Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
November 2, 2012, 1 p.m.
 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (New Board Room)
 Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
Members Present: Mike Richards, Bob Brown, Dave Bazard, Steve Brown, Brie Day, Solomon
DeCamp (on the phone for a portion of the meeting), Kady Dunleavy, Ryan
Emenaker, Marcy Foster, Chris Gaines, Dave Gonsalves, Garth Johnson (meeting
substitute for Cindy Hooper), Vinnie Peloso, Bruce Wagner, Maggie White.
Members Absent: Jennifer Gardner, Utpal Goswami, Cindy Hooper, Sandra Rowan.
1. Call to Order: Copresident Mike Richards called the meeting to order at 1:04.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Mike Richards welcomed senators and guests,
and he introduced Garth Johnson as the meeting substitute for Cindy Hooper. Mike called for
public comments; no public comments were forwarded.
3. Approve the October 19 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Dave Bazard, seconded by Steve
Brown, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
4.1 Approve October 26 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore
presented the recommendations. On motion by Dave Bazard, seconded by Maggie White,
the recommendations were approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown –
y, Day – y, Dunleavy – abstained, Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gonsalves – y, Peloso – y,
White – y.
4.2 Approve October 12 Faculty Development Committee Recommendations: Chair Kerry
Mayer presented the recommendations, she answered questions, and she explained the
criteria the committee used to make its determinations. On motion by Dave Bazard,
seconded by Steve Brown, the recommendations were approved by the following roll call
vote: Bazard – y, Brown – y, Day – y, Dunleavy – abstained, Emenaker – y, Foster –
abstained, Gaines – y, Gonsalves – y, Peloso – y, White – y.
5. Discussion Items
5.1 Academic Standards and Policies Committee (ASPC) October 26 Recommendation – AP
7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies: Committee
member Ruth Moon presented the proposal, and she highlighted the process that ASPC used
to draft the procedure. During discussion it was suggested that the Minimum Qualifications
for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges, which is published by
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the Chancellor’s Office and specifies the Board of Governors minimum requirements, be
named in the procedure. It was also suggested that the process for the initial screening of
applicants for determining equivalencies be clarified to more accurately reflect current
practices. There was agreement that a revised proposal will be forwarded for Senate
approval on November 16.
5.2 Assessment Committee Institutional Learning Outcomes/General Education Learning
Outcomes: Committee Chair Erik Kramer presented the following Assessment Committee
updates and issues being discussed: (1) The revised assessment software is now in place.
Faculty can only do one outcome at a time, but the result is a cleaner output report; (2) The
program assessment dialog is now a formal process that occurs in the software; (3) Erik has
been facilitating program dialog trainings, which he hopes to extend in the future; (4) The
assessment mapping and planning documents are now posted on the webpage; (5) Some of
the master spreadsheets do not fit the program and student learning outcomes, but Erik can
work with people to fix the problem; (6) There is flexibility in the software that allows for
assessing more outcomes in the sequencing; and (7) The committee has been discussing
whether to continue to use the general education outcomes, which are already in place and
being assessed, as the institutional outcomes. They were informed that it is a common
model among California community colleges, and Erik reported that the committee agreed
that it would be best to continue the practice for the current year. The committee will
continue the discussion throughout the year, and Erik reported that he will keep the Senate
5.3 Writing Across the Curriculum: Curriculum Committee Chair Peter Blakemore reported
that while there was a lot of interest expressed at Convocation for writing across disciplines,
the discussion and ideas for implementation have not progressed. With the need for Senate
and administrative support, Peter suggested that an ad hoc group of faculty members from a
variety of disciplines be tasked with (1) how to institutionalize a process for writing across
the curriculum and (2) forwarding a plan for Senate consideration. The Senate supported
forming an ad hoc committee, and Kady Dunleavy, Garth Johnson, Brie Day, and Vinnie
Peloso all expressed an interest in serving. The copresidents agreed to appoint additional
members, and senators were asked to inform their constituents of the opportunity to
6. Reports
6.1 Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC) Update: Dave Bazard reported that the AOC is
discussing the future of the committee, and it is anticipated that it will be restructured after
the January ACCJC Commission meeting. It will probably become a steering committee
that is structured much like the Standards with individuals identified for reviewing how the
college is meeting each of the Standards. Regarding the upcoming ACCJC team visit, the
members are scheduled to arrive on Sunday and meet with Senate, CRFO, CSEA, ASCR
and Board leadership on Monday and Tuesday, November 5 and 6. No exit forum is
scheduled, and the team will write a report that will be submitted for Commission
consideration in January.
6.2 Budget Planning Committee (BPC) Update: Faculty Co-chair Bob Brown reported that (1)
the committee met recently to be informed of any updates regarding the ACCJC team visit,
and it is anticipated that the financial member of the team will want to meet with one or
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more BPC members; (2) the Program Review template has been revised and now includes
links to the Strategic Plan, Education Master Plan, and assessment information, which the
BPC anticipates will help its processes; and (3) the committee was informed that President
Smith will ask the Board for the authority to draw from the employee benefit trust fund to
help build the district’s reserve and demonstrate fiscal solvency. Her proposal will include a
plan for paying back the money borrowed from the fund.
6.3 ASCR Update: Solomon DeCamp reported that (1) The ASCR is in the process of
organizing its first annual paint ball tournament to be held toward the end of November; (2)
Most of the ASCR leadership is currently attending the ASCCC general assembly where a
number of legislative decisions will be made; (3) All the winners of the trip to Washington
D.C. in January will be announced at the same time; and (4) The ASCR leaders are
scheduled to meet with a member of the ACCJC visiting team on Tuesday, November 6.
6.4 Vice President of Instruction Update: VPI Goswami was not present to give his report.
6.5 College Council October 22 Meeting: Copresident Richards reported on the status of the
following policies and procedures: (1) AP 3250 Institutional Planning was revised to
include the Senate’s feedback and was then approved by College Council. The AP will be
forwarded to the Board as information; (2) BP/AP 5030 Fees was approved for a 30 day
constituent review; (3) Following discussion, BP/AP 5570 Student Credit Card Solicitation
was returned to PPRS for further review and revision; (4) AP 5055 Enrollment Priorities is
out for a 30 day constituent review and will be forwarded for Senate discussion on
November 16; (5) BP 7111 Job Descriptions ties descriptions to institutional goals, and the
constituent review ends November 19; and (6) Constituent review on BP 7370 Political
Activity, which prohibits college employees from advocating for political causes during
working hours, ends on November 19. Mike encouraged senators to access the College
Council website to stay appraised of proposals that are out for constituent review.
7. Announcements and Open Forum
7.1 Senate Rostrum September 2012: Copresident Richards highlighted several of the articles in
the September Senate Rostrum, and he encouraged senators to read the Rostrum and be
informed on the issues. In addition to the printed copies included in the Senate packet,
faculty can access the Rostrum via the link on the ASCCC website.
7.2 DSPS Fundraiser: Senators asked if the DSPS fundraiser held last night at Applebee’s was
successful, and while a dollar amount netted is not yet available, the report is that it was
very well attended.
7.3 Enrollment Management Committee Update: Committee Co-chair Bruce Wagner
announced that Institutional Research found an error in the fall student enrollment data, and
the revised estimate is that enrollment is lower than what was stated in previous reports. An
expanded spring schedule will attempt to increase the FTES for the academic year, but
finding qualified instructors remains a challenge. Additional sections may still be added to
the spring schedule, and Bruce encouraged faculty to forward ideas for classes and the
names of people who are willing to teach in the spring.
7.4 Book of the Year (BOY) Story of Success Contest: BOY Co-chair Vinnie Peloso
announced that the call for the first Student Story of Success competition proposals has been
distributed, and the submission deadline is Monday, November 26. The competition is open
to all CR and HSU students, and the winner will receive $500 and given the opportunity to
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present his or her work to the public in both Eureka and Del Norte. Vinnie asked faculty to
encourage their students to apply. An application and more information is available on
CR’s BOY website.
7.5 Last Home Football Game: Copresident Brown invited everyone to attend the last home
football game of the season, which is scheduled for tomorrow in the CR Community
8. Adjournment: On motion by Ryan Emenaker, seconded by Dave Bazard, the meeting was
adjourned at 3:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, November 16, 2012