College of the Redwoods Flex Program General Information:

College of the Redwoods
Flex Program General Information:
College of the Redwoods encourages all faculty members, both full-time and associate, to commit to
lifelong learning. Part of how we reach this goal is through our participation in the “Flexible Calendar
Program.” California educational code has defined the semester as 17.5 weeks. In order to allow time for
professional growth, the Chancellor’s office allows a compressed calendar (a reduced number of
instructional days for an academic year). Faculty members, therefore, have an obligation and are
responsible for the development of his/her individual plan for professional and/or personal growth for the
purpose of instructional improvement.
As part of the participation in the flex program, each year College of the Redwoods is required to submit
professional growth goals to the Chancellor’s office. Based on these district-wide goals, the college
provides workshops, seminars, conferences, teleconferences, and other activities, in addition to
professional development activities faculty may attend on their own. The professional growth obligation
for full-time faculty is 35 hours per year, and for associate faculty, 45 minutes per contract TLU.
This process also requires submission of individual professional development goals, followed by activities
that support these goals. Goals should be related to the college’s mission. A new form has been prepared
that requires you to submit your goals in the first two weeks of the semester, and submit supporting
activities at the end of the regular academic semester/year.
Associate Faculty are required to submit their flex forms each semester to Connie Carlson, the Associate
Faculty coordinator. The goals are due by September 20; the supporting activities (including the
previously submitted goals) are due by December 15. Email to Be sure
to note on your forms if you are associate or full-time faculty.
Full-time faculty goals are due by September 20; and the supporting activities (including the previously
submitted goals) are due by May 15. Email to Be sure to note on your
forms if you are associate or full-time faculty.
As the program undergoes changes and improvements, you will be notified where to obtain updated
information. Other information:
 The Flex Calendar Program consists of faculty development activities “in-lieu-of” regular
 Flex activities can be, but are not limited to:
◦ Training programs,
◦ Group retreats,
◦ Field experiences, and
◦ Workshops in activities such as
 Course and program development and revision,
 Staff development activities,
Development of new instructional materials, and
Other instruction-related activities
 The flexible calendar program allows faculty (full-time, part-time, instructional and noninstructional) the time to work individually or with groups to achieve improvement in three distinct
◦ Staff improvement
◦ Student improvement
◦ Instructional improvement
 Professional development activities intended for instructional improvement can be delivered in
many formats including:
◦ in-service training
◦ workshops
◦ conferences
◦ seminars
◦ individual or small group planned projects
◦ institutionally planned activities
 Each faculty member is responsible for the development of his or her individual plan for
professional and/or personal growth for the purpose of instructional improvement (title 5, section
◦ This individual plan may encompass any combination of individually designed activities,
institutionally planned workshops, conferences, and/or academic courses.
◦ These activities must be appropriate within the regulations that govern the flexible calendar
program (title 5, section 55724 (a) (4) (A through G)).
 The plan should include;
◦ Measurable objective(s) that the faculty member anticipates accomplishing during the time
◦ A statement that relates the objectives to the intent of the flexible calendar program (staff,
student, and/or instructional improvement).
◦ A list of activities to carry out the stated objectives.
◦ The number of flexible calendar program hours needed to complete individual activities.
◦ The approval of individual faculty plans should be accomplished by a peer review process
as determined by each college through its shared governance process.
Again, please feel free to contact, 707-476-4109, or, 707-476-4342, if you have any questions.