Final 5/14/09 “Efficiency is doing things right, effectiveness is doing the right things” – Peter Drucker What is Student Services Program Review? Student Services Program Review is a collaborative goal-setting and assessment process designed to help improve and refine student services. It is intended to be flexible, collegial, relevant, practical, and should result in a clear sense of direction and accomplishment for participants. All Student Services undergo program review as part of a process that results in a comprehensive assessment of institutional effectiveness. A separate, but similar process is applied to administrative units. Program quality and improvement is the primary focus of student services program review. The specific purpose of program review is: To evaluate programs within the context of the mission and goals of the College. To improve the quality of instruction and services, to meet accountability mandates and to demonstrate institutional effectiveness. To identify the goals and plans for any improvements or changes that will enhance student learning outcomes and overall program efficiency. To recommend more effective and efficient utilization of college resources. To provides a means for tracking and evaluating the actions taken to improve program effectiveness and efficiency. To serve as a basis to assist the college in initiation, expansion, reduction, consolidation and discontinuation of programs and services. Characteristics of comprehensive program reviews: Reviews are forward thinking. Reviews are evaluative, not just descriptive. Plans for improvement require judgment on the program, students, curriculum, learning outcomes, resources and future directions. Reviews provide a concise, honest appraisal of a program and department/discipline’s strengths and weaknesses. Reviews must incorporate the criteria for evaluating efforts learning outcomes into the criteria for all instructional program reviews How Program Review Integrates with Planning Program review and assessment are the cornerstones of planning. Program review provides a means through which units set goals and objectives that support the district’s plans, through focusing on the student as a learner. Be sure to review the plan and reflect upon the work of your unit in relationship to the themes and strategies in the plan The linkage between program review and strategic planning is now fully operational. Thus, resource allocations and planning for your unit will be directly impacted by this plan. Program review recommendations are a major component of the college planning processes which is designed to lead to effective use of resources and should increase the 2 5/29/2016 quality of instruction and services based upon institutional, program, degree, and course learning outcomes. The information gathered will provide critical internal data about size and stability of program, current and future resource needs, equipment and space needs, strengths and weaknesses, and how the program relates to the mission of the College and the Strategic, Education and Facilities Plans. Reviews culminate in recommendations developed by the Program Review Committee in consultation with the program review authors. The evaluations and recommendations are sent to the Planning Support Team. The Planning Support Team sort the individual program reviews and send information to the appropriate integrated planning committee. The planning committees incorporate program review information into the district wide annual/master planning plan. The plans are then forwarded information to the Coordinated Planning Council. The recommendation may include a summary statement indicating the strength of program or a statement recommending placing the program in one of the following five categories: recommend program expansion; recommend continuation of program in current form; recommend program continuation, but with adjustments to current funding level and/or program modifications; recommend special attention to program and continuing review; or recommend the program be discontinued. The most important extrinsic purpose of this review is for you to receive the resources you need (equipment, staff, etc.) and to meet accreditation standards. The intrinsic purpose of the self-study process is to help Student Services clarify and achieve their goals and discuss student success and retention data. In addition, the process aids units in strengthening the bonds within the college community and fostering cooperation with all units. The major objectives of Program Review are to: 1. State program goals and align future goals with the College’s mission and goals. 2. Collect, analyze, and discuss data on key performance indicators, service area outcomes and student learning outcomes, program activities, and accomplishments. 3. Examine and document the effectiveness. 4. Develop recommendations and strategies concerning future program directions and needs (e.g. budget, staffing, and resources). 5. Assure the accuracy of program information. 6. Comply with Accreditation Standards, Federal and State law, Title 5, Student Equity, matriculation (including prerequisite and co-requisite standards), ADA (American with Disabilities Act), and other legal or certification requirements. 3 5/29/2016 2009 Student Services Goals Goal One: Support the academic quality and learning environment of the College Goal Two: Improve enrollment and student retention Goal Three: Develop First Year Experience Programs and Learning Communities Goal Four: Increase ways students and other potential learners can access CR Goal Five: Enhance the quality of campus and student life. Goal Six: Support planning and assessment. The Components of Program Review Student Services Comprehensive Program Review Contains the Following Sections: Background Information I. Student Services Area Overview (I.1.-I.8. contains brief, succinct narrative for each area; should be about 2 pages in length) 1. Mission 2. Philosophy Statement 3. Staffing Level (or organizational chart) 4. Summary (of Area Functions) 5. Objectives 6. Strengths 7. Improvement Areas 8. Students Served 9. Student Achievement Data 9. Report on 2007-2008 Assessment Plan (1 page historical reference) 10. 2008-2009 Assessment Plan (3-4 pages) 11. Vice President and PRC recommendations II. Area Needs Assessment 1. Five-Year Program Staffing Profile 2. Staff Needs 3. Equipment Needs 4. Technology++ Needs 5. Facilities Needs 6. Professional or Organizational Development Needs 7. Other Needs Assistance for completing the review 4 5/29/2016 Assessing and setting goals for a program should be the result of internal discussion among all department employees but the supervising administrator will provide assistance with the process. In addition, the Office of Institutional Research will provide data that will be used in completing program reviews. Analysis of Program Status It is important that criteria be developed and broadly accepted about how program review/planning information will be used. Therefore, a rubric system for program evaluation is imperative. 5 5/29/2016 TIMELINE FOR STUDENT SERVICES 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM REVIEW PLANNING, REVIEW OF DATA NEEDS AND ACTIONS (Phase I) Departments or programs are informed of scheduled Comprehensive Program Review. (November, 2009) Review division mission statement (December, 2009) Program Review Teams are identified and organized. Programs/departments appoint a review team and select a review team leader. Departments or programs must include all staff and are urged to include part-time faculty/staff in the review process. (December, 2009) Review Teams review the student satisfaction and entering student survey instruments, identify data needs and create a data collection/analysis action plan. (December, 2009-January, 2010) Departments review and revise mission statements. (January-February, 2010) Mission statements provided to the PRC and CPC for information purposes (March, 2010) DATA ACQUISITION AND DRAFT REPORT (Phase II) Review team begins data collection, reviews all courses and assures course outlines are correctly formatted to the most current course outline of record template [if appropriate]. Courses that require substantial modifications should be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for approval well in advance of the Program Review submission date. Student Satisfaction and department specific surveys deployed (March, 2010) Basic enrollment, retention data, survey results and other pertinent data is provided by Institutional Research. (May, 2010) Review team analyzes data and information. Initial findings are discussed with the entire department. (May-June, 2010) Update and consultation of program review progress. All data analysis completed. (July, 2010). Review team completes program review drafts and revisions. (SeptemberOctober, 2010). FINALIZATION OF REPORT: (Phase III) Department or program faculty/staff finalize the Program Review report and submit to the PRC (November, 2010) CONCLUDING FINAL REPORT: (Phase IV) The PRC will submit a written evaluation and executive summary to the department. Program Review recommendations are incorporated into department or program planning and budget requests for the subsequent academic year.(December, 2010) 6 5/29/2016 C A STUDENT SERVICES M COMPREHENSIVE P PROGRAM REVIEW U S 7 5/29/2016 Table of Contents I. Student Services Program Review Worksheet II. Area Needs Assessment Appendix A – Background Information What is Student Services Program Review? How Program Review Integrates with Planning Student Services Goals 8 5/29/2016 STUDENT SERVICES COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM REVIEW WORKSHEET Student Services Area: ____________________________ Academic Year: _______________________________________ We certify that this program review document represents the plans, goals, and critical analysis of this instructional program. Please enter name(s) and date Author(s): ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Department Director: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ V. P.: ____________________________________________ Validation: _________ I. Student Services Area Overview The Area Overview should reflect the consensus of the staff within the student services area. It is meant to provide a broad understanding of the area, current trends related to the area’s mission, and how the area serves to meet the overall mission or goals of College of the Redwoods. The following reflects the general guidelines followed by the service areas in completing their area overview 1. Mission Note: Area mission statements must be directly aligned with those of the District/College and the Division. This statement should be brief, easy to remember and include the name of the department, its primary functions, modes of delivery, and target audience. Suggestion: This statement should be about 25 words. 2. Philosophy Statement Note: Identify or outline how your area serves the mission of the institution. Suggestion: Please limit to a single, brief paragraph. 3. Staffing Level Note: Provide a very brief description of your current staffing level or attach an organizational chart that includes positions only. 4. Summary Note: Describe the main functions of your area using clear, concise bulleted statements 5. Goals and Objectives Note: List about 5 of your service area goals and objectives. Your objectives must be related to strategic plan, or student services goal AND have one or more measurable outcome. 9 5/29/2016 6. Strengths Note: Briefly describe about five of your area’s greatest strengths. Strengths substantiated through data are preferred. 7. Improvement Areas Note: Identify specific issues and/or needs that are affecting the efficiency or effectiveness of your area. 8. Students Served Note: Briefly report the number of students served and/or provide a general description of the student population(s) you serve. When reporting numbers, please specify the timeframe you are reporting. 9. Student Achievement Data (if applicable). Demand, Fill Rates & Success Analyze the enrollment and success data provided by Research & Planning and answer the following questions. Part 1. Enrollments For the purposes of these charts here, course sections have been broken down by class start time. The definitions for each start time are as follows: Early Morning Before 10:00AM Prime Time From 10:00AM to 2:30PM Late Afternoon From 2:30PM to 5:30PM*/6:00PM Evening 5:30PM*/6:00PM and later Weekend Saturday or Sunday classes TBA No scheduled start time * Evening is defined differently for semesters prior to Fall 2009 Each classification was weighted according to the following schedule: Weekend Evening Late Afternoon Early Morning Prime Time If a section had start times that fell into more than one category, it would be placed in the higher weighted category. For example, if a section met on a Saturday and started at 10:30AM, it would be considered a Weekend section. 10 5/29/2016 (Include Distance Ed data in the following six tables) Table 1.01A. Enrollments Number of students enrolled at census date Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA Total 2004 2005 911 70 14 76 106 43 1,220 2005 2006 609 127 51 36 59 0 882 2006 2007 627 91 0 18 53 0 789 2007 2008 806 121 32 38 37 64 1,098 2008 2009 605 155 29 56 47 42 934 1,000 800 2004 2005 600 2005 2006 400 2006 2007 200 0 Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA 2007 2008 Number of students enrolled at census date (campus wide) Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA Total 2004 2005 911 70 14 76 106 43 1,220 2005 2006 609 127 51 36 59 0 882 2006 2007 627 91 0 18 53 0 789 2007 2008 806 121 32 38 37 64 1,098 2008 2009 605 155 29 56 47 42 934 1,000 800 2004 2005 600 2005 2006 400 2006 2007 200 0 Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA 2007 2008 Table 1.01B. Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH) Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA Total 2004 2005 1,108 162 72 288 352 18 2,000 2005 2006 1,048 324 198 162 301 0 2,033 2006 2007 977 360 0 54 36 0 1,427 2007 2008 920 378 162 120 27 252 1,859 2008 2009 726 378 54 300 180 72 1,710 1,200 2007 2008 2008 2009 60 2004 2005 1,000 800 2005 2006 600 400 2006 2007 200 0 Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA 2007 2008 Table 1.01C. Number of Section 2004 2005 Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA Total 2005 2006 56 3 1 4 7 2 73 2006 2007 37 6 3 2 3 0 51 36 6 0 1 4 0 47 39 7 3 1 3 3 56 2004 2005 50 22 7 1 4 4 1 39 40 2005 2006 30 20 2006 2007 10 0 Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA 2007 2008 Table 1.01D. Fill Rate Percentage of available seats filled (census enrollment divided by class size) Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA Total 2004 2005 77% 70% 35% 56% 68% 96% 74% 2005 2006 71% 77% 43% 51% 80% 0% 68% 2006 2007 71% 38% 0% 45% 73% 0% 62% 2007 2008 88% 45% 27% 95% 82% 61% 73% 2008 2009 80% 55% 97% 37% 88% 76% 67% 120% 2004 2005 100% 80% 2005 2006 60% 40% 2006 2007 20% 0% Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend 11 TBA 2007 2008 5/29/2016 Table 1.01E. FTES Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend TBA Total 2004 2005 30.35 7.80 2.11 12.44 14.77 0.74 68.21 2005 2006 32.88 14.87 7.49 6.54 10.87 0.00 72.64 2006 2007 40.59 12.23 0.00 2.11 0.02 0.00 54.95 2007 2008 44.36 14.76 4.11 9.84 0.00 10.29 83.36 2008 2009 35.12 17.92 3.16 11.51 5.91 6.99 80.63 50.00 40.00 2004 2005 30.00 2005 2006 20.00 2006 2007 10.00 0.00 Early Morning Prime Time Late Afternoon Evening Weekend 12 TBA 2007 2008 5/29/2016 Review and analyze the fill rate data (Tables 1.01 A-E) provided by Institutional Research and answer the following questions: 1. Overall, is your enrollment increasing, decreasing, or remaining the same? 2. Is your enrollment growing/declining for sections scheduled at particular times, or is the growth consistent? Review the detailed data by course to see if there are trends in specific courses. 1.01F. Course Success Rates Percentage of students enrolled at census receiving a grade of A, B, C, or Credit 2005 - 2006 A-C or Credit 2006 - 2007 A-C or Credit 2007 - 2008 A-C or Credit Total Review the program success rates in the table above (1.01F) and use the text box below to answer the following questions. Be thorough and be sure to touch on any significant change in the data. 1) Identify overall changes in success rates. To what do you attribute these changes? 2) How do course success rates compare to the overall success rates for the program? 3) Provide a plan (if necessary) for adjusting to changes in success and retention. 13 5/29/2016 Table 1.01G. Course Success Demographics (Fall and Spring Semesters) Administration of Justice: Course Success by Equity Group CR Overall Program Overall Ethnicity Group African-American American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Hispanic Pacific Islander Unknown White Age Group 17 and less 18 to 21 22 to 25 26 to 30 31 to 40 41 and over Gender Group Female Male 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 68% 87% 68% 91% 67% 87% 79% 80% 80% 33% 84% 90% 91% 100% 77% 63% 96% 92% 77% 67% 75% 80% 88% 90% 50% 75% 63% 86% 97% 97% 100% 71% 74% 91% 96% 98% 92% 58% 76% 88% 95% 96% 82% 89% 86% 93% 80% 90% Comment on data comparisons among the ethnic, age and gender breakdowns. 14 5/29/2016 Table 1.01H. Course Retention Rate Percentage of students enrolled at census receiving a grade other than W (Withdraw) 2005 2006 Retained 2006 2007 Retained 2007 2008 Retained Total Review the program retention rates in the table above (1.01H) and use the text box below to answer the following questions. Be thorough and be sure to touch on any significant change in the data. 1) Identify changes in retention rates. To what do you attribute these changes? 2) Review retention rates by course. How do course retention rates compare to the program rate overall? 3) Provide a plan (if necessary) within Section 5.01 for adjusting to changes in success and retention. SLO and PLO assessment results might help you determine needs. 15 5/29/2016 Table 1.01I Overall Success Rate in Courses in Major by Students’ English and Math Level CURRENT SKILL LEVEL NUMBER & PERCENT ENROLLED SUCCESS RATE F2005-F2008 SUCCESS RATE F2008-F2011 Passed English 1A English 1A English 150 English 350 Reading 360 Unknown Math 30 and above Math 120 Math 380 Math 376 Math 372 Unknown 1. What pattern can be identified in the program success rates based on the students’ skill level in English and Math? Has the success rate changed since the last review? 2. How has the program responded to these patterns or changes, and how will the program respond in the future? 16 5/29/2016 17 5/29/2016 10. Report on 2009-2010 Assessment Plan for Student Services Area: (specify) (Please provide a 1 page historical reference of outcomes) Mission Statement: Objective EXAMPLE ONLY (Remove prior to submission) Example: Increase college attendance and enrollment rates Student Learning Outcome (SLO) or Program Outcome (PO) Linked to Student Service Goal/Campus Goal/District Initiative Assessment Criteria (Specify Target Performance Level) Assessment Measure Students participating in outreach activities during their senior year (06-07 FY) will successfully enroll at CR during the fall 07. (PO) Student Services Goals #2provide a seamless outreach process; #5-provide comprehensive outreach services to potential students; Education Master Plan Goal #3-Increase student access Increase enrollment of graduating seniors from 06-07 FY by 80% (258 students) out of the 322 seniors processed through Admissions during their senior year. During 06-07 FY, outreach staff members tracked all student contacts in an Access senior database. During 07-08 FY), outreach staff used Datatel to look up student enrollment status. Completion (or anticipate completion)/ Findings Out of the 322 students who completed outreach activities during their senior year, 245 (76%) enrolled into the fall 07 term. Improvement Recommendations (next step) Since department staff was unsuccessful in meeting the SLO goal by 4%, the recommendation is to follow-up with the same SLO during the next fiscal year. The recommendation is to continue providing follow-up outreach services to high school graduates after they have graduated and particularly during the summer to ensure fall term enrollment, thus increasing college enrollment amongst those students assisted through outreach services during the regular fiscal year. 1. 2. 3. 18 5/29/2016 2009-10 Assessment Plan Findings/Data Analysis & Improvement Recommendations Report the finding of your outcomes assessment. How will you use the outcomes for service area improvement?(Note: Section I.10. should be about 3 pages including Table 10. Please include a sample of any surveys.) SLO/PO #1: Findings/Data Analysis Improvement Recommendations SLO/PO #2: Findings/Data Analysis Improvement Recommendations SLO/PO #3: Findings/Data Analysis Improvement Recommendations 19 5/29/2016 II. Area Needs Assessment 1. Five-Year Program Staffing Profile with Anticipated Needs Staffing Levels for Each of the Previous Five Years Anticipated total staff needed 2010 -2011 2011-2012 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Position EXAMPLE Administration Classified Staff FT Classified Staff PT Confidential Staff FT Hourly Staff Student Workers Faculty Reassigned FTE Full time Faculty Reassigned FTE Part time Total Full Time Equivalent Staff 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 Fill out the Management and/or Staff request form that follow if new employees are needed. Does the staffing structure meet the unit’s needs? If your answer is “no,” please consider the following in framing your answer: a. Has the workload of your unit increased in recent years? Do you anticipate the workload will increase, decrease or remain constant in the upcoming one to three years? Is this a temporary situation? b. Has technology made it possible to do more work with the same staff? Or, has technology increased your work load (adding web features which need updating for example)? c. Does the workload have significant peaks and valleys during the fiscal year? If so, describe. d. If your workload is increasing and resources will not allow for increased staffing, how do you anticipate being able to ameliorate the negative consequences of too much work and maintain a positive atmosphere in your unit? 20 5/29/2016 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 2. Staff Needs NEW OR REPLACEMENT STAFF (Administrative or Classified) List Staff Positions Needed for Academic Year___________________ Please be as specific and as brief as possible when offering a reason. Place titles on list in order (rank) or importance. Annual TCP* TCP for employee 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: * TCP = “Total Cost of Position” for one year is the cost of an average salary plus benefits for an individual. New positions (not replacement positions) also require space and equipment. Please speak with your campus Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to add related office space, equipment and other needs for new positions to the appropriate form and mention the link to the position. 21 5/29/2016 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 3. Equipment (excluding technology) Needs Not Covered by Current Budget List Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for Academic Year_______ Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your campus below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Annual TCO* Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: * TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with your campus Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage. 22 5/29/2016 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 4. Technology++ Needs Not Covered by Current Budget: NOTE: Technology; excludes software, network infrastructure, furniture, and consumables (toner, cartridges, etc) Submitted by: Title: Phone: Annual TCO* Priority EQUIPMENT REQUESTED New (N) or Replacem ent (R)? Program: New (N) or Continuing (C) ? Location (i.e Office, Classroom , etc.) Is there existing Infrastructure ? How many users served? Has it been repaired frequently? Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request 1. Usage / Justification 2. Usage / Justification 3. Usage / Justification 4. Usage / Justification 5. Usage / Justification TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with your campus Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage. ++Technology is (1) equipment that attaches to a computer, or (2) a computer is needed to drive the equipment. 23 5/29/2016 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 5. Facilities Needs Not Covered by Current Building or Remodeling Projects* Annual TCO* List Facility Needs for Academic Year___________________ (Remodels, Renovations or added new facilities) Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Total Cost of Request 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: *Please speak with your campus Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates and to learn if the facilities you need are already in the planning stages. 24 5/29/2016 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 6. Professional or Organizational Development Needs Not Covered by Current Budget* List Professional Development Needs for Academic Year___________________. Reasons might include in response to AUO assessment findings or the need to update skills. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Some items may not have a cost per se, but reflect the need to spend current staff time differently. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Annual TCO* Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: *It is recommended that you speak with Human Resources or the Management Association to see if your request can be met with current budget. 25 5/29/2016 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 7. OTHER NEEDS not covered by current budget List Other Needs for Academic Year___________________ Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your campus below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Not all needs will have a cost, but may require a reallocation of current staff time. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Annual TCO* Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: 26 5/29/2016 III. Recommendations Vice President’s Recommendation . ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Vice President’s Signature Date Program Review Committee’s Evaluation 2 5/29/2016 3