Meeting of the Academic Senate
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (Board Room)
 Fort Bragg: 440 Alger St (Fine Woodworking)
 Fort Bragg: 33403 Simpson Rd
 Crescent City: 883 W Washington Blvd, Room 28
Friday, May 1, 2015, 1:00 PM
Members Present: Dan Calderwood, John Johnston, Tim Baker, Colette Beaupre, Lisa Sayles
(for Peter Blakemore), Steve Brown, Kady Dunleavy, Deanna Herrera-Thomas, Ed Macan,
Laura Mays (by phone), Jon Pedicino, Kristy Carlsen (for George Potamianos), Mark Renner
(for Ruth Rhodes), Sandra Rowan, Jessica Howard (for Sally Urban).
Members Absent: Jon Pedicino, Jerred Scheive, Peter Blakemore, George Potamianos, Ruth
Rhodes, Sally Urban
Guest Speakers: Michelle Haggerty (by phone), Mark Winter, Angelina Hill (by phone), Tracey
Thomas, Marla Gleave, Joe Hash
1. Call to Order: Copresident Calderwood called the meeting to order at 1:02 pm.
2. Introductions and Public Comment: Copresident Calderwood welcomed Senators and the
public, and asked for comments on Academic Senate related business.
3. Approve April 17, 2015 Academic Senate Minutes: On a motion by Steve Brown, seconded
by Colette Beaupre, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
4.1 Approve April 24 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: On a motion by Colette
Beaupre, seconded by Sandra Rowan, the recommendations were presented and
unanimously approved by roll call vote: Colette Beaupre – y; Lisa Sayles – y; Steve
Brown – y; Kady Dunleavy – y; Deanna Herrera-Thomas – y; Ed Macan – y; Laura
Mays – y; Jon Pedicino – y; Kristy Carlsen – y; Mark Renner – y; Sandra Rowan – y;
Jessica Howard – y.
4.2 Approve Faculty Qualifications Committee Equivalency Recommendations: On a
motion by Steve Brown, seconded by Jessica Howard, Michelle Haggerty explained
that the recommendation was fully supported by the SME for Earth Science. The
equivalency was unanimously approved by roll call vote: Colette Beaupre – y; Lisa
Sayles – y; Steve Brown – y; Kady Dunleavy – y; Deanna Herrera-Thomas – y; Ed
Macan – y; Laura Mays – y; Jon Pedicino – y; Kristy Carlsen – y; Mark Renner – y;
Sandra Rowan – y; Jessica Howard – y.
4.3 Approve Revised Distance Education Course Proposal Form: On a motion by Steve
Brown, seconded by Colette Beaupre, Mark Winter explained that one thing that had
come up was a suggestion that each of the underlying documents be hotlinked on the
CR website, and that it will happen. The form was unanimously approved by roll call
vote: Tim Baker – y; Colette Beaupre – y; Lisa Sayles – y; Steve Brown – y; Kady
Dunleavy – y; Deanna Herrera-Thomas – y; Ed Macan – y; Laura Mays – y; Jon
Pedicino – y; Kristy Carlsen – y; Mark Renner – y; Sandra Rowan – y; Jessica Howard
– y.
4.4 Approve New CR Distance Education Faculty Handbook: On a motion by Jessica
Howard, seconded by Tim Baker, Mark Winter explained that there was no feedback
from constituents, and a Senator expressed her gratitude for all the work. The
handbook was unanimously approved by roll call vote: Tim Baker – y; Colette
Beaupre – y; Lisa Sayles – y; Steve Brown – y; Kady Dunleavy – y; Deanna HerreraThomas – y; Ed Macan – y; Laura Mays – y; Jon Pedicino – y; Kristy Carlsen – y;
Mark Renner – y; Sandra Rowan – y; Jessica Howard – y.
5. Discussion
5.1 Adopting Institutional Effectiveness Goals Framework: Angelina Hill explained that
the Board of Governors (BOG) and the Chancellor’s office sent a letter telling us to
formally adopt a framework by June 15th. BOG adopted an institutional goals
framework to comply with Ed Code, which CR needs to adopt to receive SSSP
funding. This additional legislation has added to accreditation standards and to
institution standards. We set our own standards along with the framework that we
need to adopt (from BOG) and then we will set our own goals, with x% of our students
to be completers. The handout also looks at our accreditation status, fiscal status, etc.
With little time to initiate this, we have been told to adopt goals around one of the four
areas. Course completion: We set a goal of 70% previously so it is reasonable to use
the 70% to continue. Copresident Johnston mentioned that one of the constituency
groups to be consulted should be CRFO. It is going to expanded cabinet and to CRFO
as well. Copresidents asked Senators to talk it over with colleagues as further
discussion will take place at the May 15 meeting.
5.2 Conceptual Framework for Dual Enrollment Program: Keith Snow-Flamer continued
discussion from the April 17 Senate discussion. Several high schools (HS) have
indicated that they are interested in participating. Deanna Herrera-Thomas sent this out
to her division – lots of questions and comments – itemized questions to coincide with
this document. The overall comment is it would be nice to thoroughly investigate all
the ramifications for the instructors who are teaching at the HS.
• How the instructors here would be involved.
• The maturity level of the students taking the classes at the HS. Would the
students be prepared to take college level classes and how would this be
determined at the HS?
• Would adaptation to HS level water down our curriculum?
• How would a student be dropped from the course (faculty initiated drop)?
• What processes would be engaged when dealing with student issues at the HS?
• Would the students already be prepared to take college courses?
• How would the HS calendar mesh with our calendar
The calendar issue is a CRFO issue, too. It is hoped that we would not water down our
curriculum; administrators and parents realized that this is what they want even though
there are younger students. All questions could be dealt with through the oversight
committee that is being created. Sandra Rowan also had numerous responses from the
• The HS instructors would in essence become Associate Faculty, wouldn’t that
take away classes that current AF could be teaching
• It affects seniority rights. The HS faculty would be accumulating seniority.
• If AF are available why aren’t they being offered these classes?
Ed Macan shared Peter Blakemore’s comments of CRFO legal counsel:
• Regarding a similar proposal at another CC, Counsel is completely convinced
that this is a negotiable topic and we should proceed within that framework.
Mark Renner asked if we are required to write a sub change proposal for this delivery
and the answer was yes, we would; if the students have the opportunity to integrate.
Deanna then asked how much input from faculty will be considered when deciding
which courses will be offered. Keith has asked for 3 faculty to be appointed to the
oversight committee. Moving forward it is very important to have representation on
this committee for input. CRFO input is essential and a CRFO constituent should be
on the oversight committee. Asked about AB 288, Keith Snow-Flamer explained that
we are within the framework of AB 288: Eureka City Schools (ECS) wants CTE and
transfer level courses ECS providing 30 college level units and then that student would
come here to finish the degree. Deanna recommended that the oversight committee
have equal representation of the CTE faculty. Lisa Sayles asked if there is a difference
between the two tracks? Keith wants the oversight committee to review both of the
tracks. When asked about a target date, Keith responded with some courses this
summer, and then in the spring. There is a HS faculty who has been MQ’d to teach in
McKinleyville. Copresident Johnston reiterated that we must proceed thoughtfully and
carefully so we don’t have to correct it later. The value of the CR brand that is at stake
here, and we must preserve our reputation as a college. Some concern expressed that
even though we MQ their faculty, it doesn’t make them our faculty. There may be
some elevated concern when they realize we are doing this already. Keith – the angst
comes with the super articulated courses. Which union would ECS follow?
Orientation for HS teachers? Deanna suggested inviting Michelle Haggerty as the FQC
chair, so we could have a larger discussion.
Conceptual Framework for Pelican Bay Campus Initiative: (1st discussion at Senate)
Keith Snow-Flamer gave some background
• Several CR personnel have been meeting with prison system administrators,
they have a very strong interest in offering Face-to-Face classes.
• They are not interested in correspondence courses as they are offered by four
other CC.
• Whole lot of issues to deal with like the curriculum there, and security.
• Visited with the principal there; the faculty must be very well trained and feel
• Also want to have a task force formed to deal with this too.
Deanna mentioned that there have already been discussions with the Psych faculty. We
must take the time to cover all the bases. More MQ thoughts – there are already people
working for the prison who could be MQ’d to teach there also. Keith concurred – they
have their own issues to deal with union-wise. Face-to-Face courses will put an
additional challenge on the guards. Keith would like four Faculty to be on the
Academic Senate Meeting May 15: Copresident Calderwood explained that we realize
this is graduation day at DN and the end of finals week, He wanted a hand vote from
those who would be able to attend the meeting on the 15th and the result is that we will
proceed with the meeting that day. Many members may be late due to preparations for
graduation, so the meeting will begin as soon as quorum is reached, but is officially set
to begin at 1 PM.
6. Reports
6.1 Institutional Effectiveness Summit Update: Copresident Calderwood began by saying
that it was a great event. Angelina Hill stated that the main takeaway was the
discussion about how the Annual Plan is developed. People don’t feel connected to the
Annual Plan. More constituent issues and input is needed. One Institutional plan
would be best for getting people to feel ownership. Class blocks being used when
scheduling meetings was discussed as well as starting up the College Hour, again.
Copresident Calderwood thanked Angelina for coordinating the summit.
6.2 Student Equity Plan 2014-15 Annual Plan Progress: Tracey Thomas explained that the
progress report is an update on the highlights and accomplishments that students,
faculty and staff have made. “Completed” parts are never really completed, so they are
carried forward. This report addresses the first year of a three-year plan. One of the
actions related to the Student Equity plan shows that they are aligning Program
Review requests to the plan. Those will be compiled by the CIO/CSSO to do a report
on the resource requests. Aligning Equity funding with SSSP, a new template for
reporting, and Chancellor’s Office requests for specific line items in the Annual Plan
were all discussed. Tracey walked the Senate through the documents and repeated that
constituent feedback and work are needed to work through all issues. Deanna HerreraThomas is participating in the Student Equity Plan Institute in Los Angeles, which she
will report to the Senate early in 2015-16.
CTE Division Advisory Committee Report: Marla Gleave presented the Advisory
Report and explained that it is the annual report as per BP 4102
Occupational/Vocational Technical Programs, and will also be reported to the
President and to the Board of Trustees. All CTE programs have advisory committees
that include community, CR staff and meet twice a year to address needs.
PE_HO Advisory Committee Report: Joe Hash presented the report for Administration
of Justice, Dental and Health Occupations, which fall under his purview. These
committees are meeting and active.
ASCCC* Spring Plenary 2015: Mark Renner presented a PowerPoint presentation of
event highlights, which may be found on the Senate website. He participated in as
many breakout sessions as possible, using suggestions from Academic Senate
Executive Committee members for which ones would best suit CR’s needs. Please
review the PowerPoint for detail.
College Update: Keith Snow-Flamer reported that he and Angelina Hill, Lee Lindsey
and Ahn Fielding participated in an ACCJC Accreditation Standards Symposium
session in San Diego April 23-24. Highlights include that we must focus more on
Associate Faculty orientation; evaluation; and assessment. Another is that we must
have a Code of Ethics that apply to all employees.
ASCR Update, Jerred Scheive – not present.
CRFO Update, Peter Blakemore and/or Mike Haley not present.
7. Announcements and Open Forum
7.1 Open Seats for Academic Senators and Senate and Planning Committees: Two of our
future Senators are filling in for current Senators today. Debbie will send the open
seats spreadsheet to Senators so they may facilitate filling these positions.
7.2 Upcoming CR Events (please announce any events!): none announced
8. Adjournment: On a motion by Sandra Rowan, seconded by Jon Pedicino, the meeting was
adjourned at 2:29 pm.
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination:
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color or disability in any of its
programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon
request this publication will be made available in alternate formats. Please contact Debbie Williams, Academic Senate Support, 7351 Tompkins
Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
*ASCCC- Academic Senate for California Community Colleges