REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Academic Senate • Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) • Del Norte Campus: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E3 and E4 • Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B Friday, April 20, 2012, 1 p.m. AGENDA 1. Call To Order 2. Introductions and Public Comment: Members of the audience are invited to make comments regarding any subject appropriate to the Academic Senate. 3. Approve the April 6 Meeting Minutes 4. Action Items 4.1 Approve Senate Copresidents Ad Hoc Nomination Committee Recommendation, Steve Brown (Attachment) 4.2 Approve Curriculum Committee April 13 Recommendations, Allen Keppner (Attachment) 4.3 Approve Emeritus Status Recommendations, Mark Winter (Attachments) 5. Discussion Items 5.1 Senate Resolution Regarding Assessment Proposal 4/20/12, Mark Winter (Attachment) 5.2 Academic Senate Bylaws Revision Proposal 4/20/12, Mike Richards (Attachment – Bylaws pages 1 and 3) 5.3 Academic Standards and Policies Committee Recommendations – BP/AP 4235 Credit by Examination, Connie Wolfsen (Attachments) 6. Special Discussion: President/Superintendent Elect Kathryn Lehner (Discussion is scheduled for 2:30 or when Kathryn Lehner joins the meeting) 6.1 Accreditation 7. Reports 7.1 Accreditation Update, Dave Bazard 7.2 Ad Hoc Committee to Address Feasibility of Eureka College Hour, Mike Richards 7.3 Enrollment Management Committee Update, Bruce Wagner (Attachment) 7.4 Assessment Update, Justine Shaw (Attachment) 7.5 College Update, Utpal Goswami 7.6 50% Law Compliance Update, Mark Winter 7.7 ASCR Update, Solomon DeCamp 7.8 College Council April 9 Meeting, Mark Winter and Mike Richards Academic Senate Agenda April 20, 2012 2 8. Announcements and Open Forum 8.1 Reminder: 2012-2013 Senate Representation, Mark Winter 8.2 August 25 Academic Senate Retreat, Mike Richards 8.3 Eureka Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year Support for Nominees and Voting Process, Mike Richards 9. Adjournment Public Notice—Nondiscrimination: College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color or disability in any of its programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon request this publication will be made available in alternate formats. Please contact Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday—Friday. Next Meeting: Friday, May 4, 2012 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Academic Senate April 6, 2012, 1 p.m. • Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) • Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E4 Members Present: Mark Winter, Mike Richards, Dave Bazard, Bob Brown, Steve Brown, Solomon DeCamp, Chris Gaines, Jennifer Gardner, Dave Gonsalves, Utpal Goswami, Cindy Hooper, Allen Keppner, Philip Mancus, Susan Nordlof, Sandra Rowan, Justine Shaw (meeting substitute for Ryan Emenaker), Gary Sokolow, Kevin Yokoyama. Members Absent: Kady Dunleavy, Ryan Emenaker. Also Present: Dr. Jack Scott, Chancellor of California Community Colleges 1. Call to Order: Copresident Mark Winter called the meeting to order at 1:03. 2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Mark Winter welcomed all members and guests, and he called for public comments. Math Professor Bruce Wagner requested that beginning next fall, the Senate meetings be scheduled from 3:00-5:00 on Friday afternoons. In support of his request, Bruce explained that the schedule will be changing in the fall, which will make it more difficult for a number of faculty to attend or participate in Senate meetings. Bruce also requested that faculty meetings be scheduled around the scheduling time blocks. No additional public comments were forwarded. 3. Approve the March 2 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Kevin Yokoyama, seconded by Bob Brown, the minutes were approved as written. 4. Action Items 4.1 Approve Curriculum Committee March 9 and March 23 Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore presented the recommendations, and he answered questions. On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Bob Brown, the recommendations were approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – abstained, Brown, B. – y, Brown, S. – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Nordlof – y, Shaw – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y. Peter asked faculty who are considering new courses to please be aware of the number of inactivations being addressed by the Curriculum Committee and that reactivating a course is an easy process. 4.2 Approve Faculty Development Committee March 30 Recommendations: Chair Kerry Mayer presented the recommendations, and she answered questions. In addition, Kerry explained the committee’s recommendation that $2400 of the funds be allocated to support accreditation efforts either by sending faculty to a training or by bringing a trainer to CR. Allen Keppner moved to approve the recommendations, seconded by Susan Nordlof. Following discussion, Bob Brown moved to amend the original motion to say, “The decision on how to allocate the $2400 will be made by the Accreditation Oversight Committee and will be limited to faculty training only.” The motion to amend was Academic Senate Minutes April 6, 2012 Page 2 seconded by Allen Keppner, and was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown, B. – y, Brown, S. – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Nordlof – y, Shaw – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y. The vote on the main motion carried by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown, B. – abstained, Brown, S. – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Nordlof – y, Shaw – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y. Copresident Winter thanked Kerry and the committee for their work. 5. Discussion Items 5.1 5.2 Curriculum Committee Issues: Chair Peter Blakemore presented the following updates on issues that the Committee is addressing: (1) A course inactivation form. In response to an ACCJC recommendation, a new form is being drafted that will ensure that the inactivation proposal has been thoroughly vetted. Once the form has Curriculum Committee approval, it will be forwarded for Senate consideration. (2) Survey Monkey evaluation. Also in response to accreditation efforts, a Survey Monkey evaluation of Curriculum Committee effectiveness will soon be distributed, and Peter asked that all recipients respond. Curriculum Committee members will also complete a self-evaluation regarding their participation on the Committee. (3) Web page for course outlines. To support easier access, all course outlines will soon be available on a new web page. (4) AA/AS degree template. To facilitate the process, a template for submitting new AA/AS transfer degree proposals is being developed. (5) Articulation Officer. Peter emphasized how important an articulation officer is to the college, to accreditation efforts, and to student success. With our current half time articulation officer retiring, Peter asked the Senate to advocate for a permanent, at minimum, half time position with clerical support. (6) Changes in Committee composition. Peter informed the Senate that with the Health Occupations and Public Safety areas now combined into one division, and with the Eureka non-teaching faculty representative retiring, the membership of the Curriculum Committee needs to be re-examined. (7) A request from the CIS department has come before the Committee to open a conversation regarding the CR General Education analytical thinking requirement, which currently can only be met by taking one of several math courses. CIS Professor Chris Romero presented research regarding how other California community colleges have incorporated a computer literacy requirement, and he suggested that the Senate consider including the requirement for a CR degree. Following Senate discussion, there was consensus to move forward by having the Senate Executive Committee consider the request and appointing an ad hoc committee to address the issue. (8) Class size. Peter encouraged senators to read the position paper published by the state Academic Senate, which indicates that CR is addressing class size through an appropriate process that acknowledges that the faculty who teach in the discipline are the ones who have the pedagogical knowledge to inform class size. The Senate also discussed how assessment data could be routed to the Curriculum Committee to inform their decisions regarding student success, and there was general agreement that the information should come through the Program Review process. College Council Board Policy and Administrative Procedure Drafts out for Constituent Review 5.2.1 BP/AP 7310 Nepotism: Copresident Richards presented the proposals, and he asked if there was any additional feedback to what was forwarded on March 2. Mike Academic Senate Minutes April 6, 2012 Page 3 explained that the drafts are on the April 9 College Council agenda for approval, and they will then be forwarded to the Board for approval and information. 6. Special Discussion: Dr. Jack Scott, Chancellor of California Community Colleges. Copresident Winter welcomed Drs. Jack Scott and Utpal K. Goswami when they joined the meeting. Dr. Scott began the discussion by addressing the state’s financial situation, which has resulted in a 17% reduction in funding to California community colleges over the past two years. The cuts have caused a reduction in course offerings and the loss of 10% of the student population who had to be turned away. Chancellor Scott emphasized that more reductions will follow if the tax initiative does not pass in the fall, and he asked senators to advocate for community college funding. 6.1 Accreditation: In addressing CR’s show cause accreditation status, Chancellor Scott stressed the need for the college to work together to address each of the recommendations and that the efforts require long-term sustainability. He stated that he is here to provide encouragement to the faculty and staff who he believes have the skills to meet the recommendations, and that he will voice his concern to the ACCJC that closing the college would cause the students and the community to suffer. Chancellor Scott called for questions, and he responded to inquiries regarding the May budget revise, concerns that ACCJC seems more punitive than other accrediting agencies, and what CR can learn from other colleges who have been on show cause but have since met the recommendations. Bringing in a special trustee to advise the college was strongly recommended, and Chancellor Scott emphasized that the main goal is to show a good faith effort toward meeting the recommendations and a commitment to sustained efforts and permanent progress. 6.2 Student Success Task Force Recommendations: Chancellor Scott presented the background of how the Student Success Task Force was formed, the constituent representation, and how the process was vetted. He highlighted a number of elements in the 22 recommendations that the Task Force forwarded to the Board of Governors, and he stated that some of the components will require regulation and some will require legislation. In response to a question, Chancellor Scott clarified the importance of how enrollment priorities for first year students are addressed in the recommendations. On behalf of the Senate, Copresident Winter thanked Chancellor Scott for visiting the campus and for addressing the CR community. 7. Reports 7.1 Senate Representation: Copresident Winter presented the list of members, and he asked senators whose terms will expire in June to please inform their divisions and to let the Senate Office know who will serve next year. Additionally, as a result of the April Senate census and the new division formed by combining Health Occupations and Public Safety, the Senate will have one less senator next year. 7.2 Accreditation Update: Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC) Co-chair Dave Bazard presented the AOC Current Status document, which addressed each of the recommendations and the current status of work in progress, the immediate actions, and the long term actions. Dave explained that the long term actions might be met in late May or June, and that the AOC wants to hyperlink documents and catalog the follow through on actions. Dave informed the Senate that a three day Assessment Summit has been scheduled for May 15, 16 and 17, and the summit will include assessment dialog and a rubric for Academic Senate Minutes April 6, 2012 Page 4 evaluating Student Learning Outcomes. The assessment rubric includes seven bullets, six of which involve college-wide awareness. Each of the bullets requires evidence documentation, which will be published in the Accreditation Newsletter and will include who is responsible for sustaining the work. The role of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) in the planning process was addressed, and Dave reported that a consultant will help the college draft a narrative, which is necessary for tying all the planning elements together. Full time faculty were strongly encouraged to include their discipline associate faculty in assessment dialog and information and to provide support for associate faculty to address student and program learning outcomes. 7.3 Budget Planning Committee (BPC) Update: Co-chair Bob Brown reported that included in the BPC’s recommendations to Cabinet is how to address the 101 Corridor sites. The current plan is to close the Arcata and McKinleyville sites and to reconfigure the Eureka Downtown site, which might include a smaller presence, a lease renegotiation, the inclusion of partners to help with the financial viability, and/or offering community education classes only. The BPC has requested current enrollment data for the sites, and they also asked if a site in Arcata or McKinleyville versus Eureka could better meet community needs. In addition, Bob reported that the latest requests came to the committee with indicators that tie the request to needs and to student and program learning outcomes, and previously ranked Measure Q projects will be reviewed again to ensure that they are aligned with student success. The BPC is conducting a self-evaluation to assess its effectiveness, and the results will be forwarded to the IEC. 7.4 Assessment Update and Software Review: Assessment Coordinator Justine Shaw presented an update on the current status of assessment documents with Program Review documents due by April 6, and she answered questions. Justine navigated the new assessment web site, and she encouraged first time users to click on the training video that will walk them through the site and show them how to use the software. Web site features include an ACCJC rubric of what the college should be doing, a number of assessment resources, and a link for submitting a report. By the fall, users will also be able to submit plans to the web site, and new plans will be due with the program review cycle. Senators asked questions regarding how to use the web site features, and they made suggestions for upgrading the software. 7.5 Multicultural and Diversity Committee Suggestions – Strategies to Employ to Work Toward Satisfying ACCJC Recommendation 6: Committee Chair George Potamianos presented the suggestions, which were drafted and approved by the Multicultural and Diversity Committee and forwarded for Senate consideration. George noted that the suggestions could be integrated into the college’s hiring practices, which would promote an institutional commitment to diversity. It was agreed that the document will be forwarded to the AOC for consideration with the recommendation that it go to Human Resources and the work group that is addressing Recommendation 6. 7.6 College Update: Interim President Utpal Goswami reported that the current version of the assessment software was designed primarily to do one student learning outcome at a time, but the next version will allow for multiple SLO’s. In addition, with the need to collect artifacts in support of assessment efforts, a web site is being created where all the evidence can be submitted and held in one place until the site becomes live. The site will be available in May, and the artifacts will be sorted over the summer. 7.7 ASCR Update: Solomon DeCamp reported that the ASCR Bylaws have been ratified, and student elections are currently being set up. A year-end awards dinner is being organized that will include the recognition of outstanding student leaders. Academic Senate Minutes April 6, 2012 Page 5 7.8 March 14 and April 3 Board of Trustees Meetings: Copresident Winter reported that the March 14 Board meeting included the following items: (1) The Board approved appointing a consultant to assist them in addressing Recommendation 8; (2) Comments were made regarding the closure of the Academy of the Redwoods due to financial costs; (3) It is anticipated that the budget reserve will be five per cent at the end of the year; (4) The details of Kathy Lehner’s contract will be made public; (5) CSU’s are cutting back on accepting transfer students in the spring; (6) The Board reviewed best and worst case budget scenarios, and they asked about reducing disciplines and eliminating programs in the next couple of years. At the April 3 Board meeting, Joe Hash and Bob Brown presented a report that included how Measure Q funds are supporting athletic programs; the Board approved the Strategic Plan draft; a financial aid report was presented that included how the college is attempting to address the high number of student loan defaults; and Board discussion indicated that they will be actively involved in encouraging the district to downsize in the next few years. Mark reported that the Senate’s role in the downsizing is to encourage the Board to plan strategically and to use current processes such as Program Review to avoid a fiscal crisis next year. 8. Announcements and Open Forum 8.1 2012-2013 Eureka Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year April 10 Nomination Deadline: Copresident Richards reminded senators that the deadline to forward nominations is next Tuesday, April 10, and he encouraged Eureka senators from each of the divisions to take the opportunity to recognize outstanding faculty and associate faculty members. 8.2 February 2012 Senate Rostrum: Copresident Winter encouraged senators to read the articles and information included in the February Senate Rostrum. Hard copies were included in the meeting packets, and the publication can also be accessed on the ASCCC’s web site. 9. Adjournment: On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Steve Brown, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00. Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate. Next Meeting: Friday, April 20, 2012, 1 p.m. 4.1 PROPOSED Academic Senate Copresidents Slate for 2012 - 2013 April 20, 2012 The members of the Senate Copresidents Nomination Ad Hoc Committee (Steve Brown, Gary Sokolow, and Connie Wolfsen) forward for approval the following proposed Academic Senate copresidents slate to serve a one-year term from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013: 1. Mike Richards – Business and Technology (Automotive Technology) 2. Bob Brown – Physical Education/Athletics 4.2 College of the Redwoods Summary of Course Changes 4.13.12 LEGEND PREFIX = Course prefix; # = Course Number; TITLE = Course title or title change; NEW = New course or large format/distanced education proposal first submission; REV = Revised course; REP = Replaces existing course; INA = Inactivated course; UNITS = Total Units and hrs of new or revised course; UC = UC transferable – indicate UC transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending; CSU = CSU transferable – indicate CSU transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending CR GE = credits apply to CR General Education; underlined indicates new CR GE; COMMENTS = Review of outline changes, including prerequisites. Prefix # Title/Title Change N E W R E V R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Course last revised in 2002. Description has been updated. Recommended Prep ENGL-150 and POLSC-10 has been added 12 State & Local Politics X CIS 100 Basic Computer Skills X The course update revises the course learning outcomes (slos) and supports assessment process. X X The changes to the course reflect changes in technology and to adhere to new curriculum requirements. Updated description. X Sequenced courses under the same course number are considered the same course by the Chancellor's office. Inactivating PE21A and PE21B. Description update. Repeatability changed from 3 to 4. 50 Database Applications PE 21 Basketball GS 12 GS 361 Study Skills & Strategy Basic Skills for Life, Work & College X X CR GE POLSC BT X C S U X Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. 4.2 Prefix # GS 40 CHEM CHEM BIOL 52 152 120E BIOL 120H BIOL BIOL BIOL Title/Title Change Independent Study in General Studies Chemistry Practicum Chemistry Tutorial Lab Intertidal Ecology Wildflowers of the Coniferous Forests CIS 11 CIS 20 PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE 7 9 11 12B 14 15 17 19 21A R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Course Inactivation. X X X Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. Mosses and Allies of the North Coast X Course Inactivation. Fundamentals of Computer Science X Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. X X X X X X X X X Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Marine Mammals of the North Coast 120 L Bird Migration Introduction to Identification 120M of North Coast Birds 120O R E V X 120K BIOL N E W Programming With Data Structures Step Aerobics Hiking Tennis Intermediate Weight Training Defensive Tactics Women's Self Defense Aerobic Kickboxing Yoga Beginning Basketball 4.2 Prefix # Title/Title Change PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE 21B 26 30 31 33 34 36 41 41C 44 46 47 CIS 18 AJ 88A AJ 88B DM 72 DM DM 75A 75B DM 76 DM 77 Preparation for Basic Law Enforcement Academy Introduction to 3-D Animation 2-D Animation I 2-D Animation II Introduction to Website Development Streaming Media ENGL 41 English Skills Tutoring Intermediate Basketball Intercollegiate Cheerleading Creative Modern Dance Jazz Dance Aerobics Dance Fundamentals Hip Hop Dance Swimming Advanced Swimming Water Polo Lifeguard Training Water Safety Instruction Intro to Applications Programing N E W R E V R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U X X X X X X X X X X X X X Introduction to Natural Resources Law Enforcement X X CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. It has been five years since the last update. Description update. X Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. X X Course Inactivation. Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. X Course Inactivation. Course outline last revised in 2007. Student learning outcomes have been modified. X 4.2 Prefix # PE 13 CT 12 Title/Title Change Boot Camp Historic Research & Documentation N E W R E V X R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U X X Regularly scheduled course update. Maximum class size increased from 25 to 30. X Update C.O.R. to new document format, which includes student learning outcomes, new assessments, and C.C.C. System Office discipline title. Class size change from 26 to 20 maximum is because of field trip constraints for size of class due to visiting local archival facilities and the space constraints for larger sections. X Changes update occupational safety training to match general industry OSHA criteria. Updated Couse title. Old title: Occupational Safety and Health Management. Updated description. Grading standard changed from Letter Grade Only to Grade-Pass/No Pass Option. Recommended prep added. X CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change IT 25 OSHA General Industry Safety X ECON 1 Macroeconomics X X X Course was last updated Fall 2007. Course learning outcomes have been updated. ECON 10 Microeconomics X X X Course was last updated Fall 2007. Course learning outcomes have been updated. 41 General Cooperative Education Work Experience X Couse last updated Fall 2005. Title change. Old title: General Cooperative Education. Units change from 1-3 to 0.5-3. Lab Unit change from 13 to 0.5-3. Removal of Corequisite GUID-41. CE X 4.2 Prefix # Title/Title Change N E W R E V R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Course last updated in 2005. Title change. Old title: Occupational Cooperative Education. Updated description. Unit change from 1-3 to 0.58. Lab unit change from 1-3 to 0.5-8. Removal of Corequisite GUID-41. CE 42 Occupational Cooperative Education Work Experience X BUS 34 Intro to Personal Finance X HIST 18 History of California X X X Course last updated 2005. SLOs have been updated. PE 51 Intercollegiate Basketball Women X X X Regular cycle update. Updated catalog description. PE 52 Intercollegiate Basketball Men X X X Regular cycle update. Updated catalog description. PE 56 Intercollegiate Fastpitch Softball PE 54 DRAMA 2 MUS MUS MUS MUS 14 66 100 100L PSYCH 33 AG 9 Intercollegiate Football Introduction to Oral Interpretation World Music Pep Band Songwriting Songwriting Lab Personal Growth & Adjustment Animal Breeding & Reproduction X X Course last updated 2005. SLOs have been updated. X X X Regular cycle update. Updated catalog description. Old class size of 40 changed to 25 students. X X X Regular cycle update. X Course Inactivated. X X X X Course Inactivated. Course Inactivated. Course Inactivated. Course Inactivated. Course due for revision. Revising CLOs and assessment. Updated catalog description. X X X Course Inactivated. 4.2 Prefix # ENGL 150 Title/Title Change Precollegiate Reading and Writing MUS 10 Music History GUID 8 Career Planning IT 60A N E W Basic Manufacturing Print Reading R E V R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change X Standard five-year course update, including SLOs streamlined to facilitate assessment. X X SLOs are being changed to align with what we are already assessing via exams and research assignments. X Distance Education update. X X X IT 60B Machine Parts Print Reading X MATH 15 Elementary Statistics X Update to new curriculum documents reflecting SLOs, new assessments and disciplines. New Course Title. Old title: Basic Manufacturing Blueprint Reading X X X Update to new curriculum documents reflecting SLOs, new assessments and disciplines. New Course Title. Old title: Basic Manufacturing Blueprint Reading X Five year update. Changes include clarification of CLOs an adding of MATH-194 fulfilling the prerequisite. MATH 120 Intermediate Algebra X Five year update. Changes include updated CLOs, Catalog Description, Prerequisites changed from Math 105 or 106 to MATH-380. MATH 372L Math Lab for College Arithmetic X Five year update. Updated CLOs, concepts, issues, themes are being updated. MATH 376L Math Lab for Pre-Algebra X Five year update. CLOs and Catalog Description have been updated. MATH 380L Math Lab for Elementary Algebra X Five year update. CLOs and Catalog Description have been updated. 4.2 Title/Title Change N E W R E V Prefix # MATH 120L Math Lab for Intermediate Algebra X MATH 52 Math Lab for Transfer-Level Mathematics X PE 67 Theory of Football X R E P [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs I N A U C C S U CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Five year update. CLOs and Catalog Description have been updated. New "Special Note" added. X X Five year update. CLOs and Catalog Description have been updated. X Five year update. Catalog Description has been updated. College of the Redwoods Summary of Curricular Changes 4.13.12 DEGREES & CERTIFICATES NEW = New Program (form 501); SUB = Revised program that has undergone substantive changes (form 510); NONSUB = Revised program that has undergone non-substantial changes (form 511); INA = Inactivated program (form 511); COMMENTS = nature of proposal Program Title [CT] AS, Historic Preservation & Restoration N E W N O N S U B X S U B I N A Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Curriculum updates, program assessment, and student survey input have led to additions to the degree track. 4.2 Program Title N E W N O N S U B S U B I N A Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change X [CT] CR, Historic Preservation & Restoration In 2007, CR was directed to stop offering a Certificate of Completion in CT: HPRT that had been in existence since 1996. A short-term solution for students seeking a one-year certificate was creating a Certificate of Recognition. Unfortunately, this disallowed students from receiving recognition on their transcripts, or an actual printed certificate. Student now has choice between BUS-194 Business Math or MATH-194 Intermediate Business Algebra. Non-Substantial Change: Certificate of Recognition, Payroll Clerk X Non-Substantial Change: Certificate of Recognition, Bookkeeping X Student now has choice between BUS-194 Business Math or MATH-194 Intermediate Business Algebra. X New course schema. Reflects the following changes: 1) moving one course from additional core courses to the Core courses in Area of Emphasis (AG-17), 2) renumbering AG-30 as AG-31, 3) Moving AG-23 from core courses to additional core courses, 4) eliminating courses listed as additional courses in Area of Emphasis, 5) adding AG-30 and AG-36 to additional courses in area of emphasis, and 6) eliminating CHEM-1A, 1B, 2, 3, 8 from additional courses in area of emphasis. Non-Substantial Change AA, LA, Agriculture 4.3 a FACULTY ELIGIBLE FOR EMERITUS STATUS SPRING 2012 Grantham, Greg – Marine Science, 8/10/2000 – 5/12/2012 Hinman, Judie – English, 9/18/1985 – 5/12/2012 Keppner, Allen – Counselor/Director, Transfer Center, 10/27/1971 – 5/22/2012 Mathews, Carol – Counselor, 11/16/1987 – 6/15/2012 Mease, Ana Maria – Spanish, 8/11/1994 – 5/12/2012 Owen, Thomas – History/Political Science, 8/18/1988 – 6/30/2012 Taylor, Martha Racine – Business/Spanish, 3/1/1977 – 5/15/2012 Wells, Michael – Administration of Justice, 9/4/1979 – TBA Woolley, Ann Marie – Early Childhood Education, 8/10/2000 – 6/30/2012 4.3 b [Information for agenda item 4.3 a No revisions proposed] COLLEGE OF THE REDWOOD Board of Trustees Policy No. 344 FACULTY TITLES General Provisions The following title designations are approved for faculty of the Redwoods Community College District: Assistant Professor: Contract/probationary faculty member Professor: Regular/tenured faculty member Emeritus Title Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, emeritus status shall be awarded to faculty members who have completed ten or more years of full-time faculty service to the District and who are retiring from College of the Redwoods. Emeritus status may be awarded to a retiring faculty member during his or her last semester of employment for the District, at the rank the retiring person currently holds. The Academic Senate will forward names of nominees to the Board of Trustees for action. In continuing recognition of their service, emeritus faculty are included to the greatest extent possible in the life of the College and are eligible for the following specific benefits: • Office/work space, as available. • Use of the College library, computers, and other technology for research, as available. • Attendance at all College social and ceremonial functions normally open to all faculty and participation as nonvoting members at all faculty meetings. • Parking permits and passes to athletic events, concerts, lectures, and other College events normally available to all faculty. • Use of College fitness facilities, as available. • Listing in the College catalog. Adopted by the Board of Trustees: May 3, 1999 Amended: January 9, 2001 5.1 Draft 4/20/12 Resolution Regarding Assessment Whereas, The College of the Redwoods Mission Statement includes the continuous assessment of student learning and institutional performance and practices to improve programs and services; Whereas, The College of the Redwoods Strategic Plan (2012-2017) includes the continuous assessment and evaluation of programs to provide effective educational programs and services for all learners; Whereas, To fully become the student-centered institutions that their missions require them to be, community colleges must honestly and openly assess the student learning they produce. Moreover, community colleges must use the information obtained through those assessments for institutional improvement and regular, ongoing monitoring of institutional performance. (National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, Learning Outcomes Assessment in Community Colleges, July 2011); Whereas, The California Community College’s Academic Senate views outcomes assessment as a productive activity that can improve teaching practices and thus enhance student learning. (Guiding Principles for SLO Assessment, Academic Senate California Community Colleges, 2010); Whereas, The use of assessment data as a basis for decision making can empower the faculty voice in planning and budgeting discussions. (Guiding Principles for SLO Assessment, Academic Senate California Community Colleges, 2010); Whereas, The intrinsic value of the assessment process related to service and program quality improvement is evident throughout the cycle of identifying student learning and program outcomes, assessing them, interpreting the data, and using the data to improve programs (College of the Redwoods Assessment Handbook, August 2011); Resolved, The Academic Senate for College of the Redwoods recognizes the importance of ongoing student learning outcomes assessment. The discussion of assessment results in planning is essential to improving teaching, maintaining good professional practice, and providing outstanding developmental, career technical, and transfer education. Resolved, The Academic Senate for College of the Redwoods recognizes and commends all faculty for their participation in the continuous assessment of student learning and program outcomes. 5.2 The Academic Senate For College of the Redwoods Bylaws ARTICLE I Officers Section 1. Officers: The officers of the Academic Senate (Senate) shall consist of two Copresidents. Section 2. Duties: The duties of the Copresidents shall be as follows: 1. To preside at all Senate meetings; 2. To be non-voting, ex-officio members of all Senate committees; 3. To appoint all faculty and associate faculty who serve as representatives of the faculty to District committees, subject to review of the Senate; 4. To represent the faculty at the following: a. Board of Trustee (Board) meetings; b. College Council meetings; and c. Other District committee meetings as appropriate; 5. To maintain communication with the Chief Academic Officer and with the President/Superintendent on a regular basis; 6. To maintain communication with the Senate support staff and other District offices; 7. To prepare Senate meeting agendas as prescribed by law; and 8. To post and distribute Senate meeting documents as prescribed by law. ARTICLE II Committees The Senate shall have the following standing committees: Executive Committee, Academic Standards and Policies Committee, Curriculum Committee, Faculty Development Committee, Faculty Qualifications Committee, CRFO/Academic Senate Liaison Committee, Professional Relations Committee, Tenure Review Committee, Associate Faculty Committee, and Multicultural and Diversity Committee. For the purposes of committee representation, the following units constitute divisions: Athletics and Physical Education; Arts, Languages, and Social Sciences; Business and Technology Career and Technical Education; Del Norte; Eureka Nonteaching; Health and Emergency Response Occupations; Humanities and Communication; Mathematics, Science and Engineering; Mendocino Coast; Nursing and Health Occupations; Public Safety Center. Nonvoting, ex-officio committee members may make motions and participate in discussions, but shall not count towards a quorum. Substitutions will not be allowed on any Senate committee. 5.2 Section 3. Curriculum Committee A. Membership: Terms of each faculty member, including the chair, shall be two years with staggered terms expiring July 1. The Committee shall consist of the following members: 1. The chair appointed from the Committee’s members past or present by the Copresidents and confirmed by the Senate; 2. One faculty from each division, selected by the division. If a division chooses not to fill the position, the Copresidents may appoint a faculty member from any division to fill that vacancy. With the exception of the chair, no division shall have more than two representatives. 3. The Chief Academic Officer, who shall serve as a nonvoting, ex-officio member; and 4. College articulation liaison, who shall serve as a nonvoting, ex-officio member. 5. The Curriculum Committee chair may request a MIS Admissions and Records representative, who shall serve as a nonvoting, ex-officio member. B. Duties and Purposes: The Curriculum Committee is concerned with the development of and continual improvement of educational programs and the curriculum. The major functions of the Committee are the following: 1. To make recommendations to the Senate regarding additions, modifications, or deletions to the curriculum; 2. To advise the Senate and the administration on issues related to curriculum and educational programs; 3. To maintain an on-going evaluation of the college curriculum; 4. To assist in the development and long-range planning of the overall educational program of the college; and 5. To advise faculty who are developing groupings of classes into cohorts or other linked units. 6. The specific functions of the Curriculum Committee are to act on the following proposals: a. Creation, modification or deletion of programs, courses, or certificates; b. Revision of a catalog description to reflect changes in the nature of a course; c. Changes in hours and/or units of a course; d. Changes in the requirements of an existing certificate or degree program; e. Changes in prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended preparation; f. Assignment of courses to disciplines; and g. Significant changes in the course outline related to grading standards, method of evaluation, or instructional materials. 5.3 a Forwarded to Academic Senate 4/20/12 ASPC BP 4235 draft 4/13/12 COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS Board of Trustees Policy No. 526 CREDIT BY EXAMINATION Credit may be earned by students who satisfactorily pass authorized examinations. The President/Superintendent shall ensure that administrative procedures are established to implement this policy. The Board of Trustees recognizes that students bring to the College a diversity of academic skills, abilities, and educational backgrounds. The Board hereby authorizes the development of a credit by examination program as a means to provide students with various educational opportunities in order to: accelerate completion of educational goals, provide college credit through special course examinations, offer flexible and responsive educational opportunities that meet student needs, and ensure student success without lowering academic standards. The Academic Senate, in consultation with the Administration and subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, shall develop regulations and procedures to implement this policy. Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977 Amended: May 6, 1996 5.3 b Forwarded to Academic Senate 4/20/12 ASPC AP 4235 Draft 4/13/12 COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS Administrative Regulation No. 526.01 CREDIT BY EXAMINATION Credit by Examination may be obtained by one of the following methods: 1. External credit by examination • Advanced Placement Examination (AP) • International Baccalaureate Examination (IB) • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) • 2. Tech Prep High School to College Articulation (Articulation) credit by examination General Provisions for Credit by Examination: • College of the Redwoods faculty in the appropriate discipline will determine the course(s) eligible for credit by examination. • Courses eligible for credit by examination are approved by the Curriculum Committee • A maximum of nine units earned from credit by examination may apply to the Associate degree. • The units granted by examination will be the same as the units the student would have earned by successful completion of the course. • The student’s academic record shall clearly indicate that the credit was earned by examination. No grade will be given. • Units earned under this policy are not considered part of the student's official program and will not be used for registration certification for the Social Security Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs, financial aid eligibility, athletic eligibility, dorm residency, or similar programs. • Credits acquired by Articulation shall not be counted in determining the 15 semester units required in residence or the 12 units required in residence in the major for an Associate degree from College of the Redwoods. • Requests for credit by examination cannot be made under the following conditions: a. for a course in which the student has previously received a letter grade other than "W"; 1 5.3 b • Forwarded to Academic Senate 4/20/12 ASPC AP 4235 Draft 4/13/12 b. for a course that is a prerequisite for one the student has already taken; c. for a course in which the student is currently enrolled; d. in instances where credit has already been granted for the class, totally or partially, or from another examination; or e. for a course to be used in the academic renewal process. Each transfer institution determines whether they will accept and how they will apply credit by exam units. External credit by examination – AP, IB & CLEP • The required score necessary for achievement of credit by examination shall be determined by College of the Redwoods faculty in the appropriate discipline and approved by the Curriculum Committee. • A list of approved examinations, required minimum score, units earned, and course equivalency/GE requirement will be maintained by the Curriculum Committee and published in the college catalog. Tech Prep High School to College Articulation The nature and content of the examination shall be determined solely by College of the Redwoods faculty who normally teach the course in the discipline for which credit is to be granted. If College of the Redwoods credit is requested, the appropriate referring institutional program faculty member must submit a credit by examination petition to the Tech Prep coordinator. An explanation of the Articulation credit by examination process, forms, and a list of all eligible courses is maintained on the tech prep web site www.redwoods@edu/techprep. Eligibility to Receive Credit by Examination Based on Articulation: • The student must be currently registered in the college and in good standing. • The course must be approved for articulation by discipline faculty. • The course must be listed in the college catalog. • To receive credit by examination based on the Articulation agreement, the student must have successfully completed the appropriate high school course(s) and successfully completed the appropriate examination. • The student may attempt each examination only once. 2 5.3 b Forwarded to Academic Senate 4/20/12 ASPC AP 4235 Draft 4/13/12 Articulation Oversight Process • The appropriate deans will create and update the list of courses that have current articulation agreements. • The Curriculum Committee shall annually review the list of courses that have articulation agreements for currency and compliance with curricular standards. • Changes to the course outline, instructional methodologies, course content, student learning outcomes, or faculty by either institution require re-articulation. Examinations authorized for articulated high school courses: In order to have a course eligible for credit by examination, a faculty member in the appropriate discipline shall complete the “Credit by Examination” section in the course outline and forward the course outline to the individual in their area responsible for the next step in the curriculum approval process. Upon approval of the updated course outline, the curriculum committee shall update the “Credit by Examination Table” to reflect the information recorded in the respective course outline. In order to maintain the integrity of academic standards and adequate administrative oversight, the following procedures, in accordance with Education Code §55753, will be followed when providing students with the opportunity to receive credit by examination. These regulations apply to all credit-by-examination petitions. General Provisions for Credit by Examination: A. Credit by examination may be obtained by successfully completing examinations authorized for approved articulated high school or regional occupational programs (ROPs) or by successfully completing examinations developed by organizations external to the Redwoods Community College District (RCCD) (e.g., Advanced Placement tests, College Level Examination Program tests, or College of the Redwoods approved examinations from other organizations). B. Courses eligible for credit by examination are determined by faculty at College of the Redwoods. C. Courses eligible for credit by examination are approved by the curriculum committee. 3 5.3 b Forwarded to Academic Senate 4/20/12 ASPC AP 4235 Draft 4/13/12 D. Students will receive credit only for approved and active College of the Redwoods courses. Credit will be granted only to students who are enrolled and who are in good standing at College of the Redwoods. E. Units granted in accord with this policy cannot be used to establish the fifteen (15) units of residency credit required for a degree. F. Grades are not issued for credit by examination. The student's permanent academic record will clearly indicate that credit was awarded by examination. It will also indicate which examination was used to award the credit. G. Requests for credit by examination cannot be made under the following conditions: a. for a course in which the student has previously received a letter grade other than "W"; b. for a course that is a prerequisite for one the student has already taken; c. for a course in which the student is currently enrolled; d. in instances where credit has already been granted for the class, totally or partially, from another examination; or e. for a course to be used in the academic renewal process 4 5.3 b Forwarded to Academic Senate 4/20/12 ASPC AP 4235 Draft 4/13/12 H. The number of credit units granted by examination will be the same as the number of credit units the students would have earned by successful completion of the course. I. Units earned under this policy are not considered part of the student's official program and will not be used for registration certification for the Social Security Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs, financial aid eligibility, athletic eligibility, dorm residency, or similar programs. Examinations authorized for high school or regional occupational programs (ROP): The nature and content of the examination shall be determined solely by College of the Redwoods faculty who normally teach the course in the discipline for which credit is to be granted. If College of the Redwoods credit is requested by an approved articulated high school, adult school, or ROP, the appropriate referring institutional program faculty member must submit a credit by examination recommendation form. In order to have a course eligible for credit by examination, a faculty member in the appropriate discipline shall complete the “Credit by Examination” section in the course outline and forward the course outline to the individual in their area responsible for the next step in the curriculum approval process. Upon approval of the updated course outline, the curriculum committee shall update the “Credit by Examination Table” to reflect the credit-by-examination information recorded in the respective course outline. Advanced Placement (AP), CLEP and Other Approved Examinations Faculty in the appropriate discipline will determine the course(s) eligible for credit by examination and the minimum score requirement for each course in their discipline. In order to have a course eligible for credit, a faculty member in the appropriate discipline shall complete the “Credit by Examination” section in the course outline and forward the course outline to the individual in their area responsible for the next step in the curriculum-approval process. Upon approval of the updated course outline, the curriculum committee shall update the “Credit by Examination Table” to reflect the respective information recorded in the course outline. Approved: August 15, 1977 Revised: 5/6/96; 6/4/02; 3/7/06 5 7.3 TO: Cabinet FROM: The Enrollment Management Committee DATE: March 2, 2012 SUBJECT: Recommended 2012-13 TLU Allocation Framework The Enrollment Management Committee began work last fall to review the TLU allocation process. To ensure that our course offerings support efficient student success and encourage efficient student progression through our curriculum the TLU model recommended focuses our course offerings on Transfer, CTE, and Basic Skills. This recommendation shifts the allocation discussion away from historical faculty staffing levels and established course scheduling patterns to course scheduling that prioritizes student learning and education outcomes. After extensive review and discussion, the EMC recommends that the college: Build an annual schedule based on the below TLU framework; Prioritize GE course scheduling that aligns with student need as shown in Appendix B; Establish a sustainable level of course offerings that best meet student needs based on the course recommendations (Appendix B) ; Implement a one year moratorium on approval of additional GE and elective courses; Develop a clear link between the TLU allocation model and curriculum development; Assess the framework annually; and Allot fifty percent of the allocated TLUs to Fall and 50% in Spring to meet the 4,811 FTES target and use summer semester to offer in enough courses to meet an increased FTES target if the budget measure passes and the target is increased. TLU by Location Eureka Del Norte Mendocino Klamath-Trinity TLUs 5,734 731 534 212 TOTAL 7,211 Hold in Reserve 98 2012-13 Eureka only Academic transfer/GE Basic Skills Math and Writing Labs CTE 1 (FNR, ECE, Addict Studies) CTE 2 (all other CTE, including Business 10, Economics, and Ag HERO (includes HO 15) Athletics (includes HE 1 and PE 66) SLSS 2,299 568 217 213 TOTAL 1 1,310 764 323 43 5,737 7.3 Appendix A: Detailed Recommended TLU Allocation Framework TLU allocations 201213 27-Feb-12 CR District by location 2011-12 2012-13 worst case TLU % of TOTAL 9.4% TLU reduction TLU 6331 79.8 597 5734 Del Norte 793 10.0 74 731 Mendocino 579 7.3 54 534 Klamath-Trinity 231 2.9 23 212 748 7211 Eureka TOTAL 7934 Reserve 98 2012-13 Eureka only TLU Academic transfer/GE comments 2299 Basic Skills 568 Math and Writing Labs 217 CTE 1 213 FNR, ECE, Addiction Studies CTE 2 1310 all other CTE, including Business 10, Economics, and Ag HERO 764 includes HO 15 Athletics 323 includes HE 1 and PE 66 SLSS 43 on hold 0 TOTAL 5737 Academic transfer/GE 2 7.3 TLU comments CSU A 362 Speech 1,6,7; English 1A,1B; Philosophy 1,12 CSU B 726 Science; Math transfer CSU C Art, Cinema, Drama, Music; languages; other Philosophy; other English 773 transfer CSU D 370 Social Science except Psychology 11,33 and Sociology 3,33 CSU E 68 Psychology 11,33; Sociology 3,33 TOTAL 2299 Basic Skills TLU comments Math 332 Math 301,302,303,372,376,380,101,115,120,194 English 194 English 350, 150 Reading 42 Reading 360 TOTAL 568 Math and Writing Labs Math Lab 93 Writing Lab 124 TOTAL 217 3 7.3 Appendix B: Recommended Prioritization for GE Courses by Level Level 1A (CR GE, CSU GE, IGETC, and Articulated major course) Speech 1* English 1A* English 1B* Math 15, 30, 50A (need 1) Polsci 10* Hist 8, 9 Note: * No alternatives that meet all the programs listed in the level 1A heading Level 1B (CR GE, CSU GE, IGETC, and Articulated major course with alternatives or has articulated major prep) Speech 7 Phil 1, 12 AG 17** Astro 10, Astro 15A** Chem 1A** Chem 2** GEOG 1 GEOL 1** GEOL 15 Ocean 10 Ocean 11** Physical Sci 10 Phys 10 AG 23** BIOL 1** BIOL 3** BIOL 8** ENVSC 10** Art 1A, 1B, 4 Drama 24 Mus 1, 10, 12, 14 Eng 10, 17, 18, 20, 60 , 61 ENVSC 11 FRNC/GERM/SPAN 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B Phil 10, 15 SNLAN 1A, 1B Anth 1, 2, 3, 5 Econ 1, 10 NAS 1, 21 Journ 5 GEOG 2 4 7.3 Hist 4,5,7,8,9,12 Psych 1, 30 AJ 1 SOC 1,2,5 Psych 11 Note: ** Meets lab requirement Level 2 (CR GE, CSU, GE, either not IGETC and/or articulated major) Astro 11 Chem 10 ENVSC 12, 15 GEOL 10 METEO 1 OCEAN 12 BIOL 15, 20 Math 4, 5, 25 Art 2 CINE 1,2,3 ENG 9, 22, 47 HIst 21 ECON 20 BUS 10 SOC 9 HIST 11, 18, 20 POLSC 12 SOC 10 PE 66 PSYCH 23 SOC 33 Level 3 All course that are not GE and not articulated but meet AA, AS, and Certificates Level 4 Electives only 5 7.4 Assessment Committee Senate Report 4/20/12 Progress in Assessment: • All outcomes gathered from Public Folders and MyCR to be centralized in new assessment webpage • Percentage of assessed courses still being determined; all from MyCR have been inventoried, but assessments from old program review forms still need to be included in inventory • All information (plans, outcomes, reports) from MyCR have been copied and are being reorganized and renamed in a uniform manner to be put in an online archive that will be available through the new assessment webpage; for this reason, it is critical that nothing new be put on MyCR • Active vs. inactive courses, degrees, and certificates are being sorted out from various, sometimes conflicting sources so that the inventory is correct by year • All assessment reporting (initial and closing the loop) now takes place via software; old forms are only being permitted for submitting assessment results that has been archived since before 2009, but never submitted • Drop-in sessions for help continue to be held, but not well attended: In PS119D (Erik's office): MW 10-11am and 1-3pm; TTh 11am-1pm In CA 128 (Justine's office): M 4-5pm, Th 3-4pm In FM 107: F 1-3pm • Erik and Justine went to the KT site on Wednesday, 4/18 for help time • Rec 1 group meets Monday and Wednesday 3-4pm; Rec 1 representative also attends the AOC and met with consultants and potential trustee; Rec 1 met with Standard II also • Ad hoc committee is looking at how to refine the relationship between the PRC and AC, possibly considering redefining the role of the AC • Assessment Summit will be May 15, 16, 17; schedule for this will be announced very soon • All summer classes must be assessed To Emphasize: • It is critical that, in addition to reporting on assessment, we document more meaningful, intentional conversations about assessment work and results; besides that that is appropriate for reporting forms, minutes or other summary notes can be submitted to Angelina Hill; there may be a form for this in the future, but a word document that includes who was present, outcomes/ assessment discussed, and changes made/ measured works for now • Assessment Friday activities are continuing; we must show more attendance, and not with the same audience, to use these as good evidence of district-wide participation in assessment dialogue • Erik or I can set up a forum on MyCR for any group that would like to carry out an online discussion