Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
October 15, 2010, 1 p.m.
• Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E 3
Members Present: David Holper, Mark Winter, Rebecca Ashbach, Michael Bailey, Bob Brown,
Kady Dunleavy, Jennifer Gardner, Utpal Goswami, Jeff Hogue, Allen Keppner,
Philip Mancus, Kerry Mayer, Todd Olsen, Pat Padilla, Mike Richards, Chris
Romero, Justine Shaw.
Members Absent: Dave Gonsalves, Ruth Rhodes, Gary Sokolow.
1. Call to Order: Copresident David Holper called the meeting to order at 1:03.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident David Holper welcomed all members and
guests, and he called for public comments; no public comments were offered.
3. Approve the October 1, 2010 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by
Chris Romero, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Item
October 8 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore presented the
recommendations, and he answered questions. On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by
Jeff Hogue, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the following roll call
vote: Bailey – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gardner – y, Hogue – y, Keppner – y, Mancus
– y, Mayer – y, Olsen – y, Padilla – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Shaw – y.
5. Discussion Items
Technical Assistance Follow-Up Visit Debrief: Copresident Holper opened the discussion
by describing the faculty session and the luncheon that was held with Scott Lay and Jane
Patton, and he stated that the purpose of inviting the team back was to address the
recommendations they made last year and to assess where the college is now. Copresident
Winter commented on statements made by Scott Lay and Jane Patton at the closing session,
and he informed the Senate that the references Scott made regarding endangering
accreditation and being obstructionists did not come from the faculty session. Senate
discussion included additional feedback on the faculty and closing sessions, the current
institutional environment, and strategies for addressing positive change and building trust
within the college.
5.2 Valedictorian/Salutatorian Selection Criteria Proposal: Allen Keppner presented the
proposed revisions, and he explained that the recommendations are an attempt to clarify the
criteria so concerns with applying the process are addressed. In response to questions,
Allen clarified that these are district-wide honors, that all degree applicable units are
considered, and that the pass/no pass selection criteria only applies to optional pass/no pass
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units. Senators discussed whether to add consideration of AP scores to the criteria, and the
consensus was not to include them. Allen asked senators to distribute the
recommendations for constituent view and forward any feedback to Dave or Mark. The
proposal will be forwarded for approval Senate on November 5.
ASCCC Hayward Award for “Excellence in Education” CR Nomination Process Proposal:
Copresident Winter presented the background and eligibility for the award, and he
explained that the timeline adjustments in the draft were precipitated by changes to the
submission deadline at the state level. The proposal will be forwarded for Senate approval
on November 5.
6. Reports
6.1 Credit and Noncredit Matriculation Reports: Melissa Green and Barb Franklin presented
the reports that are required by the Chancellor’s Office. Melissa gave an overview of the
services and staff positions that are supported with matriculation funds, and she and Barb
answered questions. With a Senate president’s signature required, Copresident Holper
agreed to sign the reports before they are submitted to the Chancellor’s Office.
6.2 New Process for Payment of Student Refunds: Financial Aid Director Lynn Thiesen
presented an overview of the Higher One management system that CR will begin using in
January 2011 for student fund disbursements. Lynn outlined the benefits to students and to
the institution, and she explained that each student will receive a card, which once
activated, will function as a debit card that is either tied to Higher One’s OneDisburse
service or a bank account that the student chooses. Disbursed funds will become
immediately available to the student, and the card can be used at any location that accepts a
debit card. Students will be able to use the card to get cash at no fee by using a Higher One
supported ATM machine that will be installed in a central location on the Eureka campus.
A launch team has been meeting weekly to ensure a smooth transition, and Lynn agreed to
Copresident Holper’s suggestion that Kady Dunleavy serve on the team as a faculty liaison.
An informational email with a request for students to update their contact information will
be distributed to all students, faculty, and staff, and Lynn asked that any questions or
feedback be forwarded to her.
6.3 SB 1440 Implementation – Associate Degree for Transfer: Allen Keppner presented
background information and an overview of SB 1440, and he explained that it is a recently
approved bill that is designed to bring back an opportunity for students who are transferring
to get an Associate degree plus give them priority consideration at CSU’s. Allen outlined
the requirements a student must meet to be eligible to transfer, and he explained that the
bill only addresses transfers to a CSU, and it does not address high unit majors. To
facilitate the implementation of the bill, the state Academic Senate is convening
intersegmental discipline faculty groups to determine what courses would meet the
California Community College degree and to develop model curriculum that will prepare
students for the most popular CSU majors. With the areas of major emphasis already
included in a number of our degrees, Allen said that CR is well prepared for the new degree
implementation. Allen also informed the Senate that companion bill AB 2302 was
approved that speaks to providing students with clear pathways for transfer once the core
curriculum is assembled. At this point the state Academic Senate is recommending that
individual colleges not develop separate responses to either bill but wait until model
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curriculum is developed statewide. Allen said that he will keep the Senate updated on
progress being made at the state level toward implementation of the bills.
Accreditation and Site Visit Update: Utpal Goswami reported that the paperwork for the
2011 Self Study visit has been filed with the Accrediting Commission, and CR selected
October 16-21 as the preferred Team Visit dates. CR’s mock Self Study visit is being
scheduled for early December 2010, and the Visiting Team members will be Frances
White, retired superintendent/president of Marin Community College District, who will
serve as chair; Ed Buckley, former Vice President of Instruction, Santa Rosa Junior
College; and Yolanda Bellisimo, former Academic Senate president, Marin Community
College District. The Team will focus on specific sections of each of the Standards,
including a review of Student Services at all locations and a detailed report on Human
Resources. The Self Study Report for the mock Team Visit is currently being drafted, and
it is expected to be between 50-70 pages by mid-November. In response to a question
regarding the date for the site visit for the Follow-Up Report, Utpal said that colleges
typically receive a two-day to two-week notification prior to the scheduled visit, and the
college community will be informed when the visit date is confirmed.
ASCR Update: Rebecca Ashbach reported that she attended the October 9 Board meeting
in Fort Bragg and was able to meet with students from the Mendocino campus. The
students expressed to her that they feel under-represented in college governance, and
Rebecca is helping to incorporate them into the ASCR Student Senate. Rebecca also
reported that a student leadership conference is taking place next week, and two ASCR
students plan to attend.
October 9 Board of Trustees Meeting: Copresident Holper reported that the Mendocino
Coast Education Master Plan was presented to the public on Friday evening, October 8, and
many of the numerous public comments made by community members and students at the
Board meeting on October 9 addressed concerns with the Plan. Additional comments
focused on the need for an ESL program, concerns with offering fewer face to face and
more online courses, and statements made regarding the Marine Science Technology
Program. The Follow-Up Report was pulled from the consent calendar for further
discussion, and the Board expressed concerns with the draft. The Senate Update, which is
now posted on the Senate’s website, was well received, and in response to claims made in
the Update, Trustee Tom Ross forwarded a request to the Senate copresidents for more
information and examples of when policies and procedures were not followed. That
information is being compiled and will be forwarded with a narrative to the Board.
College Council Update: Copresident Winter reported that the October 13 College Council
agenda included a number of unfinished and new business items. The unfinished business
items included (1) the Faculty Prioritization Process proposal that the Senate copresidents
and Utpal Goswami are drafting; (2) the Mission, Vision, Values proposal forwarded by an
ad hoc committee of College Council; (3) a revised Integrated Planning Model presented
by Keith Snow-Flamer; and (4) the Course Grade Challenge proposal forwarded by the
Academic Standards and Policies Committee (ASPC) and approved by the Academic
Senate. The Course Grade Challenge proposal will be forwarded to ASPC Chair Marla
Gleave with a request for the committee to address the Board’s role in the process. The
revised proposal with ASPC’s recommendations will then go back to College Council for
further review and approval.
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7. Announcements and Open Forum
7.1 Science Night October 22: Jeff Hogue announced that the 25th Annual Science Night is
scheduled for 5 to 9 p.m. on Friday evening, October 22, on the Eureka campus. The event
includes hands-on activities, demonstrations, experiments and lectures for participants of all
ages. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase, and parking is free. Jeff
encouraged everyone to attend this free, family and community oriented event.
7.2 Book of the Year Fall 2010 Activities: David Holper announced that Book of the Year
authors Alisa Smith and J. B. MacKinnon will be on the Eureka campus for a free public
presentation in the Forum Theater on Thursday, October 21 from 10 a.m. to noon. In
addition, as part of Science Night, the two authors of Plenty: Eating Locally on the 100 Mile
Diet, will participate in a panel discussion with area food advocates and critics on Friday
evening, October 22, from 7:00 to 8:00 in LS 102 on the Eureka campus. On the HSU
campus, the authors are scheduled to appear on Thursday, October 21, from 3:00 to 5:00 in
the Kate Buchanan Room at the University Center. The events are free and open to the
public, and everyone is encouraged to attend.
7.3 CR Homecoming Activities October 23: Bob Brown invited everyone to attend CR’s
Homecoming events scheduled for Saturday, October 23. The events include the induction
of the 1970 State Championship football team into the CR Hall of Fame, a pre-game
barbecue in the Community Stadium at 1:00, and a football game versus Shasta College to
begin at 3 p.m. In addition, alumni softball and baseball games are scheduled to be played
prior to the football game kick-off.
8. Adjournment: On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Kerry Mayer, the meeting was
adjourned at 2:55.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
November 5, 2010