CollegeoftheRedwoods ProgramReviewCommittee Friday,September25,2015Meeting 9am–11am,Boardroom Agenda 1. Welcome Back: a. Member Update b. Committee Handbook 2. Templates Review: 2.1. Comprehensive 2.2. Annual 3. Review Constituency Membership/Representation, Role and Operating Agreement of the PRC 4. Process & Calendars: 4.1. Review Program Review Process 4.2a. Review Instructional Rubric 4.2b. Review Student Development Rubric 4.2c. Review Administrative Services Rubric 4.3. Review Annual/Comprehensive Calendar 4.4. Review/Update Committee Meeting Calendar 5. Standing Item: Executive Summary Items 6. Standing Item: ACCJC Matrix 7. Other/Future Agenda items Adjourn Next Meeting: October 9, 2015 Agenda Item 3 2015-16 Program Review Committee Name Constituency Group Terms of Service Joe Hash Instructional Co-Chair Ongoing-designee of VP Brady Reed Student Services Co-Chair Ongoing-designee of VP Cindy Hooper Faculty - Arts F2014 – S2016 Mike Peterson Faculty - CTE F2014 – S2016 Hillary Reed Faculty - Health Occupations F2015 – S2017 Faculty- MSBSS F2015 – S2017 Lorraine Pedrotti Classified - CSEA Appointment F2015 – S2017 Angelina Hill Director, IR Ongoing Student - ASCR FY 2014 Support Ongoing Crislyn Parker COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS COMMIT TEE HANDBOOK COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Table of Contents Contents INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 DISTRICT COMMITTEES .......................................................................................................................................... 2 COMMITTEE RESOURCES ....................................................................................................................................... 2 INTEGRATED PLANNING MODEL ............................................................................................................................ 3 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS SUMMIT .............................................................................................................. 3 COMMITTEE MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................................. 4 CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................................................................................................4 COMMITTEE ROLE AND REPRESENTATION ............................................................................................................ 5 ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................................5 BASIC SKILLS COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................................6 BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE .......................................................................................................................................7 COLLEGE COUNCIL ..........................................................................................................................................................8 DISTANCE EDUCATION PLANNING COMMITTEE ....................................................................................................................9 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND SAFETY ..........................................................................................................................10 ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE........................................................................................................................11 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ................................................................................................12 EXPANDED CABINET......................................................................................................................................................13 FACILITIES PLANNING ....................................................................................................................................................14 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS .......................................................................................................................................15 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................................16 PROGRAM REVIEW .......................................................................................................................................................17 STUDENT SUCCESS AND SUPPORT PROGRAM ADVISORY.......................................................................................................18 STUDENT EQUITY PLANNING ..........................................................................................................................................19 TECHNOLOGY PLANNING ...............................................................................................................................................20 College of the Redwoods Page 1 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Introduction District committees support the College’s integrated institutional planning process of ensuring institutional effectiveness. Planning committees are essential for strategic planning to guide institutional and program plans, and for information to flow from program review to the functional committees. Other district committees act in an advisory capacity to strengthen services for students and staff. This handbook documents committee roles and membership so that they can be easily located from one year to the next. Changes to committee roles or membership should be approved by the planning committee as well as the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, and revised in this handbook. This handbook is given to all new hires, and is given to Committee Chairs at the integrated planning committee meeting at the beginning of each year. District Committees Assessment Basic Skills Budget Planning College Council Distance Education Planning Emergency Preparedness Enrollment Management Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee Expanded Cabinet Facilities Planning Institutional Effectiveness Professional Development Program Review Student Equity Planning Student Success and Support Program Advisory Technology Planning Committee Resources Each committee has a website on Each website is standardized to include an ‘About’ page with a purpose, committee history and typical tasks, as well as committee membership. also has a Calendar tab at which shows the dates and times that each committee meets. Additional resources relevant to many committees, such as planning, program review, and assessment documents can be accessed on Every month, committees have the opportunity to put a summary of their most important work into a committee digest ( that is disseminated to the District. The digest provides a way of informing faculty and staff of the work being done without overloading everyone with emails and information. College of the Redwoods Page 2 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Integrated Planning Model Institutional Effectiveness Summit In April each spring semester, members of the planning committees come together to discuss their effectiveness over the year, and ways of improving in the future. Strategic planning work is also a priority of this group so that initiatives are carried out via the college’s integrated planning process. College of the Redwoods Page 3 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Committee Member Responsibilities The following list of responsibilities has been identified so that committees can run efficiently and effectively. Committee members will attend meetings regularly. Committee members will bring any printed or electronic materials such as agenda or attachments. Committee members will communicate what happens in meetings back to their constituents. Committee members will participate in the annual committee evaluation survey. Committee members will actively engage in committee activities. Committee members should be willing to take minutes if possible. Chair Responsibilities In addition to being a member of the committee, the chair has several important duties to make sure that the committee is organized and runs effectively. See that committee appointments are filled. Agendas and accompanying documents should be sent to the committee one week prior to the meeting. Minutes should be distributed to committee members shortly after the meeting for review and corrections. The scope, membership, agendas, minutes and supporting documents on the committee website should be kept up to date. Committee Chairs will attend the Annual Institutional Effectiveness Summit. Any plans associated with the committee (e.g., tech plan, DE plan, facilities plan, student equity) will be reviewed and updated annually. Annual report-outs to the Board of Trustees and other groups will be completed as required. Committee digest updates will be submitted each month highlighting important activities. The Chair may appoint a member of the committee to take minutes. College of the Redwoods Page 4 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Committee Role and Representation Assessment Committee Scope The Assessment Committee is a college committee responsible for coordinating outcomes assessment and assessment training and ensuring that assessment information is utilized at the disciplinary, programmatic and institutional levels. The Mission of the Assessment Committee is to ensure that adequate plans are in place for outcomes assessment. The assessment committee coordinates program level dialogue, as well as small- and large-scale institutional dialogue, and ensures that the assessment process is ongoing and sustainable at the disciplinary, programmatic and institutional levels. The Assessment Committee envisions a college in which regular assessments of outcomes and achievement, and the review and interpretation of relevant data, inform all levels of disciplinary, divisional, departmental, and institutional planning toward the ultimate goal of improving student learning. The Assessment Committee will function in close connection with the Program Review Committee and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee to review disciplinary, programmatic and institutional assessment plans and assist in the use and improvement of assessment toward increasing the quality of student learning. Through regularly scheduled annual review cycles corresponding with the Program Review Committee's and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee's Executive Summaries, the Assessment Committee will assist in planning and recalibrating assessment, dialogue, and recommendations resulting from dialogue at all levels. Membership # 1 1 6 1 1 1 Designation Assessment Coordinator Director of Institutional Effectiveness One faculty from each Division and Center. One faculty is curriculum committee liaison, or additional faculty is appointed. Student Services or Instructional Council representative Administrative Services representative Institutional Research representative with data base expertise Chair Co-chair Co-chair Appointment Senate Ex. Officio Senate VPISD VPAS Ex. Officio 𝛴 =11 College of the Redwoods Page 5 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard I.B.1, B.2, B.4, C.4, C.3, C.4 Standard II.A.3, A.11, A.12, A.13, A.16 Basic Skills Committee Scope The Basic Skills Committee works to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students. Our scope includes the following. To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students in credit and noncredit courses. The committee: (1) promotes the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and instructional programs, (2) supports professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education, (3) works with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to completion, and (4) allocates and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds. Membership # 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 𝛴 =11 Designation Dean Faculty (one in each area: Reading/English, Math, Languages, Athletics, CTE) Student Equity Committee Member Chair of the SSSP Advisory Committee Non-credit course staff representative Director of Institutional Effectiveness AOA to the VPISD Chair Co-chair Co-chair (1) Appointment Ex. Officio Senate Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Recorder Ex. Officio Terms Appointments are for two years. College of the Redwoods Page 6 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Budget Planning Committee Scope The Budget Planning Committee supports the District’s mission by gathering a broad constituency of members to the committee to accept, review and prioritize budget funding requests from planning committees across the District. The Committee acts as a central review function, so that funding requests are viewed in totality and across the District, so that cross-dependencies are considered, and so that a balancing of interests is obtained in the final prioritized funding recommendations to the President/Superintendent. The committee will continue to focus on refining existing review processes, for example, to identify funding priorities that have a mandated or required component. The committee will review the results of its actions from the prior year to “close the loop” on its activities. The committee will work to identify any requests that might possibly be accomplished with other sources, such as grant funds or that might be accomplished without additional funding and will communicate back to constituent groups on its recommendations for all funding requests. The committee will maintain an active web site with meeting notes, attachments, etc. Membership # 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 𝛴 =16 Designation VP Administrative Services Faculty (1 Del Norte) VP Instruction & Student Development Technology Planning Committee Chair Facilities Planning Committee Chair Manager or Director Manager Classified Staff Students (1 Del Norte) Controller Director, Accounting Services AOA to the VPISD Chair Co-chair Co-chair (1) Appointment Ex. Officio Senate Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Recorder President Management Council CSEA ASCR Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Terms Appointments are for two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard III.B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 Standard II.D.1, D.2, D.3 College of the Redwoods Page 7 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods College Council Scope The Redwoods Community College District is committed to the creation of participatory governance structures which are efficient, effective, and which allow for broad participation in the decisionmaking process. The District seeks to build understanding and trust among various groups in the College through open collaboration and shared responsibility. The College Council is the apex districtwide constituent based collegial consultation body that includes representatives from all of the District's constituent groups. College Council helps ensure that policies and procedures are developed and revised following the collegial consultation process and all relevant constituent input is given due consideration. College Council receives drafts of policy and procedure from the appropriate constituents, reviews and suggests revisions when appropriate, and either sends these documents back to the constituent group that wrote it for any necessary revision or can, if deemed appropriate, create an ad hoc committee (or a subcommittee) for revisions to drafts or resolution of competing drafts. College Council shall seek all constituent's input on the proposed board policy (BP) and/or administrative procedure (AP) before making a final recommendation by majority vote. Final recommendations by the College Council are sent to the President/Superintendent. The President/Superintendent is responsible for taking revisions and new policies and procedures to the Board of Trustees for approval (BPs) or for informational purposes (APs). Members convey information from the Council to their constituent groups and from their groups to the Council. Members represent their constituents' views to the College President who serves as Council Chair. The Council serves to advise the College President before implementation of the recommendations. Membership # 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 Designation President/Superintendent VP Instruction & Student Development VP Administrative Services Faculty (Del Norte, KlamathTrinity) Faculty Classified Staff Manager Director of Human Resources Director of Institutional Effectiveness Administrative Assistant to President Chair Chair Appointment Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Senate CRFO CSEA Management Council Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Recorder Ex. Officio 𝛴 =13 College of the Redwoods Page 8 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Terms Appointments are for two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard I.A.3, B.2, B.7, C.1, C.3, C.4, C.5, C.7, C.8 Standard II. A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, A.15, C.4 Standard III. A.6, A.11, A.12, A.13, C.5 Standard IV. A.2, A.4, C.1, C.5, C.7 Distance Education Planning Committee Scope The Distance Education Planning Committee plans and recommends innovative and creative opportunities that use distance learning to meet the diverse needs of the District’s students. The committee serves as a resource to the Distance Education department. It engages with and makes recommendations to the Academic Senate, faculty, staff and administrators in matters of policy, practice and pedagogy regarding distance learning and technology-enhanced instruction. Membership # 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Designation DE Faculty Coordinator DE Director Faculty Student Instructional Technologist Information Systems Technologist Director of Enrollment and Financial Aid Services Chair Co-chair Co-chair Appointment Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Senate ASCR Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio 𝛴 =9 Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard II. A.16, C.3 College of the Redwoods Page 9 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Emergency Preparedness and Safety Scope The Emergency Preparedness and Safety committee develops the Emergency Preparedness Plan for the College of the Redwoods. This plan includes specific procedures for a campus emergency or disaster. The plan is developed by the committee to provide the basic structure and procedures necessary to cope with most emergencies or disasters. Membership # 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 𝛴 =10 Designation Director of Public Safety Director of Residential Life Faculty Head of Safety at CRDN Manager of Public Safety Director of Maintenance & Operations Classified Staff Public Safety Staff AOA, Administration of Justice Chair Chair Recorder Appointment Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Senate Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio CSEA Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. College of the Redwoods Page 10 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Enrollment Management Committee Scope In support of the college's mission and strategic plan, the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) analyzes trends and uses data to recommend strategies to optimize enrollment. The EMC recommends strategies to meet and sustain enrollment targets, recommends a comprehensive recruitment and retention plan; and recommends purposeful linkage between marketing, recruitment, and branding. Membership # 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 𝛴 =16 Designation VP Instruction and Student Development Faculty Managers (1 Del Norte, 1 Klamath-Trinity) Director of Institutional Effectiveness Director of Enrollment Services and Financial Aid Director of Counseling and Student Development Deans Budget Planning Co-chair Student AOA to the VPISD Chair Chair Appointment Ex. Officio Senate VPISD Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Recorder VPISD Senate ASCR Ex. Officio Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. College of the Redwoods Page 11 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee Scope The Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee acts as an advisory body to the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and the District as a whole to promote understanding and support of equal employment opportunity policies and procedures. The Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee assists in the implementation of the Plan in conformance with state and federal regulations and guidelines, monitors equal employment opportunity progress, and provides suggestions for Plan revisions as appropriate. Membership # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 𝛴 =9 Designation Director of Human Resources/Equal Employment Opportunity /ADA officer Faculty Faculty Classified staff Manager Representative from Del Norte Representative from Multicultural Diversity Committee Student Administrator Chair Chair Appointment Ex. Officio Senate CRFO CSEA Management Council Senate ASCR President Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard III: A.81 College of the Redwoods Page 12 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Expanded Cabinet Scope Expanded Cabinet was established to ensure that all constituent group leaders are aware of and have the opportunity to discuss important issues facing the District. Expanded Cabinet provides a forum for open, honest dialogue between the administration and constituent group leaders and for all employee groups to introduce new ideas and anticipate future concerns. Expanded Cabinet oversees the District’s compliance with accreditation standards and eligibility requirements, and oversees the integration of all District planning efforts. Expanded Cabinet serves as the highest level advisory group to the President and the Executive Cabinet regarding issues facing the District. Membership # 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 Designation President/Superintendent Executive Assistant to the President/Superintendent Academic Senate Executive Committee Members CRFO Executive Committee Members CSEA Executive Committee Members ASCR Executive Committee Members Manager’s Council Executive Committee Members Vice President of Instruction & Student Development Vice President of Administrative Services Director of Human Resources Instructional Deans Director of Institutional Effectiveness Chair Chair Recorder Appointment Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Senate CRFO CSEA ASCR Management Council Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio 𝛴 =20 Terms Appointments change every year due to changes in Executive Committee membership. College of the Redwoods Page 13 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Related ACCJC Standards Standard I: A.6, A.9, B.11, B.13, C.24, C.33, C.34, C.35 Standard IV: A.118, A.120, A.122, A.123, A.124, B.126, B.128, B.129, B.130, B.131 Facilities Planning Scope The Facilities Planning Committee develops the Facilities Master Plan for the College of the Redwoods. This plan ensures that capital improvement priorities and projects are recommended based on their contribution to improving student learning outcomes and their alignment with the Strategic and Education Master Plans. The committee also reviews and ranks resource requests from program review related to facilities. Membership # 1 2 1 2 2 𝛴 =8 Designation Director of IT and Facilities Planning Faculty Student Managers Classified Staff Chair Chair Appointment Ex. Officio Senate ASCR Management Council CSEA Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard III: D.101 College of the Redwoods Page 14 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Institutional Effectiveness Scope The Institutional Effectiveness Committee leads the Strategic and Education Master Planning Process by tracking the progress of the plans, and communicating assessment of the plans. The committee leads work for the next strategic and Ed Master plan and planning cycle. It also leads work so that an annual plan and themes are developed for each upcoming year. In addition to plan development, the committee helps track the progress of the annual plan, and the organizing and assessing of the annual plan. The committee communicates the Institution's progress towards its mission and plans, and communicates the annual plan and themes. This is done by producing an annual institutional effectiveness report, and by ensuring that the Institutional Effectiveness Scorecard is widely communicated to campus, and includes up to date metrics. The committee leads the integrated planning process by organizing and providing assessment of the integrated planning process, and by organizing an annual planning summit. Membership # 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 𝛴 =8 Designation President/Superintendent Director of Institutional Effectiveness VPISD Faculty Managers Classified Staff Student AOA to VPISD or CTE Chair Co-Chair Co-Chair Appointment Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Recorder Ex. Officio Senate Management Council CSEA ASCR Ex. Officio Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard I: A.7, B.11, B.12, B.13, B.14, B.16, B.17, B.19, B.20, Standard III: D.101 Standard IV: B.126, B.128, B.129 College of the Redwoods Page 15 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Professional Development Scope In support of the college’s mission and strategic planning goals to support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation, the Professional Development Committee provides a comprehensive professional development program to include assessment of needs, planning and evaluation of activities. The committee meets monthly to coordinate planning, scheduling, needs and process assessment activities and to ensure that proposed activities are linked to the college mission and goals. The committee is chaired by the Human Resource Director and is comprised of representatives from each of the campus committees/groups involved in professional development activities, including: flex Committee, Faculty Professional Development Committee (Academic Senate), Distance Education, Associate Faculty, Community Education, and classified employee training programs. The committee includes consideration of activities suggested through all programs, services, disciplines, groups, and clubs in the District. Membership # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 𝛴 =8 Designation Director of Human Resources Faculty Associate Faculty Coordinator Manager Classified Staff Del Norte Representative Human Resource Analyst Distance Education Representative Community & Economic Development/Business Training representative DSPS representative Veterans Affairs representative Chair Chair Recorder Appointment Ex. Officio Senate Ex. Officio Management Council CSEA VPISD Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard III: A.77, A.83 College of the Redwoods Page 16 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Program Review Scope The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee (PRC) leads and facilitates authentic assessment as it relates to student success and planning at the institution for all subject and service areas. The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews that provide the strong foundation upon which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies, states, and documents quality improvement plans and goals including providing the direction of prioritization of funding and support needs as organized under the strategic planning objectives. The purpose of the Program Review Committee is to review and evaluate annual and comprehensive program review documents for all subject and service areas. PRC finalizes each program review or annual planning document with an executive summary for the Integrated Planning Functional Committees (IPFCs) and for the District. Membership # 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 𝛴 =12 Designation Instructional Dean Student Services Director Faculty (1 Health/Athletics/PE, 1 CTE, 1 ALSS, 1 Counseling, 1 Del Norte At-Large) Faculty Assessment Co-Chair Student Director of Institutional Effectiveness Representative from Administrative Services AOA to the VPISD or CTE Dean Chair Co-chair Co-chair Appointment VPISD VPISD Senate Ex. Officio ASCR Ex. Officio VPAS Recorder Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard I: B.16, B.17 Standard II: A.53 College of the Redwoods Page 17 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Student Success and Support Program Advisory Scope The purpose of the CR SSSP Advisory Committee is to review and recommend policies, procedures, and activities to enhance the district-wide understanding of the philosophy and process of matriculation and to increase student success for all students. Membership # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 𝛴 =19 Designation VPISD Director of Counseling and Advising, SSSP Coordinator Director of Special Programs and Academic Support Director, Enrollment & Financial Aid Services Veterans Resource Specialist Manager, Admissions and Records Counselor, Transfer Center Director Faculty Academic Deans Noncredit Matriculation Representative Director of DSPS Representative from Information Systems Representative from Distance Education Student Assistant Director of EOPS AOA to the VPISD or CTE Dean Chair Co-Chair Co-Chair Appointment Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Senate VPISD VPISD Ex. Officio Ex. Officio DE Committee ASCR Ex. Officio Recorder Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard II: A.44, A.47, C.60, C.61, C.62, C.64, C.65 College of the Redwoods Page 18 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Student Equity Planning Scope The guiding principles of the Student Equity Plan (SEP) is to ensure the population of historically underrepresented students reflects and surpasses the ethnic and cultural profiles of communities served by the college. The annual actions are aligned with initiatives of institutional planning and college resources. The College of the Redwoods Student Equity Plan Committee is tasked with producing an Executive Summary Report that describes actions that demonstrate evidence of progress toward achieving specified goals and implementing activities of the Student Equity Plan. The committee is charged with aligning these initiatives with institutional planning and college resources. Each year, Student Equity Annual Plan is created with action items that are driven by these goals. Membership # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 𝛴 =8 Designation President/Superintendent College Council Representative VPISD Senator of the Academic Senate Multicultural & Diversity Committee (MDC) Representative Representative for Institutional Research Student Instructional Dean Chair Appointment Ex. Officio College Council Ex. Officio Senate MDC Ex. Officio Chair ASCR Ex. Officio Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard I: B.17 Standard II: A.44, C.62 College of the Redwoods Page 19 COMMITTEE HANDBOOK College of the Redwoods Technology Planning Scope The Technology Planning Committee (TPC) supports the District's mission by providing, monitoring, and updating the Technology Plan, and by prioritizing technology funding requests from the Program Review Committee that are forwarded to the Budget Planning Committee. The TPC provides a central review function, so that technology actions are viewed in totality and across the District, ensuring that priorities and student success factors are considered. These actions support the Educational Master Plan and Strategic Plan. Membership # 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 𝛴 =11 Designation IT or IS Director Faculty Instructional Technologist Representative from DE Planning Committee Student Managers (1 from Student Services) Network Administrator Web Analyst Senior Programmer Analyst Chair Chair Appointment Ex. Officio Senate Ex. Officio DE Planning Committee ASCR Management Council Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Ex. Officio Terms Appointments are for a minimum of two years. Related ACCJC Standards Standard III: C.91, C.92, C.93, C.95 College of the Redwoods Page 20 Agenda Item 3 PROGRAM REVIEW COMMITTEE Purpose College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee (PRC) ensures quality program planning and assessment across all instructional and service areas of the college. The committee examines programs on an annual and comprehensive basis, which provides a strong foundation on which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies and documents quality improvement planning and goals; and provides direction in the prioritization of resource and support requests. Each year, the PRC completes an executive summary highlighting assessment, success, adherence to accreditation standards and to reports to the board and district. Committee History The Program Review Committee was formed in response to an accreditation recommendation, and has taken the lead in revising and improving district program evaluation in accord with accreditation standards, and tying program review to resource allocations. The committee offers recommendations to improvements of the program review process. The committee also completes an annual self-evaluation, and makes improvements based on this self-assessment, feedback from program review authors, and any changes to the program review process. Typical Tasks The PRC is responsible for the following: The sequence, notification and evaluation of Comprehensive and Annual program review documents The format for evaluating program review documents, which should include evaluation and justification of: 1) program/unit goals and purpose 2) recommendations and planning for program improvement 5) course/discipline/program PLOs/SLOs and assessment, (6) student achievement data, and (7) actions taken since last program review 6) The identification and provision of appropriate institutional research data and support for the programs and units being reviewed 7) The calendar of program review committee activities 8) Forwarding program review subcommittee summaries and executive summaries 9) Forwarding appropriate requests submitted through program review to the Integrated Planning Functional Committee’s 10) Providing feedback to the Assessment Committee related to the assessment summaries provided in program reviews 11) In support of AP 4021, PRC will forward at risk instructional programs, to provide feedback to CIO and academic Senate on program revitalization and discontinuance. 12) PRC will forward to the appropriate Vice President any service area programs identified with performance concerns. 13) Review program areas and determine which areas will be evaluated (academic). r10/10/14 Agenda Item 3 Committee Membership Terms of Service The Program Review Committee (PRC) is a cross sectional representation of employee groups and student representation (if identified) that makes recommendations about the content of annual and comprehensive program review documents as well as disseminates data to various integrated planning committees. The PRC is led by two Co‐Chairs-the Vice President of Student Services and the Vice President of Instruction or their designees. PRC membership consists of faculty, staff and students, for two‐year alternating appointments, to provide continuity and ongoing history for the Committee. Each member has the responsibility to attend all meeting and adhere to committee’s rules. Members with 3 absences in a semester may be replaced by the appropriate constituent group. Members are responsible to disseminate committee information to their respective constituents. Constituency Membership: At least 2 administrators/managers representing Instruction and Student Development At least 6 faculty representing different areas (e.g. MS & BS, CTE, Athletics/PE/Health Occupations, Counseling, Arts & Humanities, Del Norte) 1 IR Director 1 Classified representative 1 Assessment Coordinator (position can serve as faculty representation as well ) 1 student representative appointed by ASCR (Co-chairs are appointed from member representation) r10/10/14 College of the Redwoods Instructional Committee Evaluation Rubric Agenda Item 4.2a. Mission Exemplary Aligns with the mission of the college; Satisfactory Aligns with the mission of the college; Identifies the program’s impact on the college; Scope and reach is present but limited; Developing Fails to align with the mission of the college; Identifies functions of the program but not the greater Clear and concise purpose Insightful commentary regarding Sufficient explanation regarding district Analysis was absent, although factors that may have contributed to the comparison/trend; required based on instructions data outcomes; (e.g., comparison to district) No comment was required based on the Analysis lends itself to potential action instructions; plans for improvement; Possible factors impacting the program were discussed, but it is unclear how they motivate planning actions Student equity group differences were Equity group differences within the Equity data indicated large clearly identified; program were identified; differences across equity groups, but differences were not Potential factors leading to student Differences compared to the district indicated; equity differences were discussed; were identified; Analysis was absent Potential actions for improving student Analysis was limited or absent equity was discussed; Program improvements evaluated by Enough assessment activity has taken The amount of assessment reflecting on a significant amount of place such that the program can reflect activity was inaccurately assessment activity that has taken on what it has learned; reported; place; Assessment findings are loosely linked Assessment findings are not Assessment findings are directly linked to program changes; linked to program changes; to specific program changes; Future evaluation of assessment driven Insufficient assessment activity Program changes based on assessment changes is provided completed for the program to findings were evaluated for reflect on assessment-based improvement (loop closed). changes Clear and concise Data Analysis – General Data Analysis – Student Equity Groups Assessment 1 r10/24/14 College of the Redwoods Instructional Committee Evaluation Rubric Agenda Item 4.2a. Evaluation of Past Plans Program Plans & Resource Requests Exemplary Past actions were carried out and evaluated, and their impact is clearly described Satisfactory Current status of actions taken is clear; Impact of action has not been evaluated, but evaluation plan is included; Developing Actions taken do not reflect actions from past year; Current action status is unclear; Planning actions directly link to stated institutional planning actions; Clear explanation as to why the action was not completed Planning actions are loosely related to institutional planning actions; The impact of the action was not evaluated, and there is no plan for evaluation in the future Institutional plans are not linked to program planning actions; Actions are clearly based on assessment findings; Planning numbers are listed but action items are not stated; Planning actions are not tied to assessment results; Actions lead to impacts that can be measured; Unclear how expected impact will be measured; Resource requests are not tied to specific planning action Every resource request has a Evaluation of the action is discussed, corresponding action linked to a plan or but unclear if it has been incorporated assessment results into assessment plan; Every resource request has a corresponding action linked to a plan or assessment results 2 r10/24/14 College of the Redwoods PRC Student Development Rubric Agenda Item 4.2b. (r10/24/14) Program Information/ Mission Exemplary Satisfactory Developing Program mission aligns with the mission of the college; Program mission aligns with the mission of the college; Program mission fails to align with the mission of the college; Function identifies the program’s impact on the college; Scope and reach of function is present but impact on the college is uncertain Identifies functions of the program but not the greater purpose Clear and concise Clear and concise Data Analysis Assessment Data is complete and insightful commentary was given regarding factors that may have contributed to data changes; Data is complete and some comparative comments regarding data changes were present; Factors impacting student achievement and learning were described in detail Factors impacting student achievement and learning were clearly stated Student equity outcomes or initiatives were addressed Student equity was discussed briefly Student equity was not discussed A significant amount of assessment activity has taken place which includes student and program learning outcomes; Enough assessment activity has taken place such that the program can reflect on what it has learned; Insufficient assessment activity completed for the program to reflect on assessment-based changes Assessment findings are directly linked to specific program changes Assessment findings are loosely linked to program changes Assessment findings are not linked to program changes Assessment explanations are clear Assessment explanations are not clear Assessment explanations are thorough and detailed Some data may be missing or is unclear Comparative analysis was absent or sparse regarding data changes and/or factors impacting student achievement and learning 1 College of the Redwoods PRC Student Development Rubric Agenda Item 4.2b. (r10/24/14) Evaluation of Previous Plans Exemplary Past actions were carried out and evaluated, and their impact is clearly described with relevant data Satisfactory Current status of actions taken is clear; Developing Actions taken do not reflect actions from past year; Impact of actions are clear with some relevant data described; Current action status is unclear; The impact of the actions was not evaluated with relevant data, and there is no plan for evaluation in the future An action may not have occurred but there is a clear explanation as to why the action was not completed Program Plans & Resource Requests Planning actions directly link to stated institutional planning actions; Actions are clearly based on assessment findings; Actions clearly show the expected impact on program/student learning and can be measured; Every resource request has a corresponding action linked to a plan or assessment result Planning actions are loosely related to institutional planning actions; Planning actions are mainly based on assessment findings; Institutional plans are not linked to program planning actions; Planning actions are not tied to assessment results; The impact of actions on It is somewhat unclear how actions program/student learning is not will impact program/student discussed adequately; learning or how they will be measured; Resource requests are not tied to a specific plan or assessment result Every resource request has a corresponding action linked to a plan or assessment result 2 College of the Redwoods PRC Administrative Services Rubric r11/14/14 Mission Assessment Exemplary Aligns with the mission of the college; Satisfactory Aligns with the mission of the college; Developing Fails to align with the mission of the college; Identifies the program’s impact on the college; Scope and reach is present but limited; Identifies functions of the program but not the greater purpose Clear and concise Administrative area outcomes are clear and concise; Clear and concise Administrative area outcomes are clear and concise; An assessment plan was carried out and results are clearly presented; An assessment plan is described, but not fully carried out; and/or indicators may not lead to actionable results An assessment plan was absent, or was difficult to understand in terms of clarity or usefulness; Planned improvements are described, but only loosely linked to assessment results. Assessment results were absent or were not related to the administrative area outcomes; Current status of actions taken is clear; Improvements are absent, or are unrelated to assessment efforts. Actions taken do not reflect actions from past year; Assessment results led to meaningful improvements that are included in the planning section. Evaluation of Past Plans Past actions were carried out and evaluated, and their impact is clearly described An action may not have occurred but there is a clear explanation as to why the action was not completed. Administrate area outcomes are not present, lack clarity, or the ability to be evaluated; Evaluation plan is included, but impact of the action is unclear The impact of the action was not evaluated, and there is no plan for evaluation in the future Program Plans & Resource Requests Planning actions directly link to stated institutional planning actions; Planning actions are loosely related to institutional planning actions; Actions are clearly based on assessment findings; Planning numbers are listed but action items are not stated; Actions lead to impacts that can be measured; Unclear how expected impact will be measured; Every resource request has a corresponding action linked to a plan or assessment results Evaluation of the action is discussed, but unclear if it has been incorporated into assessment plan; Exemplary Every resource request has a corresponding action linked to a plan or assessment results Satisfactory Institutional plans are not linked to program planning actions; Planning actions are not tied to assessment results; Resource requests are not tied to specific planning action Developing 2014-15 through 2016-2017 Annual and Comprehensive Program Review Calendar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Instruction Program Reviews Addiction Studies Administration of Justice/Basic Academy Agriculture Auto Tech Behavioral, Social Science Biology, Environmental Science Business/Econ Business/Technology CIS Construction Technology Dental Assisting Digital Media Drafting Technology Early Childhood Education (ECE) English, Reading Fine Arts Fine Woodworking First Year Experience (FYE) Forestry/Natural Resources (FNR) GE, Guidance Health, PE, Athletics History/PolySci?? Humanities, Communications LVN Manufacturing Technology Math Non-Credit/Adult Education Physical Science Paramedic Restaurant Hospitality Managament…. RN Welding Technology 2014-15 C A C C C A A A A A C A A A C A A A C 2015-16 A A A A A C C A A C A A C C A C C A A 2016-17 A C A A A A A C C A A C A A A A A C A C A A A A C A A C C A A A A C A A C A A C A C A A A C A A C A C A Comprehensive ComprehensiveComprehensive Annual Annual Annual Notes Student Development Areas Advising/Counseling ASC Athletics Child Development Ctr DSPS Enrollment Services (Admissions, Financial Aid, Veterans) Library Residential Life Special Programs (EOPS/CARE/CalWorks) Upward Bound Office of VP of Instruction and Student Development VPISD Summary Administrative Services Areas Business Office Community & Economic Development Maintenance Payroll Safety/Security VP- Administrative Service Area Presidents Area Human Resources IT/TSS Institutional Research Marketing & Publications President's Office Other Area Distance Ed - Baseline Tentative: Two years annual baseline; third year comprehensive . 2014-15 Program Review Committee Detailed Calendar: Date 9/25/15 Task/Grouping Review of calendars, membership, rubrics, etc. Member Committee 10/9/15 TBD Committee 10/23/15 TBD 11/13/15 Student Development Reviews: Advising & Counseling ASC Athletics Child Development Center DSPS Enrollment Services (Admissions, Fin, Aid, Vets) Library Residential Life Special Programs (EOPS/CARE) Upward Bound Office of VPISD/VPISD (11) Administrative Reviews: Business Office Community & Economic Development Maintenance Payroll Public Safety VP-Administrative Service (6) 12/11/15 1/22/16 President’s Area Reviews: Human Resources IT/TSS Institutional Research Marketing & Publications President’s Office Annual Instructional Reviews: Addiction Studies Administration of Justice Agriculture Auto Tech Behavioral & Social Sciences Business Tech CIS Digital Media Dental Assisting English Committee Data Assessment Planning: Data: Assessment: Planning: (5) Data: Assessment: Planning: (10) 2014-15 Program Review Committee Detailed Calendar: Date 2/26/15 Task/Grouping Annual Instructional Reviews (cont’d): First Year Experience Forestry/Natural Resources Health, PE Humanities LVN Manufacturing Technology Math Non-credit/adult education Physical Science Restaurant Hospitality Management Member Data: Assessment: Planning: (10) 3/11/15 Baseline Reviews: Distance Education – Baseline (Service Area Planning: Review) Data: (1) 3/25/15 2015-16 Comprehensive Reviews: Biology/Environmental Science Business/Econ Construction Technology Drafting Tech 2015-16 Comprehensive Reviews (cont’d): ECE Fine Arts Fine Woodworking Paramedic RN Welding Technology Assessment: Planning: (4) Data: Assessment: (6) 4/8/15 4/22/15 . Finalize any late/missing reviews Wrap up current PRC Processes Begin Executive Summary Discussion PRC membership requirements updates for Senate and CSEA Continue Executive Summary Discuss Template Revisions Discuss Process Revisions Executive Summary Completed, Approved Discuss Matrix Items for posting Program Template Revision Consensus Planning: Standard I: Mission, Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness, and Integrity B. Assuring Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness: Instit Responsible Cabinet Member and Responsible Employees and Reponsible Committees/ Groups 5. The institution assesses accomplishment of its mission through program review and evaluation of goals and objectives, student learning outcomes, and student achievement. Quantitative and qualitative data are disaggregated for analysis by program type and mode of delivery. Angelina Hill Kathy Smith, Keith Snow‐ Flamer, Lee Lindsey, Ahn Fielding IEC, PRC 6. The institution disaggregates and analyzes learning outcomes and achievement for subpopulations of students. When the institution identifies performance gaps, it implements strategies, which may include allocation or reallocation of human, fiscal and other resources, to mitigate those gaps and evaluates the efficacy of those strategies. Angelina Hill Kathy Smith, Keith Snow‐ Flamer, Lee Lindsey, Ahn Fielding IEC, PRC, Student Equity Committee, BPC 9. The institution engages in continuous, broad based, systematic evaluation and planning. The institution integrates program review, planning, and resource allocation into a comprehensive process that leads to accomplishment of its mission and improvement of institutional effectiveness and academic quality. Institutional planning addresses short‐ and long‐range needs for educational programs and services and for human, physical, technology, and financial resources. (ER 19) Angelina Hill Keith Snow‐Flamer, Lee Lindsey IEC, Integrated Planning Committees Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Support Services A. Instructional Programs Responsible Cabinet Member The institution regularly evaluates and improves the quality and currency of all instructional programs offered in the name of the institution, including collegiate, pre‐collegiate, career‐ technical, and continuing and community education courses 16. and programs, regardless of delivery mode or location. The institution systematically strives to improve programs and courses to enhance learning outcomes and achievement for students. Keith Snow‐Flamer and Responsible Employees Tracey Thomas, Erin Wall, Joe Hash, Marla Gleave, Sheila Hall, Trish Blair, Ron Waters, Alison Stull, Julia Peterson, Mark Renner, Angelina Hill and Reponsible Committees/ Groups Program Review Committee, Assessment Committee, Student Development Assessemnt Group, Distance Ed