College Council
2:30 p.m. – Board Room – Monday August 5, 2013
1. Minutes Dated 6/24/2013 (Page 3)
1. BP and AP 2220 Committees of the Board (Page 9)
 Review policy and procedure changes
2. BP 3261Student participation in College Governance (Page 12)
 Review sunset recommendation
3. BP and AP 3550 Drug–Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program (Page
 Review policy changes and draft procedure
4. BP and AP 3900 Speech – Time, Place, and Manner (Page 18)
 Review policy changes and draft procedure
5. BP and AP 4041 Tutorial Services (Page 23)
 Review sunset recommendation
6. BP and AP 5001 Student Service Programs Policy (Page 25)
 Review sunset recommendation
7. AP 5050 Matriculation (Page 27)
 Review procedure changes
8. BP and AP 5110 Counseling (Page 30)
 Review policy and procedure changes
9. BP and AP 5120 Transfer Center (Page 33)
 Review policy changes and draft procedure
10. BP and AP 5200 Student Health Services (Page 35)
 Review policy changes and draft procedure
1. BP 1100 Redwoods Community College District (Page 37)
Review constituent feedback
2. BP 2010 Board Membership (Page 38)
 Review constituent feedback as well as Ad-Hoc Committee feedback
3. BP and AP 2110 Vacancies on the Board (Page 39)
 Review Ad-Hoc Committee feedback
4. BP and AP 3300 Public Records (Page 42)
 Review Constituent feedback
5. BP and AP 3310 Records Management, Records Retention and Destruction
(Page 45)
 Review Constituent Feedback as well as Tech Committee feedback
Policy and Procedure Tracking
District Vehicles
AP 6530
Budget Preparation
BP 7130 Compensation
BP 7140 Collective Bargaining
BP 7350
BP 7111
BP 7113
BP 2361
AP 4102
AP 3435
AP 2715
Research legality of Class B and Class C
Sent back to originator for revisions
Council requested language clarification
Council requested clarification from Legal
regarding intent of the policy
Resignation of Employees
Human Resources seeking consideration
and input from CRFO
Job Description
Postponed to bring back as a packet
Definition of Accredited Institution Human Resources reviewing comparable
policies at other colleges.
District Publications and Releases Postponed. Council requests more
Occupational/Vocational Technical Postponed. Requires additional language
Discrimination and Harassment
Ahn to forward to College Council draft
following Chancellor's office guidelines
Prohibition of Harassment
Will be reconsidered by Council when AP
3435 is presented
Council request review of best practices
Board Protocols for Effective
Procedure for adoption of Board Procedures
needs to be established
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August 5, 2013
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College Council Minutes
June 24, 2013
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Minutes of the College Council Meeting
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA, Board Room
Monday, June 24, 2013
Bob Brown, Mark Renner (phone), John Johnston, Michelle Blecher
(phone), Alicia Flowers (phone), Steve Sandeen (Phone), Jose Ramirez,
Kathy Smith, Lee Lindsey, Keith Snow-Flamer, Utpal Goswami, Ahn
Fielding, Cheryl Tucker, Mike Richards, Jolene Gates
Richard Ries
Kathy Smith called the meeting to order at 2:33 p.m.
Council member stated that the Del Norte representative position is filled
through June 30th. A motion was made by Michelle Blecher and
seconded by Ahn Fielding to approve the minutes from the 5/30/2013
College Council with the aforementioned change. A vote was taken and
Council voted unanimously to approve the 5/30/2013 College Council
Meeting Minutes with the aforementioned change.
BP 1100 Redwoods Community College District was revised by an AdHoc committee of Board members. The revisions made were to reflect
the current Instructional Sites in use by the College.
A motion was made by John Johnston and seconded by Michelle Blecher
to send BP 1100 Redwoods Community College District for a 30 day
constituent review.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not education centers sites and
otherCollege facilities, such as fine woodworking and the Bianchi farm,
should be listed differently.
ACTION A vote was taken and council voted unanimously to send BP 1100
Redwoods Community College District for a 30 day constituent review.
BP 2010 Board Membership was revised by an Ad-Hoc committee of
Board members.
A motion was made by John Johnston and seconded by Bob Brown to
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send BP 2010 out for a 30 day constituent review.
Council member asked for clarification on the meaning of the word
Council member expressed concern with the phrase “if elected” at the
end of the added sentence. The way it currently reads is “It is necessary
for such a person to be a resident in the trustee area which he or she will
represent if elected.” Council member stated that this could give the
impression that the potential trustee could move into a district after being
elected. Council member suggested striking the phrase “if elected.”
Council member suggested sending a request for clarification and the
suggestion to strike the phrase “if elected” to the appropriate Ad-Hoc
committee during the constituent review period.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP 2010 out
for a 30 day constituent review.
BP AND AP 2110
BP and AP 2110 Vacancies on the Board were revised by an Ad-Hoc
committee of Board members.
A motion was made by Keith Snow-Flamer and seconded by John
Johnston to send BP and AP out for a 30 day constituent review.
Council member stated that the additional language in the AP is
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously NOT to send BP and
AP 2110 Vacancies on the Board for a 30 day constituent review.
BP and AP 2110 will return to College Council at the July meeting after
the reason for the additional language is clarified.
BP AND AP 3300
BP 3300 Public Records is only presented for review. AP 3300 Public
Records is new to College of the Redwoods and the draft reflects the
League Template.
Council member suggested striking the language regarding the most
common exemptions.
A motion was made by John Johnston and seconded by Keith SnowFlamer to send BP and AP 3300 Public Records for a 30 day constituent
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
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3300 Public Records out for a 30 day constituent review.
BP AND AP 3310
BP 3310 Records Retention and Destruction has no changes.
A motion was made by John Johnston and seconded by Ahn Fielding to
send BP and AP 3310 Records Retention and Destruction out for a 30
day constituent review.
Council member pointed out that on the fourth line of the first page of the
AP “ESI” is repeated.
Council member expressed concern with item 2.c. Email Records on the
third page of the Administrative Procedure. The current language states
that “The District will retain emails and attachments in inboxes, folders,
outboxes, etc. on email servers for six (6) months after emails have been
received or sent. All emails and attachments remaining on email servers
longer than six (6) months will beautomatically and permanently deleted.”
The council member stated that many district employees reference
emails that were sent or received prior to the previous six months.
Council member suggested changing six (6) months to 24 months.
Council member stated that District employees can save their e mails in
archive folders on their computer and they would not be deleted.
Council member suggested striking the last sentence of item 2.c Email
Records which states “Originators and recipients of email are responsible
for identifying and saving documents that must be retained in order to
comply with Federal, state, or local laws, District policies or procedures,
or for other reasons.”
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted to send BP and AP 3310 Records
Retention and Destruction out for a 30 day constituent review contingent
upon the following changes:
 Strike the last sentence of item 2.c. Email Records
 Ask the Tech Committee to review the policy and procedure
 Delete the duplicate ESI in the first paragraph of the AP
 Remove the parentheses around ESI in the second paragraph
Steve Sandeen voted nay
This procedure originally came to College Council three months ago.
Comments were taken into consideration and several revisions were
made to meet the concerns brought up by Council members.
President Smith suggests that this procedure become effective
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immediately as a six month temporary interim administrative procedure.
Over the course of the next six months the procedure can be revised and
put through the full College Council process. The reason President Smith
wants to implement the interim procedure immediately is that the process
of creating a team and Institutional Research gathering the necessary
data is time consuming and the College needs to start the process as
soon as possible.
Council member expressed concern with the morale of the College and
the fact that the faculty feels like their programs are threatened. Council
member stated that they are concerned that the streamlining of this
policy could be seen in a negative light by faculty members.
Council member suggested adding language about Program Initialization
as well as revitalization, suspension and/or discontinuation. Council
member stated that the addition of this language would clarify the
process of initiating programs and relieve fear of sudden discontinuation.
Council member expressed support of the transparency of the procedure.
The way the procedure is written faculty can clearly see what is
evaluated during the review process.
Council member asked for a list of conditions that may cause a program
to be recommended to the President/Superintendent for evaluation be
Discussion ensued regarding how the current program review process
related to this procedure. The program review process identifies which
programs should be reviewed and this proposed procedure outlines the
process of analyzing programs as a whole.
Discussion ensued regarding the best way to notify the campus of this
interim procedure and the intent to continue to review the procedure over
the next six months.
Council member suggested having a breakout at convocation where
faculty has an opportunity to have an open discussion about the program
review, revitalization, initialization, suspension and/or discontinuation
This interim procedure is going to be implemented immediately but the
administration is open to collaboratively reviewing and revising a
permanent new procedure.
Council member asked if there could be student involvement on the
committee and council discussed that there was a legal issue since there
could be potential personnel actions taken based of the committee’s
decision. Council member suggested adding student feedback as one of
the qualitative factors.
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President Smith said that she would tweak a few things on the first page
and send out a draft email to College Council for review before sending
out an email notification to all.
AP 6370 CONTRACTS- There was no constituent feedback on AP 6370 Contracts- Personal
A motion was made by Mike Richards and Seconded by Michelle Blecher
to send AP 6370 Contracts Personal Service to the Board for a first read.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send AP 6370
Contracts-Personal Service to the Board for a first read.
BP AND AP 4260
Council member stated that they had a conversation with the new chair
of the Curriculum Committee regarding this policy and procedure. The
chair agreed with the fact that the language in the policy and procedure is
Council member expressed concern that the AP language contradicts the
language in the BP. The BP states that the President/Superintendent is
authorized to establish prerequisites and corequisites whereas the AP
states that the Curriculum Committee and senate establish them.
Council member suggested that the language in the Curriculum Review
section be clarified to identify who is responsible for each step of the
review process.
A motion was made by John Johnston and seconded by Mike Richards
to send BP and AP 4260 Prerequisites and Corequisites to the Board
contingent upon the following changes:
 Clarify who is responsible for establishing prerequisites
 Clarify who is responsible for each step of the review process
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
4260 Prerequisites and Corequisites to the Board for first read contingent
upon the aforementioned changes.
There was no constituent feedback on BP 6510 Property Records and
A motion was made by Michelle Blecher and seconded by Lee Lindsey to
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send BP 6510 Property Records and Inventory to the Board for a first
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP 6510
Property Records and Inventory to the Board for a first read.
BP 6515
There was no constituent feedback on the sunset proposal of BP 6515
A motion was made by Mike Richards and seconded by Bob Brown to
send the sunset proposal for BP 6515 Maintenance to the Board for a
first read.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send the sunset
proposal for BP 6515 Maintenance to the Board for a first read.
There was no constituent feedback on the sunset proposal of BP 6516
Care of College Property.
A motion was made by Mike Richards and seconded by Mark Renner to
send the sunset proposal of BP 6516 Care of College Property to the
Board for a first read.
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send the sunset
proposal of BP 6516 Care of College Property to the Board for a first
BP AND AP 6520
There was no constituent feedback on BP and AP 6520 Security of
District Property.
A motion was made by Bob Brown and seconded by Mike Richards to
send BP and AP 6520 Security of District Property to the Board for a first
ACTION A vote was taken and Council voted unanimously to send BP and AP
6520 Security of District Property to the Board for a first read.
President Kathy Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m.
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August 5, 2013
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Board of Trustees Policy
BP 2220
The Board may by action establish committees that it determines are necessary to assist the
Board in its responsibilities. Any committee established by board action shall comply with the
requirements of the California Public Meetings Act and with these policies regarding open
Board ad hoc committees that are composed solely of less than a quorum of members of the
Board and do not have authority that may lawfully be exercised by the Board itself, are not
required to comply with the California Public Meetings Act, or with these policies regarding
open meetings.
Board committees have no authority or power to act on behalf of the Board. Findings
or recommendations shall be reported to the Board for consideration.
Board committees shall be appointed by the President of the Board. Committee terms shall end
upon completion of the task.
See Administrative Procedure AP 2220
Reference: Government Code Section 54952
Adopted by Board of Trustees: 9/11/05 Former Bylaw #005: “Organization,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 8/15/77
Amended: 4/4/83, 2/2/87, 12/5/88, 1/8/90, 1/11/93
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Administrative Procedure
AP 2220
Board ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President of the Board at a Board meeting
and shall comprise less than half of all the membership of the Board, plus other staff and lay
people as may be appointed. The first Board member appointed to the ad hoc committee
shall have the responsibility of convening the committee’s first meeting, at which the ad
hoc committee members shall select a chair. The President of the Board may not appoint
herself or himself to an ad hoc committee. At their first meeting, ad hoc committee members
shall select a chair.
At the time of appointment, the President of the Board shall specify the task of the
committee. The committee shall dissolve and members’ terms shall end upon completion of
the specified task.
Ad hoc committees are not required to comply with the California Public Meetings Act or
with Board policies regarding open meetings.
Each ad hoc committee, its members, and its task shall be listed on the Board’s web page,
along with its date of appointment and, as it occurs, its date of task completion.
Standing Committees
A standing committee is a Board-appointed committee that has continuing jurisdiction over
a particular subject matter (e.g., budget, finance, legislation) or that has the committee’s
meeting schedule fixed by formal action of the Board. A standing committee shall comply
with the requirements of the California Public Meetings Act and with Board policies
regarding open meetings, as well as follow all Board policies and protocols.
A standing committee shall convene within the first month of its appointment and select
a chair.
Each standing committee, its members, and its jurisdiction shall be listed on the Board’s
web page, along with its date of appointment.
The Board has the following standing committee(s):
Audit and Finance Committee [Unfinished—Needs input from current Audit Committee
and maybe from Board—first send to Trustee Biggin]
The Audit and Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Board and shall
comprise less than half of all the membership of the Board, plus other staff and lay people
as may be appointed by Board action. The Audit and Finance Committee members shall
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be appointed at the annual organizational meeting of the Board. At the first meeting of the
committee after the annual appointment of its members, the members shall elect a chair.
The Audit and Finance Committee shall act in an advisory role to the Board in carrying
out its oversight and legislative responsibilities as they relate to the District's financial
management. In this capacity the Audit and Finance Committee will:
Review and monitor budget and financial material and reports related to financial
matters, including bonds, certificates of participation, and other funding
instruments, to come before the Board of Trustees.
Monitor the external audit selection and engagement process.
Review independent audit reports and monitor follow-up activities.
Consult with independent auditors regarding accounting, fiscal, and related
management issues.
Monitor operational reviews, findings, and recommendations and follow-up
Approved by the Board of Trustees:
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BP 3261
Board Policy
Number Update only from Board of Trustees Policy No. 514
The Board believes that students should have the opportunity to participate effectively in district
and college governance.
The Board further recognizes that:
1. As an institution fundamental to the operation of a democratic society, the district and
college should strive to exemplify the democratic ideal of citizen participation in decision
2. As part of their educational development, students should assume the responsibility of
planning and executing the activities of the district and college.
3. Students are a valuable resource whose contribution can materially aid and benefit the
district and college.
The Board directs that students be invited to participate in administrative decision-making in the
following areas:
1. Formulation and development of district policies and procedures that have or will have a
significant effect on students. Such matters include:
grading policies;
codes of student conduct;
academic disciplinary policies;
curriculum development;
courses or programs that should be initiated or discontinued;
processes for institutional planning and budget development;
standards and policies regarding student preparation and success;
student services planning and development;
student fees within the authority of the district to adopt; and
any other district and college policy, procedure, or related matter that the Board or the
President determines will have a significant effect on students.
Students who participate in the governance of district and college may be duly selected
representatives of the student government organization, students appointed by the President or
designee, or such students who may volunteer.
The Board shall make all decisions mandated to it by law and shall have full and ultimate
responsibility for the governance of the College.
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Covered by BP 5400 Former Board of Trustees Policy No. 514, number change only on July 10, 2012
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977
Amended: October 3, 1994 College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
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BP 3550
Board Policy
Number Update only from Board of Trustees Policy No. 813
The District shall be free from the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and
alcohol by students and employees.
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance
is prohibited in all facilities under the control and use of the District.
Any student or employee who violates this policy will be subject to sanctions (consistent with
local, state, or federal law) up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and
referral for prosecution.
The President/Superintendent shall assure that the District distributes annually to each student
and employee the information required by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
Amendments of 1989 and complies with other requirements of the Act.
See Administrative Procedure AP 3550.
The District is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace in accordance with the
requirements of the U.S. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.
The District certifies that it will provide a drug-free workplace by:
A. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and
specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such
B. Making it a requirement that each employee be given a copy of the statement required by
paragraph A;
C. Notifying the employee that the employee will:
1. Abide by the terms of the statement;
2. Notify within ten days;
D. Establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about:
1. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
2. The District's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;
3. Drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance program; and
4. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations
occurring in the workplace.
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E. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through
implementation of paragraphs A,B,C,D, and E.
Former Board of Trustees Policy No. 813, number change only on June 5, 2012
Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 7, 1989
Amended: November 6, 1989
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Administrative Procedure
RAFT AP 3550
The District is committed to providing its employees and students with a drug free workplace
and campus environment. It emphasizes prevention and intervention through education.
Counseling and referral information for Humboldt County are available to students in the
College Student Health Center, or in the Counseling office. Students may also be referred to a
24- hour hotline for the National Center for Substance Abuse and Treatment at 1-800-662-4357.
Students and employees may also be encouraged to enroll in relevant classes that are part of the
regular curriculum.
Prohibition of Drugs
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcohol or any
controlled substance is prohibited on District property, during District-sponsored field trips,
activities or workshops, and in any facility or vehicle operated by the District.
Violation of this prohibition will result in appropriate action up to and including termination of
employment, expulsion, and referral for prosecution, or, as permitted by law, may require
satisfactory participation in an alcohol or drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.
As a condition of employment, employees must notify the District within five days of any
conviction for violating a criminal drug statute while in the workplace. The District is required
to inform any agencies that require this drug-free policy within ten days after receiving notice of
a workplace drug conviction.
Annually, the District shall distribute to each student and employee:
Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or
distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as part of
any of its activities;
A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, State, or Federal law for the unlawful
possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;
A description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or reentry programs
that are available to employees or students; and
A clear statement that the institution will impose sanctions on students and employees
(consistent with local, state, and federal law), and a description of those sanctions, up to and
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including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of
the standards of conduct.
The college shall review biennially their drug prevention program to determine its effectiveness
and implement changes to the programs if needed.
No previous AP.
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Board Policy
BP 3900
Students, employees, and members of the public shall be free to exercise their rights of
free expression, subject to the requirements of this policy.
The college is a non-public forum, except for those areas that are designated public
forums available for the exercise of expression by students, employees, and members of
the public. The President/Superintendent shall enact such administrative procedures as
are necessary to reasonably regulate the time, place, and manner of the exercise of free
expression in the designated public forums.
The administrative procedures promulgated by the President/Superintendent shall not
prohibit the right of students to exercise free expression, including but not limited to the
use of bulletin boards, the distribution of printed materials or petitions in those parts of
the college designated as areas generally available to students and the community, and
the wearing of buttons, badges, or other insignia.
Speech shall be prohibited that is defamatory, obscene according to current legal
standards, or which so incites others as to create a clear and present danger of the
commission of unlawful acts on District property or the violation of District policies or
procedures, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the District.
Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the regulation of hate violence directed at students in
a manner that denies their full participation in the educational process (Education Code
Section 66301(e)), so long as the regulation conforms to the requirements of the First
Amendment to the United States Constitution, and of Section 2 of Article 1 of the
California Constitution. Students may be disciplined for harassment, threats, or
intimidation unless such speech is constitutionally protected.
See Administrative Procedure 3900.
References: Education Code Sections 76120 and 66301
1. Freedom of speech and assembly and an educated citizenry are the cornerstones of
democracy. An educational institution in a society governed according to these principles
has a special responsibility to educate its students and its community so that free
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discussion, assembly, and the curious mind will remain viable instruments of intelligent
2. The college community must provide an atmosphere in which its citizenry can examine
ideas and learn to discriminate among them. Such discriminations can be made only on
the basis of free inquiry, which entails the analysis of issues, the weighing of evidence,
and the recognition of fact and fallacy. The cultivation of such inquiry is a special
responsibility of the school, the assumption being that truth will prevail in the
marketplace of ideas.
3. For these reasons freedom of speech and assembly will be encouraged at College of the
Redwoods as the fundamental prerequisites of free inquiry and free discussion. In
keeping with these basic American principles, students, faculty members, and
administrators are free to bring to the campus a diversity of viewpoints reflecting the
variety of opinions to be found in our society as a whole.
4. These freedoms are accompanied by responsibilities, both legal and academic. All in
the college community have the responsibility of assuring that an open atmosphere
prevails on campus, that the expression of any shade of opinion is respected, that
speakers are not interrupted or harassed, and that language, acts, or displays that would
seriously offend significant numbers of people be avoided as being a deterrent to
meaningful dialogue and growth.
5. All in the college community must remember that the disruption of the normal
functions of any class, meeting, office, or facility, the threat of intimidation or physical
coercion, and the use of libelous or purely obscene language, acts, or displays are not
allowed by law and are, therefore, not protected by this policy of freedom of speech.
6. Students who neglect to observe these principles shall be subject to suspension or
expulsion under the district student code of conduct or applicable penal code sections.
Faculty members who disregard these guidelines are subject to appropriate professional
action. The Board, through the administration, will enforce the applicable laws.
Policy for Speakers on Campus
A. Classroom Guest Speakers
Refer to Board Policy 116 and Administrative Regulation 116.01 for guidelines
covering classroom guest speakers.
B. Open Meeting (one which is open to the general public)
The presentation of any speaker or program in an open meeting shall have the prior
approval of the appropriate area administrator, who shall assume the responsibility for the
invitation and supervise the physical arrangements. The administrator shall be guided by
the policies of the board. Any program conflicting with board policy is subject to
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C. Campus Guest Speakers
Refer to Board Policy 117 and Administrative Regulation 117.01 for guidelines covering
campus guest speakers.
D. Club Meeting
The presentation of any speaker or program initiated by a student club or recognized
student organization shall have the approval of the student activities coordinator and
faculty advisor of that club or organization.
E. Open Mike Forum for Students and Employees of the District
An appropriate location will be designated for presentation (formal and informal) by
faculty members, students, administrators, trustees, or members of the classified staff of
the college. The open mike activities are confined to members of the college community
or approved off-campus guest(s) (see Section C above). Any organization or individual
wishing to be assured time should make arrangements with the Vice President of Student
Services or designee. A statement prepared by the district counsel, including reminders of
fair play and libelous, slanderous or illegal actions, will be brought to the attention of
users of the facility.
Dissemination of Information
Every bulletin board on campus will be assigned as open or closed by the Vice President
of Student Services or designee after consultation with the department or individual
involved. A closed bulletin board will signify that it will be used only for department
matters. An open board will signify that literature may be posted under the jurisdiction of
the respective division administrator.
Any CR student, faculty member, administrator, board member, or classified staff
member may post or distribute literature at the kiosks and/or other designated areas upon
the approval of the Vice President of Student Services or designee. Materials that may be
libelous, slanderous, or that may prompt illegal actions may not be approved.
Any off-campus group or individual will not be allowed to post or pass out material
without approval of the Vice President of Student Services or designee.
Former Board of Trustees Policy No. 524, number change only on July 10, 2012
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977; July 17, 1978; June
1983 Amended: October 3, 1994
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Administrative Procedure
The students and employees of the District and members of the public shall be permitted to
exercise their rights of free expression subject to the time, place, and manner policies and
procedures contained in Board Policy 3900 and these procedures.
The college is a non-public forum, except for the following areas, which are reserved for
expressive activities which do not violate District policy and which are lawful: Student Union,
outside the confines of the Learning Resource Center, and Administration/Student Services
Building. These areas are chosen so as to provide visibility and allow communication to a large
number of students, administrators, faculty, and others walking or traveling on campus but also
so as not to disrupt educational and other activities of the District on behalf of students:
 These areas are designated public forums. The District reserves the right to revoke that
designation and apply a non-public forum designation.
 The District reserves the right to designate areas as non-public forums as necessary to
prevent the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the college. Areas of the college
that are non-public forums specifically include campus offices, classrooms, warehouses,
maintenance yards, or locker rooms, and any other area not specified above.
The use of these areas reserved and open for expressive activities is subject to the following:
 Persons using and/or distributing material in the areas shall not impede the progress of
passersby, nor shall they force passersby to take material.
 No person using the areas shall touch, strike or impede the progress of passersby, except for
incidental or accidental contact or contact initiated by a passerby.
 Persons using areas shall not use any means of amplification that creates a noise or diversion
that disturbs or tends to disturb the orderly conduct of the campus or classes.
Non-student, community groups wishing to engage in speech or expressive activities on campus,
in the areas designated as public forums, must provide notification to the District through
President/Superintendent or designee not more than three business days in advance of the
activities and must describe the nature of the planned activities. No illegal activities will be
permitted, no activities which violate District or campus rules, including rules and laws on illegal
harassment and discrimination, and none that will substantially interfere with or disrupt activities
already scheduled for that day and time in the designated areas.
All persons using the areas that are designated public forums shall be allowed to distribute
petitions, circulars, leaflets, newspapers, and other printed matter. Such distribution shall take
place only within those areas. Material distributed in the areas that is discarded or dropped in or
around the areas other than in an appropriate receptacle must be retrieved and removed or
properly discarded by those persons distributing the material prior to their departure from the
areas that day.
College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
Page 22
Bulletin boards shall be provided for use in posting materials at campus locations convenient for
use by students, staff, and members of the public. All materials displayed on a bulletin board
shall clearly indicate the author or agency responsible for its production and shall be dated with
the date of posting by the CSSO. Materials displayed shall be removed after the passage of ten
References: Education Code Sections 76120 and 66301
No prior procedure (replaces BP 524 Free Expression by Students).
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August 5, 2013
Page 23
No longer required; description of general services and office procedures REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT
BP 4041
Board Policy
Number Update only from Board of Trustees Policy No. 525
Recognizing the fact that some students may need special assistance with their academic
endeavor, the Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the establishment of a tutorial program. The
College will maintain a tutorial center, develop a program for employing tutors to assist qualified
students and actively seek funds to provide tutoring services at the main campus, as well as
branch locations, providing the administration demonstrates its economic feasibility and imposes
a realistic spending limit annually.
The program will be designed to provide academic support, help develop self-confidence in
students, assist in the development of study skills and help create an atmosphere that assists
students to adjust to College.
Former board of Trustees Policy No. 525, number change only on July 10, 2012
Adopted by the Board of Trustees
August 15, 1977 College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
Page 24
No longer required; description of general services and office procedures REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT
AP 4041
Administrative Procedure
Number Update only from Administrative Regulation No. 525.01
1. All tutoring will take place under authorized supervision. The tutorial center will be used
for all tutoring unless otherwise approved by the tutorial office. On branch campuses,
supervision will be arranged through the resident coordinator.
2. All students seeking tutorial services must complete a request for tutorial assistance form,
have it signed by a faculty member, and return the form to the Student Support Service
office (T-90).
3. All prospective tutors must complete a tutor recommendation by instructor form and
return the form to Student Support Services office (T-90).
4. An interview will be conducted with the tutor and tutee and only then will the tutoring
schedule be approved. Students shall have the written approval prior to commencing the
tutoring. Branch campus students may receive this approval at the branch office.
5. Time cards shall be initialed by the tutorial center supervisor or clerk after each tutoring
session. At the end of each month the card shall be returned to the Student Support
Services office (T-90), after being signed by the tutor.
6. All tutorial programs, district, vocational, veteran, E.0.P.S., etc., must comply with the
previously listed regulations.
7. The tutor may not be a member of the tutee's family or household.
Former Administrative Regulation No. 525.01, number change only on July 10, 2012
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August 5, 2013
Page 25
No longer required – lists services REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT
BP 5001
Board Policy
Number Update only from Board of Trustees Policy No. 536
The Board of Trustees recognizes that the educational development of students may require
additional support beyond that which is available in the classroom.
Therefore, the Board authorizes the President or designee to develop and maintain
comprehensive and integrated student services programs dedicated to benefiting eligible students
pursuing a meaningful educational experience.
Administrative regulations shall be developed and published stating the principles, procedures,
requirements, and outcome indicators that may apply to each authorized program.
Former Board of Trustees Policy No. 536, number change only on July 10, 2012
Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 7, 1994
College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
Page 26
No longer required – lists services REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT
AP 5001
Administrative Procedure
Number Update only from Administrative Regulation No. 536.01
The Board of Trustees authorizes the President or designee to develop and maintain a program of
student services dedicated to the support of successful student outcomes.
The programs and each governing citation are:
Authorized Program Governing Citation
Admissions and Records Education Code Sections 66011 and 76200
Assessment Services Education Code Section 78213
Counseling Services Education Code Section 72620
Disabled Students Program & Services Education Code Section 67310, Title V Section
5. Extended Opportunity Program & Services Education Code Section 69640, Title V
Section 56200
6. Student Housing Education Code Section 81670
7. Child Development Center Education Code Section 79120
8. Student Activities/Government Education Code Section 76060
9. Financial Aid/Scholarship Education Code Section 66021; Higher Education Action of
1965, as amended, and Donor requirements
10. Veterans Services Veterans Education Act Sections 901 and 902, Chapters 30, 31, 32, 34,
35, and 106,
11. Upward Bound Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended
12. Career Job Placement Education Code Sections 72620 and 70901
13. Workability III Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended
14. Health Services Education Code Section 76408, Title V Section 54700
15. Transfer Services Education Code Section 66010.4, Title V Section 54700
16. Title IV Disadvantaged Student Services Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended
17. Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Job Training Partnership Act of 1982, as amended
18. Matriculation Services Education Code Section 78120, Title V Section 55500
19. Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education Code Section Education Program
(CARE) 71950
Specific procedures will be developed and maintained by the appropriate area managers to
ensure the proper administration of each program or service.
Former Administrative Regulation No. 536.01, number change only on July 10, 2012
Approved: November 7, 1994 College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
Page 27
Administrative Procedure
Matriculation brings the student and the District into agreement regarding the student’s
educational goal through the District’s established programs, policies, and requirements. The
agreement is implemented by means of the student educational plan.
Each student, in entering into an educational plan, will do all of the following:
 express at least a broad educational intent upon admission
 declare a specific goal no later than the term after which the student completes 15
semester units of degree applicable credit coursework
 diligently attend class and complete assigned coursework
 complete courses and maintain progress toward an educational goal
 cooperate in the development of the student educational plan
Matriculation services include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
 Processing of the application for admission
 Orientation and pre-orientation services designed to provide to students, on a timely
basis, information concerning campus procedures, academic expectations, financial
assistance, and any other appropriate matters
 Assessment and counseling upon enrollment, which shall include, but not be limited to,
all of the following:
 Administration of assessment instruments to determine student competency in
computational and language skills
 Assistance to students in the identification of aptitudes, interests and educational
objectives, including, but not limited to, associate of arts degrees, transfer for
baccalaureate degrees, and vocational certificates and licenses
 Evaluation of student study and learning skills
 Referral to specialized support services as needed, including, but not limited to, federal,
state, and local financial assistance; health services; campus employment placement
services; extended opportunity programs and services; campus child care services
programs that teach English as a second language; and disabled student services
 Advisement concerning course selection
 Post-enrollment evaluation of each student's progress, and required advisement or
counseling for students who are enrolled in remedial courses, who have not declared an
educational objective as required, or who are on academic probation.
The District shall not use any assessment instrument except one specifically authorized by the
Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.
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August 5, 2013
Page 28
Mandatory Assessment, Orientation, and Counseling
English and math assessment, new student orientation and counseling are highly recommended
for all students, and are mandatory for first-time college students who wish to enroll in their first
term, subject to established exemption criteria.
Exemption Criteria
Students may be exempt from matriculation services if they:
 Have earned an associate degree or higher (diploma or transcripts required), or
 Have completed certain coursework at another college (transcripts required), or
 Will enroll in one course only, with no intention of earning a degree at College of the
Redwoods, or will enroll in performance/activity courses only.
A student wishing to be exempt from these services based on one of the above criteria or wishing
to decline participation must contact the Counseling Office to complete the necessary
Students concurrently enrolled in high school cannot refuse matriculation services.
Students who have previously chosen to refuse matriculation services may reconsider and
participate at any time.
References: Education Code Sections 78210 et seq.; Title 5 Sections 55500 et seq.
Administrative Procedure
AP 5050
Matriculation brings the student and the District into agreement regarding the student’s
educational goal through the District’s established programs, policies, and requirements. The
agreement is implemented by means of the student education plan (SEP).
Each student, in entering into an education plan, will do all of the following:
• express at least a broad educational intent upon admission
• declare a specific goal no later than the term after which the student completes 15
semester units of degree applicable credit coursework
• diligently attend class and complete assigned coursework
• complete courses and maintain progress toward an educational goal
• cooperate in the development of the student education plan
Matriculation services include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
• Processing of the application for admission
• Orientation and pre-orientation services designed to provide to students, on a timely
basis, information concerning campus procedures, academic expectations, financial
College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
Page 29
assistance, and any other appropriate matters
• Assessment and counseling, which shall include, but not be limited to, all of the
• Administration of assessment instruments to determine student skill level in
computational and language skills
• Assistance to students in the identification of aptitudes, interests, and educational
objectives, including, but not limited to, associate of arts degrees, transfer for
baccalaureate degrees, and vocational certificates and licenses
• Evaluation of student study and learning skills
• Referral to specialized support services as needed, including, but not limited to,
federal, state, and local financial assistance; health services; campus employment
placement services; extended opportunity programs and services; campus child
care services; programs that teach English as a second language; and disabled
student services
• Advisement concerning course selection
• Post-enrollment evaluation of each student's progress, and required advisement or
counseling for students who are enrolled in remedial courses, who have not
declared an educational objective as required, or who are on academic probation.
The District shall not use any assessment instrument except one specifically authorized by the
Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.
References: Education Code Sections 78210 et seq.; Title 5 Section 555002
Approved: 5/6/08
Former Administrative Regulation #530.01, “Matriculation Assessment,” Adopted: 11/4/91
Former Administrative Regulation #530.02, “Matriculation Exemptions,” Approved: 11/4/91
Revised: 9/92
Former Administrative Regulation #530.03, “Matriculation Rights and Responsibilities,” Adopted: 11/4/91
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August 5, 2013
Page 30
Board of Trustees Policy
BP 5110
Counseling services are an essential part of the educational mission of the District.
The President/Superintendent shall assure the provision of counseling services including
academic, career, and personal counseling that is related to the student's education.
Counseling shall be required for all first time students who are not exempted from the
matriculation process, students enrolled provisionally, and students on academic or progress
References: Education Code Section 72620; Title 5, Section 51018
Adopted by Board of Trustees: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Policy #110, “Educational and Vocational Counseling,” Adopted by the Board of Trustees: 8/15/77
Amended: 10/3/94
Board of Trustees Policy No.110
It shall be the policy of the College to make counseling available to all students through the
Student Services Program. The counseling service of each campus shall include, at minimum,
academic counseling, career counseling, personal counseling, and coordination with the
counseling aspects of other services to students that may exist on the campus, (i.e., DSP&S,
EOPS/CARE, VATEA, and Title IV Student Services programs).
Education Code Section 72620
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August 5, 2013
Page 31
Administrative Procedure
AP 5110
The counseling services available in the District’s counseling program include at least the
Academic counseling, in which the student is assisted in assessing, planning, and
implementing his or her immediate and long-range academic goals;
Career counseling, in which the student is assisted in assessing his or her aptitudes,
abilities, and interests, and is advised concerning the current and future employment
Personal counseling, in which the student is assisted with personal, family, or other social
concerns, when that assistance is related to the student’s education;
Coordination with the counseling aspects of other services to students which exist on
campus, including but not limited to those services provided in programs for students
with special needs, skills testing programs, financial assistance programs, and job
placement services.
Counseling services are available to all students on a voluntary basis.
Students are required to meet with a counselor under the following conditions:
 All first-time students who are not exempted from the matriculation process
 Students on academic and/or progress probation
Confidentiality of Counseling Information
Information of a personal nature disclosed by a student 12 years of age or older in the process of
receiving counseling from a counselor is confidential, and shall not become part of the student
record without the written consent of the person who disclosed the confidential information.
However, the information shall be disclosed when permitted by applicable law, including but not
limited to disclosure as necessary to report child abuse or neglect; reporting to the
President/Superintendent or other persons when the counselor has reason to believe that
disclosure is necessary to avert a clear and present danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the
student or other persons living in the college community; reporting information to the
President/Superintendent or other persons as necessary when the student indicates that a crime
involving the likelihood of personal injury or significant or substantial property losses will or has
been committed; reporting information to one or more persons specified in a written waiver by
the student.
References: Education Code Sections 72620 and 72621; Title 5 Section 51018
Former Administrative Regulation #110.01, “Counseling Services,” Approved: 9/86
Revised: 10/3/94
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August 5, 2013
Page 32
Board of Trustees Policy No. 110
Administrative Regulation No. 110.01
Counseling services will be available at each campus to include:
1. Academic counseling, in which the student is assisted in assessing, planning, and
implementing his or her immediate and long-range academic goals (career, vocational, or
2. Career counseling, in which the student is assisted in assessing his or her aptitudes, abilities,
and interests and is advised concerning current and future employment trends.
3. Personal counseling, in which the student is assisted with personal, family, or other social
concerns, when the assistance is related to the student's education.
4. Psychological counseling, in which the student is assisted with special counseling (or
accommodation) for a psychological or psychiatric disorder or an emotional or mental illness,
when the assistance is related to the student's education.
5. Counseling services will be coordinated with other services or programs to meet the special
needs of students. These services include (but are not limited to): assessment services, financial
assistance program, job placement services, disabled students program, EOPS/CARE program,
special populations services, and
veterans services.
Counseling support will be provided to all students enrolled or during preregistration activities;
these services will be integrated within the matriculation process of the district.
Approved: September, 1986
Revised: October 3, 1994
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August 5, 2013
Page 33
Board Policy
The District incorporates as part of its mission the transfer of its students to baccalaureate level
institutions. The District further recognizes that students who have historically been
underrepresented in transfer to baccalaureate level institutions are a special responsibility.
The President Superintendent shall assure that a transfer center plan is implemented that
identifies appropriate target student populations, is designed to increase the transfer applications
of underrepresented students and complies with law and regulations.
See Administrative Procedures 5120.
References: Education Code Sections 66720 – 66744; Title 5 Section 51027
Board Policy
BP 5120
Number Update only from Board of Trustees Policy No. 535
The Board of Trustees recognizes transfer as one of its primary missions and places priority
emphasis on the preparation and transfer of underrepresented students in the transfer process.
The Board directs the Administration and the Academic Senate to develop, adopt, and maintain a
Transfer Center Plan describing the activities of the Transfer Center and the services to be
provided to students, including these basic standards:
1. Increase the number of transfer applications for underrepresented students compared to
the number of transfer students in general.
2. Develop a plan in consultation with personnel at four-year colleges and universities.
3. Develop a plan of institutional research for ongoing internal evaluation of the
effectiveness of the district's transfer efforts and the achievement of the Transfer Center
4. Develop a Transfer Center Plan with the minimum program standards as a guide only.
Former Board of Trustees Policy No. 535, number change only on July 10, 2012
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: October 3, 1994
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August 5, 2013
Page 34
Administrative Procedure
The District has a transfer center plan that complies with the requirements of Title 5. The plan
identifies appropriate target student populations and is designed to increase the transfer
applications of underrepresented students among transfer students.
Plan components include, but are not limited to:
Services to be provided to students
An advisory committee
Evaluation and reporting
Transfer path requirements for each articulated baccalaureate major
The Transfer Center Plan is updated every two years.
References: Education Code Sections 66720-66744; Title 5 Section 51027
No previous administrative procedure.
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August 5, 2013
Page 35
BP 5200
Board Policy
Number Update only from Board of Trustees Policy No. 523
Student health services shall be provided in order to contribute to the education aims of students
by promoting physical and emotional well being through health oriented programs and services.
The Board of Trustees recognizes the value of providing health services to students on campus,
and believes in the concept that good health is essential to the learning process, therefore, the
overall goals of the Student Health Services should be to promote the student's ability to
maintain health, adjust to the college environment, develop and strengthen health habits which
will be of lasting value to the individual.
References: Education Code sections 72244, 72246, 76401
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August 5, 2013
Page 36
Administrative Procedure
AP 5200
Any information of a personal nature disclosed by a student (or the parent or guardian of a
patient 12 years of age or older) in the process of receiving care from a health professional is
confidential with exceptions as dictated by law.
Scope of Services
The Student Health Center provides short-term basic care and services necessary for the
treatment of acute illnesses and injuries; immunization and testing, health promotion, and
personal risk management.
At minimum, management shall be provided by a registered nurse who possesses a valid
California license to practice as a registered nurse and either a bachelor’s degree in nursing; or a
California Public Health Nurse certificate
Medical Records
Medical treatment records shall be afforded protected status in accordance with HIPAA
regulations. Records shall not be released without the written consent of the patient, with
exceptions as prescribed by law.
Information concerning a patient shall be furnished in compliance with a court order or a
lawfully issued subpoena. A reasonable effort shall be made to notify the patient in advance of
compliance with a lawfully issued subpoena.
Medical treatment records shall be stored in compliance with state and federal guidelines.
Student Health Fee Waiver
Students enrolling in credit classes in the District are assessed a health fee which enables them to
utilize the services provided by Student Health Services. As provided in Education Code, Section
76355, students who meet any of the following conditions may be exempted from paying the fee:
are a part of an approved apprenticeship program;
are dependent children or spouses of members of the California National Guard who are
killed or permanently disabled while in the active service of the state; or
active members, supported by written verification, of a religious organization that
depends exclusively upon prayer for healing.
Reference: Education Code Section 76401
No prior Administrative Procedure.
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August 5, 2013
Page 37
Board of Trustees Policy
BP 1100
The District has been named the Redwoods Community College District.
The name is the property of the District. No person shall, without the permission of the Board,
use this name or the names of any colleges or other facilities of the District, or any abbreviation
of them, to imply, indicate, or otherwise suggest that an organization, product, or service is
connected or affiliated with, or is endorsed, favored, supported, or opposed by, the District.
The District consists of the following college and education centers:
College of the Redwoods, Eureka Main Campus
College of the Redwoods, Del Norte Education
Center College of the Redwoods, Mendocino Coast Education Center
The District also offers programs and courses at additional instructional sites throughout the
District to best address the needs of District students, and these sites include, but are not limited
College of the Redwoods, Bianchi Farm (Shively)
College of the Redwoods, Community Education (Downtown Eureka)
College of the Redwoods, Fine Woodworking Program (Fort Bragg)
College of the Redwoods, Garberville Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, Klamath-Trinity Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, McKinleyville Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, Arcata Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, Eureka Downtown Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, Southern Humboldt Instructional Site
Reference: Education Code Section 72000(b); Elections Code Section 18304; Standard IV.A.4;
BP 2100 ‘Board Elections’
Amended: 12/06/2011Adopted by Board of Trustees: June 1, 2004
Former Bylaw No. 001: Name and Classification Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977 Amended:
January 11, 1993
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August 5, 2013
Page 38
Board of Trustees Policy
BP 2010
The Board shall consist of nine members elected by the qualified voters of the District.
Members shall be elected by trustee areas as defined in Board Policy 2100. It is necessary for
such a person to be a resident in the trustee area which he or she will represent if elected.
Any person who meets the criteria contained in law is eligible to be elected or appointed a member
of the Board.
An employee of the District may not be sworn into office as an elected or appointed member of the
governing board unless he or she resigns as an employee.
No member of the governing board shall, during the term for which he or she is elected, hold an
incompatible office.
Education Code Sections 72022, 72023, 72103, 72104
Adopted by Board of Trustees: 9/11/05
Former Bylaw #004: Membership, Adopted by Board of Trustees: 2 2/82
Amended: 9/17/84, 6/6/88, 1/11/93, 7/12/93, 12/5/94, 12/6/97, 12/9/03, 12/7/04
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August 5, 2013
Page 39
Board of Trustees Policy
BP 2110
Vacancies on the Board may be caused by any of the events specified in Government Code
Section 1770 or any applicable provision in the Elections Code, or by a failure to elect.
Resignations from the Board shall be governed by Education Code Section 5090.
Within 60 days of the vacancy or filing of a deferred resignation, the Board shall either order an
election or make a provisional appointment to fill the vacancy.
If an election is ordered, it shall be held on the next regular election date not less than 130 days after
the occurrence of the vacancy.
If a provisional appointment is made, it shall be subject to the conditions in Education Code
Section 5091. The person appointed to the position shall hold office only until the next regularly
scheduled election for district governing board members, when the election shall be held to fill
the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.
The provisional appointment will be made by a majority public vote of the Board members at a
public meeting.
The President/Superintendent shall establish administrative procedures to solicit applications that
assure ample publicity to and information for prospective candidates. The Board will determine
the schedule and appointment process, which may include interviews at a public meeting.
See Administrative Procedures AP 2110.
Reference: Education Code Sections 5090, et seq., Government Code 1770, 6061, 72103
Accreditation Standard IV.B.
Adopted by Board of Trustees: 9/11/05
Former Bylaw #004: Membership, Adopted by Board of Trustees: 2 2/82
Amended: 9/17/84, 6/6/88, 1/11/93, 7/12/93, 12/5/94, 12/6/97, 12/9/03, 12/7/04
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August 5, 2013
Page 40
Administrative Procedure
AP 2110
When the Board determines to fill the vacancy by appointment, the
President/Superintendent shall assure that there is ample publicity to and information for
prospective candidates. Publicity shall include posting in three public places in the District and
publication in a newspaper of general circulation. In addition, the President/Superintendent shall
assure there is ample publicity in the trustee area where the vacancy has occurred.
The posted notice of vacancy shall include directions regarding applications or nominations of
legally qualified candidates. Persons applying or nominated must meet the qualifications required
by law for members of the Board.
Persons applying for appointment to the Board shall receive a letter from the President/Superintendent
containing information about the District and the Board, and including a candidate information sheet
to be completed and returned by a specific date.
The Board may request personal interviews with candidates. Interviews will be conducted in a
public hearing scheduled for that purpose.
Each Board member will review all candidate information sheets, with final selection made by a
majority vote of the Board members at a public meeting.
Whenever a provisional appointment is made, the Board shall, within 10 days of the provisional
appointment, post notices of both the actual vacancy or the filing of a deferred resignation and
the provisional appointment in three public places in the District. It shall also publish a notice
in a newspaper of general circulation. In addition, the President/Superintendent shall post notices
in the trustee area where the vacancy has occurred.
The notice shall state the fact of the vacancy or resignation and the date of the occurrence of the
vacancy or the date of the filing of, and the effective date of, the resignation. It shall also contain
the full name of the provisional appointee to the board, the date of appointment, and a
statement that unless a petition calling for a special election, containing a sufficient number of
signatures, is filed in the office of county superintendent of schools within 30 days of the date
of the provisional appointment, it shall become an effective appointment.
A provisional appointment confers all powers and duties of a governing board member upon the
appointee immediately following his or her appointment.
A person appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office only until the next regularly scheduled
election for governing board members. An election shall be held to fill the vacancy for the
remainder of the unexpired term. A person elected at an election to fill the vacancy shall hold office
for the remainder of the term in which the vacancy occurs or will occur.
College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
Page 41
Reference: Education Code Section 5090 et seq.; Government Code Section 1770, 6061, 72103
Approved: 9/11/05
Former Bylaw #004: Membership, Adopted by Board of Trustees: 2 2/82
Amended: 9/17/84, 6/6/88, 1/11/93, 7/12/93, 12/5/94, 12/6/97, 12/9/03, 12/7/04
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August 5, 2013
Page 42
Board Policy
BP 3300
Number Update only from Board of Trustees Policy No. 801
The Board recognizes the importance of public records as the official record of the acts of this
public body, and its responsibility to make those records, with certain exceptions, available to the
For purposes of this policy, "public record" shall include all records required by law or this
Board to be maintained or kept on file by this Board or its officials, except that public records
shall not include personnel records, records carrying information regarding individual students,
records pertaining to an investigation in progress when the inspection of such records would be
inimical to the public interest, records pertaining to the pending acquisition of land, instructions
given to a Board negotiator, and rosters of students except as they are released by the Board to
recognize student achievement.
The Board directs that all records of this District be made, maintained, and safeguarded in full
compliance with the requirements of law. Any citizen of the state who has an interest in the
public records of this Board may inspect and copy them during the regular business hours of the
District provided he has submitted a written request in advance of such inspection specifying
those records which he wishes to inspect.
Ed. Code: 72600 et seq.; Govt. Code: 6250 et seq.; 5 Cal Adm. Code: 450, 16020 et seq.
Former Board of Trustees Policy No. 801, number change only on June 5, 2012
Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977 College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
Page 43
Administrative Procedure
AP 3300
Members of the public may request to inspect or copy public records. A request by a member of
the public may be delivered by the U.S. mail or in person to the designated Public Information
Officer. An email, text, or other electronic correspondence from the public shall not be
considered an official request to inspect or copy public records.
Any request shall identify with reasonable specificity the records that are sought. If additional
information is needed, the Public Information Officer may request it be provided in writing.
Any request to inspect records shall be made sufficiently in advance of the date of inspection to
allow staff members time to assemble the records and identify any records that may be exempt
from disclosure. Public records are open to inspection at all times during the office hours of the
District. A person may receive a copy of any identifiable public record upon payment of fees for
direct costs of duplication or applicable statutory fee. An exact copy shall be made unless
impracticable to do so; computer data shall be provided in a form determined by the District.
The District may respond to any public records request by email and may comply with any
public records request by providing electronic copies of requested records.
Records that are exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act or any other provision of
law may not be inspected or copied by members of the public. Social security numbers must be
redacted from records before they are disclosed to the public.
Members of the public shall be assisted in identifying records or information that may respond to
their request. Assistance that will be provided includes: the information technology and physical
location in which the records exist; practical suggestions for overcoming denial of access to the
records or information; and the estimated date and time when the records will be made available.
Within ten days, the Public Information Officer will determine whether or not the records can be
produced and will communicate the determination to the member of the public requesting the
Note: The Public Records Act presumes that all records of a public agency are public, unless
specifically exempted by law. There are now well over a hundred exemptions contained in
California law, although most will never apply to a community college district. (See Government
Code Sections 6254 et seq. and 6275 et seq.) Any questions about whether a document is
exempt should be referred to legal counsel.
The most common exemptions for community colleges include:
1. Student records (Education Code Section 76243)
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2. Preliminary drafts, notes, or interagency or intra-agency memoranda that are not retained
by the public agency in the ordinary course of business, provided that the public interest
in withholding the records clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure.
(Government Code Section 6254(a))
3. Records pertaining to pending litigation …or to claims…until the pending litigation or
claim has been finally adjudicated or otherwise settled. (Government Code Section
4. Personnel, medical or similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute an
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (Government Code Section 6254(c))
5. Test questions, scoring keys, and other examination data used to administer a licensing
examination, examination for employment, or academic examination [except for
standardized tests provided for by Education Code Sections 99150 et seq.]. (Government
Code Section 6254(g).)
6. The contents of real estate appraisals or engineering or feasibility estimates and
evaluations…relative to the acquisition of property, or to prospective public supply and
construction contracts, until all of the property has been acquired or all of the contract
agreement obtained. (Government Code Section 6254(h)).
7. Internet posting of home address or telephone numbers of local elected officials
(Government Code Section 6254.21)
8. Home addresses and home telephone number of employees of a school district or county
office of education (other than to an agent or family member of the employee, to an
officer of another school district when necessary, to an employee organization, or to an
agency or employee of a health benefit plan.) (Government Code Section 6254.3)
9. Records regarding alternative investments (i.e. an investment in a private equity fund,
venture fund, hedge fund, or absolute return fund; limited partnership, limited liability
company or similar legal structure) involving public investment funds, unless already
publicly released by the keeper of the information.
10. Information security records, if disclosure of that record would reveal vulnerabilities to,
or otherwise increase the potential for an attack on, the District’s information technology
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BP 3310
Board Policy
Number Update only from Board of Trustees Policy No. 814
Redwoods Community College District recognizes the need to develop records to meet county,
state, and federal requirements, and to satisfy daily operating requirements.
The District also recognizes: the value of most of these records generally decreases rapidly when
transactions are completed; some of these should be destroyed when their usefulness has ended;
other records have continuing legal, fiscal or historical value for years after their administrative
value is exhausted; and other specific records must be permanently retained.
A procedure for record management is essential for efficient administration. This includes legal
requirements for retaining records.
A procedure for management of diversified records minimizes the effort and costs necessary to
keep those records of significant value and will maximize the usability of the records. The
following objectives for a paperwork management program are suggested by the State
Administrative Manual, Section 1602, are adopted for the District, and are intended to control
the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation and disposal of records:
1. Improve administration through efficient correspondence management. This includes
forms, reports and file operations.
2. Streamline systems and procedures.
3. Transfer systems and procedures.
4. Destroy records no longer legally required or of significant value for administrative,
legal, fiscal, historical or research purposes promptly upon expiration of the appropriate
retention period.
5. Ensure the preservation of records with long-term or permanent value. The
President/Superintendent is directed to implement this program through the following
Administrative Regulation.
Former Board of Trustees Policy No. 814, number change only on June 5, 2012
Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 6, 1990 College Council Agenda
August 5, 2013
Page 46
Administrative Procedure
AP 3310
The President/Superintendent delegates authority to supervise the classification and
destruction of records and electronically stored information (ESI) to the Vice President,
Chief Business Officer. Redwoods Community College District (District) must preserve
ESI that is relevant to actual or potential litigation pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure. The District shall comply with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and
produce relevant ESI in the form in which it is ordinarily maintained or readily usable. An
annual report shall be made to the Board of Trustees regarding the classification and
destruction of records and ESI.
“Records” means all records, maps, books, papers, data processing output, and documents
of the District required by Title 5 to be retained, including but not limited to records
created originally by computer and ESI, as that term is defined by the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure. Records shall be classified as required by Title 5 and other applicable
statutes, federal and state regulations. District records also include student records.
Records shall annually be reviewed to determine whether they should be classified as Class
1 – Permanent, Class 2 – Optional, or Class 3 – Disposable (as defined in Title 5).
1. Class 1-Permanent Records The original of each record listed below or one exact
copy, when the original is required by law to be filed with another agency, is a Class
1-Permanent record. It shall be retained indefinitely, unless copied or reproduced,
as appropriate. The following annual reports, official actions, student records, and
property records:
a. Official budget;
b. Financial report of all funds, including cafeteria and student body funds;
c. Audit of all funds;
d. Full-time equivalent student, including Period 1 and Period 2 reports;
e. Other major annual reports, including: those containing information relating
to property, activities, financial condition, or transactions; and those
declared by board minutes to be permanent;
f. Minutes of the board or committee thereof, including the text of a rule,
regulation, policy, or resolution not set forth verbatim in minutes but
included therein by reference only;
g. Elections, including the call, if any, for and the result (but not including
detail documents, such as ballots) of an election called, conducted, or
canvassed by the governing board for a board member, the board member's
recall, issuance of bonds, incurring any long-term liability, change in
maximum tax rates, reorganizations, or any other purpose;
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h. Records transmitted by another agency that pertain to that agency's action
with respect to district reorganization;
i. The following personnel records: All detail records relating to employment,
assignment, employee evaluations, amount, and dates of service rendered,
termination or dismissal of an employee in any position, sick leave record,
rate of compensation, salaries or wages paid, deduction or withholdings
made, and the person or agency to whom such amounts were paid. In lieu of
the detail records, a complete proven summary payroll record for each
employee of the school district containing the same data may be classified as
Class 1-Permanent, and the detail records may then be classified as Class 3Disposable;
j. The records of enrollment and scholarship for each student. Such records of
enrollment and scholarship may include but need not be limited to: name of
student, date of birth, place of birth, name and address of a parent having
custody or a guardian, if the student is a minor, entering and leaving date for
each academic year and for any summer session or other extra session,
subjects taken during each year, half year, summer session, or quarter; and
if grades or credits are given, the grades and number of credits toward
graduation allowed for work taken;
k. All records pertaining to any accident or injury involving a student for which
a claim for damages has been filed as required by law, including any policy
of liability insurance relating thereto, except that these records cease to be
Class 1-Permanent records, one year after the claim has been settled or after
the applicable statute of limitations has run;
l. All detail records relating to land, buildings, and equipment. In lieu of such
detail records, a complete property ledger may be classified as Class 1Permanent, and the detail records may then be classified as Class 3Disposable, if the property ledger includes: all fixed assets, an equipment
inventory, and for each unit of property, the date of acquisition or
augmentation, the person from whom acquired, an adequate description or
identification, and the amount paid, and comparable data if the unit is
disposed of by sale, loss, or otherwise.
2. Class 2 - Optional Records Any record worthy of further preservation but not
classified as Class 1-Permanent, may be classified as Class 2-Optional. It shall then
be retained until reclassified as Class 3-Disposable. If the Vice President, Chief
Business Officer, or designee determines that classification should not be made
annually, all records of the prior year may be classified as Class 2-Optional, pending
further review and classification within one year.
a. Purchase Orders, Written Contracts Any purchase orders, contracts, or
other documents of this type should be retained for at least five years from
the date last performance become due. This is done because any contract in
writing may be the subject of a suit within four years after final performance
of any act under the contract becomes due.
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b. Financial Records Any records involving financial transactions for which a
public officer would become liable for malfeasance or misfeasance of duty
should be retained for a period of at least four years.
c. Email records Electronic mail (email) includes any message sent or received
through or stored on the District’s email servers. Such emails may include,
but are not limited to, correspondence and attachments, calendar schedules,
and forms transmitted electronically. The District will retain emails and
attachments in inboxes, folders, outboxes, etc. on email servers for six (6)
months after emails have been received or sent. All emails and attachments
remaining on email servers longer than six (6) months will be automatically
and permanently deleted. Individuals may save copies of emails and
attachments before the six (6) month period expires by transferring them to
other electronic environments and media and by copying them on paper.
3. Class 3 - Disposable Records Disposable records shall be maintained for the period
required by applicable law or regulation, but in any event shall be retained for at
least three college years after the year in which they were originally created.
4. Retention and Destruction of Student Records The retention and destruction of
student records, where not otherwise specifically provided for in the Education
Code, shall be in accordance with regulations of the Board of Governors that appear
in the California Administrative Code.
The following documents, listed under Section 59020(b), are not records and may be
destroyed at any time:
1. Additional copies of documents beyond the original or one copy. (A person receiving
a duplicated copy need not retain it.)
2. Correspondence between District employees that does not pertain to personnel
matters or constitute a student record.
3. Advertisements and other sales material received.
4. Textbooks used for instruction, and other instructional materials, including library
books, pamphlets, and magazines.
Transfer of Records - Student Records Whenever a student transfers to another postsecondary education institution, appropriate records or a copy may be transferred by the
District. The student may be notified that records will be transferred upon payment by the
student of all fees and charges due. The student shall be notified of the records transfer in
accordance with the Education Code and California Administrative Code requirements.
Destruction is by any method that assures the record is permanently destroyed, e.g.
shredding, burning, and pulping.
Approved: 8/6/90
Revised: 11/6/01