Minutes of the College Council
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA, Board Room
Monday, May 3, 2010
Allen Keppner, Dave Holper, Becky Blatnick (phone), Martha Racine (phone), Keith
Snow-Flamer, Marjorie Carson, Ruth Moon, Jeff Marsee, Mike Wells, Lynn Thiesen,
Jose Ramirez
Reaia Reaves, , Ryley Emanaker, Melissa Ruiz, Ron McQueen
Keith Snow-Flamer, VP of Student Services, called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
The minutes of 03/22/10 were approved with the following revisions:
1. Under MINUTES, strike out ‘03/22/10’ and insert ‘03/08/10’ so the statement
reads “The minutes of 03/08/10 were approved with the following revisions…”
The minutes of 04/05/10 and 04/19/10 were approved as presented.
Keith Snow-Flamer, VP of Student Services, reported that the ad-hoc Integrated
Planning Model (IPM) committee had met to consider district feedback and to further
revise the IPM.
Dr. Snow-Flamer noted the following revisions:
1. Annual program reviews will be completed in the spring semester. Completing
the program reviews in the spring will allow data gathered from reviews to be
incorporated into budget development.
Dr. Carson noted that revising the program review schedule and completing one-time
partial program reviews in the Spring 2011, who’s data would inform integrated
planning for Fall 2011, would cause CR to report two incomplete Integrated Planning
cycles in our comprehensive self study.
President Marsee requested that the budget planning committee analyze the resource
requests and assessment data from 2009-10 program reviews in order inform cabinet of
resource allocation priorities for consideration in the final 2010/11 budget.
Following a request to add a feedback loop from cabinet to College Council, the IPM
was revised to include a double sided arrow between Cabinet and College Council with
the intent to increase feedback to program review authors.
It was moved, seconded (Lynn Thiesen, Jose Ramirez) and passed unanimously to
approve the 04/13/10 IPM with the addition of a double sided arrow between College
Council and Cabinet.
The IPM narrative will be presented to College Council at their next meeting.
College Council representatives who attended the 04/29/10 forum noted that:
1. Eight draft mission statements were authored during the workshop
2. The draft mission statements will be transcribed and sent out to all for review
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The workshop was only the first step in the mission/vision/core values revision
process (next steps may include work at Convocation).
AP 2511 “COLLEGE College Council voted to approve the following scope statement (note strike-out):
The Redwoods Community College District shall establish governance structures
which are efficient, effective, and which allow for broad participation in the
decision-making process. The District seeks to build understanding and trust among
various groups in the College through open collaboration and shared responsibility.
The College Council is a district-wide constituent based collegial consultation body
that includes representatives from all of the District’s constituent groups. College
Council helps ensure that policies and procedures are developed and revised
following the collegial consultation process.
College Council receives drafts of policy and procedure from the appropriate
constituents, reviews and suggests revisions when appropriate, and either sends
these documents back to the constituent group that wrote it for any necessary
revision or can, if deemed appropriate, create an ad hoc committee for revisions.
After such revisions, College Council also seeks all constituents’ input on policy
and procedure before recommending final approval.
The College Council is then responsible for approving recommendations on BPs
and APs. Once the College Council has confirmed that a policy or procedure has
gone through the shared governance process, the recommendation is sent on to the
President/Superintendent. The President/Superintendent is responsible for taking
revisions and new policies and procedures to the Board of Trustees for approval
(BPs) or for informational purposes (APs). If the President/Superintendent revises
a College Council approved policy or procedure prior to submitting it to the Board
of Trustees, the President shall report to College Council his or her justification for
doing so. College Council has the right address the Board of Trustees if College
Council feels a policy or procedure was revised or developed outside of the
collegial consultative process.
College Council also reviews the actions of the Cabinet, Academic Senate,
Coordinated Planning Council, and the Financial Advisory Council.
Members convey information from the Council to their constituent groups and from
their groups to the Council. Members represent their constituents’ views to the
College President who serves as Council Chair. The Council serves to advise the
College President before implementation of the recommendations.
It was moved, seconded (Holper, Blatnick) and passed with abstention from Marjorie
Carson, to approve the 03-22-10 College Council scope statement with the last two
sentences of paragraph three struck (see above).
It was moved, seconded (Marsee, Wells) and passed unanimously to approve the
following College Council operating procedures:
College Council Operating Procedures
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1) College Council will meet semi-monthly during the fall and spring semesters.
One meeting per month shall be dedicated to policy and procedure revision and
one meeting per month shall be dedicated to general business and
2) College Council will conduct business only when there is a quorum of 50
percent +1 of its voting membership.
3) College Council will utilize Robert’s Rules in its meetings.
4) College Council requires that documents be distributed to College Council
members at least one week prior to the College Council meeting in which those
documents will be discussed.
5) When an item moves from discussion to action, a roll call vote must be afforded
the membership, so the voting can be recorded.
6) College Council can accept proposed policy or procedure revisions from
constituent groups. If the group has no purview over the issue, College Council
may direct a different and more appropriate constituency to draft the policy or
7) College Council may also appoint an ad hoc committee to draft policy or
procedure when appropriate.
8) When a policy or procedure draft comes before College Council, the
membership may suggest revisions, based upon the draft itself, the League for
California Community Colleges templates (available upon their website), state
law, education code, or any other relevant statutes. Also, College Council
strongly encourages constituents to use a “best practices” approach by looking
at what other Community Colleges are doing state-wide. If revisions are
suggested, College Council will send the policy or procedure back to the
constituent group that wrote the document for further revision.
9) College Council may also appoint an ad hoc committee to revise policy or
procedure when appropriate.
10) Once College Council is satisfied with a policy or procedure draft, the document
will be sent out to all constituents for 30 days for comment.
11) After all constituent groups have provided feedback, College Council may make
further revisions to the document, or it may vote to recommend the policy or
procedure and move it to the President/Superintendent.
12) Once the policy or procedure has been recommended for approval, it moves on
to the President/Superintendent, who then brings it to the Board of Trustees for
approval (BPs) or informational purposes (APs).
The Council debated the ideal level of detail required in the College Council minutes.
Report postponed till subsequent meeting.
AP4021 ‘PROGRAM Report postponed till subsequent meeting.
Report postponed till subsequent meeting.
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Report postponed till subsequent meeting.
Report postponed till subsequent meeting.
BP/AP 510/804
Report postponed till subsequent meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:41 pm.