Meeting of the Academic Senate
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (Board Room)
 Fort Bragg: 440 Alger St (Fine Woodworking)
 Fort Bragg: 33403 Simpson Rd
 Crescent City: 883 W Washington Blvd, Room E7
Friday, April 17, 2015, 1:00 PM
Members Present: Dan Calderwood, John Johnston, Colette Beaupre, Peter Blakemore, Steve
Brown, Kady Dunleavy, Deanna Herrera-Thomas, Ed Macan, Jon Pedicino, George Potamianos,
Ruth Rhodes (by phone), and Jessica Howard (for Sally Urban).
Members Absent: Tim Baker, Laura Mays, Richard Ries, Sandra Rowan, Sally Urban
Guests: Mark Renner, Mark Winter, Connie Wolfsen, and Dave Bazard
1. Call to Order: Copresident Dan Calderwood called the meeting to order at 1:03 pm.
2. Introductions and Public Comment: Copresident Calderwood welcomed Senators and the
public, and asked for comments on Academic Senate related business. Senator Ruth Rhodes
wished to acknowledge the incident on the Del Norte campus, and to praise the students who
attended to the student who was injured, the student who knocked a knife out of the alleged
assailant’s hand, and Professor Eli Naffah for holding the assailant. She wanted to announce
her pride in the campus community for their swift and thorough actions throughout a
dangerous episode.
3. Approve April 3, 2015 Academic Senate Minutes: On a motion by Peter Blakemore,
seconded by Kady Dunleavy, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
4.1 Approve April 10 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: On a motion by Kady
Dunleavy, seconded by Colette Beaupre, a typo was indicated on the last page, and
then the recommendations were unanimously approved by roll call vote: Colette
Beaupre – y; Peter Blakemore – y; Steve Brown – y; Kady Dunleavy – y; Deanna
Herrera-Thomas – y; Ed Macan – y; Jon Pedicino – y; George Potamianos – y; Ruth
Rhodes – y; Jessica Howard – y.
4.2 Approve Ad-Hoc Assessment Committee Proposal: On a motion by Peter Blakemore,
seconded by Steve Brown, Dave Bazard presented the proposal. There were questions
about the Course Outline of Record, which would be updated as the mapping is done,
as well as updating the COR form as needed. It was noted that some BP/APs will need
updated language to parallel with this revised process. Area E revisions (within AP
4025) should be vetted by ASPC, with MDC collaboration. A friendly amendment to
change the wording for Area D3 Analytical Thinking was made, and after different
suggestions were discussed the decision to change “mathematical” to “analytical
and/or computational” was mutually accepted, and the proposal with the friendly
amendment was unanimously approved by roll call vote: Colette Beaupre – y; Peter
Blakemore – y; Steve Brown – y; Kady Dunleavy – y; Deanna Herrera-Thomas – y;
Ed Macan – y; Jon Pedicino – y; George Potamianos – y; Ruth Rhodes – y; Jessica
Howard – y.
4.3 Approve Senate Copresident Ad-Hoc Nomination Committee Recommendations: On a
motion by Peter Blakemore, seconded by Kady Dunleavy, Copresident Calderwood
opened the discussion by directing Senators’ attention to the Academic Senate
Constitution, which does not speak to taking nominations from the floor. He then read
this statement:
In the interest of transparency, we want to provide a bit of background on the process
of creating the slate of nominations for next year.
The Senate convened the Academic Senate Co-presidents Nomination Committee. The
committee was chaired by Steve Brown. Kady Dunleavy and Deanna Herrera-Thomas
served as members.
The Committee brought to the last Academic Senate meeting a slate of candidates for
next year.
At that meeting, Co-president Johnston requested that the item be removed from the
agenda so that the Academic Senate Executive Committee and CRFO president and vicepresident could meet to discuss the co-president slate and potential impacts on CRFO
contract negotiations next year.
As many of you know, the Academic Senate and the CRFO have worked very hard over
the years to develop a collegial, collaborative relationship, and many other colleges
congratulate us on our ability to develop a good working relationship between these
representative bodies. Many other colleges are not so fortunate.
The Senate Executive Committee, which includes a representative from the CoPresidents Nomination Committee, and CRFO president and vice-president met on
Friday, April 10.
Incoming CRFO president Mike Haley requested that Co-president Johnston be allowed
to remove himself from the slate of nominations for Senate Co-presidents for 2015-16.
Professor Haley commented that next year is a contract negotiation year, and he wants
John to be able to focus all of his energies on leading those negotiations. John agreed
with Professor Haley’s concerns and supported his removal from the slate of
We want to emphasize, moving forward, that in order to ensure that faculty are willing
to step into leadership roles, it is important to support those who are willing to step into
those roles when asked to do so.
We believe also that it is important to work actively to continue to build a climate of
collegiality, respect, and goodwill.
Copresident Calderwood then asked Steve Brown, as Chair of the Nomination
Committee, to introduce the slate for approval. He and other Senators spoke to the
nominees’ qualifications for the positions. The slate was unanimously approved by
roll call vote: Colette Beaupre – y; Peter Blakemore – y; Steve Brown – y; Kady
Dunleavy – y; Deanna Herrera-Thomas – y; Ed Macan – y; Jon Pedicino – y; George
Potamianos – y; Ruth Rhodes – y; Jessica Howard – y. The outgoing Copresidents
were also praised for the work they have done.
Approve Emeritus Status Recommendations: On a motion by George Potamianos,
seconded by Colette Beaupre, Copresident Calderwood presented the list of retirees
being considered for Emeritus status. The recommendations were unanimously
approved by roll call vote: Colette Beaupre – y; Peter Blakemore – y; Steve Brown –
y; Kady Dunleavy – y; Deanna Herrera-Thomas – y; Ed Macan – y; Jon Pedicino – y;
George Potamianos – y; Ruth Rhodes – y; Jessica Howard – y.
5. Discussion
5.1 CR Distance Education Faculty Handbook: Mark Winter presented the in-depth
document that will accompany the regular Faculty Handbook that is currently being
revised. Professor Winter reviewed many colleges’ handbooks and found that
Pasadena City College and Mendocino Community College were a nice fit, especially
as they are currently using Canvas as their LMS. It was decided that the Senate should
share the document with colleagues, and we will bring it back for action next week to
sanction that this document reflects best practices.
5.2 Revision to Appendices for AP 4021 Program Revitalization, Suspension or
Discontinuation: ASPC Chair Connie Wolfsen explained that these appendices were
inadvertently missing from AP that has already been approved and is under constituent
review. The changes to the documents are minimal, but more informative and in line
with the AP language. A motion to move this Agenda Item to Action was made by
Peter Blakemore and seconded by Ed Macan. After a discussion about whether this
was important enough to move it to action (the importance being that the appendices
accompany the AP, and that it did exist on the agenda so was valid to move to action,
and there is no need to wait to have them approved), a roll call vote was taken and the
item was moved to action with over two-thirds of the Senate voting to approve (per
Robert’s Rules and Brown Act guidelines): Colette Beaupre – y; Peter Blakemore – y;
Steve Brown – y; Kady Dunleavy – y; Deanna Herrera-Thomas – y; Ed Macan – y;
Jon Pedicino – y; George Potamianos – n; Ruth Rhodes – y; Jessica Howard – y.
ACTION Item: On a motion to approve the recommendations by Kady Dunleavy, seconded by
Steve Brown, an opportunity for discussion was offered, and the appendices were unanimously
approved by roll call vote: Colette Beaupre – y; Peter Blakemore – y; Steve Brown – y; Kady
Dunleavy – y; Deanna Herrera-Thomas – y; Ed Macan – y; Jon Pedicino – y; George Potamianos
– y; Ruth Rhodes – y; Jessica Howard – y.
5.3 Preview of On-Line Program Review Template: Angelina Hill walked the Senate
through the online form, with Ruth Rhodes able to follow along over the phone.
Senators were impressed with the site. It comprises essentially the same details as the
current form, but is now available for filling out online. The template would look a
little different at Deans and Administrative levels of access. The idea was to make it
easier to submit information and then to disseminate the info efficiently. They are also
working on the same type of online protocol for admissions. This should help
coordination between authors and Deans. Authors may enter information and save it,
but it may not be “submitted” without a higher level of access.
5.4 2015-2016 Draft Annual Plan: Angelina Hill presented the draft and asked for
feedback from Senators. The Institutional Effectiveness Committee has been working
on it and is sending it to many different constituent groups for feedback. The plans are
examined many times throughout the year, with constant updates to areas that have
had activity or are “done”. It is as visible a process as possible, and a working tool that
is used throughout the year. Bolded items are things being covered by this Annual
Plan. There is an Institutional Effectiveness Summit tomorrow, where the document
will be presented, also.
5.5 Professional Crosswalk Proposal: Copresident Calderwood presented for feedback the
list of possible professional development ideas that have been derived from the
Student Success Summit, Faculty Meetings and other avenues for input. Now it has
been “crosswalked” with institutional plans. This list will also be valuable for
Accreditation. It was asked that training regarding how to foster a community of
civility and collegiality be added to the list. Also, it was suggested that diversity be
addressed, also. Communication is important, and aspects of communicating across
diverse populations should be part of community discussions.
Conceptual Framework for Dual Enrollment: Keith Snow-Flamer talked about how
CR already uses concurrent enrollment, and Senate input is being requested to help
develop a dual enrollment program with Eureka City Schools (ECS) (dual enrollmentclasses taught at a high school during the high school day). Discussion about the
concept included:
• Would Universities accept the course credit? Yes
• Instructional Services Agreement (ISA) must be signed by high school
• If course cannot be articulated, it would not be offered at ECS
• Courses must follow Course Outline of Record (COR)
• Tests must be agreed to
• Courses would be on the student’s transcript
• High School (HS) teachers would be paid by the HS
• HS would be paid a stipend by CR
• It is very similar to what Academy of the Redwoods is doing for Fortuna
Schools, so Fortuna is not included with ECS
• CR Faculty would determine courses to be offered
• The ISA would lay out the details
• Would ECS faculty be evaluated? How and by whom?
• Who is in charge of reviewing/tracking pros and cons of dual enrollment;
who would be ultimately responsible for following protocols?
• What about FTES? Potential gain from getting students to enroll that
otherwise have been interested (if not for dual enrollment)
• How would it affect faculty workloads?
• We should not move too quickly, must have procedures in place first
• Legal ramifications on all levels (budget, teacher mental state, etc.)
• Will be driven by CR faculty!
• The Shasta College Dual Enrollment program looked the best and this
proposal was written largely on that basis
• How do we ensure we are targeting the students that weren’t otherwise
planning to enroll at a community college?
• ECS would rather have their faculty teach than have our faculty in their
• Minimum Qualifications must be adhered to by ECS faculty
• The academic calendar and the ECS academic calendar? College or HS
hours counted?
• The ISA would limit enrollment numbers
• Has CBO Lindsey crunched the numbers (not as yet), rationally we will
make money
• Not clear on the evaluations (by contract)
This will be brought back for more discussion at the May 1 Senate meeting.
Revised Distance Education Course Proposal Form: Mark Winter presented the draft
and explained the procedure. This is the 3rd version, and has been simplified/
streamlined based on feedback from users and Curriculum Committee requirements.
Mark has requested more feedback especially from faculty who are already teaching
online, interactive, and/or hybrid classes. There will always be a DE specialist on the
Curriculum Committee. The same procedures apply for DE courses that exist for all
curriculums. The proposed draft form will be an Action Item on May 1.
6. Reports
April C-ID Newsletter: Copresident Calderwood presented the newsletter and asked
that Senators read and share the information with their constituents.
President Search Committee Update: Copresident Johnston concluded that the search
was thorough, with faculty input, and he is confident that we had the best outcome
from the search.
College Update: Keith Snow-Flamer reported that a group (which included himself,
Dean Thomas and Dean Hash) went to Pelican Bay to meet with the Warden, the
Superintendent of Corrections Education, and someone from the Board of Governors
(by phone) to talk about teaching at the prison in a closed environment (not open to the
general public). There will be more discussion that includes faculty in order to come
up with a plan for teaching at Pelican Bay.
ASCR Update: Diversity Senator Quang-Minh Pham filled in for Jerred Scheive, and
he listed upcoming events from ASCR:
ASCR BBQ on April 23
Clothing Recycle April 22-24
ASCR Elections April 27-28
Eight ASCR Senate members are going to the Spring General Assembly May 1-3
Donation from ASCR to SSSP of $12 K!
The vote for Student Trustee was April 22 and should be reported soon
Academic Senate Seats/Chairs Open in 2015-16: Copresident Calderwood gave a
gentle reminder to Senators to bring up open Senate seats at Division meetings so that
we have our Senate Roster for 2015-16 set up as soon as possible.
7. Announcements and Open Forum
7.1 IEC Summit April 18
7.2 Upcoming CR Events (please announce any events!):
Early Alert Initiative and Ellucian present Retention Seminar, May 6-8, 8 to 5:
check your emails for more information
8. Adjournment
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination:
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color or disability in any of its
programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon
request this publication will be made available in alternate formats. Please contact Debbie Williams, Academic Senate Support, 7351 Tompkins
Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.