REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Academic Senate April 16, 2010, 1 p.m. • Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) Members Present: Allen Keppner, Michael Bailey, Colette Beaupre, Trish Blair, Bob Brown, Marjorie Carson, Kady Dunleavy, Kerry Mayer, Susan Nordlof, Todd Olsen, Pat Padilla, Mike Richards, Chris Romero, Mark Winter. Members Absent: David Holper, Dave Gonsalves, Jeff Hogue, Mark Renner, Amber Smith. Prior to calling the meeting to order, on behalf of the Senate, Kerry Mayer thanked Copresident Allen Keppner for his excellent leadership to the Senate for the past two years. 1. Call to Order: Copresident Allen Keppner called the meeting to order at 1:10. 2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Allen Keppner welcomed all members and guests, and he called for public comments. Faculty member Dave Arnold commented on concerns he has with how the Board of Trustees views the Senate Brief, and he offered some suggestions for how he thinks the Brief might have a greater impact. Following the public comment, Allen announced that since no one was attending today’s meeting by phone, roll call votes would not be necessary. 3. Approve the April 2, 2010 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Bob Brown, seconded by Colette Beaupre, the minutes were approved as written. 4. Action Items 4.1 Curriculum Committee April 9 Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore presented the recommendations. Marjorie Carson informed the Senate that follow-up will be done on the inactivation of the Desktop Publishing Certificate to ensure that no students would be adversely affected. On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by Kady Dunleavy, the recommendations were unanimously approved. 4.2 Academic Standards and Policies Committee March 26 Recommendations – Faculty Tenure and Evaluation Process: Copresident Keppner presented the recommendations, and he reminded senators that, following Senate endorsement, the process proposal would be forwarded to CRFO for negotiation. On motion by Todd Olsen, seconded by Mike Richards, the recommendations were unanimously endorsed. 4.3 AP 4021 – Program Revitalization or Discontinuation Process Proposal: Copresident Keppner presented the proposal, and he explained why the proposal was back for Senate consideration. On motion by Bob Brown, seconded by Colette Beaupre, the motion to approve carried unanimously with the following correction: On the table of Suggested Criteria for Evaluating Programs, the second measure should read, “Measures applied to Career and Technical Education programs.” Allen thanked the members of the ad hoc committee who drafted and revised the proposal. Academic Senate Minutes April 16, 2010 Page 2 5. Reports 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) Update: Faculty Co-chair Dave Bazard presented (1) the criteria the FPC used for prioritizing projects identified by the FPC subcommittees, and (2) the prioritized program review requests received through the Program Review Committee, which the FPC analyzed and integrated into three five-year phases. Dave explained the status of the prioritized projects on each of the phases, and he reported that the FPC also discussed how to address emergency needs that either aren’t included in the timeline or need to be moved forward. In addition, the FPC is recommending that the District defines an annual timeline that allows the FPC to receive and analyze facilities requests that would include input from program review, facilities personnel and the administration. Allen thanked Dave for the work of the FPC, who has provided the district with a functional model that other integrated planning groups can use. Institutional Research Update: Interim Director of Institutional Research Zach DeLoach introduced the Senate to a number of updates that have been made to the Institutional Research (IR) website, which include automated online reports that provide access to information that is updated daily. The IR website also includes links to a Glossary of Terms, Key Performance Indicators, ARCC Reports and information, and the results of district surveys. A link to Program Review will be active by the fall, and the IR staff is working on drafting and posting an IR Training Calendar for faculty, staff, administrators, and students. Zach described the process for submitting a data request, and he encouraged faculty to contact him with feedback, comments or suggestions on the website or if they have questions regarding IR reports or information. Title III Update: Activities Director Karen Nelson presented a Title III update that included the following: (1) The Board asked for a Title III audit, which has been conducted, but the Board has yet to decide if the results will be made public. (2) The CR Title III Evaluation Team met to review the grant progress and begin the summative report process. (3) Gelinas and James will write the Evaluation Report. To assist them in gathering information regarding the effectiveness, implementation, and sustainability of the Title III grant, they will interview various focus groups, with faculty groups scheduled to meet during the week of May 3. (4) Program Review subcommittees met today to review information and identify major themes. The themes will be summarized into a final 20092010 Program Review Committee Executive Report. (5) A Manager Evaluation Team has been formed that will review the evaluation process for managers, including the forms, procedures and the use of data in the decision-making processes. Following Karen’s report, senators asked if funding for the IR positions would continue after the grant ends. VPI Marjorie Carson replied that the positions would remain on the books, but with the budget currently being reviewed, the college will not advertise yet for a permanent IR director. Senators stressed the need for a robust IR department to gather data for reports and to inform decision-making and to meet the ACCJC’s accreditation requirements. Accreditation Self-Study and Follow-Up Progress Report: VPI Marjorie Carson presented the Accreditation Self-Study and ACCJC Reports Spring 2010 through Fall 2011 draft timeline, and she highlighted elements in each of the three sections. Human Resources is addressing compensation for three faculty members to work over the summer, two on the Progress Report and one on the Accreditation Self-Study. As part of addressing the ACCJC’s Recommendation 1, a Mission, Vision, and Core Values Forum, which will be facilitated by consultant Dr. Pam Fisher, is scheduled for Thursday, April 29, and all Academic Senate Minutes April 16, 2010 Page 3 5.5 district employees are encouraged to participate. Marjorie also reported that Justine Shaw has agreed to serve as the Assessment Coordinator for 2010-2011, and the August Convocation schedule will include assessment activities. Board of Trustees April 6 Meeting: Copresident Keppner reported that the Board meeting was well attended and included 23 public comments by faculty, staff, and community members. Two rebuttal documents to the April Senate Brief were distributed at the meeting, and Allen responded by reminding trustees of the purpose of the Brief and that it is drafted at the Board’s request. Allen reported that (1) the Board approved using Measure Q funds to purchase lots for the Construction Technology houses, (2) the classified staff read a Statement of No Confidence in the Board of Trustees, and (3) CSEA presented their bargaining proposal. The May Board meeting will be in Del Norte on Friday, May 7, with the Board Retreat scheduled for Saturday, May 8. 6. Announcements and Open Forum 6.1 April 23 Eureka Faculty Meeting: Copresident Keppner announced that the Friday, April 23 Eureka faculty meeting will feature Janice Tatum’s Faculty of the Year presentation, and he encouraged all faculty to attend. The meeting is scheduled for 11:30-12:30 in the Lakeview Room. 6.2 April 28-29 CLARUS Visit: Copresident Keppner announced that a CLARUS Corporation consultant will be on campus Wednesday evening and all day Thursday, April 28 and 29, to present her scheduling analysis and recommendations. Several sessions are scheduled for faculty, and Allen encouraged faculty to take the opportunity to interface with the consultant and to voice their concerns and questions regarding the schedule. 6.3 April 29 Mission, Vision, and Core Values Forum: Copresident Keppner announced the Mission, Vision, and Core Values Forum scheduled for Thursday, April 29, in AT 103/104 on the Eureka campus. With the need for CR to revisit how we operate and how we plan, the workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Pam Fisher and is meant to be the initial step in establishing what will work for us. All district employees are encouraged to participate, and web stream and conference call arrangements will be available for those not able to attend in person. 6.4 Eureka Faculty of the Year Process Timeline: Copresident Keppner announced that the opportunity to submit support documents for the 2010-2011 Eureka Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year nominees is open until Tuesday, April 27. Following the submission deadline, senators will have the opportunity to vote for the nominees, and the recipients will be announced at Commencement. 6.5 2010-2011 Senate Representation: Copresident Keppner reviewed the Senate membership, and he asked that senators whose terms will be completed in June 2010 to please let the Senate Office know who will represent their respective divisions next year. 6.6 August 28 Senate Retreat: Copresident Keppner reminded senators that the August 28 Senate Retreat is an opportunity for the Senate to plan and establish priorities for the year and to provide members with an overview of the Senate’s processes and procedures. The Retreat is scheduled from 9:00 – 2:00 at the CR McKinleyville site, and additional information, directions, and meeting packets will be distributed the week of August 23. 6.7 Faculty Prioritization Process: Todd Olsen announced that the math department asked him to convey to the Senate the department’s concerns with how the faculty prioritization process was conducted this year. Of particular concern is that the department had no input into the request for the basic skills math positions, and the advertised job description did Academic Senate Minutes April 16, 2010 Page 4 not reflect the department’s needs or philosophy and could adversely affect the department’s ability to recruit the best candidates. 6.8 Senate Rostrum: Copresident Keppner highlighted several of the articles included in the April 2010 Senate Rostrum, and he encouraged faculty to stay informed of issues being addressed at the state level. 6.9 Associate Faculty 2010-2012 Senate Representation: Colette Beaupre announced that a second call for associate faculty senator nominations was distributed yesterday, and she asked senators to encourage the part-time faculty in their divisions to respond. To better inform them of the process for how associate faculty senators are elected, Colette agreed to forward the call for nominations to all faculty. 7. Adjournment: On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by Chris Romero, the meeting was adjourned at 3:02. Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate. Next Meeting: May 7, 2010