College of the Redwoods Flex Advisory Committee Tuesday, September 25, 2012 4:15 to 5:00pm PROPOSED AGENDA 1. Full-Time Faculty Flex Form 2. Update: Associate Faculty Flex Plans 3. Convocation/Flex Week Survey Results 4. Other/Future Agenda Items Adjourn PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 450‐4821 > Cell phone users dial: 719‐785‐4469 > Enter your passcode: 811323 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line 4047378 Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey Which convocation and flex week activities did you attend, either in person or remotely? AttendanceType (select only if you attended) Answer Options Microsoft Mail-merge & Other Special Processes Excel (Tuesday) Web Conferencing (Tuesday) Purchasing through Datatel (Tuesday Assessment General Session (Wednesday a.m.) Writing & Reading Within & Across the Disciplines Math Within & Across the Disciplines (Wednesday p.m.) Improving College Readiness: Placement & Convocation General Session (Thursday a.m.) Development of Annual Institutional Plan (Thursday Mapping (Friday a.m.) Division/Committee Meetings (Friday p.m.) In Person Remotely 4 9 3 9 44 17 11 12 91 41 38 43 1 3 3 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 Response Count 5 12 6 10 44 19 12 12 93 42 39 43 Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory 2 2 1 6 14 13 2 8 37 8 13 17 2 7 3 3 22 6 6 4 35 16 17 16 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 8 12 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 Rating (rate only if you attended) Answer Options Microsoft Mail-merge & Other Special Processes Excel (Tuesday) Web Conferencing (Tuesday) Purchasing through Datatel (Tuesday Assessment General Session (Wednesday a.m.) Writing & Reading Within & Across the Disciplines Math Within & Across the Disciplines (Wednesday p.m.) Improving College Readiness: Placement & Convocation General Session (Thursday a.m.) Development of Annual Institutional Plan (Thursday Mapping (Friday a.m.) Division/Committee Meetings (Friday p.m.) Response Count 4 11 6 9 39 19 10 12 81 40 34 36 Question Totals answered question skipped question 103 30 Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey If you did not attend any of the sessions listed above, please indicate why. Answer Options A) None of the activities were relevant for me. B) Personal emergency C) I don’t work at CR during the hours these activities were offered D) I didn’t know about them. E) Other (please specify) Response Percent 14.3% 6.1% 14.3% 6.1% 59.2% answered question skipped question Numb E) Other (please specify) Categories er 1 Time are often not convenient for Assoc Faculty / none of the reading/writing stuff applies to me As the Head Athletic Trainer, during this week and the two weeks prior, football is in full swing and the times these activities are offered I am hip deep in either A) Football players or B) Football practice. Most of these activities do not pertain to mebut I do wish that I could attend the General Session and the 2 Development of Annual Institutional Plan. 3 I was out sick all week 4 Was busy with preparation for other convocation activities 5 Time did not allow me to attend all sessions so I chose the most relevant. 6 I cater the buffet and have no time. 7 I was out on Medical Leave for 8 days. I'm associate faculty and I have to have another job to live like a reasonable person, and I had to work that 8 job during those days. IT employee and we're short-handed on personnel. can't attend stuff like this and get things fixed/repaired at the same time. perhaps if there were more IT employees then it would be possible to attend these 9 things but at the moment.... 10 Mendocino campus 11 many not relevant for this part time nursing instructor and working another job on those days. 12 I am associate faculty at Del Norte Center--too far away 13 I also work at HSU and these activities were primarily scheduled during times that I work. 14 associate faculty orientation attended 15 Some were not relevevant; other work responsibilities prevented me from attending. 16 advising during this period 17 My location and lack of technology makes it hard to participate Response Count 7 3 7 3 29 49 84 Remote attendance was not available for all sessions. Imagine what it's like to be marginalized from the 18 work of the college by not being able to attend remotely. 19 work load I am the only person in Del Norte for Enrollment Services. It's hard to get away especially during 20 registration periods. 21 sound quality from remote locations is poor 22 Recent post major surgery! Convocation had never included Tuesday or Wednesday activities in the past, so I had scheduled 23 appointments on those days, and they could not be rescheduled. 24 25 26 27 28 29 Our department is short-staffed and I had no back-up. I am also overworked and don't have time to spare. Was out of town most were for faculty because i am adjunct faculty i have other jobs that conflict with the scheduling of these activities unfortunately work schedule Mendocino Staff needed to do job here. Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey What will you do differently in your work or teaching as a result of your participation in convocation and flex week activities? Response Answer Options Count 56 answered question skipped question Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Response Text The SLO mapping session was very helpful, as was the department meeting. Further improves my ability to work collegially with cross-discipline colleagues. Stay positive about accreditation and encourage others to do the same. plan for assessment in a systematic manner use the on-line reporting Assessment clarification and participation on the level of our program. not much Nothing Use SLO's and assessment to continually evaluate what students are learning, and how I can make adjustments in disseminating information based on assessment data. Also to share with colleagues. Focus on student success as reason for actions I will pay closer attention to budgets overall Review slos to see if they map to plos I understand how the mapping works and will use that in my assessments. I will continue to seek computer skills whenever, wherever I can. I am learning more about "writing across the curriculum". Nothing improve tracking and efficiency I feel more comfortable with Excel. I know more about the college's planning process. I will incorporate some new writing and reading activities in my classes I think assessment activities in my department will be more organized and a little less labor intensive after the mapping and new two-year plans were created. I'm also much more aware of the mission and various plans so as I work within my department and my various committees we can focus our activities and energy on those that support the 19 mission and the various plans. 56 77 Categories 20 More direct interaction with colleagues across disciplines is more likely. I have a better understanding of how to do mail merges. Also more awareness and 21 understanding of accreditation issues. Primarily I am making my students aware that the things they learn in English 1A are 22 foundational to all the college writing they'll be doing, regardless of discipline. I will more actively work with faculty from outside the division to support math across the 23 curriculum. This is a project that has a lot of steam now, but could easily loose momentum. I will be using an assessment in my class to review my presentation and teaching of the SLO's 24 for my class. 25 Reduce the number of student learning outcomes and program learning outcomes 26 Nothing I am more focsued on assessing SLOs and how I can do a collegewide assessment that involves 9 separate instructors at four different campuses. I also realize that I need to schedule time for dialogue among my instructors and build that into our assessment activities. I also am more consciously discussing student outcomes with my students as something we are both 27 working toward. Just have a better, overall understanding of how everything works as a whole and in different 28 Depts 29 More assessment. Better communication between faculty about expectations. 30 My work will better reflect my understanding of planning and assessment. 31 It helps me with working on the Excel online supply request order form. 32 Continue to work on assessments and PLO's 33 probably nothing 34 Pay more attention to providing all employees an opportunity to get involved. 35 Streamline assessment efforts I feel more connected after Convocation assembly. I would like to have gone to more of the Microsoft classes, but this is a busy week for Staff! The Excel class helped me be more 36 productive. I have an updated current knowledge of how I can change my methods of sharing information as well as understand more clearly just how critical our District's position is for the 2012/13 37 school year. 38 Refer to EMP and SP in all planning activities. Utilize efficient practices in day-to-day activities. 39 n/a I have a better understanding of where to access information on my specific program budget, 40 and I know who to ask when I ahve questions. 41 Be informed 42 My assessment work will become more streamlined. 43 Be more proficient with the computer with Excel, MailMerge & Datatel 44 concentrate on including specific, detailed writing assignments. 45 I changed SLOs in my curriculum documents as a result of the mapping activities. This answer requires more than "a few minutes" (as the notification email indicated) to complete 46 . 47 Making sure that goals that are discussed can be tied to one or more plans 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 I don't think we will do anything differently, but will continue to do the assessment and review work that we do on an on-going basis.Clearly there is a greater degree of department wide participation in this as a result of our changing view of assessment and review. Work more with associate faculty to increase their level of involvement I will know how to map better and I have a clearer idea of what writing within the disciplines means. How i carry out my duties will be infomred by the goals of the annual institutional plan Nothing. Conduct Assessments according to revised plans and 2-year cycle nothing Better understanding of doing course assessment Nothing really, although it saved me making a plan from scratch. Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey Describe how your participation in convocation and flex week activities will impact student success (provide at least one specific outcome): Response Answer Options Count 56 answered question skipped question Number Response Text 1 SLO/PLO organization was improved. "Reading/writing across disciplines" helped me to further my awareness of reading/writing challenges many students face. This, in turn, could help me do better in helping students with 2 discipline-specific reading/vocabulary mastery. 3 Clarifying PLOs in science degrees will improve student learning. hopefully assessment results will identify areas needed for improvement and remedies will be 4 developed and implemented with success. 5 the course syllabus includes Course learning outcomes As we establish our PLO based on student performance, we will be making curriculum changes 6 for improvement. 7 motivatied to be more proactive in the college enviroment. 8 not at all I have already discussed the accreditation process with students. This information from 9 convocation will reassure them of continued accreditation of the College. 10 Better align department actions to support student success 11 I do not work with students 12 students will be given specific outcome information 13 14 15 16 17 I feel like I can better help the college remain accredited and this helps the students that attend. No outcome. I know who to ask for guidance to improve the quality of student writing in my class. Will not impact My students will have easier access to their grades at any given point in the semester. 18 New in-class writing and reading activities will improve my students' success in those classes. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 I'm hoping that we will have a much more coordinated effort to serve our students which should increase student success by having our various initiatives be understood and supported by the institution as a whole verses only being known about in one little area on campus. Students are likely to experience more commitment to academic writing from faculty. Not sure how to answer this, since I do not work directly with students. I think that be able to do my job more efficiently will help others who do work with students. Students will have, in particular, sharpened their ability to locate, synthesize, and document sources for use in response to arguments. I would hope that my presence in several of these activities would encourage my collegues to be more involved. I met with the instructor in Eureka, who is teaching the same class I am. We went over the mapping to address SLO's and came up with an assessment to have students work on their expressive/receptive sign. Simplification of curriculum documents linked to assessment. Not in any way In Eng. 150 and Eng. 350, students have to master very basic skills. Assessing and focusing on the outcomes that relate to these skills should improve student success, not only in English but in all college courses. By being honest to keep everyone informed of our status, as well as our successes, and that the mission is for the good of the students. Ensure all SLO are adequately covered and assessed. I support administration, and indirectly, faculty. Participation and understanding will help me help them, which should positively impact student success. Also, if students ask questions, I am better able to answer knowledgeably. It doesn't impact the students. Allow for additional measurable outcomes. We already do measure outcomes conceivably might affect some sort of math problems I would pose in the future. 56 77 Categories 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Soliciting input from all affected constituencies will ensure that the initiatives we implement are in the best interest of our students. Frankly, I don't think the flex activities were closely aligned enough to what we faculty members do on the ground in our classes to impact student success greatly. The Convocation gave me valuable and TRUE information to pass on to students who ask over the campus phone about staff shortages, budget pitfalls, accreditation status, etc. I try to get this information as the calls come in, but it is hard to reach FA, Enrollment and Counseling personnel, and some people only know rumors and overheard comments that turn out to be erroneous and misleading. My growth of current knowledge about our District's financial and accreditation shortfalls directly impacts student success. Financial support for hands-on teaching environments will be less during 2012/13 school year...and probably longer. EMP 1.2 Improve support for students. This was accomplished by partictipation in the annual plan activities. n/a In the breakout session from the Annual Institutional Plan, we discussed integrating the development of Student Education Plans in GS classes. We have successfully implemented this activity this semester. be informed I am better prepared to handle classroom management (student behavior) issues should any arise. Allow more time to help students interested in work study and filling out paperwork. rewriting of course outlines with emphasis on updating assessment tools. Streamlined SLOs are already bearing fruit. 46 This answer requires more than "a few minutes" (as the notification email indicated) to complete . 47 n/a This is difficult as many of the things that we should be doing as a result of our assessment and 48 review activities can't be done due to decreasing staff and declining funding. With more faculty involvement, there is more communication and discussion about teaching and 49 classes in general, plus specific course outcomes. I will be more likely to consider the other classes students might be taking as I revise 50 assignments. 51 52 53 54 55 56 By participating in the Datatel trainings, i will be able to know in real time the budget avaialble to carry out essential functions of my departement. Since i know we have budget for part time staff and stationary, we can send out mailings letting students know about their accounts with the district. By reaching out to students regarding their financial status, they are more likely to keep current with their accounts and this will help retention and success. It will not. Discussions at the mapping session will lead to an updated program outcome. This will help guide courses and ensure students are obtaining the appropriate outcomes for the disciplinary area it won't Course outlines will be better written, especially in the area of course learning outcomes so they are more measurable. I'll have an hour or so more to spend on teaching since I'm following the plan that I made. Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey Now that you have participated in the convocation and flex week activities, how will you disseminate information or skills that you learned to your colleagues, departmentally or across the college? Please be specific Response Answer Options Count 56 answered question skipped question Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 Response Text I already disseminated the information from Convocation to my associate faculty in our department meeting and through emails. The mapping exercise on Friday of convocation week galvanized us to further this work. Always good to be clear on assessment and accreditation issues to stem rumor and disgruntlement. in department meetings and assessment dialogue sessions one-on-one at the computer in the associate faculty office See above only attened the convocation on th I didn't learn anything worth disseminating. I will dialogue with colleagues about assessment data to drive improvements to the department and it's programs, and ultimately student success. Incorporate student success as part of thinking and in verbal statements email, at meetings and face to face individual discussions Many ways, but mostly informal discussion I called and emailed and set up a time to meet to work on an activity for the CLO's. I didn't learn enough to dissenminate. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I am happy to share my content with my department when we have assessment discussions. verbal transmission of content and quality of program n /a Through department and division meetings and in functional committee meetings I remind my colleagues in my department and on the committees I am on of these plans. Closing the loop activities are more on the forefront of day-today interactions. If asked by someone, I would be able to help them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 My colleagues in the English Department have established a variety of departmental groups that meet both formally and informally to discuss student learning outcomes, pedagogical technique, and to assess learning outcomes in a standardized and highly quantifiable manner. Division meeting announcement and updates, and continued use of the forum site on the assessment page. I am keeping in touch with the Eureka instructor and comparing the material we are presenting and our progress in addressing the SLO's. I have already talked to the associate faculty that work directly with me about limiting our outcomes. We need to revise the curriculum so that we can accurately assess what we are teaching. Informally chatting I am already in the process of disseminating information to 4 campuses through email, snail mail, phone conversations, and actual face-to-face meetings with the faculty involved. Specifically, I learned valuable information on screens and reports in Datatel during Tues classes. Overall, learned to participate more, and help where I can. My colleagues attended the workshops. However, others in my department have also been in discussions related to student success as a result of the discussions. I engage in discussions with other staff and faculty and will be able to speak more knowledgeably on subjects which are not well understood by all; what, why, etc. we are required to do certain things. Yes, I have little Excel experience and the class allowed me to accomplish some inventory task that I was working on. 56 77 Categories All FT faculty were in attendance. I have invited all associate faculty to attend our curriculum 32 meetings conceivably encourage students to see the applications of their math classes to their other 33 classes 34 By setting the example. Other than working with associates on scheduling assessment activities, I can't think of much that 35 I gained that is applicable. I try to belay alarm and rumors by referring to the Convocation assembly information. Some of that has changed in the interim, and I try to keep people from passing on conjecture and fear. Email from the President with updates are helpful, but not everyone who works here has or 36 checks email. Dialogue and conversation about the state of affairs at CR are more readily understood because 37 of a seemingly improved attendance by others. Through participation in scheduled meetings. In assisting others when they have questions that 38 pertain to the technology training. 39 n/a 40 as a regualr item on staff meeting agendas 41 ? 42 Continued positive dialogue and communication with colleagues. 43 Share some of the shortcuts and other information that I learned from each session. 44 Discussion at department meetings The planning and mapping activities in particular had to be repeated on a smaller scale for the 45 division. 46 This answer requires more than "a few minutes" (as the notification email indicated) to complete . I have the ability to explain our plans to my coworkers, and can help them understand how 47 important they are We have weekly meetings during which we discuss our assessment and program review on an on-going basis. We continually monitor progress and come up with new ways to assess our 48 program and courses. 49 Conversations -- by phone, and also meeting in person. 50 I am already doing this through my departmental colleagues and my service on committees. 51 Through impromptu and informal trainings. I will not disseminate information or skill to my colleagues differently because of flex week 52 activities. At Department and Division meeting - Annual plan goals will be discussed and aligned with 53 annual plan. Assessment planning and monitoring will be in accordance with 2-year cycle 54 i won't 55 Discussed at division meetings 56 I emailed other colleagues in my discipline with the draft that we created. Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey For future professional development and flex opportunities, what would you like to see offered? Response Count 68 Answer Options answered question skipped question Number Response Text Categories More opportunities to meet with other departments about SLO and PLO assessment, and more opportunities to meet with the counseling department to inform them about our department offerings and University options for transfer 1 students. Continued opportunity for cross-discipline discussion and working meetings...I 2 like getting things done. Continued tech offerings. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Please share the student support services available to students on the various campuses especially for those student who only attend in the evening. It would be great to have presentations by each of the support services. MyCR training how to motivate students to choose a major More general sessions on how to improve teaching skills. Sure 1. Diversity training for faculty, STAFF, ADMINISTRATORS, STUDENTS! 2. Emergency Response: lock-down, 911, CPR, evacuation, etc. Training for faculty and staff and students. 3. Mental health referral and on-campus support for students. Training for faculty, staff and students. Tech items - use of Office, and videoconferencing with WebEx or CCC-Confer, use of Tegrity Another day of technology Assessment workshops for mapping Course to Program SLOs. As an associate, I am not sure I know how to do this, or even if I am supposed to do this. More classes on Sakai Classes like the power point that Geof had on Friday (a day I cant attend) Not sure I like it for the sharing of information. More computer skills related trainings. Budget Planning and Fiscal Strategies Some of the opportunities on my list have been offered (i.e., excel, powerpoint) but schduling can be difficult 1) Opportunities to promote the Book of the Year program to my colleagues. 2) Opportunities to present innovations to increase developmental student 18 success. Training on DSPS Accommodations procedures, responsibilities for faculty, 19 associate faculty. 68 65 20 21 22 23 24 25 I would like to see activities that focus on intiatives that various groups are undertaking to address these plans and sessions that allow the kind of cross disciplinary discussions we had at Convocation and at the Assessment Summit. The college should better integrate flex days for assessment activites at the beginning and end of each semester. The assessment flex day should be part of our calendar. Datatel training and Excel training How to operate the database-web advisor, mycr...I just don't get it 1. More intermediate and advanced computer type training. 2. Training/orientation on how to use all the technology in the board room. 3. Best practices. 4. An introduction to interest based negotiating. More working activites would be good. Meetings were there is a physical outcome are better attended and have much higher approval rates. as long as my dept is UNDER-STAFFED and UNDER FUNDED to 26 maintain/support equipment on campus, this question is utterly POINTLESS! Assessment information 27 MyCR activities designed specifically for the role of associate nursing faculty to learn most relevant areas of sakai/My CR, role/managing students in clinical 28 environment, reasonable expectations of skill level, giving feedback Round tables and fun activities that allow us to have an open dialog and give us incite into our integrated planning. Coming together discussing ideas, problem solving, organizing, and simplifying are all useful processes every constituent of the college needs to be involved in. Feedback is essential for sustainability. 29 30 31 32 We need to have fun at convocation. It needs to be the "spring board" for a positive year! We need to clarify and explain any "road bumps" that are coming up so that we can prepare for what lies ahead. We need to offer professional development activities at CR. They have been sorely lacking for years. What works best is identifying a problem--most anything related to ACCJC-- and then providing a structured opportunity for faculty and staff to work on it with the resouces available. Topics and instructional practices focused on Basic Skills students; wellorganized workshop planning sessions on curriculum change to support Basic Skills. (Not just a facilitated gab-fest) The Time Management class was excellent. Anything similar that will help us do our jobs better would be appreciated. A weekend session, like the orientation, or some sessions that do not conflict with other work schedules. Sending the link to the remote viewing earlier would be helpful. This year, I actually tried to connect and there was not a link provided until slightly after 8 a.m. This was my first time using the remote viewing/ listening softeware. So I assumed that the link must be elsewhere. After searching high and low on the CR website, I returned to my email to find a link, but by that time I was 33 discouraged and no longer able to participate. 34 Ways to assess learning outcomes. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Access Class More budget classes Training for new employees If I could attend, I would appreciate updates from Tech Support. Also, a workshop on campus emergency alert. Datatell for purchasing The Excel again, and again. It would be nice to hear something inspiration more information that they are happening, before they happen line up as is looks good Excel More content that is directly relevant to teaching. Hands-on sessions on things like creating linked courses or team-teaching, problem-based learning methodologies, specifics on incorporating book of the year into non-English courses More office specific classes. I'm taking online classes, but as I mentioned, I learned a few really good tricks at the Excel flex activity! I'd like more professional development time practicing my trade skills and developing laboratory projects for student learning, so I can enter classroom session better prepared and will improved training examples. Working with at risk students 47 Training for Managers in regard to Human Resources policies and procedures. 48 Supervisor training, HR basics Associate Faculty Development workshops are critical to assuring associate faculty are up to speed on developments and especially mandatory 49 requirements. 50 Datatel usage including queries Continue the college wide forums to gather input. 51 They are very valuable. 52 In Design You offer many interesting things but a 6 hour round trip is too far to go for a 1 53 hour meeting. Universal Accessibility and 508 requirements Behavior Intervention Team 54 Reasonable Accommodations and how to implement Overall multi-discipline and district-wide discussion of how to schedule the limited number of courses being offered to maximize student success. "College of the Redwoods puts student success first by providing outstanding developmental, career technical, and transfer education." But we do not put student success *first* when planning our schedules -- not in an interdisciplinary way, such as making sure all required GE courses are offered without conflicting with specialized 1-section-only courses that students need 55 for particular degree/certificate outcomes. 56 I would like to see a workshop for ALL faculty on teaching critical thinking. Promotion and even built in physical activities of health and wellness including topics related to: stress management, nutrition, effective communication in the 57 workplace and value of regular physical exercise. I'd like to see these classes offered a couple times during the year or more 58 available time options. Fitness and health in the workplace. How to work fitness into your daily work 59 routine and avoid workplace injuries due to repetitive activity. I would like to have some in person, hands-on sessions for using more 60 advanced features of MyCR and Tegrity. 61 Dealing with confrontations in the workplace; Emotional Intelligence 62 EXCELL Well structured college wide engagement activities would be nice. I am happy to participate in college wide work group or discussion style events. However, prepared facilitation, clear communication of goals, parameters of at-hand activities, and connections made between papers handed out and discussion 63 at hand would be appreciated. Dialogue and brainstorming actions related to failing students Students who don't attend and participate on a regular basis Underrepresented students that fail at a significantly greater level than other 64 students - particularly Latino and African-American students 65 Courses actually related to our jobs. eg( Datatel training) More Writing Across the Curriculum opportunities and seminar/workshops on 66 pedagogy across the disciplines. 67 Team-building and/or sensitivity training 68 some excel/access courses Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey Please make any additional comments here: Response Count 32 Answer Options answered question skipped question Number Response Text Please plan at least some of the professional development activities in the early 1 evening for the Assoiate Faculty who work during the day. Thank you. I think our managers and administrators need training in basic management, leadership, organization, meeting planning and scheduling, collaborative decision 2 making, human relations, union relations, bullying prevention, etc. basic stuff! Webinars on these flex opportunities so that I can take the class when I am not 3 teaching and not on campus. 4 Health Benefit overviews and Plan provider options 5 6 7 8 the convocation seemed more of a community building event than a training and the excel was fairly specific, so the disseminating information piece doesn't apply. Thanks. When everyone gets together as a large group, energy for the college results. umm, see the previous question, seriously... 9 Please don't expect DN , Mendocino, or KT associate faculty to drive to Eureka We need to keep things real, yet positive. We tend to focus on all the daunting tasks of the year at convocation rather than getting excited about the new year! 10 I wish it was more like a "pep rally" than a laundry list. To improve flex and professional development, start with establishing a college hour again. Change the schedule so that we can get together and work 11 collaboratively. This is a serious systemic problem that could be fixed. Technology solutions to make sessions work at the centers would help. I would love to participate in professional development activities that were of very high quality for supporting instruction, but they need to be excellent for me to drive all 12 the way to Eureka. I've been impressed with both the classified and faculty Prof Dev Series. I hope 13 this continues. I appreciate the work C R does to allow for remote viewing and listening. Thank 14 you! 15 The associate faculty orientation was quite usefull. We are completely vulnerable to having a shooter on campus here and we still 16 have no way to alert the entire campus quickly. 17 often the activities just before the semester starts conflict with family plans We need all sessions to be available remotely with every participant able to speak into a mic. Moderators must understand how limiting remote participation is and 18 make every effort to include us. 32 101 Categories I did not know about the Convocation Flex opportunities until after most of them 19 had happened (Thursday). I hope the campus climate continues to improve, and that more people begin to believe that there is a more positive, student-friendly, open-and-above-board 20 future ripening before our very eyes. Certain Board Members should have learned through all of the convocation and 21 flex week activities to step down and leave our District. Voluntary timely compliance with assessment requirements should be expected of all professionals at the college. Lack of same needs to be addressed through evaluations or more severe methods, at least until this compliance becomes 22 institutionalized. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I wish CR started a week earlier and took a week vacation for Thanksgiving because as an adjunct instructor, I must make a living by teaching at both HSU and CR. However, because of the staggered starting dates, I cannot participate in all of the Flex/Convocation activities that I would like to participate in at CR. CCC confer has many problems for remote connections. Questions 3 and 4 are vague. It would help in the future to give some examples of what kinds of responses your are looking for. An improvement would be to get faculty from all the various departments more involved with staff in counseling/advising -- so that faculty can learn about and understand counseling/advising issues that students face, so that counselors/advisers can learn more about faculty perspectives on classes and student success, and also to open lines of communication -- so that we can put student success first. I didn;t get to attend these seminars but would REALLY benefit from most, if not all of them and would like the opportunity to attend! Trainings offered should reflect an assessment of where we are compared to what our goals are. The mapping session wasn't as useful as it could have been, since much of the introductory material had been covered the day before. We could have had an additional 45 minutes to and hour of work time instead of feeling rushed through the process. I am eager to participate constructively in the collective work done at this institution. I show up, put good faith forward, listen, follow up, and engage with my skill sets forward. Constructive opportunities to contribute to our common goals either are not available, exist in ways about which I am unaware of or unable to participate in, or the scope of my role at this institution is something about which I remain unclear. I realize it costs considerably more money to have actual training than these workshops we offer - but the district is suffering because people don't know how to do their jobs. As the saying goes, "If you think education is expensive, try 31 ignorance". Our ignorance is costing the district more money than training would. At the assessment planning meeting, we were told that after submitting adjustments to the generated plans, we would receive some sort of planning document in return. This hasn't happened, so now that we're halfway through the semester, I've been following the draft that I submitted. Other faculty are 32 confused about this also. Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey Are you (check only one): Answer Options A full-time faculty member A part-time faculty member An administrator or manager A classified or other staff member Response Percent 29.1% 30.1% 10.7% 30.1% answered question skipped question Response Count 30 31 11 31 103 30 Are you (check only one): A full-time faculty member A part-time faculty member An administrator or manager A classified or other staff member Convocation/Flex Week Activities Survey What campus or location are you mainly associated with (please mark only one)? Answer Options Del Norte Eureka Main Campus Mendocino Coast Klamath-Trinity Virtual Campus Other Response Percent 6.8% 82.5% 5.8% 1.9% 1.9% 1.0% answered question skipped question Response Count 7 85 6 2 2 1 103 30 What campus or location are you mainly associated with (please mark only one)? Del Norte Eureka Main Campus Mendocino Coast Klamath-Trinity Virtual Campus Other College of the Redwoods Professional Development Goals and Activity Form Name: Primary Campus: Date: Eureka ____ Del Norte Mendocino Klamath/Trinity DE (place an “x” in the box) Division: Discipline: Dean: ____________________ Each faculty member is responsible for the development of his or her individual plan for professional and/or personal growth for the purpose of instructional improvement (title 5, section 55726(a)) o This individual plan may encompass any combination of individually designed activities, institutionally planned workshops, conferences, and/or academic courses. o These activities must be appropriate within the regulations that govern the flexible calendar program (title 5, section 55724 (a) (4) (A through G)). The professional growth obligation for full-time faculty is 24 hours per year. Professional Development Goals for Academic Year 2012-2013 (complete in the first two weeks and relate directly to the college’s mission/strategic plan/ed master plan/discipline). Please keep goals brief. If you attend both fall and spring flex activities, you will meet the requirement for flex activities and you may tie these to your professional development plan. (The form will expand as needed.) Goal(s) - (brief description) Anticipated Hours 1. Example: Fall, 2012 Institutional Flex Days-required 6.75 2. Example: Fall, 2012 Institutional Flex Days-voluntary 7.25 3. Example: Spring, 2013 Institutional Flex Days-required 12.0 Goals are due at the by the second Friday of September annually Full-time faculty: email to ………….................................submit goals by second Friday in September p. 1: Professional Development Goals and Activities form College of the Redwoods Professional Development Goals and Activity Form Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:____________________ Activities that meet your Goals for Academic Year 2012-2013 (activities should support the goals submitted at the beginning of the academic year and be related directly to the college’s mission, strategic plan, Ed master plan or your discipline). Please keep activity description brief. (If you attend(ed) Convocation activities, please include them below; the required sessions have already been included; if not, delete. NOTE:If you attend both fall and spring flex activities, you will meet the requirement for flex activities.) The form will expand as needed: Date Activity (brief description) Hours 8/23 Convocation 3 8/23 Annual Institutional Plan Development 3.5 8/24 Mapping Session 2.5 8/24 Department Division Meetings 3 Total Hours When submitting your activities list, please include the goals submitted at the beginning of the semester/year. Full-time faculty: email to …………........completed forms due annually first Friday in May. Your typed (electronic) signature certifies you have completed the necessary requirements as mandated by Title 5, Section 55720 of the Education Code. I acknowledge that I have attended the institutional flex sessions and signed in at those events, and/or have completed the necessary flex requirements as mandated by Title 5, Section 55720 of the Education Code. *Signed: __________________________________________(Faculty) Date: __________________________ (Due date for all completed activities: First Friday in May) p. 2: Professional Development Goals and Activities form