REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Senate Executive Committee

Meeting of the Senate Executive Committee
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 206, Academic Senate Office
Friday, October 14, 2011
10:15 a.m.
Members Present: Bob Brown, Chris Gaines, Cindy Hooper, Mike Richards, Mark Winter.
Members Absent: None
1. Call to Order: Mark Winter called the meeting to order at 10:17.
2. Public Comment: Mark welcomed everyone, and he called for public comments; no
public comments were offered.
3. Approve the September 23 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Mike Richards, seconded by
Bob Brown, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Discussion Items
ACCJC Visiting Team Meeting with the Executive Committee: Copresident
Winter gave the background of previous meetings with the ACCJC that he attended,
and he outlined how he thinks the team members will have prepared for this
meeting and what types of questions they might ask. Committee members
discussed the status of the current college processes, and they highlighted what has
been accomplished in the past year and what work remains to be completed. Mark
encouraged committee members to be familiar with the Self Study Report, the
Senate’s Constitution and Bylaws, and the district’s policies and procedures that
define the college’s governance processes.
4.2 AP 4024 Instructional Exigency Plan Due to Adverse Budget Environment: Mark
presented the general feedback on the proposal that was generated from Senate
discussion, CTE faculty, and CRFO, and he reported that there has been no
expressed support for the draft as it is currently written. Given the content of the
feedback, Mark suggested three options for addressing the Plan, and he asked the
committee for guidance on next steps. Committee discussion helped to clarify
faculty perspectives and recommendations for revising the proposal, and Mark
agreed to draft the feedback into a document that will be forwarded to the Senate to
support further discussion on the AP 4024 proposal.
4.3 Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) Resolution Draft: Mark presented the draft resolution,
and he explained that it is meant to support the current status of the BSI process.
The resolution will be a discussion item at the October 21 Senate meeting, and if
the Senate approves the draft on November 4, it will be forwarded as information to
the Board.
4.4 October 21 Senate Agenda Draft: The committee reviewed and made a number of
suggested revisions to the October 21 Senate agenda draft.
Senate Executive Committee Meeting
October 14, 2011
5. Report
Distance Education and MyCR Update: Mark reported that he met with Geoff Cain
and Angelina Hill to discuss developing a survey that would be distributed to
faculty who teach online sections to gather their feedback and data on MyCR. It is
possible that a second survey will be distributed to students enrolled in online
sections to gather additional data on how the system is working for them.
6. Announcements/Open Forum/Future Agenda Items
6.1 CR Homecoming: Bob Brown announced that CR’s Homecoming is scheduled for
Saturday, October 15, in the Community Stadium. A barbeque begins at 11 a.m., the
Homecoming Game kickoff is at 1 p.m., and half-time activities include the induction
into the CR Hall of Fame of six former CR athletes.
7. Adjournment: On motion by Bob Brown, seconded by Chris Gaines, the meeting was
adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, October 28, 10:15 a.m.