REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Academic Senate October 16, 2009, 1 p.m. • Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) • Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room DN 6 Members Present: Allen Keppner, David Holper, Colette Beaupre, Trish Blair, Marjorie Carson, Kady Dunleavy, Jeff Hogue, Kerry Mayer, Susan Nordlof, Todd Olsen (attended by phone; nonvoting for this meeting), Pat Padilla, Mark Renner, Mike Richards, Chris Romero, Mark Winter. Members Absent: Bob Brown, Dave Gonsalves, Gary Sokolow, Danny Walker. 1. Call to Order: Copresident Allen Keppner called the meeting to order at 1:01. 2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Allen Keppner welcomed all members and guests, and he called for public comments; no public comments were offered. 3. Approve the September 25 Special Meeting and the October 2, 2009 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Jeff Hogue, seconded by Colette Beaupre, both sets of minutes were approved as written. 4. Action Item 4.1 Curriculum Committee October 9 Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore presented the recommendations, and he answered questions. On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by Susan Nordlof, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Beaupre – y, Blair – y, Dunleavy – y, Hogue – y, Mayer – y, Nordlof – y, Padilla – y, Renner – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Winter – y. 5. Discussion Items 5.1 2010-2011 Academic Calendar: In Kevin Yokoyama’s absence, Mark Renner presented information on the district’s calendar proposal, and he explained that the primary purpose of the discussion was to hear the Senate’s feedback and comments on the proposal. Comments regarding the proposed calendar raised during discussion included (1) a concern that adding two weeks to the summer session would lead to the implementation of a trimester calendar, (2) the suggestion that CR’s spring break either coincide with Eureka City School District or HSU’s breaks, and (3) concerns that a shortened winter break would be detrimental to some programs and students. At one point President Jeff Marsee joined the meeting, and in response to the question of whether it is the district’s intent to establish a trimester calendar, Jeff responded that it would allow for a trimester system, but that is not his intent. Jeff explained that the proposed calendar would (1) allow CR to be off of HSU’s graduation schedule, (2) reduce the current down time during winter break, (3) enable CR to localize its spring break, and (4) allow the vocational students to complete their programs sooner. It was agreed that the discussion would be further addressed at the October 23 faculty meeting. Academic Senate Minutes October 16, 2009 Page 2 5.2 5.3 Assessment of Discipline and Program Outcomes: Vice President Marjorie Carson informed the Senate that while we need to continue to improve and update our discipline assessment, CR currently has outcomes for almost every course. However, in terms of program outcomes and assessment, CR is making good progress and some programs are strong, but others need work. To support the faculty in developing outcomes and assessment, an 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. professional development day has been schedule for Friday, October 30. The workshops will begin with a two hour session on course assessment facilitated by CR faculty members Susan Nordlof and Justine Shaw, followed by a session beginning at 10 a.m. that will focus on program outcomes and assessment and be lead by off-campus facilitator Bob Pacheco. Senators expressed concerns that there has been no agreement on a common definition of programs, and they felt that more discussion is needed to clarify how we define programs. It was suggested that the assessment workshop will help support that discussion. Student Participation on Academic Senate and Senate Committees: Copresident Keppner presented the background, and he explained that at the last Board meeting a trustee suggested that the Senate discuss having a student representative on the Academic Senate and on certain Senate committees. Senate discussion included (1) student representatives should be nonvoting; (2) at least initially, student participation should be only on the Senate; and (3) students interested in Senate participation need to be given an orientation to explain the Senate protocols and procedures. At the Senate’s suggestion, Allen and Dave agreed to meet with ASCR leaders to discuss student representation on the Senate, and they will report back to the Senate. 6. Reports 6.1 Accreditation Update: Vice President Marjorie Carson reported that the final Progress Report is in the Senate packet, and the Report and all the evidence documents are available on the CR Accreditation web site. The ACCJC Visiting Team members Dr. Marie Smith and Mr. James Barr will be on the Eureka campus Tuesday and Wednesday, October 20 and 21, and the agenda for the site visit is available on the CR web site. The Senate asked Marjorie to please extend the Senate’s appreciation to the writing team for all their work on the Progress Report, and Marjorie thanked the Senate and the faculty for their input and feedback. 6.2 Credit and Noncredit Matriculation Expenditure Reports: In Melissa Green’s absence, Vinci Adams presented the reports and background information, and she answered questions. The reports require a Senate copresident’s signature before being submitted to the Chancellor’s Office, and Vinci assured the Senate that CR is meeting all matriculation compliance requirements. 6.3 Accreditation Self-Study October 9 Training: Copresident Holper presented an overview of the information presented at the training, including the recommendations for how the Self-Study Accreditation Report should be organized and what should be addressed. While CR has made progress in some areas, Dave reported that the training revealed other areas that need to be addressed, including: (1) an approved mission statement, (2) uniform services offered at all instructional sites, (3) substantive change compliance, (4) district committee structure review, (5) faculty development allocations and a new faculty mentoring program, (6) human resource needs assessment and a faculty prioritization process, and (7) substantial progress in moving integrated planning from the developmental to the proficiency level. Academic Senate Minutes October 16, 2009 Page 3 6.4 Facilities Update: Vice President Ruth Bettenhausen presented the plans and updated information on a number of facilities projects that the college is currently addressing. Included in her presentation were the plans for the new administration/student services building, which is due to begin construction in Fall 2010. She also presented conceptual drawings of the new academic buildings, and she reported that the Facility Master Plan Committee (FMPC) has established several subcommittees that are addressing deferred maintenance, Eureka campus facilities, and facilities at Mendocino and Del Norte centers. In addition, Ruth reported that CR has recently been approved for $35 million in state funds to upgrade infrastructure systems that are vulnerable to earthquakes. The FMPC is working on researching the cost estimates of projects on the Measure Q list, looking at ADA and code compliance issues, and working on cost saving measures while prioritizing projects. Ruth requested additional faculty participants on the FMPC, and interested faculty members can contact Allen or Dave. 6.5 College Council Update: Copresident Holper reported on the status of the following College Council issues: (1) AP 4240 – Academic Renewal proposal is being forwarded for Board approval; (2) AP 5055 – Enrollment Priorities has been forwarded to a subcommittee that will draft revision recommendations for College Council review; and (3) Priorities for Tenure-Track Positions (currently AR 305.03) is being discussed and research is underway to review what other California Community Colleges have in place. Allen and Dave plan to draft a new proposed faculty prioritization process procedure for Senate review. 6.6 Board of Trustees October 6 Meeting: Copresident Keppner reported that Board meeting included the following items: (1) An ad hoc committee of Board members is reviewing Board policies to bring them into compliance with the new format and numbering system; (2) The COLA for the president and confidential employees was approved; (3) A firm has been hired to conduct the survey on the Garberville site; (4) Mendocino, Del Norte and Eureka will each draft site-specific Education Master Plans; (5) The Senate was commended for the tone of the Brief; (6) The student representative forwarded student concerns that not all the campus buildings have WiFi capabilities; (7) The Board approved the Accreditation Progress Report; (8) The curriculum changes were approved, and a trustee asked if there was a student representative on the Curriculum Committee, (9) A report was presented on the new nursing simulation lab; and (10) Pat McCutcheon presented her Sabbatical Leave report. 7. Announcements and Open Forum 7.1 Accreditation Site Visit: David Holper announced that the ACCJC Visiting Team of Dr. Marie Smith and Mr. James Barr will be on the Eureka campus Tuesday and Wednesday, October 20 and 21. The Team’s agenda includes a review of evidence and a meeting with Enrollment Management and with the trustees on Tuesday, and on Wednesday meetings are scheduled with the Program Review Committee, College Council and the Academic Senate copresidents. The college will receive a report by the first week of February following the Commission’s January 2010 meeting. 7.2 Book of the Year: David Holper announced that Greg Mortenson, co-author of Three Cups of Tea, will be on the CR Eureka campus on Tuesday, October 20, from 11:00-12:30 in the Forum Theater. Dave encouraged faculty to inform students of this event, which will be a question and answer format and is not being advertised to the public. Greg is scheduled to give an afternoon presentation at HSU, followed by a public event in the evening at Eureka High School, with doors opening at 6:00 and the talk beginning at 7:00. Donations can be Academic Senate Minutes October 16, 2009 Page 4 made to the Central Asia Institute by using the Pennies for Peace jars located throughout the Eureka campus and at each of the events, or by writing a check to Book of the Year and submitting it to the CR Cashier’s Office. In addition, Dave announced that the Associated Students of CR donated $2500 to the Central Asia Institute (CAI) in support of Mortenson’s work, and a local Loleta woman gave $73,000. CR’s goal is to donate $100,000 to the CAI fund, which would endow two schools for a three year period. More information and videos are posted on the CR website. 7.3 Science Night: Jeff Hogue announced that this year’s Science Night is scheduled for next Friday, October 23, from 5:00 to 7:00 in numerous locations on the Eureka campus. The event is especially geared to children, and it attracts hundreds of community members who have the opportunity to participate in hands-on experiments and activities, visit labs, and meet faculty. Dining Services will be selling pizza and a spaghetti dinner, and everyone is welcome. 7.4 Humboldt Botanical Gardens Foundation Speakers’ Symposium: Jeff Hogue announced the Speakers’ Symposium, which is scheduled for Saturday, November 7, from 9:00 to 3:00, in the CR Forum Theater. The Symposium theme is, “Humboldt County Roots,” and will feature three speakers who have ties to the local area. Students will receive a registration discount, and pre-registration is recommended as seating is limited. For more information or to register, contact the Humboldt Botanical Gardens Foundation. 7.5 October 30 Professional Development Assessment Workshops: Marjorie Carson announced that a day of assessment workshops is scheduled for Friday, October 30, beginning at 8:00 with a two hour session focused on course outcomes and assessments facilitated by Susan Nordlof and Justine Shaw. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. a session with offcampus facilitator Robert Pacheco will focus on program outcomes and assessment and will be held in FM 100 with lunch provided. Marjorie encouraged all faculty and interested staff to attend. 8. Adjournment: On motion by Colette Beaupre, seconded by Trish Blair, the meeting was adjourned at 3:17. Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate. Next Meeting: November 6, 2009