College of the Redwoods Flex Advisory Committee Tuesday, September 25, 2012 1:15 to 1:15 pm Notes Present: Roxanne Metz, Anita Janis, Geisce Ly, Eric Kramer, Steve Brown, Mike Richards, Crislyn, Kerry Mayer, Bob Brown 1. Revise Mission to include link to CR’s Strategic Plan (attachment) Committee agreed to revise document as evidenced 2. Evaluation of Convocation and Flex Activities (attachment) The new evaluation format came directly from Barbara Beno, and includes, not only a review of activities, but how they might influence classroom instruction. Because of the time delay, and many people completed a general evaluation at the time, this will be sent in addition to the evaluation already completed, and will allow distance participants to provide feedback. The important sections of this evaluation format are questions 3 to 5. It also allows a breakdown of employee and location. The Professional Development committee agreed to this, through the Flex committee. For accreditation we want to be able to say we are holding and evaluating sessions. The survey will be done through Survey Monkey and IR will compile a summary report. 3. Full-time faculty flex form and instructions (attachment) Discussed the faculty might be confused, and would like to plan their own goals. Last year the process seemed simple; use the same form with some changes. Let the notes state the changes were originally to allow an online format, creating a better tie to institutional flex days, and document attendance by faculty during institutional flex days. Crislyn will revise and send out an updated form. 4. Discussion: Interest in Themes or Emerging Trends in Higher Ed Workshop(s) This discussion is to identify protocols, see if faculty are interested in pedagogical and instructional improvement through collaboration with HSU, and to develop a collaborative assessment workshop. An example: Geisce’s lecture on how to incorporate assessment activities into classroom. Assessment is being done, faculty realize changes are needed, but the tools to effectively do so. The idea is to learn about more tools via cross institutional collaboration between Humboldt State and CR. A suggested theme for collaboration is to address transfer issues. Collaboration was suggested by HSU. CR noted a key area of concern for our faculty is in closing the loop, and it was thought we could collaborate on this. HSU suggested an alternate discussion using tools in higher education. An alternate discussion for CR is articulation and transfer which ties into strategic and ed master plans, and is a good area for collaboration. It speaks to persistence. Roxanne will give ideas to the Humboldt liaison group. Assessment can be tied to this by asking if their assessment speaks to our transfer students. 4. Committee meeting times/datesTuesdays 1:15 – 2:15 October 30, 2012