Meeting of the Academic Senate



Meeting of the Academic Senate

May 4, 2012, 1 p.m.

Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)

Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Rooms E3 and E4

Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B

Members Present: Mark Winter, Mike Richards, Dave Bazard, Bob Brown, Steve Brown, Solomon

DeCamp, Kady Dunleavy, Ryan Emenaker, Chris Gaines, Jennifer Gardner, Utpal

Goswami, Dave Gonsalves, Cindy Hooper, Allen Keppner, Philip Mancus, Kerry

Mayer (meeting substitute for Susan Nordlof), Sandra Rowan, Gary Sokolow,

Kevin Yokoyama.

Members Absent: Susan Nordlof.

Before the meeting was called to order, Copresident Mike Richards thanked Copresident Mark

Winter for his work for the past two years, and he especially thanked Mark for his measured and researched approach to Senate issues. Copresident Winter thanked retiring faculty member Allen Keppner for his many years of dedication and service to the college, and he thanked senators for their work and commitment to the institution.


Call to Order: Copresident Mark Winter called the meeting to order at 1:13.


Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Mark Winter welcomed all members and guests, and he introduced Kerry Mayer as the meeting substitute for Susan Nordlof. Mark thanked Dr. Goswami for serving the college the past year as both the Vice President of

Instruction and as the interim Superintendent/President. Mark called for public comments; no public comments were forwarded.


Approve the April 20 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Bob Brown, the minutes were approved as written.


Action Items


Approve Curriculum Committee April 27 Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore presented the recommendations, and he answered questions. Senators were informed of the following corrections: (1) the phrase “…to receive financial aid…” was deleted from the

New Credit Program Electrician Trainee comments and summary changes; (2) it was noted that the Revision column should be checked for SPCH 6; and (3) the report should indicate that CIS 1, ECON 1, ECON 10, and PSYCH 1 are revisions and were not submitted as new courses. On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Kerry Mayer, the corrected recommendations were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y,

Brown, B. – y, Brown, S. – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y,

Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Rowan – y, Sokolow – y,

Yokoyama – y.

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Approve Senate Resolution Regarding Assessment Draft 5/4/12: Copresident Winter presented the revised draft, and he explained that it is meant to provide a public statement of Senate support for assessment. On motion by Steve Brown, seconded by Dave Bazard, the draft was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown, B.

– y, Brown, S. – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y,

Hooper – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Rowan – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y.


Approve Academic Senate Bylaws Revision Draft 4/20/12: Copresident Richards presented the draft, and he clarified that it is the same draft that was reviewed by the Senate on April

20. On motion by Dave Bazard, seconded by Kerry Mayer, the Bylaws revisions were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown, B. – y, Brown,

S. – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y,

Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Rowan – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y.


Approve Academic Standards and Policies Committee Recommendations – BP/AP 4235

Credit by Examination Drafts 4/13/12: Copresident Winter presented the recommendations, and he explained that no revisions were made following the April 20

Senate discussion. On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Dave Bazard, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y,

Brown, B. – y, Brown, S. – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y,

Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Rowan – y, Sokolow – y,

Yokoyama – y. Mark thanked the members of the Academic Standards and Policies

Committee and Chair Connie Wolfsen for their work in drafting the recommendations, and he informed senators that the approved drafts will be forwarded for College Council consideration on May 7.


Discussion Items


Education Master Plan (EMP) Draft: EMP Committee member Steve Brown presented the draft, and he answered questions and took notes on senators’ feedback. Steve gave the background of the Committee’s work, and he explained that the goals of the Strategic Plan are aligned into the EMP. Senate feedback included (1) a number of concerns with requiring that by Spring 2017 all full-time students have an education plan in place in their first semester; (2) questions regarding whether community education curriculum will be aligned with the for-credit sections and whether instructors will be paid on the same salary schedule and have to meet the same minimum qualifications as faculty who teach for-credit courses; (3) concerns with the Basic Skills reporting and what data will be used; (4) questions regarding the effectiveness and cost of online tutoring; (5) concerns with the expansion and cost of online offerings; (6) the suggestion that the desired outcomes and the indicators be reviewed as some are not clearly related and are not measureable; and (7) concerns that the EMP includes a number of components aimed at growth and expansion, but the college’s resources are contracting and basic services to students may not continue to be supported. Steve informed the Senate that the EMP draft has had a first read by the

Board, and they may review it again following the May 10 committee meeting where constituent feedback will be considered. Mark thanked the EMP Committee for their work in drafting the Plan.


College Council Administrative Procedure Draft for Constituent Review

5.2.1 AP 4102 Occupational/Vocational Technical Programs: Copresident Richards presented the draft, and he informed the Senate that Dean Jeff Cummings had

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May 4, 2012

Page 3 vetted it with the CTE faculty members. Questions were asked regarding the increased work required of the advisory committees and the timeline for submitting reports to the Senate. Mike explained that the draft is out for a 60 day constituent review, and he suggested that additional feedback be forwarded to the copresidents.




Accreditation Update: Accreditation Oversight Committee Co-chair Dave Bazard reported that the Board was informed that assignments have been given to work groups that are overseeing each Standard, and those groups are also looking at areas in which we are in compliance. Work groups are looking at evidence, documentation, rationale and the group or person responsible for specific functions. Ultimately evidence will be combined to show compliance with each of the recommendations and where we stand with the entire Standard.

Agendas and minutes will be hyperlinked so information is accessible. Regarding the status of assessment, in addition to the Assessment Summit scheduled for three days next week,

Assessment Coordinator Erik Kramer is working with a group to establish a sustainable effort that will become part of our college’s normal operating procedure. Also being examined are elements of an integrated planning process and aligning resources to plans in addition to tying non-resources into planning. As part of Recommendation 2, the Board was given a draft of the Education Master Plan, and they were also provided with an outline of the Strategic Hiring Plan. In response to a question, Dave informed the Senate that the

October report to the ACCJC needs to be concise and will only address the college’s recommendations, but that the Commission may ask us about any element of any of the



Budget Planning Committee (BPC) Update: BPC Co-chair Bob Brown’s update included the following: (1) At the May 1 Board meeting, the trustees discussed the 101 Corridor site closures proposal, and they expressed concerns that they and the site landlords were not adequately informed. Bob reported that the proposal came through the planning and review process, which included data for maintaining the sites; (2) The BPC is completing the final evaluation of its work over the past two years, and they are also reviewing the scope and charge of the committee; (3) Measure Q linkages have been completed, and the committee will do a final review before it is distributed district-wide; and (4) To date, no May budget revise has been issued, but the current projected shortfall for the state has reached at least one billion dollars. If the revenue shortfall continues, a May revise will be issued.


Program Review Executive Report: Program Review Co-chairs Cheryl Tucker and Rachel

Anderson presented the Executive Summary, and they answered questions and asked for

Senate feedback. To make it easier to correlate and refer to the comments, it was suggested that they be numbered rather than bulleted. Senators emphasized the need to consider the recommendations in the planning process, and it was suggested that the recommendations and key performance indicators should be forwarded to the appropriate groups and planning committees.


Assessment Update: Justine Shaw and incoming Assessment Coordinator Erik Kramer presented the most recent Assessment Summit schedule, and they explained that it is being updated as additional faculty members agree to serve as session facilitators. In order to meet ACCJC recommendations, faculty members are strongly encouraged to attend the

Summit on May 15, 16, and 17, and since those dates are outside of the contract, CRFO is in the process of negotiating an MOU to support the work. Also being addressed is an

MOU for Erik to continue to do assessment work over the summer. Justine informed the

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Senate that the assessment plans will go to a two year cycle beginning in the fall, and those plans will be due, along with resource request forms, by mid-September for inclusion in the

October Accreditation Report.


College Update: Interim President Utpal Goswami reported that he is very pleased with the quantity and quality of the work that is being directed at the show cause accreditation efforts. Utpal thanked Accreditation Oversight Committee Co-chair Dave Bazard for his leadership, and he informed the Senate that the consultants have basically supported our processes and the direction of our work. In response to a question regarding the status of a special trustee for the district, Utpal reported that due to complications with what STRS will allow a retiree to earn, it appears that it will be after July 1 before the appointment can be made. Utpal also informed the Senate that due to delays in upgrading and removing the lead from the firing range, the next Police Academy won’t begin until August or September.


ASCR Update: Solomon DeCamp reported that the last ASCR meeting is scheduled for later today, and topics on the agenda include creating a standing committee to oversee student elections and brainstorming events for next year. An end-of-the-year awards dinner has been scheduled, and the recipients of the student leadership awards will be announced at the event.


College Council April 23 Meeting: Copresident Winter reported that AP 4102

Occupational/Vocational Technical Programs was approved for a 60 day constituent review, and committee members where informed that the Board discussed and approved BP/AP

2310 Nepotism. College Council is currently in the process of renumbering the old policies and regulations to make them consistent with the new numbering system, but the content of the policies will not change during the transition. A summer meeting schedule has been established, and it was agreed that substantive revisions to policies will not be addressed until faculty return in the fall.


Board of Trustees May 1 Meeting: Copresidents Winter and Richards reported that the

Board meeting included the following issues: (1) A motion to approve the closure of the

McKinleyville, Arcata, and Eureka Downtown sites was approved following discussion on how communication with the landlords has been handled; (2) The Board approved the

Emeritus recommendations and voiced appreciation for the many years of experience and dedication to the college represented by the retiring faculty members, and they especially recognized Allen Keppner; (3) The Board thanked Dr. Goswami for serving as interim

President/Superintendent; (4) The Education Master Plan was presented for a first review;

(5) The third quarter budget was presented, and the Board discussed the status of the reserves; (6) The Board requested information regarding the district’s compliance with the

50% Law, but no data was presented; (7) The appointment of a special trustee was discussed, and the Board acknowledged that it is a serious issue that they hope can be resolved; (8) Issues with the installation of a sewer line at the Mendocino Coast campus were addressed; and (9) The Board discussed how they should address the ACCJC’s

Recommendation 8. Mark encouraged senators who were unable to attend the Board meeting to watch the archived video and stay informed of the issues.


Announcements and Open Forum


Reminder – 2012-2013 Senate Representation: Copresident Winter reminded senators whose terms are completed this year to inform their divisions and forward the names of next year’s representatives to the Senate Office before the end of the semester.

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2012-2013 Portugal Award Recipient: Copresident Richards announced that Del Norte

English Professor Ruth Rhodes was selected as the 2012-2013 Portugal Award recipient.

Ruth’s presentation is a musical that includes selected scenes from her book titled, “This is

Crescent City,” in which students explore their family roots in the rural environment. The musical will be presented to the Del Norte, Eureka, and Mendocino Coast communities in the fall, and everyone will be invited to attend.


Multicultural and Diversity Award Nominations: Copresident Winter announced that nominations for the award will be accepted through Wednesday, May 9, and the recipient will be announced at Convocation in August.


Adjournment: On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Dave Bazard, the meeting was adjourned at 3:05.

Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.

Next Meeting:

Academic Senate Retreat

Saturday, August 25, 2012, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

(Meeting location to be confirmed in August)
