Minutes Dated September 26, 2011 (Page 3)

College Council
3:00 p.m. - Board Room - Monday, October 10, 2011
1. Minutes Dated September 26, 2011 (Page 3)
2. For Information: Update on President/Superintendent Job Announcement
3. BP/AP 3260 ‘Participatory Governance’ (Utpal)
*****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW***************
4. BP1100 ‘The Redwoods Community College District’ (Utpal) (Page 7)
*****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW****************
5. BP/AP 2714 ‘Distribution of Tickets or Passes’ – BRPC step 8 (Doug) (Page 9)
6. BP/AP 5205 ‘Student Accident Insurance’ (Cheryl) (Page 11)
7. BP/AP 5040 ‘Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy’ (Cheryl) (Page 15)
8. AP 5031 ‘Instructional Materials Fees’ (Cheryl) (Page29)
9. BP/AP 3600 ‘Auxiliary Organizations’ (Lee) (Page 33)
*****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW****************
10. BP/AP 5010 ‘Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment’ (Cheryl) (Page 55)
*****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW****************
11. AP 5011 ‘Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment of Special Part-Time High School
Students’ (Cheryl) (Page 63)
****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW****************
12. AP 5012 ‘International Students’ (Cheryl) (Page 71)
*****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW****************
13. BP/AP 5030 ‘Fees’ (Cheryl) (Page 75)
****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW****************
14. AP4103 ‘Work Experience’ (Roxanne) (Page 93)
*****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW****************
15. BP/AP 5210 ‘Communicable Diseases (Cheryl) (Page 95)
*****END OF CONSTITUENT REVIEW****************
16. BP/AP 3050 ‘Institutional Code of Ethics’ (Utpal) (Page 101)
Policy and Procedure Tracking
AP 2411
AP 3435
BP/AP 3430
BP/AP 7310
AP 4024
Definition of a Credit Hour (Interim)
Interim Policies
Policy and Procedure Revision Inventory
Section 508 : Access to Info and Data
College Council and the Brown Act
Grant Funded Faculty Conversion Process
Evaluation of PZ/Superintendent
Priorities for Tenure Track Faculty Positions
Discrimination and Harassment Investigations
Prohibition of Harassment
Instructional Exigency Plan
Interim policy AP4024 implemented 05/02/11
Interim Policy on interim policies implemented 05/02
Doug to draft comprehensive inventory
Mark Winter to investigate issue and report to Council
Dave and Doug to draft evaluations
Council request review of best practices
Dave seeking best practices. Rox seeking legal
Tabled pending BOT discussion
Draft under Expanded Cabinet Review
Constituent Review ends 11/07/2011
Constituent Review ends 11/07/2011
Constituent Review ends 11/07/2011
Constituent Review ends 11/21/2011
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10/10/2011 Meeting of College Council
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Minutes of the College Council
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA, Board Room
Monday, September 26, 2011
Mark Winter, Mike Richards, John Johnston, Kasey Merton (ASCR), Jose
Ramirez, Marcia Williams (phone), Mark Renner (phone), Utpal Goswami, Lee
Lindsey, Keith Snow-Flamer, Roxanne Metz
Ron McQueen, Ahn Fielding, KT Rep, ASCR rep #2,
Utpal Goswami called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
The minutes of 09/12/2011 were approved as presented.
BP/AP 3260
Support staff reported that an online feedback forum had been created to
collect and record feedback regarding draft BP and AP 3260 ‘Participatory
Governance.’ The Council reviewed the forum (at
http://inside.redwoods.edu/CollegeCouncil/feedback/index.asp) and requested
that support staff send the link to ‘All.’
Academic Senate representatives reported that they expected continued
refinements to the BP and AP following the BP and AP’s initial passage on
October 10th, and that the Academic Senate would hear feedback regarding
the drafts at their October 7th meeting.
Utpal requested that the Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee be
prepared to review and incorporate feedback regarding BP and AP 3260
between October 7th and 10th.
Mark Winter reminded the Council that the Exigency Plan was being developed
so that the District would have an exigency process in place should the District
face a fiscal emergency. Utpal Goswami noted that that process would be
housed as a BP and AP in the 4020 series (Program, Curriculum, and Course
Initial feedback from Council members included:
1. Implication of 50 percent law reference should be thoughtfully
2. The last bullet describing committee membership notes “Deans and
Directors of Academic, CTE, and Instructional Programs.” These
committee positions should be described more specifically.
3. Whatever deliverable the committee recommends should be vetted.
The campus community ought to have time to provide feedback
regarding the committee’s recommendation.
A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to distribute the
Exigency Plan for a 60 day constituent review.
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September 26, 2011
BP/AP 3050
Utpal Goswami reported that the draft ‘code of ethics’ was being presented to
the Council for a preliminary read, and that the document would officially be
presented to Council for its initial review on October 10th.
Initial feedback included:
1. AP 3050, Ethical Standards section, bullet eight states: “Challenge and
report unethical behavior in a timely manner.” To whom and how a
person reports unethical behavior should be defined.
2. The BP and AP describe behavioral guidelines. The documents are not
legally binding.
3. The term “code” in the title is not appropriate because the document is
non-binding. A more accurate description is a ‘statement of ethical
4. ACCJC accreditation standard III.A.1.d requires that ‘The institution
upholds a written code of professional ethics for all of its personnel.’
5. AP 3050, Ethical Standards section, bullet 10 states: “Confront issues
and people without prejudice and exhibit mutual respect.” The
statement should read ‘Confront issues and people without prejudice
and exhibit mutual with respect.’
6. One goal of the code of ethics is to give assurance to the community
that acting with integrity is important to the institution
7. The policy and procedure should be descriptive of the principles we
abide by as we develop binding policies and procedures
8. Regardless of whether the topic ought to be covered in the code of
ethics, how violations of policy and procedure are addressed should be
The Council concluded that since the revised drafts of BP and AP 3250 were
presented to Council just before the meeting, and since the drafts were to be
formally introduced at the October 10th Council meeting, no action would be
taken until the October 10, 2011 Council meeting.
Support staff reported that the 30 day constituent feedback period for AP 2511
ended September 26, 2011 and that no feedback had been submitted to the
President’s office.
Keith Snow-Flamer requested that the title ‘VP of Student Services’ be updated
to ‘VP of Student Development.’
The Council discussed the role the President plays in executing the work of
College Council; specifically, how the President can both chair College Council
and receive recommendations from College Council. Utpal reported that the
conduit for policies and procedures ensues from the President to the Board of
Trustees. Utpal noted that if the President presents policy and procedure to
the Board that is different than what was recommended by College Council,
College Council has the right and obligation, through a formal BOT agenda
item, to formally notify the Board of Trustees.
ACTION A motion was made and passed unanimously to approve as revised AP 2511.
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September 26, 2011
BP/AP 5010
Support staff noted that the constituency review period for BP/AP 5010
‘Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment’ ended September 26, 2011.
Mark Winter reported that the current draft AP 5010 removed the
requirement for students to have attained 18 years of age in order to
register for classes, and that nursing faculty had requested that the
requirement be reinstated.
Cheryl Tucker reported that she and Kathy Goodlive had researched the
age requirement issue and found that requiring students to have
attained 18 years of age in order to register for class was not consistent
with education code.
Marcia Williams reported that she had received feedback regarding AP
5010. Marcia reported that the AP states that students who are under
18 years of age who have not received a high school diploma or its
equivalent will only be admitted in accordance with the concurrent
enrollment procedures. Marcia requested that an exemption process be
identified that will allow special consideration for conditional admission
for those students who are under 18 that are non-high school graduates
and that are non-concurrent.
Mark Renner suggested that we not use the term ‘pupil’ unless required
by education code.
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to table action
on BP/AP 5010 in order to allow constituent feedback to be considered
and incorporated.
AP 5011
Discussion/action postponed till October 10, 2011 Council meeting.
BP/AP 5030 ‘FEES’
Discussion/action postponed till October 10, 2011 Council meeting.
AP 4103 WORK
Discussion/action postponed till October 10, 2011 Council meeting.
BP/AP 5205
Discussion/action postponed till October 10, 2011 Council meeting.
BP/AP 5040
Discussion/action postponed till October 10, 2011 Council meeting.
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September 26, 2011
AP 5031
Discussion/action postponed till October 10, 2011 Council meeting.
Utpal suggested that in order to ensure that Council is able to address new
business, new business would be strategically dispersed throughout the
Council agenda.
Utpal Goswami adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m.
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Constituent review ends 10/10/2011
Suggested Revision of CR Board Policy 1100
Comment: Please note that bold words indicate suggested revisions, which could be
updates or substantive changes. Underlined blue words are links to a reference or source.
There are no suggested deletions for this policy.
Board of Trustees Policy
BP 1100
The District has been named the Redwoods Community College District.
The name is the property of the District. No person shall, without the permission of the Board,
use this name or the names of any colleges or other facilities of the District, or any abbreviation
of them, to imply, indicate, or otherwise suggest that an organization, product, or service is
connected or affiliated with, or is endorsed, favored, supported, or opposed by, the District.
The District consists of the following college and education centers:
College of the Redwoods, Eureka Main Campus
College of the Redwoods, Del Norte Education Center
College of the Redwoods, Mendocino Coast Education Center
The District also offers programs and courses at additional instructional sites throughout the
District to best address the needs of District students, and these sites include, but are not limited
College of the Redwoods, Bianchi Farm (Shively)
College of the Redwoods, Fine Woodworking Program (Fort Bragg)
College of the Redwoods, Klamath-Trinity Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, McKinleyville Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, Arcata Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, Eureka Downtown Instructional Site
College of the Redwoods, Southern Humboldt Instructional Site
Reference: Education Code Section 72000(b); Elections Code Section 18304;
BP 2100 Board Elections contains a general description of the district’s territory by
defining each trustee area
Adopted by Board of Trustees: June 1, 2004
Former Bylaw No. 001: Name and Classification
Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977
Amended: January 11, 1993
Reviewed by College Council:
Adopted by Board of Trustees:
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Suggested CR Board Policy 2714
Comment: Please note that BP/AP 2714 are entirely new. Both are based on the CCLC's
sample AP 2714. In California, it is anticipated that most community college districts that are
using the CCLC Policy and Procedure Service eventually will review and include this new
information near BP 2710 Conflict of Interest.
Our attorney has included our local practices and expanded the statement of public purposes
in the policy to include people who can support the College, not just employees or officials.
Also added is the ability of a department or the President to make tickets available to specific
student events. For example, this covers the theatre department giving a pass to the local
theatre critic. This procedure includes the athletic passes that are made available to all District
Board Policy
BP 2714
Distribution of Tickets or Passes to Non-District Events
From time to time, the District receives tickets or passes to non-District facilities, events,
shows, or performances for an entertainment, amusement, recreational, or similar purpose.
The District will distribute these tickets or passes when attendance at the event will further the
District's mission or will significantly contribute to the professional development of an
employee or a member of the Board of Trustees.
Distribution of Tickets or Passes to District Events
Providing available tickets or passes for District employees and officials to District programs
and activities supports the District's mission and its students. The attendance of District
employees and officials at District programs and activities assists them to remain current on
District educational programs. District students also benefit when they recognize the interest
District employees and officials take in their activities. The President/Superintendent is
authorized to provide available tickets or passes to District employees and officials for
District programs and activities for these purposes as he/she deems appropriate.
Transfers of tickets or passes by recipients are not permitted.
Reference: AP 2714; BP 2710; Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 18944.1
Adopted by Board of Trustees:
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Suggested CR Administrative Procedure 2714
Comment: This procedure is based on the last three paragraphs of the suggested CCLC
2714. This procedure,
as below,
CR Board
2714the "how" of the suggested CR BP 2714.
Administrative Procedure
AP 2714
1. The District, through the President/Superintendent or his/her designee, will distribute
limited numbers of tickets or passes received by the District for non-District facilities,
events, shows, or performances to the person(s) who the President/Superintendent or his/
her designee has decided will benefit most directly or whose regular role in the District
most directly relates to the facility, event, show, or performance.
Tickets or passes to District programs or activities will be considered available for
distribution to District employees or officials when the distribution represents no
additional cost to the District and when voluntary attendance by District employees or
officials does not have the reasonable potential to displace students or members of the
2. The person receiving a ticket or pass pursuant to this procedure may not transfer the
ticket or pass to any other person. Subsequently, if the person receiving it cannot attend
the event, show, or performance, or use the ticket or pass, the person receiving it should
return it as soon as possible to the President/Superintendent for redistribution under this
3. Under certain circumstances state and federal income tax laws may require that a
receiving party treat the value of distributed tickets and passes as income. For each ticket
or pass distributed to an official, the District will complete and post to its website a
California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Form 802.
Reference: BP 2714; Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 18944.1
Issued by President/Superintendent:
Reviewed by College Council:
Reviewed by Board of Trustees:
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Student Accident Insurance
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Michelle Hancock ext. 4357
Student Services
BP-revision, AP-new
BP 521
Ed Code: 72506
League Template
Barb Franklin
Other colleges
o North Orange
o Yuba
o Cerritos
o Palomar
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Date submitted to PPRS
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
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Date approved by Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Policy
Proposed BP 5205
The District shall assure that students are covered by accident insurance in those instances
required by law or contract.
See Administrative Procedure 5205.
Education Code Section 72506
Adopted by Board of Trustees: x/xx/xx
Former Policy #521: “Student Insurance,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 8/15/77
Amended: 3/4/83; 3/6/95
Board of Trustees Policy No. 521
The Board will not act as insurer for any student but recognizes the need for student accident
insurance coverage for unforeseen accidents that may occur in the course of attendance at school
or student participation in College programs.
The Board will maintain the most cost-effective insurance coverage for injury resulting from
accidents sustained in the course of participation in College programs and activities. The cost for
the student insurance programs shall be paid through the Student Health Fee fund, except for
athletic costs.
Adopted: August 15, 1977
Amended: March 7, 1983; March 6, 1995
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5205
The Board will maintain the most cost-effective insurance coverage for injury resulting from
accidents sustained in the course of participation in College programs and activities. The cost for
the student insurance programs shall be paid through the Student Health Fee fund, except for
athletic costs.
Should a student sustain an injury while on campus, it should be reported immediately to the
Payroll and Benefits Manager after seeking appropriate medical attention, if necessary.
Education Code Section 72506
Approved: xx/xx/xx
No previous administrative procedure
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Cheryl Tucker
Student Services
BP and AP 5040
BP 505 “Student Records”; AR 506.01
“Regulations Re: Student Records”
Cheryl Tucker, Kathy Goodlive, Keith SnowFlamer
Education Code Sections 76200 et seq; Title 5
Sections 54600 et seq; Civil Code Section
1798.85; FERPA; the Solomon Amendment
(10 U.S.C. § 982; 32 C.F.R. 216, 65 F.R. 2056)
- allows military organizations access to
information ordinarily restricted under FERPA
for the purpose of military recruiting.
North Orange, Palomar, Cerritos, Yuba
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Keith Snow-Flamer
Date submitted to PPRS
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
10/10/2011 Meeting of College Council
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30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Policy
Proposed BP 5040
The President/Superintendent shall assure that student records are maintained in compliance with
applicable federal and state laws relating to the privacy of student records.
The President/Superintendent may direct the implementation of appropriate safeguards to assure
that student records cannot be accessed or modified by any person not authorized to do so.
Any currently enrolled or former student of the District has a right of access to any and all
student records relating to him or her maintained by the District.
No District representative shall release the contents of a student record to any member of the
public without the prior written consent of the student, other than directory information as
defined in this policy and information sought pursuant to a court order or lawfully issued
subpoena, or as otherwise authorized by applicable federal and state laws.
Students shall be notified of their rights with respect to student records, including the definition
of directory information contained here, and that they may limit the information.
Directory information shall include:
student name
community of residence
date and place of birth
major field of study
participation in officially recognized activities and sports
weight and height of members of athletic teams,
dates of attendance,
degrees and awards received
the most recent public or private school attended by the student, and
any other information authorized in writing by the student
Students are asked on the admissions application to authorize the release of Directory
Information. If the answer “yes” is marked, then information listed under “Directory
Information” may be released. If “no” was marked, the information will not be released. This
designation may be changed by submitting the request in writing to the Admissions and Records
See Administrative Procedures 5040.
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Education Code Sections 76200 et seq; Title 5 Sections 54600 et seq
Revision Adopted: xx-xx-xx
Former Board Policy No. 506 “Student Records”
Adopted August 15, 1977
Amended: October 3, 1994
Board of Trustees Policy No. 506
The Board of Trustees recognizes the educational and legal mandates to establish, collect, and
maintain appropriate and accurate student records. The Board further acknowledges the need to
resolve potential conflicts between California law and the provisions of Public Law 93-380 (the
Buckley Act of 1974) regarding the confidentiality of student records. Therefore, the Board of
Trustees directs the President or designee to develop and implement appropriate administrative
regulations and procedures to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state laws
governing student records.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977
Amended: October 3, 1994
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5040
A cumulative record of enrollment, scholarship, and educational progress shall be kept for each
Release of Student Records: No instructor, official, employee, or governing board member
shall authorize access to student records to any person except under the following circumstances:
Student records shall be released pursuant to a student's written consent. The College
must obtain written consent of the student before releasing personally identifiable
information from records to other than a specified list of persons and agencies.
“Directory information” may be released in accordance with the definitions in Board
Policy 5040.
Students are asked on the admissions application to authorize the release of Directory
Information. If the answer “yes” is marked, then information listed under “Directory
Information” may be released. If “no” was marked, the information will not be released.
This designation may be changed by submitting the request in writing to the Admissions
and Records Office.
Directory information shall include:
student name
community of residence
date and place of birth
major field of study
participation in officially recognized activities and sports
weight and height of members of athletic teams,
dates of attendance,
degrees and awards received
the most recent public or private school attended by the student, and
any other information authorized in writing by the student
Student records shall be released pursuant to a judicial order or a lawfully issued
subpoena. The District shall make a reasonable effort to notify the student in advance of
compliance with a lawfully issued subpoena and, in the case of compliance with a court
order, if lawfully possible within the requirements of the order.
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Student records shall be released pursuant to a federal judicial order that has been issued
regarding an investigation or prosecution of an offense concerning an investigation or
prosecution of terrorism.
Student records may be released to officials and employees of the District only when they
have a legitimate educational interest to inspect the record.
Student records may be released to authorized representatives of the Comptroller General
of the United States, the Secretary of Education, an administrative head of an education
agency, state education officials, or their respective designees or the United States Office
of Civil Rights, where that information is necessary to audit or evaluate a state or
federally supported educational program or pursuant to federal or state law. Exceptions
are that when the collection of personally identifiable information is specifically
authorized by federal law, any data collected by those officials shall be protected in a
manner that will not permit the personal identification of students or their parents by
other than those officials, and any personally identifiable data shall be destroyed when no
longer needed for that audit, evaluation, and enforcement of federal legal requirements.
The Director of Admissions and Records will be responsible for releasing student
information in matters of state or federal law.
Student records may be released to officials of other public or private schools or school
systems, including local, county or state correctional facilities where education programs
are provided, where the student seeks or intends to enroll or is directed to enroll. The
release is subject to the conditions in Education Code Section 76225. The Director of
Admissions and Records will be responsible for authorizing the release of student
information in accordance with Education Code 76225.
Student records may be released to agencies or organizations in connection with a
student's application for, or receipt of, financial aid, provided that information permitting
the personal identification of those students may be disclosed only as may be necessary
for those purposes as to financial aid, to determine the amount of the financial aid, or
conditions that will be imposed regarding financial aid, or to enforce the terms or
conditions of financial aid. The Director of Financial Aid will be responsible for releasing
information concerning financial aid.
Student records may be released to organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of,
accrediting organizations, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of
developing, validating, or administrating predictive tests, administering financial aid
programs, and improving instruction, if those studies are conducted in such a manner as
will not permit the personal identification of students or their parents by persons other
than representatives of those organizations and the information will be destroyed when no
longer needed for the purpose for which it is conducted. The Director of Admissions and
Records will be responsible for authorizing the release of student information.
Student records may be released to appropriate persons in connection with an emergency
if the knowledge of that information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a
student or other persons, subject to applicable federal or state law. In time of
emergency, various college officials may be in a position to release such information.
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Whenever possible, without endangering health or safety, such releases should be carried
out by the Director of Admissions and Records.
The following information shall be released to the federal military for the purposes of
federal military recruitment: student names, addresses, telephone listings, dates and
places of birth, levels of education, degrees received, prior military experience, and/or the
most recent previous educational institutions enrolled in by the students. The Director of
Admissions and Records will be responsible for authorizing release of information to the
Charge for Transcripts or Verifications of Student Records: A student/former student shall
be entitled to two free copies of the transcript of his/her record or to two free verifications of
various student records. Additional copies shall be made available to the student, or to an
addressee designated by him/her, at the rate of $5.00 per copy and, if requested via the college
web interface, are processed within 2 working days after receiving payment. “Official”
transcript requests made in person or by mail are produced the first and third Tuesdays of each
month. “Unofficial” transcripts can be printed via the college web interface and are free.
Use of Social Security Numbers
Effective January 1, 2007, the District shall not do any of the following:
Publicly post or publicly display an individual’s social security number;
Print an individual’s social security number on a card required to access products or
Require an individual to transmit his or her social security number over the internet using
a connection that is not secured or encrypted;
Require an individual to use his or her social security number to access an Internet Web
site without also requiring a password or unique personal identification number or other
authentication devise; or
Print, in whole or in part, an individual’s social security number that is visible on any
materials that are mailed to the individual, except those materials used for:
Application or enrollment purposes;
To establish, amend, or terminate an account, contract, or policy; or
To confirm the accuracy of the social security number.
If the District has, prior to January 1, 2004, used an individual’s social security number in a
manner inconsistent with the above restrictions, it may continue using that individual’s social
security number in that same manner only if:
The use of the social security number is continuous;
The individual is provided an annual disclosure that informs the individual that he or she
has the right to stop the use of his or her social security number in a manner otherwise
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Redwoods Community College District agrees to stop the use of an individual’s social
security number in a manner otherwise prohibited upon a written request by that
No fee shall be charged for implementing this request; and the district shall not deny
services to an individual for making such a request.
Education Code Sections 76200 et seq.; Title 5 Sections 54600 et seq., U.S. Patriot Act; Civil
Code Section 1798.85
Revision Adopted: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Administrative Regulation No. 506.01 “Regulation Re: Student Records”
Approved: June 1980
Revised: 3/6/95; 11/5/02
Board of Trustees Policy No. 506
Administrative Regulation No. 506.01
A. General
College of the Redwoods will establish and maintain, as required by law, only such information
on students that is relevant to admissions, registration, academic history, student benefits or
services, extracurricular activities, counseling and guidance, discipline, or matters relating to
student conduct.
B. Records Officer
The Records Officer (Director of Enrollment Services) is responsible for the maintenance of the
student educational record file system, which includes the nature, content, and retention of
student records. The Records Officer will ensure periodic screening of the record system to
eliminate inappropriate and irrelevant material from student files, the retirement of non-active
files, or the destruction of student records as allowed by Education Code Section 59020.
C. Student Records
A student record is any item of information directly related to an identifiable student maintained
by the district or required to be maintained by an employee in the performance of the employee's
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duties, whether recorded by handwriting, print, tapes, film, microfilm, or other means. The
following information should not be part of the student record:
1. Information provided by a student's parents relating to applications for financial aid or
2. Information related to a student that is compiled by an officer or employee of the college
and that
a. is appropriate for such officer's or employee's performance of his or her
b. remains in the sole possession of the maker, and
c. is not accessible or revealed to any other person.
3. Information related to a student that is created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist,
psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional
acting or assisting in a professional or paraprofessional capacity;
b. that is used in connection with the provision of treatment of the student; or
c. that is not available to anyone other than persons providing such treatment,
provided, however, that such a record may be personally reviewed by a physician
or other appropriate professional of the student's choice.
4. Information maintained by the district's security unit that is necessary and appropriate to
enable the security unit to carry out its duties and responsibilities as required by law or as
may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. Such information is to be kept apart from
other student records and maintained solely for security unit purposes, available only to
other law enforcement officials of the same jurisdiction.
5. Confidential letters and statements of recommendations maintained by the district on or
before January 1, 1975, provided that such letters or statements are not used for purposes
other than those for which they were specifically intended.
6. Information maintained in the normal course of business pertaining to persons who are
employed by the district, provided that such information relates exclusively to such
persons in their capacity as employees and is not used for any other purpose.
7. Information related to a student compiled by an employee or officer of the district that
remains in the sole possession of the maker and is not available to any other person
except a substitute who performs the duties of the individual who made the notes on a
temporary basis.
D. Release of Information (General)
The Records Officer shall ensure compliance with the procedure for release of information
pertaining to students. No information without the written consent of the student (Form A,
Request and Consent for Release of Student Record) will be released, except that the following
information may be released if the student has not restricted access to his or her student records:
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1. Directory information: student name, community of residence, date and place of birth,
major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight
and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards
received, the most recent public or private school attended by the student, and any other
information authorized in writing by the student.
2. The posting of student grades outside a faculty office must not be done in a manner that
personally identifies students.
3. The taking of student attendance, if roll sheets are passed from student to student, must
be done in such a manner as not to reveal any information other than student names.
E. Record of Access and Right of Review
A record of access will be maintained with the educational record of each student, which will
indicate all individuals other than school officials who have requested and obtained information
(Form B, Record of Access). A statement will accompany any record released to such parties to
inform them of the restrictions of release to any other party without the consent of the student
(Form C, Transfer of Information by Third Parties). The student can request, through the
Records Officer, a personal inspection and review of his or her record, an accurate copy of a
record, an oral description or communication of a record, or a request to release a copy of any
record. The student must be allowed to review his or her record within 15 working days of the
request to do so.
A student can waive his or her right of access to the student record solely for confidential
recommendations for career placement, postsecondary admissions, or the receipt of an honor or
honorary recognition, provided that such recommendations are used solely for the purpose for
which they were specifically intended and provided that the student shall be notified upon the
request of the persons making confidential recommendations. Such waivers may not be required
as a condition for admissions to, receipt of financial aid from, or receipt of any other services or
benefits from the college (see Form D, Waiver of the Right to Access).
F. Review of Record and Challenge
The Records Officer will establish procedures by which students are notified of their rights
pertaining to their educational records, provide the necessary arrangements for students to review
their files, and set up procedures for challenge hearings. Notification of the contents of this
policy and regulation shall appear in all future catalogs, catalog supplements, and schedules of
1. Student Record Review Procedure
Section 1: Academic Record Review
A student wishing to review his or her educational record shall request this service from window
service personnel in the Enrollment Services Office. After appropriate identification, the staff
member will pull the student's folder from the vault and escort the student to the Records Officer.
The Records Officer will seat the student at an adjoining desk and review the folder with the
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student, answering any questions that may arise. The Records Officer will insert an appropriate
notation in the student's folder that a review of the folder was made, including any statement
pertaining to challenges presented by the student. The student will also be made aware that other
campus records (depending upon his or her situation, program, health, enrollment, etc.) may exist
and, if appropriate, will be given instructions by the Records Officer so that these records may be
reviewed. The Records Officer will also ensure that, during the review of records, the student
will not be provided information that violates the privacy of other students. After the review, the
Records Officer will return the folder to the clerk for refiling. If the Records Officer is
unavailable for review at the time of the student's request, an appointment for the student will be
Section 2: Other Educational Records Review
A student wishing to review records other than those on file in the Enrollment Services Office
will contact the appropriate office and request this service. The custodians of those records to be
reviewed will, after proper identification is made, produce all records pertaining to the student.
The custodian will be present at all times during the review and will screen out any information
on materials pertaining to other students. Appointments for review of records will be made if the
custodian is not available. Should the student desire to challenge any information in the record
file, he should be directed to request a hearing with the Records Officer
2. Student Record Challenge Hearing Procedure
Section 1: Informal Proceedings
A student wishing to challenge any information contained in his or her education records shall
contact the Director, Enrollment Services, and provide a written explanation (Form E, Student
Services Petition to Challenge Records) of the basis for the challenge. The Director, Enrollment
Services, will evaluate student challenges and, where necessary, order the correction or deletion
of information determined to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's
right of privacy or other rights.
Section 2: Filing of Formal Challenge
Should proceedings fail to satisfactorily resolve the student's contention, the student may contact
the Associate Vice President of Student Learning Support Services to request a formal hearing.
The request shall be on a form (Form E, Student Services Petition to Challenge Records)
provided by the Director of Enrollment Services and shall specify the exact portion(s) of the
records that the student desires to be corrected or deleted and the precise grounds on which he or
she bases the challenge. The Associate Vice President of Student Learning Support Services
shall, within 10 working days of the filing of the written request, assign the matter to a Hearing
Committee selected pursuant to Section 3 below.
Section 3: Hearing Committee
The Associate Vice President of Student Learning Support Services shall assign student record
challenges for hearing to the Academic Appeals committee.
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Section 4: Hearing Procedure
The Associate Vice President of Student Learning Support Services will select a hearing date. At
the hearing, the student shall be given an adequate opportunity to present witnesses and other
evidence in support of his or her contentions. The student filing the challenge shall present his or
her evidence first, after which appropriate members of the college administration and faculty
shall have an opportunity to present evidence in support of the information contained in the
challenged records. The student shall have the burden of proving that the record should be
corrected or deleted.
Section 5: Decision
The Academic Appeals Committee shall render its recommendation in writing within 10 working
days of the conclusion of the hearing to the Associate Vice President of Student Learning
Support Services. If the Associate Vice President of Student Learning Support Services approves
the recommendation, records found to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student's
right of privacy or other rights will be corrected or deleted from the student's records.
Section 6: Final Appeal
If the student is not satisfied with the finding of the Associate Vice President of Student Learning
Support Services, the student may, within 30 working days of refusal to change the record,
appeal the decision in writing to the CR Board of Trustees. Within 30 working days of the
receipt of such an appeal, the Board shall, in closed session with the student and appropriate
college employee(s), if any, determine whether to sustain or deny the student's request.
If the Board finds for the student, the President or designee will immediately correct or remove
and destroy the information. If the Board's decision is unfavorable to the student or if the student
accepts the Associate Vice President of Student Learning Support Services' decision, the student
shall have the right to submit a written statement of his or her objections to the information. All
statements become part of the student's record and are confidential. The decision of the Board is
G. Access to Records with Consent of Student
The district may permit access to any person for whom the student has executed written consent
specifying the records to be released and identifying the party or class of parties to whom the
records may be released. The recipient will be notified by the Records Officer (Form C, Transfer
of Information by Third Parties) that the transmission of the information to others without the
written consent of the student is prohibited. The consent note shall be permanently kept with the
student's record file.
H. Access to Records by Persons without Written Consent of Student or Under Judicial Order
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Access is not authorized to student records to any person without the written consent of the
student or under judicial order except that access may be permitted to the following individuals
or agencies:
1. An official or employee of the district, if that person has a legitimate educational interest
to inspect a record.
2. An authorized representative of the Comptroller General of the United States, the
Secretary of Education, an administrative head of an agency, state education official or
respective designee, or the United States Office of Civil Rights, where that information is
necessary to audit or evaluate a state or federally supported education program or
pursuant to a federal or state law except that, when the collection of personally
identifiable information is specifically authorized by federal law, any data collected by
these officials shall be protected in a manner that will not permit the personal
identification of students or their parents when no longer needed for that audit,
evaluation, and enforcement of federal legal requirements.
3. Any other state or local official or authority to the extent that information is specifically
required to be reported pursuant to state law adopted prior to November 19, 1974.
4. An official of another public or private school or school system, including a local,
county, or state correctional facility where an educational program is provided where the
student seeks or intends to enroll or is directed to enroll, subject to the rights of students
as provided by Education Code Section 76225, Transfer of Records.
5. An agency or organization in connection with a student's application for or receipt of
financial aid, provided that information permitting the personal identification of students
may be disclosed only as may be necessary for those purposes as to determine the
eligibility of the student for financial aid, to determine the amount of the financial aid, to
determine the conditions that will be imposed regarding financial aid, or to enforce the
terms and conditions of the financial aid.
6. An accrediting organization in order to carry out its accrediting functions.
7. An organization conducting studies for or on behalf of educational agencies or
institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests,
administering student aid programs, and improving instruction, if those studies are
conducted in such a manner that will not permit the personal identification of students or
their parents by persons other than representatives of those organizations and the
information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose.
8. An appropriate person in connection with an emergency if the knowledge of that
information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other persons, or
subject to any regulations issued by the Secretaries of Education or Health and Welfare.
No person, persons, agency, or organization permitted access to student records pursuant to this
policy shall permit access to any information obtained from the records by any other person,
persons, agency, or organization without the written consent of the student, provided that this
paragraph shall not require prior student consent when information obtained pursuant to this
policy is shared with other persons within the district, agency, or organization obtaining access
so long as those persons have a legitimate educational interest in the information.
I. Disciplinary Actions
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The district will include information in the student record of disciplinary action taken by district
personnel in connection with the student. The student shall be allowed to include in such record a
written statement or response concerning the disciplinary action (this section shall be coordinated
with Board Policy 505, Student Discipline).
J. Sexual Assault or Physical Abuse
The alleged victim of any sexual assault or threat of physical abuse as defined by Education
Code Section 76243(b) or any conduct that threatens the health and safety of the alleged victim
which is the basis of any disciplinary action taken by the district, shall be permitted access to that
information. The access to student record information shall be in the form of notice of the results
of any disciplinary action by the district and the result of any appeal, which shall be provided to
the alleged victim within three working days following that disciplinary action or appeal. The
alleged victim shall keep the results of that disciplinary action and appeal confidential (this
section shall be coordinated with Board Policy 505, Student Discipline).
K. Judicial Orders and Subpoenas
1. Upon receipt of a court order, the Records Officer will furnish the student record to
comply with the order. Reasonable efforts will be made by the Records Officer to notify
the student in advance of such compliance (Form F, Notification of Judicial Order or
Subpoena), if lawfully possible, within the requirements of the judicial order . A copy of
the order will be filed with the student record.
2. Subpoenas for a student record will be complied with, by the Records Officer, only if by
court order. All other subpoenas will be returned with reasons stated (Form G,
Declination to Comply with Subpoena for Student Record). Efforts will be made by the
Records Officer to notify the student of a court order or subpoena (Form F, Notification
of Judicial Order or Subpoena).
L. Copy Charges
The district will charge a $15 fee per request for copies of a complete student record, where the
request is not by court order. Copies for transcripts shall be in accordance with Education Code
Section 76223.
M. Records Maintenance and Destruction
The maintenance, retention, and destruction of student records, where not otherwise specifically
provided for, shall be in accordance with this policy, Education Code Sections 70901 and 76220,
and Education Code Section 59020, General Provisions for Retention and Destruction of
N. Employee Responsibilities Related to Student Records, Including Electronic Records
Employees of the college who have access to electronic student records are responsible for being
aware of and for complying with the college regulations regarding the privacy of student records
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(see also AR 824.01, Use of Information Resources). Compliance with these regulations
includes, but is not limited to:
Maintaining security of records and information.
Maintaining appropriate privacy of records.
Avoiding inappropriate discussion of student records.
Destroying and/or deleting records when appropriate.
O. Violations
Violation of regulations regarding the use of information and/or regulations related to student
records is grounds for imposing disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from
employment and legal action.
Approved: June 1980
Revised: 3/6/95; 11/5/02
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Instructional Materials Fee
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Cheryl Tucker
Student Services
AP 5031
AR 107.02
Cheryl Tucker, Kathy Goodlive, Keith SnowFlamer
Education Code Section 76365; Title 5 Section
59400 et seq.
North Orange County, Cerritos, Yuba, Palomar
CR Curriculum Committee web-site
Dr. Keith Snow-Flamer
Date submitted to PPRS
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
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Administrative Policy
Proposed AP 5031
Students may be required to provide instructional and other materials required for a credit or
non-credit course. Such materials shall be of continuing value to a student outside of the
classroom setting and shall not be solely or exclusively available from the District.
"Instructional and other materials" means any tangible personal property which is owned or
primarily controlled by an individual student.
“Tangible personal property” includes electronic data that the student may access during the
class and store for personal use after the class in a manner comparable to the use available during
the class.”
"Required instructional and other materials" means any instructional and other materials which a
student must procure or possess as a condition of registration, enrollment or entry into a class; or
any such material which is necessary to achieve those required objectives of a course which are
to be accomplished under the supervision of an instructor during class hours.
"Solely or exclusively available from the District" means that the material is not available except
through the District, or that the District requires that the material be purchased or procured from
it. A material shall not be considered to be solely or exclusively available from the District if it is
provided to the student at the District's actual cost; and 1) The material is otherwise generally
available, but is provided solely or exclusively by the District for health and safety reasons; or 2)
The material is provided in lieu of other generally available but more expensive material which
would otherwise be required.
"Required instructional and other materials which are of continuing value outside of the
classroom setting" are materials which can be taken from the classroom setting and which are not
wholly consumed, used up, or rendered valueless as they are applied in achieving the required
objectives of a course to be accomplished under the supervision of an instructor during class
Establishing Required Materials and Related Fees
For new courses requesting fees or existing courses requesting new or revised fees, the process
established by the Curriculum Committee for recommending such fees shall be followed.
Once approved, the recommendation for collection is forwarded to the Chief Instructional
Officer for approval.
If approved, the fee will be published in the schedule of classes and will be considered a
condition of enrollment for the course in question. Fees are collected with enrollment fees.
The Office of Instruction responds to inquiries from the State Chancellor’s Office.
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Education Code Section 76365; Title 5 Section 59400 et seq.
Revision Adopted: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Administrative Regulation No. 107.02
Approved: Feb 3, 1986
Board of Trustees Policy No. 107
Administrative Regulation No. 107.02
College of the Redwoods has a strong commitment to ensuring accessibility to all of its programs
and services for all residents of the Redwoods Community College District. As a matter of fiscal
responsibility, students may be required to provide instructional and other materials required for
a credit or noncredit course. Requirements for assessing the students a fee for instructional and
other materials shall be in accordance with California Administrative Code, Title 5, Sections
59400 through 59408.
Students of College of the Redwoods may be required to provide instructional and other
materials required for a credit or noncredit course, provided that the provisions for assessing a
fee for the course conform to the following guidelines:
(1) The materials shall be tangible personal property which are owned or primarily controlled by
an individual student; and,
(2) The materials are of a continuing value to the student outside of the classroom setting, and
the material is not wholly consumed, used up or rendered valueless as it is applied in achieving
the required objectives of a course which are to be accomplished under the supervision of an
instructor during class hours; and,
(3) The material shall not be solely or exclusively available from the District except if it is
provided to the student at the District's actual cost; and that the material is otherwise generally
available, but is provided by the District for health and safety reasons, or that the material is
provided in lieu of other generally available but more expensive material which would be
otherwise required.
Any materials not meeting these guidelines will be provided by the Redwoods Community
College District to its students at no cost to the student.
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A list of all instructional and other materials to be required in a course will be made available for
students no later than the first class meeting of each term. The list will be made available by the
instructor of the course, the Division Office, the Center Dean, or the College Bookstore. Every
effort will be made to identify in the schedule of classes each semester those courses in which
materials in addition to textbooks and syllabi may be required.
Adopted by Board of Trustees: February 3, 1986
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Constituent Review Ends 10/10/2011
Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
Lee Lindsey x4172
Administrative Services
BP 3600 / AP 3600
Lee Lindsey, Julia Morrison, Garry Patrick,
Pru Ratliff
Ed Code Sections 70902 and 72670 - 72682;
Title 5 sections 59250 et seq. Government
Code Sections 12580 – 12599.7
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name and date)
Lee Lindsey 07/06/2011
Date submitted to PPRS
Comments: Recommend adoption of League template with a minor change requiring the
auxiliary to use the districts accounting information system. Adoption of this policy will also
require review of Foundation Bylaws, written agreement between the district and the foundation,
and the other requirements of the AP.
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
30 day review ends 10/10/11
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Board of Trustees Policy
BP 3600
The Board of Trustees may recognize and approve auxiliary organizations established for the
purpose of providing to the District any and all supportive services, specialized programs and
functions identified in Title 5.
The President/Superintendent shall establish the administrative procedures necessary to fully
comply with California law relating to auxiliary organizations, and to submit this policy and
those procedures to the state Chancellor’s Office as required by law. At a minimum, the
procedures shall address the subjects required by Title 5.
Recognition and establishment of auxiliary organizations shall include a public hearing on the
recommendation to recognize or establish an auxiliary organization; Board approval of the
auxiliary organization; and approval of a written agreement between the District and the
auxiliary organization describing the services, programs or functions to be performed. All such
written agreements shall comply fully with the requirements of Title 5 Section 59257(j).
Any auxiliary organization recognized by the Board of Trustees shall conduct its business in
accordance with the administrative procedures adopted by the Superintendent/President pursuant
to this policy. Notwithstanding anything contained in the administrative procedures, any
auxiliary organization recognized by the Board of Trustees shall comply with Education Code
provisions regarding:
 the composition of a board of directors and the way in which it conducts its meetings;
 conducting an annual audit;
 employing its work force;
 expending and appropriating its funds, and keeping its records.
No funds or resources, other than funds or resources derived from gifts or bequests, shall be
transferred by the District to any of its auxiliary organizations for the purpose of either avoiding
laws or regulations that constrain community college districts or providing the District with an
unfair advantage with respect to any state funding mechanism. Such state funding mechanisms
include, but are not limited to, general apportionment funding, capital outlay funding, Extended
Opportunity Programs and Services funding, and funding for programs and services for disabled
References: Education Code Sections 72670 et seq.; Title 5 Sections 59250 et seq.
Adopted by Board of Trustees:
Former Policy: BP 204
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Board of Trustees Policy # 204
Recognition of the establishment of an auxiliary organization by the Board of Trustees pursuant
to Education Code Section 72672 (c) and California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Sections 59255
and 59257 (a) shall require:
a. That a recommendation is submitted to the Board of Trustees by the President/Superintendent;
b. Prior to the recognition of an auxiliary organization, a public hearing to be held at a time,
place, and in the manner determined by the Board of Trustees;
c. The approval of the establishment of the auxiliary organization by the Board of Trustees.
Approval by the Board of Trustees shall include a designation of the recognized services,
programs, and functions and an identification of the number and category or categories of
members of the Board of Directors of an auxiliary organization; and
d. The approval of a written agreement between the District and an auxiliary organization under
which one or more of the services, programs, or functions described in Section 59259 are to be
An auxiliary organization may be recognized and established for the purpose of providing
supportive services and specialized programs for the benefit of the Redwoods Community
College District. The services, programs, and functions which may be undertaken by an auxiliary
organization and which have been determined by the Board of Trustees and the Board of
Governors to be appropriate are:
Student Association or organization activities;
Food and campus services;
Student union programs;
Facilities and equipment, including parking;
Loans, scholarships, grants-in-aid;
Workshops, conferences, institutes, and federal projects;
Alumni activities;
Supplementary health services;
Gifts, bequests, devises, endowments, and trusts; and
Public relations programs.
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No auxiliary organization shall be authorized by the Board of Trustees to engage in any other
function unless the Board of Governors amends Section 59259 of Title 5 by adding said function
to the list of approved functions of an auxiliary organization; or unless said function is essential
to satisfy the nonprofit corporation or tax laws of the State of California or the Federal tax laws.
In accordance with Education Code Section 72671, the services, programs, and functions may be
performed by an auxiliary organization as part of a joint powers agreement.
The Board of Directors of each auxiliary organization shall have the following composition:
a. The Board of Directors of student associations or organizations shall consist primarily of
students. The President/Superintendent or his/her representative shall attend and participate in
meetings of the Board of Directors in order to advise on policy and to provide for the control and
regulation required by Education Code Section 76060.
b. Any other District-approved organization that is established pursuant to Education Code
Section 72670 et seq. shall have a Board of Directors appointed in accordance with the
organization's articles of incorporation or bylaws and consisting of voting membership from one
or more of the following categories:
Administration and staff;
Members of the Community; and
c. The size of the Board of Directors of an auxiliary organization shall be at least large enough to
accommodate the one or more categories from which Board Members are selected.
d. Each nonprofit corporation that existed prior to the effective date of this policy, and that is
subsequently reorganized and established as an auxiliary organization, may continue to be
governed by the Board of Directors existing at the time of recognition.
e. Each auxiliary organization formed pursuant to Section 72670 et seq. of the Education Code
shall have the benefit of the advice and counsel of at least one attorney admitted to practice in the
State of California and at least one licensed certified public accountant; however, neither the
attorney nor
the public accountant need be a member of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors of an auxiliary organization shall conduct its business in public meetings
in accordance with Section 54950 et seq. of the Government Code, and shall, during each fiscal
year, hold at least two business meetings.
a. Except as otherwise provided in these procedures, the Board of Directors of an auxiliary
organization shall, pursuant to Education Code Section 72672, provide salaries, working
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conditions, and benefits for its full-time employees that are comparable to those provided District
employees who perform substantially similar services. For those full-time employees who
perform services that are not substantially similar to the services performed by District
employees, the salaries established shall be comparable to the salaries prevailing in other
educational institutions or commercial operations of like nature in the area.
b. The Board of Directors of an auxiliary organization may provide retirement benefits different
from those provided comparable District employees and may withhold retirement benefits or
permanent status benefits or both from temporary employees. For the purposes of these
procedures, a temporary employee is:
(1) An employee employed for a specific research project, workshop, institute, or other special
project funded by any grant, contract, or gift; or
(2) An employee whose contract of employment is for a fixed term not exceeding three years.
c. The Board of Directors of an auxiliary organization may withhold permanent status benefits
from executive employees. For the purposes of this rule, an executive employee is any
management employee with responsibility for the development and execution of the auxiliary
organization's policies and includes, but is not limited to, general managers, managers, directors,
and the like as determined by the Board of Directors of an auxiliary organization.
d. Should retirement benefits be provided, these may, but need not be provided, by the Public
Employees' Retirement System. Any newly created auxiliary organization is exempted from the
requirement of providing retirement benefits for a period not to exceed three years from the date
on which the Board of Trustees recognizes the establishment of such auxiliary organization.
The Board of Directors of an auxiliary organization shall approve all expenditure authorizations.
Appropriations of funds for use outside of the normal business operations of an auxiliary
organization shall be approved in accordance with Board of Trustee policy and further consistent
regulations adopted by the President/Superintendent.
The Board of Directors of an auxiliary organization, except those exempted in Section 72673 of
the Education Code, shall:
a. Utilize a standard accounting and reporting system established by the President/Superintendent
in consultation with representatives of the Board of Governors.
b. Implement financial standards which will assure the fiscal viability. Such standards shall
include proper provision for professional management, adequate working capital, adequate
reserve funds for current operations, capital replacements, contingencies, and adequate
provisions for new business requirements.
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c. Should the President/Superintendent determine that any program or appropriation planned by
an auxiliary organization is not consistent with District policy, the program or appropriation shall
not be implemented. Further, should a program or appropriation which has received approval,
upon review be determined by the President/Superintendent to be operating outside the
acceptable policy of the Board of Governors or the District, then that program or appropriation
shall be discontinued by direction of the President/Superintendent until further review is
accomplished and an adjustment is made.
a. All money collected by or on behalf of a student organization shall be deposited in trust by the
chief fiscal officer of the District. All such money shall be accounted for properly and, subject to
the approval of the President/Superintendent or designee and the appropriate officer of said
organization, be deposited or invested in any one or more of the ways specified in Sections
76063 and 76064 of the Education Code.
b. Trust funds shall be used specifically for the purpose designated in the instrument creating the
c. Funds of an auxiliary organization shall be used for purposes consistent with District policy
where applicable, and shall not be used:
(1) To support or oppose any candidate for public office, whether partisan or not, or to support or
oppose any issue before the voters of this state or any subdivision thereof or any city,
municipality, or local governmental entity of any kind.
(2) To make personal loans for non-educationally related purposes, except that such loans be
made when specifically authorized by a trust instrument under which the funds were received.
d. An indemnity bond shall be obtained by an auxiliary organization for its fiscal officer who is
responsible for handling funds of the auxiliary organization.
e. Grants, bequests, trusts, donations, and gifts accepted by an auxiliary organization shall be
maintained in accordance with policies and regulations established by the District.
f. Funds derived by an auxiliary organization from indirect costs payments and which are not
needed to provide adequate working capital, reserve funds, for current operations, capital
replacement, contingencies, and adequate provisions for new business requirements shall be
established in a manner consistent with policies established by the District; uses of such funds
shall be regularly reported to the Board of Trustees through the President/Superintendent.
g. No funds or resources, other than funds or resources derived from gifts or bequests, shall be
transferred by the District to any of its auxiliary organizations for the purpose of either avoiding
laws or regulations which constrains community college districts or providing the District with
an unfair advantage with respect to the application of any state funding mechanism. Such state
funding mechanisms include, but are not limited to, general apportionment funding, capital
outlayfunding, funding for programs and services for handicapped students.
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a. An auxiliary organization shall not offer courses of which state funding is received.
b. All services, programs, and activities that may be undertaken by an auxiliary organization
shall be maintained for the general benefit of the educational program of the District. Upon
Board of Trustees approval, an auxiliary organization may assume any of the services, programs,
and activities listed in Section 1.2 in order:
(1) To provide the fiscal means and the management procedures that allow the District to carry
on educationally-related activities not normally funded by the State;
(2) To eliminate the undue difficulty that would otherwise arise under the usual governmental
budgetary, purchasing, and other fiscal controls; or
(3) To provide fiscal procedures and management systems that allow effective coordination of
the auxiliary activities with the District in accordance with sound business practices.
c. The President/Superintendent shall decide, after consulting with the donor, whether a donor's
proposed gift to the District should be accepted by the District or referred to an auxiliary
organization. Gifts to the District thereof shall be accepted under the provisions of Education
Code Section 72241 or 72303. Gifts to an auxiliary organization shall be accepted as authorized
by these procedures.
d. An auxiliary organization may not enter into any contract or other business arrangement
involving real property, either by lease or by purchase, without prior notification and
consultation with the President/Superintendent and the approval of the Board of Trustees.
e. Student loans, scholarships, stipends, and grants-in-aid shall be given to currently admitted
students and former students. In no case shall the scholarship, stipend, or grant-in-aid exceed the
amount necessary to cover books, school fees, and living expense, except as provided under
Section 1.8b. A record of such financial assistance shall be forwarded on a timely basis to the
campus financial aid office and shall be documented on student financial aid recipient records
kept in that office. All such financial assistance provided from student organization funds shall
be approved by the campus financial aid office before such funds are expended and shall not
exceed the amounts to be provided under regulations of federal and state financial aid programs.
a. Records and Annual Audit
An auxiliary organization shall maintain adequate records and shall prepare an annual report
showing its operations and financial status as may be required by the Board of Governors or
b. Compliance Review by President/Superintendent
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For an auxiliary organization serving the District, the President/Superintendent's designee shall
inspect and review all auxiliary organization procedures and practices to determine compliance
with Education Code Sections 72670 through 72682, policies, rules, and regulations of the Board
of Governors and the District, any written agreements with the District and the auxiliary
organization's articles of incorporation and bylaws, and make his/her recommendations to the
President/Superintendent and the Board of Directors of the auxiliary organization. Reports and
statements shall cover all activities of the organization. This inspection shall be done at the end
of the first complete year after District approval and at least every three years thereafter.
c. Audit
An auxiliary organization shall have an annual fiscal audit of any and all funds. The audit shall
be performed by a certified public accountant in accordance with procedures prescribed by the
Board of Governors, as contained in the California Community College Auxiliary Organization
Accounting and Reporting System. Copies of the annual report shall be submitted to the Board of
Trustees and to the Board of Governors' Office within thirty (30) days after it is received by the
auxiliary organization. Thereafter, it shall be a public record, except as otherwise provided by
law. Such audit may be conducted as part of a fiscal audit of the District itself.
An auxiliary organization shall annually publish an audited statement of their financial condition
which shall be disseminated as widely as feasible and be available to any person on request. A
reasonable fee may be charged to cover the costs of providing a copy.
A written agreement between the Redwoods Community College District and each auxiliary
organization is required for the performance by such auxiliary organization of any of the
services, programs, and functions listed in Section 1.2. If any auxiliary organization performs
more than a single service program or function, then the
written agreement may cover any number of functions it performs or a separate agreement may
cover each function performed.
The written agreement shall, among other things, provide for the following:
(a) The services, programs, or functions the auxiliary organization is to manage, operate, or
(b) A statement of the reasons for administration of the functions by the auxiliary organization
instead of by District under usual District procedures.
(c) The areas of authority and responsibility of the auxiliary organization and the District.
(d) The facilities and services to be made available by the District to permit the auxiliary
organization to perform services, programs, or functions specified in the written agreement.
(e) The charge or rental to be paid to the District by the auxiliary organization for the facilities
used or services provided in connection with the performance of its function. The charge or
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rental specified shall not require involved methods of computation, and should be identified in
sufficient time before it is incurred so that the organization may determine to what extent it shall
be liable therefor.
(f) Full reimbursement to the District for services performed by the District employees under the
direction of or in support of the auxiliary organization. Student auxiliary organizations may be
exempt from reimbursing all or any portion of the costs for such services. Methods of proration
where services are performed by District employees for the organization shall be simple and
(g) A simple but equitable method of determining in advance to what extent the organization
shall be liable for indirect costs relating to federally-sponsored programs.
(h) The responsibility for maintenance and payment of operating expenses.
(i) Proposed expenditures for public relations or other purposes which would serve to augment
District appropriations for operation of the District. With respect to expenditures for public
relations or other purposes which would serve to augment District appropriations for operation of
the District, the auxiliary organization may expend funds in such amount and for such purposes
as are approved by the Board of Directors of the auxiliary organization.
(j) The disposition to be made of net earnings derived from the operation of the auxiliary
organization, including earnings derived from facilities owned or leased by the auxiliary
organization, and provisions for reserves.
(k) The disposition to be made of net earnings, assets, and liabilities on dissolution of the
auxiliary organization or cessation of operations under the Agreement.
(l) The covenant of the auxiliary organization to maintain its organization and to operate in
accordance with Sections 72670 through 72682 of the Education Code and with the regulations
contained in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 59250) of Division 10, Part IV of Title 5 of
the California Code of Regulations, as well as District Board Rules.
Except for student associations organized and operated under Education Code Section 76060 et
seq., Alumni Association, no organization may use the name of Redwoods Community College
District or otherwise represent a relationship with the Redwoods Community College District
unless it has been recognized and
established as an auxiliary organization by the Board of Trustees and is in good standing with the
The President/Superintendent or his/her designee shall provide, and may from time to time
revise, practices in support of these procedures. Such practices shall be in conformance with this
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a. Board of Directors
The term Board of Directors as used herein means the governing board of an auxiliary
b. Board of Trustees
The term Board of Trustees as used herein means the Board of Trustees of the Redwoods
Community College District.
c. Board of Governors
The term Board of Governors as used herein means the Board of Governors of the California
Community Colleges.
d. President/Superintendent
The term President/Superintendent as used herein means President of College of the Redwoods
and Superintendent of the Redwoods Community College District.
e. District
The term District as used herein means the Redwoods Community College District.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: September 12, 1994
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Administrative Procedure
AP 3600
Board of Directors -- The term board of directors as used herein means the governing board of
an auxiliary organization.
Board of Trustees -- The term Board of Trustees as used herein means the Board of Trustees of
the District.
Board of Governors -- The term Board of Governors as used herein means the Board of
Governors of the California Community Colleges.
President/Superintendent -- The term President/Superintendent as used herein means the
President/Superintendent of the District or designee.
District -- The term District as used herein means the Redwoods Community College District.
Associated Student Body -- The terms Associated Student Body, Associated Student
Organization, Student Association, Student Organization, or ASB as used herein means an
organization formed by any group of students from a college of the District in accordance with
the provisions of Education Code Section 76060. All clubs and organizations recognized by an
Associated Student Body or Organization shall be included in any auxiliary organization
established by the Student Body or Organization.
Recognition and Establishment of Auxiliary Organizations
The President/Superintendent shall submit a recommendation to the Board of Trustees to
establish an auxiliary organization when the organization will serve the District. The
recommendation includes, but is not limited to, the following:
The purpose(s) for which the auxiliary organization is to be established;
Whether the proposed auxiliary organization will primarily serve the District or a
particular District;
The functions which the auxiliary organization is intended to perform;
The proposed bylaws and articles of incorporation for the auxiliary organization,
including the size and composition of the board of directors; and
The proposed written agreement between the auxiliary organization and the District, as
required in Title 5 Section 59259.
The process of recognition shall be as follows:
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When the President/Superintendent receives a request to establish an auxiliary
organization, the President/Superintendent shall submit a recommendation concerning the
establishment of said organization to the Board of Trustees within three months.
The Board of Trustees shall hold a public hearing on each recommendation concerning
the establishment of an auxiliary organization.
At a subsequent scheduled meeting after the public hearing, the Board shall announce its
decision concerning the establishment of the organization, and, if approved, authorize the
functions it may perform, identify the number and category or categories of the board of
directors and approve contractual arrangements.
At such time as the District recognizes an auxiliary organization, it shall submit to the state
Chancellor’s Office any written agreements with the auxiliary organization, as well as the
articles of incorporation, bylaws, or other governing instruments.
Recognized Services, Programs and Functions
Auxiliary organizations may be recognized and established by the Board of Trustees to perform
the following services, programs and functions:
Student association or organization activities;
Food and campus services;
Student union programs;
Facilities and equipment, including parking;
Loans, scholarships, grants-in-aid;
Workshops, conferences, institutes and federal and specially funded projects;
Alumni activities;
Supplementary health services;
Gifts, bequests, devises, endowments and trusts; and
Public relations programs.
No auxiliary organization shall be authorized by the Board of Trustees to engage in any other
function unless the Board of Governors amends Section 59259 of Title 5 by adding said function
to the list of approved functions of auxiliary organizations. This section shall not be construed to
prohibit an auxiliary organization from taking actions essential to satisfy the non-profit
corporation or tax laws of the State of California or the Federal tax laws.
Operations of commercial services on a campus shall be self supporting when operated by an
auxiliary organization.
Authority and Responsibility of Auxiliary Organizations
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Participation in workshops, conferences, or institutes offered by auxiliary organizations shall not
be included in reports to the state for the purpose of receiving apportionment funding.
All services, programs and activities that may be undertaken by an auxiliary organization shall
be maintained for the general benefit of the educational program of the District. Upon approval
by the Board of Trustees, an auxiliary organization may assume any of the services, programs
and activities listed in these procedures in order:
To provide the fiscal means and the management procedures that allow the District to
carry on educationally related activities not normally funded by State apportionment;
To eliminate the undue difficulty that would otherwise arise under the usual
governmental budgetary, purchasing, and other fiscal controls except as expressly
prohibited by the Education Code or Title 5 or the District’s procedures; or
To provide fiscal procedures and management systems that allow effective coordination
of the auxiliary activities with the District in accordance with sound business practices.
Composition of Boards of Directors
The board of directors of each auxiliary organization shall have the following composition:
Student Associations or Organizations -- The board of directors shall consist primarily
of students. The [designate position] may attend and participate in meetings of the
board of directors in order to advise on policy and to provide for the control and
regulation required by Education Code Section 76060.
Other Auxiliary Organizations -- Any other District approved auxiliary organization
that is established pursuant to Sections 72670 et seq. of the Education Code shall have a
board of directors appointed in accordance with the organization's articles of
incorporation or bylaws and consisting of voting membership from one or more of the
following categories: administration, staff; members of the community; students.
The size of the board of directors of an auxiliary organization shall be at least large enough to
accommodate the one or more categories from which board members are selected.
The board of directors shall have the advice and counsel of at least one attorney admitted to
practice in California and at least one certified public accountant. Upon being notified of the
certified public accountant selected by an auxiliary organization, the district shall forward the
applicable auditing and reporting procedures to the selected certified public accountant.
Conduct of Boards of Directors
No member of the board of directors of an auxiliary organization shall be financially interested
in any contract or other transaction entered into by the board of which he/she is a member. Any
contract or transaction entered into in violation of this section is void.
No contract or other transaction entered into by the board of directors of an auxiliary
organization is void under the provisions of Education Code Section 72677; nor shall any
member of such board be disqualified or deemed guilty of misconduct in office under such
provisions, if both of the following conditions are met:
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The fact of such financial interest is disclosed or known to the board of directors and
noted in the minutes, and the board thereafter authorizes, approves, or ratifies the contract
or transaction in good faith by a vote sufficient for the purpose without counting the vote
or votes of such financially interested member or members.
The contract or transaction is just and reasonable as to the auxiliary organization at the
time it is authorized or approved.
The provisions of Section 5(2) above shall not be applicable if any of the following conditions
are met:
The contract or transaction is between an auxiliary organization and a member of the
board of directors of that auxiliary organization.
The contract or transaction is between an auxiliary organization and a partnership or
unincorporated association of which any member of the board of that auxiliary
organization is a partner or in which he or she is the owner or holder, directly or
indirectly, of a proprietorship interest.
The contract or transaction is between an auxiliary organization and a corporation in
which any member of the board of directors of that auxiliary organization is the owner or
holder, directly or indirectly, of five percent or more of the outstanding common stock.
A member of the board of directors of an auxiliary organization is interested in a contract
or transaction within the meaning of Education Code Section 72677 and without first
disclosing such interest to the governing board at a public meeting of the board,
influences or attempts to influence another member or members of the board to enter into
the contract or transaction.
It is unlawful for any person to utilize any information, not a matter of public record, which is
received by the person by reason of his/her membership on the board of directors of an auxiliary
organization, for personal pecuniary gain, regardless of whether he or she is or is not a member
of the board at the time such gain is realized.
The bylaws of an auxiliary organization shall include, but not be limited to, specifying:
The number of members of the board of directors, the categories from which members
shall be selected and the method by which they shall be selected.
The size of the board of directors.
That at least one public business meeting will be held each quarter.
The time table for the preparation and adoption of its program and annual budget and the
submission of both for review to the President/Superintendent.
That an attorney admitted to practice in this state and a licensed certified public
accountant shall be selected to provide advice and counsel to the board of directors. Each
shall have experience appropriate to the responsibility and shall have no financial interest
in any contract or other transaction entered into by the board which he/she serves.
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Neither the attorney nor the certified public accountant needs to be a member of the
board of directors.
The procedures for approving expenditures.
The procedures for accepting gifts, donations, bequests, trusts and specially funded grants
and other income.
Master Agreement between District and Auxiliary Organizations
In the recognition and establishment of an auxiliary organization, there shall be a written
agreement between the District and the auxiliary organization which sets forth the purposes of
the auxiliary organization as permitted under this procedure and Title 5 Section 59259.
Should an auxiliary organization provide more than one service, program or function, such
service, program or function may be authorized in one of more written contracts with the
District. Such services, programs, and functions thereby performed by an auxiliary organization
may also be part of a joint powers agreement in accordance with Education Code Section 72671
and Government Code Sections 6500 et seq.
An auxiliary organization shall provide only those services, programs, or functions authorized by
a written agreement. No other service, program, or function shall be permitted or performed
unless a written agreement between the District and the auxiliary organization is amended to
provide otherwise.
The agreement shall include, but is not limited to, the following provisions:
The services, programs, or functions the auxiliary organization is to manage, operate, or
A statement of the reasons for administration of the functions by the auxiliary
organization instead of by the District under usual District procedures.
The areas of authority and responsibility of the auxiliary organization and the District or
The facilities and services to be made available by the District to permit the auxiliary
organization to perform the services, programs, or functions specified in the written
The charge or rental to be paid to the District by the auxiliary organization for the
facilities used or services provided in connection with the performance of its function.
The charge or rental specified shall be identified in sufficient time before it is incurred so
that the organization may determine to what extent it is liable.
Full reimbursement to the District for services performed by the District or by District
employees in support of the auxiliary organization. No more than 50% of the
reimbursement may be made in the form of non-monetary benefits that the auxiliary
organization provides to the District, such as increased community awareness or other
such benefits that are agreed upon by authorized District officials and the auxiliary
organization. The District shall assign a good-faith reimbursement value to such nonmonetary benefits. Student body auxiliary organizations may be exempt from
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reimbursing all or any portion of the costs for such services. Methods of proration where
services are performed by District employees for the organization shall be as mutually
A mutually agreed upon method of determining in advance to what extent the
organization shall be liable for indirect costs relating to specially funded programs
(including federally sponsored programs.).
The responsibility for maintenance and payment of operating expenses.
Proposed expenditures for public relations or other purposes which would serve to
augment District appropriations for operation of the District. With respect to these
expenditures, the auxiliary organization may expend funds in such amount and for such
purposes as are approved by the board of directors of the auxiliary organization. The
board of directors shall file with the President/Superintendent a statement of such policy
on accumulation and use of public relations funds. The statement shall include the policy
and procedure on solicitation of funds, source of funds, amounts, and purpose for which
the funds will be used, allowable expenditures, and procedures of control.
The disposition to be made of net earnings derived from the operation of the auxiliary
organization, including earnings derived from facilities owned or leased by the auxiliary
organization, and provisions for reserves.
The disposition to be made of net assets and liabilities on dissolution of the auxiliary
organization or cessation of the operations under the agreement.
The covenant of the auxiliary organization to maintain its organization and to operate in
accordance with Sections 72670 through 72682 of the Education Code and with the
regulations contained in Title 5 Sections 59250 et seq. as well as District Board Policy.
The understanding that the auxiliary organization shall obtain the services and counsel of
an attorney admitted to practice in the State of California whenever the need arises.
The understanding that the auxiliary organization shall not enter into any contract or
other business arrangement involving real property either by lease involving payments of
more than $25,000 per annum and duration terms of more than one year, or by purchase
without prior notification and consultation with the President/Superintendent.
Each auxiliary organization shall develop general regulations to govern its operations, including
policies and regulations concerning the salaries, working conditions and benefits of its
The aforesaid regulations shall not conflict with the implementing policies adopted by the Board
of Trustees or with these procedures.
Except as otherwise provided in any board rules, the board of directors of each auxiliary
organization shall, pursuant to Education Code Section 72672, provide salaries, working
conditions and benefits for its full-time employees that are comparable to those provided District
employees performing substantially similar services. For those full-time employees who
perform services that are not substantially similar to the services performed by District
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employees, the salaries established shall be comparable to the salaries prevailing in other
educational institutions in the area or commercial operations of like nature in the area.
Regular District employees may be employed by the auxiliary organization. District employees
must resign or request a personal leave of absence from the District in order to accept
employment with the auxiliary organization. District officers and employees who are required
by the District’s Conflict of Interest Code (AP 2712) to file disclosure of financial information
are responsible to determine whether or not they are eligible to accept employment with the
auxiliary organization immediately upon resignation from the District.
Educational Administrators or other Management Employees may be granted a personal
leave of absence for two semesters, which may be extended to a maximum of ten
consecutive semesters.
Classified management employees may be granted a personal leave of absence for up to
one year. This leave may not be extended beyond one year without the employee first
having returned to active duty.
Academic (faculty) employees may be granted personal leave of absence for two
semesters. The leave may be extended for not more than six consecutive semesters.
Classified employees may be granted a personal leave of absence for up to one year.
This leave may not be extended beyond one year without the employee first having
returned to active duty.
The board of directors of each auxiliary organization may provide retirement benefits different
from those provided comparable District employees and may withhold retirement benefits or
permanent status benefits or both from temporary employees. For the purposes of this
Procedure, a temporary employee is:
An employee employed for a specific research project, workshop, institute or other
special project funded by any grant, contract or gift; or
An employee whose contract of employment is for a fixed term not exceeding three
The board of directors of each auxiliary organization may withhold permanent status benefits
from executive employees. For the purposes of this procedure, an executive employee is any
management employee with responsibility for the development and execution of the auxiliary
organization's policies and includes, but is not limited to, general managers, managers, directors
and the like, as determined by the board of directors of each auxiliary organization.
Should retirement benefits be provided, they may but need not be provided by the Public
Employees' Retirement System. Any newly created auxiliary organization is exempted from the
requirement of providing retirement benefits for a period not to exceed three years from the date
on which the Board of Trustees recognizes the establishment of such auxiliary organization.
An auxiliary organization may contract with the District for the services of a District employee
and reimburse the District for that portion of the employee's full-time assignment (and
corresponding benefits) that is spent in providing said services.
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Accounting and Reporting for Auxiliary Organizations
The fiscal year of the auxiliary organization shall coincide with that of the District.
Each auxiliary organization shall develop an accounting system, utilizing the districts accounting
information system, that is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
The auxiliary organization shall implement financial practices that will assure its fiscal viability.
Such standards shall include professional management, adequate working capital, adequate
reserve funds for current operations, capital replacements, contingencies and adequate provisions
for new business requirements.
Each auxiliary organization serving the District shall submit its programs and budgets for review
at a time and in a manner specified by the President/Superintendent, for entry into the districts
accounting information system. Accounting transactions will be recorded, as appropriate, in the
districts accounting information system.
Funds derived from indirect cost payments shall only be appropriated with the specific approval
of the President/Superintendent. All uses of such funds shall be regularly reported to the
District’s Board of Trustees.
Should the President/Superintendent determine that any program or appropriation planned by an
auxiliary organization is not consistent with District policy, the program or appropriation shall
not be implemented. Further, should a program or appropriation which has received approval,
upon review, be determined by the President/Superintendent to be operating outside the
acceptable policy of the Board of Governors or the District, then that program or appropriation
shall be discontinued by direction of the President/Superintendent until further review is
accomplished and an appropriate adjustment is made.
The board of directors of an auxiliary organization shall approve all expenditure authorizations.
Note: The following language applies only if auxiliary organizations receive or accrue in any
fiscal year gross revenues of $2 million or more.
If the auxiliary organization receives or accrues in any fiscal year gross revenue of two million
dollars ($2,000,000) or more, it shall also include in its bylaws an audit committee appointed by
the board of directors. The audit committee may include persons who are not members of the
board of directors, but the member or members of the audit committee shall not include any
members of the staff, including the president or chief executive officer and the treasurer or chief
financial officer. If the auxiliary committee has a finance committee, it must be separate from
the audit committee.
Members of the audit committee shall not receive any compensation from the corporation in
excess of the compensation, if any, received by members of the board of directors for service on
the board and shall not have a material financial interest in any entity doing business with the
corporation. Subject to the supervision of the board of directors, the audit committee shall be
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responsible for recommending to the board of directors the retention and termination of the
independent auditor and may negotiate the independent auditor's compensation, on behalf of the
board of directors.
The audited financial statements shall be available for inspection by the Attorney General and
shall be made available to members of the public.
The board of directors, or an authorized committee of the board, shall review and approve the
compensation, including benefits, of the President or Chief Executive Officer and the Treasurer
or Chief Financial Officer to assure that it is just and reasonable. This review and approval shall
occur initially upon the hiring of the officer, whenever the term of employment, if any, of the
officer is renewed or extended, and whenever the officer's compensation is modified. Separate
review and approval shall not be required if a modification of compensation extends to
substantially all employees.
Records and Annual Report of Auxiliary Organizations
Personnel and payroll records shall be maintained as permanent records by each auxiliary
Adequate records of all other transactions of an auxiliary organization shall be maintained for a
minimum of five years. Transactions of the organization include, but are not limited to,
purchases, disbursements, and investments.
An annual report shall be submitted to the board of directors of the auxiliary organization and to
the President/Superintendent by September 15. The report shall include, but is not limited to:
All financial statements required to be filed with the state Chancellor’s Office
A comparison of budgeted and actual expenditures
A description of major accomplishments of the organization
A description of improvements proposed for operation of the organization.
Annual Audit
Each auxiliary organization shall have an annual fiscal audit of any and all funds. The audit shall
be performed by a certified public accountant in accordance with procedures prescribed by the
state Chancellor. Copies of the annual audit report shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees
and to the state Chancellor’s Office within 30 days after it is received by the auxiliary
organization. Thereafter, it shall be a public record, except as otherwise provided by law. Such
audits may be conducted as part of a fiscal audit of the District itself.
Auxiliary organizations shall annually publish an audited statement of their financial condition,
which shall be disseminated as widely as feasible and be available to any person on request. A
reasonable fee may be charged to cover the costs of providing a copy. An auxiliary organization
shall comply with this requirement by:
Publishing the audited financial statement in a campus newspaper; or
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Publishing a notice in a campus newspaper indicating the on-campus location where
copies of the financial statement may be obtained or reviewed; or
Publishing or noticing the audited statement in a campus bulletin or other appropriate
medium if a campus newspaper is unavailable.
An auxiliary organization shall secure and maintain insurance adequate to protect its operations
from catastrophic losses and as required by law, including but not limited to, the following:
Comprehensive liability;
Property and extended coverage, when applicable;
All risks, money and securities;
Fidelity and performance bonds covering its chief fiscal officer;
Automotive liability when applicable; and
Workers' Compensation
In any insurance policy secured by the auxiliary organization, the District shall be named as
additional insured.
A copy of each policy or endorsement or insurance certificates setting forth the coverage and
limits shall be provided to the District within 30 days from the receipt of the document.
In obtaining the insurance coverage, the auxiliary organization may secure the insurance directly
through its own broker or through the District.
Auxiliary Organizations: Use of Facilities
Facilities may be made available by the District to an auxiliary organization to perform the
functions specified in these regulations or in an agreement, under the following circumstances:
The auxiliary organization may occupy, operate and use such District facilities as are
mutually identified as appropriate for the functions and/or activities that have been
undertaken by the auxiliary organization.
The auxiliary organization shall pay to the District a charge or rental for the District
facilities to be used by it in connection with the performance of its function or functions.
The charge or rental to be paid by the auxiliary organization shall not require involved
methods of computation, and shall be identified by the District and the auxiliary
organization in sufficient time before it is incurred so that the auxiliary organization may
determine to what extent it shall be liable.
The charge or rental to be incurred by an auxiliary organization for use of District
facilities in excess of five days shall be incorporated into the agreement between the
An auxiliary organization shall provide full reimbursement to the District for any services
performed by District employees under the direction of the auxiliary organization.
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Methods of proration where services are performed by District employees for the
auxiliary organization shall be simple and equitable.
List of Auxiliary Organizations in Good Standing
Each year, the President/Superintendent shall provide to the Board of Trustees a list of all
auxiliary organizations in good standing. All auxiliary organizations which, after periodic
review in the manner specified hereinafter in these regulations, are found to be in compliance
with applicable laws, policies and regulations shall be included in the list.
When the President/Superintendent has reason to believe that a particular organization should be
removed from the list of auxiliary organizations in good standing, a conference shall be held to
determine whether such grounds for removal do in fact exist. The board of directors of such
organization shall be entitled to participate in this conference, and shall have a minimum of one
month notice to prepare response to the issues which have been raised.
Based upon such conference, the President/Superintendent shall decide whether the particular
organization shall be removed from the list of auxiliary organizations in good standing.
An organization so removed shall not be permitted to do any of the following:
Use the name of the District;
Have as a director any official in the District acting in his/her official capacity;
Operate a commercial service for the benefit of the District or any of its colleges; and
Receive gifts, property, or funds to be used for the benefit of the District or any of its
If the auxiliary organization is dissolved or ceases operations upon removal from the list of
organizations in good standing, its net assets and liabilities shall be distributed according to the
terms of the written agreement between the organization and the District.
Limitation on Transfer of Funds to Auxiliary Organizations
No funds or resources, other than funds or resources derived from gifts or bequests, shall be
transferred by the District to any of its auxiliary organizations for the purpose of either avoiding
laws or regulations which constrain community college districts or providing the District with an
unfair advantage with respect to the application of any state funding mechanism. Such state
funding mechanisms include, but are not limited to, general apportionment funding, capital
outlay funding, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services funding, and funding for programs
and services for handicapped students.
Compliance Review by President/Superintendent
All auxiliary organization procedures and practices shall be reviewed to determine compliance
with Education Code Sections 72670 et seq. and the policies, rules and regulations of the Board
of Governors, and of the District. The President/Superintendent shall designate the individual to
conduct this review, which shall be conducted at the end of the first complete fiscal year after its
establishment and at least once every three years thereafter.
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When the President/Superintendent’s designee determines, after inspection and review, that
certain auxiliary organization procedures and practices are not in compliance with policies, rules
and regulations of the Board of Governors and the District, a recommendation concerning the
items of noncompliance shall be communicated in writing to the President/Superintendent and to
the board of directors of the auxiliary organization. The board of directors shall reply in writing
within one month, either describing the actions which will be taken, including time table, to
bring said procedures and practices into compliance; or describing the reasons why the board
considers the procedures already to be in compliance.
If the President/Superintendent’s designee considers the proposed corrective actions to be
acceptable, the auxiliary organization shall be so informed. A second compliance review shall
be held at the end of the time agreed to and the results communicated in writing to the
President/Superintendent and to the board of directors.
When the auxiliary organization fails to provide an acceptable proposal for corrective actions or
fails to implement successful corrective actions within the agreed upon time, the
President/Superintendent shall inform the board of directors of such further action as he/she
considers appropriate, which may include a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for
termination of the contract.
Revision of Rules and Procedures and Reports to the state Chancellor’s Office
Rules and procedures for the administration of auxiliary organizations may be revised as
necessary by the President/Superintendent or designee. The board of directors of each auxiliary
organization in good standing shall be promptly notified in writing of such revisions and be
informed of the date by which any changes in the organization's procedures must be
Any such revisions shall be submitted to the state Chancellor’s Office for approval.
The District shall report, as may be required from time to time, on the operation of its auxiliary
References: Education Code Sections 72670 et seq.; Government Code Sections 12580 et seq.;
Title 5 Sections 59250 et seq.
Approved by Board of Trustees:
Former Policy BP 204, “Implementing Regulations for the Establishment of Auxiliary Organizations,” Adopted by
the Board of Trustees: 9/12/94
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date, and
Date submitted to PPRS
Cheryl Tucker x4293
Admissions & Records/Student Services
BP 5010
BP 502 Enrollment of Minors
Kathy Goodlive, Cheryl Tucker
Ed Code Sections 48800-48802, 76000, 76001,
76002; labor Code Section 3077
Mt. San Antonio, North Orange County, Lost
Angeles County, Gavilan, Riverside, College
of the Sequoias, Palo Verde
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Sue Alton, sue-alton@redwoods.edu x 4199
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
language except #1 – CCLC states “Any
Content reviewed with CCLC format
person over the age of 18 and possessing a high
school diploma or its equivalent.” Attachment
removed “over the age of 18.”
Quick scan of codes - ok
Legal concerns
See comment box below
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
Comments: Recommend legal review regarding #1.
The following colleges included over the age of 18: Gavilan, Palomar, North Orange, Cerritos,
Palo Verde, Sequoias
The following colleges did not include over the age of 18: Yuba, Los Angeles
College Council Tracking
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45 day constituent review ends 09/26/11
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
45 day constituent review ends 09/26/11
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45 day constituent review ends 09/26/11
Board of Trustees Policy
Proposed BP 5010
The District shall admit students who meet one of the following requirements and who are
capable of profiting from the instruction offered:
1. Any person possessing a high school diploma or its equivalent.
2. Other persons who are over the age of 18 years and who, in the judgment of the
President/Superintendent or his or her designee are capable of profiting from the
instruction offered. Such persons shall be admitted as provisional students, and thereafter
shall be required to comply with the District's rules and regulations regarding scholastic
achievement and other standards to be met by provisional or probationary students as a
condition to being readmitted in any succeeding semester.
3. Persons who are apprentices as defined in Section 3077 of the Labor Code.
Admission of Special Part-time and Full-time Students
Any student whose age or class level is equal to grades nine or above is eligible to attend as a
special part-time student for advanced scholastic or vocational courses.
Any student enrolled in grades 9 through 12 may attend summer session.
The President/Superintendent shall establish procedures regarding ability to benefit and
admission of high school and younger students.
Denial of Requests for Admission
If the Board denies a request for special full-time or part-time enrollment by a pupil who is
identified as highly gifted, the Board will record its findings and the reason for denying the
request in writing within 60 days.
The written recommendation and denial shall be issued at the next regularly scheduled board
meeting that occurs at least 30 days after the pupil submits the request to the district.
The President/Superintendent shall establish procedures regarding evaluation of requests for
special full time or part time enrollment by a pupil who is identified as highly gifted.
Claims for State Apportionment for Concurrent Enrollment
Claims for state apportionment submitted by the district based on enrollment of high school
pupils shall satisfy the criteria established by statute and any applicable regulations of the Board
of Governors.
The President/Superintendent shall establish procedures regarding compliance with statutory and
regulatory criteria for concurrent enrollment.
See Administrative Procedure AP 5010.
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Education Code Section 76000, 76001, 76002;
Labor Code Section 3077
Revision Adopted: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Board Policy No. 502 “Enrollment of Minors”
Adopted: August 15, 1977
Amended: June, 1993; March 1994
Board of Trustees Policy No. 502
The Board of Trustees, under the provisions of Education Code sections 48800, 48800.5, 76000,
and 76001, may authorize the enrollment of a limited number of eligible minor students who the
Board determines would benefit from advanced scholastic or vocational work. It is the intent of
the Board of Trustees to consider the enrollment of eligible minor students in compliance with
the District priority admission mandates outlined in Education Code section 76000 and in the
District's fulfillment of its educational mission. Further, the Board of Trustees may authorize the
acceptance of eligible minor students, when the advanced scholastic and vocational work being
requested provides course work otherwise not available to the minor student, when the
enrollment of the minor student in college work is not in conflict or in lieu of the compulsory
school attendance laws of the state, and when the exceptions to allow enrollment of minors are
consistent with the philosophy and mission of the College.
Approved by Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977
Revised: June, 1993; March 1994
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date, and
Date submitted to PPRS
Cheryl Tucker x4293
Admissions & Records/Student Services
AP 5010
Kathy Goodlive, Cheryl Tucker
Ed Code Sections 48800-48802, 76000, 76001,
76002; labor Code Section 3077
Mt. San Antonio, North Orange County, Los
Angeles County, Gavilan, Riverside, College
of the Sequoias, Palo Verde
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Sue Alton, sue-alton@redwoods.edu x 4199
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
CCLC points covered except #1 – CCLC
states “Any person over the age of 18 and
possessing a high school diploma or its
equivalent.” Attachment removed “over the age
of 18.”
Legal concerns
Quick scan of codes - ok
Recommend legal review regarding change to
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
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Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
45 day constituent review ends 09-26-11
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5010
The Manager of Admissions and Records, under the direction of the Chief Student Services
Officer, has designated authority and responsibility for District admission procedures.
Persons eligible for admission:
1. Any person possessing a high school diploma or its equivalent.
2. Other persons who are over the age of 18 years and who, in the judgment of the
President/Superintendent or his or her designee are capable of profiting from the
instruction offered. Such persons shall be admitted as provisional students, and thereafter
shall be required to comply with the District's rules and regulations regarding scholastic
achievement and other standards to be met by provisional or probationary students as a
condition to being readmitted in any succeeding semester.
3. Persons who are apprentices as defined in Section 3077 of the Labor Code.
All students must complete an application to be admitted to the college. Applicants may apply
for college admission on-line by going to the College of the Redwoods website or by completing
a paper New Student Application Form.
Admission of all students includes determination of residency in the State of California.
Students who are under 18 years of age who have not earned a high school diploma or its
equivalent will only be admitted in accordance with the “concurrent enrollment” procedures (see
Administrative Procedure AP 5011).
International students must complete a special application that will be provided upon request
from the Admissions and Records Office (see Administrative Procedure AP 5012).
Specific and current admission procedures are published in the schedule of classes, catalog, and
the college web site.
References: Education Code 76000
Adopted: XX/XX/XXXX
No prior Administrative Procedure
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date, and
Date submitted to PPRS
Cheryl Tucker x4293
Admissions & Records/Student Services
AP 5011
AR 502.01Enrollment of Minors
Kathy Goodlive, Cheryl Tucker
Ed Code Sections 48800-48802, 76000, 76001,
76002; labor Code Section 3077
Mt. San Antonio, North Orange County, Los
Angeles County, Gavilan, Riverside, College
of the Sequoias, Palo Verde
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Sue Alton, sue-alton@redwoods.edu x 4199
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Change in Title from CCLC format
Second paragraph – The beginning of the
sentence is not CCLC language / it seems to
state opinion rather than procedure.
It was difficult to compare the CCLC template
to the procedure – recommend legal review
Legal concerns
Quick scan of codes - ok
Recommend legal review – complicated
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
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45 day constituent review ends 09/26/11
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
45 day constituent review ends 09/26/11
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45 day constituent review ends 09/26/11
Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5011
College of the Redwoods may permit the admissions of minor students who, in the opinion of the
Superintendent/President, or designee, can benefit from the College’s advanced scholastic or
vocational curricula under the following conditions. High school students may be admitted
under the following conditions.
In order to provide educational enrichment opportunities for a limited number of eligible
students rather than to reduce current course requirements of high school students, the
President/Superintendent or his or her designee may admit any student grades nine or above as a
special part-time student for the purpose of enrolling in advanced scholastic or vocational
courses under the provisions of Education Code, Sections 48800, 48800.5 and 76001.
All special part-time students are assigned a low enrollment priority in order to ensure that they
do not displace regularly admitted students.
Authority to restrict the admission or enrollment of a special part-time student based on age,
grade-level completion, current school performance or assessment and placement procedures in
conformance with matriculation regulations and other course or program prerequisites remains
the prerogative of the college.
Eligible special part-time students and their parents should be aware that while in attendance at
the Redwoods Community College District, all students are subject to the rules, regulations and
policies of faculty, staff and administration. Moreover, the Redwoods Community College
District is released from the responsibility of monitoring concurrently enrolled students, should a
class meeting or course be cancelled. Parents should be aware that concurrently enrolled high
school students will be interacting socially with adult college students and that Redwoods
Community College District is not responsible for these social interactions. Finally, concurrently
enrolled students may be exposed to discussions, readings, and visual materials of a mature
nature and will be expected to conform to the same performance standards as any other college
student as set forth in course outlines and syllabi.
Special Part-Time Student Admission
To be considered for admittance as a special part-time student (11 units or less), the student must
meet the eligibility standards as established in Education Code Sections 48800, 48800.5 and
76001. The student must:
Submit the District application for admission;
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45 day constituent review ends 09/26/11
Have completed the eighth grade and provide verification of grade level student will be at
in at beginning of term;
Submit the District Supplemental Application of Concurrently Enrolled Students to the
President/Superintendent or his or her designee;
Have parental or legal guardian consent to attend the Redwoods Community College
District (unless the student is an emancipated minor*);
Provide written and signed principal consent (Note: A parent or guardian of a pupil who
is not enrolled in a public or private school may petition directly without the signature of
a principal);
Meet the academic prerequisite for courses, including the required placement level for
any math, reading or English class;
Enroll in only college-level courses;
Agree to abide by all rules and regulations governing regular college students;
Fulfill the minimum day requirement at his/her high school, or, for charter/homeschooled students, the parent has to verify that the proposed college coursework will not
interfere with the student’s basic high school coursework.
*Emancipated Minor
Emancipation is when a minor has achieved independence from his or her
parents, such as by getting married before reaching age 18 or by becoming
fully self-supporting. It may be possible for a child to petition a court for
emancipation to free the minor child from the control of parents and allow
the minor to live on his/her own or under the control of others. It usually
applies to adolescents who leave the parents' household by agreement or
All required documents shall be sent to the President/Superintendent or his or her designee. The
President/Superintendent or his or her designee will review the materials, and will determine if
the student has the abilities and sufficient preparation to benefit from instruction at a community
college. The decision of the President/Superintendent or his or her designee shall be final. This
determination may utilize one or more of the following methods:
o A review of the materials submitted by the student;
o Meeting with the student and his or her parent or guardian;
o Consultation with college counseling and advising staff;
o Consultation with Division Dean/Instructional Faculty;
o Consideration of the welfare and safety of the student and others; and/or
o Consideration of local, state and/or federal laws.
Under certain circumstances the governing board of the school district in which a pupil is
enrolled may authorize attendance of the pupil at a community college as a special full-time
student per Education Code 48800.5.
If a request for special part-time or special full-time enrollment is denied for a pupil who has
been identified as highly gifted, the Board shall provide written findings and reasons for the
denial within 60 days. A recommendation regarding the request for admission and the denial
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shall be submitted to the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting that falls at least 30 days after
the request for admission has been submitted.
College Credit. Students who complete Redwoods Community College District classes will be
awarded college credit.
Enrollment Fees. Education Code section 76300 provides that special admit part-time students
(11 units or under) may be exempted, as a group, form paying the per unit enrollment fee.
Family Education Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). All education records are
governed by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. Redwoods Community College
District academic information (i.e., class schedules, grades, transcripts) is not released to parents
or third parties without the written consent of the student, unless in special circumstances
authorized by FERPA. Upon consent by the student, academic information is only released to the
authorized party in person or in writing. The authorized party may be required to provide
identification. This law applies to all students attending Redwoods Community College District,
even if the student is less than 18 years of age.
References: Education Codes Sections 48800, 48800.5; 76001; 76002
Revision Adopted: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Board Policy No. 502 “Enrollment of Minors”
Adopted: August 15th, 1977
Revised: June 1993; March 1994; March 2001; October 2002
Board of Trustees Policy No. 502
Administrative Regulation No. 502.01
This regulation establishes the conditions under which College of the Redwoods may enroll
students who are not at least 18 years of age and who have not graduated from high school.
1. College of the Redwoods may enroll minor students if all of the following conditions are met:
The student has completed the eighth grade.
The student is recommended for enrollment by his/her school principal.
The student has parental (legal guardian) consent to enroll.
The student is accepted for enrollment by the President of the College, or by his/her
designee, on the basis that the student is able to benefit from instruction as determined by
the College.
Students not meeting all of these conditions may be considered for enrollment on an
individual petition basis.
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Approval for the enrollment of a minor student must be granted or renewed on a term-byterm and course-by-course basis.
2. Enrollees in Summer Sports Clinics.
Minor students who enroll in Summer Sports Clinics/Camps will be considered an exception to
the conditions specified in paragraph 1, above. As long as these students only enroll in courses
numbered 399 for a summer term, they will be required to meet only the following conditions:
The student has completed at least the third grade.
The student’s school principal has waived his/her right to approve the student’s
participation in the program.
The student has parental (legal guardian) consent to enroll.
The student is accepted for enrollment by the President on the basis that the student is
able to benefit from instruction as determined by the college.
Approved by Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977
Revised: June 1993; March 1994; March 6, 2001; October 1, 2002
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Page 69
ED CODE: 48800, 48800.5a,b, 76001
Santa Rosa Junior College may permit the admission of K-12 students who, in the opinion of the
Superintendent/President, or designee, can benefit from the College's advanced scholastic or vocational
The intent of this policy is to provide concurrent educational opportunity for a limited number of eligible
students who fulfill special admission standards.
Special admission students shall obtain the consent of their parents, secure official authorization from the
principal of the school which they attend and comply with all other specific supplemental application
materials, assessment requirements, health clearance and any other criteria for admission determined
necessary by the College.
The College reserves the right to exclude or limit enrollment into impacted programs and in other
programs where health, safety, instructional methodology, facility constraints or legal requirements are
deemed inappropriate for special admission students.
Pursuant to Senate Bill 338 (SB338), the College will limit enrollment in College classes by high school
students to not more than 5% per grade level, per school during the Summer semester. Additionally, the
enrollment of high school students in all Physical Education courses will be limited to 10% per course
section during every semester.
Special admission students shall conform to the College's rules and regulations and the code of conduct
expected of all college students.
Appeals to decisions regarding special admission will be considered by the Director of Admissions &
Enrollment or College administration designee.
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: International Students
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Cheryl Tucker
Student Services
AP 5012
Cheryl Tucker, Mary Grace Barrick, Tina
Vaughan, Keith Snow-Flamer
Ed Code 76141, 76142; Title 5 Section 54045;
Title 8, USC Section 1101 et seq.
North Orange CC, Yuba CC, Cerritos, Palomar
Note: College Council reviewed once and
recommended changing line that stated “any
student who can demonstrate economic
hardship or who is a victim of persecution or
discrimination in the country in which the
student is a citizen and resident is exempt from
the non-United States resident fee tuition” to
language that instead references Ed Code.
Sr. Administrator Review (Name and date)
Date submitted to PPRS
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Sue Alton, 4199
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
10/10/2011 Meeting of College Council
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Constituent Review Ends 10/10/2011
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
Distributed for 30 day review on 09/12/11
Due back to Council 10/10/11
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Constituent Review Ends 10/10/2011
Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5012
Under Federal Law, Redwoods Community College District is authorized to enroll students on
F-1 visas for two-year vocational and transfer programs. International students may be admitted
to College of the Redwoods as a means of encouraging the presence of qualified students from
other countries with sufficient geographic diversity to inspire an appreciation for differences
among cultures and a deeper understanding of the values and perspectives of other people. An
international student is both a citizen and a resident of a foreign country who has entered the
United States solely for the purpose of attending school. The following regulations govern the
admissions of F-1/M-1 visa students at College of the Redwoods.
F-1/M-1 applicants are required to pay non-resident tuition fees, non-United States fees,
enrollment fees, and other fees required, as established by the Board of Trustees. Exemptions
may be made under AP 5020, “Nonresident Tuition.”
Criteria for admission on the student visa include:
F-1/M-1 applicants are required to submit an international student application that
includes appropriate visa information from the country of residence. Application fee
processing and application deadlines are established by the college.
Applicants must demonstrate English proficiency by fulfilling an assessment criteria
established by the college.
Applicants must have earned the equivalent of an American high school diploma, or have
attended 12 years of elementary and secondary school, or be at least 18 years of age.
Applicants must submit original or certified copies of transcripts of any secondary and/or
post-secondary coursework, as determined by the college. Foreign-language transcripts
must be accompanied by certified English translations.
Applicants must provide evidence of financial responsibility, as determined by college.
F-1/M-1 applicants who are attending other United States schools or colleges may be
considered for admission provided the applicant meets the College of the Redwoods
international admissions requirements and is in good status with United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services.
F-1/M-1 visa students will be held to the same scholastic requirements and to the same college
rules and regulations as other students.
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F-1/M-1 students should purchase health insurance (optional). Such insurance should include
major medical coverage to protect the student against financial catastrophe.
Students issued an I-20 and attend college are required to comply with US Federal Code,
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS)
regulations that pertain to F-1/M-1 visa students.
F-2 Dependents: In accordance US Federal Code, the spouse and minor children accompanying
an F-1 student are eligible for admission in F-2 visa status. The F-2 spouse or F-2 child may not
engage in full-time study and the F-2 spouse and F-2 child may only engage in studies that are
vocational or recreational in nature.
Education Code Sections 76141, 76142; Title 5 Section 54045; Title 8, U.S.C. Section 1101, et
Adopted: XX/XX/XXXX
No Former Administrative Procedure
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Board of Trustees Policy
Proposed BP 5030
The Board authorizes the following fees. The President/Superintendent or his or her designee
shall establish procedures for the collection, deposit, exemption, waiver, refund, and accounting
for fees as required by law. The procedures shall also assure those who are exempt from or for
whom the fee is waived are properly notified of applicable exemptions and/or waivers. Fee
amounts shall be published in the college catalogs.
Enrollment Fee (Education Code Section 76300): Each student shall be charged a
fee for enrolling in credit courses unless exempted from the enrollment fee in accordance with
state law. The Board authorizes the President/Superintendent to develop a process allowing for
the deferral of full payment of enrollment fees pursuant to state regulation so long as full
payment of enrollment fees is made by not later than the end of the term for which deferral is
Auditing Fee (Education Code Section 76370): Each student shall be charged a
Board approved auditing fee. Students enrolled in classes to receive credit for ten or more
semester units shall not be charged this fee to audit three or fewer units per semester.
Health Fee (Education Code Section 76355): The President/Superintendent shall present to the
board for approval, periodically as required, a fee to be charged to each student for student health
services. Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the
teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization and students who are
attending under an approved apprenticeship training program are exempt from the payment of
any health services fee.
Parking Fee (Education Code Section 76360): The District shall charge a fee to students who
use District parking services. The fee shall be equal to the maximum amount allowable under
state law. Low income students shall pay the allowable reduced amount. The
President/Superintendent shall establish administrative procedures establishing allowable rates,
including a reduced parking fee for students to encourage ridesharing and carpooling.
Persons who are not students or employees may also be charged a fee for using parking services.
The President/Superintendent shall establish administrative procedures that establish a
reasonable daily rate for such parking.
Instructional Materials Fee (Education Code Section 76365; Title 5, Sections 59400,
et seq.): Students may be required to pay a fee as allowed by law for instructional and other
materials for a credit or non-credit course, provided such materials are of continuing value to
the student outside the classroom and provided that such materials are not solely or
exclusively available from the District.
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The Board authorizes charging instructional and other material fees in accordance with
applicable legal requirements for such fees.
The President/Superintendent or his/her designee shall ensure that instructional materials fees are
reviewed at appropriate intervals and shall maintain a complete listing of instructional materials
and instructional materials fees.
Non-District Physical Education Facilities Fee (Education Code Section 76395): Where the
District incurs additional expenses because a physical education course is required
to use non-District facilities, students enrolled in the course shall be charged a fee
for participating in the course. Such fee shall not exceed the student’s calculated
share of the additional expenses incurred by the District.
Transcript Fee (Education Code Section 76223): The District shall charge a reasonable
amount for furnishing copies of any student record to a student or former student.
The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish the fee, which shall not exceed the actual
cost of furnishing copies of any student record. No charge shall be made for
furnishing up to two transcripts of students' records, or for two verifications of various
records. There shall be no charge for searching for or retrieving any student record. An
additional fee may be charged to students who request copies of their records on an expedited
schedule or who request special documentation to verify attendance.
International Students Application Processing Fee (Education Code Section 76142):
The District shall charge students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country a fee
to process his or her application for admission. This processing fee and regulations for
determining economic hardship shall be established by the President/Superintendent. The fee
shall not exceed the lesser of 1) the actual cost of processing an application and other
documentation required by the U.S. government; or 2) one hundred dollars ($100), which shall
be deducted from the tuition fee at the time of enrollment. No student who is exempt from the
payment of nonresident tuition or who can demonstrate economic hardship shall be charged this
Athletic Insurance: Student Athletes may be required to pay a fee to cover the cost
of insurance for participation in an athletic program.
Testing Services Fee: Students and members of the public will be charged reasonable fees to
cover the costs of administering certain types of tests done under the auspices of the Academic
Support Center. Only fees that are expressly required or authorized by law or that represent
charges for optional services may be charged. No fees may be charged for tests that are required
for enrollment in a class or for tests or services paid for with state funds.
Returned Check Fee: Students who pass a check on insufficient funds to the District or any
District operation will be charged the maximum service charges or other payments allowed by
law. Business Office
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Subpoena Processing Fee: A fee will be charged to the requesting party to cover the reasonable
cost of retrieving, processing and/or reproducing student and/or other records required to respond
to subpoenas or related court and legal documents. The President/Superintendent or his or her
designee shall establish the reasonable costs.
Lab and Learning Resource Center Copying Fees: The District will provide students with a
number of free photocopies each term that shall be determined by the President or his or her
designee. After that, students wishing to make additional photocopies in the college’s labs and
in its Learning Resource Centers will be charged a per copy fee.
Dormitory Fee (Education Code Section 81670): The District shall charge a reasonable fee to
students wishing to live in the residence halls. The President/Superintendent is authorized to
establish this fee.
Child Care Fee [Education Code Section 79121(c)]: Education Code Sections 79020 et seq
and 66060 authorize the operation of child development programs. Education code Sections
79121(c) and 8263(g) and (h) require fees for student families. The District will also charge
student parents a fee for childcare services for their children when they voluntarily place them in
programs that are not specifically established as child development programs under Sections
66060 and 79120 et seq. The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish those fees.
Enrollment Fee, Community Service Course (Education Code Section 78300): An enrollment
fee will be charged to each student enrolling in a community service course. The
President/Superintendent is authorized to establish these fees, which are not to exceed the cost of
maintaining such instruction.
Capital Outlay Fee (Education Code Section 76141): The District shall charge nonresident
students a capital outlay fee which shall be the maximum amount authorized by law. The fee shall
not exceed the amount expended for capital outlay in the previous fiscal year divided by the total
full-time equivalent students for the same period. The fee shall not exceed 50 percent of the
nonresident tuition fee established by the District.
No student who can demonstrate economic hardship or that he/she is a victim of persecution or
discrimination in the country in which the student is a citizen and resident shall be charged this fee.
The President/Superintendent or his or her designee shall define “economic hardship” for purposes
of this fee.
Associated Student Fees (Education Code Sections 70902, 76060.5 and 76062):
Student Representation Fee (Education Code Section 76060.5; Title 5, California
Code of Regulations, Sections 54801 et seq.): The Associated Students organization is
authorized to hold an election for the purpose of establishing a student representation fee
in the amount of $1 per semester to be charged of all students. Any election shall meet
the requirements of state law. Students shall be advised that they may refuse to pay this
fee for religious, political, financial, or moral reasons and shall submit such refusals in
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Student Activity Fee (Education Code Sections 70902 and 76062): The Associated
Students organization may charge a voluntary student activities fee. The fee shall be an
optional fee for those students who wish to pay such a fee for the services or activities
represented by such fee. The optional nature of the fee shall be clearly communicated to
Credit by Examination (Education Code Section 76300): Students taking examinations
offered pursuant to Title 5, Section 55050, will pay the fee established by this education code
Refund Processing Fee (Title 5 section 58508): The District will retain a $10 processing fee for
refunded enrollment fees in accordance with state law.
Education Code Sections 76300 et seq; 70902 (a) and (b)(9); Title 5, Section 51012
Revision Adopted: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Board Policy No. 529 “Student Fees”
Adopted: April 5, 1984
Amended: July 18, 1984; August 20, 1984; September 12, 1994; February 5, 1996; June 7, 1999;
March 5, 2002;
October 1, 2002; June 3, 2003
Board of Trustees Policy No. 529
Education Code Sections 70902a, 763033, 66205.3; Title 5, Section 51012
The Board authorizes the following fees, which are grouped into three distinct categories: course
fees, explicitly authorized fees for services, and permitted fees for services.
The President/Superintendent shall establish procedures for the collection, deposit, waiver,
refund, and accounting for fees as required by law. The procedures shall also assure those who
are exempt from or for whom the fee is waived are properly enrolled and accounted for. Fee
amounts shall be published in the college catalogs.
Course Fees
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The following fees are considered to be mandatory fees, since they are collected as a condition of
Enrollment Fee
Education Code Section 76300
Each resident student shall be charged a fee for enrolling in credit courses as required by law.
Nonresident Tuition
Education Code Section 76140
Each nonresident student will be charged tuition for enrolling in credit courses as required by
Course Auditing Fee
Education Code 76370
Persons auditing a course shall be charged a fee each time they enroll. Students enrolled in
classes to receive credit for 10 or more semester credit units shall not be charged this fee to audit
three or fewer units per semester.
Enrollment Fee, Community Service Courses
Education Code 78300
An enrollment fee will be charged to each student enrolling in a community service course. The
President/Superintendent is authorized to establish these fees, which are not to exceed the cost of
maintaining such instruction.
Instructional Materials Fee
Education Code Section 76365; Title 5, Sections 59400, et seq.
Students may be required to provide instructional and other materials for a credit or non-credit
course, provided such materials are of continuing value to the student outside the classroom and
provided that such materials are not solely or exclusively available from the District.
Physical Education Facilities Use Fee
Education Code 76395
Where the District incurs additional expenses because a physical education course is required to
use non-district facilities, students enrolled in the course shall be charged a fee for participating
in the course. Such fee shall not exceed the student’s calculated share of the additional expenses
incurred by the District.
Explicitly Authorized Fees for Services
The following fees are explicitly authorized by the Education Code for establishment and
Health Services Fee
Education Code Section 76355
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The President/Superintendent shall present to the Board for approval fees to be charged to both
part-time and full-time students for student health services.
Parking Fee
Education Code 76360
Students wishing to park their vehicles on college property shall be required to pay a fee for
parking services. This fee is specified in Board of Trustees Policy No. 805 “Parking and Traffic
Transcript Fee
Educational Code 76223
The District shall charge a reasonable amount for furnishing copies of any student record to a
student or former student. The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish the fee, which
shall not exceed the actual cost of furnishing copies of any student record. No charge shall be
made for furnishing up to two transcripts of students’ records, or for two verifications of various
records. There shall be no charge for searching for or retrieving any student record.
Dormitory Fee
Education Code 81670
The District shall charge a reasonable fee to students wishing to live in the residence halls. The
President/Superintendent is authorized to establish this fee.
Child Care Fee
Education Code 79121(c)
Section 79121 et seq. and Section 66060 authorizes the operation of child development
programs. Education Code Section 8263(f) requires fees for student families. The District will
also charge student parents a fee for childcare services for their children when they voluntarily
place them in programs that are not specifically established as child development programs
under Sections 66060 and 79120 et seq. The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish
these fees.
International Students’ Application Processing Fee
Education Code Section 76142
The District shall charge students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country a fee
to process their applications for admission. This processing fee and regulations for determining
economic hardship may be established by the President/Superintendent. The fee shall not exceed
the lesser of 1) the actual cost of processing an application and other documentation required by
the U.S. government; or 2) one hundred dollars ($100), which shall be deducted from the tuition
fee at the time of enrollment.
Refund Processing Fee
Title V Section 58508
When a student takes an action (or set of actions) that causes the college to issue a refund check,
the College will retain a fee not to exceed $10/student/semester as a refund processing charge.
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Credit by Examination
Education Code 76300
Students taking examinations offered pursuant to Title 5, Section 55753, will pay the fee
established by this education code section.
Other Permitted Fees for Services
Certain reasonable fees may be charged under the authority of the permissive code (Section
70902) as long as they are not required as a condition of registration, enrollment, or completion
of a course. The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish and determine the amount of
these fees, which shall not exceed the cost of the services provided.
Testing Services Fees
Students and members of the public will be charged reasonable fees to cover the costs of
administering certain types of tests done under the auspices of the Academic Support Center.
Returned Check Fee
Students will be charged a fee for checks written to the college that are returned unpaid because
of “insufficient funds.”
Subpoena Processing Fee
A duplicating fee will be charged to the requesting party to cover the cost of preparing or
reproducing student records information required to respond to subpoenas or related court and
legal documents.
Lab and Learning Resource Center Copying Fees
The college will provide students with a pre-determined number of free copies each term so that
they will be able to meet the basic requirements of the courses in which they are enrolled. After
that, students wishing to make additional copies in the college’s labs and in its Learning
Resource Centers will be charged a per copy fee.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: April 5, 1984
Amended: July 18, 1984; August 20, 1984; September 12, 1994; February 5, 1996; June 7, 1999;
March 5, 2002;
October 1, 2002; June 3, 2003
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5030
Required fees include:
Enrollment (Education Code Section 76300; Title 5 Sections 58500 and 58509)
Nonresident tuition with permissive exemptions (Education Code Sections 76140 and 76140.5)
Fees authorized by law include:
Non-District physical education facilities (Education Code Section 76395)
Noncredit courses (Education Code Section 76385)
Community service courses (Education Code Section 78300)
Auditing of courses (Education Code Section 76370)
Instructional materials (Education Code Sections 73365, 81457, and 81458; Title 5 Sections
59400 and 59408)
Athletic insurance (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9))
Cross-Enrollment with the California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC)
(Education Code Section 66753)
Health (Education Code Section 76355)
Parking (Education Code Section 76360)
Transportation (Education Code Sections 76361, 82305.6)
Student representation (Education Code Section 76060.5; Title 5 Sections 54801 and54805)
Student Center (Education Code Section 76375; Title 5 Section 58510)
Copies of student records (Education Code Section 76223)
Dormitory (Education Code Section 81670)
Child care (Education Code Sections 79121 et seq. and 66060)
Nonresident capital outlay (Education Code Section 76141)
Nonresident application processing (Education Code Section 76142)
Credit by Examination (Education Code Section 76300; Title 5 Section 55050)
Use of facilities financed by revenue bonds (Education Code Section 81901(b)(3))
Refund processing (Title 5 Section 58508)
Telephone registration (Education Code Section 70902(a))
Physical fitness test (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9))
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Instructional Tape Lease/Deposit (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9))
Credit Card Use (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9))
International Student Medical Insurance (Education Code Section 70902(b)(9)
Prohibited fees include:
Late application (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Add/drop (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Mandatory student activities (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Student Identification Cards (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Student Body Organization (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Nonresident application (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Field trip (Title 5 Sections 55450 and 55451)
For dependents of certain veterans (Education Code Section 66025.3)
For dependents of certain victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (CCCCO Student
Fee Handbook)
For certain recipients of the Medal of Honor and certain children of the recipients of the Medal
of Honor (Education Code Section 66025.3)
Required or funded services (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Refundable deposits (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Distance education (other than the statutorily authorized enrollment fee) (CCCCO Student Fee
Mandatory mailings (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Rental of practice rooms (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Apprenticeship courses (Education Code Section 76350)
Technology fee (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Late payment fee (Title 5 Sections 58502 and 59410)
Nursing/healing arts student liability insurance (Title 5 Section 55234)
Cleaning (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Breakage (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Test proctoring (CCCCO Student Fee Handbook)
Collection and Refund of Fees
Enrollment Fee Refunds
Enrollment fees will only be refunded if the student drops the full-semester-length class in
question by the end of the 2nd week of the spring or fall semester. Refund deadlines for Summer
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classes vary by class length. Refund checks will automatically be mailed to eligible students. If a
class is cancelled by the college, all enrollment fees will be refunded to the students who had
registered and paid for it. If applicable, a refund processing fee of $10.00 per student per
semester will be subtracted before the refund is issued.
Students who receive federal financial aid are subject to federal refund calculation formulas.
Non-Resident Tuition Refunds
Refunds shall be made according to this schedule only after an official drop or withdrawal has
been processed by the Admissions and Records Office.
Time of Official Withdrawal or Reduction in Load
Through the end of the of second week of the term
During third week of instruction
During fourth week of instruction
Percent of Original Fee Refunded
100% of original fee
50% of original fee
25% of original fee
Parking Fee Refunds
Parking permit refunds will be issued prior to the established deadline of the term in which the
permit was issued, provided the permit is presented to the Business Office at the time the request
is made. Requests for refunds after the deadline must be based upon extenuating circumstances
Refund Recipient
Refunds are made only to the person who originally paid the fees.
Consequences of Non-payment of Fines or Other Funds Due to the College
As a means of encouraging the payment of obligations to College of the Redwoods, it’s
Foundation, and any offices thereof, the following blocks will be put in place until all debts are
a. Grades will not be issued.
b. Transcripts will not be issued.
c. Registration will not be processed.
d. Degrees or certificates will not be awarded.
Upon presentation of valid receipt for the unpaid monies due to the College or any of its
agencies, the restrictions shall be removed.
The College of the Redwoods Catalog and Schedule of Classes contain the most current
information regarding fees. These documents are updated regularly.
Education Code Sections 70902(b)(9), 76300, and 66025.3; Title 5, section 51012; California
Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Student Fee Handbook
Revision Adopted: Xx/XX/XXXX
Former Administrative Regulation No. 529.01
Approved: June 3, 2003
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Amended: 8/5/03, 11/4/03, 9/13/04, 3/1/05, 3/7/06, 11/7/06, 5/6/08 (AP 5013)
Board of Trustees Policy No. 529 COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS
Administrative Regulation No.
Board Policy 529: Student Fees
The Board has authorized the collection of the following fees, which are grouped into three
distinct categories: course fees, explicitly authorized fees for services, and permitted fees for
services. The Board will review the level of these fees annually, at its March meeting.
This regulation also contains the procedures established by the President/Superintendent for the
collection, deposit, waiver, refund, and accounting for fees as required by law. The fee amounts
and procedures described below shall be published in the college catalog and class schedules, as
Course Fees
Enrollment Fee
A fee of $20 per unit per term shall be charged each resident student enrolling in a credit course
at the college. Unless expressly exempted or entitled to a waiver or deferral, all students
enrolling in credit courses must pay the enrollment fee. A student’s registration will be cancelled
if he/she does not pay the required enrollment fees within the time period specified by the
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Special part-time students enrolled at the college pursuant to Education Code section
Students enrolling in accordance with the Financial Assistance Program of the Board of
Governors, those who demonstrate financial need in accordance with the methodology set
forth in federal financial aid regulations, and those, who---at the time of enrollment---are
recipients of benefits under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program, the
Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program, or a general assistance
The surviving spouse or the child of a deceased person who has met all the requirements
of Education Code sections 68120 and 76300(j);
A dependent of any individual killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks who has
met all the requirements set forth in Education Code sections 68121 and 76300 (j)-(l);
Students enrolled in specified credit contract education courses, when the entire cost is
paid by the public or private course sponsor, and when these students are not included in
the FTES calculation of the district.
Nonresident Tuition
Each nonresident student will be charged tuition in the amount of $213 per unit per term to enroll
in a credit course at the college. (This is the 2006-2007 tuition amount.)
Students exempt under Education Code section 76380 (taking noncredit classes);
Students exempt under Education Code section 76350 and Labor Code section 3074
(apprentices taking classes considered to be related or supplemental instruction as
verified by the Vice President, Academic Affairs);
Students exempt under Education Code section 76140.5 (who qualify as police academy
trainees, as verified by the Director, P.O.S.T. Academy);
Minor students taking a class for high school credit only;
Students exempt under Education Code section 68130.5 (who attended high school in
California for three or more years and graduated from a California high school or attained
the equivalent thereof);
Students exempt under Education Code section 68084 (a parent who is a federal civil
service employee and his/her children if the parent moved to the state as a result of a
military realignment action);
Students exempt under Education Code sections 68121 and 76300(j)-(l) (a dependent of
any individual killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks);
Students who are approved for enrollment under an Interstate Exchange
Agreement. These students will pay the regular per unit, per term enrollment fee, and
will pay additional tuition fee, which will be equal to 27% of the regular non-resident
tuition amount. The college currently has Interstate Exchange Agreements with the
following institutions:
o Southern Oregon University
o Oregon Institute of Technology
o Rogue Community College
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Course Auditing Fee
Students wishing to audit courses will be charged a fee of $15 per unit per term. There is a
limited waiver of this fee that applies to retired faculty and retired classified staff members of the
district. More specific information about this fee may be found in Board Policy 119 and
Administrative Regulation 119.02.
Enrollment Fee, Community Service Courses
The district charges students taking community service or contract education classes a fee not to
exceed the cost of maintaining the class. Community service classes are intended to be selfsupporting and districts are prohibited from using apportionment money to establish or maintain
such classes.
Instructional Materials Fee
A limited number of instructional materials fees have been approved and will be collected at the
time of registration. More specific information about these fees may be found in Board Policy
107 and Administrative Regulation 107.02.
Physical Education Facilities Use Fee
The following physical education facilities use fees have been approved and will be collected at
the time of registration:
Mendocino Coast Campus: A pool use fee of $34/student/course/term
Explicitly Authorized Fees for Services
The following fees are explicitly authorized for establishment and collection by the Education
Health Services Fee
Health fees, including accident insurance fees, will be charged as follows:
(1) Students Enrolled at the Del Norte or Mendocino Coast Campuses or at the
Klamath/Trinity Instructional Site: A fee of $4 per student will be charged each semester,
summer session, or winter session in which the student is enrolled to provide him/her with
accident insurance coverage while participating in college-sanctioned events.
(2) Eureka Students Enrolled Only in an Off Campus Class/Classes: A fee of $4 per student
will be charged each semester, summer session, or winter session in which the student is enrolled
to provide him/her with accident insurance coverage while participating in one or more off
campus classes and at college-sanctioned events.
(3) Eureka Students Enrolled in On-Campus Courses: A fee of $12 per student will be charged
each semester in which the student is enrolled to provide him/her with accident insurance
coverage while on campus or at college-sanctioned events and to provide access to basic health
services at the Student Health Center. A fee of $7 per student will be charged for each summer
session and a fee of $4 per student will be charged for each winter session.
(4) Exemptions
A student will be exempt from paying the health fee when:
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The student depends exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings
of a bona fide religious sect, denomination or organization. Requests for this exemption
are made by petition to the Director, Enrollment Services (on the Eureka campus or the
Klamath/Trinity Instructional Site) or to the Campus Vice President at the Del Norte or
Mendocino Coast Campus.
b. The student is receiving certain types of financial aid as verified by the Director, Financial
c. The student is attending under an approved apprenticeship program. Requests for this
exemption must be made in writing to the Director, Enrollment Services (on the Eureka campus
or at the Klamath/Trinity Instructional Site) or to the Campus Vice President at the Del Norte or
Mendocino Coast campuses.
Parking Fee
Students wishing to park on college property shall be required to pay a fee for parking
services. More specific information about this fee may be found in Board of Trustees Policy No.
805 “Parking and Traffic Regulations.”
Transcript Fee
Upon request, each student will receive two free official transcripts from the College. After that,
a fee of $5 will be charged for each additional official transcript produced, and the student can
expect to receive the transcript within 15 working days. Should a student want a transcript more
quickly, a fee of $10 will be charged as a rush processing fee, and a transcript will be generated
on demand.
Dormitory Fee
Students wishing to live in the residence halls will pay a fee of $1,785 per semester for lodging
and $1,420 per semester for meals for the 2006-2007 academic year. Rates for the summer and
winter sessions will be pro-rated. This fee may be adjusted by a maximum of 5% each year to
account for any cost-of-living increases that may occur.
Child Care Fee
The President/Superintendent is authorized to establish these fees on an annual basis, in keeping
with the guidelines established by the state to regulate these activities.
International Students’ Application Processing Fee
Students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country will be charged a fee to cover
the expenses related to processing their initial application for admission. This fee will be one
hundred dollars ($100), which shall be deducted from the student’s first semester tuition payment
upon enrollment.
Refund Processing Fee
In the event that a refund check must be issued, a fee not to exceed $10 in any one term will be
retained by the college as a refund processing fee.
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Credit by Examination
Students taking examinations pursuant to Title 5, Section 55753, will pay a fee of $20 per unit as
established by Education Code section 76300.
Other Permitted Fees for Services
The following fees will be charged under the authority of the permissive code:
Testing Services Fees
Students and members of the public will be charged the following fees to cover the costs of
administering tests under the auspices of the Academic Support Center:
A charge of $100 to take the G.E.D. and a charge $20 to take a retest of any one of its 5
A charge of $20 per hour for proctoring out-of-district exams. This charge may be paid
by either the student taking the test or by the agency/institution requiring the student to
take the test, depending on the circumstances.
Students will be required to pay $10.00 to retake an English or math assessment test,
unless a counselor, advisor, or faculty member determines the retest is a special
circumstance and should be free of charge.
Returned Check Fee
Students will be charged a fee of $25 for checks written to the college that are returned unpaid
because of “insufficient funds” or because of other account difficulties. The student’s ability to
register or obtain other college services will be withheld until all debts on the student’s account
have been cleared.
Subpoena Processing Fee
A duplicating fee of $15 will be charged to the requesting party to cover the cost of preparing or
reproducing student records information required to respond to subpoenas or related court and
legal documents. If the document(s) requested exceeds 12 pages in length, an additional charge
of 10 cents per additional page will be collected.
Lab and Learning Resource Center Copying Fees
Students wishing to make copies in the college’s labs and Learning Resource Centers will be
charged 10 cents per page, which will be accomplished by purchasing a pre-paid card for that
purpose. To meet its obligation under the law to provide required instructional materials free of
charge, the college will give each student 10 free copies per $5 worth of printing credit
Student Activities Fee
A student activity fee of $5 per student per semester will be collected and administered by the
Associated Students, College of the Redwoods to support campus clubs, organizations and
intercollegiate athletics and to sponsor educational and social events for the campus community.
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Enrollment Fee Refunds
Enrollment fee refunds are generated automatically when the student or faculty member initiates
program changes prior to the 11th day of instruction for semester-length courses. A refund of
enrollment fees will also be provided to the student after that date, in the event the District
cancels or reschedules any class. When the course is less than a full semester in length, a refund
will be given if the class is dropped by the day of the first class meeting.
Parking Fee Refunds
Parking fee refunds will be provided, when requested, in accordance with Board Policy #805,
Administrative Regulation #805.01.
Refund Recipient
Refunds are made only to the person who originally paid the fees.
Approved by the Board of Trustees: June 3, 2003
Amended: 8/5/03, 11/4/03, 9/13/04, 3/1/05, 3/7/06, 11/7/06, 5/6/08 (AP 5013)
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Administrative Procedure
Draft AP 4103
The college will maintain an approved plan with the State Chancellor’s Office that
The systematic design of a program whereby students gain realistic useful
learning experiences through workplace related activities;
A specific description of the respective responsibilities of the college, the student,
the employer, and other cooperating agencies;
Guidance services;
A sufficient number of qualified academic personnel to direct the program;
Processes that assure students’ on-the-job learning experiences are documented
with written measurable learning objectives, students are required to meet certain
criteria and are evaluated, and the basis for awarding grades and credit is
Adequate clerical and instructional services are provided;
The maintenance of records that include the type and units of work experience in
which student is enrolled, where employed, job held, basis for determining
student qualifications, statement of student hours worked, evaluation of
performance, and that a work permit was issued.
Supervising faculty must maintain records that show consultation with the employer and
the student, evaluation of the student’s achievement, and the final grade.
Title 5, Sections 55250 et seq.
Approved: XX/XX/XXXX
New Procedure
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Communicable Diseases
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Michelle Hancock ext. 4357
Student Services
BP-revision, AP-new
BP 819/531
Ed Code: 76403
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Joe Hash
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Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
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Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
30 day review ends 10/10/11
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Constituent Review Ends 10/10/2011
Date approved by Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Policy
Proposed BP 5210
The President/Superintendent shall establish procedures necessary to assure cooperation with
local public health officials in measures necessary for the prevention and control of
communicable diseases in students.
See Administrative Procedures 5210.
Education Code Section 76403
Adopted by Board of Trustees: x/xx/xx
Former Policy #819/531: “Communicable Diseases and Blood Borne Pathogens,” Adopted by Board of Trustees:
Amended: 1/11/93
It is the intent of the District to maintain high quality standards of infectious disease and blood
borne pathogens control that protect the health and safety of the college community while not
unduly restricting the employment and educational pursuits of its employees and students.
Therefore, the District will adhere to the following:
1. It is considered a major responsibility of the District to keep its employees updated on current
developments and practices concerning infectious diseases. It will be the primary responsibility
of the President, or designee, to ensure this policy is properly administered. The focus of this
policy is to provide employees with primary education, prevention, and a process for
understanding the dangers of communicable diseases and blood borne pathogens which includes
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV.
2. The District will not require mandatory screening (other than that required for employees,
such as tuberculin testing) as a condition of employment. However, the District will encourage
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regular testing for groups which the District has determined would be potentially exposed to
these hazards posed by communicable diseases and blood borne pathogens.
3. The District will abide by the communicable disease and blood borne pathogens policies of all
outside institutions where our staff participate in affiliations.
4. The District will treat all employees equally, regardless of whether they have tested positive
for any of the blood borne pathogens. The District will not deny a person who has been infected
any benefits for which he/she is eligible.
Individuals who are infected will not be denied employment so long as they are able to perform
in accordance with the respective standards of their employment.
5. In accordance with existing District procedures and requirements, an employee's medical
record is confidential information, and as such may not be released without the individual's
written permission except as otherwise provided by law.
6. The District will take necessary steps to help ensure the safety of individuals participating in
laboratory experiences or other college areas handling blood, blood products, body fluids,
hypodermic needles, or where a potential occupational exposure may exist.
7. The President, or designee, shall establish, through the Safety Committee, a sub-committee on
Health Services comprised of the Vice President of Student Services, Director of Human
Resources, and school Nurse to make decisions on a case-by-case analysis (in consultation with
the Public Health Department) of any question that arises regarding an employee who may be
considered a possible danger to the health and safety of the college community.
8. The President, or designee, shall help develop an exposure control plan for communicable
diseases and blood borne pathogens to help ensure the safety and health of all employees and
students. The plan shall be in compliance with State and Federal regulations pertaining to
communicable diseases and blood borne pathogens.
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5210
Student Health Center personnel shall act as a liaison to ensure cooperation with local health
officers in measures necessary for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in
Student Health Center personnel shall ensure the college remains in compliance with any
immunization program required by State Department of Health Services regulations.
The Student Health Center may provide the following testing services to assist in preventing the
spread of communicable diseases:
Tuberculin (TB)
Hepatitis B
Pharyngitis Streptococcal (strep)
Additional services for testing of sexually transmitted diseases may be offered through a separate
organization in cooperation with the Student Health Center.
The Health Occupations and Early Childhood Education departments ensure all students are
educated to follow blood borne pathogen procedures to minimize the risk of communicable
The Maintenance Department follows industry recognized cleaning practices to ensure the risk of
communicable diseases is kept to a minimum.
Education Code Section 76403
Approved: XX/XX/XXXX
No previous Administrative Procedure
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Board of Trustees Policy
The Redwoods Community College District upholds an institutional code of ethics for all of its
The President/Superintendent shall ensure that the institutional code of ethics specifying the
responsibilities of all employees and students is established. The institutional code of ethics
shall be reviewed annually and published in consultation with faculty members, classified staff
members, administrators, students, and the Board of Trustees.
Accreditation Standard III.A.1.d
ACCCA Statement of Ethics
December 14, 2010 Draft
No Former Redwoods CCD Policy 10/10/2011 Meeting of College Council
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Administrative Procedure
Definition of Ethics
Ethical behavior is often described as “right” or “good” behavior as measured against
commonly accepted rules of conduct for society or for a profession. The ethical person is
often described as one who is fair, honest, straightforward, trustworthy, objective,
unprejudiced, and equitable. The consistent exercise of integrity is the cornerstone of
ethical behavior.
Importance of Ethics
A. The credibility of all employees depends upon whether they are perceived as
honest men and women. If integrity contributes to credibility, then ethical
behavior is a singular prerequisite to successful performance of one’s duties.
B. Statements of ethical standards do not necessarily ensure ethical behavior. Yet,
public statements of intent create an expression that employees will indeed act
with integrity in the public interest.
C. Although district’s guiding principles cannot address every issue or provide
answers to every dilemma, they define the spirit in which we intend to conduct
business and should guide us in our daily conduct.
Ethical Standards
All employees shall adhere to the following ethical standards:
 Exercise due diligence in the ethical performance of his or her duties and model
the highest standard of ethically responsible behavior.
 Facilitate a climate of trust, mutual support, and courteous consideration through
actions that demonstrate respect for institutional values (as defined in the mission,
vision and values statement), freedom of expression, and the right to dissent in a
constructive manner.
 Avoid knowingly making false and malicious statement about other employees or
 Use caution and integrity in sharing non public information, follow state and
federal guidelines as they relate to privacy and avoid disclosing information about
selection processes, colleagues, or students obtained in the course of professional
service unless disclosure serves a valid business purpose, or is required by law.
 Avoid entering into or recommending the District enter into contractual
relationships that create conflicts of interest and lead to personal gain.
 Avoid accepting business courtesies that attempt to influence District decisions.
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Avoid permitting the interest of any members of the college community to
override the best interest of the public served by the district.
Challenge and report unethical behavior in a timely manner.
Avoid fraudulent activities. Fraud is defined as a deception deliberately practices
in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
Confront issues and people without prejudice and exhibit mutual respect.
Exercise due diligence to ensure that District resources are not used for other than
their intended purpose. Employees of the District shall manage the district’s
resources prudently and shall not improperly convert such resources to personal
use or for the personal use of another,
Compliance with Laws
Commitment to ethical behavior requires complying with laws, rules, and regulations.
Each employee must have an understanding of the policies, rules, laws, and regulations
that apply to his or her specific role. If an employee is unsure of whether a contemplated
action is permitted by law or district policy, he/she should seek advice from individuals
who are knowledgeable about the matter. Employees are responsible for preventing
violations of law and for reporting violations of laws to supervisors.
Expectations of Ethical Behavior
Employees of Redwoods Community College District shall be committed to the
principles of honesty and equity. They shall not seek to abridge, for any purpose, the
freedoms of other employees or students. At the same time, they shall not willingly
permit the rights and privileges of any members of the college community to override the
best interests of the public served by the District.
Employees shall exercise judgments that are dispassionate, fair, consistent, and equitable.
They shall do everything they can to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in
education and without compromise to the principles of ethical behavior.
Similarly, students are expected to abide by ethical behavior and decision-making in their
treatment of college employees, other students, and members of the public.
Conflict of Interest
Executive administrative personnel and other designated personnel subject to the
provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 as set forth in Government Code Section
18000 have additional responsibilities with reference to contracts and financial decisions
made by the District as described in applicable conflict of interest laws.
Violation of Institutional Code of Ethics
Although the Institutional Code of Ethics can only be a guideline, violation of its tenets
will likely result in a violation of District policies and procedures, and/or state and federal
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laws and regulations. As such, any employee who violates the Institutional Code of
Ethics may be subject to disciplinary action by the District as described in other District
policies and collective bargaining agreements.
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