Notes from the Institutional Learning Outcome Session at Convocation

Notes from the Institutional Learning Outcome Session at Convocation
8/22/2013 1 pm
Feedback was provided for the following proposed ILOs:
1) Academic and Professional Skills (Are students acquiring the stated outcomes from taking
courses, and receiving degrees and certificates?)
1) Personal Development (Are students meeting career, transfer, and personal goals?)
Graduating exit survey (add more detailed questions)
CTE Employment survey
Students with comprehensive SEPs
Student Satisfaction Inventory
Degree/Certificate and Transfer rates based on declared goal
Students declaring a CTE- or transfer-related degree or certificate (vs. enrichment)
Meeting/Exceeding SLO expectations – use of existing assessment reports (course, program, GE)
2) Intercultural Literacy and Community Responsibility (Are students able to contribute to local
and global communities?)
--Specific instruments that could be used for (3) include:
Student equity indicators are evaluated
Add question(s) to Graduating exit survey
Students in cooperative education courses?
Community survey (needs to be conducted, nothing exists yet)
Learning Outcome Feedback
1) The ILOs seem too short. Didn’t we have more detailed language, or can we make more detailed
language? Not sure if they should be long, or a short bulleted list, but more detail is needed.
This feedback came up again later in the discussion to make sentences under each ILO outlining
in more detail what is meant.
2) Number one should read “Academic & Career Technical Skills” to parallel our mission statement.
The measurement question might ask “Are students meeting career technical…..”
3) Should the statements in parentheses following the outcomes be action-worded? For example,
“students will acquire….”
4) Personal Development – Is personal goals included here because non-credit or not for credit
courses are folded in?
5) “and receiving degrees and certificates” from the first ILO could be moved to Personal
Development because this more reflects goal completion.
6) Unclear why Personal Development is just meeting career, transfer and personal goals. Make it
clearer that personal goals refers to educational goals, such as taking a few courses for work
training, without trying to obtain degree/cert.
7) Perhaps make current Academic & Professional Skills all about the standards we (the college)
sets, and make Personal Development about the standards the student sets.
Indicator feedback
1. Licensure pass rates in nursing and relevant health occupation areas should be an indicator for
2. Need to be mindful of indicators that based on declared program because students have to be
accepted into Nursing program. Many declare Nursing without being accepted.
3. Add number of students transferring indicator to #1.
4. Can we look at student’s goal when they enter college, even if it is not a degree or cert for
tracking? Then we could filter our students who don’t intend to receive a degree or cert.
5. We need to track community involvement of our students. How can we do that? Service
learning and internship work should be added as indicator. Perhaps add question about service
work to student exit survey.
6. Advisory committees, and who are on the committees should be an indicator for Intercultural
Literacy and Community Responsibility.
Process & planning feedback
1. We need to identify the proper time to discuss whether or not ILOs have been met in a way that
impacts planning. Maybe at convocation, but this needs to be looked at when planning
information is needed.
2. There needs to be time set aside at district-wide events that are discipline by discipline to
discuss assessment results, including ILOs.
3. Assessment committee will review feedback and work on new language. This will then go to
various committees (eventually Senate and Board) for feedback and vetting.