REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board Policy EMERITUS TITLE AND STATUS Emeritus status is an honorary designation conferred upon retirees to recognize their accomplishments and contributions to the Redwoods Community College District. An emeritus title for retired personnel shall be awarded by Board action upon the recommendation of the President. Former BOT BP 342 adopted March 4 1991 (number change only 8/12) Amended December 2, 1996 Reviewed/revised by Academic Standards and Policies Committee February 2014 BP 7384 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board Policy BP 7384 EMERITUS TITLE AND STATUS Emeritus status is an honorary designation conferred upon retirees to recognize their accomplishments and contributions to the Redwoods Community College District. An emeritus title for retired administrative personnel shall be awarded by Board action upon the recommendation of the President. Members of the faculty shall be awarded an emeritus title by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of both the Academic Senate and the President. Members of the classified staff shall be awarded an emeritus title by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of both the Classified Senate and the President. Members of the classified management staff and the classified confidential staff shall be awarded an emeritus title by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President. Former BOT BP 342 adopted March 4 1991 (number change only 8/12) Amended December 2, 1996 Reviewed/revised by Academic Standards and Policies Committee November 2013 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 7384 EMERITUS TITLE AND STATUS Eligibility 1) The candidate must have performed at least ten years of full-time service to the District or the equivalent in part-time service. 2) The employees seeking the emeritus title shall submit a written request to their Supervisor. An employee may also be nominated for emeritus status by a colleague from the District, with the consent of the nominated employee. Process 1) Each nomination for emeritus status shall include a brief narrative summary citing the professional accomplishments and record of District service. 2) The Supervisor will verify eligibility and forward the nomination(s) as follows: a. Faculty nominations go to the Academic Senate for approval: once approved, the Academic Senate forwards the nominations to the President. b. Manager nominations go to the Manager’s Council for approval; once approved, the Manager’s Council forwards the nominations to the President. c. Classified employee nominations go to the Classified Executive Board for approval; once approved, the Classified Executive Board forwards the nominations to the President. d. Administrator and Confidential employee nominations go directly to the President. 3) The President will submit all employee nominations with the President’s recommendation to the Board of Trustees for final approval. Privileges 1) 2) 3) 4) A Certificate of Emeritus status awarded at the time of retirement. A permanent ID card indicating emeritus status. Complimentary admission to College events. Authority to use emeritus title in professional work. Former Administrative Regulation No. 342, number change only on August 7, 2012 Approved: December 2, 1996 Reviewed/revised by Academic Standards and Policies Committee February 201 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 7384 PROCESS FOR DETERMINING EMERITUS STATUS Classified Staff Members of the classified staff who are retired or are about to retire may be nominated by their colleagues by means of a letter to the Classified Senate setting forth the reasons for the nomination and signed by at least ten members of the permanent, classified staff. Members of the classified management staff and the classified confidential staff shall be awarded an emeritus title by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President. The Classified Senate and the President shall use the following criteria in determining whether to recommend a candidate for emeritus status: 1. The candidate must have performed at least ten years of full-time service to the District or the equivalent in part-time service. 2. The candidate's service must be distinguished and exemplary as reflected in evaluations and in the opinion of colleagues from administration, faculty, and staff. 3. The candidate must have made a significant, positive contribution to the District, performing services well beyond the minimum required by the job. A list of classified staff designated as "emeritus" will be maintained by the Classified Senate and the Human Resources Office. Emeritus staff will be listed in the catalog, will be regularly included in appropriate campus functions, and, upon their request, will be granted the following at no charge: 1. library cards, 2. staff parking permits, 3. athletic event passes, and 4. use of the pool and athletic facilities. It is the intent of the District that emeritus classified staff be continuously recognized for the excellence of their service and their many contributions and that they be included to the greatest extent possible in the life of the College. Former Administrative Regulation No. 342, number change only on August 7, 2012 Approved: December 2, 1996 3.2a Redwoods Existing BP4020 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board of Trustees Policy BP 4020 PROGRAM AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT The programs and curricula of the District shall be of high quality, relevant to community and student needs, and evaluated regularly to ensure quality and currency. To this end, the Board of Trustees directs the President/Superintendent and the Academic Senate to establish procedures for program and curriculum development. These procedures shall include: • Appropriate involvement of the faculty, administration, and Academic Senate regarding program and curriculum development. The primary responsibility for the development, modification and inactivation of curriculum resides with the faculty and the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate. Educational program development, modification, revitalization and discontinuation is mutually agreed upon by the Board or its representative and the Academic Senate. • Regular review and justification of programs and courses. • Opportunities for training of persons involved in their relevant areas of curriculum development. • Consideration of labor market and other relevant information for career and technical programs. • A mechanism to periodically report curriculum changes and results of program review to the Board of Trustees for the purpose of institutional decision-making. Recommendations on curriculum and academic programs that are in compliance with the policies and procedures adopted by the Chancellor’s Office and approved through established College of the Redwoods Administrative Procedures (AP) will be regularly forwarded to the Board of Trustees for review and action. Reference: Education Code Section 70901(b), 70902(b); 78016; Title 5, Section 51000, 51022, 55100, 55130, 55150 Adopted by Board of Trustees: 05/03/2011 Former Policy #104: “Curriculum Development,” Adopted by the Board of Trustees: 8/15/77 Amended: 9/9/91 Former Policy #122: “Educational Program Review,” Adopted by the Board of Trustees: 7/16/84 Amended: 11/4/91 3.2b CCLC Template BP4020 BP 4020 Program, Curriculum, and Course Development References: Education Code Sections 70901(b), 70902(b), and 78016; Title 5 Sections 51000, 51022, 55100, 55130 and 55150; U.S. Department of Education regulations on the Integrity of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. 34 Code of Federal Regulations Sections 600.2, 602.24, 603.24, and 668.8 NOTE: This policy is legally required. The following policy indicates that the Board retains authority to approve new programs and courses, and delete programs, and delegates the authority for all other actions to the CEO. It is the option we legally advise, but options that delegate all authority to the CEO or that require Board approval for new courses and deleted courses are legal. However, it is suggested that Boards not require program or course modifications be submitted to them for approval. The portion of this policy regarding credit hour definition is legally required in an effort to show good faith compliance with the applicable federal regulations. The programs and curricula of the District shall be of high quality, relevant to community and student needs, and evaluated regularly to ensure quality and currency. To that end, the [CEO] shall establish procedures for the development and review of all curricular offerings, including their establishment, modification, or discontinuance. Furthermore, these procedures shall include: appropriate involvement of the faculty and Academic Senate in all processes; regular review and justification of programs and course descriptions; opportunities for training for persons involved in aspects of curriculum development. Consideration of job market and other related information for vocational and occupational programs. All new programs and program deletions shall be approved by the Board. All new programs shall be submitted to the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office for approval as required. Individual degree-applicable credit courses offered as part of a permitted educational program shall be approved by the Board. Non-degree-applicable credit and degreeapplicable courses that are not part of an existing approved program must satisfy the conditions authorized by Title 5 regulations and shall be approved by the Board. Credit Hour 3.2b CCLC Template BP4020 Consistent with federal regulations applicable to federal financial aid eligibility, the District shall assess and designate each of its programs as either a “credit hour” program or a “clock hour” program. The [CEO] will establish procedures which prescribe the definition of “credit hour” consistent with applicable federal regulations, as they apply to community college districts. The [ CEO ] shall establish procedures to assure that curriculum at the District complies with the definition of “credit hour” or “clock hour,” where applicable. The [ CEO ] shall also establish procedure for using a clock-to-credit hour conversion formula to determine whether a credit hour program is eligible for federal financial aid. The conversion formula is used to determine whether such a credit-hour program has an appropriate minimum number of clock hours of instruction for each credit hour it claims. See Administrative Procedures [ # ]. Revised 8/04, 2/07, 8/07, 7/11, 3/12 3.2c Marin BP4020 Marin Community College District Policy BP 4020 Academic Affairs BP 4020 PROGRAM, CURRICULUM, AND COURSE DEVELOPMENT References: Education Code Sections 70901(b), 70902(b), 78016, 78300; Title 5 Sections 51000, 51022, 51956, 55000‐55225; U.S. Department of Education regulations on the Integrity of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended; 34 Code of Federal Regulations Sections 600.2, 602.24, 603.24, and 668.8 The District shall offer credit, noncredit, and community services classes in conformance with definitions and a classification system consistent with state law. The programs and curricula of the District shall be of high quality, relevant to community and student needs, and evaluated regularly to ensure quality and currency. The Superintendent/President shall establish procedures for the development and review of all curricular offerings, including their establishment, modification, or discontinuance. Furthermore, these procedures shall include: · appropriate involvement of the faculty and Academic Senate in all processes; · regular review and justification of programs and course descriptions; · opportunities for training for persons involved in aspects of curriculum development; and · consideration of job market and other related information for career and technical programs. All new credit and noncredit courses, programs, certificates, and degrees must satisfy the conditions authorized by Title 5 regulations, shall be approved by the Board of Trustees, and shall be submitted to the California Community College Chancellor’s Office for approval as required. In addition, all course and program deletions shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. The total educational program of the District shall be reviewed continuously with respect to its value to the students enrolled and in meeting the needs of the community. Credit Hour Consistent with federal regulations applicable to federal financial aid eligibility, the District shall assess and designate each of its programs as either a “credit hour” program or a “clock hour” program. The Superintendent/President will establish procedures which prescribe the definition of “credit hour” consistent with applicable federal regulations, as they apply to community college districts. The Superintendent/President shall establish procedures to assure that curriculum at the District complies with the definition of “credit hour” or “clock hour,” where applicable. The Superintendent/President shall also establish procedure for using a clock‐to‐credit hour conversion formula to determine whether a credit hour program is eligible for federal financial aid. The conversion BP 4020 Program, Curriculum and Course Development Page 1 of 2 3.2c Marin BP4020 formula is used to determine whether such a credit‐hour program has an appropriate minimum number of clock hours of instruction for each credit hour it claims. Date Adopted: July 27, 2010 (Replaces College of Marin Policies 2.0006, 2.0013 and 2.0017) Date Revised: September 18, 2012 BP 4020 Program, Curriculum and Course Development Page 2 of 2 3.2d Redwoods Existing AP4020 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Administrative Procedure AP 4020 PROGRAM AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT The primary responsibility for the development, modification, and inactivation of curriculum resides with the faculty and the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate. Educational program development, modification, revitalization and discontinuation is mutually agreed upon by the Board or its representative and the Academic Senate. The formal work of the curriculum process is performed and overseen by the Curriculum Committee. The membership of the Curriculum Committee can be found in the Curriculum Committee By-Laws. The formal work includes creating or modifying programs, degrees, or certificates and developing and updating course outlines, including the identification of course learning outcomes, course content, methods of student assessment and the use of a range of delivery systems and modes of instruction. As a standing committee of the Academic Senate, the Curriculum Committee is responsible for the review and endorsement of curriculum in accordance with procedures set forth in the current California Community Colleges Chancellor’ s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook. The Curriculum Committee is also responsible for establishing and maintaining College of the Redwoods curricular processes. These processes are found at the Curriculum Committee website. Upon Curriculum Committee and Academic Senate approval, the Academic Senate recommendations are forwarded by the Chief Instructional Officer to the Board of Trustees (BOT) at least once during each fall and spring term for action. The BOT recommendation(s) will be submitted to all required regulatory bodies for approval. New programs and courses will be offered only after such approval has been obtained. Under the direction of the CIO, the district shall keep program and course lists updated and publicly available. Chancellor’s Office approved course information is published in the college’s catalog and in schedules. The CIO, in mutual agreement with the Academic Senate, shall set timelines for regular review of existing courses or programs as well as catalog cutoff dates. The Curriculum Committee shall publish its calendar of meetings for the year and disseminate it to all departments and offices involved in the curricular process. Reference: Title 5 Sections 51021, 55000 et seq., and 55100 et seq.; Accreditation Standard II.A Approved: 04/04/2011 Former Administrative Regulation #104.01, “Curriculum Development,” Approved: 5/86 Revised: 10/91 and 1/9/95, and Former Administrative Regulation #122.01, “Program Review,” Approved: 6/6/94 Revised: 1/9/95; 4/6/98; and 4/5/04 1 3.2e CCLC Template AP4020 AP 4020 Program and Curriculum Development References: Title 5 Sections 51021, 55000 et seq., and 55100 et seq.; Accreditation Standards II.A; U.S. Department of Education regulations on the Integrity of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. NOTE: The following procedure is legally required. Districts may insert local procedures for program and curriculum development, which may include or address procedures for new, added, provisional or experimental, reinstated and deleted courses and procedures for changes in course number, title, units, or hours. Procedures for each action should, as good practice, address: initiation, review, approval, and evaluation processes and related criteria designated responsibility and authority for initiation, review, and approval of courses (e.g., the academic affairs office, academic senate, faculty, departments, related disciplines, divisions, curriculum committee, articulation officer, etc.) time lines and limits for the process publication of changes and maintenance of records use of a range of delivery systems and modes of instruction NOTE: This procedure is legally required in an effort to show good faith compliance with the applicable federal regulations For purposes of federal financial aid eligibility, a “credit hour” shall be not less than: • • One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately [15 weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit], [or 10 to 12 weeks for one quarter hour of credit], or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or At least an equivalent amount of work as required in the paragraph above, of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. Revised: 7/11 3.2f Marin AP4020 Marin Community College District Administrative Procedure AP 4020 Academic Affairs AP 4020 PROGRAM AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT References: Title 5 Sections 51021, 55000 et seq., and 55100 et seq.; ACCJC Accreditation Standard II.A; U.S. Department of Education regulations on the Integrity of Federal Student Financial Aid Programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Instructional programs will be systematically assessed in order to assure currency, improve teaching and learning strategies, and achieve stated student learning outcomes. Curriculum shall be evaluated to determine whether courses and program should be established, expanded, modified, or deleted on a periodic basis. In order to create and maintain a viable curriculum compatible with the Educational Master Plan, the Superintendent/President or designee shall be responsible for: 1. Recommending to the Board for approval the establishment or discontinuance of educational programs, degrees, certificates, and courses, in accordance with the Education Code. 2. Approving editorial and technical changes, teaching unit modifications, and related developments of minor significance within Board‐approved programs and courses. The Board shall be advised of all such changes. 3. Ongoing development of the curriculum, including: a. Periodic determination of the educational needs of the area; b. Utilization of citizen advisory committees where appropriate; c. Academic Senate participation in curriculum development; d. Preparation and maintenance of current course outlines and objectives for all approved programs. Faculty members shall follow the course outline of record as the framework for the course. Within this framework, each instructor shall use the outline in a manner best designed to meet the needs and capabilities of students and to best suit the instructional methods of the faculty member. This flexibility in use of the outline shall be limited by the instructor's ability to meet stated objectives and outcomes as determined by the approved evaluative criteria. The Curriculum Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate, as established through mutual agreement between the District and the Academic Senate. The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to maintain the quality and the integrity of the educational program. Courses and programs will be evaluated for their educational content and their appropriateness and value to the students served. AP 4020 Program, Curriculum and Course Development Page 1 of 3 3.2f Marin AP4020 The functions and operating guidelines of the Curriculum Committee will be determined by the Academic Senate. 1. Functions: The functions of the College Curriculum Committee will be as follows: a. Recommend all credit courses for approval by the Board of Trustees. To be recommended, credit courses must meet the standards set forth by the Education Code. b. Recommend all noncredit courses for approval by the Board of Trustees. To be recommended, noncredit courses must meet the standards set forth by the Education Code. c. The Curriculum Committee does not approve Community Education courses. However, the Community Education Program will send all new course outlines to the Curriculum Committee to ensure there is no conflict with credit courses. d. Recommend all new credit and noncredit programs for approval by the Board of Trustees. e. Recommend program changes, course revisions, or deletions for approval by the Board of Trustees, making sure such changes meet the standards set forth by the Education Code. f. Review the Master Schedule and recommend modifications as necessary. g. Recommend requirements for skills certificates and certificates of achievement. h. Recommend graduation requirements and general education requirements for the A.A. and A.S. degrees for approval by the Board of Trustees. i. Recommend for approval by the Board of Trustees, baccalaureate level courses for submission to the California State University system for inclusion on the transfer list of courses which satisfy the state universities' general education requirements. j. Support development of new curricula and dissemination of curricular material. 2. Membership: Membership of the College Curriculum Committee will be for two‐year terms and will consist of the following: a. Voting Members: One faculty member elected from each Department and Community Education; one classified member who is directly related to Academic Affairs selected by the official classified staff appointing body, and one student selected by the Student Senate. b. Non‐voting Staff Resource: The Dean of Enrollment Services. c. Department Chairs serve as ex‐officio members of the Committee and all Department Chairs are welcome to attend at all times. Particular Department Chairs will be invited to attend Curriculum Committee meetings when there are proposals originating from their department; further, Department Chairs shall be invited when proposals are presented from other departments that will affect their courses and/or programs. 3. Operating Guidelines: a. According to the UPM/MCCD Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 8.12.2 (2004‐2007 contract) Department Chairs shall: in conjunction with the department's faculty, develop and/or modify curriculum, subject to departmental and District approval as recommended by the College Curriculum Committee; and assist faculty in up‐dating course descriptions and communicate these updates in writing within the department and to the appropriate instructional office(s) through recommendations of the College Curriculum Committee. b. The Curriculum Committee Chair will be elected by voting members of the Committee. c. Additional support will be provided by the Office of Instructional Management. d. Curriculum Committee agendas, approved minutes and updated Curriculum Committee approval schedules will be posted on the Curriculum Committee website. AP 4020 Program, Curriculum and Course Development Page 2 of 3 3.2f Marin AP4020 For purposes of federal financial aid eligibility, a “credit hour” shall be not less than: • One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out‐of‐class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or • At least an equivalent amount of work as required in the paragraph above, of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. See also BP 4021 titled Program Revitalization and Discontinuance Office of Primary Responsibility: Office of Student Learning Date Approved: June 22, 2010 (Replaces College of Marin Policy 2.0001 and Procedure 2.0001 DP.1) Date Revised: August 21, 2012 AP 4020 Program, Curriculum and Course Development Page 3 of 3