REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT College Council 2:30 p.m. – Board Room – Monday April 29, 2013 AGENDA 1. Minutes Dated 3/28/2013 (Page 3) NEW BUSINESS 1. BP and AP 2510 Participation in Local Decision Making (Page 6) Review policy and procedure changes 2. AP 2511 College Council and Exhibit No. 2511 College Council Operating Procedures (Page 11) Review procedure sunset recommendation and changes to exhibit 3. AP 2512 Financial Advisory Committee (Page 15) Review sunset recommendation 4. BP and AP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures (Page 16) Review policy and procedure changes 5. BP and AP 5030 Fees (Page 19) Review policy and procedure changes 6. BP 3420 Equal Employment Opportunity (Page 27) Review draft procedure 7. BP and AP 7100 Commitment to Diversity (Page 28) Review draft policy and procedure OLD BUSINESS: 1. BP and AP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures (Page 30) Review constituent feedback 2. BP and AP 6320 Investments (Page 32) Review constituent feedback 3. BP and AP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages (Page 34) Review proposed policy and procedure changes (has not yet been sent out for constituent review) Policy and Procedure Tracking Number Title BP 7130 Compensation BP 7140 Collective Bargaining BP 7350 BP 7111 BP 7113 BP 2361 AP 4102 AP 2512 AP 3435 BP/AP 3430 AP3410 AP 2715 Status Council requested language clarification Council requested clarification from Legal regarding intent of the policy Resignation of Employees Human Resources seeking consideration and input from CRFO Job Description Postponed to bring back as a packet Definition of Accredited Institution Human Resources reviewing comparable policies at other colleges. District Publications and Releases Postponed. Council requests more information. Occupational/Vocational Postponed. Requires additional language Technical Programs Budget Planning Committee Subcommittee to bring back as part of packet Discrimination and Harassment Ahn to forward to College Council draft Investigations following Chancellor's office guidelines Prohibition of Harassment Will be reconsidered by Council when AP 3435 is presented Nondiscrimination Council request review of best practices Board Protocols for Effective Procedure for adoption of Board Procedures Trusteeship needs to be established 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 3 College Council Minutes March 28, 2013 Page 1 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Minutes of the College Council Meeting 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA, Board Room Thursday, March 28, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Brown, Mike Richards, John Johnston, Michelle Blecher (phone), Kavy Vang (phone), Steve Sandeen, Kathy Smith, Lee Lindsey, Keith Snow-Flamer, Ahn Fielding, Cheryl Tucker MEMBERS ABSENT Jose Ramirez, Richard Ries, Mark Renner, Utpal Goswami, Melissa Ruiz CALL TO ORDER Kathy Smith called the meeting to order at 2:08 p.m. MINUTES DATED 2/28/2013 A motion was made by Bob Brown and seconded by Mike Richards to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken and council unanimously approved the minutes as presented. NEW BUSINESS BP AND AP 6150 DESIGNATION OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES AP 6150 contains changes to administrative titles. Council reviewed that Chief Business Officer and Chief Student Services Officer were the preferred titles as opposed to Vice President of Business Services and Vice President of Student Services. Council member suggested that language be added that clarifies the procedure for using a Cal Card. Motion made by Steve Sandeen and Seconded by Keith Snow-Flamer to send BP and AP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures out for a 30 day constituent review contingent upon the aforementioned changes as well as the addition of language clarifying the procedure for using a Cal Card. ACTION A vote was taken and council voted unanimously to send BP and AP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures out for a 30 day constituent review contingent upon the aforementioned changes as well as the addition of language clarifying the procedure for using a Cal Card. BP AND AP 6320 INVESTMENTS Council reviewed the revisions to the policy and procedure. Motion made by Bob Brown and seconded by Steve Sandeen to send BP and AP 6510 Designation of Authorized Signatures out for a 30 day constituent review. ACTION A vote was taken and council voted unanimously to send BP and AP 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 4 Minutes-College Council Page 2 of 3 March 28, 2013 6320 Investments out for a 30 day constituent review. AP 2411 INTERIM ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES Council reviewed current procedure. AP 4021 PROGRAM REVITALIZATION, SUSPENSION, AND/OR DISCONTINUATION ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE President Kathy Smith explained that this policy is a revised draft of the current AP 4021 Program Revitalization, Suspension, and/or Discontinuation Administrative Procedure and that the revision of this procedure is a high priority. President Smith then reviewed the steps within the procedure and asked the council members to review the procedure more closely after the meeting and send their feedback to her by the following Friday. This procedure isn’t ready to go out for review yet; President Smith just wanted some initial feedback from council members so the procedure could be revised before coming back to College Council officially. Discussion ensued regarding student involvement in the process. Council member suggested that this may not be the appropriate venue for student involvement since it can influence faculty positions. OLD BUSINESS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES RELATED TO CONTRACTS BP AND AP 6340 CONTRACTS Council reviewed policy and procedure, there were no comments. AP 6345 BIDS AND CONTRACTS UPCAA Council reviewed procedure, there were no comments. AP 6360 CONTRACTS – ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS Council reviewed procedure, there were no comments. AP 6365 ACCESSIBILITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Council reviewed procedure, there were no comments. 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 5 Minutes-College Council Page 3 of 3 March 28, 2013 AP 6370 CONTRACTS – PERSONAL SERVICE Council reviewed procedure. Discussion ensued regarding articulation workshops and whether or not they were covered under this procedure. Motion made by Mike Richards and seconded by John Johnston to send BP and AP 6340 Contracts, AP 6345 Bids and Contracts UPCAA, AP 6350 Contracts – Construction, AP 6360 Contracts – Electronic Systems and Materials, AP 6365 Accessibility of Information Technology, and AP 6370 Contracts – Personal Service to the Board for first read. ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP 6340 Contracts, AP 6345 Bids and Contracts UPCAA, AP 6350 Contracts – Construction, AP 6360 Contracts – Electronic Systems and Materials, AP 6365 Accessibility of Information Technology, and AP 6370 Contracts – Personal Service to the Board for a first reading. BP 2520 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ACADEMIC SENATE Council reviewed BP 2520 Responsibilities of the Academic Senate – there were no comments from constituent groups. Motion made by Mike Richards and Seconded by Cheryl Tucker to send BP 2520 Responsibilities of the Academic Senate to the Board for a first reading. ACTION A vote was taken and council voted unanimously to send BP 2520 Responsibilities of the Academic Senate to the Board for a first reading. ADJOURN President Kathy Smith adjourned the meeting at 3:08 pm 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 6 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Policy BP 2510 PARTICIPATION IN LOCAL DECISION MAKING The Board is the ultimate decision-maker in those areas assigned to it by state and federal laws and regulations. In executing that responsibility, the Board is committed to its obligation to ensure that appropriate members of the District participate in developing recommended policies for board action and administrative procedures for the President/Superintendent’s action under which the District is governed and administered. The Board charges the President/Superintendent with the responsibility for governance of the institution; in turn, the President/Superintendent creates a structure and a systematic process for decision making which allow for the effective participation of faculty, staff, and students. The college participatory governance structure is charged with making recommendations on issues affecting the institution through committees to the President/Superintendent, or in specified areas, to the Academic Senate. Each of the following shall participate as required by law in the decision-making processes of the district: Academic Senate (Title 5, Sections 53200-53206.), Education Code Section 70902 (7), (14). The Board or its designees will consult collegially with the Academic Senate, as duly constituted with respect to academic and professional matters, as defined by law. Procedures to implement this section are developed collegially with the Academic Senate. Staff (Title 5, Section 51023.5.) , Education Code Section 70902 (7), (14). Staff shall be provided with opportunities to participate in the formulation and development of district policies and procedures that have a significant effect on staff. The opinions and recommendations of the College Council, Administrative Team, and Combined Cabinet will be given every reasonable consideration. Students (Title 5, Section 51023.7.), Education Code Section 70902 (7), (14). The Associated Students shall be given an opportunity to participate effectively in the formulation and development of district policies and procedures that have a significant effect on students, as defined by law. The recommendations and positions of the Associated Students will be given every reasonable consideration. The selection of student representatives to serve on district committees or task forces shall be made after consultation with the Associated Students. Except for unforeseeable emergency situations, the Board shall not take any action on matters subject to this policy until the appropriate constituent group or groups have been provided the opportunity to participate. Nothing in this policy will be construed to interfere with the formation or administration of employee organizations or with the exercise of rights guaranteed under the Educational Employment Relations Act, Government Code Sections 3540, et seq. 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 7 See Administrative Procedure AP 2510. 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 8 Reference: Education Code Section 70902(b)(7) (14); Title 5, Sections 53200 et seq., (Academic Senate), 51023.5 (staff), 51023.7 (students); Accreditation Standard IV.A Adopted by Board of Trustees: 9/11/05 Amended: 10/2/2012 Former Bylaw #002: “Authority and Powers,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 8/15/77 Amended: 1/11/93 Former Policy #202: “Governance and Decision Making,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 8/15/77 Amended: 6/6/94, 11/7/94 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 9 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 2510 PARTICIPATION IN LOCAL DECISION MAKING The following principles will guide the implementation of the college governance structure and its decision making process: 1. The Board of Trustees has final responsibility and authority for college policies and procedures, and any individual may address the Board regarding them. 2. The Board charges the President/Superintendent with the responsibility for governance of the institution; in turn, the President/Superintendent creates a structure and a systematic process for decision making which allow for the effective participation of faculty, staff, and students. 3. The college governance structure is charged with making recommendations through committees to the President/Superintendent, or in specified areas, to the Academic Senate, on issues affecting the institution. 4. The College recognizes the Academic Senate's primary responsibility in making recommendations in specified areas related to academic and professional matters. An Academic Senate Co President faculty advisory seat on the Board of Trustees shall be established and be present at all Board of Trustees meetings. The President of the Academic Senate shall fill said position. 5. The College recognizes the role of collective bargaining, of the Classified Staff and of the Associated Student Body in certain aspects of policy development and implementation. 6. The knowledge and experience of committee members and the interrelationship of all committees gives the governance structure pre-eminence in the decision making process. 7. Broad participation from all segments of the college is encouraged and expected in the governance structure. 8. Each committee should annually review and evaluate the continuing need for its operation and make recommendations for any necessary changes in the governance structure. 9. Each constituency represented on a committee appoints its own representatives, taking into account not only the needs of the constituency but also the broader needs of the institution. 10. The responsibility of participants in decision making recommendations includes articulating the concerns of their constituents and, in turn, reporting to them on the progress of issues. 11. The college community as a whole should understand the participatory governance process and how to participate in it through constituency representation. 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 10 12. Governance is facilitated by extensive communication, timely and appropriate notice of meetings, public deliberation, full campus participation, and published records. Reference: Education Code Section 70902(b)(7); Title 5, Sections 53200 et seq; 51023.5; 51023.7; Accreditation Standard IV.A.2, IV.A.5 Approved: 9/11/05 Former Administrative Regulation #202.02: “Principles of Governance,” Approved 6/6/94 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 11 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 2511 COLLEGE COUNCIL The Scope of the College Council Committee: The Redwoods Community College District is committed to the creation of participatory governance structures which are efficient, effective, and which allow for broad participation in the decision-making process. The District seeks to build understanding and trust among various groups in the College through open collaboration and shared responsibility. The College Council is the apex district-wide constituent based collegial consultation body that includes representatives from all of the District’s constituent groups. College Council helps ensure that policies and procedures are developed and revised following the collegial consultation process and all relevant constituent input is given due consideration. College Council receives drafts of policy and procedure from the appropriate constituents, reviews and suggests revisions when appropriate, and either sends these documents back to the constituent group that wrote it for any necessary revision or can, if deemed appropriate, create an ad hoc committee (or a subcommittee) for revisions to drafts or resolution of competing drafts. College Council shall seek all constituents’ input on the proposed board policy (BP) and/or administrative procedure (AP) before making a final recommendation by majority vote. Final recommendations by the College Council are sent to the President/Superintendent. The President/Superintendent is responsible for taking revisions and new policies and procedures to the Board of Trustees for approval (BPs) or for informational purposes (APs). Members convey information from the Council to their constituent groups and from their groups to the Council. Members represent their constituents’ views to the College President who serves as Council Chair. The Council serves to advise the College President before implementation of the recommendations. The College Council may develop and adopt operating procedures to ensure efficient, effective and timely decision-making. Though they are not part of AP 2511, the current operating procedures of the College Council will be attached to AP 2511 so that the information is readily available to all. College Council Membership: Constituent Representation on the College Council is as follows: Academic Senate (2) College of the Redwoods Faculty Organization (CRFO) (1) California Schools Employee Association (CSEA) (2) Associated Students of College of the Redwoods (ASCR) (2) Del Norte (1) Mendocino (1) President/Superintendent (1) 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 12 Vice President of Administrative Services (1) Vice President of Instruction (1) Vice President of Student Development (1) Director of Human Resources (1) Managers’ Council (1) Klamath Trinity Instructional Site (Non-Voting) See BP 2510 Approved: 09/11/2005, Revised: 11/01/2011 Former Administrative Regulation #202.01: “Policy Development Committee,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 10/75, Amended: 8/77, 4/81, 9/85, 7/86, 11/89 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 13 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Exhibit No. AP 2511.A COLLEGE COUNCIL OPERATING PROCEDURES 1. College Council will meet semi-monthly regularly during the fall and spring semesters. One meeting per month shall be dedicated to policy and procedure revision and one meeting per month shall be dedicated to general business and communication. 2. College Council will conduct business only when there is a quorum of 50 percent +1 of its voting membership. 3. College Council will utilize Robert’s Rules in its meetings. 4. College Council requires that documents be distributed to College Council members at least one week prior to the College Council meeting in which those documents will be discussed. 5. When an item moves from discussion to action, a roll call vote must be afforded the membership, so the voting can be recorded. 6. College Council can accept proposed policy or procedure revisions from constituent groups. If the group has no purview over the issue, College Council may direct a different and more appropriate constituency to draft the policy or procedure. 7. College Council may also appoint an ad hoc committee to draft policy or procedure when appropriate. 8. When a policy or procedure draft comes before College Council, the membership may suggest revisions, based upon the draft itself, the League for California Community Colleges templates (available upon their website), state law, education code, or any other relevant statutes. Also, College Council strongly encourages constituents to use a “best practices” approach by looking at what other Community Colleges are doing statewide. If major revisions are suggested, College Council will may send the policy or procedure back to the constituent group that wrote the document for further revision. 9. Once College Council is satisfied with a policy or procedure draft, the document will be sent out to all constituents for 90 days for comment. College Council may extend or shorten will determine the length of the review period after considering the complexity and impact of the proposed revision. 10. After all constituent groups have provided feedback College Council may make further revisions to the document. If revisions are substantive council may choose to send the policy out for a second constituent review, or it may vote to recommend the policy or procedure and move it to the President/Superintendent for approval. 11. Once the policy or procedure has been recommended for approval, it moves on to the 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 14 President/Superintendent, who then brings it to the Board of Trustees for approval (BPs) or informational purposes (APs). Approved: 11/01/2011 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 15 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 2512 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) is a forum for the sharing of financial information and an opportunity for representatives of campus constituencies to make recommendations to the Vice President, Chief Business Officer, about budget development and other financial issues likely to have significant financial impact on the District. Important budget policy discussions are normally held with the Board three times a year: preliminary budget discussions begin in February, the Tentative Budget is discussed and adopted in May and June, and the Final Budget is discussed and adopted in August and September. A Budget Calendar will be developed that will provide guidance to committee members regarding timelines for meaningful input. 1. FAC members shall communicate with their constituencies prior to the time the committee makes recommendations to the Vice President. 2. The recommendation will be by a majority vote of the committee and will be advisory to the Vice President. 3. Committee members are to communicate FAC recommendations back to their constituents so that those groups will be informed and able to provide input to the College Council and the Board. Adopted by Board of Trustees: 9/11/05 Former Administrative Regulation #202.03: “Financial Advisory Committee,” Amended 10/18/96 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 16 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Policy BP 2410 BOARD POLICIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES The Board may adopt such policies as are authorized by law or determined by the Board to be necessary for the efficient operation of the District. Board policies are intended to be statements of intent by the Board on a specific issue within its subject matter jurisdiction. The policies have been written to be consistent with provisions of law, but do not encompass all laws relating to district activities. All district employees are expected to know of and observe all provisions of law pertinent to their job responsibilities. Policies of the Board may be adopted, revised, added to or amended at any regular board meeting by a majority vote. Proposed changes or additions shall be distributed through College Council so that all represented groups are given the opportunity to provide input. Administrative procedures related to Board authority and governance (sections 1000 and 2000) are to be issued by the Board of Trustees as statements of method to be used with implementing Board Policy. Such administrative procedures shall be consistent with the intent of Board Policy. Administrative procedures related to Board authority and governance may be revised as deemed necessary by the Board. Other administrative procedures are to be issued by the President/Superintendent as statements of method to be used in implementing Board Policy. Such administrative procedures shall be consistent with the intent of Board Policy. Administrative procedures may be revised as deemed necessary by the President/Superintendent and shall be presented to the Board as information. The Board reserves the right to direct revisions of the administrative procedures should they, in the Board’s judgment, be inconsistent with the Board’s own policies. Copies of all policies and administrative procedures shall be readily available to District employees through the President/Superintendent’s Office or the District web site. See Administrative Procedure AP 2410. Reference: Education Code Section 70902; Accreditation Standard IV.B.1.b & e Adopted by Board of Trustees: 9/11/05 Amended: 10/2/2012 Former Bylaw #003: “Functions,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 8/15/77 Amended: 11/18/85, 10/2/89, 1/11/93, 3/7/94, 12/2/96, 12/7/99 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 17 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 2410 BOARD POLICIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES All policies and administrative procedures are available to employees and the public through the President’s Office and the District web site. The Board shall consider the development and revision of be responsible for all policies and procedures related to board authority and governance (sections 1000 and 2000). The review and revision process for sections 1000 and 2000 may include the following steps: The President’s office will conduct initial research and prepare a policy/procedure review packet as necessary. An ad-hoc committee of the Board along with the President/Superintendent, will draft revisions to the policy/procedure. When necessary, the President/Superintendent will seek legal counsel and/or consult with Cabinet. As determined by the Board ad-hoc committee, the policy/procedure draft may be distributed to Board members for feedback. Feedback will be compiled by President’s Office staff and distributed to the appropriate Board ad-hoc committee for review and revision. The revised draft of the policy/procedure will be sent to College Council for review and distribution to constituent groups. After constituent review period, the policy/procedure will return to College Council where constituent feedback will be heard and forwarded to the appropriate ad-hoc committee of the Board. The Board ad-hoc committee will review feedback and revise the policy/procedure as deemed necessary. The policy/procedure will then be sent to the Board for first read. At a subsequent Board meeting, the Board will conduct a second reading and vote. If approved, the policy/procedure is then posted on the web and filed in the office of the President/Superintendent. Changes to other policies and administrative procedures (sections 3000-7000) may be recommended by the Academic Senate, Sr. Staff, classified staff, administration, The Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee, or Associated Students of College of the Redwoods. These policies and administrative procedures involving the operation of the college shall be normally presented to College Council so that all represented groups are allowed to provide input. The review and revision process for sections 3000-7000 may include the following steps: The President’s office will conduct initial research and ensure that the Community College League of California (CCLC) drafts were considered, if available. 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 18 When necessary, the President/Superintendent may seek legal counsel and/or consult with Cabinet. The revised copy of the policy or procedure will be sent to College Council for review and distribution to constituent groups. Council may choose to send the policy or procedure back to the author for revisions before it is sent out for constituent review. After the constituent review period has ended, the policy will return to College Council where constituent feedback will be heard. If there are substantive changes, the policy or procedure may be sent out for a second constituent review. If there are no substantive changes, the policy will be sent to the Board for a first read as written. At a subsequent Board meeting, the Board will conduct a second reading of the policy and vote. If approved, the policy/procedure is then posted on the web and filed in the office of the President/Superintendent. In accordance with District policies, College Council is composed of representatives of students, faculty, classified employees, and administration. Other employees with expertise in specific areas governed by a District policy may be consulted during the revision process. Interim Administrative Procedures: The President/Superintendent may modify or adopt administrative procedure on an interim basis for compelling legal, fiscal, or operational reasons without College Council approval. Interim administrative procedures will be identified in Board policies and administrative procedures as such (e.g. Interim Administrative Procedure on Utility Trenching). The President/Superintendent will notify the membership of College Council when an interim administrative procedure is adopted and will distribute the interim administrative procedure for constituent review. Within six months College Council will ratify, revise, or reject the interim administrative procedure. Reference: Education Code Section 70902; Accreditation Standard IV.B.1.b & e Former Administrative Procedure 2411 Interim Administrative Procedures Approved: September 11th, 2005 Revised: xx/xx/xx 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 19 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Policy BP 5030 FEES The Board authorizes the following fees. The President/Superintendent or his or her designee shall establish procedures for the collection, deposit, exemption, waiver, refund, and accounting for fees as required by law. The procedures shall also assure those who are exempt from or for whom the fee is waived are properly notified of applicable exemptions and/or waivers. Fee amounts shall be published in the college catalogs. Enrollment Fee (Education Code Section 76300): Each student shall be charged a fee for enrolling in credit courses unless exempted from the enrollment fee in accordance with state law. The Board authorizes the President/Superintendent to develop a process allowing for the deferral of full payment of enrollment fees pursuant to state regulation so long as full payment of enrollment fees is made by not later than the end of the term for which deferral is granted. Auditing Fee (Education Code Section 76370): Each student shall be charged a Board approved auditing fee. Students enrolled in classes to receive credit for ten or more semester units shall not be charged this fee to audit three or fewer units per semester. Health Fee (Education Code Section 76355): The President/Superintendent shall present to the board for approval, periodically as required, a fee to be charged to each student for student health services. Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization and students who are attending under an approved apprenticeship training program are exempt from the payment of any health services fee. Parking Fee (Education Code Section 76360): The District shall charge a fee to students who use District parking services. The fee shall be equal to the maximum amount allowable under state law. Low income students shall pay the allowable reduced amount. The President/Superintendent shall establish administrative procedures establishing allowable rates, including a reduced parking fee for students to encourage ridesharing and carpooling. Persons who are not students or employees may also be charged a fee for using parking services. The President/Superintendent shall establish administrative procedures that establish a reasonable daily rate for such parking. Instructional Materials Fee (Education Code Section 76365; Title 5, Sections 59400, et seq.): Students may be required to pay a fee as allowed by law for instructional and other materials for a credit or non-credit course, provided such materials are of continuing value to the student outside the classroom and provided that such materials are not solely or exclusively available from the District. The Board authorizes charging instructional and other material fees in accordance with applicable legal requirements for such fees. The President/Superintendent or his/her designee shall ensure that instructional materials fees are reviewed at appropriate 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 20 intervals and shall maintain a complete listing of instructional materials and instructional materials fees. Non-District Physical Education Facilities Fee (Education Code Section 76395): Where the District incurs additional expenses because a physical education course is required to use nonDistrict facilities, students enrolled in the course shall be charged a fee for participating in the course. Such fee shall not exceed the student’s calculated share of the additional expenses incurred by the District. Transcript Fee (Education Code Section 76223): The District shall charge a reasonable amount for furnishing copies of any student record to a student or former student. The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish the fee, which shall not exceed the actual cost of furnishing copies of any student record. No charge shall be made for furnishing up to two transcripts of students' records, or for two verifications of various records. There shall be no charge for searching for or retrieving any student record. An additional fee may be charged to students who request copies of their records on an expedited schedule or who request special documentation to verify attendance. International Students Application Processing Fee (Education Code Section 76142): The District shall charge students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country a fee to process his or her application for admission. This processing fee and regulations for determining economic hardship shall be established by the President/Superintendent. The fee shall not exceed the lesser of 1) the actual cost of processing an application and other documentation required by the U.S. government; or 2) one hundred dollars ($100), which shall be deducted from the tuition fee at the time of enrollment. No student who is exempt from the payment of nonresident tuition or who can demonstrate economic hardship shall be charged this fee. Athletic Insurance: Student Athletes may be required to pay a fee to cover the cost of insurance for participation in an athletic program. Testing Services Fee: Students and members of the public will be charged reasonable fees to cover the costs of administering certain types of tests done under the auspices of the Academic Support Center. Only fees that are expressly required or authorized by law or that represent charges for optional services may be charged. No fees may be charged for tests that are required for enrollment in a class or for tests or services paid for with state funds. Returned Check Fee: Students who pass a check that is returned to the District (or any District operation) will be charged the maximum service charges or other payments allowed by law. Subpoena Processing Fee: A fee will be charged to the requesting party to cover the reasonable cost of retrieving, processing and/or reproducing student and/or other records required to respond to subpoenas or related court and legal documents. The President/Superintendent or his or her designee shall establish the reasonable costs. 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 21 Lab and Learning Resource Center Copying Fees: The District will provide students with a number of free photocopies each term that shall be determined by the President or his or her designee. After that, students wishing to make additional photocopies in the college’s labs and in its Learning Resource Centers will be charged a per copy fee. Dormitory Fee (Education Code Section 81670): The District shall charge a reasonable fee to students wishing to live in the residence halls. The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish this fee. Child Care Fee [Education Code Section 79121(c)]: Education Code Sections 79020 et seq and 66060 authorize the operation of child development programs. Education code Sections 79121(c) and 8263(g) and (h) require fees for student families. The District will also charge student parents a fee for childcare services for their children when they voluntarily place them in programs that are not specifically established as child development programs under Sections 66060 and 79120 et seq. The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish those fees. Enrollment Fee, Community Service Course (Education Code Section 78300): An enrollment fee may be charged to each student enrolling in a community service course. The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish these fees, which are not to exceed the cost of maintaining such instruction. Capital Outlay Fee (Education Code Section 76141): The District may charge nonresident students a capital outlay fee which shall be the maximum amount authorized by law. The fee shall not exceed the amount expended for capital outlay in the previous fiscal year divided by the total full-time equivalent students for the same period. The fee shall not exceed 50 percent of the nonresident tuition fee established by the District. No student who can demonstrate economic hardship or that he/she is a victim of persecution or discrimination in the country in which the student is a citizen and resident shall be charged this fee. The President/Superintendent or his or her designee shall define “economic hardship” for purposes of this fee. Associated Student Fees (Education Code Sections 70902, 76060.5 and 76062): Student Representation Fee (Education Code Section 76060.5; Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 54801 et seq.): The Associated Students organization is authorized to hold an election for the purpose of establishing a student representation fee in the amount of $1 per semester to be charged of all students. Any election shall meet the requirements of state law. Students shall be advised that they may refuse to pay this fee for religious, political, financial, or moral reasons and shall submit such refusals in writing. Student Activity Fee (Education Code Sections 70902 and 76062): The Associated Students organization may charge a voluntary student activities fee. The fee shall be an optional fee for those students who wish to pay such a fee for the services or activities represented by such fee. The optional nature of the fee shall be clearly communicated to students. 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 22 Credit by Examination (Education Code Section 76300): Students taking examinations offered pursuant to Title 5, Section 55050, will pay the fee established by this education code section. Refund Processing Fee (Title 5 section 58508): The District will retain a processing fee for refunded enrollment fees in accordance with state law. Delinquent Collection Fee (Government Code 16583.1): The District may impose a reasonable fee, not to exceed the actual costs, to recover the collection costs on a past due account. Student Technology Fee (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook): The District may charge students an optional student technology fee to recover costs associated with the purchase of student lab technology, maintenance of such technology or other related costs only to the extent that state funds were not used to support those expenses. The optional nature of the fee shall be clearly communicated to students. Reference: Education Code Sections 76300 et seq; 70902 (a) and (b)(9); Title 5, Section 51012; Government Code 16583.1 Adopted by Board of Trustees: 12/06/2011 Former Board Policy No. 529 “Student Fees,” Adopted: April 5, 1984 Amended: July 18, 1984; August 20, 1984; September 12, 1994; February 5, 1996; June 7, 1999; March 5, 2002; October 1, 2002; June 3, 2003 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 23 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 5030 FEES Required fees include: Enrollment (Education Code Section 76300; Title 5 Sections 58500 and 58509) Nonresident tuition with permissive exemptions (Education Code Sections 76140 and 76140.5) and required exemption (Education Code Section 68130.5). Fees authorized by law include: Non-District physical education facilities (Education Code Section 76395) Noncredit courses (Education Code Section 76385) Community service courses (Education Code Section 78300) Auditing of courses (Education Code Section 76370) Instructional materials (Education Code Sections 73365, 81457, and 81458; Title 5 Sections 59400 and 59408) Athletic insurance (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9)) Cross-Enrollment with the California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC) (Education Code Section 66753) Health (Education Code Section 76355) Parking (Education Code Section 76360) Transportation (Education Code Sections 76361, 82305.6) Student representation (Education Code Section 76060.5; Title 5 Sections 54801 and54805) Student Center (Education Code Section 76375; Title 5 Section 58510) Copies of student records (Education Code Section 76223) Dormitory (Education Code Section 81670) Child care (Education Code Sections 79121 et seq. and 66060) Nonresident capital outlay (Education Code Section 76141) Nonresident application processing (Education Code Section 76142) Credit by Examination (Education Code Section 76300; Title 5 Section 55050) Use of facilities financed by revenue bonds (Education Code Section 81901(b)(3)) Refund processing (Title 5 Section 58508) Telephone registration (Education Code Section 70902(a)) Physical fitness test (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9)) Instructional Tape Lease/Deposit (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9)) Credit Card Use (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9)) International Student Medical Insurance (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9) Delinquent Collection (Government Code 16583.1) Technology fee, optional (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Prohibited fees include: Late application (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 24 Add/drop (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Mandatory student activities (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Student Identification Cards (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Student Body Organization (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Nonresident application (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Field trip (Title 5 Sections 55450 and 55451) For dependents of certain veterans (Education Code Section 66025.3) For dependents of certain victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) For certain recipients of the Medal of Honor and certain children of the recipients of the Medal of Honor (Education Code Section 66025.3) Required or funded services (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Refundable deposits (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Distance education (other than the statutorily authorized enrollment fee) (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Mandatory mailings (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Rental of practice rooms (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Apprenticeship courses (Education Code Section 76350) Late payment fee (Title 5 Sections 58502 and 59410) Nursing/healing arts student liability insurance (Title 5 Section 55234) Cleaning (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Breakage (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Test proctoring (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook) Collection and Refund of Fees Enrollment Fee Refunds Enrollment fees will only be refunded if the student drops the full-semester-length class in question by the end of the 2nd week of the spring or fall semester. Refund deadlines for Summer classes vary by class length. Refunds will automatically be provided to eligible students. If a class is cancelled by the college, all enrollment fees will be refunded to the students who had registered and paid for it. If applicable, a refund processing fee will be subtracted before the refund is issued. Students who receive federal financial aid are subject to federal refund calculation formulas. Non-Resident Tuition Refunds Refunds shall be made according to this schedule only after an official drop or withdrawal has been processed by the Admissions and Records Office. Time of Official Withdrawal or Reduction in Load Through the end of the of second week of the term During third week of instruction During fourth week of instruction Percent of Original Fee Refunded 100% of original fee 50% of original fee 25% of original fee 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 25 For courses less than 16 weeks in duration the refund will be pro-rated accordingly. Parking Fee Refunds Parking permit refunds will be issued prior to the established deadline of the term in which the permit was issued, provided the permit is presented to the Business Office at the time the request is made. Requests for refunds after the deadline must be based upon extenuating circumstances only. Refund Recipient Refunds are made only to the person who originally paid the fees. Consequences of Non-payment of Fines or Other Funds Due to the College As a means of encouraging the payment of obligations to College of the Redwoods, it’s Foundation, and any offices thereof, the following blocks will be put in place until all debts are Paid (Title 5, Section 59410): a. Grades will not be issued. b. Transcripts will not be issued. c. Registration will not be processed. d. Degrees or certificates will not be awarded. e. Any account balances older than 120 days may be subject to a collections process. Upon presentation of valid receipt for the unpaid monies due to the College or any of its agencies, the restrictions shall be removed. Account Collections Process Each student or account holder is responsible for paying all fees, charges, and amounts owed to the College of the Redwoods. Nearly all students and accounts holders pay their debts in a timely manner and therefore do not become subject to the account collections process. However, a few accounts incur debts over 120 days past due, which is considered delinquent. Delinquent accounts become subject to the account collections process. The College of the Redwoods may take additional actions to collect monies owed on delinquent accounts, including: 1. The delinquent account may be listed on consumer credit bureaus. 2. The delinquent account may be charged a $25 delinquent collection fee (California Government Code 16583.1). 3. The delinquent account may be sent to a private collection agency for collection, and the actual fee charged by the collection agency will be added to the balance owed (California Government Code 16583.1). 4. The delinquent account may be sent to the Chancellor’s Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP)/Franchise Tax Board (FTB) for collection, and the actual fee charged by COTOP/FTB will be added to the balance owed (California Government Code 16583.1). 5. All other legally available remedies may be pursued. The College of the Redwoods Catalog and Schedule of Classes contain the most current information regarding fees. These documents are updated regularly. 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 26 References: Education Code Sections 70902(b)(9), 76300, and 66025.3; Title 5, section 51012; California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Student Fee Handbook; Government Code 16583.1 Approved: 11/01/2011 Former Administrative Regulation No. 529.01 “Regulations Governing Student Fees,” Approved: June 3, 2003 Amended: 8/5/03, 11/4/03, 9/13/04, 3/1/05, 3/7/06, 11/7/06, 5/6/08 (AP 5013) 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 27 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board Policy BP 3420 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Board supports the intent set forth by the California Legislature to assure that effort is made to build a community in which employment opportunity is equalized and community colleges foster a climate of acceptance, with the inclusion of faculty and staff from a wide variety of backgrounds. It agrees that employee diversity in the academic environment fosters cultural awareness, mutual understanding, harmony and respect, and suitable role models for all students. The Board therefore commits itself to promote the total realization of equal employment through a continuing equal employment opportunity program. The President/Superintendent shall develop, for review and adoption by the Board, and implement a plan for equal employment opportunity that complies with the Education Code and Title 5 requirements as from time to time modified or clarified by judicial interpretation. Reference: Education Code Sections 87100, et seq.; Title 5, Section 53000, et seq. Adopted by Board of Trustees: NEW 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 28 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Policy BP 7100 COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY The District is committed to equal opportunity in educational programs, employment, and all access to institutional programs and activities. The District, and each individual who represents the District, shall provide access to its services, classes, and programs without regard to national origin, religion, age, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, color, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The President/Superintendent and/or his/her designee shall establish administrative procedures that ensure all members of the College community can present complaints regarding alleged violations of this policy and have their complaints heard in accordance with the Title 5 regulations and those of other agencies that administer state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. No District funds shall ever be used for membership, or for any participation involving financial payment or contribution on behalf of the District or any individual employed by or associated with it, to any private organization whose membership practices are discriminatory on the basis of national origin, religion, age, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, color, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or because of his or her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Reference: Education Code Section 87100 et seq.; Title 5, Section 53000, et seq. Adopted by Board of Trustees: 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 29 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 7100 COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY To support the District’s commitment to employing qualified administrators, faculty, and staff members who are dedicated to student success, and to ensure that its employment activities promote equal employment opportunity, the District administration shall periodically initiate a review of its Equal Employment Opportunity Plan. Such review shall verify that the Plan is consistent with applicable regulations adopted by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges and other applicable laws, including the Plan’s process for presenting complaints regarding alleged violations of equal employment opportunity regulations, that the Plan supports the goal of equal employment opportunity, and that the Plan’s workforce analysis is updated appropriately. Reference: Education Code Section 87100 et seq. Title 5 Section 53000, et seq. Adopted by Board of Trustees: 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 30 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Policy DESIGNATION OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES Authority to sign orders and other transactions on behalf of the Board is delegated to the President/Superintendent and other officers appointed by the President/Superintendent. See Administrative Procedure #AP 6150 Reference: Education Code Section 85232, 85233 Adopted by Board of Trustees: 10/3/06 Former Policy #602: “Fiscal Services,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 8/15/77 Amended: 7/83, 11/4/91 BP 6150 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 31 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 6150 DESIGNATION OF AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES The President/Superintendent; the Senior Vice President,; Chief Instructional Officer; the Vice President, Chief Business Officer; the Vice President,; Chief Instructional Officer; Chief Student Services Development Officer; and the Director, Fiscal ServicesController are authorized to sign on behalf of the District on all District Financial financial Accounts accounts up to the limits listed below. Special purpose financial accounts may also carry additional signatories of departmental personnel. President/Superintendent Chief Business Officer Other Senior Administrative Staff Cost Center Managers % of State Bid Limit No Limit 400% 50% 10% Contracts totaling more than the state bid limit are to be presented to the Board for approval by the Vice President, Chief Business Officeror ratification. Purchase orders, when supported with requisitions approved by the appropriate Cost Center Managers (see above authority limits), may be signed by either the Vice President, Chief Business Officer, the Director of Fiscal ServicesController, Accounting Manager or the Purchasing Specialist. Requests to issue a District purchasing card and requests for changes to the approved spending limit on an existing purchasing card may be approved by the President/Superintendent or Chief Business Officer (see above authority limits). Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20651, the Bid Threshold Limit is adjusted annually by the State Board of Governors. Current State bid limit amounts are available from the Vice President, Chief Business Officer’s office. The Vice President, Chief Business Officer, will withhold approval of District checks when: Disbursement of the funds will result in the total amounts expended in any major account classification to exceed the amount budgeted. Established procedures have not been followed to permit verification of authenticity of the expenditure. Reference: Education Code Section 85232, 85233 Approved: 10/3/06 Former Administrative Regulation #602.01: “Contract Approval and Signature Authority,” Approved 2/5/90; Revised 10/3/94, 10/2/01 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 32 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BP 6320 Board of Trustees Policy INVESTMENTS The President/Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that the funds of the District are invested that are not required for the immediate needs of the District. Investments shall be in accordance with law, including California Government Code Sections 53600, et seq. Investments shall be made based on the following criteria: The preservation of principal shall be of primary importance. The secondary objective shall be to meet the liquidity needs of the District. The third objective shall be to achieve a return on the funds under District control. The investment program must remain sufficiently flexible to permit the District to meet all operating requirements. Transactions should be avoided that might impair public confidence. See Administrative Procedure #AP 6320. Reference: Government Code Section 53600 et seq. Adopted by Board of Trustees: 10/3/06 Revised: 4/29/2013 College Council Meeting Page 33 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AP 6320 Administrative Procedure INVESTMENTS The President/Superintendent is responsible for investing the funds of the District that are not required for the immediate needs of the District. Funds so invested shall follow the investment policy approved by the governing bBoard in accordance with the Government Code, including but not limited to those Sections cited below and the following: Funds that are not required for the immediate needs of the District shall be prudently invested in order to earn a return on such investment. The preservation of principal is of primary importance. Each transaction shall seek to ensure that capital losses are avoided, whether from securities or erosion of market value. The investment program should remain sufficiently flexible to enable the District to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated in any fund. After preservation of principal, liquidity is the objective. In managing District investments, District officials should avoid any transactions that might impair public confidence. Investments should be made with precision and care, considering the probable safety of the capital as well as the probable income to be derived. (See Government Code Section 53600.6 regarding solvency and creditworthiness.) District funds maintained by the County Treasurer that are not required for the immediate needs of the District may be invested as follows: County Treasurer's Investment Pool. - Investment of District funds may be delegated to the County Treasurer. In accordance with county procedures, District funds may be pooled with other local agencies and invested by the County Treasurer in accordance with the investment guidelines specified by Government Code 53635 and investment policies adopted by the County Board of Supervisors. State's Local Agency Investment Fund (Government Code Sections 16429.116429.3). District funds not required for immediate needs of the District may be remitted to the State Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) for the purpose of investment (Government Code 16429.1). District funds deposited with the LAIF shall be invested by the State Treasurer in securities prescribed by Government Code 16430, or the Surplus Money Investment Fund and as determined by the Local Investment Advisory Board (Government Code 16429.2). Reference: Government Code Section 53600 et seq. Approved: 10/3/06 Revised REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Policy Proposed BP 3560 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES The President/Superintendent is authorized to enact procedures as appropriate and permitted by law regarding serving alcoholic beverages on campus or at fund-raising events held to benefit non-profit corporations. Alcoholic beverages shall not be served on campus except in accordance with these procedures. See Administrative Procedure 3560 References: Business and Professions Code Sections 24045.4, 24045.6, 25608, 25658(a)(b), 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 668.46 b Adopted by Board of Trustees: xx/xx/xx Former Policy #511, “Alcohol and Illegal Drugs,” Adopted by the Board of Trustees: 8/15/77; Amended on 1/9/01 COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS Board of Trustees Policy No. 511 ALCOHOL AND ILLEGAL DRUGS It is the policy of the Board of Trustees to prohibit the possession or the drinking of intoxicating liquor in any form by any person on the College grounds, except as provided in Business & Professions Code § 25608, or the coming on the grounds of any person who has been drinking intoxicating liquor. Any official gathering, whether on or off campus, is considered as being on the College grounds, in the interpretation of this policy. The penalty of dismissal is provided for students who violate this policy. The same policy applies to the use or possession of illegal drugs. Business & Professions Code § 25608 Health & Safety Code § 11006.5, et seq. Education Code § 76034 Adopted by the Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977 Amended: January 9, 2001 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure Proposed AP 3560 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES The possession, sale, or the furnishing of alcohol on campus is governed by California state law and these procedures. The possession, sale, consumption, or furnishing of alcohol is controlled by the California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control. However, the enforcement of alcohol laws on campus is the primary responsibility of College of the Redwoods Security. The campus has been designated “Drug Free” and only under certain circumstances is the consumption of alcohol permitted. The possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of any controlled substance is illegal under both state and federal laws. Such laws are strictly enforced by College of the Redwoods Security. Violators are subject to disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fine, and imprisonment. It is unlawful to sell, furnish, or provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21. The possession of alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age in a public place or a place open to the public is illegal. It is also a violation of this policy for anyone to consume or possess alcohol in any public or private areas of campus without prior District approval. Organizations or groups violating alcohol or substance policies or laws may be subject to sanctions by the District. Alcoholic beverages on campus are permitted if: The alcoholic beverage is for use during a fundraiser held to benefit the College of the Redwoods Foundation or other nonprofit corporation that has obtained a license under the Business and Professions Code and obtained approval by the President/Superintendent to do so provided that no alcoholic beverage can be acquired, possessed or used at a football game or other athletic contest sponsored by the District. The alcoholic beverage is for use in connection with a course of instruction, and the instructor has been authorized to use it by the President/ Superintendent or designee. The alcoholic beverage is possessed, consumed or sold during a special event, which is sponsored by the College of the Redwoods Foundation and authorized by the President/Superintendent or designee, where the principal attendees are members of the general public or invited guests and not students. The alcoholic beverages are for use during a non-college event at a performing arts facility built on District property and leased to a nonprofit public benefit corporation and approved by the President/Superintendent. Every person who sells, furnishes, gives, or causes to be sold, furnished, or given away, any alcoholic beverage must be at a minimum, 21 years of age. Every person who consumes any alcoholic beverage must be at a minimum, 21 years of age. References: Business and Professions Code Sections 24045.4, 24045.6, 25608, 25658 (a)(b), 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 668.46 b