Retention Seminar Outline I. Day 1 A. Introductions Personal Introductions Understanding Your Students Understanding Your Curriculum Understanding Your Current Systems Various Definitions Sorting through the numbers B. Benchmarking Retention Benchmarking Retention Defining Your retention goals Reasons for Retention Defining Your reasons for retention C. Environmental Strategies Why do students leave? How do you know? Develop Your Environmental Strategies D. Mitigation Strategies Brainstorm Mitigation Strategies Develop Your Mitigation Strategy II. Day 2 A. Early Warning Signs What might indicate a leaver? Brainstorm a list of Demographic Factors Brainstorm a list of Behavioral Factors Identify the source(s) for the factors Develop Your Early Warning Signs B. Systems to Identify the Leavers Personal Knowledge Tools & Systems Begin to develop Your Leaver Identification System C. Intervention Strategies Understanding your students Connecting with the Leaver Effective Communication Strategies Developing Your intervention strategy Page 1 of 2 | Retention Seminar Outline | © 2012 Ellucian. All Rights Reserved - Confidential & Proprietary | D. Ongoing Care Systems Does saved once mean saved always? The power of peers Brainstorm Care Systems Develop Your ongoing Care System III. Day 3 A. Communication Strategies Communicating with faculty and staff Communicating with students B. Upstream Strategies Improving retention before they become a student Brainstorm Upstream Ideas for retention strategies Develop Your upstream strategy C. Identifying and Using Metrics to Assess Effectiveness Brainstorm Retention Effectiveness Metrics Develop Your Effectiveness Metrics D. Charting the Course Retention Goals Reasons for Retention Strategies to Assess the Local Environment Mitigation Strategies Intervention Strategies On Going Care Systems Upstream Strategies E. Next Steps Create a to-do list Prioritize the list Assign task owners This agenda is based upon an 8:00 am start time, 60 minutes for lunch and a 5:00 pm end time. Actual times vary depending upon the institution and the group dynamics. Topics can and do move from one day to the next depending upon the actual time consumed. Page 2 of 2 | [Document Title] | © 2012 Ellucian. All Rights Reserved - Confidential & Proprietary |