Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
October 7, 2011, 1 p.m.
• Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
• Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E3
• Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
Members Present: Mark Winter, Mike Richards, Dave Bazard, Bob Brown, Steve Brown, Kady
Dunleavy, Ryan Emenaker, Chris Gaines, Jennifer Gardner, Utpal Goswami,
Dave Gonsalves, Cindy Hooper, Allen Keppner, Philip Mancus, Susan Nordlof,
Sandra Rowan, Bobby Shearer, Gary Sokolow, Kevin Yokoyama.
Members Absent: None.
1. Call to Order: Copresident Mark Winter called the meeting to order at 1:01.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Mark Winter welcomed all members and
guests, and he introduced Sandra Rowan as the new Associate Faculty representative on the
Senate. Mark called for public comments; no public comments were forwarded. Mark thanked
Copresident Richards for facilitating the Senate September 16 Senate meeting in his absence.
3. Approve the September 16 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Kevin Yokoyama, seconded by
Dave Bazard, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
Academic Senate Proposed Appointments: Copresident Winter presented the proposed
appointments. On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Steve Brown, the appointments
were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown, B. – y,
Brown, S. – y, Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Keppner
– y, Mancus – y, Nordlof – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y.
4.2 Curriculum Committee September 23 Recommendations: Committee Chair Peter
Blakemore presented the recommendations, and he answered a question regarding how the
committee is reading and addressing the GE proposals. On motion by Gary Sokolow,
seconded by Bob Brown, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the
following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown, B. – y, Brown, S. – y, Dunleavy – y,
Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Keppner – y, Mancus –
y, Nordlof – y, Rowan – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y.
4.3 Faculty Qualifications Committee September 23 Recommendation: Committee Chair
Michelle Haggerty presented the recommendation, and she gave the background of why the
application came forward as an Equivalency to the Minimum Qualifications. On motion by
Allen Keppner, seconded by Gary Sokolow, the recommendation was unanimously
approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown, B. – y, Brown, S. – y,
Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hooper – y, Keppner
– y, Mancus – y, Nordlof – y, Rowan – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y.
Academic Senate Minutes
October 7, 2011
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5. Discussion Items
College Council Policy and Procedure Drafts for Constituent Review
5.1.1 BP/AP 3260 Participatory Governance: Copresident Richards presented the
proposals, and he informed the Senate that the drafts will be considered for approval
by College Council on October 10. Senate feedback included (1) add stipulations for
written justification if deviations from the participatory governance process occur; (2)
add timelines for submitting the written justification; (3) include an annual or semiannual review of how the process is working for all groups; (4) eliminate the Decision
Making Model chart from the AP; (5) add a specific reference to BP 203 where
appropriate; and (6) add the phrase, “in accordance with their contractual obligations”
in the AP, item #3 under Operating Agreements for Groups. The copresidents agreed
to forward the Senate’s suggestions for College Council consideration prior to the
October 10 meeting.
5.1.2 AP 4024 Instructional Exigency Plan Due to Adverse Budget Environment:
Copresident Winter presented the proposal, and he gave the background of how and
why it was drafted. Mark informed the Senate that the proposal is out for a 60 day
constituent review that ends on November 21, and the Senate will have at least one
more opportunity to discuss the proposed process. Senate concerns and feedback
regarding the process included the following: (1) It appears to unfairly target the
Career/Technical Education (CTE) programs, which require supplies and materials,
instructional aids, and have facilities to maintain; (2) It would override AP 4021
Program Revitalization and Discontinuation Process; (3) Faculty participation in the
process could be divisive, have legal ramifications, and put CRFO in a position of
conflict when representing faculty; (4) The indicators suggested for prioritizing
programs for elimination are biased toward larger classes and larger programs; (5) It
appears that the process would circumvent transparency and communication; (6) No
avenue for student feedback is included; (7) Without the opportunity to bring back to
the Senate what was discussed and considered, it would put the copresidents in a
unilateral position; and (8) the CBA outlines the procedure for a reduction in force
and for faculty transfer, and those procedures in conjunction with the AP 4021
Program Revitalization and Discontinuation Process would allow the college to
address an adverse budget environment and negate the need for an Instruction
Exigency policy. Utpal clarified that his intent is that the proposed procedure address
program elimination only, and any potential reduction in force would become a
CRFO issue. Mark asked senators to discuss the proposal with their constituents,
forward feedback to the copresidents, and be prepared to discuss the proposed Plan
again at the October 21 Senate meeting.
5.2 International Baccalaureate (IB) and College Level Exam Program (CLEP) Issues: Allen
Keppner introduced the programs, he gave the background of potential benefits to students
and the college, and he suggested that this is a first step in considering whether to revise the
credit-by-exam process and whether to accept IB. Allen explained that CLEP is currently
accepted by the college but in a form described in the catalog that no longer exists, and IB
would be a new consideration for the district. Senate discussion included the benefits and
drawbacks of the programs, and senators emphasized the need to have a comprehensive
approach that involves discipline faculty and includes student performance data. It was
Academic Senate Minutes
October 7, 2011
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suggested that senators discuss with their constituents whether this is an avenue they want
to pursue, and if so, the copresidents can decide how to proceed.
6. Reports
Budget Planning Committee (BPC) Update: Committee Co-chair Bob Brown presented the
background of how the budget planning process was developed, the revisions that the BPC
made this year, and the goals and improvements to the review process that are planned for
2011-2012. Bob explained that program review will play a key role in how the priority
rankings are addressed, and the committee intends to communicate back to constituents
information on the status of their funding requests. In addition, the BPC is attempting to
identify projects that need funding but are not tied to program review, and Bob explained
that, with the exception of those that are mandated, all funding requests go through the
BPC review process.
Basic Skills Committee Update: Faculty Tri-chair Erin Wall presented the 2010-2011
Basic Skills Allocation End-of-the-Year Report and the 2011-2012 Basic Skills Allocation
Action Plan and Expenditure Plan, which are due to the Chancellor’s Office by October 10,
and she highlighted data that was added since the Senate last reviewed the draft reports.
Erin reported that the committee has $90,000 to allocate this year, and a portion of the
money is being used to fund the English writing and the math labs. A call for proposals for
the remaining basic skills funds was distributed to faculty and staff in late August, and the
proposal review process will begin November 1. Copresident Winter thanked Erin and the
Basic Skills Committee members for their work over the past year.
College Update: Utpal Goswami reported on the following items: (1) An addendum
outlining all the planning agenda items and noting what the college has accomplished will
be sent to the ACCJC Visiting Team members prior to their visit; (2) An ACCJC Visiting
Team schedule will be distributed district-wide next week; (3) The PERB with CSEA
regarding an issue in Hoopa has been settled; and (4) The strategic planning process has
begun, and the team wants to include as many people as possible in the discussions. Utpal
encouraged anyone interested in participating in the strategic planning process to attend the
December meeting.
ASCR Update: ASCR representative Bobby Shearer reported on the following activities:
(1) Students are being directed to the feedback page for BP/AP 3260 Participatory
Governance and encouraged to submit comments; (2) The students feel that there is a real
need for a crisis counselor, and the Student Senate is considering passing a resolution in
support of that position; (3) With increased student complaints regarding smoking on
campus that has worsened with the construction, ASCR is reviewing the issue; (4) ASCR
is working on getting a bus pass program established; (5) Volunteers are needed for the
Biodiversity Conference scheduled for Friday, October 21; and (6) Bobby encouraged
senators to forward his email address to students interested in learning more or
participating in student governance.
College Council September 26 Meeting: Copresident Winter reported that AP 4020
Instructional Exigency Plan Due to Adverse Budget Environment is out for constituent
review until November 21. College Council also addressed the proposed BP/AP 3050
Institutional Code of Ethics, a policy regarding concurrent enrollment, and they discussed
whether the college president should also serve as the chair of College Council.
Academic Senate Minutes
October 7, 2011
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Board of Trustees October 3 Meeting: Copresident Winter reported that the Senate Update,
which was presented to the Board on October 3, is now posted on the Senate’s website. He
also reported that (1) The presidential search committee is being developed, and three
Board members have been identified to participate. The search committee will have a wide
representation of college and community members and will include three faculty members.
(2) In response to an ASCR report regarding smoking on campus, the Board discussed
CR’s smoking policy and whether we might become a smoke-free campus. (3) DSPS
reported that 11% of the district’s student body is receiving their program services. Mark
encouraged senators to read the Board packet and minutes and stay informed of the issues.
7. Announcements and Open Forum
September 2011 Senate Rostrum: Copresident Winter announced that there are relevant
and interesting articles in the September 2011 Senate Rostrum, and he encouraged faculty
to read the publication.
7.2 Science Night: Kevin Yokoyama announced that the 26th annual Science Night is
scheduled for Friday, October 21, from 5 – 9 p.m. in numerous locations on the Eureka
campus. A schedule of events and a map of activity locations are posted on the CR
website, and everyone is encouraged to attend this free, family-oriented event. In
conjunction with Science Night, a Biodiversity Conference is also scheduled on October
21, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. in Life Science Room 201. Forums led by renowned educators
and researchers will be presented throughout the day, with shorter forums for youth and
their parents scheduled for 5 – 9 p.m. The forums are free and open to the public.
7.3 Presidential Search: Allen Keppner suggested that as an institution, we decide where we
want to go and then find a presidential candidate who will support that vision.
8. Adjournment: On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Sandra Rowan, the meeting was
adjourned at 3:02.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, October 21, 1 p.m.