Meeting of the Academic Senate

Academic Senate Meeting
April 5, 2013
Meeting of the Academic Senate
 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (New Board Room)
 Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E4
 Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
 Smith River: 360 Bradford Avenue
Friday, April 5, 2013
Members Present: Mike Richards, Bob Brown, Steve Brown, Brie Day, Solomon DeCamp, Kady
Dunleavy, Ryan Emenaker, Marcy Foster, Dave Gonsalves, Cindy Hooper,
Susan Nordlof, Kevin Yokoyama, and Maggie White.
Members Absent: Dave Bazard, Jennifer Gardner, Sandra Rowan, Utpal Goswami
1. Call to Order: Co-president Mike Richards called the meeting to order at 1:04 pm.
2. Introductions and Public Comment: Co-president Richards welcomed everyone to the
meeting. No public comments were forwarded.
3. Approve the March 1, 2013 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Kevin Yokoyama, seconded by
Ryan Emenaker, the minutes were approved without objection.
4. Action Item
4.1 Approve March 8 and March 22 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: On a motion
by Kady Dunleavy, seconded by Steve Brown, discussion commenced; a member remarked
that there were many inactivated courses - Peter Blakemore offered that many of those were
a change of name. Senator Hooper stated that for Art, they are following the model for
Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) descriptors, cleaning up and streamlining the Art
Mark Winter then presented The Distance Education Regular Effective Contact document
endorsed by the Curriculum committee, which follows Title 5 and Distance Education
Guidelines for the California Community Colleges’ requirements. It would be used to
improve course proposals and online evaluations as well as help faculty prepare and evaluate
classes. It could be folded into the current DE form. There needs to be a regular evaluation of
DE courses. The process to evaluate online classes has problems, and the hope is to have a
cadre of faculty to volunteer to be evaluators. The intent is to inform students of the process,
and have a quality control process to provide successful classes and students. It is essential to
unify online courses across the board. Kudos to Mark Winter for all the work. The
curriculum recommendations were approved by the following roll call vote: Brown – y, Day
– y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Foster – y, Gaines – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Nordlof
– y, Yokoyama – y, White – y.
Academic Senate Meeting
April 5, 2013
4.2 Approve Faculty Qualifications Recommendations: On a motion by Steve Brown,
seconded by Maggie White, no discussion and the vote was taken: Brown – y, Day – y,
Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Foster – y, Gaines – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Nordlof – y,
Yokoyama – y, White – y.
4.3 Approve BP/AP 3100 Organizational Structure: On a motion by Kady Dunleavy,
seconded by Ryan Emenaker, discussion ensued. A Senator mentioned that making the
structure more readily available online would be very helpful to everyone, with ASCR
representative suggesting that DN, MC and EKA charts should be consistent. The vote was
taken: Brown – y, Day – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Foster – y, Gaines – y, Gonsalves –
y, Hooper – y, Nordlof – y, Yokoyama – y, White – y.
5. Discussion
5.1 Review ASPC Draft of BP/AP 4260 Prerequisites and Corequisites: background
given by Chair Wolfsen; during revision she contacted Jane Wright of CCCL who
said the templates should be followed closely with few changes. Chair Wolfsen also
spoke with Peter Blakemore, who confirmed that though the verbiage is awkward and
redundant, he understood it all. The committee added Title 5 language but aside from
that, stuck with league language. A Senator asked WHO is responsible for deciding
about challenges and another Senator talked about past practices and that a faculty
member should not have to be the sole person approving. The 5 day resolve text
should be double-checked against Senate documents. Reference to a form could be
included. It was decided to take the BP/AP back to committee, and then bring the
changes to a future Senate Meeting for discussion. Attempts will be made to improve
the formatting while sticking to the core of the CCCL template.
5.2 Assessment Submission Timeline: Erik Kramer gave a little background; discussed
having deadlines so that work would be done; a big issue being that authority isn’t
really in place for adhering to timely assessments. Proposals for deadlines – try to
turn them in at the same deadline for grades in order keep to the software timeline
requirements for posting online. Fall assessment could maybe wait through spring
break, but spring assessments should not be held off until. If we waited till September
for Spring assessments, these late assessments wouldn’t be online. CR is too large to
have just one person responsible for assessment monitoring. Current MOU designates
area coordinator responsibility, but it is not clear enough. A lot of the data for
assessments comes from final exams, and through dialogue with peers. How do we
move forward from here – as an action item? Work with IEC? They have a Planning
Summit Saturday, April 6 - is that the right venue? There is a need to get something
in writing in order to be able to incorporate it into Strategic Planning. It may get an
endorsement (support) from Senate. Erik was asked to bring forward a synopsis of the
plan. Copresident Brown will be at the Planning Summit and may help come up with
ideas to make an Assessment Timeline work.
6. Reports
6.1 Committee Evaluation Task Force: Copresident Brown reported that Tami
Matsumoto did a ton of work in a short amount of time. Eight individuals comprised
Academic Senate Meeting
April 5, 2013
the committee that will make recommendations for opportunities to reduce
Assessment and Program Review will remain separate.
PR will work collaboratively with Administrative Services
BS to be subsumed by EMC
DE to be restructured as a subcommittee of EMC
Expanded Cabinet to merge with IEC
College Council still has much to do and for now will remain a separate entity.
AOC as a task force of IEC
SEC as a subcommittee of IEC
MDC should stay separate
BPC, FPC and TPC - merge with BPC/revise BPC to provide specific scopes of
the committees IT task forces as needed to revise Technical and Facility plans
Flex and Professional Development merged under HR with sub committees
EPSC remains stand alone with assistance and training through HR
Task force vs sub-committee? The distinction is that task forces are for short periods
of time only, meeting as needed; a committee is a standing entity with regular
Contract obligations will be a negotiation process. This task force was more about the
need to consolidate and not to consider contractual boundaries. It’s become
increasingly difficult to populate the committees due to reduced personnel.
6.2 Budget Planning Committee Update: Copresident Brown: there is no major update
since the forum Thursday, March 28. The discussions included mandatory reporting
to ACCJC. There will be a revision from the Governor’s office in May, but it
shouldn’t change our bottom line projections. We will be going through Program
Review requests which comprise more than $10 M. The reality is there needs to be
funds for PR requests, but how much money is to be allocated is not known at this
6.3 Basic Skills Committee: Erin Wall told the Senate that at the last meeting they were
made aware of a budget problem. Remedial courses vs. federal needs; in looking at
reading and math courses that do not reach high school levels, it was discovered that
students will no longer receive Federal financial aid for these courses. The BOG is
okay, so the units are okay but won’t count for Federal Financial Aid. BSC is
working with Julia Peterson, regarding moving to a non-credit course to serve
students. It’s an issue across the state with a move to start looking at noncredit
options. A Senator asked how they would pay faculty. CRFO is considering looking
at this but they have a full plate. Apportionment is available for noncredit courses at
[possibly] 75%. CCs in system have full-time tenure track faculty teaching classes
Lynn Thiesen informed Senate that classes for C/NC are totally separate. We offer
classes with the option but not a grade. Community Education is self-funded. For
noncredit you MAY charge students; we don’t have to but we may.
6.4 Senate Representation: Copresident Richards remarked that we have to find our
Academic Senate Meeting
April 5, 2013
representation for next year. Note that ALSS now has only 11 Full-time Faculty, so
they will only have one representative next year. Senate would like to know next
year’s representatives by April 19 meeting.
6.5 ASCR Update: Solomon DeCamp reported that April 9 &10 they will be holding
elections; the Spring GA is on April 26; the Presidential debate will be up on the
website soon.
6.6 March 28 College Council Report: Copresidents Brown & Richards. CC has stepped
it up a little and approved a number of policies. A lot of them were not Senate related.
BP 2520 Responsibilities of Senate is approved and on to Board for first reading. One
thing worth note is President Smith distributed a significantly revised version of AP
4021 Program Revitalization or Discontinuation Process for review and comment by
College Council members only. She indicated it was her intent to enact this revision
by authority granted her by AP 2411 as an emergency fiscal necessity. The policy
then would need to ratified within 6 months by College Council or revert to the
existing policy. Concerns about current “discontinuation” (via RIFs) were brought up,
and Copresidents are working with affected parties regarding the issue.
6.7 March 5 and April 2 Board Meeting Reports: Copresident Richards stated the April 2
BOT meeting was a very unique meeting in that it involved 22 speakers at outset; 9
for Athletics continuation, 6 for HPRT, and 9 for Music changeover to community ed.
Over one hour of comments. They then went through agenda fast; Board item 3.2
Athletics and Physical Education Information Report was about the deferred
maintenance agenda for athletics that involved discussion about ADA requirements.
One board member said the music department should go through the same process.
Discussion morphed into bonds project status and the money approved last January;
the projects came out more expensive than the money promised (because of ADA
needs). Reprioritization of the money is needed and other projects for approval need
to be going forward. Another important item was that during closed session the BOT
did not approve Sabbaticals, and everyone will be working through the issues with
CRFO and Administration.
7. Announcements and Open forum
7.1 2013-14 Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year Support Deadline April 18
7.2 IEC Summit: Saturday, April 6 from 9 am to 1 pm in AT 103
7.3 The Copresidents have met with the Senate Copresident hiring ad-hoc committee;
Maggie White, chair; Ryan Emenaker and Kevin Yokoyama are members of the
7.4 Regarding California Online Education Resource council; Kevin Yokoyama is on the
council which will largely deal with SB520. It is a big honor.
Academic Senate Meeting
April 5, 2013
7.5 Per a question regarding an update on copyright and course packets, Copresident
Richards shared that the status is unknown.
7.6 Copresident Brown will attend the Senate Plenary session April 17-19 and will attend
a SB 520 breakout session on MOOCs.
8. Adjournment: On motion by Kevin Yokoyama, seconded by Kady Dunleavy, the
meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination:
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual
orientation, color or disability in any of its programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to
providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon request this publication will be
made available in alternate formats. Please contact Debbie Williams, Academic Senate Support, 7351
Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, and Friday.
Next Regular Meeting:
Friday, April 19, 2013, 1 p.m.