Minutes Dated November 21, 2011 AP 5031 ‘Instructional Materials Fees’

College Council
3:00 p.m. - Board Room - Monday, December 5, 2011
1. Minutes Dated November 21, 2011 (Page 3)
AP 5031 ‘Instructional Materials Fees’ (Page 7)
AP 5055 ‘Enrollment Priorities’ (Page 11)
AP 5020 ‘Nonresident Tuition’ (Page 13)
AP 5070 ‘Attendance’ (Page 19)
AP 5075 ‘Credit Course Adds and Drops’ (Page 23)
AP 5610 ‘Voter Registration’ (Page 25)
BP/AP 5700 ‘Athletics’ (Page 27)
AP 2411 ‘Interim Policies’ (Page 31)
10. AP 4023 ‘Definition of a Credit Hour’ (Page 33)
11. AP 5530 ‘Student Complaints Other Than Academic Complaints or Unlawful
Discrimination’ (Page 35)
12. AP 7217 ‘Faculty Prioritization Process’ (Page 47)
13. BP/AP 3050 ‘Institutional Code of Ethics’ (Page 55)
14. BP/AP 3280 ‘Grants’ – Roxanne (Page 59)
a. First Review
15. BP 4030 ‘Academic Freedom’ – Mark (Page 63)
a. First Review
16. Spring 2012 College Council Meeting Schedule – Utpal (Page 65)
AP 3435
BP 3430
AP 3430
AP 5500
BP/AP 7310
AP 3410
AP 2435
Constituent Review Ends:
PPRS working with CRFO on revision
Mark W. to investigate and report to Council
Council requests review of best practices
Roxanne seeking legal precedent
Tables pending BOT discussion
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12/05/2011 College Council Meeting
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Minutes of the College Council
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA, Board Room
Monday, November 21, 2011
Mark Winter, Mike Richards, John Johnston, Kasey Merten (ASCR), Isaac
Cameron (ASCR), Mark Renner (webinar), Marcia Williams (phone), Utpal
Goswami, Keith Snow-Flamer, Roxanne Metz, Ahn Fielding
Jose Ramirez, Ron McQueen, Lee Lindsey, KT Rep
Utpal Goswami called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
The minutes of 11/07/2011 were approved with the following revision:
Under ‘Members Present’: Kasey Mertoen
AP 4103 WORK
Utpal Goswami noted that the constituent review period regarding AP 4103
concluded on 11/21/2011.
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve AP 4103
with the following revision:
Under bullet 7: “The maintenance of records that include the type and units
of work experience in which student is enrolled, where employed, job held,
basis for determining student qualifications, statement of student hours
worked, evaluation of performance, and that a work permit was issued if
AP 4024
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to table indefinitely AP
BP/AP 2714
Utpal noted that BP and AP 2714 were being created according to the Board
Related Policy Committee’s 11 step policy revision/creation process, and that
the constituent review period for BP and AP 2714 ended 11/21/2011.
Academic Senate representatives noted that although BP203 calls for the
discontinuance of a program to be mutually agreed upon, the Senate has not
concluded how an agreement may be reached in an exigent context.
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve BP and AP
BP/AP 5205
Utpal noted that the constituent review period for BP and AP 5205 ended on
Support staff presented feedback regarding AP 5205 submitted by Lee Lindsey,
VP of Admin Services: Under sentence one add – “The Board will maintain the
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Minutes-College Council
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November 21, 2011
most cost-effective insurance coverage, with the lowest total cost of ownership,
for injury resulting from accidents sustained in the course of participation in
College programs and activities.”
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve BP and as
revised AP 5205.
BP/AP 5040
Utpal noted that the constituent review period for BP and AP 5040 ended on
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve BP 5040
with the following revisions:
1. Paragraph three, add: “To the extent allowed by law, any currently
enrolled or former student of the District has a right of access to any and
all student records relating to him or her maintained by the District.
2. Paragraph six, sentence two, add and delete: “Information under
“Directory Information” will be released only if students clearly mark “yes”
on the admissions application. If the answer “yes” is marked, then
information listed under “Directory Information” may be released. If “no”
was marked, the information will not be released.”
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve AP 5040
with the following revisions:
1. Bullet three, sentence two, add and delete: “Information under “Directory
Information” will be released only if students clearly mark “yes” on the
admissions application. If the answer “yes” is marked, then information
listed under “Directory Information” may be released. If “no” was marked,
the information will not be released.”
2. Page three, “Charge for Transcripts” section, sentence two add and
delete: “Additional copies shall be made available to the student, or to an
addressee designated by him/her, after payment of the established fee at
the rate of $5.00 per copy and, if requested via the college web interface,
are processed within two working days after receiving payment.”
AP 5031
Constituent review period extended to December 5, 2011 Council meeting.
Cheryl Tucker reported that draft AP 5500 was created with constituent
involvement and had been reviewed by legal counsel, and that the
process described in the draft AP had been tested practically and refined.
Utpal noted that we should avoid drafting policies in such a way that we
will violate those policies immediately upon their adoption. For example,
language in AP5500 prohibiting possession of weapons should make a
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Minutes-College Council
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November 21, 2011
distinction between kitchen knives or pocket knives and deadly weapons.
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to distribute AP
5055 for a 60 day constituent review period.
The Council reviewed the proposed Spring ’12 College Council meeting
schedule and concluded that adjustments could be suggested at the Dec. 5
College Council meeting.
Monday, Jan 23
Monday, Feb 6
Monday, Feb 27
Monday, March 19
Monday, April 9
Monday, April 23
Monday, May 7
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
Due to the large number of draft policies and procedures for which the
constituent review period ends on 12/05/2011, the Council concluded that the
Dec. 5th meeting would be scheduled from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Ahn suggested that in order to have time to reconcile CCLC and Chancellor’s
Office suggested language regarding BP/AP 3430 and AP 3435, the constituent
review period for 3430 and 3435 should be extended till Jan. 23, 2012.
Support staff reported that since PPRS and CRFO had yet to revise BP and AP
7310, they would not likely be ready for review at the Dec 5th Council meeting.
Utpal Goswami adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.
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Constituent Review Ends 12/05/2011
Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Instructional Materials Fee
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Cheryl Tucker
Student Services
AP 5031
AR 107.02
Cheryl Tucker, Kathy Goodlive, Keith SnowFlamer
Education Code Section 76365; Title 5 Section
59400 et seq.
North Orange County, Cerritos, Yuba, Palomar
CR Curriculum Committee web-site
Dr. Keith Snow-Flamer
Date submitted to PPRS
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
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Constituent Review Ends 12/05/2011
Administrative Policy
Proposed AP 5031
Students may be required to provide instructional and other materials required for a credit or
non-credit course. Such materials shall be of continuing value to a student outside of the
classroom setting and shall not be solely or exclusively available from the District.
"Instructional and other materials" means any tangible personal property which is owned or
primarily controlled by an individual student.
“Tangible personal property” includes electronic data that the student may access during the
class and store for personal use after the class in a manner comparable to the use available during
the class.”
"Required instructional and other materials" means any instructional and other materials which a
student must procure or possess as a condition of registration, enrollment or entry into a class; or
any such material which is necessary to achieve those required objectives of a course which are
to be accomplished under the supervision of an instructor during class hours.
"Solely or exclusively available from the District" means that the material is not available except
through the District, or that the District requires that the material be purchased or procured from
it. A material shall not be considered to be solely or exclusively available from the District if it is
provided to the student at the District's actual cost; and 1) The material is otherwise generally
available, but is provided solely or exclusively by the District for health and safety reasons; or 2)
The material is provided in lieu of other generally available but more expensive material which
would otherwise be required.
"Required instructional and other materials which are of continuing value outside of the
classroom setting" are materials which can be taken from the classroom setting and which are not
wholly consumed, used up, or rendered valueless as they are applied in achieving the required
objectives of a course to be accomplished under the supervision of an instructor during class
Establishing Required Materials and Related Fees
For new courses requesting fees or existing courses requesting new or revised fees, the process
established by the Curriculum Committee for recommending such fees shall be followed.
Once approved, the recommendation for collection is forwarded to the Chief Instructional
Officer for approval.
If approved, the fee will be published in the schedule of classes and will be considered a
condition of enrollment for the course in question. Fees are collected with enrollment fees.
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The Office of Instruction responds to inquiries from the State Chancellor’s Office.
Education Code Section 76365; Title 5 Section 59400 et seq.
Revision Adopted: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Administrative Regulation No. 107.02
Approved: Feb 3, 1986
Board of Trustees Policy No. 107
Administrative Regulation No. 107.02
College of the Redwoods has a strong commitment to ensuring accessibility to all of its programs
and services for all residents of the Redwoods Community College District. As a matter of fiscal
responsibility, students may be required to provide instructional and other materials required for
a credit or noncredit course. Requirements for assessing the students a fee for instructional and
other materials shall be in accordance with California Administrative Code, Title 5, Sections
59400 through 59408.
Students of College of the Redwoods may be required to provide instructional and other
materials required for a credit or noncredit course, provided that the provisions for assessing a
fee for the course conform to the following guidelines:
(1) The materials shall be tangible personal property which are owned or primarily controlled by
an individual student; and,
(2) The materials are of a continuing value to the student outside of the classroom setting, and
the material is not wholly consumed, used up or rendered valueless as it is applied in achieving
the required objectives of a course which are to be accomplished under the supervision of an
instructor during class hours; and,
(3) The material shall not be solely or exclusively available from the District except if it is
provided to the student at the District's actual cost; and that the material is otherwise generally
available, but is provided by the District for health and safety reasons, or that the material is
provided in lieu of other generally available but more expensive material which would be
otherwise required.
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Any materials not meeting these guidelines will be provided by the Redwoods Community
College District to its students at no cost to the student.
A list of all instructional and other materials to be required in a course will be made available for
students no later than the first class meeting of each term. The list will be made available by the
instructor of the course, the Division Office, the Center Dean, or the College Bookstore. Every
effort will be made to identify in the schedule of classes each semester those courses in which
materials in addition to textbooks and syllabi may be required.
Adopted by Board of Trustees: February 3, 1986
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Administrative Procedure
Constituent Review Ends 12‐05‐11 Draft AP 5055
Enrollment in courses and programs may be limited to students meeting properly established
prerequisites and co-requisites.
Enrollment may be limited due to the following:
 health and safety considerations
 facility limitations
 faculty workload
 availability of qualified instructors
 funding limitations
 regional planning
 legal requirements
 contractual requirements
Priority Registration days and times for any semester will be assigned as follows:
1. Documented eligible students actively participating in Disabled Student Programs and
Services (DSPS) or in Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS); documented
member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States within two years of
leaving active duty; and foster youth or former foster youth. "Foster youth" means a person
who is currently in foster care, and "former foster youth" means a person who is an
emancipated foster youth and who is up to 24 years of age.
2. In descending order, continuing students [fully matriculated assessment/orientation/advising
– please discuss] who have declared an academic program, certificate or transfer educational
goal, making satisfactory academic progress of a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or better
(effective, Fall 2013) and:
a. completed 45 or more but less than 100 units at College of the Redwoods;
b. completed between 30 and 44.5 units at College of the Redwoods;
c. completed between 15 and 29.5 units at College of the Redwoods;
d. attempting or completed between 0.5 and 14.5 units at College of the Redwoods;
3. New (includes transfer students) and returning students;
4. All other continuing students without a declared academic program, certificate or transfer or
educational goal and/or less than a 2.00 cumulative grade point average;
5. Concurrently enrolled high school students.
References: Title 5 Sections 56232, 56026, 58106, 58108; Education Code Sections 66025.8,
66025.9, 76001
Approved: 8/7/07
Amended: 1/15/08; 04/06/10
Former Policy #500, “Priority Registration,” Adopted by the Board of Trustees: 6/3/91
Amended: 6/5/95; 8/7/07
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Constituent Review Ends 12‐05‐11 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AP5055
Administrative Procedure
Enrollment in courses and programs may be limited to students meeting properly established
prerequisites and co-requisites.
Enrollment may be limited due to the following:
 health and safety considerations
 facility limitations
 faculty workload
 availability of qualified instructors
 funding limitations
 regional planning
 legal requirements
 contractual requirements
Priority Registration days and times for any semester will be assigned as follows:
1. Documented eligible students actively participating in Disabled Student Programs and
Services (DSPS) or in Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS);
Documented member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States within
two years of leaving active duty;
ASCR Student Government Officers and ASCR Senate Board Members, continuing
student athletes, and Honors Program students;
In descending order, continuing students who have declared a major and:
a. completed 45 or more units at College of the Redwoods;
b. completed between 30 and 44.5 units at College of the Redwoods;
c. completed between 15 and 29.5 units at College of the Redwoods;
d. completed between 0.5 and 14.5 units at College of the Redwoods;
Continuing students without a declared major;
New and returning students;
Concurrently enrolled high school students.
References: Title 5 Sections 56232, 56026, 58106; Education Code Sections 66025.8, 76001
Approved: 8/7/07
Amended: 1/15/08; 04/06/10
Former Policy #500, “Priority Registration,” Adopted by the Board of Trustees: 6/3/91
Amended: 6/5/95
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Constituent Review Ends Dec 5, 2011 Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet Title of Policy/Procedure: Nonresident Tuition This section to be completed by author Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Keith Snow-Flamer
Student Development
AP 5020
Date submitted to PPRS
Keith Snow-Flamer, Kathy Goodlive
Ed Code 76140 et seq.
North Orange, Palomar, Yuba, Cerritos
Keith Snow-Flamer
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS) PPRS Contact and contact info
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
Cheryl Tucker
College Council Tracking First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
12/05/2011 College Council Meeting
Page 14
Administrative Procedure
Draft AP 5020
Nonresident Tuition Fee for Out-of-State and Foreign Students
Not later than February 1 of each year, the President/Superintendent shall bring to the Board of
Trustees for approval an action to establish nonresident tuition for the following fiscal year. The
amount shall be derived by using the formula contained in Education Code Sections 76140 (d)
and (e). The same per-unit rate shall be charged to all nonresident students attending any
summer sessions.
Interstate Exchange Agreement
The district maintains, as allowed by Education Code 66800, several interstate exchange
agreements. Nonresident students admitted under these agreements shall pay the tuition fee and
enrollment fee appropriate to each agreement.
Tuition Fee Rate Schedule
Upon the yearly adoption of the tuition fee, the administration shall develop and publish the out
of-state tuition rates to be paid by nonresident and foreign students (regular tuition fee) and
special rates for any interstate exchange agreements maintained by the district. See
Administrative Procedure #AP 5030, “Fees.”
Tuition Fee Refunds
Refunds will be made in accordance with Administrative Procedure #AP 5030, “Fees.”
Fee Exemptions
Military Resident Exemption. Nonresident U.S. military personnel on active duty in California
(except those assigned for education purposes to state-supported institutions of higher education)
are granted a waiver of Nonresident Tuition until they are discharged from their military service.
Their dependents are granted a waiver for a period of one year from the date they enter
California. Upon expiration of the waiver, evidence must be provided as to the date the student
surrendered his/her out-of-state residence to become a resident of California. The student will be
classified as a nonresident and charged Nonresident Tuition until one year has elapsed since the
out-of-state residence was surrendered.
Foreign Students. The Board of Trustees may approve an exemption from all or part of the
nonresident fee for any nonresident who is both a citizen and resident of a foreign country, or
who are legally precluded from establishing residency in California, provided that the
nonresident student has a 2.50 cummulative GPA, enrolled as a full-time student, and has
demonstrated a financial need for the exemption, and not more than ten percent of the
nonresident foreign students attending the district may be so exempted. Students who qualify
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Constituent Review Ends Dec 5, 2011 can file a waiver request with the Admissions Office every semester/session. If approved, the
waiver will be valid for one academic year only.
The Chief Student Services Officer shall determine annually the potential number of available
foreign students who can be considered.
The methods of determining financial need shall be done in accordance with standards utilized
for federal campus-based financial aid programs.
The Board of Trustees authorizes the President/Superintendent to contract with a state, a county
contiguous to the district boundaries, the Federal Government, a foreign country, or an agency
thereof, for payment of all or part of the nonresident student tuition fee.
The Chief Student Services Officer shall coordinate all such requests for the
The criteria to be used in the determination of requests under this subsection shall include (at
the educational benefits to the individual and the district
the reason(s) for the request, to include:
o the amount of the fee that can be paid
o demonstrated economic hardship that encompasses the financial
circumstances of a person who may qualify for a BOG waiver
o other extenuating circumstances
o two letters of recommendation (cannot be from a family member)
The Chief Student Services Officer will submit requests for nonresident tuition
fee exemptions to the Board of Trustees for approval.
References: Education Code Section 76140 et seq.
Approved: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Administrative Regulation #501.01, “Non-Resident Tuition Fee Exemptions,” Approved: 1/11/93
Former Administrative Regulation #501.02, “Non-Resident Students, Approved: 8/15/77
Revised 2/7/94, 12/7/99, 2/6/07
Administrative Procedure
AP 5020
Nonresident Tuition Fee for Out-of-State and Foreign Students
Not later than February 1 of each year, the President/Superintendent shall bring to the Board of
Trustees for approval an action to establish nonresident tuition for the following fiscal year. The
amount shall be derived by using the formula contained in Education Code Section 76140 (d)
and (e). The same per-unit rate shall be charged to all nonresident students attending any
summer sessions.
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Constituent Review Ends Dec 5, 2011 Interstate Exchange Agreement
The district maintains, as allowed by Education Code 66800, several interstate exchange
agreements. Nonresident students admitted under these agreements shall pay the tuition fee and
enrollment fee appropriate to each agreement.
Tuition Fee Rate Schedule
Upon the yearly adoption of the tuition fee, the administration shall develop and publish the
outof-state tuition rates to be paid by nonresident and foreign students (regular tuition fee) and
special rates for any interstate exchange agreements maintained by the district. See
Administrative Procedure #AP 5030, Fees.
Tuition Fee Refunds
Refunds will be made in accordance with Administrative Procedure #AP 5030, Fees.
Fee Exemptions
The Board of Trustees may approve an exemption from all or part of the nonresident fee for any
nonresident who is both a citizen and resident of a foreign country, provided that the nonresident
has demonstrated a financial need for the exemption, and not more than ten percent of the
nonresident foreign students attending the district may be so exempted.
The Vice President, Student Services shall determine annually the potential number of available
foreign students who can be considered.
The methods of determining financial need shall be done in accordance with standards utilized
for federal campus-based financial aid programs.
The Board of Trustees authorizes the President/Superintendent to contract with a state, a county
contiguous to the district boundaries, the Federal Government, a foreign country, or an agency
thereof, for payment of all or part of the nonresident student tuition fee.
The Vice President, Chief Student Services Officer shall coordinate all such requests for the
The criteria to be used in the determination of requests under this subsection shall include (at
the educational benefits to the individual and the district
the reason(s) for the request, to include:
o the amount of the fee that can be paid
o a financial hardship statement
o other extenuating circumstances
The Vice President, Chief Student Services Officer will submit requests for nonresident tuition
fee exemptions to the Board of Trustees for approval.
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Constituent Review Ends Dec 5, 2011 References: Education Code Section 76140 et seq.
Approved: 2/6/07
Former Administrative Regulation #501.01, “Non-Resident Tuition Fee Exemptions,” Approved: 1/11/93
Former Administrative Regulation #501.02, “Non-Resident Students, Approved: 8/15/77
Revised 2/7/94, 12/7/99
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Attendance
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Date submitted to PPRS
Kathy Goodlive
Student Development
AP 5070
BP 534, BP 820
Kathy Goodlive, Keith Snow-Flamer
Title 5, Sections 58000 et seq.
North Orange, Cerritos, Palomar, Yuba
Keith Snow-Flamer
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Cheryl Tucker
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
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Administrative Policy
Proposed AP 5070
1.0 The term length of each college semester shall be 16 weeks.
2.0 The number of days in each academic year shall be 175 days.
3.0 The computation of total full-time equivalent students (FTES) attendance shall be
computed as defined in Title 5, Section 58003.1 according to appropriate census dates.
3.1 The units of FTES for credit courses scheduled coterminously with the term,
exclusive of independent study and work-experience education courses, shall be
computed by multiplying the student contact hours of active enrollment as of
Monday of the weeks nearest to one-fifth of the length of the term by the term
length multiplier (16.4) and divided by 525.
3.2 For credit courses scheduled to meet for five or more days and scheduled
regularly with respect to the number of hours during each scheduled day, but not
scheduled conterminously with the college’s primary term established pursuant to
section 1.0, or scheduled during the summer or other intersession, the units of
FTES, exclusive of independent study and work-experience education courses,
shall be computed by multiplying the daily student contact hours of active
enrollment as of the census days nearest to one fifth of the length of the course by
the number of days the course is scheduled to meet and divided by 525.
3.3 For credit courses scheduled to meet for fewer than five days, and all credit
courses scheduled irregularly with respect to the number of days of the week and
the number of hours the course meets on the scheduled days, the units of FTES
exclusive of independent study and work-experience education courses, shall be
computed by dividing actual student contact hours of attendance by 525.
3.4 For all open-entry/open-exit courses and for all noncredit courses otherwise
eligible for state aid, the units of full-time equivalent student shall be computed
by dividing actual student contact hours of attendance by 525.
3.5 For independent study and work-experience education courses:
3.5.1 For credit courses, for purposes of computing FTES only, one
weekly student contact hour shall be counted for each unit of credit for
which a student is enrolled in one of those courses. The FTES of those
courses shall be computed by multiplying the units of credit for which
students are enrolled as of the census day prescribed in subsection 3.1, as
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appropriate for the primary term or intersession and duration for which the
course is scheduled by the term length multiplier (16) and divided by 525.
3.6 Notwithstanding previous subsections of this section, the units of FTES for
any credit course other than independent study and work-experience education
courses shall be computed by dividing the actual student contact hours of
attendance by 525.
4.0 The Office of Admissions and Records, the Director of Institutional Research and the
Controller shall verify compliance with prescribed State Chancellor’s Office procedures
for reporting attendance according to valid census dates and FTES calculations for all
credit classes.
4.1 FTES will be reported for periods July 1 to December 31 and between July 1
and April 15 for the current academic year.
4.2 Annual FTES will be reported by July 15 for the previous academic year.
4.3 Support documentation and attendance data will be available for verification
and audit purposes.
4.4 Reported FTES will include attendance of student contact hours while
students are actively enrolled and engaged in educational activities required of
students and while the students are under the immediate supervision and control
of an academic employee of the District authorized to render service in the
capacity and during the period in which he or she served.
5.0 Regular attendance is expected of every student. Attendance at the first class meeting
is strongly recommended and any student not attending the first class meeting may be
dropped by the instructor.
5.1 Specific procedures regarding student attendance and absences are published
in the college catalog.
Reference: Title 5, Sections 58000 et seq.
Adopted by Board of Trustees: x/xx/xx
Former Policy #534: “Student Attendance Policy,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 6/6/94
Former Policy #820: “Attendance Reporting and Accounting Standards,” Adopted by Board of Trustees: 3/6/95
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Board of Trustee Policy No. 534
Administrative Regulation No. _____
The Board of Trustees, as authorized by California Education Code Section 70902 (a), (b), (8),
affirm that courses, educational activities, and college services shall be open to persons admitted
to the college under California Education Code Sections 76000 and 76001, provided they remain
in good standing (Board Policy No. 503) and subject to provisions of Education Code Sections
78210-78217 (Matriculation) and space availability (Board Policy No. 500).
Any person not admitted or in good standing with the college shall not be authorized to
participate or attend classes or educational activities or use college services.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees: June 6, 1994
Board of Trustees Policy No. 820
The Board of Trustees directs the Administration to develop and maintain regulations and
procedures for the accurate reporting of data used for calculating the state general apportionment
and to facilitate audits related to the District's records pursuant to Education Code Section 58000
(Title V) and Section 84040.
Adopted: March 6, 1995
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Credit Course Adds and Drops
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Date submitted to PPRS
Kathy Goodlive
Student Development
Kathy Goodlive, Keith Snow-Flamer
Title 5, Section 55024 and 58004
North Orange, Cerritos, Palomar, Yuba
Keith Snow-Flamer
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Cheryl Tucker
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
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Administrative Policy
Proposed AP 5075
Adding Courses
Students may add classes through the registration period.
Students use the online registration process to add classes as detailed on the college’s web site.
After the registration period concludes, classes may only be added by obtaining permission from
the class instructor.
Classes may not be added after the census date.
Withdrawals, or drops, are authorized through the last day of the thirteenth week of instruction or
62.5% of the term, whichever is less.
While an instructor may drop a student for excessive absences up to census, it is the student’s
responsibility to officially withdraw from a class. Instructor approval is not required to
withdrawal from classes. Students must drop their class(es) by the appropriate deadline date
through the current registration system.
Instructors shall clear their rolls of inactive students not later than the end of the last business day
before the census day for the course section. Inactive students are those who were no shows or
those who have discontinued participation in instructional activities.
Instructors shall drop students from classes by the appropriate deadline date using census rosters.
Reference: Title 5, Sections 55024 and 58004.
No prior Administrative Procedure.
Approved: XX/XX/XXXX
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Voter Registration
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Date submitted to PPRS
Keith Snow-Flamer
Student Development
Keith Snow-Flamer
20 U.S. Code Section 1094(a)(23)(A); CFR
Section 668.14(d)(1)
Cerritos, Yuba, Palomar
Keith Snow-Flamer
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Cheryl Tucker
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5610
The District will ensure that:
A good faith effort will be made to distribute a mail voter registration form to each student
enrolled in a degree or certificate program and physically in attendance at the institution
Forms will be widely available to students at the institution
A contact person will be designated as the contact for the Secretary of State for distribution
of voter registration cards
Office of Primary Responsibility: Chief Student Services Officer.
References: 20 U.S. Code Section 1094(a)(23)(A); CFR Section 668.14(d)(1)
No former Administrative Procedure.
Approved: XX/XX/XXXX
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Board Policy / Administrative Procedure Cover Sheet
Title of Policy/Procedure: Athletics
This section to be completed by author
Author: Name and contact info
Originating Department/Division
New or Revision
BP/AP numbers
Former BP/AR numbers
 List pertinent codes researched (Ed
Code/Title 5, etc.)
 List other colleges researched
 Other references
Sr. Administrator Review (Name, date,
Date submitted to PPRS
Keith Snow-Flamer
Student Development
BP and AP 5700
BP 114
Keith Snow-Flamer, Joe Hash
Education Code Sections 78223, 66271.6,
66271.8, and 67360 et seq.
Title IX Education Amendments of 1972
Palomar, Yuba, Cerritos
Keith Snow-Flamer
This section to be completed by Policy and Procedure Review Subcommittee (PPRS)
PPRS Contact and contact info
Cheryl Tucker
Format cleared (i.e. titles, font, style)
Content reviewed with CCLC format
Legal concerns
Date returned to originator
Date submitted to College Council
College Council Tracking
First Review
Back to PPRS
30/90 day Review
Second Review
Date sent to Board of Trustees
Date approved by Board of Trustees
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Board of Trustees Policy
Proposed BP 5700
The District shall maintain an organized program for men and women in intercollegiate athletics.
The program shall not discriminate on the basis of gender in the availability of athletic
The Superintendent/President shall assure that the athletics program complies with state law, the
California Community Colleges Commission on Athletics Constitution, and appropriate
Conference Constitution regarding student athlete participation.
The District shall assume financial responsibility for the Athletic Program.
See Administrative Procedure 5700.
References: Education Code Sections 78223, 66271.6, 66271.8, and 67360 et seq.
Revision adopted XX/XX/XXXX
Former Board Policy No. 114 “Intercollegiate Activities”
Adopted 8/15/77
Board of Trustees Policy No. 114
Administrative Regulation No. ___
The Board recognizes the value of a program of intercollegiate activities as an integral part of the
total school experience to the students of the College and to the community.
Through a program of intercollegiate activities, the Board offers students the opportunity to
exercise and test their abilities in a context greater and more varied than that which can be
offered by the College alone.
The President shall approve periodically a program of inter- collegiate activities and shall require
that all facilities utilized in that program, whether or not the property of the College, properly
safeguard both participants and spectators and are kept free from hazardous conditions.
It shall be the policy of the Board to offer opportunities for participation in intercollegiate
activities programs to male and female students on as equal a basis as is practicable and in
accordance with State and Federal guidelines.
Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 15, 1977
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Administrative Procedure
Athletic Drug Testing
Athletic drug testing is not mandated.
Office of Primary Responsibility: Athletics
References: Education Code Sections 66271.6, 66271.8, and 67360 et seq.;
Title IX Education Amendments of 1972
No former Administrative Procedures.
Approved: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed AP 5700
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Administrative Procedure
Draft AP 2411
Interim Policies
Administrative policies are adopted after approval by College Council following
constituent input (AP 2410). The President/Superintendant may modify or adopt a policy
(s) on an interim basis for compelling legal, fiscal or operational reasons without College
Council approval. Interim policies will be identified in administrative policies as such
(e.g. Interim Policy on Utility Trenching).
The President/Superintendent will notify the membership of College Council when an
interim policy is adopted. Within six months The College Council will then have six
months to ratify, revise or reject the interim policy. The interim policy will become the
permanent policy at the end of six months if the College Council fails to act on it in the
stipulated period of time.
Approved: xx/xx/xxxx
New Administrative Procedure
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Administrative Procedure
Draft AP 4023
Definition of Credit Hour
As defined in 34 CFR 600.2, College of the Redwoods has adopted the following
definition of a credit hour:
(1) An amount of work represented in the intended learning outcomes and verified by
evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates not less than one
hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of
out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen week for one
semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount
of time.
(2) For other academic work leading to award of credit hours (such as internships,
practicum, studio work) the award of credit hours will be based on an amount of
work implied by the paragraph before.
(3) For asynchronous online courses, where no classroom instruction takes place per
se, the assignment of credit hour will be based on the equivalent amount of work
as represented by the definition above. An existing face to face course may be
taught in an online format for the same credit hours provided amount of work
expected remain the same.
The Vice President of Instruction and the curriculum committee is charged with the
responsibility to ensure that the curriculum adheres to this requirement. The VPI and the
curriculum committee must make a reasonable determination that proposed assignment of
credit hours for new courses conforms to commonly accepted practice in higher
Reference: 34 CFR 600.2
Approved: xx/xx/xxxx
New Administrative Procedure
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 5530
If a student wishes to lodge a complaint other than academic complaints or unlawful
discrimination, he or she may seek redress through the following procedures. Student complaints
adjudicated under this regulation are those complaints brought against a decision made or action
taken by the College that is alleged to adversely affect a student's status or privileges. These
complaints may include matters such as: complaints about college staff, a challenge to a student's
academic record, or complaints about a service or program. Student complaints within the
purview of this regulation must be filed with the Chief Student Services Officer (CSSO) within
thirty (30) days of the decision, action, or incident that is the source of the complaint.
A. Informal Resolution Process
Many complaints are simply the result of misunderstanding or miscommunication. The parties
involved are recommended to first seek to resolve any complaints informally and amicably. For
most complaints, a direct discussion with the immediate supervisor of the employee, program,
service, or area of responsibility relevant to the compliant, may be adequate to resolve the matter
to the satisfaction of both parties.
Discuss Complaint with Supervisor
The student shall first attempt to resolve the complaint through informal consultation
with the specific area administrator or supervisor of the employee, program, or service
against whom the complaint is lodged. Such a meeting should be held in private within
ten (10) working days after the decision, action or incident. All issues involved should be
clearly defined so they may be discussed as objectively as possible. Both parties should
openly discuss the student complaint/concern and attempt to understand the other's
perspectives, explore options/alternatives, and attempt to arrive at a satisfactory
resolution to the complaint. At the student's request, an Associated Student, College of
the Redwoods (ASCR) member may be invited and/or assigned to assist the student in
clarifying the complaint process, writing the complaint, and/or supporting the student
throughout the complaint process.
Express Complaint in Writing
If the student is dissatisfied with the results of the discussion with the supervisor, the
student should submit a “Statement of Complaint” (see form below) that clearly
expresses in writing the complaint and the desired solution. This statement shall be
submitted to the CSSO within five (5) business days following the meeting with the
specific area administrator or supervisor as described above.
Supervisor Conference
On receipt of the student's “Statement of Complaint,” the immediate supervisor will
arrange a conference or meeting with the employees, service area personnel, and any
other relevant staff. The purpose of this meeting will be to determine if there are any
Comment [RM1]: Name of form should match
references to it within the text.
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legitimate grounds for the complaint, if staff have any suggestions for resolution or
improvement, and to discuss any possible actions. The student complainant may or may
not be asked to attend, at the discretion of the supervisor. After discussion with staff or
employees and review of relevant materials or evidence, the supervisor shall render a
decision on the complaint to all parties and shall within five (5) business days provide a
written copy of that decision to each involved party. The supervisor will then forward all
relevant documents, evidence, meeting notes, the “Statement of Complaint” form, and
any other materials, to the CSSO.
B. Formal Resolution Process
If the complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved at the informal level, then the Formal
Resolution Process shall be followed:
Student Files a Request for Hearing
The student must complete and deliver to the CSSO (or Campus Dean at the Education
Centers), the “Request for Hearing” form within ten (10) business days of receiving the
written decision rendered by the area supervisor as described above.
CSSO Convenes the College Hearing Committee
The CSSO (or Campus Dean at the Education Centers) or designee shall then convene the
College Hearing Committee within a period of fifteen (15) business days following
receipt of the Request for Hearing to consider the complaint. The CSSO shall consider
the preferences of the accused student, the nature of the complaint, and the availability of
the committee members when assigning the case for a hearing. The College Hearing
Committee shall be composed of the following:
Two students appointed by the ASCR President
Two faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate President
One classified member appointed by the CSEA President
One administrator, who shall chair the committee, appointed by the College
President or designee
All committee members shall be selected from among persons with little or no
connection to the source of the complaint and that had no involvement in the decision,
action, or incident. The CSSO or Campus Dean shall also confirm that all prospective
members are not related in any way to the complainant.
Hearing Procedures
The Chair of the College Hearing Committee will establish a hearing format consistent
with this administrative procedure. Formal hearings will be conducted by the committee
according to the following guidelines:
In complaints involving more than one student complainant, the Chair of the
College Hearing Committee will determine if hearings concerning each student
will be conducted jointly or separately. The decision of the Chair shall be final on
all matters relating to the process of the hearing unless there is a vote by other
members of the panel to the contrary.
Comment [RM2]: Again, form referenced should
match text and process outlined in text should be
reflected in the form.
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The student(s) will be notified by certified mail of the hearing at least five
business days in advance of the hearing. The letter will inform the student of the
time, location and place of the hearing and include a copy of this administrative
All parties shall be present at the hearing. In the willful absence of the
complainant and/or a representative of his/her choice, the complaint will be
Hearings shall be closed and confidential unless the one of the parties requests
that it be open to the public. Any such request must be made no less than five
days prior to the date of the hearing. In a closed hearing, witnesses shall not be
present at the hearing when not testifying, unless all parties and the Chair agree to
the contrary.
Quorum for a hearing requires that four (4) of the six College Hearing Committee
members are present for the hearing. If the case is to be heard at the Mendocino
or Del Norte site, a quorum will be three (3) members of the Committee.
The parties may be accompanied by an advisor if so desired. The advisor may
attend the hearing with the student to counsel him/her and suggest questions. The
parties may be present during the entire time of the hearing, except during the
deliberations of the Committee. In no event may the advisor participate directly
by speaking for either party or questioning witnesses. Admission of any other
person to the hearing will be at the discretion of the Chair.
The student may represent him or herself, and may also have the right to be
represented by a person of his or her choice, with the exception that the student
shall not be represented by an attorney unless agreed to in advance of the hearing
by the Chair. The student must note on the Request for a Hearing form if the
student wishes to be represented by an attorney. If the student is permitted to be
represented by an attorney, the Committee may also request legal assistance. Any
legal advisor provided to the Committee may sit with it in an advisory capacity to
provide legal counsel but shall not be a member of the panel nor vote with it.
The parties may present evidence, including witnesses and written statements.
The Chair will determine the format of the hearing, and the admissibility of
witnesses or written statements, and may elect not to hear such statements if
deemed redundant or irrelevant.
The Chair retains authority to question witnesses and parties to the alleged
violations and will determine the appropriateness of questions posed by the
parties. Other committee members should request and receive the permission of
the Chair before asking questions of the witnesses. Employees against whom
complaints have been filed will be advised of their right to remain silent, and may
choose not to respond to any questions.
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Pertinent and relevant information may be reviewed without regard to the legal
rules of evidence.
The person making the complaint shall assume the burden of proof.
There will be a single verbatim recording, digital or taped, of all hearings before
the Committee. No witness who refuses to be recorded may be permitted to give
testimony. In the event the recording is by tape recording, the Committee Chair
shall, at the beginning of the hearing, ask each person present to identify
themselves by name, and thereafter shall ask witnesses to identify themselves by
name. Recordings shall remain in the custody of the College at all times, unless
released to a professional transcribing service. Access is limited to reviewing the
verbatim record only on College premises and in the presence of the CSSO or
designee. The verbatim record will be the property of the College.
The College Hearing Committee may accommodate concerns for the personal
safety, well-being, or fears of confrontation of the complainant, staff or other
witnesses during the hearing by providing separate facilities, by using a visual
screen, or permitting participation by telephone, videophone, closed circuit
television, video conferencing, videotape, audio tape, written statement, or other
means, as determined in the sole judgment of the Chair to be appropriate and in
the best interests of the parties.
Following testimony of witnesses, the Committee shall consider the complaint
and determine if the complaint is valid. Determination of validity shall be made
based on the preponderance of evidence.
The Committee shall then decide, by majority vote, if any remedy, action, or decision is required or necessary. The decision shall be based only on the record of the
hearing, and not on matters outside of that record. The record consists of the
original accusation, the written response, if any, of the student and staff, and the
oral and written evidence produced at the hearing. The Committee need not limit
its recommendations to the remedy requested by the student.
The Committee shall submit in writing its findings of validity and recommend
action to the President. The President may accept or modify part or all of the
Committee's recommendation and shall submit the decision, with stated reasons,
to all concerned within the shortest reasonable time after the decision has been
rendered, but not to exceed ten (10) business days after the hearing.
The decision shall include whether the complaint is valid or invalid, and may
include specific recommendations for further action.
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The student shall have the right to submit a written statement of response to the
decision of the President. This statement shall be included with all other compiled
records of the complaint.
The decision of the President shall be final.
The President shall refer all records to the CSSO or designee for retention.
References: Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972; Education Code Section 76224(a)
Approved: XX/XX/XXXX
Former Administrative Regulation #528.02, “Regulation Re: Student Complaints other than Unlawful
Discrimination,” Approved: 3/16/82 Revised 6/6/94, 10/9/95
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Redwoods Community College District
Student’s Statement of Complaint
This is a statement of complaint regarding an action, decision, or incident that I believe has adversely
impacted my student status or privileges at College of the Redwoods. I confirm that I have attempted to
resolve the complaint through an informal resolution process with the appropriate area supervisor, as
outlined in this policy. I understand that after delivery of this complaint to the Chief Student Services
Officer or Campus Dean, I may expect to receive a written decision within five days of the filing of this
Date this Form was delivered: ____________ Name of person accepting this form: _______________
Name Of Complainant: _______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address of Complainant: _______________________________________________________
Telephone number of Complainant: ____________ Alternate Telephone number: ________________
Please fully state the nature of complaint and dates of occurrences
Describe what relief, remedy, or desired solution you believe is required to resolve this complaint,
attaching additional sheet(s) if necessary
If there is anyone else who can provide more information regarding this complaint, please list names,
addresses, and telephone numbers:
Signature of Complainant
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Redwoods Community College District
Supervisor Response to Student’s Statement of Complaint
Date: _______________To: _____________________________________________________
Name of Student Complainant
Street # or PO Box #
Zip Code
As a proposed resolution to your complaint filed on ____________, the Redwoods Community College
District intends to:
Signature of Supervising Official
If this proposal is not acceptable to you, you may further file a “Request for Hearing” form, following the
Formal Resolution Process as outlined in this policy. This request must be filed within ten (10) days of
your receipt of this response.
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Redwoods Community College District
Request for Hearing Form
Request for hearing must be filed within ten business days after receiving the
supervisor’s response to your complaint.
_____________________________________________ _________________
Name of Complainant
Home Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
I, ________________________________________, hereby request a hearing before the
College Hearing Committee to resolve the complaint filed on _______________________.
I will have Legal Counsel attending. If so, state name of Counsel:
I will not have Legal Counsel attending
Signature of Student Complainant
College/Campus Location of Complaint
Office Use Only: Date Received __________________________
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Board of Trustees Policy No. 528
Administrative Regulation No. 528.02
When a student wishes to lodge a complaint other than unlawful discrimination, he or she may
seek redress through the following procedures. Student complaints adjudicated under this
regulation are those legitimate complaints against a decision made or action taken by the College
that adversely affect a student's status or privileges. These complaints may include matters such
as: complaints against college staff, a challenge to a student's academic record, or complaints
against a service or program. Student complaints within the purview of this regulation must be
filed within thirty (30) days of the incident.
A. Informal Resolution
The student shall first attempt to resolve the complaint through informal consultation with the
specific area administrator, instructor, or other college employee against whom the complaint is
lodged. Such a meeting should be held in private within ten (10) days after the original complaint
is filed. All issues involved should be clearly defined so they may be discussed as objectively as
possible. At this preliminary stage, most complaints shall either be resolved or denied by the area
administrator if the complaint is found not to be valid.
B. Formal Resolution
1. If the complaint is valid but cannot be satisfactorily resolved at the informal level, then the
following procedure shall be followed:
The student shall put his or her complaint in writing, specifying the time, place, and nature of the
complaint and shall submit it to the Vice President of Student Services (Associate Vice President
at the Education Centers) or designee.
The Vice President (Associate Vice President at the Education Centers) or designee shall arrange
a meeting with the student to review and discuss the complaint not later than the fifth day from
the date the written complaint was received. The Vice President of Student Services (Associate
Vice President at the Education Centers) shall attempt to facilitate an informal resolution of the
complaint satisfactory to all of the parties involved.
2. If an informal resolution of the complaint is not possible, the Vice President of Student
Services (Associate Vice President at the Education Centers) or designee shall then arrange for a
meeting of the College Hearing Committee to convene within a period of fifteen (15) working
days to consider the complaint.
a. The College Hearing Committee shall be composed of the following:
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(1) Two students appointed by the ASCR President.
(2) Two faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate President.
(3) One classified member appointed by the CSEA President.
(4) One administrator appointed by the President or designee (the administrator shall be the
committee chair).
b. The rules that shall govern committee action are:
(1) No committee member may have been previously involved in any way with the issue of the
complaint brought before it.
(2) The committee shall discuss the charge, hear testimony, examine witnesses, and receive all
evidence pertaining to the charge.
(3) The accuser and the accused person shall be present at the hearing. In the willful absence of
the accuser and/or a representative of his/her choice, the complaint will be dismissed.
(4) The person making the complaint shall assume the burden of proof.
(5) The hearing shall be closed to the public if either party so requests.
(6) Official minutes of the hearing will be taken.
(7) The committee shall submit in writing its findings of fact and recommend action to both
parties, to the President, and to the Vice President of Student Services (Associate Vice President
at the Education Centers) or designee. The President or designee shall render a decision to accept
or modify part or all of the Committee's recommendation and shall submit the decision, with
stated reasons, to all concerned.
(8) If the President dismisses a complaint involving a college employee, no reference to the
complaint shall become part of the employee's record. If the President's decision is unfavorable
to the student or if the student accepts an unfavorable decision, the student shall have the right to
submit a written statement of his or her objections to the decision. This statement shall become
part of the student's record.
(9) The decision of the President shall be final.
(10) The President shall refer all records to the Vice President of Student Services (Associate
Vice President at the Education Centers) or designee for retention.
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Adopted by Board of Trustees March 16, 1982
Revised: June 6, 1994; October 9, 1995
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 7217
1. Each academic year, as part of Program Review, Department chairs/Area Coordinators
will have the opportunity to fill out a faculty position request form, providing relevant
data and a narrative justifying the need for a fulltime position. All faculty request forms
will be forwarded by the Program Review Committee to the Academic Senate copresidents and to the Deans’ Council.
2. Faculty requests for new programs (those not yet in existence) will be submitted by the
appropriate dean or faculty member, directly to the PRC.
3. Faculty requests will include both teaching and non-teaching faculty positions.
Replacement request due tenure track attrition is not part of this process and are filled
automatically, unless there is mutual agreement to the contrary.
4. Requests shall be campus and site specific. In the case of a failed search, processes
outlined in the “Contract Faculty Appointment Procedures” will be followed.
5. Grant-funded positions will not be included in this process.
6. The data required on the Faculty Request forms and the criteria used for ranking on the
Prioritization Rubric will be articulated and revised as necessary by joint agreement of
the Program Review Committee, the Academic Senate, and the Deans’ Council.
7. Each year, prior to the evaluation of the faculty requests, members of the Prioritization
Committee will be trained (normed) in using the criteria on the rubric. Data will be used
as much as possible in evaluating the requests, but as every program is different, many
factors must be considered. Not all criteria are hierarchal in nature.
8. The prioritization committee will review the data from the request forms and will
evaluate each request on the basis of the specified criteria (See Prioritization Rubric and
9. The Co-Chairs of the Faculty Prioritization Committee are voting members.
10. In the event that the Prioritization Committee needs more information, the co-presidents
of the committee may ask for a representative from the department in question to come
forward to answer questions about the position; however, no presentations will be made.
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11. All faculty requests will be ranked, regardless of how many positions may be available.
12. The initial ranking will be done by ballot as follows: each member will assign a score to
each rubric category for each position request. The total of the average scores in each
rubric category will determine the initial ranking. The initial ranking may be revised as
described in (13) below.
13. Once the draft list has been completed, any member of the Faculty Prioritization
Committee can suggest an override of a ranking. Overrides are permitted when a
supermajority (7/10 of the committee members are required) votes to re-rank a single
position. In positions 1-5, a position may be moved one slot up or down; in positions 610, a position may be moved two slots up or down; in positions 11-20, a position may be
moved three slots up or down.
14. Once a prioritization list is completed, it will be presented to the college president, the
Academic Senate, Budget Planning Committee, and the Deans’ Council. Should the
president override any of the ranked positions, he or she must present a detailed written
explanation of that decision to the Academic Senate and to the Deans’ Council within one
15. The timeline shown below is for typical prioritization and faculty hiring cycle. The
process will also apply to out of cycle faculty requests.
Membership of the Prioritization Committee:
Academic Senate Co-Presidents or designees (2)
Program Review Committee Faculty representatives (2)
At-large Faculty representatives selected by the Academic Senate Executive Committee (2)
Vice President, Instruction
Deans or Associate Deans with at least one non Eureka representative (5)
Leadership: The senior Academic Senate Co-President and Vice President of Instruction will
serve as co-Chairs of the Faculty Prioritization Committee.
Faculty Appointments: The Academic Senate Co-Presidents are responsible for all faculty
appointments to the Faculty Prioritization Committee.
Deans/Area Coordinators fill out faculty request forms as part of Program
Faculty Prioritization Committee evaluates and ranks the requests.
Ranked list is forwarded to the President, the Budget Planning Committee,
and to the Academic Senate.
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President announces the number of positions to be funded for the next
academic year. HR initiates the process for faculty hiring.
Faculty Prioritization Committee reconvenes, debriefs, and evaluates the
process (in order to improve it).
Screening committees review applications.
Candidates interviewed; finalists selected.
Board of Trustees approves contracts
Directions for Using the Rubric:
1) Prior to the Prioritization meeting, each Co-Chair will be tasked with determining three
2) During the Prioritization meeting, the group will decide upon a single shared interest that
will be scored under the category “Other.”
3) All faculty requests will fall into one of the first three blocks on the rubric: Faculty
Replacement Positions (for programs/disciplines that have lost FT faculty due to
retirement or other reasons); Growth Positions (for established programs requesting
additional FT faculty); New Program/Discipline Position (for programs/disciplines not
yet established or newly established with no full-time faculty).
4) Within the appropriate block, each request will be assigned 0-5 points based on the
criteria listed.
5) All requests will be evaluated in blocks four, five and, if applicable, six. In each of these
blocks, each request will be assigned 0-5 based on the criteria listed.
NOTE: Not all criteria within a block are hierarchal in nature. Requests must be
evaluated holistically within each block, based on a variety of factors.
6) The positions will then be ranked in order of the total points earned. In the case of ties,
the committee will vote to rank the positions; a simple majority is all that is required for
this procedure.
Approved: xx/xx/xxxx
Former Administrative Regulation 305.03 “Priorities for Tenure Track Faculty Positions” Approved: June 6, 1994,
Revised: 11/15/96; 10/3/97; 2/4/03; 4/5/04
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Board of Trustees Policy No. 305
Administrative Regulation No. 305.03
In order to allow sufficient time for effective recruitment of the highest quality faculty, priorities
for tenure-track faculty positions should be established in the fall of each year for the subsequent
year. While the responsibility for determining the final priorities resides with the
President/Superintendent, he or she will rely primarily on the advice of the faculty and of the
campus administrators in establishing those priorities.
The priorities for each year will be determined according to the needs of the college as a whole.
Tenure-track positions that are vacated within the tenure probationary period will be refilled
without being subject to the prioritization process, unless the following steps are taken:
The college president recommends that the vacated tenure-track position is subject to the
prioritization process; and
The Academic Senate affirms by majority vote the college president's recommendation
that the vacated tenure-track position is subject to the prioritization process.
The criteria used for establishing priorities will be tied to the college's Strategic Plan and may
include the following:
The ratio of full-time to associate faculty
Current availability of associate faculty
Relation to program review recommendations
Effect on diversity of the faculty
Effect on academic offerings and ability to serve students and the community
Effect on the vitality and future direction of a program and/or the college
Effect on student learning
In an effort to reach institutional consensus on priorities for tenure-track faculty, the following
process will be used in developing the recommendations made to the President/Superintendent:
Spring Semester:
At an April faculty meeting, the administration will present their goals and needs for
faculty appointments, with consideration given to the Strategic Plan, the budget, and
community input.
Requests for proposals will be distributed by April 15. The proposals will be due two
weeks before the August Academic Senate retreat.
Fall Semester:
Completed proposals will be distributed to senators at the August Academic Senate
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Position presentations will take place at a September Senate meeting.
The administrative team will meet with the Academic Senate at an October Academic
Senate meeting. In consultation with their departments, senators should create a position
preference list to bring to this meeting to support discussion. A moderator will chair the
meeting, with the goal of reaching a consensus on a final position priority.
Any retirements announced after the September Academic Senate meeting will also be
considered at the October Academic Senate meeting. Every effort will be made to
encourage proposals for anticipated retirements prior to the August Academic Senate
Any administrative change in the number or priority order of the positions must be
presented by the college president to the Senate at a regular Academic Senate meeting.
Approved: June 6, 1994
Revised: 11/15/96; 10/3/97; 2/4/03; 4/5/04
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Proposed Exhibit No. AP 7217.A
Faculty Replacement Position
Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty
who have left within this academic year
Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty
who have left within 1-2 years
Stable discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left
within three-four years
Stable discipline or program can justify replacement for FT faculty who have
left within five years or more
Outside accreditation is at risk without FT hire
Growth Position
Points (0-5):
Program Initialization process complete
State curriculum approval complete
New Program has shown significant growth without FT faculty
Independent marketing data suggest viability of new program
FT/PT Ratio
Points (0-5):
Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is growing
Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is stable
Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is declining
Independent marketing or other data indicate growth potential
New Program/Discipline Position
Points (0-5):
Points (0-5):
Program has no full-time faculty
FT/PT ration below 50/50 percent
FT/PT ratio below 60/40 percent
FT/PT ratio below 75/25 percent
FT/PT ratio results in critical lack of effective oversight for associate faculty
Reliable pool of well-qualified associate faculty is unavailable
(In the case of non teaching faculty positions, the criteria will be the deviation
from norms obtained from like institutions)
Program/Student Outcomes
Narrative justification demonstrates clear need for FT faculty in order to
maintain program outcomes
Narrative justification demonstrates clear need for FT faculty in order to
achieve student learning outcomes
Other (Shared Interest)
Points (0-5):
Shared interest determined by the Prioritization Group. Scoring rubric will be
mutually agreed and will be based on the nature of the shared interest.
Points (0-5):
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Board of Trustees Policy
The Redwoods Community College District upholds an institutional code of ethics for all of its
The President/Superintendent shall ensure that the institutional code of ethics specifying the
responsibilities of all employees and students is established. The institutional code of ethics
shall be reviewed annually and published in consultation with faculty members, classified staff
members and managers, administrators, students, and the Board of Trustees.
Reference: Accreditation Standard III.A.1.d, ACCCA Statement of Ethics
Adopted XX/XX/XXXX
December 14, 2010 Draft
No Former Redwoods CCD Policy 12/05/2011 College Council Meeting
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Administrative Procedure
Definition of Ethics
Ethical behavior is often described as “right” or “good” behavior as measured against
commonly accepted rules of conduct for society or for a profession. The ethical person is
often described as one who is fair, honest, straightforward, trustworthy, objective,
unprejudiced, and equitable. The consistent exercise of integrity is the cornerstone of
ethical behavior.
Importance of Ethics
A. The credibility of all employees depends upon whether they are perceived as
honest men and women. If integrity contributes to credibility, then ethical
behavior is a singular prerequisite to successful performance of one’s duties.
B. Statements of ethical standards do not necessarily ensure ethical behavior. Yet,
public statements of intent create an expression that employees will indeed act
with integrity in the public interest.
C. Although district’s guiding principles cannot address every issue or provide
answers to every dilemma, they define the spirit in which we intend to conduct
business and should guide us in our daily conduct.
Ethical Standards
All employees shall adhere to the following ethical standards:
 Exercise due diligence in the ethical performance of his or her duties and model
the highest standard of ethically responsible behavior.
 Facilitate a climate of trust, mutual support, and courteous consideration through
actions that demonstrate respect for institutional values (as defined in the mission,
vision and values statement), freedom of expression, and the right to dissent in a
constructive manner.
 Avoid knowingly making false and malicious statement about other employees or
 Use caution and integrity in sharing non public information, follow state and
federal guidelines as they relate to privacy and avoid disclosing information about
selection processes, colleagues, or students obtained in the course of professional
service unless disclosure serves a valid business purpose, or is required by law.
 Avoid entering into or recommending the District enter into contractual
relationships that create conflicts of interest and lead to personal gain.
 Avoid accepting business courtesies that attempt to influence District decisions.
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Avoid permitting the interest of any members of the college community to
override the best interest of the public served by the district.
Challenge and report unethical behavior in a timely manner.
Avoid fraudulent activities. Fraud is defined as a deception deliberately practiced
in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
Confront issues and people without prejudice and exhibit mutual respect.
Exercise due diligence to ensure that District resources are not used for other than
their intended purpose. Employees of the District shall manage the district’s
resources prudently and shall not improperly convert such resources to personal
use or for the personal use of another.
Compliance with Laws
Commitment to ethical behavior requires complying with laws, rules, and regulations.
Each employee must have an understanding of the policies, rules, laws, and regulations
that apply to his or her specific role. If an employee is unsure of whether a contemplated
action is permitted by law or district policy, he/she should seek advice from individuals
who are knowledgeable about the matter. Employees are responsible for preventing
violations of law and for reporting violations of laws to supervisors.
Expectations of Ethical Behavior
Employees of Redwoods Community College District shall be committed to the
principles of honesty and equity. They shall not seek to abridge, for any purpose, the
freedoms of other employees or students. At the same time, they shall not willingly
permit the rights and privileges of any members of the college community to override the
best interests of the public served by the District.
Employees shall exercise judgments that are dispassionate, fair, consistent, and equitable.
They shall do everything they can to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in
education and without compromise to the principles of ethical behavior.
Similarly, students are expected to abide by ethical behavior and decision-making in their
treatment of college employees, other students, and members of the public, as noted in
the ‘Student Code of Conduct.’
Conflict of Interest
Executive administrative personnel and other designated personnel subject to the
provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 as set forth in Government Code Section
18000 have additional responsibilities with reference to contracts and financial decisions
made by the District as described in applicable conflict of interest laws.
Violation of Institutional Code of Ethics
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Although the Institutional Code of Ethics can only be a guideline, violation of its tenets
will likely may result in a violation of District policies and procedures, and/or state and
federal laws and regulations. As such In such cases, any employee who violates the
Institutional Code of Ethics may be subject to disciplinary action by the District as
described in other District policies and collective bargaining agreements.
Approved: xx/xx/xxxx
New Administrative Procedure
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Board Policy
Proposed BP 3280
The Board will be informed about all grant applications made and grants received by the District.
The Superintendent/President shall establish procedures to assure timely application and
processing of grant applications and funds, and that the grants that are applied for directly
support the purposes of the District.
See Administration Procedure 3280.
Reference: Education Code Section 70902
Adopted: xx/xx/xxxx
New Board Policy
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Administrative Procedure
Proposed AP 3280
The pursuit of private and public grants is encouraged to secure funding for efforts that advance
the mission of the college.
Grant activity will be prioritized to ensure the scope and scale of funding is commensurate with
institutional efforts required to accomplish grant activities.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Grant writers are required to consult with stakeholders and other impacted areas. Permission to
submit a grant application is granted by the President’s Cabinet. On the rare occasion that
sufficient time for responding to a grant application does not afford Cabinet review, the
Superintendent/President or designee may approve submission of a grant proposal. Permission is
required for all grant proposals, including renewals of current grants, regardless of whether the
college is the lead agency or a sub-recipient.
Ideas for grants can be generated by any staff or faculty member. Any member of the district
who intends to submit a grant application on behalf of the district must complete a grant proposal
form provided by the Grants Director or administrative designee for grants. This process applies
for submission of letters of support and/or partnership.
After review by the area vice president and the Grants Director or administrator responsible for
grants, grant proposal forms will be submitted to the President’s Cabinet for review and
approval. Preliminary and final grant budgets will be reviewed and approved by the Chief
Business Office or designee and the Grants Director or designee.
In the event that a grant proposal is not reviewed by Cabinet prior to submission, it will be
subsequently submitted to Cabinet as an informational item.
Grant proposals must be available for review and signature by the appropriate individuals prior
to submission to the granting agency. The Grants Director or other administrative designee must
review all proposal documents prior to submission, including the budget, narrative, and letter of
support from the college. The Grants Director and the Chief Business Officer will notify the
Board of Trustees of all grant applications made and grants received by the District.
Unless otherwise directed, grant writers and project directors shall ensure the Grants Director
and any other administrative designee receive copies of all grant proposals, budgets, and letters
of support, award letters, contracts, and grant reports. Final contracts and budgets will be
maintained in the business office.
Reference: Education Code Section 70902
New AP
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College of the Redwoods: Grant Proposal Form Background/Overview: All grant applications (including minor donation requests as well as partnership letters for other agencies) will follow the same general process as outlined. Preparation of Grant Proposals: The decision to apply for a grant is made by the area Vice President after consultation with Cabinet. Approval to submit a completed grant application is given by the President/Superintendent. Funding Agency: RFA/NOFA/RFP number or other reference to official notification (may be a web link):______________________________________________________________________ Will CR be the lead agency or a subrecipient/contractor? _______________________________ What partners are required? ______________________________________________________ Are other partners anticipated? ____________________________________________________ How does this grant proposal link to planning (departmental, functional, strategic, ed master plan, etc.)? ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Proposed approach/project (not extensive, a few sentences may suffice): _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What Outcomes/Objectives are anticipated?: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Grant Writer/Responsible Parties for Grant Submission: ________________________________ What assistance is required (e.g. IR support, Grants.gov submission)? _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Who is “authorized” to sign the grant proposal? Is a cover letter from the President required? ______________________________________________________________________________ Project Manager/Director and Proposed Project Team: ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What staff will be required to accomplish this grant? (Be specific about full‐ and part‐time faculty and staff, whether they will be new hires or existing employees, etc. Note: Full‐time hiring requests must comply with the policy on grant‐funded faculty positions): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ grant proposal form v4a 11‐29‐2011.docx 12/05/2011 College Council Meeting
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Stakeholders/Impacted Areas (Be Specific – include names and initials): ___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Who has been consulted/notified? _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What are the sustainability requirements (or expectations)? _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Match requirements (specific dollar amount)? ________________________________________ Where will the match come from? _________________________________________________ What grant guidelines must be followed (e.g. EDGAR, DoL/ETA, CFR number, OMB number): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What other requirements need to be considered? ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What is the proposed indirect cost rate? (NOTE: CR’s indirect cost rate is 20% ‐‐ a lower indirect cost rate must be approved by the Grants Director: _____________________________ What is the anticipated total requested budget? ______________________________________ Submission Deadline: _________________ Anticipated Award Date: _______________ Grant Period Start Date: ________________ Grant Period End Date: ________________ Approval to develop grant proposal (upon review by Cabinet) (includes any authorization to expend resources prior to grant submission): Grants Director: ____________________________________ Date: __________________ Vice President: ______________________________________ Date: __________________ Grants Checklist:  Partner Letters
 Consult with appropriate parties  Final Budget and Proposal to Grants Director
(including match documentation)
Final Approval to Submit Grant Proposal: Chief Business Officer: ________________________________ Date: __________________ President: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________ grant proposal form v4a 11‐29‐2011.docx 12/05/2011 College Council Meeting
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ASPC Proposal to Academic Senate 11/4/11
Academic Senate Approved 11/18/11
Board of Trustees Policy
BP 4030
The Board of Trustees and the Academic Senate of the Redwoods Community College
District, in an effort to promote and protect the academic freedom of faculty and students,
endorse the following policy.
It is the responsibility of the Redwoods Community College District to provide an
institutional environment that encourages academic freedom and instills respect and
commitment to the obligations required to maintain these freedoms.
Academic freedom represents the continual search for truth, and it includes protection for
the teacher to teach and for the student to learn without coercion, censorship, or other
forms of restrictive interference. Academic freedom recognizes that freedom to teach
and freedom to learn imply both rights and responsibilities within the framework of the
law. Free discussion and free access to information, therefore, are the heart of the
continuing search for truth.
Academic freedom is the freedom to discuss all relevant matters in and outside of the
classroom, to explore all avenues of scholarship, research, and creative expression. When
faculty members speak or write as citizens, thereby exercising their constitutional right of
free speech, it should be as persons who are free from institutional censorship or
discipline. With academic freedom comes academic responsibility which implies the
faithful performance of professional duties and obligations, the recognition of the
demands of the scholarly enterprise, and the candor to make it clear that when one is
speaking on matters of public interest, one is not speaking for the institution.
References: Title 5, Section 51023; Accreditation Standard II.A.7; ASCCC Resolution Approved Fall
2010; 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, including the 1958
and 1970 interpretative comments of the American Association of University Professors.
Board of Trustees Policy
BP 4030
The Board of Trustees and the Academic Senate of the Redwoods Community College
District, in an effort to promote and protect the academic freedom of faculty and students
endorse the following policy adapted from the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic
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Freedom and Tenure (including the 1958 and 1970 interpretative comments of the
American Association of University Professors).
Faculty members are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing issues
germane to their academic discipline. Academic freedom inherently involves the
right to introduce within the assigned teaching discipline controversial topics,
concepts, issues, and systems as long as the method or manner of presentation
involves objective reasoning and rational discussion.
Faculty members are citizens, members of a profession, and employees of an
education institution. When faculty members speak or write as citizens, thereby
exercising their constitutional right of free speech, it should be as persons who are
free from institutional censorship or discipline. In the process of making such
utterances, faculty members have a responsibility to make a clear distinction
between personal viewpoints and the college's official policies.
Faculty members are entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of
the results, subject to the adequate performance of other academic duties; but
research for pecuniary return should be based upon an understanding with the
administration of the college.
The protection of academic freedom and the requirements of academic
responsibility apply to full-time probationary, tenured, and part-time faculty.
Reference: Title 5 Section 51023; Accreditation Standard II.A.7
Adopted by Board of Trustees: 12/5/06
Former Policy #326, “Academic Freedom,” Adopted by the Board of Trustees: 8/15/77
Former BP 326 renumbered BP 4030
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Proposed Spring 2012 College Council Meeting Schedule
Monday, Jan 23
Monday, Feb 6
Monday, Feb 27
Monday, March 19
Monday, April 9
Monday, April 23
Monday, May 7
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 – 4:30