Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.1 April 18, 2014 College of the Redwoods Summary of Course Changes 04.11.14 LEGEND PREFIX = Course prefix; # = Course Number; TITLE = Course title or title change; NEW = New course or large format/distanced education proposal first submission; REV = Revised course; REP = Replaces existing course; INA = Inactivated course; UNITS = Total Units and hours of new or revised course; UC = UC transferable – indicate UC transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending; CSU = CSU transferable – indicate CSU transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending CR GE = credits apply to CR General Education; underlined indicates new CR GE and R for approval removed; COMMENTS = Review of outline changes, including prerequisites. N R R I E E E N W V P A C [ Units ] CR U S Lec/Lab GE C U Hrs Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Prefix # Title/Title Change POLSC 10 US Government & Politics X A A A ECE 10 Field Experience in Early Childhood Education X A BT 53A X [3.0] 36 / 54 P New course. The outcomes and content has become too much for one course. BT‐53A will contain the beginning and intermediate content. BT BT 111 Keyboarding I 188 Experiemental Topics Corrections Officer Training: 189 Core Course X X Course inactivation. Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X X X X Course inactivation. Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X X X Course inactivation. Course inactivation. AJ AJ 199 FT FT 1 2 FT 3 FT FT 4 5 Beginning Technical and Professional Office Procedures Advanced Officer Training: Individual Topic Titles Fire Technology Organization Fire Behavior and Combustion Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival Fire Prevention Fire Protection Systems Curriculum Change: 04.11.14 Regularly scheduled review to maintain online status. Last approved 11/13/09. Course updated to align with the state‐wide Curriculum Alignment Project. Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.1 April 18, 2014 Prefix # FT 6 FT Title/Title Change N R R I E E E N W V P A C [ Units ] U CR Lec/Lab S GE C Hrs U Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Building Construction for Fire Protection X X Course inactivation. 101 Intro to Fire Behavior (NWCG S‐ 190) X Course inactivation. FT 102 Basic Firefighting Training (NWCG S‐130) X Course inactivation. FT 103 Expanded Dispatch Recorder (NWCG D‐110) X Course inactivation. FT 104 Annual Fire Safety Refresher (RT‐130A) X Course inactivation. FT 105 X Course inactivation. FT 106 FT 107 FT 108 FT 109 FT 110 FT 111 FT 112 FT 113 FT 114 FT 115 FT 116 Annual Fire Safety Refresher (RT‐130B) Firefighter Type 1 (CWCG S‐131) Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes & Safety Portable Pumps and Water Use Wildland Fire Chain Saws (NWCG S‐212) X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. ICS for Single Resources & IA Incidents X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. LCES & Look up, Down, Around (S‐133 & S‐134) Interagency Business Management Practices (S‐260) Applied Interagency Incident Business Management (S‐261) Basic Air Operations (S‐270) Initial Attack Incident Commander (S‐200) Prescribed Burn Boss Refresher (RT‐300FS) Curriculum Change: 04.11.14 Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.1 April 18, 2014 C [ Units ] U CR Lec/Lab S GE C Hrs U Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Prefix # FT 117 Crew Boss, Single Resource (S‐ 230) (RT‐300FS) X Course inactivation. FT 118 Engine Boss, Single Resource (S‐ 231) (RT‐300FS) X Course inactivation. FT 119 FT FT MATH Title/Title Change N R R I E E E N W V P A Dozer Boss, Single Resource (S‐ 232) (RT‐300FS) 180 Firefighter I Academy Fire Technology Advanced 199 Training [Individual Topic Titles] X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. X Course inactivation. 50C Multivariable Calculus X A A Course updated to align with C‐ID curriculum specifically with the catalog description, outcomes and skills. Curriculum Change: 04.11.14 Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.1 April 18, 2014 Summary of Program Changes 04.11.14 DEGREES & CERTIFICATES NEW = New Program (form 501); SUB = Revised program that has undergone substantive changes (form 510); NONSUB = Revised program that has undergone non‐substantial changes (form 511); INA = Inactivated program (form 511); COMMENTS = nature of proposal Program Title N O N S I N E U N S B A W U B Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Dental Assisting Associate of Science Revision to Program Learning Outcomes. Dental Assisting Certificate of Achievement Revision to Program Learning Outcomes. Curriculum Change: 04.11.14 Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.2 April 18, 2014 College of the Redwoods CURRICULUM PROPOSAL FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE IN DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE Date: 1. Division: Select 2. Degree or Certificate: 3. What is the rationale to offer 50% or more of the degree or certificate as distance education? Please relate to degree or certificate program review. 4. List the DE courses contributing to the need for a degree or certificate substantive change approval. Submitted by: Tel. Ext: Date: To be completed by Instructional Deans/Directors only: 5. Are all courses identified in #4 currently approved for online delivery by the curriculum committee? (Refer to curriculum stoplight) 6. Is there adequate instructional support (i.e., certified online instructors) for this degree or certificate? Approval: Division Dean or Director: Select Distance Education Faculty Appointee Review Date: Review Date: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE USE ONLY Approved by Curriculum Committee: No Yes Date: Academic Senate Approval Date: Board of Trustees Approval Date: Curriculum Approval: 3/28/14 Academic Senate Approval: 1 of 1 Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.3 April 18, 2014 PROPOSED Academic Senate Copresidents Slate for 2014 - 2015 April 18, 2014 The members of the Senate Copresidents Nomination Ad Hoc Committee (Dave Bazard, Steven Brown, and Marcy Foster) forward for approval the following proposed Academic Senate copresidents slate to serve a one-year term from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015: 1. Dan Calderwood-----------Career and Technical Education/Computer Information Services 2. John Johnston---------------Humanities/English AGENDA ITEM 4.4 Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 EMERITUS FACULTY NOMINATION Recommended by the Academic Senate and the President/Superintendent SPRING 2014 Mike Cox – Physical Education and Athletics, started 8/15/1991, retiring 5/17/14 Marcy Foster – CalWORKS/Counseling, started 1/12/1998, retiring 5/17/14 Theresa Sholars – Life Science, started 3/4/1980, retiring 5/17/14 Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM 4.5 Proposal: All courses approved for general education must list English 150 (precollegiate reading and writing), or a higher-level reading and writing course, as recommended preparation for the general education course. Rationale: Assessment reports and associated assessment dialogue indicate that achievement of the college’s general education outcomes (particularly communication and critical thinking) are hindered by a student’s inability to read and write at, or near, the college level. Currently most general education courses include an English 150 recommended preparation statement, but lack of such a statement for some courses gives the false impression that English 150 level of preparation is not essential for achieving course and college outcomes. The assessment results are contrary to this assumption. The assessments indicate that reading and writing skills are essential for achieving the general education outcomes in all general education courses. Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.1 April 18, 2014 Process for Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year Eureka Campus Spring 2015 Process The faculty in each academic division may nominate one full-time faculty member and one associate faculty member from their division for the Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year awards. Working with the faculty members in their division, the senator from that division, or if there is more than one, the longest serving current senator will complete documentation in support of their nominees (see attached “Support for Nomination” form) and will submit the nominees’ names and supporting documentation to the Academic Senate by Tuesday, March 31. If the division chooses to nominate the senator, the division must select another faculty member to gather and submit the supporting documentation. The Academic Senate will announce Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year nominees at the April 3 Senate meeting and will call for additional support for nominees from students, staff, and faculty members from outside of the nominee’s division. (Nominees are highly discouraged from soliciting support from students currently enrolled in their classes.) Additional support for nominees must be submitted to the Academic Senate office, in writing, by Thursday, April 16. Academic Senate members will vote (via signed ballots) for Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year by Friday, May 1, 2015. The Awardees for both Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year will be announced at the college-wide Convocation event on Thursday, August 20, 2015. The Faculty of the Year Awardee will not give an acceptance speech at Commencement. However, they will be given first refusal for presenting a Speech to Graduating Students at the May 16 Eureka Commencement ceremonies. Should that awardee refuse this honor, last year’s FOY will be given the opportunity to give the speech. If this awardee refuses, the honor will fall to a Senate Co-President. Academic Senate Approved Process March 4, 2005 Reviewed by Senate Executive Committee March 24, 2010 Revisions Approved by Academic Senate February 28, 2014 Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.1 April 18, 2014 Support for Nomination Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year Name of Nominee: ________________________________________________________ Division: ________________________________________________________________ Signature of Academic Senator ______________________________________________ (or faculty member submitting the documentation) Date: ___________________________________________________________________ Please tell us about the candidate’s qualifications in the following areas: 1. Exceptional performance in their service area (teaching, counseling, librarianship, etc.) 2. Contribution to College of the Redwoods through participation on committees, special projects, student-related activities, or development activities. 3. Representation of College of the Redwoods in community services, participation and/or presentations at professional meetings, or active membership in professional organizations. Academic Senate Approved Process March 4, 2005 Reviewed by Senate Executive Committee March 24, 2010 Revisions Approved by Academic Senate February 28, 2014 Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.2 April 18, 2014 The Academic Senate For College of the Redwoods Bylaws ********** ARTICLE II Committees The Senate shall have the following standing committees: Executive Committee, Academic Standards and Policies Committee, Curriculum Committee, Faculty Development Committee, Faculty Qualifications Committee, CRFO/Academic Senate Liaison Committee, Tenure Review Committee, Associate Faculty Committee, and Multicultural and Diversity Committee. For the purposes of committee representation, please refer to the Constitution of the Academic Senate, Article IV, Section 2 list of instructional divisions as defined by College Administration. Nonvoting, ex-officio committee members may make motions and participate in discussions, but shall not count towards a quorum. Substitutions will not be allowed on any Senate committee. ********** Section 3. Curriculum Committee A. Membership: Terms of each faculty member, including the chair, shall be two years with staggered terms expiring July 1. The Committee shall consist of the following members: 1. The chair appointed from the Committee’s members past or present by the Copresidents and confirmed by the Senate; 2. One faculty from each division, selected by the division. If a division chooses not to fill the position, the Copresidents may appoint a faculty member from any division to fill that vacancy. With the exception of the chair, no division shall have more than two representatives. 2.3.College aArticulation lLiaison (AL), who shall serve as a regular, voting member, if the AL is a faculty member. If the AL is not faculty, they shall be a nonvoting, ex-officio member. 3.4.The Chief Academic OfficerChief Instruction/Student Services Officer (CIO/CSSO), who shall serve as a nonvoting, ex-officio member; and. 4.5.College articulation liaison, who shall serve as a nonvoting, ex-officio member. 5.6.The Curriculum Committee chair may request a MIS Admissions and Records representative, who shall serve as a nonvoting, ex-officio member. B. Duties and Purposes: The Curriculum Committee is concerned with the development of and continual improvement of educational programs and the curriculum. The major functions of the Committee are the following: 1. To make recommendations to the Senate regarding additions, modifications, or deletions to the curriculum; 2. To advise the Senate and the administration on issues related to curriculum and educational programs; 3. To maintain an on-going evaluation of the college curriculum; Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM 5.2 4. To assist in the development and long-range planning of the overall educational program of the college; and 5. To advise faculty who are developing groupings of classes into cohorts or other linked units. 6. The specific functions of the Curriculum Committee are to act on the following proposals: a. Creation, modification or deletion of programs, courses, or certificates; b. Revision of a catalog description to reflect changes in the nature of a course; c. Changes in hours and/or units of a course; d. Changes in the requirements of an existing certificate or degree program; e. Changes in prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended preparation; f. Assignment of courses to disciplines; and Significant changes in the course outline related to grading standards, method of evaluation, or instructional materials. Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM 6.2 April 2, 2014 To: ACCJC Commission From: Tim Karas; President Council of Chief Librarians, California Community Colleges RE: Revision to ACCJC Standards Attached is the official feedback form concerning the revision of Standard II. The recommendations provided have been vetted through the library community and recently re‐affirmed at the Annual Library Deans and Directors Meeting in March 2014. The Council of Chief Librarians (CCL) is committed to working with ACCJC to provide Standards that uphold high quality education and learning opportunities. June 2012: Several Council of Chief Librarian Executive Board Members addressed the commission during public comments September 2012: Council of Chief Librarian submitted a feedback form on the Standard revisions. November 2013: A resolution was passed by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. “Whereas, As of November 7, 2013, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) has drafted new Standards to replace the 2002 Standards without incorporating proposals given to the Commission from the Council of Chief Librarians, a group that represents librarians in the California Community Colleges, to strengthen the coordination of student learning among librarians, learning support staff, and discipline faculty;…” June 2013: Solicitation by ACCJC staff of preliminary draft was not extended to the library community (Council of Chief Librarians). January 2014: CCL President attends ACCJC Commission to read statement regarding Standard Revisions March 2014: CCL Annual Library Deans and Directors meeting reaffirm recommendations April 2014: CCL submits comment form to ACCJC The ACCJC draft Standards weaken, to the detriment of student learning, the criteria used in the 2002 Standards in regard to information competency and access to library materials and services regardless of location or means of delivery by placing the standards now in that section IIC under Standard IIB (Student Services). This eliminates the existence of library and learning support services unique significance of being comprised of instructional and student service element. It is critical to retain Library and Learning Support Services as an independent sub‐section. Moving the Library and Learning Support Section (2C) to Student Support lessens the linkage that these areas have to Instruction and enhances the "silo" that is faced by the current 2C programs. Libraries, tutorials and other learning support services have to be linked to instruction in order to be effective. The Instruction Section (Standard 2A) had a major component, Information Competency. Standard II.A.3.b The Revision weakens this effort to improve student learning of this vital concept. The Revision lessens the linkage between other instructional programs in the teaching of information literacy. The current Standard 2C, as an independent subsection, allows for more focused evaluation by both the colleges in creating their Self Evaluation Reports as well as for teams who work with the colleges. Tim Karas; President Council of Chief Librarians, California Community Colleges 408‐855‐5164 Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM 6.2 ACCREDITING COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITY AND JUNIOR COLLEGES Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC) COMMENT ON JANUARY 2014 FIRST READING REVISIONS TO ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS AND ACCREDITATION STANDARDS Contact information for Respondent: Name: Tim Karas Title: President, Council of Chief Librarians: California Community Colleges Email_tim.karas@wvm.edu_______ Telephone__408‐855‐5164____________ College affiliation or name of other organization you are representing: ___ Council of Chief Librarians: California Community Colleges______________ Comment submitted (attach additional pages if needed): 1. Comment on revisions to the Eligibility Requirements N/A 2. Comments on revisions to the Accreditation Standards: The ACCJC draft Standards weaken, to the detriment of student learning, the criteria used in the 2002 Standards in regard to information competency and access to library materials and services regardless of location or means of delivery by placing the standards now in that section IIC under Standard IIB (Student Services). This eliminates the existence of library and learning support services unique significance of being comprised of instructional and student service element. It is critical to retain Library and Learning Support Services as an independent sub‐section. Moving the Library and Learning Support Section (2C) to Student Support lessens the linkage that these areas have to Instruction and enhances the "silo" that is faced by the current 2C programs. Libraries, tutorials and other learning support services have to be linked to instruction in order to be effective. The Instruction Section (Standard 2A) had a major component, Information Competency. Standard II.A.3.b Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM 6.2 The Revision weakens this effort to improve student learning of this vital concept. The Revision lessens the linkage between other instructional programs in the teaching of information literacy. The current Standard 2C, as an independent subsection, allows for more focused evaluation by both the colleges in creating their Self Evaluation Reports as well as for teams who work with the colleges. See Details Below: Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM 6.2 Current Language ACCJC Draft Revisions CCL Recommendations Standard II.A.3.b Standard IIA 12. Standard IIA.3.b. A capability to be a productive individual and life-long learner: skills include oral and written communication, information competency, computer literacy, scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical analysis/ logical thinking, and the ability to acquire knowledge through a variety of means. The institution includes in all of its programs student learning outcomes, appropriate to the program level, in communication competency, information and quantitative competency, analytic inquiry skills, and the ability to engage diverse perspectives, and other program specific learning outcomes. CWIIA2c, IIA3b, IIB3d A capability to be a critical thinker and skilled communicator: skills include critical analysis/logical thinking, information competency, computer proficiency, scientific and quantitative reasoning, and oral and written communication. New c) The ability to acquire knowledge through a variety of means and to acquire and critically evaluate information. Standard IIC Introduction Standard IIB 9: Library and other learning support services for students are sufficient to support the institution's instructional programs and intellectual, aesthetic, and cultural activities in whatever format and wherever they are offered. Such services include library services and collections, tutoring, learning centers, computer laboratories, and learning technology development and training. The institution provides access and training to students so that library and other learning support services may be used effectively and efficiently. The institution systematically assesses these services using student learning outcomes, faculty input, and other appropriate measures in order to improve the effectiveness of the services The institution supports student learning and achievement by providing library, and other learning support services to students and personnel responsible for student learning and support that are sufficient in quantity, currency, depth, and variety to support educational programs, regardless of location or means of delivery, including distance education and correspondence education. Learning support services include, but are not limited to, library collections, tutoring, learning centers, computer laboratories, learning technology, and ongoing instruction for users of library and other learning support services. CWIIC,Intro, IIC1, IIC1b,c The ACCJC draft Standards weaken, to the detriment of student learning, the criteria used in the 2002 Standards in regard to information competency and access to library materials and services regardless of location or means of delivery by placing the standards now in that section IIC under Standard IIB (Student Services). This eliminates the existence of library and learning support services unique significance of being comprised of instructional and student service element. It is critical to retain Library and Learning Support Services as an independent sub-standard. Standard IIC1. The institution supports the quality of its instructional programs by providing library and other learning support services that are sufficient in quantity, currency, depth, and variety to facilitate educational offerings, regardless of location or Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM 6.2 means of delivery. Standard IIC 1b. The institution provides ongoing instruction for users of library and other learning support services so that students are able to develop skills in information competency. Standard IIC 1c. The institution provides students and personnel responsible for student learning programs and services adequate access to the library and other learning support services, regardless of their location or means of delivery. Standard II.C.1. b. The institution provides ongoing instruction for users of library and other learning support services so that students are able to develop skills in information competency. See Above Standard IIB 9. Standard II.C.1. b. The institution provides ongoing instruction for library users of library and other learning support services so that students are able to develop skills in information competency. The institution promotes learning support services to faculty and students so that students use these services to increase their success. Standard IIC 1.a. Standard IIb 10. Relying on appropriate expertise of faculty, including librarians and other learning support services professionals, the institution selects and maintains educational equipment and materials to support student learning and enhance the achievement of the mission of the institution. Relying on appropriate expertise of faculty, including librarians, and other learning support services professionals, the institution selects and maintains educational equipment and materials to support student learning and enhance the achievement of the mission. CW IIC1a Standard IIC 2. Standard IIB 11. Standard II.C. The institution evaluates library and other learning support services to assure their adequacy in meeting identified student needs. Evaluation of these services provides evidence that they contribute to the achievement of student learning outcomes. The institution uses the results of these The institution defines and assesses learning and other intended outcomes for library and learning support services and uses assessment data to continuously improve programs and services. CW IIC2 The institution evaluates library and other learning support services to assure their adequacy in meeting identified student learning needs. Evaluation of these services provides evidence that they contribute to the achievement of student learning outcomes. The Academic Senate Meeting April 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM 6.2 evaluations as the basis for improvement. Standard IIC 1 d. Standard IIB 12. The institution provides effective maintenance and security for its library and other learning support services. Standard IIC 1 e. When the institution relies on or collaborates with other institutions or other sources for library and other learning support services for its instructional programs, it documents that formal agreements exist and that such resources and services are adequate for the institution's intended purposes, are easily accessible, and utilized. The performance of these services is evaluated on a regular basis. The institution takes responsibility for and assures the reliability of all services provided either directly or through contractual arrangement. institution uses the results of these evaluations as the basis for improvement. When the institution relies on or collaborates with other institutions or other sources for library and other learning support services for its instructional programs, it documents that formal agreements exist and that such resources and services are adequate for the institution’s intended purposes, are easily accessible and utilized. The institution takes responsibility for and assures the security, maintenance, and reliability of services provided either directly or through contractual arrangement. The institution regularly evaluates these services to ensure their effectiveness. CW IIC1d,e Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 7.2 April 18, 2014 Senate Members Needed for 2014-15 Developed from information derived by Human Resources on April 15, 2014 Representatives Needed as per Constitution (1 representative for each 5 faculty/division) Division Name CR Phone Term Exp. Division Total /Needed for 201415 Copresident Bob Brown 4239 6/14 Copresident Mark Renner 2340 6/14 Associate Faculty Associate Faculty Career & Tech Ed Career & Tech Ed Health, PE & Athletics Health, PE & Athletics Humanities Humanities Math, Science & Social Sciences Math, Science & Social Sciences Instruction & Student Development Del Norte Mendocino Chris Vicory Sandra Rowan Steve Brown Dan Calderwood Mike Cox Kady Dunleavy John Johnston Peter Blakemore Dave Bazard Richard Ries (S14) Marcy Foster Philip Mancus Laura Mays 4567 x 3018 4347 4365 4244 4355 4375 4314 4224 962-2681 4157 2362 964-7056 6/14 6/15 6/14 6/15 6/14 6/15 6/15 6/15 6/14 6/15 6/14 6/14 6/15 ISD 1/1 DN 1/1 MC 1/0 Student Representative Jerred Scheive 4180 6/14 ASCR 1/1 Chief Instruction Officer Administrative Support Keith Snow-Flamer Debbie Williams 4196 4259 Committee Chairs Academic Standards and Policies Associate Faculty Curriculum Faculty Development Faculty Qualifications Multicultural & Diversity Tenure Review Connie Wolfsen Sandra Rowan George Potamianos Kerry Mayer Michelle Haggerty Philip Mancus Susan Nordlof 4254 x 3018 4318 4326 4319 2362 4336 Senate Member List revised 1/23/14 (Agenda item 4.3) (Agenda item 4.3) AF 2/1 CTE 3/2 HPEA 2/1 Hum 3/1 MSSS 3/2 6/15 6/14 6/15 6/14 6/15 6/14 6/15 phone numbers with “x” - dial 476-4100, then ext. #