REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Senate Executive Committee Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 206, Academic Senate Office Friday, April 13, 2012 10:15 a.m. Members Present: Bob Brown, Chris Gaines, Mike Richards, Mark Winter. Members Absent: Cindy Hooper. Also Present: Allen Keppner (for agenda item 4.4 discussion) 1. Call to Order: Mark Winter called the meeting to order at 10:20. 2. Public Comment: Mark welcomed everyone, and he called for public comments; no public comments were forwarded. 3. Approve the March 23 and April 9 Special Meeting Minutes: On motion by Mike Richards, seconded by Bob Brown, the minutes were approved as written. 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Accreditation: Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC) member Mike Richards reported that Bob Brown, Co-chair of the Budget Planning Committee (BPC) presented an update of the committee’s work to the AOC. Bob’s update included the following: (1) The BPC is moving forward on distributing a feedback form to 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 funded projects to show evidence from previous funding cycles. (2) The BPC met with the Program Review Committee (PRC) and discussed how future requests will be submitted to the PRC and will include how the projects are tied to the Mission Statement, the Strategic Plan, and the Education Master Plan, and how they support student and program learning outcomes. (3) Funding requests now include the estimated cost of maintaining the project. (4) Funded project recipients will be asked to provide feedback on how the project integrates into the college’s planning process. (5) Small amount requests will be handled through the department and division budget, and large amount requests that make it to the BPC level will be included in a year-end report. Mike also reported that the AOC discussed the Assessment Coordinator’s duties, how to support the assessment work over the summer, and the need to reinvigorate the Assessment Committee. Mark Winter reported that the internal web sites that provide accreditation documents and information need to be updated. 4.2 Senate Resolution in Support of Assessment Draft: Copresident Winter presented the resolution proposal, and he informed the committee that it was drafted in response to a request from the AOC for a public statement regarding the Senate’s support for assessment. The committee discussed the draft, which had previously been reviewed by AOC Co-chair Dave Bazard and Assessment Coordinator Justine Senate Executive Committee Meeting April 13, 2012 2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Shaw, and they made suggested revisions. The draft will be forwarded for Senate discussion on April 20, and will be considered for approval on May 4. Reinstatement of College Hour Recommendation: The committee reviewed the document forwarded by AOC Work Group 7, which included the recommendation that a “college hour” be established on the Eureka campus by Spring 2013. Following discussion, there was agreement to move forward by informing the Senate on April 20 that the copresidents will appoint an ad hoc committee to study the feasibility of implementing college hour, and faculty interested in serving can contact Mark or Mike. Analytical Thinking General Education (GE) Requirement: In response to a request forwarded by the Curriculum Committee that consideration be given to adding computer literacy to the CR GE requirements for degrees and certificates, Allen Keppner presented the background and intent of the current requirements. Allen also outlined the philosophical questions that would need to be addressed if the college decided to reopen the GE requirement discussion. With accreditation work being the current priority, the committee agreed that an ad hoc committee will be convened in the fall to review the college’s GE requirements. Multicultural and Diversity Committee (MDC) Suggestions for Recommendation 6: The committee agreed with Mark’s suggestion that the MDC’s suggestions be forwarded to the AOC with a cover memo suggesting that it be sent to the work group that is working on the staffing plan. Update on Senate Copresident Nomination Process: The committee was informed that Mike Richards and Bob Brown have both accepted the Copresident Ad Hoc Committee’s nomination as next year’s Senate copresidents. The recommendation will be forwarded for Senate approval on April 20. April 20 Senate Agenda Draft: The committee reviewed the draft and several of the attachments, and they made suggested revisions. 5. Announcements/Open Forum/Future Agenda Items: No announcements or open forum items were forwarded. 6. Adjournment: Without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 12:01. Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate Next Meeting: Friday, April 27, 2012