A framework for interpreting climate model outputs Nadja A. Leith and Richard E. Chandler Department of Statistical Science University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT, UK May 13, 2008 Abstract Projections of future climate are often based on deterministic models of the earth’s atmosphere and oceans. However, these projections can vary widely between models, with differences becoming more pronounced at the relatively fine spatial and temporal scales relevant in many applications. In this paper we suggest that the resulting uncertainty can be handled in a logically coherent and interpretable way using a hierarchical statistical model, implemented in a Bayesian framework. Model fitting using Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques is feasible but moderately timeconsuming; the computational efficiency can, however, be improved dramatically by substituting maximum likelihood estimates for the original data. An example, involving the generation of multivariate atmospheric time series for hydrological impacts studies, is used to illustrate the methodology. Some key words: Climate change; Climate model uncertainty; Contemporaneous ARMA models; Multi-model ensembles; Downscaling; Sufficient statistics 1 Introduction It is widely acknowledged that human activities have caused changes in the Earth’s climate (Solomon et al., 2007). Indeed, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently asserted that “the observed pattern of tropospheric warming and stratospheric cooling is very likely due to the influence of anthropogenic forcing” (Hegerl et al., 2007). There is also mounting, although less clear-cut, evidence of anthropogenic influences on Research report No. 294, Department of Statistical Science, University College London. Date: May 2008. 1 the hydrological cycle (Solomon et al., 2007). To accommodate this possibility therefore, planners and decision makers are faced with the need to update current infrastructure and design practice relating to, for example, water resource management and flood defences. Much of our understanding of climate change is based on deterministic models of the physical and chemical processes involved. General circulation models (GCMs) produce output on a coarse grid, with typical resolution around 200 × 200km2 at mid latitudes, over the entire globe. By contrast, regional climate models (RCMs) operate on a finer grid resolution (typically around 50 × 50km2 ) over smaller areas such as Europe. RCM simulations are typically used to add detail to a GCM simulation over a region of interest. To obtain projections of future climate, scenarios of greenhouse gas and other anthropogenic emissions are used to drive climate model simulations, often to the year 2100. These emissions scenarios are based on “storylines” describing possible patterns of international economic, industrial and social development (IPCC, 2000). However, despite continuing improvements in climate models, their use in climate change impact studies can be problematic. This is particularly true for hydrological applications, in which hypothetical precipitation sequences are required as input to a hydrological model to determine the response of a system. Many important hydrological systems respond to relatively localised rainfall events, necessitating the use of precipitation data at a high spatial and temporal resolution (Wheater, 2002): GCMs and even RCMs often have too coarse a spatial resolution for studies of smaller catchments, which can be important in, for example, the design of an urban drainage system. Moreover, impact assessment studies require a large number of potential rainfall sequences which cannot be provided by climate models due to computational cost. A further complication is that precipitation estimates for climate models are generally acknowledged to be poor in comparison with other variables such as temperature (Randall et al., 2007; Christensen et al., 2007). Therefore, in many applications it is common to derive precipitation sequences indirectly from climate model outputs using statistical methods, which exploit relationships between local-scale precipitation and those large-scale atmospheric variables that are better reproduced by the climate models. This approach is referred to as statistical downscaling (Christensen et al., 2007). Clearly, substantial uncertainty surrounds any projection of future climate: not only through the inherent unpredictability of the climate system itself, but also the choice of emissions scenario, errors in the climate model (e.g. incorrect formulation and parameter values) and, potentially, downscaling method (Haylock et al., 2006; Smith, 2002). In this paper we focus on the issue of climate model uncertainty, which is now well documented and has resulted in a shift towards probabilistic climate forecasting based on “ensembles” of different climate models (McAvaney et al., 2001). A number of articles (e.g., New and Hulme 2000; Wigley and Raper 2001; Tebaldi et al. 2005; Furrer et al. 2007) have discussed methods for the probabilistic estimation of the future mean of some climate variable, often global or regional temperature. However, many applications require consideration of aspects other than the mean: the response of a hydrological system to a particular precipitation event will depend on the intensity and duration of the event, which itself is partly dependent on antecedent weather conditions. In such situations, it is necessary to represent adequately the detailed structure of the input climate sequences (Wilby et al., 1998). The problem of characterising uncertainty in this detailed structure has received 2 relatively little attention to date. A simple, and easily interpretable, possibility is to weight the sequences from different climate models according to some measure of their performance (e.g., Wilby and Harris 2006). However, in general this will underestimate the true uncertainty because the results are constrained to lie between the limits set by the available data: the number of climate models used for any particular study is often small, raising the possibility that another model will yield more extreme projections. A further issue is the definition of weights, which can be achieved using heuristic criteria or by finding a statistical model for which they are in some sense optimal. Indeed, Tebaldi et al. (2005) showed that the “Reliability Ensemble Averaging” method proposed by Giorgi and Mearns (2002) can be regarded as a means of computing Bayes estimators for a particular class of hierarchical model. This work focused on characterising the uncertainty in regional mean temperatures and has since been extended to deal with sequences of decadal means (Tebaldi and Sansó, 2008). In this paper, we also use a hierarchical model to represent climate model uncertainty. However, our approach differs from that of Tebaldi et al. (2005) in that, rather than starting from an existing technique and putting it on a formal footing, we attempt to conceptualise explicitly the way in which climate models work. Our starting point is to note: first, that in broad terms all climate models represent essentially the same dynamical processes; and second, that climate model outputs are intended to provide plausible, rather than exact, scenarios that agree with actual climate statistically rather than in detail (von Storch and Zwiers 1999, pp. 12, 129; Smith 2002). Thus we may reasonably expect that the time series outputs from different models will have a similar structure, which can be described using the same form of statistical model. However, the parameters of these statistical descriptors will differ between climate models. Our aim is to establish a distribution for the parameters that describes the “population” of climate models and hence characterises the uncertainty in their outputs. The idea is completely generic and is applicable in principle to any type of climate model output including regional means, spatial fields, time series and space-time sequences. In this paper we focus on an application involving monthly time series of three variables, which arises in the context of precipitation downscaling for a location in the southern UK. The methodology is illustrated using data from four GCMs. The data are introduced in the next section, where it is shown that the different GCMs do indeed yield series with similar statistical structure. The hierarchical modelling framework is then set out in Section 3, and inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques is discussed in Section 4. Although feasible, this MCMC fitting is moderately time-consuming for the model considered here. In Section 5 therefore, we consider reducing the computational burden by replacing the data with the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) derived from each of the individual GCMs. The rationale for this is that the MLEs are approximately sufficient statistics in large samples so that the information loss is small. Results from both fitting methods are discussed in Section 6 and shown to be equivalent for practical purposes. In Section 7, the resulting hierarchical model is used to generate future monthly trivariate sequences that take full account of GCM uncertainty. Section 8 provides a summary and discussion of areas for future investigation. 3 Table 1: GCMs used in the study, with acronyms used in the remainder of the paper. Acronym Institute Model CCCma CSIRO Mk2 MPI Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia Max Planck Institute, Germany HC Hadley Centre, UK HadCM3 CSIRO 2 CGCM2 ECHAM4 Motivating example Our work was motivated by the need for future precipitation scenarios in the UK, in applications such as flood risk assessment and water resource management. Such scenarios are often obtained by downscaling climate model outputs, and it has previously been established on physical and empirical grounds that reasonable downscaling performance can be achieved by relating local-scale precipitation to coarse-scale atmospheric variables including temperature, pressure and measures of atmospheric moisture content (Wilby and Wigley, 2000). Leith (2008) developed a statistical downscaling model, relating observed daily rainfall at a single site to spatially and temporally averaged monthly temperature, sea-level pressure and relative humidity. These three atmospheric variables were averaged to a monthly time resolution, and over a spatial region centred on the location for which precipitation data were required. In the example presented here, this location is a raingauge at Heathrow airport in southern England. Simulated sequences of the atmospheric variables, for the period 2071-2100, were available from the four GCMs listed in Table 1. All of these future sequences were forced using the IPCC SRES A2 emissions scenario (IPCC, 2000): uncertainty in future atmospheric composition is not addressed here. The atmospheric data were standardised, separately for each month of the year, with respect to the 1961–1990 mean and standard deviation. Such standardisation is routinely applied in climatology and is an attempt to to adjust for climate model bias (Charles et al., 2007). Leith (2008) gives further details. As discussed in Section 1, we might reasonably expect these four GCMs to produce outputs with a common statistical structure. For i = 1, . . . , 4 and t = 1, . . . , 360, let Tit , Sit and Rit denote standardised monthly mean temperature, sea-level pressure and relative humidity at Heathrow respectively, for the ith GCM in month t (t = 1 is January, 2071). Also, let Tit Yit = Sit Rit Y i1 Yi = ... , Yi360 and so that Y i is the vector of all available data from the ith GCM. Then the statistical structure for the ith GCM can be summarised by fitting a trivariate time series model to Y i . This was carried out, separately for each i, using standard modelling techniques for regression with autoregressive / moving average (ARMA) errors. 4 The results of this exercise indicated that the structure was indeed similar for the four GCMs. Specifically, the {Yi } were found to be well described by the following model: Tit = CTt β Ti + eTit Sit = CSt β Si + eSit R R Rit = CR t β i + eit (1) (2) (3) eTit = φTi eTi(t−1) + δitT (4) eSit = φSi eSi(t−1) + δitS (5) R R R eR it = φi ei(t−1) + δit (6) with and δitT S δit ∼ MV N (0, Σi) , δitR (7) where MV N denotes the multivariate normal distribution, {CTt , CSt , CR t } are vectors of covariates at time t and Σi is a non-diagonal covariance matrix. Equations (1) to (7) show that each variable is represented as a sum of a deterministic component and a zero-mean first-order autoregressive error process; correlations between the variables are induced through the covariance matrices {Σi } of the innovations. The resulting model can be regarded as an extension of the class of contemporaneous ARMA models considered by Camacho et al. (1987): the extension is the inclusion of covariates {CTt , CSt , CR t }. These covariates are the same for all GCMs and include a constant term representing mean change by 2070 (recall that the data are standardised with respect to a 1961–90 baseline), a linear trend, covariates representing seasonal variation and interactions between trend and seasonality. A full description of all the covariates is given in Table 2. As well as having the same overall structure, there are qualitative similarities between the parameter estimates for the different GCMs. To illustrate this, Table 3 summarises the maximum likelihood estimates for parameters relating to temperature. According to these estimates, the following features are common to all GCMs: 1. Temperature will increase in the future (parameter 1 in Table 3), with this increase continuing over the 2071-2100 period (parameter 2). 2. The annual cycle for temperature will be more pronounced, with warmer summers and cooler winters than in the 1961–1990 period (this can be deduced by plotting the contribution of the “seasonal” parameters 3–8). The interaction between trend and seasonality ensures that this enhancement of the annual cycle continues throughout the 2071-2100 period. 3. After accounting for linear trend and seasonality in temperature, there remains a positive autocorrelation between the monthly values (parameter 13). 5 Table 2: Covariates used in the regression models for temperature, sea-level pressure or relative humidity. Columns 3 to 5 show whether a particular variable was included in CTt , CSt and/or CR t (“Y” indicates that the variable is included, “N” that it is not included). Parameter Description Temperature Sea-level pressure Relative humidity Intercept Mean shift by 2070 Y Y Y t/120 Linear trend, 2071-2100 (units: decades) Y N Y cos (2tπ/12) First seasonal harmonic (cosine component) First seasonal harmonic (sine component) Y Y Y Y Y Y Second seasonal harmonic (cosine component) Second seasonal harmonic (sine component) Y Y Y Y Y Y Third seasonal harmonic (cosine component) Third seasonal harmonic (sine component) Y Y Y Y Y Y Fourth seasonal harmonic (cosine component) Fourth seasonal harmonic (sine component) Y Y Y Y Y Y Biannual cycle (cosine component) N Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y sin (2tπ/12) cos (2tπ/6) sin (2tπ/6) cos (2tπ/4) sin (2tπ/4) cos (2tπ/3) sin (2tπ/3) cos (2tπ/24) sin (2tπ/24) Biannual cycle (sine component) t cos (2tπ/12) Interaction between 120 first seasonal harmonic (cosine component) and linear trend t sin (2tπ/12) Interaction between 120 first seasonal harmonic (sine component) and linear trend 6 Table 3: Parameter estimates (and standard errors) for equations (1) and (4) for Temperature. Numbers in square brackets correspond to parameter numbers in Figure 2. Model CCCma CSIRO MPI HC Model CCCma CSIRO MPI HC Model CCCma CSIRO MPI HC Intercept [1] 3.994 5.399 2.756 1.837 ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) cos(2tπ/6) [5] 0.120 -0.500 -0.418 -0.369 ( ( ( ( 0.083 0.070 0.088 0.099 0.053 -0.341 0.144 0.116 ( ( ( ( 0.059 0.040 0.060 0.077 0.264 0.423 0.521 0.366 cos(2tπ/12) [3] sin(2tπ/12) [4] ( ( ( ( -0.741 -0.453 -0.564 -0.594 -0.884 -0.106 -1.157 -0.497 0.086 0.088 0.107 0.103 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) sin(2tπ/6) [6] ) 0.476 ( 0.078 ) -0.246 ( 0.062 ) 0.107 ( 0.081 ) 0.092 ( 0.093 cos(2tπ/3) [9] ) ) ) ) sin(2tπ/3) [10] -0.350 -0.325 -0.223 -0.244 ( ( ( ( 0.063 0.047 0.056 0.074 ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( 0.221 0.185 0.260 0.217 ) ) ) ) cos(2tπ/4) [7] 0.290 0.068 0.011 -0.255 ( ( ( ( 0.067 0.052 0.067 0.080 0.030 -0.026 -0.215 -0.175 ( ( ( ( 0.124 0.106 0.141 0.145 0.174 0.173 0.215 0.208 ) ) ) ) sin(2tπ/4) [8] ) ) ) ) t cos(2tπ/12) 120 [11] ( ( ( ( -0.151 -0.151 0.272 -0.057 ( ( ( ( 0.071 0.051 0.069 0.088 ) ) ) ) t sin(2tπ/12) 120 [12] ) ) ) ) -0.330 -0.138 -0.162 -0.187 ( ( ( ( 0.100 0.098 0.122 0.129 ) ) ) ) φT [13] Model CCCma CSIRO MPI HC 0.152 0.155 0.195 0.159 t/120 [2] 0.298 0.497 0.415 0.248 ( ( ( ( 0.054 0.043 0.048 0.054 ) ) ) ) However, despite these qualitative similarities, Table 3 also shows that the precise parameter estimates are often significantly different. For example, while the intercept estimates for the temperature model are all positive, the precise values vary substantially, showing that GCM uncertainty is by no means negligible. Quantifying these uncertainties is the subject of the remainder of this paper. 3 Hierarchical model It has been shown that, in this particular example, the sequences {Yi } from the different GCMs have the same general structure as described using a statistical model. Thus each Y i may be represented by some joint distribution with density fy (yi |C, θ i ), say, where the form of fy is the same for all i but the parameters, {θ i }, differ. For definiteness in what follows, we define θ i as follows with relation to the parameters in equations (1)–(7): θ Ti = β Ti φTi ! , θ Si = β Si φSi ! , θR i = 7 βR i φR i ! , and θi = θ Ti θ Si θR i Σi . One could imagine that, given data from more GCMs, the structure of the sequences would remain essentially the same but that no two GCMs would yield identical θs. Thus, from the notional “population” of GCMs one would obtain a complete distribution of θ values, from which the individual {θ i } are drawn. Denote the density of this distribution by fθ (θ|Θ), where Θ is a vector of hyper-parameters. Then fθ (θ|Θ) provides a concise and interpretable summary of uncertainty in the GCM outputs. The idea is clearly generic, and could be applied to other forms of GCM output as discussed in Section 1. Although this framework is conceptually simple, inference is a formidable task without recourse to Bayesian methods that make use of MCMC techniques. We therefore take a Bayesian approach here, which necessitates the specification of a prior distribution for Θ. The aim then is to derive the posterior distribution of the model parameters {θ, Θ} given the data y. This is achieved via the usual Bayes factorisation (Gelman et al., 2003, p. 124) fθ,Θ (θ, Θ|y) ∝ fy (y|θ, Θ)fθ,Θ (θ, Θ) = fy (y|θ)fθ|Θ (θ|Θ) fΘ (Θ) . Table 4 presents the different components of the model developed here for the Heathrow GCM data. Its hierarchical nature is clear. Following the terminology of Gelman et al. (2003), we refer to the three levels of the hierarchy as the “data level” (i.e. the likelihood fy (y|θ)), the “population level” fθ|Θ (θ|Θ) and the “hyper-prior level”, fΘ (Θ). Formulation of the latter two levels is discussed below. The data level is defined by the multivariate time series model presented in Section 2, noting that at t = 1 it is necessary to use the marginal, rather than conditional, covariance matrix of the innovation vector T S R 0 δ 1t = (δ1t , δ1t , δ1t ) due to the lack of any observations at the preceding time point. This marginal covariance matrix, given in Table 4, is just the unconditional covariance matrix for this particular stationary vector autoregression. 3.1 3.1.1 Population level Regression parameters 0 The regression parameters β i = (β Ti , βSi , β R i ) are assumed to follow a joint multivariate normal distribution, as proposed by Gelman et al. (2003, Chapter 15), with mean µβ and non-diagonal covariance matrix Σβ . This allows for correlations between the parameters, an important aspect of the model. For instance, since temperature sequences exhibited a significant interaction between annual cycle and linear trend (see Section 2), there is likely to be dependence between the parameters for the annual cycle and the overall shift in temperature. One might also expect to find dependence between the parameters corresponding to different atmospheric variables: if a particular GCM suggests a large shift in temperature (the first component of β Ti ), it is likely also to have a large shift in relative humidity (the first component of β R i ). However, for simplicity, the regression parameters β i are assumed to be independent of the autoregressive parameters Φi and the covariance matrix Σi. 8 9 Table 4: The hierarchical multivariate time series model. Regression components Hyper-prior level fΘ (Θ) Autoregressive components Covariance components −1 Σ−1 β ∼ W ish(Rβ , νβ ) σφT ∼ Unif (0, LφT ) σφS ∼ Unif (0, LφS ) σφR ∼ Unif (0, LφR ) µβ ∼ MV N(0, Rβ ) µφT ∼ N(mφT , σφ2T ) µφS ∼ N(mφS , σφ2S ) µφR ∼ N(mφR , σφ2R ) β Ti β Si = β i ∼ MV N(µβ , Σβ ) βR i ziT ∼ N(µφT , σφ2T ) ziS ∼ N(µφS , σφ2S ) ziR ∼ N(µφR , σφ2R ) −1 Σ−1 Σ ∼ W ish(RΣ , νΣ ) Population level fθ|Θ (θ|Θ) φTi = exp 2ziT −1 exp 2ziT +1 φSi = exp 2ziS −1 exp 2ziS +1 φR i = Σ−1 i ∼ W ish(ΣΣ , J) exp 2ziR −1 exp 2ziR +1 Data level fy|θ (y|θ) Tit = CTt β Ti + eTit Sit = CSt β Si + eSit R R Rit = CR t β i + eit eTit = φTi eTi(t−1) + δitT S S S S eit = φi ei(t−1) + δit R R R eR it = φi ei(t−1) + δit eTit = δitT eSit = δitS R eR it = δit 0 Φi = (φTi , φSi , φR i ) for t > 1 for t = 1 T δit δitS ∼ MV N (0, Σi) δitR T δit δitS ∼ MV N (0, Σi1 ) δitR where Σ [k, l] = Σi [k,l] i1 1−Φi [k]Φi [l] 3.1.2 Autoregressive parameters The autoregressive parameters φTi , φSi and φR i are assumed to be independent of each other, as well as of Σi. Since the error processes {eT }, {eS } and {eR } represent residuals from regression models, it is reasonable to assume that they should be stochastically stationary. This imposes restrictions on the autoregressive parameters (Priestley, 1981), which appear plausible according to the initial modelling exercise, (see, for example, Table 3): specifically, if φi denotes any particular autoregressive parameter for climate model i, it is required that |φi | < 1. When fitting the hierarchical model using MCMC techniques, it is convenient to reparameterise to ensure that these restrictions are satisfied automatically. We have achieved this by working with Fisher’s z-transform: ! 1 1 + φi zi = ln , 2 1 − φi and by taking the {zi } to be normally distributed (Table 4). An alternative approach would have been to use a truncated normal distribution for the {φi }, as done by Tonellato (2001). 3.1.3 Covariance parameters For t > 1, the covariance matrix of the white noise innovations {δ it = (δitT , δitS , δitR )0 } is taken to follow an Inverse-Wishart distribution with scale matrix ΣΣ and J degrees of freedom where, for ease of application, J is considered known (see Section 4). The parameterisation used here is that of Gelman et al. (2003). It has been argued that the Inverse-Wishart family lacks flexibility as J is the only “tuning parameter” available to express uncertainty in the elements of Σi (Liechty, 2004). However, this is not considered a particular limitation here, as the available data are unlikely to support more complicated models for the covariance structure. 3.2 Hyper-prior level The model specification is completed by using our knowledge of the climate system, obtained from historical climate information, to determine plausible constraints on different aspects of future climate. These constraints are then used to inform our choices of hyperprior distributions. Such a procedure is justified, since the climate system operates within physical limits: it is also necessary since, due to the sparsity of the data and the relative complexity of the model, the use of non-informative hyper-priors could be problematic. The historical information used consists of atmospheric data for the 1961–1990 period from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data set (Kalnay et al., 1996). Further information could be obtained from palaeoclimatic reconstructions (Hegerl et al., 2007), but this has not been attempted here. 10 3.2.1 Regression parameters The mean of the regression parameters, µβ , was assigned a multivariate normal hyperprior with mean 0 (giving no prior information about the sign of any parameter and hence the direction of any future change in climate) and covariance Rβ . The covariance matrix of the regression parameters, Σβ , was assigned an Inverse-Wishart hyper-prior with scale matrix R−1 β and νβ = p + 2 degrees of freedom, where p = 37 is the number of elements in β i (see Table 2). This is the smallest value of νβ for which a proper distribution is obtained, and hence represents the least informative Inverse-Wishart prior possible (Gelman et al., 2003). This choice of prior gives E(Σβ ) = Rβ . The matrix Rβ was itself chosen so that β i would remain in a plausible range, without being too restrictive. More specifically, the diagonal elements of Rβ were chosen so that when Σβ is set at its expected value, the central 95% portion of β i ∼ MV N(0, 2Rβ ) approximately matches the range of values that might reasonably be entertained in the absence of any GCM data. To illustrate, consider the first component of β i , corresponding to the mean shift in standardized temperature by 2070. On the basis of historical information alone, we consider it unlikely that annual mean temperature in 2070 will lie outside the range of monthly temperatures observed between 1961 and 1990. Although the idea is conceptually simple, its implementation is complicated slightly by the fact that the temperatures have been standardized separately for each month of the year (see Section 2). Our approach was to start with the unstandardized monthly temperature time series for 1961–90 and to centre this by subtracting the overall mean: each value was then scaled by the appropriate monthly standard deviation so as to convert the original temperatures into the same units of measurement as the GCM temperatures, while preserving the seasonal cycle. Let M T denote the maximum, in absolute value, of the resulting series. q q The first diagonal element of Rβ , denoted Rβ1 , was defined so that (−1.96 2Rβ1 , 1.96 2Rβ1 ) was approximately equal to (−M T , M T ). To define the second diagonal element of Rβ , corresponding to the parameter for decadal linear trend in temperature, it was noted that if mean shift in temperature by 2070 is unlikely to lie outside the range (−M T , M T ), decadal linear trend in temperature is unlikely to lie outside (−M T /10, M T /10) as there are approximately 10 decades between the mid-point of the 1961–1990 period and 2070. A similar approach was taken for the parameters corresponding to the first seasonal harmonic of standardized temperature. Here, the corresponding diagonal elements of Rβ were calculated on the basis that the amplitudes of both components of the first seasonal harmonic would lie between zero and twice the amplitude of the average seasonal cycle (before standardization) for the 1961–1990 period. The resulting value was also used for the diagonal elements of Rβ corresponding to all other harmonics, since the annual harmonic of standardized temperature is expected to dominate. The same approach was used for both sea-level pressure and relative humidity. Off-diagonal elements of Rβ were set to zero for convenience. Note, however, that this does not constrain the posterior distribution of µβ to be diagonal. 11 3.2.2 Autoregressive parameters Hyper-priors are also required for the parameters of the normal distributions for Fishertransformed autoregressive coefficients. For each atmospheric variable (we omit superscripts here for convenience), the mean µφ was taken to be normal with mean mφ and standard deviation σφ , itself assigned a uniform distribution on the range (0, Lφ ). The parameters mφ and Lφ were chosen so that, when σφ is set to its expected value of Lφ /2, the central 95% portion of the distribution for φi corresponds to (0, 2φobs ), where φobs > 0 denotes the corresponding autogressive parameter estimate obtained from 1961–90 data. Given that, unconditionally, zi ∼ N(mφ , L2φ /2) when σφ is set to Lφ /2, and 1 + 2φobs 1 P (0 ≤ φi ≤ 2φobs ) = 0.95 ⇐⇒ P 0 ≤ zi ≤ ln 2 1 − 2φobs !! = 0.95, it can be seen that, 1 1 + 2φobs mφ ≈ ln 4 1 − 2φobs ! and ! 1 1 + 2φobs Lφ ≈ √ ln . 1 − 2φobs 32 This choice of Lφ ensures that, within a reasonable range, the prior does not dominate the data and also safeguards against an unrealistically long right tail in the posterior for σφ , which can be a problem when noninformative uniform priors are used in such settings (Gelman, 2006). 3.2.3 Covariance parameters The final hyper-prior to be determined is for the scale matrix of the Inverse-Wishart distribution for Σi , ΣΣ . This is itself assigned an Inverse-Wishart distribution, with scale matrix R−1 Σ and degrees of freedom νΣ . In the absence of any GCM data it seems sensible to set the unconditional expectation of Σi equal to Σobs , the covariance matrix estimated from the 1961–90 data. This gives R−1 Σ = (J − 4)Σobs . νΣ Furthermore, extremely large values of Σi were considered unlikely as this would result in standardised future atmospheric sequences dominated by their stochastic rather than deterministic components. Thus it was assumed that Σi would not vary greatly about Σobs . A simulation study showed this could be achieved by setting degrees of freedom J = 10 and νΣ = 30, providing highly informative priors which ensure limited variability of Σi . 4 Inference using complete time series data The hierarchical model presented in Table 4 was fitted using OpenBUGS (Thomas et al., 2006). OpenBUGS is a program for Bayesian analysis of complex statistical models using 12 MCMC techniques, which outputs a sample from the joint posterior of all model parameters. Unfortunately, OpenBUGS does not allow prior distributions to be specified directly for the parameters of Wishart distributions. Thus, in order to place prior distributions on ΣΣ (see the “Covariance components” column in Table 4), dummy variables {Xij , j = 1, ..., J} were introduced for GCM i, with each Xij drawn from a multivariate PJ 0 normal distribution with mean 0 and covariance matrix ΣΣ . Setting Σ−1 i = j=1 Xij Xij ensured that, by definition, Σ−1 i ∼ W ish(ΣΣ , J) (Krzanowski, 1990, p. 209). Joint posterior distributions of all the model parameters were obtained from three independent MCMC chains, each consisting of 15,000 iterations after an initial burn-in period of 10,000 iterations. The three chains were initialised from a range of starting values and inspection of the trace plots and the Gelman-Rubin statistics (Gelman and Rubin, 1992) suggested that convergence to the posterior had been reached before the end of the burn in period. Using an Intel Core 2 Duo 1.66 GHz CPU (1GB RAM), the total time taken to obtain the three chains of 25,000 iterations each was approximately 53 hours. In the next section we consider whether this computational burden can be reduced. 5 Inference using maximum likelihood estimates This section proposes an alternative approach to estimating the joint posterior fθ,Θ|y (θ, Θ|y), which aims to reduce the computing time from that reported in the previous section. This is achieved by reducing the dimensionality of the data used to fit the model: the {Yi } are replaced with maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the GCM-specific parameters {θ i }. The simplification is possible because, in general, MLEs are asymptotically sufficient statistics and so, in large samples, capture almost all of the available information about the {θ i } (Casella and Berger, 1990, p. 246). With 360 observations for each atmospheric variable and each climate model, it is reasonable to assume that the asymptotic results will hold for practical purposes. Denoting the MLEs by θ̂ therefore, we can use fθ̂ (θ̂|θ) rather than fy (y|θ) at the data level of the hierarchical model. This drastically simplifies the calculation of the posterior distributions since, in many large-sample settings, the density fθ̂ (θ̂|θ) can be taken as multivariate normal. For previous applications of this idea in the climate change literature, see Berliner et al. (2000) and Lee et al. (2005). For univariate regression models with first-order autoregressive errors, Hildreth (1969) showed that the asymptotic distribution of the MLEs is indeed multivariate normal and gave expressions for their large-sample covariance matrix. Camacho et al. (1987) extended these results to the multivariate setting, but in the absence of regression components. They also considered what happens if, instead of fitting the full model to all series simultaneously, the appropriate univariate models are fitted separately to each individual series and the covariance matrix Σ is estimated from the resulting innovations. In this setting, the ‘univariate’ MLEs of the mean vector and innovation covariance matrix have the same asymptotic distribution as the corresponding full MLEs so that the univariate fitting can be regarded as fully efficient for these parameters. Although it is beyond the scope of the present paper to extend this result to the case when there are regression components, we conjecture that it remains valid so that, if β̄ i , Φ̄i and Σ̄i denote the ‘univariate’ MLEs in 13 our model, then β̄ i and Σ̄i are asymptotically efficient. This is useful because software is not readily available to carry out full likelihood-based inference for the multivariate model. Therefore, although we anticipate some loss of efficiency in estimating Φi , for computational convenience here we have used the univariate MLEs. The results in the next section show that, in the present application, any loss of efficiency is negligible. The results of Hildreth (1969) and Camacho et al. (1987) suggest that in large samples and β̄ i ∼ MV N(β i , Vβ̄i ) Φ̄i ∼ MV N(Φi , VΦ̄i ) vec(Σ̄i ) ∼ MV N(vec(Σi ), VΣ̄i ) approximately, with independence between β̄ i , Φ̄i and vec(Σ̄i ). Here vec(Σi ) is a vector of the six unique elements of Σi . The covariance matrices of the estimators, here denoted Vβ̄i , VΦ̄i and VΣ̄i , depend in theory on the parameters β i , Φi and Σi . However, for convenience in our MCMC implementation they have been taken as fixed and replaced with consistent estimators. This can be justified on the basis of their connection with the Fisher information matrix which, if standard asymptotic theory is to apply, must vary slowly within the parameter region of interest (Davison, 2003, p. 118). VΣ̄i was estimated using a result from Camacho et al. (1987), who show that the element corresponding to kl rs the covariance between Σ̄i and Σ̄i is given by sl ks rl Σkr i Σ i + Σi Σi N where, for example, Σkl i denotes the element in the kth row and lth column of Σi and N is the number of observations. The results of Camacho et al. were not followed, however, to estimate Vβ̄i and VΦ̄i . Instead, here we exploited the fact that the univariate estimation can be regarded as maximum likelihood estimation under a misspecified model, because the univariate estimators can be regarded as maximising an “independence” loglikelihood formed by summing the individual univariate contributions (which have no parameters in common) and ignoring the correlation between the atmospheric variables. Standard results for misspecified models show that both Vβ̄i and VΦ̄i can be written in “information sandwich” form (Davison, 2003, p. 147), involving the information matrix derived from the independence log-likelihood and the covariance matrix of the associated score vector. The information matrix is block diagonal, with one block corresponding to each atmospheric variable. The score vector is a sum of uncorrelated contributions from each time point (Leith 2008, Appendix C gives precise details) so that an empirical estimator of its covariance matrix, of the form given by Davison (2003, p. 148), can be constructed. The reason for estimating Vβ̄i and VΦ̄i in this way is that the blocks of the information matrix, along with the innovations necessary to calculate the score contributions, can be extracted directly from the output of univariate fitting routines, such as arima in R (R Development Core Team, 2006), that provide estimated covariance matrices for the parameters. Implementation is therefore straightforward using existing software. Having calculated the MLEs and estimated their covariance matrices, implementation in OpenBUGS is straightforward. The computational savings for our example were dra14 6 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 Prior Posterior: Full time series 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 Posterior: MLEs 10 11 11 12 Component of µβ Figure 1: Prior distributions (left) and posterior distributions, fitted using the full data (middle) and the marginal MLEs (right), for the first 12 elements of µβ which correspond to temperature components. matic: three chains of 25,000 MCMC iterations took approximately 50 minutes, less than one sixtieth of the time taken in the previous section using the full time series data. 6 Results Figure 1 presents boxplots of 999 samples from the prior and posterior (output directly by OpenBUGS) distributions for the hyper-parameters associated with regression coefficients in the temperature models. The differences between prior and posterior distributions show that there is considerable information in the output from the four GCMs. The figure also shows that the posterior distributions are extremely similar whether calculated using the full data or the marginal MLEs. These results are typical: in particular, for all three variables the posterior distributions for the autoregressive parameters were virtually indistinguishable from each other. This justifies our earlier claim that negligible loss of efficiency arises from the use of the {Φ̄i } in place of the {Φ̂i }. Given the joint posterior distribution for the hyper-parameters, fΘ|y (Θ|y), it is possible to simulate from the posterior predictive distribution for θ, corresponding to a “potential”, but as yet unobserved, GCM (Gelman et al., 2003). In other words, we can draw values of θ from the population of GCMs. This was done by repeatedly sampling from the joint posterior for the hyper-parameters, fΘ|y (Θ|y), and then using these values to simulate from fθ (θ|Θ). Figure 2 shows the resulting distributions for θ T (again based on a sample of size 999), with parameter numbers corresponding to those given in Table 3. The parameter estimates from the four GCMs are also shown. The predictive posterior distributions cover a range well beyond that of the observed estimates for {θ i , i = 1, ..., 4}. This is not 15 10 CCCma MPI HC Posterior distribution −5 0 5 CSIRO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Parameter number Figure 2: Predictive posterior distributions for θ T . Symbols show show the marginal MLEs for the four available GCMs. Parameter numbers correspond to Table 3. The dashed line at 0 is provided only as a reference value. surprising given that data from only four climate models were used to update the relatively vague prior distributions. Nevertheless, the effect of the climate model data is clear. For instance, the mean shift in temperature (i.e. parameter 1 in Figure 2) has an interquartile range well above zero, because all GCMs yielded positive estimates for this parameter. Similarly, the distributions for the parameters corresponding to annual seasonality in temperature (i.e. parameters 3 and 4 in Figure 2) both exhibit an interquartile range below zero. 7 Simulation of atmospheric sequences Having fitted a hierarchical multivariate time series model to describe the uncertainty in GCM-simulated sequences of atmospheric variables, we are in a position to simulate a full range of atmospheric sequences consistent with the chosen emissions scenario, and hence to address the main aim of this work. To illustrate this, 200 parameter sets (i.e. values of θ) were sampled from the predictive posterior distributions discussed in Section 6. For each parameter set, one multivariate sequence was then simulated for the 20712100 period. For clarity of display, all sequences were then aggregated to an annual time scale: Figure 3 shows the resulting distributions of annual mean standardised temperature for each year of the simulation period. The hierarchical model clearly, and reasonably, indicates a far greater range of uncertainty than that suggested by the GCMs alone. Such simulations can be used to drive statistical downscaling models, and hence a provide a means of accounting for climate model uncertainty in hydrological, and other, impacts 16 MPI CCCma CSIRO 6 4 2 −2 0 Standardized temperature 8 10 HC 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 Year Figure 3: Posterior predictive distributions of annual mean standardised temperature, 2071–2100. Bands correspond to the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles of these distributions. Lines show the sequences obtained directly from each of the climate models. studies. An example of this is presented in Leith (2008). 8 Discussion We have proposed a coherent framework within which to think about climate model uncertainty which, conditional on a particular emissions scenario, provides a logically consistent way for analysts to combine information from climate models with their own assessments of likely future changes. Our approach attempts to conceptualise the way that climate models work, based on the premise that the outputs from different models should have similar structure because they represent the same underlying processes. Although we have focused on a specific application involving multivariate monthly time series, the fundamental idea is generic and could be applied to other types of model output. The approach could also find applications in many other areas where deterministic models are used. The results above show that the proposed methodology can be employed effectively to simulate future climatic sequences that take account of GCM uncertainty. If the posterior distributions are based on the MLEs rather than on the full data then the computational cost is relatively modest, so that the methodology is suitable for routine implementation. There remain, however, a number of issues that require further attention. Firstly, the results presented here are based on the output from only four climate models: it would be informative to refit the model using a comprehensive set of GCM experiments, such 17 as the data from phase 3 of the World Climate Research Programme’s Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (Meehl et al., 2007a). Furthermore, because so few climate models were used, the results are likely to be sensitive to the choice of prior distribution: although we have illustrated some general principles for choosing priors in this kind of situation, there is of course no single “correct” prior and an analysis investigating the effect of different choices would be extremely informative. Another possibility would to use reconstructions of palaeoclimate to inform the choice of prior distributions (Hegerl et al., 2007). A final issue, which is arguably the most important, is that the climate models are regarded as exchangeable in the methodology described here, so that no account is taken of known differences between them in terms of past performance. Ongoing work aims to improve on this, by incorporating information both from atmospheric observations and from climate models forced using historical emissions. 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