Meeting of the Academic Senate



Meeting of the Academic Senate

March 4, 2011, 1 p.m.

Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)

Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Rooms E3 and E7

Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B

Members Present: David Holper, Mark Winter, Rebecca Ashbach, Colette Beaupre, Trish Blair

(meeting substitute for Allen Keppner), Bob Brown, Kady Dunleavy, Jennifer

Gardner, Dave Gonsalves, Utpal Goswami, Jeff Hogue, Philip Mancus, Kerry

Mayer, Pat Padilla, Ruth Rhodes, Chris Romero, Justine Shaw, Gary Sokolow,

Kevin Yokoyama.

Members Absent: Allen Keppner, Mike Richards.


Call to Order: Copresident David Holper called the meeting to order at 1:02.


Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident David Holper welcomed all members and guests, and he introduced Colette Beaupre as the new associate faculty senator and Trish Blair as the meeting substitute for Allen Keppner. Dave called for public comments; no public comments were offered.


Approve the February 4 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Kevin Yokoyama, seconded by Jeff

Hogue, the minutes were approved as written.


Action Item


February 11 and February 25 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: Committee member Gary Sokolow presented the recommendations, and he answered questions. On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by Bob Brown, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Beaupre – y, Blair – y, Brown – y, Gardner – y,

Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Rhodes – y, Romero – y,

Shaw – y, Sokolow – y, Yokoyama – y.


Discussion Items


Course Proposal and Outline Form Revision: Curriculum Committee member Gary

Sokolow presented the proposed revisions to the form, and he explained that most of the revisions were not substantive and were made in order to make the course proposal process smoother. The revised form does, however, include the substantive addition of a section that allows for a CR general education (GE) course proposal, which as the GE Ad Hoc

Committee Chair Susan Nordlof explained, includes the criteria developed by the Ad Hoc

Committee for getting proposed GE courses through the curriculum approval process.

Susan presented background information on the GE Ad Hoc Committee’s work, and she informed the Senate that the committee agreed that the GE classes should go through the approval process every five years. In response to concerns voiced by the Math Department regarding how the GE program should be addressed, Susan offered to meet with the math

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March 4, 2011

Page 2 faculty to discuss the issues. Senators asked questions and made suggested revisions to the form, which Gary agreed to forward to the Curriculum Committee for consideration.


BP and AP 4231 – Grade Changes Proposals 2/25/11: Academic Standards and Policies

Committee member Judie Hinman presented the proposals, and she explained that revisions were made in response to the Board’s request that the Board be part of the course grade challenge process but only to review whether policy and procedures had been properly followed. Judie highlighted the major revisions, and she explained that some of the changes were made in response to recent League recommendations. The proposals will be forwarded for Senate consideration on April 1.


Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Action Item Summary and Early Assessment

Program: Co-chair Keith Snow-Flamer presented the EMC Action Item Summary, which he stated is updated every two weeks, and he highlighted key items. Keith reported that in addition to the summer schedule, the committee is currently working on the 2011-2012 schedule and attempting to ensure that the right courses are in place to support student success while also having to address budget considerations. EMC member Pam Kessler presented information on the Early Assessment Program, which the English and math faculty approved using as an assessment tool, and she informed the Senate that the EMC is addressing ways to improve student access and success. With assessment and placing students in appropriate courses critical to success, the committee is addressing (1) multiple measures and developing target questions for students who test in between specific English and math levels; (2) IR data and the accurate placement and tracking of students; (3) more detailed math and English course descriptions that help students understand what’s involved in the courses; and (4) mandatory assessment, advising and orientation of new students.


AP 2435 – Evaluation of President/Superintendent Draft: Copresident Winter presented the draft, which came through College Council and is currently out for constituent review.

Senate feedback on the proposal included the recommendation that, consistent with the evaluation process for other administrators, the process for the president include feedback from constituent groups across the district. Kevin reported that he created a survey that could be used to gather campus feedback on the president, and he agreed to forward it to

Dave and Mark for consideration by the College Council.


Mission and Values Proposal: Copresident Holper presented the proposal and gave the background of how it evolved, and he explained that while the Mission and Values statements are now out for constituent review, the Vision statement is being further addressed by College Council’s Mission, Vision and Values Ad Hoc Committee. Senators provided feedback on the proposal, which Dave will take back to College Council. Dave emphasized that once approved, the statements need to be posted on the CR website and used to inform all district decisions.


Senate Ideas for Grants, State Funding, and Community Fundraising: CR Foundation

Executive Director and Interim Manager, Resource Development, Karen Nelson presented background information on the Foundation, and she stated that the Foundation was established to promote the general welfare of the college. Included in the Foundation’s activities is providing scholarships to CR students and overseeing a number of subassociations and fundraising activities. While the Foundation has been strong in the past, it is currently in need of renewed energy, and Karen asked for faculty feedback on fundraising suggestions, community events, and what activities were important for the

Foundation to support. Senators asked questions and provided feedback, and it was suggested that a central library of available grants would be very helpful to faculty. Karen requested that any additional ideas or feedback be forwarded to her.

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March 4, 2011

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50% Law – Update on the District’s Compliance Status: Controller Carla Spalding presented (1) the preliminary Analysis of Compliance with the 50 Percent Law Budget

Report for 2009-2010, and (2) the revised report that went to the Board. Carla explained that she believed the preliminary report, which indicated that the district did not meet the

50% Law requirement, was drafted based on the projected budget, and the final budget included a number of changes. In addition, the funds allocated for associate faculty were under-budgeted, and once funds were transferred to cover those expenditures, it brought the district into compliance. Senators expressed concern that with reductions this year in teaching loads, the district would be out of compliance for 2010-2011. Carla agreed to present a status report to the Senate in May on the district’s compliance with the 50% Law for 2010-2011.


Budget Planning Committee (BPC) Update: Co-chairs Dan Calderwood and Utpal

Goswami reported that the BPC has been meeting almost weekly, and they are currently attempting to address the projected $1.4 million budget cut for next year, which is the most optimistic of the three potential state budget scenarios. Dan listed a number of cost-saving ideas that the committee is considering, which include charging student health fees to BOG fee waivers, using Measure Q funds for certain salaries, restructuring the Arcata

Instructional site, putting holds on vacant faculty and staff positions, charging students for lab fees, and charging staff for parking. Senators asked when the BPC would begin addressing larger cuts to the budget, and Dan reported that Utpal has encouraged BPC members to begin the dialog with their colleagues. Utpal suggested that faculty access information on the BPC’s website, where all the agendas, minutes and documents are posted, and he stated that budgetary decisions will be made through a transparent process.


Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) Update: Chair Keith Snow-Flamer presented the IEC Planning Agenda, and he reported that the committee is working on drafts of

BP/AP 3250, Institutional Planning. A survey will be distributed to all planning committee members to gather quantitative and qualitative feedback on the effectiveness of the planning process, and an additional survey will collect data from all college employees.

Two planning summits have been scheduled--the first one for planning committee members and the second one for everyone else. Information gathered from the planning summits will be collated and forwarded to College Council.


Construction Technology Program Update: Copresident Holper presented background information on the issues, and he reported that the Construction Technology (CT) faculty drafted a proposal for how to revitalize the program and make it profitable once again. CT faculty member Ted Stodder presented the proposal to the Board on March 1, and once the cost figures are added to the proposal, Dave reported that it will probably go forward.


Accreditation Update: Utpal Goswami reported that the college is on tract to have the first draft of the Self Study Report ready for review by March 21, and constituent feedback will be gathered through April. Accreditation committees are scheduled to meet tomorrow to address sections where more progress is needed, but other sections are almost complete.

Utpal informed the Senate that one challenge is to address planning agendas in a manner that is truthful but acknowledges the progress that’s been made. Accreditation Steering

Committee Co-chair Kevin Yokoyama reported that, following a discussion with consultant

Ed Buckley, he is hopeful that the change in college leadership will help move the district forward in meeting the ACCJC recommendations.

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March 4, 2011

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ASCR Update: Rebecca Ashbach informed the Senate that the ASCR is (1) in the process of updating its charter; (2) working to revive the CR newspaper; (3) preparing for the

March in March event in Sacramento, which is being organized locally by the Mendocino

Coast ASCR representative; and (4) moving forward with plans to participate in the Hands

Across California event, which is being coordinated locally by Bobby Shearer.


College Council Update: Copresident Winter informed the Senate that in addition to the

Mission and Values proposal, College Council is addressing a narrative to accompany the

Integrated Planning Flowchart and a governance proposal that is required for meeting the

ACCJC recommendations. Both documents will be presented to the Senate during the constituent review periods.


Board of Trustees March 1 Meeting: Copresident Holper reported that the Board addressed the following: (1) The president tendered his resignation, which the Board accepted; (2)

The Board in closed session appointed Utpal Goswami as acting president; (3) A group of community people addressed the college’s possible purchase of the Jefferson site during public comment, and the Board decided to postpone action on the purchase until the

Facilities Planning Committee had a chance to weigh in on the decision; (4) There were only four requests for SERP, so it was withdrawn and will probably be offered next year; and (5) The Board will schedule a special meeting to approve the appointment of the Vice

President for Administrative Services.


Announcements and Open Forum


Hands Across California: Copresident Holper announced that CR is planning to participate in the state-wide Hands Across California event, which is scheduled for Sunday, April 17, and will be held locally on the Eureka campus. The event is being organized to raise awareness of the growing financial crisis facing California community colleges and to raise money for a scholarship endowment for students. CR student Bobby Shearer is coordinating local activities, and anyone interested in participating in the event and/or donating to the CR scholarship fund can either contact Bobby or David Holper.


Eureka Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year Process: Copresident Holper announced that the call for Eureka Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year award nominees will go out next week. Dave encouraged senators to take the opportunity to coordinate the process within their divisions and to forward nominations prior to the submission deadline.


Interest Based Approach (IBA) to Problem Solving: Copresident Winter announced that the IBA committee met this morning, and they are committed to recruiting new members.

Mark asked senators to be aware that the group is working to incorporate IBA into a district-wide problem solving process, and anyone interested in participating can contact him or one of the other committee members for more information.


Adjournment: On motion by Kevin Yokoyama, seconded by Colette Beaupre, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15.

Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.

Next Meeting:

Friday, April 1, 2011
