting that HSPGs trap BMP4 proteins through this domain to limit their diffusion. Consistent with this, wild-type BMP4 is able to generate a wider gradient when embryos are treated with Heparitinase to remove HS chains from the HSPG protein cores. Additionally, injection of exogenous heparin into zebrafish embryos increases the global diffusion coefficient of FGF8-GFP by competing for binding with endogenous HSPGs compared to the absence of exogenous heparin.12 These results suggest that HPSGs trap FGF8 proteins on the cell surface to restrict their dispersal. Finally, the movement of individual FGF2 molecules has been tracked using photothermal heterodyne imaging in vitro.130 This technique allows for detection and tracking of nanometer-sized objects in real time. Using FGF2 labeled with gold nanoparticles, HSPGs were shown to regulate FGF2 diffusion in the pericellular matrix by reversible interaction with HS chains. HSPGs are also required for facilitating morphogen gradient formation.105,109,120,127 For instance, proper DPP morphogen gradient formation in the developing Drosophila wing disc requires HSPGs.105,109,127 Wing discs carrying a mutation of the glypican dally exhibit a narrower DPP/BMP activity (pMAD) gradient compared to controls.127 In addition, extracellular GFP-DPP proteins are not able to diffuse across HSPG mutant clones105 (Figure 4(b)). These results indicate a critical requirement for HSPGs in DPP transport. Supporting this view, DPP physically interacts with Dally and a mutant form of DPP lacking this ability has a shorter half-life, resulting in a failure of proper gradient formation.109 Moreover, Dally antagonizes the effect of Tkv on DPP signaling. Since Tkv regulates the levels of DPP protein by receptor-mediated endocytosis, HSPGs may promote gradient formation by inhibiting Tkv-dependent degradation of DPP. Recent studies have identified new secreted feedback regulators of DPP signaling: Larval translucida (Ltl) acts as an antagonist, while Pentagone (Pent) promotes signaling activity.131,132 Interestingly, these modulators both physically interact with HSPGs, but not DPP. While it is likely that Pent and Ltl act together with HSPGs to modulate the formation of the DPP morphogen gradient, the molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Adding an additional layer of complexity, BMP signaling directly regulates the expression of Dally, Pent, and Ltl.127,131,132 These and yet unknown feedback loops are likely to play an important role in shaping the final DPP morphogen gradient. CONCLUSIONS ‘It has been a great surprise and of considerable importance to find that most embryonic fields seem to involve distance of less than 100 cells, and often less than 50’—Lewis Wolpert6 Inspired by this quote, Francis Crick proposed that diffusion was a plausible mechanism for the generation of morphogen gradients during early development.7 Today, we still do not completely understand whether and how veritable extracellular morphogen gradients are established and maintained during development. Since the early theoretical work of Turing, Wolpert and Crick,4,6,7 a number of secreted signals have been identified and several models for the formation of morphogen gradients have been suggested.12–14,24–26 In some cases, different research groups have proposed completely distinct mechanisms to explain the formation of a single morphogen gradient, perhaps due to technical variations. To date, only a few endogenous morphogen gradients have been subjected to direct analysis. In a majority of studies, secreted morphogens have been tagged with fluorescent proteins and overexpressed in transgenic animals or injected as mRNA into early embryos. As described above, morphogen production is tightly regulated at multiple levels, such as precursor cleavage and post-translational modifications, to create the proper gradient. Therefore, it is possible (and perhaps likely) that overexpression creates a nonphysiological morphogen gradient and thus confounding results. To minimize the influence of experimental variation and the vagaries of transgene overexpression, it will be crucial for future studies to visualize and study endogenous morphogen gradients. Along these lines, Alexandre et al. recently replaced the endogenous wg locus with a membrane-tethered form in Drosophila. Although the resulting homozygous mutant flies show a developmental delay, they are viable and have normal adult morphology.133 In contrast to current Wg morphogen theory, this unexpected result suggests that Wg migration is dispensable for both patterning and growth. Future studies using similar approaches will undoubtedly continue to shed light on the molecular mechanisms of morphogen gradient formation. Lastly, although majority of current morphogen theories are based on production from a single source, it is becoming clear that a single source of morphogen is not always sufficient to generate a proper gradient. For example, during Drosophila © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Advanced Review wing disc development, Wnt4 and Wnt6 are expressed in addition to Wg, and these mutants exhibit wing phenotypes.134,135 Furthermore, another BMP ligand, GBB, is expressed uniformly in the developing Drosophila wing disc, and wing discs carrying a mutation in gbb show a narrower DPP/BMP activity gradient.136,137 These results indicate that both BMP ligands, DPP and GBB, are required for proper gradient formation. Thus, to completely understand the nature of morphogen gradients in the future, it will be essential to reconsider models that are based on single sources of morphogen for gradient formation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank A. Fritz for a critical reading of the manuscript, L. Gutchewsky for administrative support, and members of the Gibson lab for discussions and advice. This work was supported by the Stowers Institute for Medical Research. REFERENCES 1. Morgan TH. Regeneration and liability to injury. Science 1901, 14:235–248. 2. Spemann H, Mangold H. 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