REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Academic Senate November 5, 2010, 1 p.m. • Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) • Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E7 • Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B • Pasadena: 303 East Cordova Street, Sheraton Pasadena Hotel Members Present: David Holper, Mark Winter, Rebecca Ashbach, Michael Bailey, Bob Brown, Kady Dunleavy, Jennifer Gardner, Dave Gonsalves, Utpal Goswami, Jeff Hogue, Allen Keppner, Philip Mancus, Kerry Mayer, Todd Olsen, Pat Padilla, Ruth Rhodes, Mike Richards, Chris Romero, Justine Shaw, Gary Sokolow. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order: Copresident David Holper called the meeting to order at 1:03. 2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident David Holper welcomed all members and guests, and he called for public comments; no public comments were offered. 3. Approve the October 15, 2010 Meeting Minutes: Chris Romero moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mike Richards. Agenda item 6.6, October 9 Board of Trustees meeting, was corrected to say, “…and statements made regarding the Marine Science Technology Program.” With the correction, the minutes were approved without objection. 4. Action Items 4.1 October 22 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: Committee member Allen Keppner presented the recommendations, and he answered questions. On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by Gary Sokolow, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bailey – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Rhodes – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Shaw – y, Sokolow – y. 4.2 Proposed Senate Appointments: Copresident Mark Winter presented the proposed appointments. On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Gary Sokolow, the recommendations were approved by the following roll call vote: Bailey – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Rhodes – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Shaw – abstained, Sokolow – y. 4.3 October 29 Faculty Development Committee Recommendations Revised: Chair Kerry Mayer presented the recommendations, she explained the reason for the revision, and she answered questions. On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Chris Romero, the recommendations were approved by the following roll call vote: Bailey – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – abstained, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Rhodes – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Shaw – y, Sokolow – y. 4.4 Hayward Award Process Proposal: Copresident Winter presented the proposal, and he gave background information. On motion by Bob Brown, seconded by Kady Dunleavy, the Academic Senate Minutes November 5, 2010 Page 2 proposal was unanimously approved by following roll call vote: Bailey – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Rhodes – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Shaw – y, Sokolow – y. 4.5 Valedictorian/Salutatorian Process Proposal: Copresident David Holper presented the proposal. On motion by Kady Dunleavy, seconded by Jeff Hogue, the proposal was unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bailey – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Rhodes – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Shaw – y, Sokolow – y. 5. Discussion Items 5.1 Associate Faculty Voluntary Mentoring Program Proposal: Senators Michael Bailey and Jennifer Gardner presented the proposal, and they emphasized that while mentoring occurs within specific departments, they see a need for an Academic Senate initiated voluntary mentoring program that is consistent district-wide. While acknowledging the need and value of having a program to support associate faculty (AF), senators questioned how the program would be administered and by whom, the appropriateness of the Senate’s role as outlined in the proposal, and whether there would be additional faculty responsibilities that would require CRFO review prior to Senate approval. In addition, senators addressed the broader issue of the current lack of faculty development for all faculty, both full and parttime. While the district previously supported a nationally recognized Center for Teaching Excellence that offered numerous workshops, trainings, support staff and facilities for all faculty and included a New Faculty Mentoring Program, over the past several years that program has been systematically dismantled. It was suggested that this AF Mentoring proposal only addresses a segment of the overall need, and the Senate needs to work with the administration to create a program that supports the professional development for all faculty. Vice President Utpal Goswami agreed that professional development is needed, and he suggested that a proposal be drafted and submitted to the Budget Planning Committee for funding consideration. Because a number of issues were raised by the Senate during discussion, Copresident Holper suggested that the AF Mentoring Program proposal needs additional review, and he asked Michael and Jennifer to forward a revised draft to the Senate copresidents prior to further Senate consideration. 5.2 College Council Proposal – District Vision, Mission, Values Statement Draft 1, October 19, 2010: Copresident Holper presented the proposed statement, and he informed the Senate that it was drafted by an ad hoc committee of College Council, reviewed by College Council, and it is now out for constituent review. Dave clarified that College Council was tasked with drafting a vision, mission, values statement for the district, and this is an opportunity for the Senate to provide feedback, recommendations, and suggestions for revised wording on this first draft. Senate feedback included (1) the language is too vague and includes some jargon; (2) the vision statement should be future oriented and offer inspiration; (3) it is lacking a reference to the collaborative effort between the administration and faculty to support student learning and success, (4) the statements do not reflect how the institution is currently functioning; (5) the statements could include a reference to providing economic viability and workforce training; (6) it needs to clarify how participatory governance will function; and (7) because student access and success are so vital, the statement should include how we as a college will develop the culture to support that mission. During discussion, the Senate recognized the need and the Academic Senate Minutes November 5, 2010 Page 3 opportunity for district-wide genuine conversations to identify what we aspire to be, what professional beliefs should guide our actions, and what values we can all agree to that will take the college in a direction that we want it to go. Dave thanked the Senate for the feedback, which he and Mark will take back to College Council for further consideration. 5.3 Senate Resolution: Response to the District’s Proposed Revisions to Article XI – Faculty Tenure and Evaluation: Copresident Holper presented the draft resolution, and he explained that it is in response to the district’s proposed revisions to Article XI and is intended to provide support for CRFO during contract negotiations. To inform Senate discussion and to provide evidence for the proposed resolution, an analysis by Tenure Review Committee Chair Mike Richards on the district’s proposed revision to the process was also addressed. Mike’s statement supported the recommendations made through a collaborative and transparent process by the Academic Standards and Policies Committee and approved by the Senate, and he refuted the need for the major revisions in the district’s proposal. The Senate thanked Mike for his thorough and informative analysis, and there was consensus to forward the resolution for approval on November 19. 6. Reports 6.1 Academy of the Redwoods Update – College Readiness: Academy of the Redwoods (AR) Principal Matt Malkus reported that (1) with a 20 percent increase in enrollment this semester, the Academy of the Redwoods has reached its target of a total of 200 students; (2) Due to the quality of the program, AR students placed second highest in the county on the Academic Performance Index; (3) AR students are exposed to advanced knowledge and ways of learning that are teaching them how to learn; (4) With the Lingering and Learning program, the AR students have the opportunity to meet informally after class to form learning communities and exchange ideas; (5) Members of the AR staff are serving on several college committees, including the Safety and the Behavioral Intervention Committees; (6) Two AR students serve on the ASCR; (7) Grant funds were received for two wireless computer labs on campus; and (8) This is an accreditation year for AR, and a site visit is scheduled for March 28. In addition, Matt reported that AR is participating in vertical learning planning teams that are attempting to align elementary through high school curriculum that allows students to be ready for college when they arrive. Matt thanked CR faculty for their commitment and support of the AR program, and he invited everyone to forward feedback to him and to visit the AR site on the Eureka campus. 6.2 Assessment Committee Update: Assessment Coordinator Justine Shaw gave the background of the Assessment Committee’s (AC) activities, and she presented the mission statement and the goals, which the committee developed last spring. The AC, which is comprised of both faculty and staff, decided that they could best serve the district by providing guidance and support and that they would be available when people want assistance. Justine highlighted activities included in the Spring 2010 to Spring 2014 Assessment Plan that was developed by the AC last spring, and she reported that she proposed to the administration that a retreat be scheduled for January 13 and 14 for faculty district-wide to come together to work on program assessment. To support the coordination of the proposed January retreat and to attempt to accomplish the goals and activities included in the three-year plan, Justine emphasized that an Assessment Coordinator is essential. However, Justine informed the Senate that she plans to step down as the Coordinator at the end of the fall semester, and she stated that in order to meet the Academic Senate Minutes November 5, 2010 Page 4 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 assessment needs of the district, the reassigned time for a newly appointed Coordinator needs to be addressed. Justine requested that comments and feedback on the AC mission statement and goals be forwarded to her. Basic Skills Initiative Update: Copresident Winter presented two letters to the Senate as background information for how the Senate copresidents are attempting to address the inappropriate use of Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) funds that were spent on community education math classes taught at Ferndale High School last summer. Mark highlighted misleading information that was included in the letter from President Marsee, and he presented relevant data on the success and comparative persistence rates of CR’s BSI students. The Senate copresidents are currently researching and attempting to address issues with how the BSI program is being administered at CR, and Mark reported that he will keep the Senate informed. Accreditation and Site Visit Update: Utpal Goswami reported that the follow-up team members Dr. John Nixon (from Mt. San Antonio College) and Dr. Norv Wellsfry (from Cosumnes River College) are scheduled to visit the Eureka campus on Monday, November 22. The schedule for the follow-up visit is being drafted, and participants will be notified when it is confirmed. The mock Self-Study team comprised of Frances White, retired superintendent/president of Marin Community College District, who will serve as chair; Ed Buckley, former Vice President of Instruction, Santa Rosa Junior College; and Yolanda Bellisimo, former Academic Senate president, Marin Community College District is scheduled to be on the Eureka campus from December 13 through December 15. Members of the mock Self-Study Team have forwarded a number of questions to the college that would indicate that they plan to perform an in-depth Self-Study of our district. ASCCC Fall 2010 Plenary Session: Copresident Holper informed the Senate that he is scheduled to attend the ASCCC Plenary Session from November 11 through November 13, and he asked that if senators have a request for him to attend a particular session to please forward that request prior to his departure on Wednesday, November 10. Dave reported that he will bring back to the Senate relevant information from the Plenary Session. ASCR Update: Rebecca Ashbach reported that two new seats have been created on the ASCR Student Senate for Del Norte and Mendocino Coast student representatives, who will participate in the meetings by Call Confer. Additionally, Rebecca reported that she was one of three CR students who attended the California Community College Student Affairs Association Leadership Conference held October 22 to October 24 in Costa Mesa, California. November 2 Board of Trustees Meeting: Copresident Holper reported that he updated the Board on the major Senate activities, and he informed the Board that the Deviations from Policy and Procedure document plus the evidence documents and the signature page will be forwarded electronically to Board members. Following distribution to the Board, all the documents except the signature page will be posted on the Senate website. Because of a time consideration, Dave invited senators to contact him after the meeting if they want additional information on what occurred at the November 2 Board meeting. November 1 College Council Meeting: Copresident Winter reported that College Council discussed the purpose and scope of College Council, and they also addressed the role of College Council in the Integrated Planning process and whether the Council should be the site where unresolved college governance issues are addressed. In response to the question of how College Council will address conflicting proposals, Mark reported that the Interest Academic Senate Minutes November 5, 2010 Page 5 Based process will be used for resolving competing proposals, but the mechanism for how to address unresolved governance issues has not been discussed. 7. Announcements and Open Forum: No announcements or open forum items were forwarded. 8. Adjournment: On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by Chris Romero, the meeting was adjourned at 3:12. Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate. Next Meeting: November 19, 2010