Board Policy
BP 3516
The President/Superintendent is authorized to enact procedures as appropriate and permitted by
law regarding District students, employees, and others who are required to register under the
California Sex Offender Registration Act.
Reference: 20 USC § 1092(f)(1)(I); 20 USC § 1232g(b)(7)(A); 34 CFR § 668.46; Penal Code §§
290, 290.01, 290.95
Administrative Procedure
AP 3516
The District shall include in its Annual Security Report a statement advising the campus
community where information pertaining to registered sex offenders may be obtained.
Persons who are required to register under the California Sex Offender Registration Act must
register with the police in the jurisdiction in which they reside and additionally when they are
enrolled as District students or when they work as District employees, contractors, or volunteers
for more than fourteen (14) days, or for an aggregate period exceeding thirty (30) days in a
calendar year. Such persons must register with the law enforcement agency responsible for their
specific jurisdiction (listed below) within five working days of commencing enrollment or
employment with the District. Registrants are also required to notify the responsible law
enforcement agency within five working days of ceasing to be enrolled or employed, or ceasing
to volunteer or act as a contractor with the District.
A sex offender who applies to be an employee or volunteer in the District must disclose his/her
status as a registrant upon his/her application for the position if he/she would be:
1. Working directly and in an unaccompanied setting with minor children on more than an
incidental and occasional basis or have supervision or disciplinary power over minor
children or
2. Working directly and in an accompanied setting with minor children and his/her work
would require touching minor children on more than an incidental basis.
No sex offender who must register for committing a crime against a minor victim under the age
of 16 may serve in the District as an employee, contractor, or volunteer in any capacity in which
the sex offender would be working directly and in an unaccompanied setting with minor children
on more than an incidental and occasional basis or involving having supervision or disciplinary
power over minor children.
Sex offenders who attend classes at the following campuses must register at the locations noted:
Eureka Campus – Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, 826 4th Street, Eureka (707)
Klamath-Trinity Instructional Site – Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, 826 4th
Street, Eureka (707) 445-7251
Eureka Downtown Campus – Eureka Police Department, 604 C Street, Eureka (707)
Del Norte Campus – Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office, 650 5th St, Crescent City,
CA 95531, (707) 464-4191
Mendocino Coast Campus – Fort Bragg Police Department, 250 Cypress St, Fort
Bragg, CA 95437, (707) 961-2800
People who are required to register under the California Sex Offender Registration
Act who attend classes at any other location must register at the local law
enforcement agency office having jurisdiction over that location.
The District will include in its contractor materials a requirement that contractors will expressly
notify any of their employees who will work on campus for more than fourteen (14) days, or for
an aggregate period exceeding thirty (30) days in a calendar year, of the additional obligation to
register with the law enforcement agency responsible for their specific jurisdiction (listed above)
within five working days of commencing employment with the contractor at the College. Should
any contract with the District permit a contractor or the contractor’s employees or volunteers to
be present in an unaccompanied setting with minor children, the contractor shall disclose to the
District whether any of its employees or volunteers are required to register under the California
Sex Offender Registration Act as part of its application materials.
Information concerning registered sex offenders can be obtained from the law enforcement
agency having jurisdiction (see list above). Public information regarding registered sex
offenders in California may be obtained through the California Department of Justice’s Megan’s
Law website at
Nothing herein affects the restrictions described in Education Code, sections 87405 and 88022
which prohibit District employment of persons who have been convicted of certain sex offenses.
Reference: Education Code §§ 87405, 88022; 20 USC § 1092(f)(1)(I); 20 USC §
1232g(b)(7)(A); 34 CFR § 668.46; Penal Code §§ 290, 290.01, 290.95