Academic Senate May 3, 2013
Meeting of the Academic Senate
 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (New Board Room)
 Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E4
 Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
 Smith River: 360 Bradford Avenue
Friday, May 3, 2013
Members Present: Mike Richards, Bob Brown, Dave Bazard, Steve Brown, Brie Day, Kady
Dunleavy, Ryan Emenaker, Ruth Moon (for Marcy Foster), Chris Gaines, Jennifer Gardner,
Tanya Smart (for Dave Gonsalves), Cindy Hooper, Susan Nordlof, Sandra Rowan, Kevin
Yokoyama, Solomon DeCamp, Dr. Utpal Goswami
Members Absent: Marcy Foster, Dave Gonsalves, Maggie White
1. Call to Order: Co-president Mike Richards called the meeting to order at 1:08 pm
2. Introductions and Public Comment: No public comments were forwarded.
3. Approve the April 19, 2013 Meeting Minutes: On a motion by Steve brown, seconded by
Kevin Yokoyama, the minutes were approved with the revision of adding “Daniel Potts and
Michelle Blecher”.
4. Action Item
4.1 Approve Senate Copresident Ad-hoc Nomination Committee Recommendation, Mike
Richards: There being no nominations from the floor, on a motion to approve by Ryan
Emenaker, seconded by Dave Bazard, the proposal was discussed. Copresident Richards
thanked the committee for all their work. And the recommendations were accepted by a
roll call vote – Bazard – y, Brown – y, Day – y, Emenaker – y, Moon – y, Gaines – y,
Gardner – y, Smart – y, Hooper – y, Nordlof – y, Yokoyama – y.
4.2 Approve April 26 Curriculum Committee Recommendations, Peter Blakemore: On a
motion to approve by Kevin Yokoyama, seconded by Cindy Hooper, the proposal was
discussed. There was one revision; “-Men” was removed from PE 50 Intercollegiate
Baseball. The FNR courses that are accepted for CSU are not CR GE, as indicated
correctly in the recommendation. Accepted by roll call vote - Bazard – y, Brown – y, Day
– y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Moon – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Smart – y, Hooper
– y, Nordlof – y, Yokoyama – y.
4.3 Approve Online Faculty Evaluation Guidelines, Mark Winter: On a motion to approve by
Kady Dunleavy, seconded by Dave Bazard, the revised proposal was discussed. Kady
asked about DSPS review, but it hasn’t been to DSPS, yet. Dr. Goswami suggested that
“Does the course appear accessible” will not pass the test, but “Is the course accessible”
Academic Senate May 3, 2013
would be better, and “universal design” is the latest thing in accessibility so perhaps use
that in place of “text alternative” in #3. Dave Bazard wondered if “learning outcomes”
was appropriate as it is defined in the course outline. We are evaluating the instructor, not
the course. Mark said that language could be improved. Dr. Goswami thinks that we
should say that the course covers the course outline of record and we’ve adhered to it.
Peter Blakemore mentioned that it is the Curriculum Committee’s job to determine if a
course is accessible. There was discussion about using “appears” and asked why certain
things were crossed out. Also that some instructors do not use the Gradebook function
even in regular classes, so why online? Mark Winter said that some of the cross-outs
were suggested by Mark Renner. Gradebook or equivalent was intended to hold the
instructor accountable. The language that is changed will be forwarded to CRFO. Kevin
Yokoyama regarding #3, if the instructor creates a video or screen capture, is it up to the
instructor to ensure that the course is accessible and the answer is yes. The Senate
suggested, discussed and clarified a few modifications (which will be forwarded to Mark
Winter), and with those in mind, the roll call vote was taken: Bazard – y, Brown – y, Day
– y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Moon – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Smart – y, Hooper
– y, Nordlof – y, Rowan – y, Yokoyama – y.
5. Discussion
5.1 Online Faculty Qualifications: Mark Winter This is an initial discussion, and the Senate’s
first look and dissemination of the draft from the Ad-hoc DE committee. After faculty input
he will take it to the copresidents and then, perhaps, to the new DE committee that is being
established; or to ASPC or CRFO or to all of the above - because the goal is to have separate
guidelines for online faculty to be enforced. Kady Dunleavy - could we recommend that it
goes to ASPC? Response; we can’t fast track it that way. Question about #4 from Sandra
Rowan - if someone has already been teaching online, that’s demonstrating successful
experience? Mark Winter - What are the criteria? We don’t even know who will make the
decision. Kevin Yokoyama regarding #2 if an instructor were to get a certificate, would those
units be eligible their column increases? If it is for credit, then yes. But an online workshop
would not be for credit, even if it was from UCLA. Ruth Moon asked how it would interact
with the minimum qualifications handbook. There is nothing about minimum quals here, but
is in addition. They would have an FSA already in order to teach the subject matter. Ryan is
teaching online for the first time this summer, and he wouldn’t have the qualifications as
outlined; how do we address these situations where we need someone at the last minute but
they’re not qualified; it makes sense to have a policy. It will be a challenge to come up with a
plan to train instructors. Dave Bazard says Ryan could do #5; the demo would be enough to
show capability and #3 is possible for Ryan to do, but how to document these is not known
yet. As questions come up please let Mark Winter know, and then we may want to send
another draft to the ASPC or the Academic Senate – we should try to bring it back right away
in the Fall to get some action on it. **********note for future agenda item*********
6. Reports
Academic Senate May 3, 2013
6.1. Ad-Hoc Distance Education Committee Update: Mark Winter – he would like to
summarize accomplishments and what they weren’t able to finish and will pass on to the
new group. 1) The curriculum stoplight for online classes - the status of courses is 40%
of sections scheduled for Fall are not current so we are at about 50/50 and he encouraged
Senators to check their disciplines and bring courses up to date; 2) Regular Effective
Contact was approved and being used by the curriculum committee and 3) Evaluation
guidelines for online instructors. Forwarded by our committee to the newly establishing
DE committee is the student authentication and fraud issue which we haven’t established
a policy for, yet; also test proctoring which we are required to have and to consider
revision of DE quality standards and implementation of those standards. Those three
things will be handed to new DE Committee in August. The Co-chairs of the committee
are Mark Winter and MaryGrace McGovern, the faculty representatives are Mike Butler,
Brie Day, Chris Romero and Jennifer Gardner. There will be administrators and staff as
well. He extended thanks to members Mark Renner, Toby Green, Marla Gleave, Clyde
Johnson, Mike Butler, Wendy Riggs, Sydney Larsen and Brie Day.
6.2. ASCR Update: Solomon DeCamp: ASCR held their special election and await the
second count, which they will announce at the next Senate Meeting. The Awards dinner
is tonight. They did a Pizza, cookie and water give away at an end of the year BBQ.
Next week there is a Mon-Thurs stress relief event, so urge stressed out students to grab
a pick-me-up.
6.3. Budget Planning Committee Update: Bob Brown: BPC knows people are anxiously
awaiting a budget so they can look at resource requests and rank priorities; he talked to
Lee who is waiting for TPC and FPC to finish up their work, which should be done soon
and the BPC will do their portion. Some budget projections are looking good with
property tax income and funds generated through Prop 30, but it was quickly mentioned
to keep it cautionary and that money rolling in will be distributed primarily to K-12 and
not growth money for community colleges to increase enrollment gaps. BPC will have
committee structure changes; Copresident Brown will concentrate on his Copresident
duties and the return of baseball, etc. Faculty co-chair replacement will be Mike Dennis
with Co-chair Lee Lindsey, Tami Matsumoto will continue and Chris Gaines will take
Bob’s place. Mendocino representative is still up in the air and so is Del Norte.
6.4. Senate Plenary Meeting: Bob Brown: this is a really critical event, and he is glad Senate
funds are dedicated to it. Wish we could send more people to get in touch at the State
level, as you get a much wider viewpoint from other colleagues. Resolutions were
exciting, but very serious things. He attended a lot of breakout sessions but there were
others that you can see online. The highlights of what he participated in are in the report.
Included are all the resolutions that were passed, failed or referred. MOOCs are a hot
topic. Keynote speakers were a cofounder from Coursera who is a Stanford professor,
and a Cal professor speaking for Edx. Discussion included the benefits of MOOCs and
how they can support faculty, with the speakers trying desperately to separate
themselves from Senator Steinberg and SB 520. They were not advocating the bill,
unlike the Udacity group that coauthored SB 520 which is supposed to create
partnerships with courses approved for credit. Kevin Yokoyama asked about the first
Academic Senate May 3, 2013
breakout session, when you say “prioritization” do you mean funding request? Not
necessarily; it was more about criteria, a recommendation to identify program reviews
and how they are submitted and whether evaluations are timely. Dave Bazard asked for a
broader sense of our problems vs other college’s problems. In some areas we are way
ahead of the curve, but in comparison to others, we are behind. Mt San Jacinto is caught
up on everything, and they led many of the break-out sessions. We have a lot of room for
improvement, though we are ahead of some colleges.
6.5. Marketing Task Force Update: Cindy Hooper: working quickly and it’s exciting.
Bantering around slogans such as “A lot of Positives at CR”. We participated at the
Math Fair, handing out brochures to a lot of people. We hope to be present at the
Humboldt County Fair. The faculty profiles are going well, with 11 profiles ready to go.
Cindy is meeting with Brian Van Pelt for a template so keep turning in profiles. Task
force will try to have pdf brochures for transfer degrees. CTE has a great online
presence, and this is needed for all the transfer degrees. Angelina came today and
stressed that we encourage online students to stick around for summer. The FTE target is
for 300, and we have 225 now. We need to recruit and keep students. The Task Force
has been targeting parents, high school counselors, and Hispanic populations. We would
like to advertise on Spanish radio among other media outlets. Julia Peterson is looking
toward a Spanish program for GED and eventual participation in the California Dream
Act which you can’t be part of unless you have a GED complete or are enrolled in
Community College. We have monetized Facebook, and encourage people to “Like” the
CR page. Open enrollment starts Monday May 6. Paul has gone to high schools and
would like to have faculty join them for visits, especially the CTE. Instructors will be
available to help with MyCR, and we all really need to emphasize the positives. Tanya
Smart of Mendo campus in Ft Bragg mentioned people keep asking “are you still open”?
Radio stations might do free PSAs. There are still lots of ways to encourage participation
at CR, and Cindy is the best booster!
6.6. 2013-14 Senate Representation Update: Mike Richards – we are still working on
Curriculum Committee Chair. Also change the heading dates to 2013-14.
6.7. College Update: Utpal Goswami: Utpal is stepping down and Jeff Cummings will be the
new Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO). They are still sorting out issues – DE is
waiting to see if the commission will accept their proposal. And they also want a report
on the closure of 101 sites. There are things happening statewide; the Chancellor’s office
is appointing a task force to look at bachelor degrees, and there is another proposal on
expanding what is covered by 50%. Finally, at this month’s board report he will provide
information on cost of FTES, and you can find his report here on pages 153 and 154.
6.8. College Council Update: Mike Richards: everyone should have received the constituent
policies review email for policies up for 30 day review. 30 days has become the norm,
where it was once was 90 days. It is vitally important for everyone to give feedback
soon, since the turnaround is so much shorter. CC will be meeting throughout the
summer, CRFO and senate reps need the feedback! Last summer we didn’t do many
academic policies but this summer we will be looking at academic policies, so please
Academic Senate May 3, 2013
pay attention to the emails and give feedback. BP/AP 2510 Participation in Local
Decision Making: there’s been crossover between BP and AP language. Generally, the
board policy is supposed to be a general direction, and administrative procedures should
be more definitive. There are a lot of strikeouts in the previous AP which were
incorporated into the BP. Please look at it and give feedback. It will be voted on at CC
meeting later in May and the only time you’ve seen it was in the email. AP 2511 College
Council also generated discussion. College Council operating procedures and makeup
are now more about policy review and not the widespread decision making body it used
to be. For 2511, they struck out the whole AP part of it. There have been some proposals
and different ideas like incorporating CC into IEC. The makeup of that committee is
unknown. They have tried to eliminate the AP and Copresident Richards asked the
question of how we go about approval for changes if it’s just housed on the web page;
there would be no real process to codify the makeup of the committee. We need to know
what participation will make up this committee; will it be divisional participation, how
many people do we need, how long do they serve – it’s hard to answer these questions
when we are asking people to be part of a committee. Even if it’s not codified by a
policy, we need to know where to find that information and there needs to be a process.
CC operating procedures have been slightly modified to meet what we actually do now.
AP 2511 Financial Advisory Committee; they have not met for two years so CC is
asking to sunset this AP – the committee has been pretty much replaced by the Budget
Planning Committee. BP/AP 2410 Policy and Administrative Procedure; we are cleaning
up a lot of them, with an attempt to clarify Board role vs. administrative procedure.
BP/AP 5030 Fees; there’s a new fee for technology, approved by ASCR (Solomon
added: as long as it is managed properly). This fee is optional for students, where the
proposed Student Center fee would have been mandatory. AP 3420 Equal Opportunity,
Nondiscrimination and Diversity Implementation: basically it’s a copy of CCLC
template. New BP/AP 7100 Commitment to Diversity is also from the league template.
One other new business was BP/SP 3560 Alcohol; it had been dropped in fall, but
someone did more research and the new version is out for review. Please watch emails
throughout the summer for more policies needing Senate input.
7. Announcements and Open forum
7.1. 2013-2014 Portugal Award Recipient: Bob Brown announced that Ryan Emenaker has
received the Portugal Award for his presentation on voting.
7.2. August 24 Academic Senate Retreat: Bob Brown
7.3. Refreshments in the form of cake and bottled water were served to Senators and guests
to commemorate outgoing Senate Copresident Mike Richards.
8. Adjournment: On a motion by Cindy Hooper, seconded by Sandra Rowan the meeting was
adjourned at 3:02 pm.
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination:
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual
orientation, color or disability in any of its programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to
providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon request this publication will be
made available in alternate formats. Please contact Debbie Williams, Academic Senate Support, 7351
Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday,
Academic Senate May 3, 2013
Thursday, and Friday.
Next Regular Meeting:
Academic Senate Retreat
Saturday, August 24, 2013; 9 AM to 2 PM
Board Room, SS 202 A