Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
December 4, 2009, 1 p.m.
• Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
• Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room DN 6
• Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
Members Present: Allen Keppner, David Holper, Colette Beaupre, Trish Blair, Bob Brown, Marjorie
Carson, Kady Dunleavy, Dave Gonsalves, Jeff Hogue, Kerry Mayer, Susan
Nordlof, Todd Olsen, Pat Padilla, Mark Renner, Mike Richards, Chris Romero,
Gary Sokolow, Danny Walker, Mark Winter.
Members Absent: None.
1. Call to Order: Copresident Allen Keppner called the meeting to order at 1:04.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Allen Keppner welcomed all members and
guests, and he called for public comments. The following public comments were made: (1)
Sheri Harwood referenced Title 5, Article 51023.7, and BP 514 regarding student participation in
district and college governance as support for having a student serve on the Curriculum
Committee. (2) Professor Bill Hole commented on the Senate’s November 20 decision to
remove CT 13 from the approved Curriculum recommendations, and he encouraged the Senate
to forward the course for Board approval so it can be offered in the spring. (3) President Marsee
distributed a legal opinion regarding who has the authority to establish class size, and he stated
that AB 1725 does not delegate to the Senate the right to set minimum or maximum class size.
(4) Stating that in order for the ACCJC to see that CR is making progress in addressing the
Commission’s recommendation regarding roles and responsibilities, President Marsee
encouraged the Senate to authorize the copresidents to attend the January ACCJC meeting with
3. Approve the November 20, 2009 Meeting Minutes: Kerry Mayer moved to approve the minutes,
seconded by Kady Dunleavy. Gary Sokolow corrected the minutes to read, “Mark Renner
moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Danny Walker. The meeting was adjourned at
4:24.” The minutes were approved as corrected.
4. Action Items
Faculty Development Committee Recommendations for Allocation Criteria: Chair Kerry
Mayer presented the revised recommendations. On motion by Chris Romero, seconded by
Jeff Hogue, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the following roll call
vote: Beaupre – y, Blair – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Mayer –
y, Nordlof – y, Olsen – y, Padilla – y, Renner – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Sokolow – y,
Walker – y, Winter – y.
4.2 Program Review Committee Integrated Planning Model Proposal: Copresident Keppner
introduced the proposal, and he reported that during a meeting with the Senate
copresidents, Vice President Marjorie Carson and President Marsee, President Marsee
stated that he had issues with the current model, and he wants the Cabinet to establish the
Academic Senate Minutes
December 4, 2009
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planning process structure. Todd Olsen moved to endorse the Program Review Committee
Integrated Planning Model proposal, seconded by Bob Brown. Senate discussion included
the following: (1) This is a ten plus one issue, and faculty need to be involved in the
process; (2) The Program Review Committee (PRC) is cross-functional with district
representation; (3) Faculty would not be involved in the process if it is developed by the
Cabinet; (4) The ACCJC supports the work of the PRC and the transparency of the process;
and (5) Suggested revisions to the process will hopefully be forwarded for Senate
discussion. Prior to the Senate vote, the following corrections and additions were made to
the Narrative: (1) Periodic review of Career Technical programs occur every five years;
(2) Under the Annual Review – Unit Planning, add a notation that the Career and Technical
Education annual review process meets the state requirements for comprehensive program
reviews; and (3) A sentence included in paragraph six under the IPM Flow section should
read, “This specific recommendation may include a summary statement … or a statement
recommending placing the program in one of the following six categories.” The motion to
endorse the Integrated Planning Model with the revisions carried unanimously by the
following roll call vote: Beaupre – y, Blair – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gonsalves – y,
Hogue – y, Mayer – y, Nordlof – y, Olsen – y, Padilla – y, Renner – y, Richards – y,
Romero – y, Sokolow – y, Walker – y, Winter – y.
4.3 Senate Response to Accreditation: There were no objections to Copresident Keppner’s
suggestion that agenda item 5.1 be discussed prior to taking action on item 4.3. Following
Senate discussion on 5.1, Bob Brown moved that the Academic Senate copresidents attend
the January ACCJC meeting to represent the faculty in a positive but truthful way
regarding the current state of collegiality, seconded by Kady Dunleavy. Colette Beaupre
amended the motion to add that we are moving forward in a positive manner towards
meeting our accreditation recommendations; the motion died for lack of a second.
Concerns were expressed that by having the copresidents attend the ACCJC meeting with
President Marsee, the visual message may be conveyed that the recommendation of trust is
being addressed, but in fact a number of issues have surfaced since the October Team Visit
that would indicate otherwise. Following further discussion that included the pros and cons
of having the copresidents attend the meeting, the motion carried by the following roll call
vote: Beaupre – y, Blair – y, Brown – y, Dunleavy – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Mayer –
n, Nordlof – n, Olsen – y, Padilla – n, Renner – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Sokolow – y,
Walker – y, Winter – y.
5. Discussion Item
Senate Response to Accreditation: Copresident Keppner introduced the discussion, and he
stressed the importance of having the Senate’s direction for how they want the copresidents
to represent the college and the faculty to the ACCJC. Senators presented constituent
feedback and concerns regarding whether the copresidents should attend the ACCJC
January meeting with President Marsee. While there was general consensus that the
copresidents should attend the meeting and be positive but honest, there was also concern
that they have access to all the relevant information and that they are included in drafting
the presentation to the Commission. President Marsee joined the discussion and stated that
he feels that having the copresidents appear with him before the Commission shows
collaboration and the intent to work together.
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December 4, 2009
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6. Reports
Distance Education Not-for-Credit Courses Offered Through CR Website: Copresident
Keppner reported that Ahn Fielding was unable to attend today’s meeting to present the
information on the Gatlin Education Services Online Career Training Courses. Senators
expressed concerns that there is no notation on the website that the courses are not taught
by CR faculty, that there is no disclaimer that the classes offered are not CR courses, and
that students could easily sign up for the classes believing that they are taking CR courses.
There was Senate support for inviting Ahn to present additional information on the not-forcredit online course offerings at a future Senate meeting.
6.2 Accreditation Update: Marjorie Carson reported that she, Justine Shaw and Michael
Dennis are drafting an addendum to the Progress Report, and she asked if the Senate would
consider convening a special meeting or if the Senate Executive Committee could meet to
review the addendum before it is submitted. Marjorie also reported that the college
received a draft of the report submitted by the Visiting Team, and recommendations will be
forwarded to the Commission regarding errors and fact.
6.3 College Council Update: Copresident Holper reported that how to review the Board
policies was discussed and that the breakout group on which he serves has met and is
addressing enrollment priorities. The group plans to meet at least one more time and will
report back to the Council. Copresident Keppner reported that College Council decided to
take votes on issues so decisions can be accurately recorded in the minutes. Allen also
reported that the Board has decided to use an eleven-step process to review Board Policies,
and they will pilot the process on Chapters One and Two.
6.4 Academic Senate Report to Board of Trustees on December 8: Copresident Keppner
reported that no Senate Brief was forwarded to the Board this month, and the Senate’s
report at the Board meeting will revolve around the curriculum issue. Allen intends to
inform the Board that the opening statement of the Curriculum Report to the Board
contains inaccurate information, and the curriculum recommendations sent to the Board are
not what the Senate approved. Allen and Dave will review all the information prior to the
Board meeting and will then decide what to include in the Senate’s report. Senators
questioned why the administration would choose to assert that class size is a negotiable
issue, and if so, why has CRFO not been contacted with a request to negotiate?
7. Announcements and Open Forum
January 15 Senate Meeting: Copresident Keppner reminded senators that the Senate is
scheduled to meet on Friday, January 15, at 11 a.m. in the Board Room to consider the
Tenure Review Committee’s recommendations. Allen reviewed the closed session
guidelines, and he asked that senators notify the Senate Office if they plan to send a
substitute to the meeting.
7.2 Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws Ad Hoc Committee: With the need to revise the
Bylaws and review the Constitution, Copresident Keppner asked senators who are
interested in serving on the Ad Hoc Committee to notify Allen, Dave or Sally.
7.3 Portugal Award Call for Proposals: Portugal Award Advisory Committee member Kerry
Mayer reminded senators that the call for the 2010-2011 Portugal Award proposals was
distributed recently, and she encouraged faculty to apply by the February 5 deadline.
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December 4, 2009
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8. Adjournment: On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Kerry Mayer, the meeting was
adjourned at 2:59.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Special Meeting – January 15, 2010, 11 a.m.