Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
September 21, 2012, 1 p.m.
 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (New Board Room)
 Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E4
 Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
Members Present: Mike Richards, Bob Brown, Dave Bazard, Steve Brown, Brie Day, Solomon
DeCamp, Kady Dunleavy, Ryan Emenaker, Marcy Foster, Chris Gaines, Jennifer
Gardner, Dave Gonsalves, Cindy Hooper, Todd Olsen (meeting substitute for
Bruce Wagner), Vinnie Peloso, Sandra Rowan, Maggie White.
Members Absent: Utpal Goswami, Bruce Wagner.
1. Call to Order: Copresident Mike Richards called the meeting to order at 1:05.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Mike Richards welcomed senators and guests,
and he called for public comments. Faculty member Paul Kinsey commented that he attended
the Shively Farm Open House held on Thursday, September 20, and that the entire farm was in
beautiful condition. The event was very professional and well attended, and workshops were
presented by students on a number of topics.
3. Approve the September 7 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Kady Dunleavy, seconded by Dave
Bazard, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
4.1 Approve Academic Senate Proposed Appointments: Copresident Richards presented the
proposed appointments. On motion by Steve Brown, seconded by Maggie White, the
proposed appointments were approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – abstained,
Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Foster – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves –
y, Hooper – y, Olsen – y, Peloso – y, Rowan – y, White – y. With fewer faculty members
and an increasing number of committee assignments to fill, Mike thanked everyone who
has stepped up to do the work.
4.2 Approve Curriculum Committee September 14 Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore
presented the recommendations and answered questions. On motion by Maggie White,
seconded by Kady Dunleavy, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the
following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown – y, Day – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y,
Foster – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Olsen – y, Peloso – y,
Rowan – y, White – y.
5. Discussion Items
5.1 2012-2013 Academic Senate Priorities: Copresident Richards explained that accreditation
and budget as they relate to programs and instruction are clearly Senate priorities, but the
copresidents also would like input on what senators see as additional issues that the Senate
should address this year. Suggestions included: (1) have the Senate review the updated
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Program Review Manual; (2) increase dialog on institutional literacy regarding
accreditation; (3) increase integration between the district campuses and between faculty
and staff; and (4) take into account the long term effects that budget cuts could have on
FTE’s, student retention, and student success. Mike acknowledged that preserving
academic integrity is a foremost Senate concern and one that the copresidents emphasize
during discussions with the administration.
5.2 College of the Redwoods 2012 Student Equity Plan (SEP): Copresident Richards
introduced SEP Faculty Tri-Chair Deanna Herrera Thomas, and he informed the Senate that
the Plan has already been approved by the Board so the discussion today will focus on the
Senate’s roles and responsibilities in supporting and implementing the SEP. Deanna
informed the Senate that the SEP is mandated by the Chancellor’s Office, and it is designed
to provide equity for protected and underrepresented populations. Deanna presented an
overview of the history of CR’s SEPs and to what level they were implemented, and she
reported that the 2012 SEP has much better data than the previous Plans. In addition,
Deanna emphasized that the Plan needs to be integrated into CR’s Strategic Hiring Plan and
the Integrated Planning Model. In response to how the Senate can support the SEP, Deanna
suggested that the Senate can advocate for the establishment of the SEP Oversight
Committee, and faculty can help to create a climate where the SEP is discussed. In addition,
the Senate can be mindful of how the SEP meets the state’s standards and how it fits into the
college’s integrated planning process. The senator appointed to serve on the SEP Oversight
Committee can keep the Senate informed through regular reports to the Senate of the
Committee’s discussions and activities. Mike thanked Deanna for her work on the SEP and
for participating in the Senate SEP discussion.
6. Reports
6.1 Library Book Collection Assessment: Faculty Librarian Ruth Moon presented the “Library
Collection Assessment: Books,” and she highlighted elements of the report. Ruth
encouraged faculty to review the collection in their areas of expertise and note the age of the
materials. She reported that many of the print materials are not fully used, and Ruth
suggested that faculty assignments would help students learn how to use printed sources of
information and could help support student success. In addition, Ruth informed senators
that when books are removed from reserve, faculty can donate the materials into the general
collection, making them available to all students.
6.2 Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC) Update: Co-chair Dave Bazard reported that the
Board reviewed draft responses to all the Recommendations, and writers are currently
working on responses to the Standards. The drafts are posted on the AOC website, and the
groups are now tasked with submitting polished documents by Monday, September 24. The
Board will review the compiled drafts and evidence at their meeting on October 2, and they
have scheduled a special meeting on October 9 to approve the final report. Dave asked that
feedback on omissions or errors in the drafts be forwarded to him or to VPI Goswami. In
response to whether the Senate will have an opportunity to review the draft report, Dave
suggested that he and the copresidents will discuss the suggestion with President Lehner and
VPI Goswami.
6.3 Budget Planning Committee (BPC) Update: Co-chair Bob Brown reported that the
committee discussed its calendar of responsibilities and will probably convene additional
meetings this semester. The 50% Law Exemption application was discussed, and while the
college is hoping not to have to pursue it, Vice President Lindsey presented a number of
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reasons why it was decided to file the request by the September 15 deadline. Ryan thanked
the BPC for the communication updates, and he suggested that some of the information on
the budget charts could be broken out differently to better inform the Board. He also
questioned some of the information in the projected budget, and Bob reported that there will
be additional revisions to the budget before final Board approval. Bob asked that fiscal
questions and concerns be forwarded to him and to Lee Lindsey.
Expanded Cabinet: Copresident Richards reported that the first meeting included a
discussion on the budget and on right-sizing the college. The participants agreed that
informed decision-making depends on a mutually agreed upon system of acquiring data, and
everyone needs access to that common data. Copresident Brown reported that the Annual
Plan that came out of discussions at Convocation was addressed, and while there was
agreement that the spirit of the Plan was good, the parties responsible for implementing the
activities were asked to pare down the list to realistically achievable goals. Mike informed
the Senate that the copresidents’ role on Expanded Cabinet includes preserving the
academic integrity of programs and to ensure that processes are followed to the fullest
extent possible.
50% Law Exemption Application: Copresident Richards presented the Exemption
Application, and he highlighted Vice President Lindsey’s reasons for submitting the
application, which include: (1) The 2011-2012 fiscal year books are not yet closed so the
actual figures have not been determined; (2) September 15 was the deadline for submitting
an exemption application; and (3) Once the books are closed and a number of other
questions are answered, the district will know whether it needs to pursue the exemption
request. If so, the formal process will include a public hearing.
Academic Standards and Policies Committee (ASPC) Assignments: Copresident Richards
reported that ASPC has been asked to review (1) BP 2520 Responsibilities of the Academic
Senate, and (2) AP 7211 Faculty Qualifications. The administration may forward feedback
on BP 2520 for ASPC consideration, and AP 7211 needs to be updated to better align with
our current practices and administrative structure.
ASCR Update: Solomon DeCamp reported that five new senators will be appointed to the
ASCR Senate at a meeting later today, which will allow for an Election Committee to be
appointed. ASCR is looking at the possibility of presenting training seminars to students,
and our college has two regent representatives to the Student Senate for California
Community Colleges.
College Council September 17 Meeting: Copresident Richards reported that College
Council is revising a number of policies that relate to accreditation. Three new items under
review were (1) BP/AP 6311 Employee Microcomputer Purchase Program, which is now
out for a 45 day constituent review; (2) BP/AP 5800 Prevention of Identity Theft in Student
Financial Transactions, now out for a 90 day review; and (3) AP 4102
Occupational/Vocational Technical Programs, which was revised last spring but is now out
for constituent review because a section was revised. Mike asked faculty to review all the
documents on the College Council’s website and to forward feedback to the copresidents.
Board of Trustees September 10 Meeting: Copresident Richards reported the Board
approved the Equal Opportunity Employment Plan and that due to the college’s Show Cause
accreditation status, the issuance of the last set of bonds in support of Measure Q projects
was postponed. Mike said that much of what the Senate discussed today was also discussed
at the Board meeting, and he encouraged faculty to watch the video stream and to stay
informed on the issues and the changes in how the Board is functioning.
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7. Announcements and Open Forum
7.1 Green Party Presidential Candidate: Ryan Emenaker reported that Green Party Presidential
candidate Dr. Jill Stein is scheduled to visit CR on Monday, September 24. She has agreed
to address Ryan’s U.S. Government and Politics class, and following the class at 4:15
everyone is invited to meet Dr. Stein in FM 100. In addition, Ryan announced that the
Democratic, Republican and Libertarian presidential candidates have also been invited to
CR, and he will inform the campus community of any future visits.
7.2 Strengthening Student Success Conference: Vinnie Peloso announced that Basic Skills
Initiative funds are providing travel for Vinnie, DaVita Fraser, and Ron McQueen to attend
the Strengthening Student Success Conference in Orange County, October 3-5.
7.3 Klamath River Dam Presentation: Cindy Hooper announced that she will be presenting her
documentary video “Jefferson’s Monuments,” on Sunday, September 30, at HSU’s 2012
Biodiversity Conference. Her presentation, scheduled to begin at 1:20 p.m. in Nelson Hall
East, Room 106, focuses on the four Klamath River dams that are slated for removal under
recently enacted agreements. The Conference is open to the public and everyone is invited
to attend.
7.4 CR Athletics Homecoming: Bob Brown announced that CR’s Homecoming and 2012 Hall
of Fame Induction is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, September 22. A barbecue begins
at 11 a.m. in the Community Stadium, and the kick-off Homecoming game with Gavilan
College is at 1 p.m. The entire 1972 undefeated CR football team will be inducted into the
Hall of Fame, and they will be honored at a dinner beginning at 5 p.m. at the Bear River
Casino Hotel. Bob invited everyone to attend the Homecoming activities.
Adjournment: On motion by Ryan Emenaker, seconded by Cindy Hooper, the meeting was
adjourned at 3:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, October 5, 2012