Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Ron Waters, Tracey Thomas, Erin Wall,... Peterson, Jeff Cummings, Joe Hash Instructional Council

Instructional Council
Monday June 2, 2014; 1Pm – 2pm, SC 207
Summary Notes
Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Ron Waters, Tracey Thomas, Erin Wall, Sheila Hall, Julia
Peterson, Jeff Cummings, Joe Hash
1. Program Review Executive Summary:
 Keith will address board on findings, improvements and how we will address them to close
the loop, based on this discussion, which will be written into the program review processes.
(See attachment.)
o Level programs are assessing and linking planning and resource requests to institutional
goals and assessment
 Response: 1. Deans will participate more knowledgeably in future program review
processes, and will thoroughly review program reviews to ensure resource requests
are tied to planning and assessment. Discussion to add an additional category or
process for items not specifically tied to assessments, i.e. deferred maintenance.
 Annually, at year-end, deans will determine if there are other needs not included in
program review that need immediate attention. A process is in discussion.
 The dynamics of the ticket system will improve.
o Data Analysis Trends
 Communicate to faculty what services are available, through division meetings,
associate faculty meetings.
 Persistence: feedback about majors will aid faculty in increasing persistence.
 Completions: Courses offered every other year, can be difficult for students to
complete; again feedback about majors can help with this.
o Trends regarding Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities--Changes requiring
 Clarify at division/departments meetings and/or convocation, Deans address
program level assessment, and faculty course level assessment. The Assessment
Coordinator and Institutional Research Director will be included.
 Johanna will assist in coordinating assessments and dialog.
 Discussion to change assessment due dates; stagger over a two year cycle; improve
dialog sessions; provide assessment assistance in the innovation center.
 Remind faculty they are required to keep curriculum and course outlines updated.
Over summer, division assistants can load old curriculum in to new document and
faculty can update. Also discussed, to look at other schools for formats that are
user-friendly and much simpler.
 The instructional council, including Angelina and Dave, will discuss assessment
next meeting.
 Deans are working with faculty about changing buildings
o Summary Statement on Planning and Relationship to Institutional Documents:
 Connie Carlson has the list of professional development requests
 Templates are reviewed every year and improvements made if needed; DE will use
the same template format.
 The PR process and Process Manual will be discussed and updated through the IEC.
2. DE Update
o LMS Task Force Pilot—Canvas
 LMS task invited faculty volunteers to test and received 10 or so faculty, to test in the fall
Cisco: Installing telepresence units; one each for MC, Del Norte and downtown, and three
for Eureka – two stationary and one mobile, over the summer. Deans discuss the best two
locations for the stationary units. Suggestion a smaller and larger room.
3. Office Moves:
o ITC/Connie – moved by mid-July
o EOPS, ASC- moving June 16th, with ASC located in the rear of the current ASC area.
o Upward Bound – needs to be finalized and moved by mid-June
4. Process on determining Office moves:
o See changes on form.
5. Facilities—5 modular classroom, DN, repairs, carpets:
o 5 modular classrooms to be ordered for AJ, Creative Arts, 2 for theater-one for athletics,
DSPS; Del Norte-architects designing new wet labs for chemistry and bio, convert old labs
to classrooms.
6. Agenda items for June 9 VP/Dean/Senate Meeting:
o VPISD and Deans are meeting with new and old Senate co-presidents to discuss AP 7217,
involving the Senate in fall student success summit, and discussion about the student equity
and student plans.
7. AP 5530 Student Complaints: Keith will re-write and bring draft to next meeting.
8. Non-Credit approvals from Chancellor:
o Chancellor’s Office approved Math 272 and 276;
o They will be taught at Eureka, Del Note, and Hoopa
o Working with CRFO to determine whether faculty qualifications should be bachelors or
masters (bachelor is all required).
9. Other: Send Keith lists of everything that needs to be done over summer and when.