CCC‐501 Narrative Requirements Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission

College of the Redwoods
Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer
CCC‐501 Narrative Requirements
Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission
1. Statement of Program Goals and Objectives
Art is defined as the study and mastery of the visual language of art forms in order to effectively and
persuasively contribute to the creative, intellectual, and educational life of our society. This degree
program allows students to gain technical and conceptual mastery of a variety of visual mediums;
critically analyze and evaluate all aspects of visual culture using contemporary, historical, and
multicultural perspectives; understand the interdisciplinary nature of art making; and prepare for the
specific demands of a profession in the fine and/or applied art fields. The proposed Associate in Arts
in Studio Arts degree is in compliance with SB 1440 (Education Code section 66746). Students will be
prepared to transfer into the CSU system to complete a baccalaureate degree in a similar major such
as Art or Studio Arts. This degree prepares students to pursue a baccalaureate degree in Studio Art.
2. Catalog Description
A student may earn an Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer pending CCCCO approval. The
Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer is intended for students who plan to complete a
bachelor’s degree in Studio Arts at a CSU campus. Students completing the Associate in Arts in
Studio Arts for Transfer degree are guaranteed admission to the CSU system, but not to a particular
campus or major. This preparation includes the following program learning outcomes: 1) create and
sustain a body of work through technical mastery, experimentation, and reflective analysis; 2)
critically analyze, interpret, and evaluate all aspects of visual culture using a variety of historical,
contemporary, and multicultural perspectives; 3) demonstrate the ways that contemporary art
practice creatively and critically works between or across established disciplines; 4) prepare for the
specific demands of a profession in the fine and/or applied art fields. Students transferring to a CSU
campus that does accept the Associate in Arts in Studio Art for Transfer will be required to complete
no more than 60 units after transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree. To meet the requirements for this
degree the students must:
1. Complete a minimum of 18 semester units in the major with a grade of C or better while
maintaining a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in all CSU transferable
Complete 60 semester CSU-transferable units using the California State University-General
Education-Breadth pattern (CSU-GE Breadth); OR the Intersegmental General
Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern.
3. Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in all CSU‐transferable coursework.
Students completing this degree are guaranteed admission to the CSU system, but not to a particular
campus or major. Students transferring to a CSU campus that does accept the Associate in Arts in Art
for Transfer will be required to complete no more than 60 units after transfer to earn a bachelor’s
degree. This degree may not be the best option for students intending to transfer to a particular CSU
campus or to a university or college that is not part of the CSU system. In all cases, students should
consult with a counselor for more information on university admission and transfer requirements.
3. Program Requirements
The following is required for all AA degrees for transfer:
1. Completion of 60 CSU‐transferable semester units.
2. Minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in all CSU‐transferable coursework.
While a minimum of 2.0 is required for admission, some majors may require a higher GPA.
Please consult with a counselor for more information.
3. Completion of a minimum of 18 semester units in the major coursework. All courses in the
major must be completed with a grade of C or better.
4. 60 semester CSU-transferable units using the California State University-General
Education‐Breadth pattern (CSU-GE Breadth); OR the Intersegmental General Education
Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern.
[AA-T] Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer
Major Total:
18 units
CSU-GE Breadth / IGETC:
37-39 units
CSU Transferable Electives (as needed):
7-29 units
Double Counted:
12 units
Degree Total (maximum):
60 units
Required Core (12 units from the following):
*Art 10
Color and Design
*Art 1B
Art History: Renaissance to Contemporary
*Art 11
Three Dimensional Design
*Art 17
Basic Drawing
List A - Take one course from the following (3 units required):
*Art 1A
Art History: Pre-History to Gothic
Art 6
Art History: 20 Century and Contemporary
List B - Select at least 9 units (3 courses) from three of the following curricular areas:
Art 43A
Intro to Photoshop (Curricular Area: Digital Art)
Art 42
Intro to Digital Illustration (Curricular Area: Digital Art)
Art 35
Beginning Photography (Curricular Area: Photography)
Art 23
Painting (Curricular Area: Painting)
Art 19
Figure Drawing (Curricular Area: Drawing)
Art 18
Intermediate Drawing (Curricular Area: Drawing)
Art 3A
Introduction to Sculpture (Curricular Area: Sculpture)
Art 31A
Intro to Ceramics (Curricular Area: Ceramics)
Art 31B
Intro to Ceramics: Wheel (Curricular Area: Ceramics)
Art 60
Jewelry (Curricular Area: Applied Design)
*Courses with asterisks can be double counted to General Education.
4. Background and Rationale
Attached to this document is the Transfer Model Curriculum with a major in Studio Arts along with a
catalog description. Beginning in the fall of 2011, community colleges are required by Senate Bill
1140 and California Education Code Section 66746(a) to develop and offer “associate degrees for
transfer.” Students now have the option of choosing a major in their lower division courses, which
will then prepare them for the major courses in their upper division work at CSU’s. The CSU system
will grant admission to students at the junior status who have completed the program requirements.
At College of the Redwoods, students can receive a Liberal Arts Associate Degree with an emphasis in
Studio Arts meeting the program requirements in Studio Arts as attached to this document. Students
who wish to follow these program requirements will need advising from counselors and faculty in the
department to fulfill the requirements for this area. The declaration of major at this level will allow
the college to track these students.
This model has been discussed with our primary transfer institution, Humboldt State University. The
Humboldt State University Art department is coordinating plans to assist students and ensure
successful transfer for students from College of the Redwoods.
The course descriptors for current courses in Art have been compared to descriptors that are now in
place on the state level. More descriptors are in draft form and the Art Department at College of the
Redwoods has participated in the statewide online forum reviewing these descriptors.
The proposed degree and major has been discussed with the Art Department faculty throughout the
district. The dean has also reviewed this information. The College of the Redwoods Department of
Art reached consensus regarding the alignment of its courses with the Associate in Arts in Studio
Arts for Transfer. The decision of which courses to include was based on the Transfer Model
Curriculum program for Studio Arts offered at California State University System campuses and on
courses available in the College of the Redwoods Art curriculum.
Criteria B. Need
Enrollment and Completer Projections NA
Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar Programs
The Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer will be housed in the Art department. The additional
SB 1440 compliant degree will offer another avenue for students who may also complete the local
Associate in Liberal Arts in Fine Arts degree. Students will not need to choose between the degrees
since they would be able to successfully complete both degrees within the 60 unit requirements.
The Art department, in consultation with the Enrollment Management Committee and district
administrators, has determined that the creation of the Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer
will not create enrollment changes or require additional resources. The Art faculty also believes that
the Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer will provide additional incentive for students to
select and pursue the art major. Upon completion of the Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer
the student will have a guaranteed track into the California State University transfer in Studio Arts.
Additionally, the Associate in Arts in Studio Arts for Transfer has been designed to facilitate
preparation for transfer to the nearby CSU system institution, Humboldt State University. Creating
this course should offer clearer pathways for current students and attract new students from the
local community who are interested in pursuing a degree in studio arts.
Criteria C. Curriculum Standards
13. NA
14. NA
Criteria D. Adequate Resources
15 - 18
No additional resources will be required beyond the college’s current resources. This includes:
library and learning resources, facilities and equipment, and financial support. All faculty that will
teach in this program meet the State minimum qualifications and possess knowledge and
experience in this program area.
Criteria E. Compliance
19 - 21
The proposed transfer degree is based on the approved Transfer Model Curriculum in accordance to
SB1440 and California Education Code sections 66746-66749. There are no licensing or accrediting
standards that apply to this program. No additional student selection criteria are required. This
program complies with California Code of Regulations, title 5 section 55201 and 58106. Additionally,
there are no additional fees required beyond those identified in California Education Code section
Studio Arts Transfer Model Curriculum
CCC Major or Area of Emphasis: Studio Art
CSU Major or Majors: BA in Art, Studio Art
Total units: 24 (18 effective units with ARTH courses double-counted for 6 units in CSU GE, C-1)
Rev. 6/30/2011
Template #1010
In the four columns on the right, enter the course identifier, course title and number of units of a course that is
comparable to the course indicated for the TMC (in the far left column). If the course may be double-counted,
put an X in the GE column.
The units indicated in the TMC are semester units – and they are minimum units. All courses must be CSU
transferable. Where there is an indicated C-ID descriptor, you are certifying that your course is comparable.
Where no reference descriptor is indicated, discipline faculty should compare the existing course to the sample
course description(s) provided in the TMC at and attach the appropriate
report from ASSIST showing the required transferability status (i.e., CSU transferable, general education, or
major preparation at CSU).
Studio Arts Transfer Model Curriculum
Course Title (units)
Required Core: 12 units
Art History: Renaissance to Contemporary (3)
Associate in Arts degree in Studio Arts for transfer
College Name: College of the Redwoods
Program Requirements
Course ID Course Title
ARTH 120
Art 1B
Two-Dimensional Foundations (3)
Three-Dimensional Foundations (3)
Fundamentals of Drawing (3)
List A (select one): 3 units
Art History: Pre-Historic to Medieval (3)
ARTS 100
ARTS 101
ARTS 110
Art 10
Art 11
Art 17
ARTH 110
Art 1A
Asian Art (3)
Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas (3)
Any other Art History survey course
articulated as lower division preparation for
the Studio Arts major at a CSU. Art
Appreciation courses do not count towards
this requirement. (3)
List B: 9 units
Curricular Areas:
Figure Drawing (3)
Intermediate Drawing (3)
Introduction to Painting (3)
Introduction to Printmaking (3)
Introduction to Ceramics (3)
Introduction to Sculpture (3)
Digital Art:
Introduction to Digital Art (3)
Introduction to Photography
Color Theory (3)
ARTH 145
ARTH 140
Art 6
Art 6
ARTS 200
ARTS 205
Art History: Renaissance
to Contemporary
Color and Design
Three Dimensional Design
Basic Drawing
Art History: Pre-History to
20 Century and
Contemporary Art
Art 19,
Figure Drawing,
Art 18
Art 23
Intermediate Drawing
Art 31A
Introduction to Ceramics
Art 3A
Introduction to Sculpture
Art 43A
Introduction to Photoshop
Beginning Photography
ARTS 210
ARTS 220
ARTS 230
ARTS 240
ARTS 250
Art 35
ARTS 260
ARTS 270
If a C-ID descriptor has been finalized, it may be entered in this column.
See option below curricular areas to substitute transferable, lower division preparation courses in other media.
Applied Design:
Introduction to Crafts (3)
Introduction to Jewelry and
Metalsmithing (3)
Introduction to Fiber Arts (3)
Any other local Studio Arts course within
these curricular areas may be used that is
articulated as lower division preparation for
the Studio Arts major at a CSU. (3)
Other Media:
Courses articulated as lower division
preparation for the Studio Arts major at a
CSU in curricular areas not represented
Second Semester:
Second-semester courses in the above
curricular areas articulated as lower
division preparation for a particular area of
emphasis within the major lower division
preparation at a CSU.
Total Units for the Major:
ARTS 280
ARTS 281
Art 60
ARTS 282
Art 42
Art 42
Introduction to Digital
Introduction to Ceramics
Total Units for the Major:
Art 31B
Art 31B
Total Units that may be double-counted:
Local Degree Development Notes: Local degrees may not mandate that a student take any course that is not either articulated as
general education or articulated as lower division major preparation for the Studio Arts major at a CSU. Additionally, not every local
campus will offer all courses or course categories listed on the TMC. Faculty should refer to the Studio Art TMC and narrative for
additional guidance.