College of the Redwoods Flex Advisory Committee 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. VPI Conference Room (AD203G) Thursday, October 6, 2011 Meeting Notes Present: Roxanne Metz, Mark Winter, Mike Richards, Teresa Daigneault (for Ahn Fielding), Sally Frazier, Steve Brown, Geisce Ly, Anita Janis, Crislyn Parker - notes I. Review/Approve Flex Advisory Committee Mission/Scope/Membership o After some discussion as to the meaning of “staff, student, and instructional,” (the language was taken directly from the Flex Guidelines and refers to areas of improvement, not groups of people), it was agreed to approve the Mission as revised: include “faculty activities for...(see below)” o It was agreed approve the Mission as revised: removing the word “peer (see below)” PROPOSED Mission: In support of the college’s mission, the Flex Advisory Committee makes recommendations regarding “faculty activities for” staff, student, and instructional improvement activities in accordance with Title 5, Section 55730. PROPOSED Scope: To fulfill its mission the CR Flex Advisory Committee will monitor and provide feedback to the flex calendar coordinator and college administration regarding the ongoing responsibilities of districts set forth in Title 5, Section 55730. This may include monitoring compliance with flex requirements, monitoring flex activity planning, ensuring peer review of flex agreements, and providing advice and feedback regarding processes. After discussion, it was agreed this committee is not an enforcing committee, but strictly to review, inform and advise. Enforcement will be the responsibility of the Vice President of Instruction and Deans. The Flex Advisory committee will review flex goals and activities to inform future activities and advise the college on typical barriers top completing goals. o It was discussed and agreed membership will be composed of the following: Chair: Flex Calendar Coordinator (staff or faculty, to be appointed by the VPI with Academic Senate approval) 2 Deans (to be appointed by the VPI) 3 faculty (appointed by the Academic Senate) Faculty designee from the Assessment Committee Associate Faculty Coordinator 1 classified staff (appointed by CSEA), or confidential staff member 1 student (appointed by ASCR) Director of HR II. Review of goals submitted to date a. Number/percentage received for full and part-time faculty Full-time faculty: 60 out of approximately 85 Associate Faculty: 137 out of approximately 250 b. Develop proposed peer review process as discussed previously, it will be a review process by the flex advisory committee each committee member will review the submitted goals and note types of activities that seem out of compliance with the requirements established by the chancellor’s office, for future clarification to the district members will note themes in goals to inform flex planning activities upon review of completed goals and activities, members will note common barriers preventing completion of goals there will be no physical sign-off of goals and activities; strictly review to inform planning one focus of the committee this year will be improvement of the process c. Compliance as was discussed, compliance will be the responsibility of the VPI and Deans. Meeting notes will be forwarded for this purpose a suggestion was made to altered the language in associate faculty contracts slightly to include flex requirements. This is a CRFO issue the Flex Advisory committee will advise planning and certification to the chancellor’s office annually (as required, submitting annual flex plans) III. Next Steps o It was noted that Fullerton required all flex goals/activity plans be submitted in March to inform the certification document which must be sent to the Chancellor’s office in June o Future topics will include: Review of completed activities; time frames; processes including form revision; required hours of activities o next meeting is set for November 3, 1:30 to 2:30pm pending changes IV. Meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm