College of the Redwoods Flex Goals and Activity Form Name: Primary Campus: Date: Eureka ____ Del Norte Mendocino Klamath/Trinity DE (place an “x” in the box) Division: Discipline: Dean: ____________________ Each faculty member is responsible for the development of his or her individual plan for professional and/or personal growth for the purpose of instructional improvement (title 5, section 55726(a)) o This individual plan may encompass any combination of individually designed activities, institutionally planned workshops, conferences, and/or academic courses. o These activities must be appropriate within the regulations that govern the flexible calendar program (title 5, section 55724 (a) (4) (A through G)). The professional growth obligation for full-time faculty is 24 hours per year. Professional Development Goals for Academic Year 2012-2013 (complete in the first two weeks and relate directly to the college’s mission/strategic plan/ed master plan/discipline). Please keep goals brief. If you attend both fall and spring flex activities, you will meet the requirement for flex activities and you may tie these to your professional development plan. (The form will expand as needed.) Goal(s) - (brief description) Anticipated Hours 1. Example: Fall, 2012 Institutional Flex Days-required 6.75 2. Example: Fall, 2012 Institutional Flex Days-voluntary 7.25 3. Example: Spring, 2013 Institutional Flex Days-required 12.0 Goals are due at by the second Friday of September annually Full-time faculty: email to ………….................................submit goals by second Friday in September p. 1: Professional Development Goals and Activities form College of the Redwoods Flex Goals and Activity Form Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:____________________ Activities that meet your Goals for Academic Year 2012-2013 (activities should support the goals submitted at the beginning of the academic year and be related directly to the college’s mission, strategic plan, Ed master plan or your discipline). Please keep activity description brief. (If you attend(ed) Convocation activities, please include them below; the required sessions have already been included; if not, delete. NOTE: If you attend both fall and spring flex activities, you will meet the requirement for flex activities.) The form will expand as needed: Date Activity (brief description) Hours 8/23 Convocation 3 8/23 Annual Institutional Plan Development 3.5 8/24 Mapping Session 2.5 8/24 Department Division Meetings 3 Total Hours When submitting your activities list, please include the goals submitted at the beginning of the semester/year. Full-time faculty: email to …………........completed forms due annually first Friday in May. Your typed (electronic) signature certifies you have completed the necessary requirements as mandated by Title 5, Section 55720 of the Education Code. I acknowledge that I have attended the institutional flex sessions and signed in at those events, and/or have completed the necessary flex requirements as mandated by Title 5, Section 55720 of the Education Code. *Signed: __________________________________________(Faculty) Date: __________________________ (Due date for all completed activities: First Friday in May) p. 2: Professional Development Goals and Activities form